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CSS Exam Desk

The tragedy is playing out on live broadcast
and people cannot plead ignorance.

April 2024 \ Volume 1

css exam desk
Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1


1. Injustice is everywhere, so what are our moral duties?

2. Pakistan’s startup and venture landscape
3. Understanding Hisbah, its roles and implications in Islamic society
4. Civilisational clash - a fallacious hoax
5. Shifting conflicts hit key energy routes
6. Climate policy around the globe: Status and future challenges
7. Food security & climate change: Perspectives and prospects
8. South Asia’s path to sustainable energy
9. Understanding China’s foreign policy
10. Understanding China’s political economy
11. South Asia’s regional integration: Lessons from Europe’s experience
12. Semblance of peace across many regions
13. Introducing Neo-politics
14. The Muslim World stands voiceless
15. The fantasy of reviving Nuclear Energy
16. Rethinking of Pakistan's renewables
17. Does Pakistan still matter to India?
18. How democratic states are regulating digital platforms
19. Can we trust the polls? How emerging technologies affect democracy
20. America’s competition with China must be won, not managed
21. AI, Sovereignty and Isaac Asimov’s warning
22. UN Security Council reform is a song in a loop
23. The war on Gaza and America’s paradoxical role

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1


(Kieran Setiya is a professor of philosophy at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This write-up was published in the BBC on November 3, 2022)

Our world is unjust and replete with suffering – what wrong to promote the greatest happiness by violating
can an individual possibly do about it? As the human rights. But we still end up with a substantive
philosopher Kieran Setiya writes, there are far better moral view. Altruism may not be the whole of morality,
options than capitulation or despair. Chances are, but it's surely part. We can meet our altruistic
before you clicked the link that brought you here, you obligations, while respecting people's rights, by giving
were doomscrolling: skimming from headline to away part of what we have. And while there are limits
headline in a daze of horror. Click once to see energy to how much we are required to give – Effective
prices spiraling; click again for the faltering of Altruists often urge a tithe of 10% – we should give
democracy; a third time for glaciers melting as climate what we can to the most effective causes, ones that
chaos worsens. Scanning the news can leave you have the biggest positive impact on aggregate
feeling overwhelmed by the scale of the world's crises. happiness. The attractions of this approach are
What choice do we have but to deaden our emotions? evident: it is simple, pragmatic, and apparently
The alternative would be guilt and shame for carrying backed by data. Effective Altruists devote considerable
on our lives without doing much to make a difference. acumen to rating the effectiveness of different
We are not alone, and we are not the first. Exiled from charities by measures such as "quality-adjusted life
Germany to the US during World War Two, the years" saved. For example, mosquito nets and malaria
philosopher Theodor Adorno mourned: "What would medicines save more lives per dollar than other
happiness be that was not measured by the charitable interventions. Effective Altruism offers a
immeasurable grief at what is? For the world is deeply concrete vision of what to do instead of doomscrolling.
ailing." And yet what good does grieving do? It's of no Who would deny that wealthier citizens should give
use to anyone, least of all ourselves. "The almost away more of what they are privileged to have? And
insoluble task," Adorno wrote, "is to let neither the who would plead for inefficient, wasteful giving? These
power of others, nor our own powerlessness, stupefy questions put the critic of Effective Altruism in an
us." How should we face up to the injustice of the awkward spot. And yet the truth is that the movement
world? That's a question I tackle in my new book Life doesn't really answer the question we began with: how
is Hard: How Philosophy Can Help Us Find Our Way – should we respond to the injustice of the world? As its
along with adversities more personal to us: infirmity, name suggests, the focus of Effective Altruism is on
loneliness, grief, and failure. There is no cure for the philanthropy, not justice. It's a theory of how to spend
human condition, but after 20 years teaching and one's money and time as an individual, not how
studying moral philosophy, I believe that it can help. society should be organised or transformed.

Philosophers ponder the nature of reality and of The Effective Altruist's problem with justice shows up
human life, constructing abstract theories, and everywhere. For instance, when we measure the
trading in thought experiments that make the familiar effectiveness of charities in terms of "quality-adjusted
strange. But moral philosophy also has a practical life years", we discount years of life impaired by
purpose. As Plato wrote in the Republic, circa 375BC, disability, giving them less weight in our calculations.
"the argument concerns no ordinary topic but the way To do that in public policy or charitable giving is to
we ought to live". In 19th Century Britain, for example, treat the lives of disabled people as less worth saving
this aspiration fueled the moral theory known as than the lives of the able-bodied. Another issue is
utilitarianism. According to the "principle of utility", Effective Altruism's attitude to politics. The objection
we should always strive to produce the "greatest isn't just that political interventions, rather than
happiness of the greatest number". It was a radical charitable ones, might be a more effective means to
idea. Traditional institutions could no longer be taken greater aggregate happiness. It's about the division of
for granted, and were held to a new moral standard: moral labour. Imagine we carved the world into
do they contribute to human happiness? If not, they nation-states in order to discharge our altruistic
must change. Utilitarians argued for universal obligations more efficiently, each state responsible for
suffrage, prison reform, aid to the poor and better its own citizens. In that case, it would be double-
treatment of animals – and they made progress counting to make citizens of one country take up the
towards these goals. There are downsides to slack when another government fails. That doesn't
embracing utilitarianism wholeheartedly, however. mean we should do nothing, but our individual
Utilitarians say that one should give as much weight obligations would be limited, and might have more to
to the happiness of strangers as one does to one's own do with political reform than direct intervention. Of
happiness or that of loved ones: they advocate almost course, the real world doesn't match this just-so story;
total self-denial. And they argue that the end always the history of nation-states and their altruistic roles is
justifies the means: if you can save a thousand lives more complex. But there's no way to assess the scale
by murdering a hundred people, then other things of our actual obligations, or how we should respond to
equal, you should. them, without asking how the cartoon differs from
reality – addressing questions of global politics
A potentially more palatable response to human Effective Altruists neglect. Finally, the problem of
suffering comes from "Effective Altruism", a justice shows up in how much of the harm we see in
philosophical movement that has become highly the world is collectively caused. When a Westerner
influential over the past decade. It encourages its looks at drought or famine in post-colonial countries,
followers – including billionaires – to donate a they can't ignore the history of colonial exploitation.
significant portion of their income to important-but- And when they look at climate change, they can't
neglected causes, such as tackling disease in the ignore its human causes, or the fact that its harms
developing world. According to one estimate, Effective will disproportionately burden those who are least
Altruists currently raise $420m (£370m) a year. responsible for it. Addressing such harms is not a
Effective Altruism often draws on the principle of matter of altruism – like helping the victims of a
utility, but brackets its more troubling implications. natural disaster far away – but a question of injustice
As Effective Altruists point out, it's right to prioritise and one's complicity in it. By treating this as charity,
your own life and the lives of those you love, and

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

Effective Altruists let the wealthy world off the moral vote for politicians you prefer, who will often be
hook. indifferent or obstructive to the change you want to
see; and it is typically futile to act alone. Our task is
Responsibility for justice Is there a better framework to find collective agents – movements, unions, interest
for thinking through our moral obligations – and a groups – that have the power and will to make things
better alternative to doomscrolling? I think we find happen. I am not much of an activist, let alone a
one in the work of Iris Marion Young, a pioneering leader, and I feel routinely crushed by the injustice of
political theorist who died of cancer at the age of 57. the world. If that resonates with you, my advice is to
Young developed the concept of "structural injustice" – pick a single issue – mass incarceration, poverty,
injustice that is not localised in unjust attitudes or voting, women's rights – and find a local group that
actions, but emerges interactively – and proposed a you can join. For me, the issue was climate change
new model of responsibility to go with it. Effective and the group was Fossil Free MIT, whose 2014
Altruists treat all human needs alike, but we are more campaign led to MIT's first Climate Action Plan. Since
responsible for some than others. In short, our moral then, I've given talks about climate justice and
relation to human suffering is more urgent when we're addressed the issue online. Four years ago, I
caught up in its causes or effects. Young contends developed a class on the ethics of climate change with
that we're responsible for structural injustice. At the a colleague at MIT. I am sure it's not enough, and I
root of her argument is a contrast between, on one feel some guilt about the fact that I'm not doing more.
side, culpability or blame, and on the other, You may share that guilty feeling, directed at the
responsibility for change. To take an example: while issues that disturb you most. Are we doing all we can
it's unfair to criticise present-day Americans for their to fight injustice? Who can say they do enough?
nation's racist history, they are often implicated in Writing in the wake of World War Two, Adorno warned:
systems that sustain its legacy now. Consider "Wrong life cannot be lived rightly." He meant that we
education. American cities are de facto segregated and cannot live well in conditions of injustice that sully
since schools are supported by local taxes and Black every aspect of social life; we cannot even know what
communities are disproportionately poor, their flourishing would be. But there is a more mundane
schools are on average less well-funded than schools truth in his aphorism.
in wealthy neighbourhoods. Equality of educational
opportunity is a myth. While the structures are not
my fault, I was caught up in them when I bought a We know that there are limits to what we can ask of
home in the affluent town of Brookline, ourselves in "living rightly", given who we are. What
Massachusetts, partly for the good public schools. we are capable of doing turns on our psychology and
"The social connection model of responsibility says social circumstance, our partial grasp of the social
that individuals bear responsibility for structural world, the need to maintain our equilibrium. But
injustice," Young writes, "because they contribute by though we know that we have limits, we don't know
their actions to the processes that produce unjust where those limits are. The result is that, when I ask
outcomes." She is looking at me. Young's point is not myself whether I am doing enough to meet my
about guilt or shame, but the obligation to act. This is responsibility for justice, it would be an awfully neat
what she means by "responsibility". I may not be coincidence if the answer were yes. What are the odds
wrong to want a good education for my child or to that I've hit the mark precisely, the most I can expect
blame for the way schools are funded, but I should of myself? Close to zero, I would think. The result is
advocate reforms that redress the injustice to which I that I am virtually certain that I am falling short.
contribute. We can extend Young's model not just to Perhaps it's obvious that I am. But the same
those who participate in social practices that reasoning applies to almost anyone, even those who
perpetuate injustice but to those who benefit from an do much more, people whose lives are devoted to
unjust past, as many of us benefit from the legacy of social change. Even lifelong activists can't be sure
slavery and colonial oppression. they've done enough. In conditions of widespread
injustice, we are compelled to doubt that we are living
In the face of such complicity, what are we to do? well. There's instruction and reassurance to be found
Young holds that our responsibility "is not primarily in this. We shouldn't feel too bad that we feel bad: our
backward-looking". It's a matter not of blame but of guilt is not a mistake. More importantly, we shouldn't
agency: "Taking responsibility for structural let it put us off, condemning our own efforts as too
injustice … involves joining with others to organise small. They may be small – but it's perverse to deal
collective action to reform the structures." The with that by throwing up our hands and doing less.
obligation is daunting, Young admits: "If I share There is value in a single step towards justice, and
responsibility … for every social injustice that results one step leads to another. While it's hard to make a
from structural processes to which I contribute by my difference on one's own, the march of millions is made
actions," she writes, "then this makes me responsible up of individuals. Collective action exists at every
in relation to a great deal. That is a paralysing scale, from local unions to protests and political
thought." But the proper response to paralysis is not campaigns. Confronted with the scope of human
inaction; it is to take the first step. Do one thing. Let misery, some despair: "It doesn't matter what I do,"
me admit – or rather, insist – that I am not a model to they say, "since millions will still suffer." But this
emulate here. I have not done much: occasional thought is confused. We may not do enough, but the
marches and political campaigns, voting regularly, difference we make when we save a life is the same
talking politics with friends. All good, but none of it whether we save one of two, or one of two million. A
likely to make much difference. Young confronts protest may not change the world, but it adds its
bystanders like me with "the question of the agent of fraction to the odds of change. It's wrong to disregard
change". It's not enough to identify injustice, nor to the increments.


With a growing population, a youthful workforce, and fertile ground for corporate ventures and corporate
a surge in technology professionals, Pakistan can be venture capital. Handicapped by a lack of capital,

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

misalignment of financial incentives, and regulatory world, the majority based in the Arabian Gulf. This
constraints, however, Pakistan has seen missed has led to a brain-drain for Pakistan, while also
opportunities. As market dynamics shift and the creating a potential expat market for Pakistan’s
foundations for a thriving venture ecosystem form, startups. Finally, the very large family-run
large Pakistani companies can embrace venture- conglomerates that have long dominated the Pakistani
driven growth, shaping this ecosystem and reaping economy with captive business models, have focused
the benefits of Pakistani entrepreneurship – or risk more on incremental growth and short-term income
falling behind in a world racing towards progress. than on pursuing exponential growth and
transformation. These local market behemoths have
Pakistan is known for its unbelievably chaotic cricket not been forced to consider or invest in transformative
team, which forms one-half of the greatest sporting endeavors, so far. But market dynamics are changing.
rivalry on the planet. Not to mention colourful textiles The industries that have traditionally sustained the
and embroidery, and dishes like Burn’s Road Nihari, Pakistani economy, face impending declines. Much
Student Biryani and Seekh Kebabs. What Pakistan is like Brazil in the early 2010s, Pakistan is at an
not known for? A vibrant startup and venture inflection point. Pakistani corporates need to embrace
ecosystem. In my conversations with Pakistani entrepreneurship and venture-driven growth or they
entrepreneurs, investors, and executives, I heard a lot will miss coming opportunities and fall behind.
of scepticism about the future of venture-driven
growth in Pakistan. That's despite Pakistan having, in In many ways, Pakistan’s venture ecosystem can be
my opinion, the foundational elements for a thriving compared to that of Brazil’s a decade ago. The early
entrepreneurial ecosystem. For starters, the nation 2010s saw the founding of Brazilian tech startups like
has the fifth largest population in the world. And that Gympass, Loggi, QuintoAndar, and the minting of
population is both overwhelmingly young (with a Brazil’s first tech unicorns. 99, a ride-sharing unicorn,
median age of 22) and bilingual – Pakistan has the was acquired by Didi Chuxing in 2018, while Nubank,
fourth largest number of English speakers in the a fintech unicorn, went public in 2021. At the time of
world. Add to that one of the fastest-growing middle their inception, Brazil’s startups and investors were
classes, more than 100 million mobile broadband dealing with unfavourable taxation policies, shortages
subscribers, and a growing cohort of technology in technical talent, and regulatory barriers. VC
professionals, and you have the seedlings of a fertile funding in Brazil amounted to almost $310M. In the
market for new ventures. And yet, Pakistan lacks the years that followed, this number rose dramatically as
startup success stories of its Middle Eastern, North the Brazilian government introduced new policies and
African, and South Asian peers, such as India, the programmes to promote entrepreneurship. The push
UAE, and Saudi Arabia. It ranks 76th among the 100 by government organizations to support new ventures
economies featured in Startup Blink’s 2023 Global in Brazil was accompanied by an expanding middle
Startup Ecosystem Index, and until recently, venture class, greater consumer spending, and increasing
capital funding deployed in Pakistan was a trickle internet and mobile penetration. The parallels with
compared to similar developing economies in the Pakistan are obvious. Brazil also experienced shifts in
Middle East, North Africa and other parts of Asia. cultural attitudes toward entrepreneurship and risk-
taking, as Brazilians saw the success of American
Despite the scepticism displayed by my contacts in upstarts and homegrown unicorns. Brazil attracted
Pakistan’s business community, I believe that the both local and foreign Venture Capitalists looking to
country holds tremendous promise for fund ventures, such as Monashees, Kaszek Ventures,
entrepreneurship and venture-driven growth. Many of Redpoint eventures, and Valor Capital Group. VC
the historical barriers that have hampered funding more than doubled, from almost $310 million
advancement are slowly but surely falling to the in 2012 to $746 million in 2015. And by 2021, VC
wayside. The technology talent pool and infrastructure investment in Brazil reached almost $9 billion. While
is maturing, and Pakistan’s corporate giants are in the regulatory and tax environment in Brazil is by no
dire need of new avenues for growth. The means optimal, and the country still faces limitations
advancement of startup activity and venture capital in around technical talent and infrastructure, there have
Pakistan has historically been limited by: political and been undeniable improvements on all fronts in the
economic instability; an unsupportive regulatory past decade. Brazil’s venture investors, family offices,
environment; shortages of high-quality talent large corporations and entrepreneurs have taken
(exacerbated by brain drain); and large Pakistani advantage of these changes. Brazil has developed a
corporates not participating. The latter is perhaps the thriving venture ecosystem that has produced 25
most concerning. unicorns. In addition, Sao Paulo has cemented its
status as the startup hub of LATAM. While there are
Instability at the highest levels of government has obvious differences between Brazilian and Pakistani
resulted in inconsistent policies. Coupled with markets, there are also many parallels. Those
dramatic currency fluctuations, this has hurt investor parallels suggest Karachi and Lahore could rival
and business confidence, thereby discouraging Riyadh and Dubai to become a startup hub in the
venture growth. Local taxation frameworks region. Regulatory bodies are in the early days of
unfavorable to investors have further exacerbated the implementing policies and programmes designed to
issue and limited the capital available to Pakistan’s foster a conducive environment for new ventures,
startups. Weak enforcement of intellectual property mirroring the regulatory reform seen in Brazil. Notably,
rights has made it difficult for the country's upstarts in February 2021, Pakistani companies were
to safeguard their ideas and inventions effectively. permitted to establish holding entities abroad while
Pakistan has also struggled to develop and retain top- retaining their operating company in Pakistan. This is
tier technical talent. Pakistanis who have had the key to attracting foreign investors. The State Bank of
means to do so have historically left the country. They Pakistan also changed policies regarding the
find work in the West or growing MENA economies repatriation of investment, removing the requirement
like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Many Pakistanis of obtaining prior approval before repatriating.
studying abroad at US and UK universities have also Moreover, the State Bank regularized the issuance of
chosen to remain abroad. The Pakistani diaspora is convertible debt, making it easier for startups to raise
now one of the largest immigrant populations in the funds through debt financing that can be converted

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

into equity. And they have created a framework to the Brazilian startup economy – participating in 59
streamline cross-border digital banking. Elsewhere, per cent of all funding rounds in Brazil in 2023. To
the Ministry of Information Technology and fully unlock Pakistan's startup and venture potential,
Telecommunications announced its intention to invest it's imperative that the large corporate players that
in local startups through the government-funded have traditionally dominated the country's economy
Pakistan Startup Fund. While much more regulatory actively participate in the creation and growth of new
change is needed for Pakistan’s technology and ventures. For the most part, these established
entrepreneurship ecosystem to thrive, this is a good corporate entities have historically not felt the need to
start. It's a signal that historical regulatory barriers innovate or take risks. Of course, there have been
are slowly falling. These changes provide Pakistan’s some efforts from Pakistan’s industry leaders to
venture investors, corporations, family offices, and explore startup engagement, investment, and even
entrepreneurs with the opportunity to replicate creation. Yet by and large, these endeavours have
something akin to what Brazil’s venture ecosystem been informal or haphazard, yielding neither the
has created. financial nor the strategic returns to generate
enthusiasm about corporate venturing in Pakistan. As
Today, Pakistan is in a similar position to Brazil circa a result, the vast majority of Pakistan’s corporates
2012, and regulatory changes in the country have have opted for more conservative investments. They
already created progress when it comes to new seek incremental growth and greater consolidation of
venture creation and investment. Venture investment their already dominant market position. A big reason
in Pakistan grew almost tenfold from $36 million in many corporate venturing efforts have failed in
2019 to $350 million in 2021. A key catalyst for the Pakistan's corporations is the culture of, and need for,
growth in domestic startup activity was the success of control. This has created an environment that is not
Careem – a ride-hailing platform acquired by Uber for conducive to the growth and scale of new ventures.
$3 billion in January 2020. The company’s rapid Pakistan’s family-run conglomerates and industrial
success created what is known as the 'Careem Mafia' giants have historically focused on creating larger,
(resembling the PayPal Mafia). This group of former more market-dominant companies and maximizing
employees and founders have gone on to found and their share of the pie. Their venture-building efforts
invest in other Pakistani startups. The successful exit have also focused on control and domination.
of Careem, the rise of upstarts like Daraz, Zameen, Venture-driven growth, however, requires creating and
and Dawaai, and the balloon in VC dollars invested in investing in ecosystems that increase the overall size
the country, has already inspired aspiring of the pie itself. By relinquishing their need for control
entrepreneurs and motivated technical graduates, and embracing a mindset of shared winning,
educated abroad, to return home. They're sensing new Pakistan’s corporate giants can unlock previously
opportunities. Pakistan’s startup and venture unimaginable growth opportunities. And in the
landscape is very much in its infancy. Only in the last process play a pivotal role in nurturing the growth of
decade have networks of formal early-stage investors startups, as well as the broader entrepreneurial
started to form. The most active VC firms in Pakistan, ecosystem in Pakistan. As companies shift from a
including Fatima Gobi Ventures, Indus Valley Capital, narrow-minded and self-serving approach to a
Zayn VC and Sarmyacar, were all founded in the last synergistic ecosystem approach to growth, startups
five years. Between 2018 and 2021, total VC funding and investors also need to shift mindsets. Pakistan’s
in Pakistan increased more than 20-fold to reach an entrepreneurs and VC investors have looked at the
all-time high of $350M, according to Magnitt, an population of Pakistan and seen a massive market
emerging market data platform. The majority of opportunity. What they fail to consider, however, is
funding has gone to e-commerce and fintech start-ups, the massive disparity in behavior and characteristics
including Karachi-based online marketplace Bazaar between different groups in the country. Instead,
Technologies, salary advance app Abhi and Lahore- many of them use the characteristics or behaviors of a
based e-commerce platform Jugnu. Both investors minority of the population but use the entire
and the business community have expressed population size in their business plans and pitch
apprehension after VC funding in Pakistan fell in decks. The real addressable market for many startups
2022. Investors pulled back in light of a in Pakistan is limited. To successfully scale,
macroeconomic slowdown and after getting burned by Pakistan’s startups must bring their inventions and
unsustainably inflated valuations and the eventual innovation to the surrounding region, treating
correction. Pakistan was not alone in experiencing Pakistan like an incubator for regional transformation.
such a drop in VC funding. The market is Just like Brazil’s startups look to serve Colombia and
recalibrating, as investors show more discipline in Bolivia, so too Pakistani startups must look to other
assessing deals. The Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) parts of the Middle East and South Asia – like the
is becoming more important globally and will be UAE, Egypt, Turkey, and Iran. Venture-driven growth,
critical to the next evolution of entrepreneurship in done correctly, allows corporates to take advantage of
Pakistan. Since 2015, roughly 1000 CVCs were promising opportunities by systematically placing
created globally, and more than 25 per cent of global small bets, learning, moving quickly and doubling-
VC investment in the last three years has come from down. Pakistani corporates can benefit tremendously
corporate investors. The Corporate venturing unlocks by embracing systematic venture-driven growth. They
inorganic growth opportunities and can power a can grow Pakistan into an entrepreneurial hub and
reputational and cultural shift within large then reap the rewards of ventures both inside
organizations. Pakistan and in the broader region. If they remain
inactive, however, they will miss a huge and arguably
To quickly turn back to Brazil, many industry leaders once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In fact, as Pakistan’s
from the South American country have recognized the largest companies have been slow to act, international
importance of corporate engagement in venture corporations are already benefiting from Pakistani
building and venture investing and set up corporate entrepreneurship. Chinese tech giants, for example,
venture capital funds, incubators, and accelerator have invested in or acquired Pakistani tech companies.
programmes. Most of these CVC units were set up in For example, Alibaba acquired e-commerce startup
the past three years. Though the funds are still Daraz in 2018 and Ant Financial took a 45 percent
relatively small, they already play an outsized role in stake in fintech Easypaisa soon after. The

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

consequences of "doing nothing" go beyond missing cent of the industrial output, 54 per cent of the total
out on potential growth opportunities. Lack of export earnings and 38 per cent of the country's
technology adoption and entrepreneurship in some of workforce. However, like the agriculture sector,
Pakistan’s largest sectors, like agriculture and textiles, obsolete technological infrastructure has stifled the
could altogether shrink those industries. Significantly. advancement of the textile industry in Pakistan. The
Take agriculture, which accounts for 22.25 per cent of need for technological advancement is severe. If
Pakistan’s GDP and 40 per cent of the nation’s manufacturers are unable to keep pace with evolving
employment. Almost 70 per cent of Pakistan’s exports technology, they risk going bust. Once again, there is
are derived from agriculture. While Pakistan is an opportunity for established corporations in
categorized among the largest agricultural countries, Pakistan to invest in, or partner with, startups
its crop yields are much lower than international developing modern machinery and applying robotics,
benchmarks. According to the recent The State of analytics, and AI to the textiles industry. Whether it is
Pakistan's Agriculture 2023 report by the Pakistan in agriculture, textiles, financial services, real estate,
Business Council, the growth of the agriculture sector or any other industry for that matter, corporate
now approaches stagnation. The rapid pace of climate venturing needs to be one of the arrows in the quivers
change poses a threat to Pakistan as a whole and of Pakistani corporates. Corporate venturing can
specifically to the agricultural sector. Extended involve strategic partnerships, minority investments,
heatwaves and flooding events are likely to and/or acquisitions of startups. Developing robust
significantly impact crop yield and worsen the existing Invest / Partner / Acquire strategies is incumbent on
crisis. Domestically, with a rapidly growing population, the C-suite of Pakistan’s established corporations.
Pakistan faces the challenge of feeding a projected 403 These firms need to design and execute world-class
million people by 2050. Agriculture has historically VC funds, launch compelling accelerator programs,
served as the backbone of the Pakistani economy. Yet develop impactful venture acquisition capabilities, and
if Pakistan wants to maintain its level of agricultural forge mutually beneficial strategic partnerships with
exports and feed its growing population, significant startups in Pakistan and in the broader region. This
advancement in agritech and foodtech is necessary. will allow them to support and enhance existing
Agricultural production globally has undergone a capabilities while also diversifying and expanding
period of rapid digital transformation driven by digital their portfolios. It will enable large corporations to
connectivity, data systems, AI and analytics, Internet gather knowledge and insights on emerging
of Things (IoT), robotics, sensors, and imagery devices. technologies and business models, facilitating
However, almost none of these technologies are used horizontal expansion into new markets and vertical
in Pakistani agriculture. Earlier this year, the expansion across the value chain. The foundations for
Pakistani government advanced its Corporate a thriving entrepreneurial and venture ecosystem are
Agriculture Farming initiative which allocates unused forming in Pakistan. Pakistani corporates have a
public land to corporate farming, with the intent to tremendous opportunity to shape this ecosystem, and
revolutionize the agriculture sector. Large Pakistani more importantly to reap the benefits of Pakistani
corporates have a tremendous opportunity to fund entrepreneurship. Staying on the sidelines will prove
and partner with agritech startups applying new detrimental. Brazilian companies have recognized this
technologies to develop modern farming methods. Not opportunity for what it is, and many have set up
to mention startups that develop new low-cost corporate venturing units to invest in startups.
machinery required for modern-day agriculture. The Pakistan’s corporate behemoths should follow suit.
textile industry also plays a pivotal role in Pakistan's (Kamil Hussain, Published in The News in April 2024)
economy, accounting for 8.5 per cent of GDP, 46 per


Within societies profoundly influenced by Islamic a fundamental Islamic concept ordained by God in the
customs and traditions, the principle of Hisbah holy Quran Chapter 3 Verse 104. Historically, Hisbah
occupies an essential position in the framework of officers are called Muhtasibs, where a group of people
social governance and ethical stewardship. Deriving appointed during the period of the holy Prophet
from the Arabic verb “ḥasiba,” which translates to Muhammad S.A.W. to monitor market activities,
holding an individual accountable, Hisbah embodies regulate commercial transactions, and address moral
an Islamic institution whereby designated authorities and ethical infractions within the framework of the
bear the responsibility of promoting public well-being Islamic society. The concept of Hisbah focuses on
and ensuring compliance with religious norms within promoting social justice, ethical behavior, and well-
the community (Quran chapter 3 verse 104). In the being, with a comprehensive approach to regulating
context of global interconnectivity and evolving individual conduct and societal interactions. In
international legal systems, the application of Hisbah contemporary Islamic contexts, the practice of Hisbah
has emerged as a point of considerable contention. continues to involve individuals and organizations in
Opponents of Hisbah contend that its application may roles similar to those of historical Hisbah. Hisbah
at times be at odds with contemporary standards of varied among different Islamic dynasties and empires,
human rights, whereas its advocates uphold it as an showing diverse approaches to governance, legal
indispensable apparatus for sustaining social justice administration, and social regulation within Islamic
and preserving moral values. Such discussions societies. For example, during the Abbasid Caliphate,
underscore the complex task of integrating traditional Hisbah officers known as Muhtasibs oversaw
norms with the modern societal fabric. marketplaces, regulated trade practices, and ensured
fair treatment of merchants and consumers and
This article endeavors to examine the origin and expanding their role in overseeing economic activities.
development of Hisbah and its influence on personal Similarly, in Al-Andalus (Spain) Hisbah was
liberties. The treatise will dissect the ongoing implemented to enforce legal, ethical, and social
controversies pertaining to its function in the present- norms, contributing to the regulation of economic
day context and ultimately appraising how these activities and the maintenance of public order within
deep-rooted doctrines may be reconciled with, or the context of Islamic governance. In the Ottoman
conceivably contribute to the contemporary quest for Empire, Hisbah officers, or Muhtasibs supervised
justice and the well-being of the community. Hisbah is marketplaces, addressed commercial disputes, and

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Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

ensured compliance with ethical and religious whether it could infringe upon the separation of
standards in trade practices and demonstrating the religious and civil authorities.
enduring influence His in regulating economic and 4. Impact on Minority Rights: The implementation of
social affairs within Islamic governance structures. Hisbah in regions with religious or ethnic minority
Furthermore, in the Mamluk Sultanate in Cairo, populations has raised concerns about the
Hisbah played a crucial role in overseeing market potential marginalization and discrimination of
activities and ensuring fair treatment of merchants these groups. Critics argue that Hisbah’s
and consumers, while in the Safavid Empire, Hisbah enforcement of Islamic law may disproportionately
was integrated into the administrative and legal affect minority communities and individuals who
infrastructure to regulate economic activities, uphold do not share the same religious beliefs.
ethical standards, and maintain public order based on 5. Gender Equality and Women’s Rights: The
the principles of Shia. application of Hisbah in certain contexts has
sparked discussions about its impact on gender
The concept of Hisbah has triggered a myriad of equality and women’s rights. Critics argue that
controversies, with discussions revolving around its Hisbah’s intervention in regulating women’s attire,
role in upholding moral standards, its potential behavior, and interactions may perpetuate gender-
impact on individual liberties, and human rights. Here based discrimination and limit women’s agency
are some of the key debates surrounding Hisbah: and autonomy.
6. Economic Impact: Hisbah’s role in regulating
1. Religious Enforcement and Individual Freedoms: economic activities and commercial transactions
One of the primary disputes surrounding Hisbah has also sparked discussions about its impact on
focuses on the imposition of Islamic law, or Sharia, business practices, market dynamics, and
by Hisbah officers. This has sparked conversations economic freedoms. Critics express concerns about
about the equilibrium between religious the potential for Hisbah’s oversight of economic
enforcement and personal freedoms. Critics argue affairs to hinder free enterprise, impede market
that Hisbah’s involvement in regulating personal competition, and create uncertainty for businesses.
behaviors, such as attire, social interactions, and 7. Modern Legal and Governance Frameworks: The
ethical conduct, may encroach upon personal compatibility of Hisbah with modern legal and
liberties and rights, particularly for those who do governance frameworks has been a topic of
not subscribe to the same religious beliefs. contention.
2. Misuse of Authority: Another contentious issue
concerns the possibility of Hisbah officers abusing In conclusion, integrating Hisbah into modern Islamic
their authority to uphold moral and ethical societies is a complex endeavor that requires a careful
standards, potentially resulting in discrimination balance between tradition and contemporary values. It
or harassment. Critics express concerns about the is essential for Hisbah officials to operate within clear
potential for Hisbah to be utilized as a means of guidelines and maintain accountability to ensure their
controlling individuals, stifling opposition, and functions align with Islamic teachings. Constructive
targeting marginalized groups within society. dialogue among scholars, legal experts, human rights
3. Civil vs. Religious Jurisdiction: The intersection of advocates, and the broader community is vital to
civil and religious jurisdictions has been a source address the evolving challenges of application. Hisbah
of controversy. The establishment of Hisbah boards is an instrument of social change and harmony.
in certain regions has prompted inquiries about However, this should be done while respecting the
the appropriate delineations between religious diversity and personal freedoms of individuals in
governance and civil administration, sparking contemporary societies. (Dr Salisu Zigau. Published in
debates about the extent to which state sanctioned Daily Nigerian on March 4, 2024)
religious enforcement should be permitted and


When his 1993 essay The Clash of Civilizations, later well. However, he excluded Judaism from any of the
made into a book with the title The Clash of civilizational groups. Huntington's observations on the
Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, took conflict between what he calls Islamic civilization and
readers across the globe with a sense of unease and the Western world appears to be too straightforward (if
excitement (provocation as well), it was not clear not sweeping) as though mingled with an air of
whether Samuel Huntington was trying to sell his prophesy. The Islamic civilization, he wrote, is the
'theory of clash' on purpose -- based on premeditated most troublesome. People in the Arab world do not
thinking and not on sound empirical research. The share the general suppositions of the Western world.
question still remains, and the key element of his Their primary attachment is to their religion, not to
thesis continues to trigger a strong feeling of their nation-state. Their culture is inhospitable to
disharmony in his understanding and defining of liberal ideals, like pluralism, individualism and
people along the lines of their ethnicities and faith. democracy. He observed that these regimes could fall,
but he did not believe that they would modernise in
One of America's greatest political thinkers, Samuel P. the Western direction. They would follow their own
Huntington argued in his book that the days of trajectory. This observation, though not totally
nation-state rivalries over the likely issues such as unfounded, led him to drastically conclude that there
trade, territory or ideology have ended, and that would be a fundamental clash of civilizations between
causes of future animosity would erupt over Islam and the West. The Western nations would do
differences in religion, history, language and tradition. well to keep their distance from Muslim affairs. The
He made his statement quite pointed while saying that more the two civilizations intermingle, the worse the
cold war antagonisms were relatively minor compared tensions will be. One has reasons to consider such
with 'the continuing and deeply conflictual relation observations too rash and to a great extent,
between Islam and Christianity.' This, he termed impulsively drawn. As a matter of fact, animosity of
civilisational conflict in the post-cold war world. Not the Islamic world is more pronounced within its own
only in Christianity and Islam, the seeds of discord, boundaries, not just in very recent times; it did
he mentioned, is potentially alive in other faiths as register its presence in the past too, though things got

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Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

worse in recent times than ever. According to 4) The growth of civilization-consciousness is

Huntington world politics has entered a new phase enhanced by the dual role of the West. On the one
where we are noticing a new paradigm in international hand, the West is at the peak of power. At the
politics towards a "civilization-based world order" same time, a return-to-the-roots phenomenon is
which stresses categorisation of nations based on occurring among non-Western civilizations. A West
culture. States of the same culture will more likely at the peak of its power confronts non-Western
"cooperate" with each other than with states of countries that increasingly have the desire, the will
different "civilizations". Huntington suggests "that and the resources to shape the world in non-
culture and cultural identities, which at the broadest Western ways.
level are civilization identities, are shaping the 5) Cultural characteristics and differences are less
patterns of cohesion, as well as disintegration and mutable and hence less easily compromised and
conflict in the post-Cold War world". resolved than political and economic ones.
6) Economic regionalism is increasing. Successful
Huntington defines civilisation as "a cultural economic regionalism will reinforce civilization-
entity…in which villages, regions, ethnic groups, consciousness. Economic regionalism may succeed
nationalities, religious groups, all have distinct only when it is rooted in a common civilization.
cultures at different levels of cultural heterogeneity."
He says although numerous villages within a country There is a definite fault line in these observations
may be different, they nonetheless share a common although there are elements that may not be ignored,
national identity. A civilization is therefore the highest except of course the core issue of civilization defined
cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of largely by religion. The idea that religion as a binding
culture people belong to. tool among a group of people unites them under a
common identity, and even transcends national
In his book Huntington argues that the post-Cold War boundaries does have a basis but assuming this
world is made up of eight, perhaps nine major cohesion as a potentially threatening force to global
civilizations: Confucian, Hindu, Islamic, Japanese, peace is simplistic. In fact, such cohesion is not a new
Latin American, Sinic, Slavic-Orthodox, Western, "and or post-cold war phenomenon. The post-9/11 scenario
possibly African". Critics take issue with such followed by the rise of Islamic terror groups must not
categorization, terming it simplistic and highly be deemed as the defining factor of such clash theory.
problematic. Some suggest this classification as True indeed, in recent times, religion, especially Islam
"arbitrary", because Huntington does not clearly is seen more as an identity badge by many of its
define the attributes of what defines a state under a followers living in both Islam-predominant states as
particular civilization. There are others who find well as in the West. The same, though not necessarily
"inconsistencies" with the categorisation of different in a comparable way, applies to the upsurge of
civilizations. For example, Huntington is unsure Hinduism in secular India as a poster of nationalism
whether there is an African civilization although he under current the BJP rule. The Buddhist Myanmar
begrudgingly includes it in his list of major has already demonstrated what it is capable of for the
civilizations. Curious enough, he does not label sake of religion by way of ruthless ethnic cleansing
Judaism as its own civilization. Huntington expands and driving around a million Rohigya population out
his argument by suggesting that religion will be the of the country.
"most important" component distinguishing one
civilization from another. According to Huntington, Coming to the idea of clash, one may tend to view
religion is taking the place of the nation-state in terms Huntington's notion of clash or war as highly flawed.
of identity. Citizens are looking more to religion in the He rejected the possibility of war in the post-cold war
face of globalisaation and modernisation. "As people world over issues such as trade, among others.
define their identity in ethnic and religious terms", he Contrary to his prediction and understanding of geo-
said, "they are likely to see an 'us' versus 'them' political dynamics, there is, in fact, a war currently
relation existing between themselves and people of raging between America and China, and no wonder it
different ethnicity or religion…Differences in culture is trade at the centre of the conflict. This war unlike
and religion create differences over policy issues, the conventional kind need not employ military
ranging from human rights to immigration to trade arsenal, and can be more effective, albeit destructive,
and commerce to the environment." by levying high tariffs to block imports from the other
party. Huntington's thesis has provoked controversies
Now why does he think that the clash set off by the in the past two decades over several of his
differences in civilizations is so easily predictable? assumptions, suppositions and predictions that
Huntington offers the following explanations: scholars like Edward Said and Amartya Sen found
1) Differences among civilizations are too basic in that impossible to reason out. Through out the book it is
civilizations are differentiated from each other by clear he had been trying to put America as a solid
history, language, culture, tradition, and, most proxy for the West and it is his way of looking at
importantly, religion. These fundamental things that made him sound outlandish when he says,
differences are the product of centuries and the "The American multiculturalists … reject their
foundations of different civilizations, meaning they country's cultural heritage. Instead of attempting to
will not be gone soon. identify the United States with another civilization,
2) The world is becoming a smaller place. As a result, however, they wish to create a country of many
interactions across the world are increasing, which civilizations, which is to say a country not belonging
intensify 'civilization consciousness' and the to any civilization and lacking a cultural core. History
awareness of differences between civilizations and shows that no country so constituted can long endure
commonalities within civilizations. as a coherent society. A multi-civilizational United
3) Due to economic modernization and social change, States will not be the United States; it will be the
people are separated from longstanding local United Nations." It appears from many of such
identities. Instead, religion has replaced this gap, statements that it is the cultural fabric of the United
which provides a basis for identity and States that worried him most, and indeed it is the
commitment that transcends national boundaries undefined American culture as a proxy of the West
and unites civilizations. that he considered critically vulnerable to

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

multiculturalism. Is there an American culture international order. Huntington saw civilisation

distinctly apart from the confluence of various through the lens of religion. It is, however, not difficult
cultures for hundreds of years in that country of to assume that had he written the book as an
immigrants? Far from addressing the issue, academician, he could have avoided being over-
Huntington raised his fears about not only simplistic. As an advisor to the US government, he
multiculturalism but even universalism-the was more drawn to the usefulness of his thesis to the
'vacuousness of universalism' as he termed it. Where policymakers rather than attempting to examine the
then is the bottom line, or is there any? As a botched- veracity of his thesis, which needless to say, was
up solution to world peace and harmony, Huntington premediated. So, one should not hesitate to call it a
in the concluding lines of the book said, '… an project document meant to provide guideline to the US
international order based on civilizations is the surest foreign and defence policymakers. (Authored by Wasi
safeguard against (future) world war.' Sadly, this Ahmed. Published in The Financial Express
makes no sense. He has failed to define the Bangladesh on December 10, 2023)


As global conflicts worsen, energy infrastructure and which accounts for 14 percent of all global oil exports
shipments from Europe to the Middle East to Asia are and 8 percent of global liquefied natural gas cargo.
increasingly coming under attack. But the energy These attacks have redirected shipping and trade
sector is also shaping the conflicts themselves—and flows away from the entry points at either end of the
the diplomatic efforts to manage and mitigate them. Red Sea, leading to a 64 percent decrease in trade
With the future of clashes such as the Russia-Ukraine volume through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and 46
war or the Israel-Hamas conflict deeply uncertain, percent decrease through the Suez Canal, while
energy acts as a key weather vane. Perhaps no prompting a 75 percent increase around the Cape of
geopolitical hot spot has highlighted the importance of Good Hope in southern Africa. If the Israel-Hamas war
the energy sector more than the Russia-Ukraine or other regional conflicts were to intensify, this could
conflict. The start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of impact other crucial energy chokepoints, such as the
Ukraine in February 2022 prompted a major rewiring Strait of Hormuz, which accounts for around 20
of global energy flows as the European Union has percent of global oil transit and supply. This would
accelerated efforts to diversify away from Russia, have significant implications for major energy
which made up 40 percent of the bloc’s natural gas producers and exporters—including Saudi Arabia, the
imports prior to the war. Now that number has been United Arab Emirates, and Qatar—not to mention its
drastically reduced, with imports falling by more than impact on global energy prices and the broader
50 percent in 2023. Russia, meanwhile, has ramped economic implications for countries throughout the
up energy exports to non-Western countries since the world. While conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza are actively
start of the war, most notably China and India. The disrupting energy production and transit today,
Kremlin has pursued politically motivated energy tensions between the United States and China have
cutoffs to Europe while the United States and EU have the potential to further impact the energy sector in the
ramped up sanctions against the Russian energy future. Like the Strait of Hormuz, the South China
industry. But the fight for energy has also taken on Sea contains major chokepoints for global energy
new battlefield significance—Russia has attacked supplies, accounting for another 20 percent of global
critical energy infrastructure in Ukraine through oil transit. Tensions have been rising between the
drone and missile strikes, and now Ukraine is utilizing Washington and China over this crucial corridor,
similar tactics against Moscow. Ukrainian drones have prompting outreach from the Philippines to the United
targeted energy facilities throughout western Russia, States to provide economic and security backing for
damaging and disrupting Russian oil refineries and energy exploration in the South China Sea.
prompting the Kremlin to institute a ban on gasoline
exports for a period of six months. Attacking enemy One important lever that China holds over Taiwan is
supply lines and logistics is not unusual during times energy. Taiwan has a 97 percent dependence on
of war, but this strategy is becoming a key feature of imports for its energy consumption, and those
the conflict because revenues from energy exports are supplies could be vulnerable to potential disruption by
a major source of funding for Russia’s war efforts. China, either through interdiction or through legal
Kyiv has decided to directly target that source in a bid and political pressure backed by economic and
to shift momentum in the conflict. These attacks are diplomatic statecraft. With the constraints to a
likely to be an increasingly important feature of the Chinese military intervention or outright blockade of
war moving forward, particularly as Ukraine has Taiwan still quite high, expect gray zone tactics by
struggled thanks to contentious politics inside the Beijing around the Taiwan Strait or increased
country and delays in Western support. As Russia diplomatic outreach to some of Taipei’s more China-
pressures Ukrainian forces in the east of the country, friendly energy suppliers, such as Russia or Qatar.
Kyiv has shifted its strategy to expand the scope of the Energy has become intimately intertwined with each
war deep inside of Russia proper in order to increase of these three geopolitical hot spots, experiencing
its own pressure on Moscow. And with Ukraine disruptions from attacks and contention over resource
bolstering its own drone capabilities, this element exploration and extraction. But the energy sector has
could be a defining feature of the broader conflict in also shaped these conflicts in a more constructive
2024. As such, Ukraine can be expected to target manner via diplomacy. For example, energy-rich
energy and military sites ever deeper inside of Russia Persian Gulf states such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and
and become more assertive in the size and scope of its the UAE have all served as mediators in the Russia-
attacks over the course of this year. Ukraine conflict, using their energy-fueled economic
and diplomatic ties with both Kyiv and Moscow to
The Middle East has seen as a similar spate of attacks. negotiate agreements such as prisoner exchanges.
The Israel-Hamas war has led to an intensification of Qatar has also been a primary mediator in the Israel-
the proxy war between the United States and Iran, a Hamas conflict, while China recently mediated a
conflict that has manifested most clearly in attacks by diplomatic normalization agreement between Iran and
the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen on Western Saudi Arabia, both of which serve as major energy
commercial ships transiting through the Red Sea, suppliers for Beijing. Taken together, these

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

developments indicate that the energy sector will be interconnectedness of the energy trade is both a
increasingly impacted by these geopolitical hot spots military vulnerability and a potential opportunity for
yet can also provide more momentum for diplomatic peace. (Eugene Chausovsky. Published in The Foreign
efforts by various players (and in particular, Policy on March 22, 2024)
nonaligned energy-producing states). The


The origin and development of climate change policy areas to watch in 2024: the positioning of climate
have been shaped by scientific discoveries, political action within political campaigns, the enactment of
negotiations, and societal shifts in understanding the ambitious policies to limit warming, ensuring
impact of human activities on the global climate. In equitable benefits from the low-carbon economy,
fact, the foundation for understanding climate change and increasing support for climate action in
began in the 19th century with scientists like John emerging economies. Food sustainability, energy
Tyndall and Svante Arrhenius, who identified the grid modernization, and protection against extreme
greenhouse effect and the role of carbon dioxide (CO2) heat are also highlighted as critical issues needing
in regulating the Earth’s temperature. Further, attention and action.
throughout the 20th century, advances in 3. RENEWABLE ENERGY AND EMISSIONS TRENDS:
atmospheric science led to a better understanding of Yale Climate Connections notes the mixed record of
the climate system. The mid-20th century saw the 2023, with it being the hottest year on record yet
development of computer models that could simulate also a year of significant progress in reducing
climate, leading to more accurate predictions of global climate pollution in some regions. The USA and
warming. The first major international conference on European Union saw reductions in emissions,
climate change was held in 1979 (the First World attributed in part to policy measures like the
Climate Conference), which led to the establishment of Inflation Reduction Act and increased clean energy
the World Climate Programme. In the 1980s, the issue deployment. However, emissions increases in
of global warming gained more visibility, leading to China and India offset these gains. The outlook for
further scientific investigations and the formation of 2024 is cautiously optimistic, with the potential for
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) global heat-trapping pollution to begin declining.
in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization 4. EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL INITIATIVES: The
(WMO) and the United Nations Environment European Commission continues to push forward
Programme (UNEP). In the 1990s, the framework with its Green Deal, introducing a range of
Convention and Kyoto Protocol paved the way for the proposals aimed at promoting repair of goods,
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate securing critical raw materials, achieving net-zero
Change (UNFCCC) which was established in 1992 industries, and reforming the EU electricity market
during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, setting to boost renewables and enhance industrial
the stage for global efforts to combat climate change. competitiveness. This comprehensive approach
The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997, setting reflects the EU’s commitment to leading in the
legally binding emission reduction targets for transition to a sustainable, climate-neutral
developed countries. It was a significant step forward economy. These updates underscore a global
in international climate policy, emphasizing the need climate policy environment that is both ambitious
for global cooperation to reduce greenhouse gas and fraught with challenges. The emphasis is on
emissions. In the 21st Century Paris Agreement and translating commitments into tangible actions,
Beyond the Copenhagen Accord (2009) and the addressing systemic issues within food and energy
Cancun Agreements (2010) laid the groundwork for systems, and ensuring that climate policies are
further negotiations, leading to the landmark Paris inclusive and equitable.
Agreement in 2015. The Paris Agreement for the first
time brought almost all nations into a common cause Effective climate change policies are multifaceted and
to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate require a comprehensive approach that encompasses
change and adapt to its effects. The Paris Agreement both mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and
set out a global framework to avoid dangerous climate adaptation to climate impacts.
change by limiting global warming to well below 2°C
and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. It also aimed Based on insights from various sources, the key
to strengthen countries’ ability to deal with the requirements for climate change policy include:
impacts of climate change and support them in their 5. INTEGRATION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE INSIGHTS:
efforts. In line, the climate policy landscape in 2024 is Effective climate policies should incorporate
shaped by a combination of ongoing commitments, findings from social science research to address
new initiatives, and the pressing need for action in the consumer behaviours, political polarization, and
face of escalating climate impacts: misconceptions about public opinion. This can
1. COP28 COMMITMENTS: The World Wildlife Fund help create policies that are more likely to be
highlights the importance of actualizing the accepted and adopted by the public, leading to
pledges made during COP28, including the launch meaningful change in behaviours and attitudes
of a $11 billion Loss and Damage Fund, towards climate-friendly practices.
commitments to significantly increase renewable 6. REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES OF SUCCESS: Learning
energy and energy efficiency, and efforts to from successful climate policies implemented
incorporate greenhouse gas emissions from food globally can provide valuable insights. The World
systems into climate mitigation plans. The focus is Bank’s report on 25 effective climate policies from
on transitioning away from fossil fuels towards diverse countries highlights the importance of
clean energy, with an emphasis on the need for designing and implementing policies that take into
countries to implement their Nationally Determined account local contexts and compromises. These
Contributions (NDCs) effectively to achieve examples demonstrate tangible progress in various
significant emissions reductions in line with the sectors and geographical locations, providing a
Paris Agreement goals. blueprint for other nations.
The World Resources Institute outlines four key both hard (physical) and soft (institutional or

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

economic) limits to adaptation, and climate policies 9. FOCUS ON NATURAL CLIMATE SOLUTIONS:
need to balance between mitigation and adaptation Policies should prioritize natural climate solutions,
efforts. Policies should aim to minimize conflicts such as conservation, restoration, and improved
between these limits and target adaptation management of ecosystems. These solutions not
expenditures towards manageable risks without only help in reducing greenhouse gases but also
hitting near-term limits. This requires a deliberate provide additional benefits like conserving
approach to adaptation, fundamentally shifting biodiversity, creating sustainable livelihoods, and
assumptions about risk and integrating climate improving human health outcomes.
considerations into socioeconomic systems. 10. BUILDING CLIMATE RESILIENCE: Developing
8. VALUING ECOSYSTEMS AND INCLUSIVE and implementing climate resilience policies is
PARTICIPATION: It’s crucial for policies to fully essential to prepare for and adapt to the adverse
value ecosystems and their services, ensuring effects of climate change. Incorporating these
broad and inclusive participation in the elements into climate change policies can help
policymaking process. This includes engaging with nations effectively tackle the challenges posed by
Indigenous and local community institutions, climate change, making progress towards a more
establishing sustainable benefit-sharing sustainable and resilient future. (Rajkumar Singh.
mechanisms, and enhancing transparency. Published in Pakistan Today on February 13, 2024)


As impacts from prolonged droughts to extreme heat heating up the planet - are paying the costs of
worsen, climate change is threatening the world’s climate adaptation themselves. The Climate Focus
ability to produce enough nutritious food and ensure survey of 13 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin
everyone has access to it. At COP28 in Dubai, more America found nearly 440 million small-scale
than 130 country leaders called for global and farmer households now spend about US$368
national food systems to be rethought to address billion annually on adaptation costs, or about
climate change - the first such official recognition at a US$838 each per year. Analysts say efforts to
UN climate summit of growing worries about food shore up global food security also need to reach
security and planet-heating emissions from well beyond farms, to try to rein in speculators in
agriculture. Here’s how global food systems and food markets, discourage export clampdowns and
climate change affect each other, and what might be revamp increasingly overwhelmed humanitarian
done about rising risks: aid systems.
1) How is climate change threatening food security? 3) Can we find ways to grow more food to make up for
As fossil fuel emissions heat the planet, they are the losses? Expanding the amount of land being
driving more extreme weather - from heavy rains farmed - or boosting the use of fossil-fuel-based
and droughts to heatwaves - as well as gradual sea fertilisers and developing new crop varieties - have
level rise. All can affect crops, ruin farmland and long been accepted ways to grow more food. But
make it harder for farmers to work. A warming agricultural land expansion often comes at the
climate also is bringing crop diseases and pests expense of forests and other natural ecosystems
into new locations or making infestations more that are critical to conserve because their
severe, ruining more harvests and reducing yields. vegetation absorbs and stores climate-heating
Such problems, combined with other pressures on carbon dioxide emissions in order to grow, helping
food systems - from growing conflict to crop export to curb climate change. For example nearly 20 per
restrictions by food-producing countries and cent of the vast Amazon rainforest has now been
speculation in markets - mean food is becoming lost, largely to soybean farming and cattle ranching.
less affordable and more people are going hungry. Scientists fear additional deforestation could over
The UN World Food Programme estimates that 333 time turn the forest into a dry savanna, imperiling
million people face “acute” food insecurity in 2023 rainfall for agriculture across South America - and
in the 78 countries where it works - a huge boost sabotaging the world’s climate and biodiversity
from about 200 mn prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. protection goals. Efforts to intensify the amount of
Crop failures are not a new phenomenon, with food grown on a set land area have shown some
surpluses in some regions long making up for success but often require large amounts of
shortfalls in others, but scientists fear stronger expensive fossil fuel-based fertilisers. In recent
climate impacts could drive simultaneous failures years, however, more environmentally friendly
across major global “breadbaskets”, resulting in a farming methods are gaining new adherents, from
swift rise in global hunger. the United States to India. But food analysts say
2) What is being done to address these threats? the best way to increase global supplies is not to
Around the world, many farmers are adapting to grow more but to reduce the huge amount of food
climate extremes in a variety of ways, from digging wasted each year. While the world produces
irrigation ponds to trap floodwater and store it for enough food for everyone, about a third of it is lost
dry times, to adopting new climate-smart seeds or wasted along the supply chain from field to fork,
and bringing back hardy traditional crops. But according to the UN, which says the average
some challenges - such as more frequent and person wastes 74 kg (163 lb) of food each year.
extreme heatwaves that can make it difficult for (Published on the Thomson Reuters Foundation
farmers to work outside - are harder to counter. website on December 11, 2023)
Money to help small-scale farmers - who supply
about a third of the world’s food - adapt to climate Food security and climate change are deeply
risks is also falling dramatically short. In 2021, interconnected issues that pose significant challenges
they received only about US$2 billion, or 0.3 per to global sustainability and human well-being.
cent of total international climate finance from 1) IMPACT ON AGRICULTURE: Climate change
public and private sources, according to affects agricultural productivity through changes in
Amsterdam-based think-tank Climate Focus. With temperature, precipitation patterns, and extreme
little outside help available, many such farmers - weather events. Heatwaves, droughts, floods, and
who have contributed little to the emissions

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Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

storms can damage crops, reduce yields, and 2) POVERTY ALLEVIATION: Food security plays a
disrupt food supply chains. central role in poverty alleviation efforts. Without
2) SHIFTS IN GROWING CONDITIONS: Climate access to sufficient and nutritious food, individuals
change alters the suitability of land for different and communities cannot break out of the cycle of
crops, leading to shifts in growing conditions. Some poverty.
regions may experience benefits, such as longer 3) HEALTH AND NUTRITION: Adequate food security
growing seasons or increased rainfall, while others is essential for good health and nutrition.
face decreased productivity or even crop failures. Malnutrition, including both undernutrition and
3) RISING FOOD PRICES: Climate-related disruptions overnutrition, can have severe consequences for
in food production can lead to price volatility and physical and mental health, as well as cognitive
increased food prices, impacting vulnerable development, particularly in children.
populations’ access to nutritious food. 4) ECONOMIC STABILITY: Food security contributes
4) EXTREME EVENTS: Extreme weather events to economic stability at both the individual and
linked to climate change, such as hurricanes, national levels. Access to sufficient food enables
floods, and wildfires, can destroy crops, livestock, people to engage in productive activities, pursue
and infrastructure, leading to food shortages and education and training, and contribute to economic
humanitarian crises. growth.
5) ADAPTATION CHALLENGES: Farmers and food 5) SOCIAL STABILITY: Food security is closely linked
systems must adapt to changing climate conditions, to social stability and resilience. Inadequate access
requiring investments in resilient agricultural to food can lead to social unrest, conflict, and
practices, improved infrastructure, and access to migration as communities struggle to meet their
climate information and technologies. basic needs.
change can disrupt food distribution networks and food security in a sustainable manner is essential
international trade routes, affecting food access for preserving natural resources and mitigating
and availability globally. Vulnerable regions may environmental degradation. Sustainable
become increasingly reliant on food imports, agricultural practices can help protect soil health,
heightening food security risks. conserve water, and reduce greenhouse gas
7) NUTRITIONAL IMPACTS: Changes in agricultural emissions.
productivity and food availability can affect dietary 7) RESILIENCE TO SHOCKS: Food security promotes
diversity and nutritional quality, potentially resilience to shocks and stresses, including natural
exacerbating malnutrition and related health disasters, economic downturns, and conflicts.
problems. Communities with strong food systems are better
8) POLICY RESPONSES: Addressing the complex equipped to withstand and recover from crises.
interplay between food security and climate change 8) HUMAN RIGHTS: Food security is recognized as a
requires coordinated efforts at local, national, and basic human right. The right to food implies that
international levels. Strategies may include every person should have physical and economic
promoting sustainable agriculture, investing in access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to
climate-resilient infrastructure, improving social meet their dietary needs and preferences.
safety nets, and mitigating greenhouse gas 9) GLOBAL STABILITY: Ensuring food security is
emissions to limit further climate change impacts. essential for global stability and peace. Addressing
Food security in the context of climate change food insecurity can help prevent conflicts over
requires comprehensive approaches that consider scarce resources and promote cooperation among
the interdependencies between agriculture, the nations to address common challenges.
environment, and socio-economic factors, with a 10) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: Food
focus on building resilience and ensuring equitable security is integral to achieving several Sustainable
access to food resources for all populations. Development Goals (SDGs), including those related
to poverty eradication, zero hunger, good health
Food security is crucial for several reasons and well-being, quality education, gender equality,
1) BASIC HUMAN NEED: Food is a fundamental and climate action. In summary, food security is
human need. Access to an adequate, nutritious not only a matter of fulfilling basic needs but also a
diet is essential for maintaining health, supporting critical component of sustainable development,
growth and development, and ensuring overall human rights, & global stability. (Rajkumar Singh.
well-being. Published in Pakistan Today on April 19, 2024)


Amid escalating climate concerns and pressing nations navigate the challenges of transitioning energy
environmental challenges, South Asia stands at a sources and promoting regional cooperation, a
critical juncture. Recent initiatives, such as promising perspective emerges – one defined by
commitments forged at COP28 and ongoing efforts to collaboration, innovation, and collective responsibility.
combat air pollution, underscore the region’s steadfast Citizens across South Asia, particularly in Pakistan
commitment to steering toward a sustainable future. and India, are eager for their governments to explore
Internationally, endeavors persist to ensure coherence the diverse landscape of the region’s journey toward a
between last year’s COP28, this year’s COP29 in cleaner energy future. This entails scrutinizing crucial
Azerbaijan, and next year’s COP30 in Brazil. Notably, initiatives, navigating obstacles, and seizing
the recent intensified collaboration between the opportunities that influence the trajectory towards
International Energy Agency (IEA) and the United greater environmental sustainability and prosperity.
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change The urgent challenge of air quality facing South Asia
(UNFCCC) exemplifies the concerted efforts toward is starkly evident in major cities like Delhi, Dhaka,
monitoring energy-related outcomes, fostering and Lahore, where levels of particulate matter (PM2.5)
consensus on aligned energy transitions, and consistently exceed World Health Organization
supporting the formulation of Nationally Determined guidelines. Swift collective action is crucial to address
Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. As the root causes and protect public health. The haze

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

enveloping South Asian cities originates from various contribute substantially to overall economic
sources, including industrial emissions, vehicle development among participating nations. In addition
exhaust, agricultural burning, and energy to the advantages provided by the power grid and
inefficiencies. These factors exacerbate health issues trade routes, improved connectivity offers benefits
and contribute to climate change. Incorporating that reach beyond the realm of electricity.
climate change mitigation strategies into national Strengthened relationships can promote increased
policies and promoting sustainable practices are regional integration, leading to closer diplomatic ties
crucial steps forward. Both India and Pakistan persist and collaboration across diverse sectors, such as
in using coal, despite the suffocating air quality in infrastructure development and security. These
their major cities, as both nations are grappling with endeavors not only tackle air pollution directly but
developmental challenges and energy deficits. also stimulate economic growth and promote regional
integration. By nurturing new markets and enhancing
Addressing air pollution requires a comprehensive cross-border trade, they contribute significantly to the
strategy that gives priority to climate resilience and region’s economic development.
addresses related inequalities. Despite geopolitical
tensions, fostering dialogue and mutual China’s Belt and Road Initiative serves as a model for
understanding can create a foundation for successful South-South cooperation, providing a
collaborative efforts. Strong political determination is platform for knowledge sharing and joint efforts
essential for overcoming logistical hurdles and against climate change. South Asian nations can
implementing effective solutions. Recently, significant glean valuable insights from China’s experiences in
developments have unfolded regarding longstanding renewable energy development and green technology
energy initiatives in South Asia. Pakistan has at long implementation. In turn, South Asia can offer
last authorized the construction of its segment of the expertise in areas like sustainable agriculture and
Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline. Initially proposed in 1995 waste management, fostering a mutually beneficial
as the Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline to transport exchange of knowledge. The international community
Iranian natural gas to the region, the project faced plays a pivotal role in unlocking South Asia’s clean
numerous challenges. These obstacles included energy potential. By providing technical expertise and
India’s withdrawal in 2008 due to security concerns resources, they can expedite the region’s transition to
and regional tensions. Despite reaching an agreement sustainable practices. This collective endeavor against
with Iran in 2009, construction on Pakistan’s portion environmental challenges underscores the
has only recently commenced. Given the looming interconnected nature of our world and necessitates a
deadline and potential penalties, completing the global approach transcending borders.
project by September 2024 is crucial. However,
persistent challenges, such as external factors like Developed nations, especially, must reassess past
U.S. sanctions on Iran, continue to impede progress. approaches that may have inadvertently hindered
Similar challenges confront another significant energy progress in South Asia. Focusing solely on ideological
initiative in the region: the Turkmenistan- differences has proven insufficient in fostering long-
Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline, term stability and prosperity in the region. A more
stretching over 1,800 kilometers. Launched in 2015, nuanced approach, emphasizing diplomacy and
the TAPI pipeline aims to facilitate the transportation multilateral cooperation, presents a promising future
of natural gas. However, security concerns in for South Asia. Through mutual respect and
Afghanistan and the logistical intricacies of the project understanding, nations in the region, with
have led to delays. Despite these challenges, efforts constructive international support, can make
continue to advance this vital energy initiative, which significant progress in addressing air pollution and
holds significant potential for enhancing regional ensuring a healthier environment for all citizens. This
energy security and fostering economic development. collaborative endeavor will not only foster regional
stability and prosperity but also pave the way for a
Much like the Gulf Cooperation Council and European more sustainable South Asia. In summary, the
Supergrid, the potential of an electricity grid linking profound health and environmental crisis gripping
South and Central Asia is immense for both regions. South Asia underscores the urgent need for a unified
Such an interconnected system would have the regional approach that transcends political divisions.
capability to revolutionize regional collaboration and Despite historical conflicts, cooperation on critical
enhance energy security. Picture a future where issues like air pollution is indispensable. South-South
cleaner energy sources are plentiful, reducing the collaboration emerges as a viable solution, facilitating
dependency on fossil fuels. This vision encompasses the exchange of knowledge and best practices.
goals such as decarbonization, improved energy Establishing a regional air quality monitoring network
efficiency, and the transition toward a sustainable, and harnessing international support are pivotal steps
low-carbon energy system. This diversification of toward achieving a cleaner energy future.
energy sources offers increased security and reliability
for all nations involved. Through collaborative efforts, Through collective action to address shared challenges,
more efficient energy demand management can be South Asia can pave the way for a healthier
achieved, alleviating power shortages and fostering environment, enhanced stability, and economic
sustainable regional development. Moreover, the development. Ultimately, it is through collaboration
establishment of trade routes among Iran, Central and innovation that the region can secure a
Asia, Pakistan, and India presents significant sustainable and prosperous future. Strong political
opportunities. These routes could become bustling resolve is paramount for surmounting logistical
conduits for goods, opening new markets and obstacles and implementing effective solutions. (Abdul
stimulating economic growth across diverse regions. Waheed. Published in The Diplomat on April 11, 2024)
By expanding trade horizons, this network would


When I talk with foreign friends in Beijing, some of change the status quo in the Asia-Pacific? Is China
them mention that they are increasingly confused using Europe as a bargaining chip with the United
about China’s foreign policy. Does China want to States? How did “wolf warrior” diplomacy come about?

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

Their questions are interesting and universal. the key to ensuring sustainable development. For
However, it is difficult to get introductions from example, China is seeking to sign a Comprehensive
experts in China because some are reluctant to talk to Agreement on Investment (CAI) with Europe and a
foreign media. As a relatively independent journalist, I Science and Technology Agreement (STA) with the
think it is necessary to make a brief summary of my United States. I am very much in favor of this kind
observations of China’s foreign policy over the past 10 of “Great Powers Diplomacy,” because these powers
years. I do not speak for the Chinese government, and can have a direct impact on China’s economy. Even
so my view is certainly not 100 percent correct, but I if there are political problems between China and
hope it will be helpful for foreign analysts to the West, China will try its best to maintain steady
understand China’s diplomacy. economic relations. By contrast, China’s relations
1. Global South Diplomacy: It is a diplomatic with Russia are more about political support for
tradition for China to maintain good relations with each other. Of course, there is economic and
small countries, poor countries, and what is now energy cooperation, but China is pursuing this
called the Global South. For instance, the Chinese mostly in preparation for the future. If there is a
foreign minister must go to Africa on his inaugural war in the Taiwan Strait, the diplomatic and
trip of every year. Why? It is not only an means of economic relations between China and Western
emphasizing that China is a member of the countries will change dramatically, and China can
developing world, but also China’s diplomatic hardly bear the consequences alone. Russia’s
preparation for the present and future. In addition energy and agriculture products will be a reliable
to Africa, strengthening ties with the Muslim world backstop for China. Some Western analysts have
is another manifestation of China’s Global South posited that China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran
diplomacy. For decades, in multilateral forums, are forming a new axis. I always respond China is
China has taken care not to contradict the different from the other countries, which are really
collective stance of Muslim countries. Nowhere is anti-Western; it is a core part of the survival
this attitude more evident than in the current Gaza strategies of Russia, North Korea, and Iran. China
war. Muslim countries have not condemned Hamas, is a different story. It must maintain an open policy
so China will not do so in the United Nations and with Western powers to ensure the livelihoods of
other international conferences. If the Muslim 1.4 billion people and social development. China’s
world changes their stance one day, China will diplomacy with the United States, Japan, and the
change with them accordingly. Africa and Muslim EU is not politically expedient, but government
countries are the two largest voting blocs in the behavior is guided by the needs of the ordinary
United Nations, with more than 50 votes from people. China will never turn into North Korea, and
Africa and more than 40 from the Muslim world, the Chinese people will never support foreign policy
accounting for almost half of the U.N. membership. that severs relations with the West. No matter how
China must rely on their support on many issues anti-American a Chinese person seems to be, he
in order to better safeguard its interests. Whenever would not want to live in North Korea.
issues like Taiwan, the South China Sea, Xinjiang, 3. New Style Diplomacy: At present, some Western
human rights, and others are brought up by countries are most worried that China will
Western countries for discussion in the U.N., unilaterally change the status quo, including in the
China’s relations with African and Muslim South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. This is
countries will be effective. That no Muslim country really a problem because both sides think they are
in the world today supports the Western stance on right and there is a lack of consensus. The Chinese
Xinjiang is a triumph of this diplomatic tradition. government believes that some Western countries
For similar reasons, Yemen-based Houthi rebels have encircled China by interfering in regional
have declared that they would not attack Chinese territorial disputes, which is a violation of the
vessels. Therefore, China’s foreign policy highlights United Nations-led international order. In Beijing’s
Global South diplomacy, which is why China is eyes, China’s territorial claims are meant to
always very polite to small countries. China’s safeguard its own sovereignty and territorial
foreign policy in Africa or its outreach to Muslim integrity, not to occupy any land of others.
countries is not just symbolic nor is it motivated However, the West also believes that China’s
only by economic interests. Actually China has a stance violates the international order led by the
long-term plan. United Nations and changes the status quo. In
2. Great Powers Diplomacy: Foreign policy starts at their view, China seeks to occupy territory that
home, which involves not only politics but also does not belong to it. Viewed in that light, the
economics. Foreign policy should provide a sound Western countries’ presence in the region is about
external environment for economic development, keeping international order and peace. With this
which is an important aspect of understanding background, the so-called wolf warrior diplomacy
China’s diplomacy. Thanks to the reform and appeared on the international stage. I don’t like
opening policy that began in the late 1970s, China this style, personally, but I understand the reason
has been keeping sustained economic development. for it. It stems from the fact that China’s diplomacy
This policy is an opening to the West, not to the is under great pressure from the West. Think of it
Global South. Since the founding of the People’s through an individual metaphor: a person who
Republic of China in 1949, it had opened to Asia, often loses their temper must be anxious and
Africa, and Latin America, but China has not nervous on the inside. The reason behind China’s
gained enough economic benefits to promote worry is obvious: It has territorial or maritime
development, and the Chinese people remained disputes with at least seven neighbors, and in each
very poor. Since opening to the West, China one the West is increasingly involved – and always
implemented a market economy and attracted on the side of China’s rival.
foreign investment, the whole economy has This certainly deepen China’s sense of insecurity vis-
transformed in an astonishingly short time. a-vis the outside world. China is hedging against the
Therefore, in developing relations between China risk in two ways: preparing for military struggle and
and Western powers such as the United States, seeking a breakthrough on diplomacy. Wolf warrior
Europe and Japan, one of China’s priorities is to diplomacy is reflection of the latter; you can call it
maintain an open economic environment, which is “new style diplomacy,” which is about competing with

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

the West for the right to speak internationally. East peace conference. In recent years, China has also
Another aspect of this strategy – one that has received proposed the concept of a Community with a Shared
less attention – is for China to provide the global Future for Mankind; these have not departed from the
community with more international public goods. In international order led by the U.N. Charter. The West
this way, Beijing hopes that more countries can may not be comfortable with China’s “new style
realize that China’s friendly intentions and dismiss diplomacy,” which is understandable; the main goal is
the “China threat” theory. For instance, the Belt and to counter the West’s narratives about China.
Road Initiative (BRI) proposed in 2013 is an example Meanwhile China’s military growth is fueling their
of China’s “new style diplomacy.” It is China’s attempt tension and hostility. I really don’t know how to
to provide an international public good, similar to defuse these tensions and deal with the territorial
Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA). In disputes, but I think it always makes sense to
addition, China is also making efforts in Middle East maintain diplomatic engagement for deep
diplomacy, such as mediating the relations between understanding. (Mu Chunshan. Published in The
Iran and Saudi Arabia, and preparing for a Middle Diplomat on March 28, 2024)


Regional integration fosters socioeconomic initially showed reluctance. There were concerns
development through economic collaboration between among Indian officials that Ziaur Rahman’s idea for a
member countries. It assists countries in eliminating regional unified body would enable smaller states to
impediments to the free movement of capital, products, regionalize bilateral disputes and unite against India.
services, ideas, and individuals. In developing nations Similarly, Pakistan viewed it as India’s objective to
like South Asia, divisions in these areas act as an unite other states against Pakistan and establish a
impediment to economic progress. The European regional market for Indian exports, solidifying Indian
Union (EU) serves as an inspiring example of regional supremacy in the region. Nevertheless, the South
integration; however, the situation in South Asia Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
greatly differs. It is the “least integrated region” of the was established in 1985 to promote cross-border
world, and most countries are not performing economic cooperation. However, its progress
exceptionally well in economic, social, and political dramatically lags behind the EU. It is important to
development. As a result, it is hoped that these note that Europe and South Asia exhibit significant
countries achieve a similar level of integration to the differences in economic progress, levels of wealth,
EU to become an economically stable and relatively human development, free trade, industrial and urban
peaceful region like Europe. The EU is widely viewed development, tackling poverty, and level of integration
as a successful example of postwar regional in politics. Barry Eichengreen argues that following
integration. The integration of Europe has experienced the two disastrous world wars, nationalism in mid-
numerous changes before becoming the most century Europe had weakened and European leaders
compelling example of regional integration today. The sought political unification to prevent similar
EU’s success resulted from years of thought and catastrophes. However, it led to decolonization in Asia,
discussions following the region’s destruction from which promoted, rather than diminished, nationalism.
devastating European conflicts. The EU shares a As a result, political integration and establishing
common currency and promotes the free flow of global institutions of economic governance in Asia
services, capital, commodities, and individuals across remain restricted due to the continued prevalence of
borders. It also shares a similar foreign and security nationalism. The prosperity of Europe’s democratic
policy. The European community did experience nature, free market economic policies, and political
numerous hurdles while working towards these issue resolution have fueled its long-term success of
significant milestones. Delving into history, the integration. On the other hand, South Asian states
framework for regional cooperation was signed in experience significant geographical, cultural,
1949, establishing the Council of Europe. In May economic, and military disparities, making
1950, French diplomat Jean Monnet and foreign cooperation challenging. South Asia has been
minister Robert Schumann proposed the embroiled in interstate disputes over land and natural
establishment of a coal and steel community, which resources, security, culture, and religion. As a result,
was a critical step towards Europe’s integration. The these countries prioritize development in the military
two devastating world wars taught European leaders field, with less attention on regional trade and
the significance of unifying their economies and economic and regional cooperation. More importantly,
communities and preventing the reoccurrence of regional integration has been impeded by the effects of
similar catastrophes. It became clear that merging British colonialism and the internal dynamics in the
economic resources could yield more significant post-independence era, affecting cross-border
outcomes than individual operations. As a result, the interactions. The tensions between Pakistan and India
EU achieved substantial economic progress by have been ongoing since their partition, undermining
adopting shared laws and enhancing cooperation prospects for regional cooperation. Logically,
between regional and national powers. The EU also European integration is an exceptional model of
collaborated strongly on domestic affairs and foreign regional integration. However, it cannot be fully
and security policies. Arguably, the fear of adopted by South Asian states, keeping their
communism and American support unified the war- prominent dissimilarities in view. The EU model,
torn economies of Western Europe, resulting in the however, could provide some lessons the South Asian
establishment of the European Coal and Steel states could adopt. Firstly, South Asian states must
Community (ECSC) in 1950 and the European possess a strong political will to integrate. Secondly,
Economic Community (EEC) in 1957. Therefore, like the European nations, South Asian states need to
Europe’s distinct history and foreign support play a foster peaceful relations, leaving behind hegemonic
role in the present regionally integrated Europe. pursuits and adopting a dispute-resolution framework
In the case of South Asia, in 1980, the President of in order to promote regional integration. Thirdly, there
Bangladesh, Ziaur Rahman, advocated for is also a need to develop a strong institutional
establishing regional cooperation in South Asia. Nepal, framework for efficient decision-making and policy
Sri Lanka, and Bhutan readily supported the idea of implementation. The EU was successful in regional
regional cooperation, whereas India and Pakistan integration as it adopted these factors. Therefore,

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

these factors serve as valuable lessons for South religion, and concerns about security impede these
Asia’s regional integration. states from pursuing regional integration. More
importantly, the Indo-Pak rivalry has hampered efforts
While the EU is a prominent regional partnership, to promote economic integration and regional stability.
South Asia strives to achieve primary economic Therefore, to enable economic and political integration
integration. The EU was successful in integration due in South Asia, there is a need to establish
to the strong political will of the leadership and the consolidated democracies like that of the EU and
citizen’s realization of the significance of integration. foster reliable human interactions while embracing
Unfortunately, South Asia experiences the most minor free market economic policies. (Malaika Afridi.
integration and has been embroiled in disputes. The Published in Modern Diplomacy on February 24, 2024)
disagreements over geography, resources, culture,


Seldom has a concatenation of circumstances across opening ‘shots across the bow’ at Israel, for the attack
the world led to this degree of concern about the on its consular premises in Damascus and the killing
future. Many factors are responsible for this. Reckless of Iranian personnel recently. All indications point to
leaders such as Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the spectre of a resurgent Iran, thereafter, taking over
Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, who are at the centre of the leadership of militants directed against the West.
the ongoing conflicts, have neither the desire nor the The implications of an all out Iran-Israel war are dire
understanding to try and end the conflicts they are indeed.
involved in. Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, shows
equal disregard for the eventual outcome of the war in A new set of alliances Today, great power rivalry
Ukraine, and displays intense myopia as to what can seems a little more than a shadow play, which has
be done to achieve his end objective. The United hardly any meaning. Outside war-torn Ukraine, and
States, which initially hoped that by strengthening the the time bomb that West Asia resembles at present,
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) it could the U.S. and China are indulging in feints, using
inflict a decisive defeat on Russia, and restore the proxies to try and achieve their objectives. The U.S.
immediate post-1945 world order in Europe, finds has yet to overcome its hubris following the series of
itself in a serious dilemma. In the meantime, Mr. setbacks it has been facing since Afghanistan in 2020,
Netanyahu, caught napping by the massive Hamas which has removed much of the sheen attached to its
attack in October 2023, has reacted to it in a manner being touted as a superpower. In the case of Europe,
typical of his general reputation, and is venting his having leaned on NATO to protect itself from Russia’s
frustration on the citizens of Gaza — which virtually offensive, it has little to offer. Europe again has little
approximates to genocide. This has inflamed opinions influence on Mr. Zelenskyy, notwithstanding the huge
across the world, but more specifically in West Asia, cost to their exchequers. Seldom has the situation
and is further widening the political and religious across the region seemed less propitious. In the east,
divide. An unexpected fallout of this has been Iran’s China’s economic ‘woes’ have stripped it of the
reemergence as a key player in determining the ‘roll of afterglow of being a near superpower, one well
the dice’ in the affairs of this region. positioned to challenge the U.S. and the West,
militarily and economically. Over the past several
Growing chaos, an absent leadership Since 2022, months, China has been compelled to operate under
geo-politics has been in various stages of disarray. the radar and its image as a superpower has
While the ‘rules-based international order’, basically a diminished. Nevertheless, this has not prevented it
creation of the West, is virtually dead today, it did from forging many new alliances across West Asia.
succeed for a time in maintaining a semblance of Currently, the China-Russia-Iran axis has put a
peace across many regions. As the West seemed to question mark on the predatory tactics of the U.S. and
weaken, and alongside the rise of China, new alliance the West across much of West Asia. There is a well-
patterns emerged. None of them, however, possessed known aphorism that stipulates that ‘wisdom lies in
sufficient heft to sustain a peaceful global order. knowing when to stop’. Even as global power politics
Today, large parts of the world are in chaos, though appear to lose all meaning, we are witness to a whole
‘shooting wars’ are limited to a few pockets such as new set of alliances that makes little sense. What is
Ukraine and Gaza. What is more disconcerting is the missing in the thought processes of world leaders,
absence of leaders with a sober mien, who command a however, is that it is the economy and technologies
degree of influence across nations and continents, today that are the main ‘drivers’ and ‘spoilers’ in
whether it is Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin or Joe Biden. today’s world. Most world leaders are not paying
The vast majority of other western leaders clearly lack adequate attention to forecasts about the future of the
the qualities needed to sustain a peaceful world economies, more specifically when they include
international order. Many increasingly face problems the economies of the more developed countries as well.
in sustaining their fiefdoms. Meantime, the march of For instance, experts warn that the U.S. economy is
history and the progress of current technologies set to face problems sooner rather than later, while
threaten to confine most of them to the detritus of the economies of the United Kingdom and much of
history. The situation is only about to worsen. The Europe are already in a parlous state. China’s
stalemate in Ukraine continues with Mr. Zelenskyy, economy, despite Xi Jinping’s efforts, is again not
Mr. Putin, and the West all unwilling to consider a improving and it has had to cut back on many of its
reasonable compromise. The year 2024 will, thus, see intended plans.
a repetition of what has been taking place in Europe
for the past two years. Whether a continued stalemate The disruptors
will force leaders of these countries to consider the The politics of oil again is something that the world
‘unthinkable’, viz., use of battlefield nuclear weapons, cannot ignore for much longer. The growing proximity,
is again a matter for debate. The situation in West and the axis between China-Russia-Iran, indicate that
Asia is, meanwhile, turning critical. Israel has been military alliances apart, the politics of oil is set to roil
acting more and more, inflicting unpardonable the world in the near future. In such a milieu, today’s
casualties on the citizens of Gaza. It now confronts a sanctions have ceased to have any meaning. The
direct threat from Iran, which has already fired world, according to economists, should, hence, be

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

prepared for a major slowdown. The implications of and electronic sensors carried by drones, aircraft, and
this could be far more disruptive than the current space assets. Finally, it is also necessary to recognise
wars in Ukraine and Gaza or a potential conflagration that with most arms control agreements having frayed,
in the Pacific. Next, technology is all set to become the new nuclear warheads and cruise missiles are
ultimate disruptor. Manifest attempts are being made possibly, if not already, being designed, and also,
by several leading countries to enhance their national possibly, being kept in readiness for use. A nuclear
security by protecting vital technologies, over which makeover is already in the making and it is only a
they possess a near-monopoly today. Artificial matter of time that demands are raised by countries
Intelligence is already a potential threat as far as that possess them to seek their use. An intense debate
conventional war methodologies are concerned, but is already on as to whether in response to the possible
while the U.S. and China are touted as militarily the use of low-level battlefield nuclear weapons by Russia,
most powerful today, smaller nations are beginning to the U.S. and the West should not raise the nuclear
pose a challenge, employing Artificial Intelligence, to threshold by employing nuclear weapons of lower
level the playing field. This dimension needs to be magnitude. Doomsday predictions are perhaps nearer
better understood, alongside the havoc being caused than what many believe. (M K. Narayanan. Published
in the battlefield in Ukraine by the military in The Hindu Newspaper on April 19, 2024)
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR)
revolution, and the relentless stare of visual infrared

At the outset, let me explain the term ‘Neo-politics’ Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS,
because, in an era of ever-green geopolitics and and Group of 77 are seriously challenging Europe’s
evolving geoeconomics, it will be difficult to digest yet supremacy in geopolitics, geostrategy, and
another new terminology. Neo-politics is a hybrid geoeconomics. Because neo-politics is giving states an
employment of geopolitics, geostrategy, and option to choose the path that is best suited to their
geoeconomics. States successfully employed their interests. The Bretton Woods arrangements that have
geography in international politics over the centuries exploited the Global South for over seven decades are
even when the term geopolitics had not been in use. likely to lose their grip in the coming decades because
While each element of geography merits great China has enough liquidity to support the needs of
consideration, but location and size of the state stood these nations through investments in much-needed
tall when it came to asserting regional or global infrastructure and public utility projects that were
politics in international relations. New Zealand, one of long denied by the colonial masters. Moreover, China
the most advanced states in the world is unable to and Russia are encouraging states to do their
play a significant role in international affairs primarily business in local currencies or exchange of
due to its remote location. Whereas a much smaller commodities to gradually reduce the demand for the
state in the Gulf, Qatar effectively plays its role as a dollars. The process of de-dollarization has already
peace facilitator among the warring nations and started but certainly will take more time before the
groups. Geopolitics, which, in essence, applies the dollar loses its colour in essence.
precepts of realism when it comes to power, security,
and interest, based on the essential elements of What I am suggesting is that several Cold War
geography, will perhaps continue to dominate terminologies need a serious review by academics and
international relations, even if geoeconomics has practitioners because the international system is
gained a lot of ground. However, what neo-politics undergoing rapid change, and the world will not be
does is different in terms of geography. the same again as it was during the Cold War or in
the post-9/11 phase. The US-led dominance of
States, in the 21st Century, are not relying on international organizations and institutions is coming
geography alone anymore, but looking for to an end, if not immediately, shortly, for sure. For
opportunities to maximize gains in terms of economic this purpose, I am introducing neo-politics to generate
benefits, security, and political stature. Unlike the era a debate. The hybrid employment of all the previous
of the Cold War where the lines were drawn, terminologies, methodologies, and techniques is
adversaries were known, and states had taken a paving the way for more prudent options for the states
certain position for political and strategic reasons. In and reducing the dependency syndrome to make more
the realm of neo-politics, states are more pragmatic, independent decisions. One might argue that the
open, decisive, and undeterred by any force to make developing states were dependent on their colonial
their own decisions. Barring a few smaller and weaker masters who had now led by the US since the end of
ones in the economic domain, states exercise their World War II, and now they will be dependent on
options more freely than before. Europe has been at China so how will it change for them?
war since Russia decided to enter Ukraine on
February 24, 2022, and two years on the ongoing war The short answer is that it will not be so, because, at
is likely to expand both horizontally as well as the global level, it’s a clash of two philosophies: the
vertically. Likewise, the Middle East has not rested Chinese view of ‘development through cooperation’
since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, and wars and and the Western view of ‘with us or without us.’ Since
conflicts in the region have reached the Red Sea with more and more states are joining the Chinese Camp
more and more extra-regional players joining the for want of development through cooperation, there is
arena. Africa has also started to assert itself and a higher probability that neo-politics will replace
revolted against its colonial master, France. China, geopolitics, geostrategy, & geoeconomics into a single
under the banner of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), term which denotes hybrid employment of all other
has entered Africa in a big way with money alongside elements of geography to maximize their gains in
Russia which will provide the much-needed muscle terms of economy, security, & politics. (Dr Zia -ul
with its arms and ammunition, if required. Haque. Published in Daily Times on April 15, 2024)

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1


The Muslim Ummah is in a shambles. The civil wars triggered by the so-called Arab Spring proved a
in Yemen and Syria have not yet ended. Though an debilitating blow. The leaders got frightened and
uneasy calm and peace characterizes the Arab-Iran nervous running helter and skelter in the pursuit of
relations after Saudi Arabia and Iran moved to major powers to save their thrones from the avalanche
reconcile, the war in the occupied land of Palestine of spontaneous public protests and bring down those
has jolted many Muslim capitals exacerbating their leaders whom they perceived a threat to their
security concerns. The genocidal killings of tens of kingdoms and Emirates. No longer than the overthrow
thousands of Palestinian people by Israel would keep of Bin Ali in Tunisia, the Muslim world presented a
haunting the Muslim kings and Emirs for years to chaotic scene leading to civil wars in many Muslim
come. Israel is hell-bent on dragging Iran into the countries.
conflict. The apathy of the Muslim leaders was
shocking. None of the Muslim countries did more than In their search for security, the Arab leaders lost the
lip service to the just cause of the Palestinians and, sense of Muslim fraternity trotting as pawns in the
despite the bloodbath, no Muslim country dared to mayhem wrought on the most important Muslim
suspend its diplomatic relations with the Jewish State. countries from Iraq to Libya, Syria and Yemen. The
All cowered under fear for their security or were frontiers collapsed and the armies disintegrated into
reluctant to incur the anger of Washington DC. Israel, armed groups; the sovereign territories were
with the support and abetment of the USA, has long bombarded; the leaders were hunted down by
emerged as the dominant power in the Middle East mercenary troops or executed by agents of death and
with a robust kinetic power and poses an ultimate destruction; the traditional equilibrium so assiduously
threat to any Muslim country. maintained between sectarian populations was
destroyed. Sectarian groups and private were trained
The global political and strategic scenario will and financed to go on a killing spree. All this
certainly change after the forthcoming US Presidential devastation of the Arab world was tempting for Israel
elections. Former President Donald Trump has to advance its vicious designs to become the mini
emerged as the Republican candidate to face President superpower of the region with almost all the Arab
Joe Biden. There are seasoned analyses that he would monarchies and emirates looking forward to having
be re-elected as the leader of the USA if no some sort of security arrangement with it.
extraordinary global event takes place to turn the
swing vote in favour of President Biden. Nevertheless, President Donald Trump had more plans up his
it makes no difference whether Joe Biden or Donald sleeves to help Israel. It looked as if he was in a hurry
Trump is in possession of the White House. All the US to finish his agenda of reversing the decades-old policy
leaders have been unabashedly abetting the atrocities decisions of his predecessors about the Arab countries.
of Israel against the Palestinians. However, Donald Goaded by the pro-Israel trio of his advisors, Jared
Trump had gone a whole hog to brazenly harm the Kushner, Jason Greenblatt and David Friedman, he
Muslim Ummah. Joe Biden too did not lag in started unfolding his plans step by step recognizing
supporting the blood-thirsty Israeli leaders in the Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in December 2017,
genocidal killings of the Palestinians. This would be moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to the sacred
an ugly blot on his legacy. President Donald Trump’s city in May 2018 and exiting from the UN Human
bile and rage to give bloody cuts to the Muslim world Rights Council in June 2018 accusing it to be biased
at the behest of Prime Minister Netanyahu is etched in against Israel. In September 2018, he closed the
our memory. Unfortunately, some Arab monarchs, in representative office of PLO in Washington. Followed
their shallowness of vision, undermined the only in quick succession was his proclamation of
broader platform of the Organization of Islamic recognizing the illegal annexation of the Golan Heights
Conference at the altar of the expedient-ridden and by Israelis. This proclamation also owed a great deal
pliable Arab League aggravating their vulnerability to to the persuasive intervention of the above extremist
manipulation by the global powers. They are more trio who, as reports then suggested, were also against
culpable for the current plight of the Ummah. the Oslo peace process in the 1990s. Would Donald
Trump have a different policy this time around? I
Today, the Muslim world stands voiceless; its protests doubt it. The security situation in the Muslim world
are taken in stride and rulers ridden roughshod in would remain in a state of flux.
world politics. Remorse, Jean Jacque Rousseau says,
goes to sleep when our fortunes are prosperous, and The mirror review of the Trump’s last year in the
makes itself felt more keenly in adversity. What more While House shows his advisors had persuaded him
enormous adversity do the Muslims need to move he had been anointed by God to help the Jews regain
their leaders for introspection? The Palestinian issue their epic land and glory. He looked the other way
engaged the rapt attention of the Muslim world and while Prime Minister Netanyahu was unabashedly
the comity of nations for many decades. Though the expanding Jewish settlements in the West Bank and
Muslim leaders could not put enough pressure on the provocatively declaring the Israeli sovereignty and
USA and the Western world to compensate the control over the united Jerusalem and any piece of
Palestinians for the injustice slapped upon them by Palestinian territory west of Jordan River. While
establishing the Israeli state in their land in 1948, Donald Trump was on rampage, the Arab leaders
they were successful in keeping this issue alive in seemed paralyzed. They met in a summit under the
international forums. The Muslim world was banner of the Arab League in Tunisia in March 2020
dominated by tall leaders who, though autocrats but to register their protests particularly over his
hardcore Arab nationalists, wielded influence in world proclamation recognizing the legitimacy of the Israeli
politics. Besides the precious resource of oil which the occupation of the Golan Heights. The Final
world needed most after the Second World War, the Communiqué issued at the end of the session was
Muslim leaders maintained their influence in world littered with the usual clichés and repeated the well
politics by the sheer force of bilateral and multilateral beaten stand of the Arab countries on Palestine and
diplomacy, and as a collective mass within the fold of the occupied Arab lands.
the OIC. Gradually, the Muslim world lost its lustre
and influence because of a lack of vision. The events

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

The hostility of the US leaders including Donald during all the years of turmoil in the Muslim world
Trump and Joe Biden against Iran owes much to the and the Gulf war. It was a challenge knocking at
perceived security threat from Iran to Israel and some Pakistan’s door for over a decade and crying out for
Arab allies. During the turmoil of the Middle East, responses that would safeguard its vital national
Iran undoubtedly strengthened its sphere of political interests. Pakistan was caught between the devil and
and strategic influence from Yemen to Iraq, Syria, deep blue sea during the short lived ‘Arab Spring’ and
Lebanon and Hamas-ruled Gaza. The Iranian no-hold-barred game of one-upmanship between two
entrenchment in the Middle East posed a security important Muslim countries- Saudi Arabia and Iran –
challenge to some Arab monarchies and emirates the contenders for regional domination in its
impelling them to embrace Israel in a joint endeavour neighbourhood.
to isolate this common adversary. Their joint pressure
on President Donald Trump resulted in the US exit Pakistan saw such situations in the past, but it was in
from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) a position to navigate safe through the explosive
in May 2018, and reintroduction of economic minefield by playing its cards well. But the ground
sanctions on Iran. We recall, three countries of Israel, reality within Pakistan, then, was different from today.
Saudi Arabia and UAE had opposed JCPOA. To The past regimes were in a position to parry the
ratchet pressure on Iran, the US leader declared pressure from rival states because Pakistan wasn’t
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as terrorist beholden to either, which isn’t the case today. The
organization and, to further squeeze Iran economically, governments of Imran Khan and his successors were
refused to extend the sanctions waiver for buyers of too deeply beholden to the rich Arab countries which
Iranian oil that included Turkey, India and China. The bailed them out of tight economic straitjacket through
latter is the biggest Iranian oil importer. The Iranian generous support.
oil exports dipped from 2.5 million barrels a day to
less than 1.3 million. The US presented Iran some 12 Ambassador Ghori further writes Pakistan’s economic
tough conditions for the renegotiation of the JCPOA dependence on rich Muslim countries and the western
which amounted to total surrender to the American financial institutions has since increased. This
diktat. These demands notably called on Iran to hamstrings bold initiative or policy move not kosher to
dismantle all nuclear programmes, withdraw forces rich Arab countries and the USA. It also makes it a
from Syria, terminate support to armed groups like mute spectator of, if not a hostage to, the sectarian-
Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Quds and Houthis, stop the based ideological conflict between the Arabs and the
destabilizing policies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gulf Iranians notwithstanding its own fragile sectarian
region and supporting Al-Bashar in Syria, Noori Al- fault-lines. The Pakistani leadership’s failure to attend
Maliki in Iraq, and many more demands. All analysts the Kuala Lumpur Summit or implement the gas
knowing the Iranians hastened to conclude that they pipeline agreement with Iran is a glaring case in point.
would prefer to perish in a war than surrendering so
ignominiously to the US. Hence, the situation in the The country has suffered badly from the sectarian
Gulf region remained in a flux with every possibility of warfare and has to be ever extra-vigilant to ensure it
war which would have been the last nail in the coffin doesn’t get caught on a wrong footing particularly
of the Muslim world. Given the Iran’s strategic when the militant organizations of a particular
location and military capability with all medium and political and religious hue are active from across the
long range missiles, the war would have set alight the western borders. These organizations have been
entire Gulf region. undermining its relations with immediate neighbours
and its security as well. The independent foreign
President Joe Biden followed his predecessor’s policy policy experts forcefully argue that Pakistan would be
in the Middle East blindly supporting Israel. His open compelled to follow regional and international policies
support to Israel in the wanton killing of the poor disadvantageous to its long-term geo-strategic interest
Palestinians in Gaza despite protests all over the if it remains shackled to its economic handicaps. To
world proved his callousness and cruelty on one hand break these economic shackles, Pakistan needs to
and the helplessness of the Muslim countries on the increase its revenue and drastically cut expenses.
other. Protesters gathered in hundreds of thousands However, no plan of belt-tightening is in sight. We feel
in the Western capitals to condemn the US support to no shame in borrowing money and spending lavishly
the Israeli brutality in Gaza. The Muslim countries and living ostentatiously. It is stupidity of the highest
didn’t allow their people to vent their anger over this order. (Muhammad Alam Brohi. Published in Daily
bloodbath. So is pervasive the fear of the wrath of the Times on April 10, 2024)
USA and Israel. Ambassador K.K. Ghori writes
somewhere that Pakistan was a silent spectator


World leaders are not unaware of the nuclear there was an acknowledgment of the difficulty of their
industry’s long history of failing to deliver on its undertaking. “Nuclear technology can play an
promises, or of its weakening vital signs. Yet many important role in the clean energy transition,” Ursula
continue to act as if a “nuclear renaissance” could be von der Leyen, the president of the European
around the corner even though nuclear energy’s share Commission, told summit attendees. But she added
of global electricity generation has fallen by almost that “the reality today, in most markets, is a reality of
half from its high of roughly 17 percent in 1996. In a slow but steady decline in market share” for nuclear
search of that revival, representatives from more than power. The numbers underscore that downturn. Solar
30 countries gathered in Brussels in March at a and wind power together began outperforming nuclear
nuclear summit hosted by the International Atomic power globally in 2021, and that trend continues as
Energy Agency and the Belgian government. Thirty- nuclear staggers along. Solar alone added more than
four nations, including the United States and China, 400 gigawatts of capacity worldwide last year, two-
agreed “to work to fully unlock the potential of nuclear thirds more than the previous year. That’s more than
energy,” including extending the lifetime of existing the roughly 375 gigawatts of combined capacity of the
reactors, building new nuclear power plants and world’s 415 nuclear reactors, which remained
deploying advanced reactors. Yet even as they did so, relatively unchanged last year. At the same time,

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

investment in energy storage technology is rapidly are met, and it found that renewable energy “is the
accelerating. In 2023, Bloomberg NEF reported that crucial and primary driver.”
investors for the first time put more money into
stationary energy storage than they did into nuclear. The logic of this approach was attested to at the
Still, the drumbeat for nuclear power has become climate meeting in Dubai, where more than 120
pronounced. At the United Nations climate conference countries signed a more realistic commitment to triple
in Dubai in December, the Biden administration renewable energy capacity by 2030. There’s a certain
persuaded two dozen countries to pledge to triple their inevitability about the U.S. Energy Department’s latest
nuclear energy capacity by 2050. Those countries push for more nuclear energy. The agency’s
included allies of the United States with troubled predecessor, the Atomic Energy Commission, brought
nuclear programs, most notably France, Britain, us Atoms for Peace under Dwight Eisenhower in the
Japan and South Korea, whose nuclear bureaucracies 1950s in a bid to develop the “peaceful” side of the
will be propped up by the declaration as well as the atom, hoping it would gain public acceptance of an
domestic nuclear industries they are trying to save. expanding arsenal of nuclear weapons while supplying
“We are not making the argument to anybody that this electricity “too cheap to meter.” Fast forward 70 years
is absolutely going to be a sweeping alternative to and you hear a variation on the same theme. Most
every other energy source,” John Kerry, the Biden notably, Ernest Moniz, the energy secretary under
administration climate envoy at the time, said. “But President Barack Obama, argues that a vibrant
we know because the science and the reality of facts commercial nuclear sector is necessary to sustain U.S.
and evidence tell us that you can’t get to net zero influence in nuclear weapons nonproliferation efforts
2050 without some nuclear.” and global strategic stability. As a policy driver, this
argument might explain in part why the government
That view has gained traction with energy planners in continues to push nuclear power as a climate solution,
Eastern Europe who see nuclear as a means of despite its enormous cost and lengthy delivery time.
replacing coal, and several countries — including
Canada, Sweden, Britain and France — are pushing China and Russia are conspicuously absent from the
to extend the operating lifetimes of existing nuclear list of signatories to the Dubai pledge to triple nuclear
plants or build new ones. Some see smaller or more power, although China signed the declaration in
“advanced” reactors as a means of providing electricity Brussels. China’s nuclear program is growing faster
in remote areas or as a means of decarbonizing than that of any other country, and Russia dominates
sectors such as heat, industry or transportation. So the global export market for reactors with projects in
far most of this remains in early stages, with only countries new to commercial nuclear energy, such as
three nuclear reactors under construction in Western Turkey, Egypt and Bangladesh, as well as Iran.
Europe, two in Britain and one in France, each more Pledges and declarations on a global stage allow world
than a decade behind schedule. Of the approximately leaders a platform to be seen to be doing something to
54 other reactors under construction worldwide as of address climate change even if, as is the case with
March, 23 are in China, seven are in India, and three nuclear, they lack the financing and infrastructure to
are in Russia, according to the International Atomic succeed. But their support most likely means that
Energy Agency. The total is less than a quarter of the substantial sums of money — much of it from
234 reactors under construction in the peak year of taxpayers and ratepayers — will be wasted on
1979, although 48 of those were later suspended or perpetuating the fantasy that nuclear energy will
abandoned. Even if you agree with Mr. Kerry’s make a difference in a meaningful time frame to slow
argument, and many energy experts do not, pledging global warming. The U.S. government is already
to triple nuclear capacity by 2050 is a little like poised to spend billions of dollars building new small
promising to win the lottery. For the United States, it modular and “advanced” reactors and keeping aging
would mean adding an additional 200 gigawatts of large ones running. But two such small reactor
nuclear operating capacity (almost double what the projects based on conventional technologies have
country has ever built) to the 100 gigawatts or so that already failed. Which raises the question: Will future
now exists, generated by more than 90 commercial projects based on far more complex technologies be
reactors that have been running an average of 42 more viable? Money for such projects — provided
years. Globally it would mean tripling the existing mainly under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
capacity built over the past 70 years in less than half Act and the Inflation Reduction Act — could be
that time in addition to replacing reactors that will redirected in ways that do more for the climate and do
shut down before 2050. The Energy Department it faster, particularly if planned new nuclear projects
estimates the total cost of such an effort in the United fail to materialize. There is already enough potential
States at roughly $700 billion. But David Schlissel, a generation capacity in the United States seeking
director at the Institute for Energy Economics and access to the grid to come close to achieving President
Financial Analysis, has calculated that the two new Biden’s 2035 goal of a zero-carbon electricity sector,
reactors at the Vogtle plant in Georgia — the only new and 95 percent of it is solar, battery storage and wind.
reactors built in the United States in a generation — But these projects face a hugely constrained
on average, cost $21.2 million per megawatt in today’s transmission system, regulatory and financial
dollars — which translates to $21.2 billion per roadblocks and entrenched utility interests, enough to
gigawatt. Using that figure as a yardstick, the cost of prevent many of them from ever providing electricity,
building 200 gigawatts of new capacity would be far according to a report released last year by the
higher: at least $4 trillion, or $6 trillion if you count Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Even so,
the additional cost of replacing existing reactors as existing transmission capacity can be doubled by
they age out.For much less money and in less time, retrofitting transmission lines with advanced
the world can reduce greenhouse gas emissions conductors, which would offer at least a partial way
through the use of renewables like solar, wind, out of the gridlock for renewables, in addition to
hydropower and geothermal power, and by storage, localized distribution & improved
transmitting, storing and using electricity more management of supply and demand. What’s missing
efficiently. A recent analysis by the German are leaders willing to buck their own powerful nuclear
Environment Agency examined multiple global climate bureaucracies and choose paths that are far cheaper,
scenarios in which Paris Climate Agreement targets less dangerous and quicker to deploy. Without them

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

we are doomed to more promises and wasteful by Stephanie Cooke. Published in The New York Times
spending by nuclear proponents who have repeatedly on April 18, 2024)
shown that they can talk but can’t deliver. (Authored


WHY is renewable energy in the doldrums in Pakistan Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change. It is
despite annual oil import bills of $27 billion? There also highly geographically uneven. Sixty-four per cent
are many explanations, but most common is the lack of renewable capacity installed last year was in China.
of finance. No one wants to invest. Consider the case The G7 countries only accounted for 7.6pc between
of Pakistan’s flagship 600MW Muzaffargarh solar them. Interestingly, China also happens to be the only
power plant. In 2022 the government acquired over country in the world where private capital is not in
2,500 acres of land, set a tariff, and invited charge of energy infrastructure. Is that a coincidence?
international investors to bid on a capital-friendly
Build, Own, Operate and Transfer basis. Not a single Not quite. The profit motive is important for the state-
bid was received despite multiple rounds, contractual owned companies and state-owned banks running the
sweeteners, and an international roadshow to court Chinese power sector, but it is not dominant. The
investors. Recently, Shehbaz Sharif directed that the order of magnitude shift that we see in China’s
project be put up for auction yet again, and it remains renewable capacity is the direct result of a radically
to be seen if anyone bites this time round. Why has no different mode of organisation, one in which the state
one wanted to put their money in this project? directs production and the private sector and profits
Analysts cite reasons ranging from the tariff being set do not play the major role. Despite our ‘brotherly’
too low (which it was) to policy and political instability relationship with China though, we in Pakistan
and the ballooning circular debt. If even China can’t remain in thrall to the idea of private sector-led
get paid on time despite sovereign guarantees, why development. International development star Stefan
would others feel secure? These explanations make Dercon’s recent article in these pages repeated the
sense, but they do not go nearly far enough. The same tired advice that we have been hearing for 40
problem is much deeper than tariffs and Pakistan’s years. But no matter how rotten the public sector is
specific economic woes. A recent book (The Price is today, the task has to be to make it better. This is not
Wrong: Why Capitalism Won’t Save the Planet) by because public sector ownership guarantees better
Brett Christophers offers some perspective on why social outcomes, but because it at least allows for the
wind and solar are unlikely to replace fossil fuels possibility of socially responsive and socially
anytime soon unless radical changes are made. determined development.

The argument is simple: while the cost of renewable Look at the power sector. Electricity demand dropped
power is now lower than that of fossil fuels, nearly 10pc last year. Prices are such that people
renewables are not a profitable business. The cannot afford to electrify their homes and run their
particularities of the technology and consequent fans and fridges. In part this is because of high fuel
market structure are the causal factors here. Barriers prices, currency devaluation, and deteriorating plant
to entry in solar and wind are significantly lower than efficiencies. These factors are obviously challenging
oil and gas because of the decentralised and variable but do not have to be crisis-inducing. It is the bait to
scales at which these technologies can be deployed. lure private investment — such as 30-year power
Renewables, therefore, do not lend themselves to purchase agreements, sovereign guarantees, capacity
monopoly power and protected high profits like oil and charges, and dollar indexation — that turn it into a
gas do. Also, capital investments for renewables are crisis. Making sure that capital gets its pound of flesh
heavy upfront, with investors having to wait years — has crippled the country. What is needed is massive
even decades — to turn a profit. The private sector is, public-sector overhaul with a grassroots political
therefore, unlikely to avert planetary crises unless movement shaping the goals of public administration.
incentive structures are transformed through And perhaps as globalisation falters and states engage
extensive regulation or companies are ordered to serve more selectively with markets and each other, state-
national objectives like during periods of war. This led development could become more viable. Cleaning
should be a wake-up call for those who are expecting up the mess in the power sector will create winners
private finance to play a major role in managing and and losers, just as the operation of the mess itself
mitigating climate change. So far Western does in no uncertain terms. In the clean-up though,
governments have been wooing private finance with people and the environment need to be on the winning
subsidies and various ‘treats’ on the understanding side. This is not wishful thinking; it is setting
that once at scale, costs will come down, subsidies priorities. And renewables, despite their many
will be phased out and private companies will then get problems, have a role to play on the winning side for
on with it. Christophers shows, however, that this is economic, political, and environmental reasons. The
definitively not happening. Where subsidies have been history of power sector reform in the country tells us,
wound down, capital has either stopped taking an however, that private companies will not cough up
interest or exited. Additionally, while the rate of money for renewable infrastructure unless the basic
renewable installation is at an all-time high, it is well-being of the population is mortgaged in return. To
nowhere near what it needs to be to meet even the expect otherwise is foolish. (Authored by Asha Amirali.
two-degree warming limit issued by the Published in The New York Times on April 19, 2024)


Among the many issues that will confront the hope that elections in both countries in the first half
government that emerges from India’s upcoming of 2024 might create an opportunity for a fresh start.
general election — running from April 19 through But any optimism about the bilateral relationship’s
June 1 — one of the most important will be what to do future quickly dissipated after Pakistan’s controversial
about the country’s frayed relationship with its February election: With the popular former Prime
troubled neighbor, Pakistan. The answer may be Minister Imran Khan and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-
simple: Not much. Until recently, there was some Insaf Party having been barred from running, the new

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

government’s legitimacy is widely challenged. A weak predecessor, Gen. Qamar Jawed Bajwa, who in 2018
Pakistani coalition government propped up by the engineered the “managed election” of Imran Khan as
military is unlikely to be able to undertake any bold prime minister. The military was seeking an
diplomatic initiative toward India, especially because alternative to the two main political parties — the
Khan’s supporters, who consider themselves unfairly Pakistan People’s Party and the Pakistan Muslim
deprived of power, are liable to challenge any League — which had alternated in power since the
significant policy change. Under these circumstances, 1970s. (Both had been repeatedly ousted by the
India will probably be inclined to maintain its policy of military leaders pulling strings behind the scenes.)
watchful “benign neglect” toward Pakistan. As it But Bajwa backed the wrong horse. Once in power,
stands, India and Pakistan maintain diplomatic Khan — a charismatic former cricket star with a
relations at the charge d’affaires level (a notch below playboy image who had transformed himself into a
the ambassadorial level), but engage on few issues radical Islamist married to a Muslim religious figure —
and speak past each other in the few forums in which was unwilling to play by the military’s rules.
they both participate. The South Asian Association for Articulating a fiercely nationalist and Islamist
Regional Cooperation has been left moribund by their message, and questioning the military’s authority,
mutual hostility, having gone years without a meeting. Khan increasingly asserted his independence — and
Moreover, bilateral trade is minimal and exchanges developed a strong national following.
among ordinary people are limited. Indian citizens
struggle to get visas to visit Pakistan, and vice versa. By April 2022, the military had had enough and
Even in sporting events, the two countries rarely arranged Khan’s dismissal. This was not an entirely
compete with each other outside of international unpopular action abroad, as Khan had alienated
tournaments. In short, India and Pakistan are next- virtually all of Pakistan’s traditional allies. He had
door neighbors who are not on speaking terms — and, celebrated the Taliban’s return to power in
in India’s view, that is just fine. India could not always Afghanistan, publicly accused the United States of
afford to ignore Pakistan, which is blamed for long a plotting to overthrow him and met with Russian
source of terrorism directed at India. Most notorious, President Vladimir Putin in Moscow hours after Putin
in November 2008, a terrorist organization from launched Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Pakistan, the Lashkar-e-Taiba, carried out a four-day Khan had also antagonized China by disparaging its
shooting and bombing campaign in Mumbai, killing China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project. And, by
over 170 people. The bilateral relationship never aligning Pakistan with Turkey and Malaysia on some
recovered. In fact, there have been numerous issues, he was seen as undermining Saudi Arabia’s
moments when a thaw seemed likely — for example, leadership of the Islamic world. In removing Khan, the
during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s military seemed to be attempting to restore the old
unplanned stopover in Lahore for then-Pakistani Pakistan: a military-controlled state with a democratic
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s birthday celebration in facade that maintains close relations with both the
2015. But progress has always been disrupted by U.S. (on which it depends for military assistance) and
another Pakistani-directed terror attack. China (which provides mostly civilian aid), while
seeking to profit from their rivalry. The military also
As long as Pakistan was unable or unwilling to curb seeks to revive Pakistan’s old role in the Islamic world
Islamist terrorism from within its borders, India as a moderate Saudi tributary and restore its carefully
concluded, better bilateral relations would remain cultivated image as the last defense against an
elusive. So, in 2019, when Pakistan withdrew its high extreme Islamist takeover. But the world has changed
commissioner from Delhi in protest of Indian policy in since Pakistan last played such games. The U.S. is
Kashmir, India did not resist; on the contrary, it much less willing to turn a blind eye to Pakistani
preferred things that way. Today, India has even less duplicity than it used to be. Its troops are no longer in
reason to engage with Pakistan. With internal security Afghanistan, after all, and Pakistan — which is
challenges — especially in its western borderlands of increasingly a Chinese vassal — is not nearly as
Baluchistan (near Iran) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa useful a partner as India in America’s rivalry against
(near Afghanistan) — claiming its attention, Pakistan China. As for Saudi Arabia, it has embarked upon a
has little capacity to launch any serious attack on its dizzying modernization program that is altering its
neighbor. Instead, Pakistan’s military establishment, identity as a bastion of Islamic conservatism. So, India
led by Gen. Asim Munir, has been using those can afford to look beyond Pakistan. And with an
internal security challenges — including those that economy 10 times larger than its neighbor’s, as well
have arisen directly from groups Pakistan fostered as as broad global ambitions, it is unlikely to rethink this
weapons against India — as a pretext to consolidate policy any time soon. (Authored by Shashi Tharoor.
its control over the Pakistani state. It was Munir’s Published in The Japan Times on April 10, 2024)


Digital platforms, including search engines, social making efforts to regulate tech firms in order to
media and messaging apps, are indispensable address these problems. This article will present a
infrastructure for today’s democracy. Exchanges on blueprint and key points that need to be addressed.
these digital platforms play a crucial role in setting
agendas and forming consensus within society. Governance of digital platforms
However, at the same time, digital platforms have Concerns have often been raised regarding tech
been flooded with disinformation, allowing foreign companies' internal control and corporate governance.
countries to conduct influence operations and leading This applies not only to unlisted companies such as
to widened social divides. This situation could SpaceX, at which one person serves as CEO and the
threaten the very foundation of democracy. While largest shareholder, but also to publicly listed
digital platforms have worked as critical infrastructure, companies. In the immediate aftermath of Russia’s
most countries do not exert strict oversight over invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Meta Platforms
digital platforms as they do with the power industry or temporarily permitted users to make posts that would
financial sector. As a result, solving critical challenges normally violate their rules on violent speech,
regarding digital platforms is left to the platform including those calling for Russian President Vladimir
operators. Democratic states have recently been Putin’s death. The firm reportedly took the step under

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Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

the belief that banning such posts during wartime under the system. It is believed that the Chinese
would hamper the unity and resistance of Ukrainian government has obtained golden shares of Alibaba,
people against Russia. However, it later reverted its ByteDance, DiDi, Tencent and their subsidiaries to
policy closer to its original form after facing tighten its grip over them.
controversy both within and outside the company.
During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, digital Washington's approach
platforms offered a stage for multiple and large-scale However, we shouldn’t come to the conclusion that
interference by Russia, and in the 2020 U.S. gaps in digital platform regulations are solely due to
presidential election, the platforms became a hotbed the differences in political systems, nor should we
for conspiracy theories, including claims of “election assume that the EU-type regulations represent the
fraud.” Such conspiracy discourse led thousands of mainstream in democratic states. The situation varies
supporters of then-U.S. President Donald Trump to on both sides of the Atlantic. Washington's approach
storm the U.S. Capitol building in January 2021. is not to create new laws or revise existing ones, but
Many Big Tech firms, including Twitter (now X), to cope with issues related to competition brought
suspended Trump’s accounts on their platforms as his about by digital platforms in the process of executing
posts were believed to have incited the riots. the laws. U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration
focused on dominant internet platforms in an
Media platforms banning an incumbent U.S. president executive order on promoting competition in the
has major implications. Even then-German Chancellor American economy issued in July 2021. The U.S.
Angela Merkel, who had clashed with Trump over the Federal Trade Commission, led by Lina Khan, and the
years, regarded the companies’ move as problematic. Justice Department’s Antitrust Division have filed
Digital platform operators have not been able to lawsuits against Google, Meta, Amazon and Apple for
ensure transparency and foreseeability in their potentially breaching antitrust laws. The
decision-making process that has significant potential strengthening of law enforcement is strongly
impact on democracy, and governments are working influenced by the school of thought referred to as the
to regulate digital platforms under such recognition. “New Brandeis” movement. This paradigm emphasizes
Regulations in Europe citizen welfare and represents a marked departure
Ahead of other democracies, the European Union from the traditional and mainstream interpretation of
enacted two strict and comprehensive pieces of antitrust law focusing on consumer welfare. Yet, the
legislation to regulate digital platforms. The Digital Biden administration’s law enforcement is limited to
Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) competition policies, and it has taken a laissez-faire
became applicable to all entities on Feb. 17 and approach to moderating online content. Both
March 7 this year, respectively. The DSA holds digital Democrats and Republicans have proposed
platform operators legally accountable for cracking regulations for digital platforms regarding content
down on disinformation, harmful content and illegal moderation. However, new rules have failed to be
activities on their platforms. Specifically, the law enacted due to them clashing with rights such as
urges companies to strengthen their content freedom of expression. What lies behind this is
moderation and protection of users’ fundamental Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and
rights, ensure a high level of safety for minors, and related rulings that protect digital platform providers
improve their transparency and accountability. The from being held responsible for disinformation and
DSA is designed in a four-layer approach to harmful content posted on their sites. Such an
accommodate the various sizes and functions of environment has been what has supported the growth
different online service providers. The most stringent of U.S. Big Tech firms.
obligations are reserved for very large online platforms Making digital platforms work for democracy
and very large online search engines, which have the Tokyo, Washington, Brussels and Beijing are taking
greatest influence. Meanwhile, the DMA introduces different approaches to regulating Big Tech firms and
rules applicable to digital platforms designated to act digital platforms. Which approach works best depends
as “gatekeepers” to prevent them from imposing unfair on what values are seen as important, including
conditions on businesses and end users. Gatekeepers democracy, freedom and national security. This article
are defined as providers of “core platform services” — will list some points of discussion.
including app stores, search engines and social media
— that meet certain criteria based on factors such as
annual turnover, average market capitalization and
the number of active users. The law prohibits
gatekeepers from combining data sourced from
different core services without consent, bans them
from self-preferencing and guarantees the freedom of
smaller competitors to conduct business on digital
platforms. In a word, the DMA is an ex-ante regulation
to encourage competition on digital platforms.
Beijing’s approach to regulating tech firms appears
similar to that taken by Brussels but differs in nature.
The Chinese government adopts various ways to
oversee and control tech companies. One of the most
stringent tools is to acquire so-called “golden shares”
or “special management shares,” which grant the
government decisive voting rights or veto power over
the business decisions specified in the articles of
incorporation, even if the government holds stakes as
small as 1%. Such shares can be held only by the A list of platforms designated by EU's Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA)
Chinese government, and Aynne Kokas, an assistant
professor of media studies at the University of Virginia, First, maintaining an environment for fair competition
argues in her book “Trafficking Data” that Beijing is on digital platforms and the issue of content
pushing “partial nationalization” of such private firms moderation are somewhat related but are different in

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Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

nature. While the former is agreed upon in many to respond to what Meta calls “coordinated
democracies, the latter causes great controversy. Free inauthentic behavior.” While fact-checking
and open societies and information environments are organizations and citizens can verify the accuracy of
vulnerable to malicious information manipulation. On contents, only digital platform providers can conduct
the other hand, excessive government intervention in real-time detection and response to anomalies,
content moderation can make societies and suspicious activities or inauthentic behavior. Third,
information environments authoritarian. The EU’s today’s malicious information manipulation,
DSA offers one way to balance between freedom and particularly foreign interference and influence
safety, but it is not a universal model. Taiwan’s Digital operations, does not exploit only one digital platform.
Intermediary Services Act, for which a draft proposal Online propaganda networks across multiple digital
was released in June 2022, was a Taiwanese version platforms pose severe challenges for tech companies
of the DSA — a copy and paste of the DSA’s outline to cope with on their own. In other words, close
and principles — but it was withdrawn, indicating coordination across digital platform operators on an
Taiwanese people’s concerns over the risk digital operational level is indispensable to containing today's
platform regulations could pose to freedom. cross-platform information manipulation. Fourth,
Second, simply moderating content is not enough. stringent regulations can be enforced during times of
Needless to say, it is necessary to identify fake content crises and extraordinary events, such as wars,
and the degree of harmfulness in posted videos and pandemics, huge earthquakes or national elections.
texts, and take necessary actions. As elections are being held in many democracies this
However, today’s information manipulation involves year, the technological innovations brought about by
not only false information, but also malinformation — large language models and generative artificial
accurate but intentionally malicious information — intelligence will once again underscore the importance
and opinions for which fact-checking is not an option. and vulnerability of digital platforms. At the same time,
To address such information manipulation, platforms we will have the opportunity to accelerate debate over
must take behavior-centric countermeasures to delete how democratic countries make digital platforms
suspicious accounts and restrict unauthorized better for democracy. (TAKAHISA KAWAGUCHI.
activities not solely based on the contents themselves, Published in The Japan Times on April 28, 2024)
but also on the content posters’ authenticity and
methods of dissemination. In other words, they need


As China grapples with enormous challenges — of a “symbiotic relationship.” The result is an almost
including an imploding property sector, unfavorable linear narrative of decline. But that is difficult to
demographics and slowing growth — doubts about the square with the Qing dynasty’s “industrious
future of the world’s largest growth engine are revolution,” during which China’s population more
intensifying. Add to that China’s geopolitical rise, than doubled and its share of global gross domestic
together with deepening tensions with the United product reached one-third. Huang can also be
States, and the need to understand China’s political extremely perceptive, however, such as when he
economy is becoming more urgent than ever. A recent challenges David Landes’s judgment that the state
book by MIT’s Yasheng Huang — "The Rise and Fall of kills technological progress. Instead, Huang argues
the EAST: How Exams, Autocracy, Stability, and that “China’s early lead in technology was derived
Technology Brought China Success, and Why They critically — and possibly exclusively — from the role of
Might Lead to Its Decline" — can help. Huang the state.” Quoting the Nobel laureate economist
unpacks the “EAST” heuristic from the historical Douglass North, he writes: “If you want to realize the
record of the last two and a half millennia, especially potential of modern technology, you cannot do it with
the last 40 years, to arrive at a clear conclusion: the state, but you cannot do without (the state),
China must make radical changes if it is going to either.” But what kind of state? In Huang’s view,
realize its full development potential. Huang argues autocracy “has deep roots in China because of its
that the seeds of China’s decline were planted as far near-immaculate design, absence of civil society and
back as the 6th century, with the implementation of deep-seated values and norms.” But China’s tendency
the stifling Keju civil-service examination system. In toward “unitary rule,” he writes, is fundamentally
his view, this system provides an answer to the cultural, with the “causal direction” of autocracy
historian Joseph Needham’s “grand question”: Why running “from culture to politics, not the other way
did imperial China, with its profound scientific and around.” Similarly, many modern Chinese scholars
technological advantages, fail to launch its own blame China’s waning fortunes in the 19th and 20th
Industrial Revolution long before Europe did? Before centuries on conservative Confucian ideology, which
the Keju system was introduced, China was producing lacked any spirit of discovery or impetus for risk-
some of history’s most transformative inventions, taking. Huang even suggests that, in times when
such as gunpowder, the compass and paper. But Buddhists and Daoists represented a larger share of
Huang’s empirical research suggests that Chinese prominent historical figures, relative to Confucians,
creativity peaked between 220 and 581, during the novel ideas were more likely to flourish. But there are
rather chaotic Han-Sui Interregnum. “The first wave of reasons to believe that China’s state structures and
technological stagnation in China,” Huang observes, policy preferences are not just cultural in origin, but
“coincides with the end of China’s political also — or perhaps rather — the result of deliberate
fragmentation.” institutional arrangements. For example, China’s
business organizations are famously run by
"The Rise and Fall of the EAST" does seem to overstate domineering laoban, or bosses. In any case, a narrow
some aspects of the historical record, in order to offer focus on China’s top-down structures can obscure the
a “cleaner” narrative than might be warranted. For bottom-up nature of many aspects of Chinese political
example, a dataset of prime ministerial resignations and economic life. As Huang notes, the Chinese
forms the basis of Huang’s conclusion that, with the political economy is characterized not only by control,
introduction of Keju, checks and balances between but also by autonomy. While China has benefited from
emperors and their bureaucrats disappeared in favor state management, in the form of deliberate, top-down

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Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

policies (exemplified by the government’s Five-Year prosperous country. Likewise, the tech monopolies
Plans), private initiatives that are bottom-up and created by the likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg
chaotic (such as entrepreneurial activity) have also continue to exemplify American innovation.
proved vital to its development. Understanding the Unfortunately, Huang’s account lacks a nuanced
balance between control and autonomy is essential to assessment of the relationship between rent-seeking
any assessment of the challenges China faces, from and value creation. He might have noted that China’s
unleashing “animal spirits” to implementing “elite quality” is much higher than that of other
institutional reforms. countries with the same per-capita GDP. Instead, it is
comparable to European Union countries with triple
"The Rise and Fall of the EAST" also considers why China’s per-capita GDP. The fact is that sustainable
China has so far managed to avoid what he calls value creation underpinned China’s double-digit
“Tullock’s curse” — the instability or conflict caused growth rates for decades. Nonetheless, as Huang
by the bad and misaligned incentives that define makes clear, the development strategy that propelled
autocratic successions. But it might have benefited China’s rise over the last few decades has largely
from a deeper analysis of another phenomenon reached its limits. Now, China must harness its
explored by the economist Gordon Tullock: rent- innovative potential and high-quality elites to spur its
seeking. Any country’s economic- and human- animal spirits and strengthen its institutions, all while
development trajectory is determined largely by pursuing greater liberalization. Whatever comes next
whether the elites use their power to create or to will be based on China’s unique traditional value
extract value. Some degree of rent-seeking is probably system, which, as Huang emphasizes, has
unavoidable. One might dismiss the “robber barons” underpinned prosperity and innovation in the past.
of 19th-century America as amoral, but the And it will reflect the grit — not rigidity — that lies at
Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Carnegies and others played the core of China’s political economy. (ZHANG JUN.
a pivotal role in making the U.S. the world’s most Published in The Japan Times on March 14, 2024)


Do technologies change how democracy works, or do be considered a national security issue, as it involves
democratic principles determine how technologies the external threat to a political system — essentially,
work? With 2024 being a global election year — voters a country’s unique value. The other trend, which has
having gone to or set to head to polls in more than 60 drawn even more attention recently, is the
countries — a great deal of attention is being paid to development of emerging technologies leading to
the relationship between emerging technologies and election-related risks within a country.
democracy. Needless to say, elections are procedures
that form the cornerstone of democracy. Through Distorted information or discourses based on
elections, voters select politicians and political parties misunderstanding are not solely spread by foreign
that represent their views and interests. If satisfied entities, but can also originate within a country and
with the performances of the politicians, voters may can be propagated easily through cyberspace.
reelect them in subsequent elections. Information Furthermore, there are concerns that elections could
such as politicians’ manifestos, their be deliberately manipulated not only through
accomplishments during their tenure, their ideologies information distortion, but also through digital
and their personalities influence people’s voting gerrymandering — utilizing ICT and digital data to
behavior. It has repeatedly been emphasized that the intentionally redraw electoral districts and generate
development of information and communication biased voting behavior. Discussions over how to utilize
technology (ICT) has enhanced individuals’ ability to and regulate such technologies also highlight the
gather and disseminate information, thereby issue of how governments should handle their
contributing to achieving democracy. However, what is countries’ political systems and deal with the social
currently drawing attention is the risk posed to risks created within them.
democratic society by distorted voting behavior.
Generative AI in elections
Who distorts elections? The technology that has caused the most concern
In the mid-2010s when the concept of emerging regarding its adverse effect on democracy in the past
technologies began to come under the spotlight, year is generative AI. Generative AI involves the risks
concerns arose regarding the unclear outlook of arising from a user's intentions and behaviors,
technological development and the uncertainty alongside the frequently discussed risk of AI
surrounding its social impact. Under such autonomy potentially leading to unintended
circumstances, significant discussions began to consequences beyond human control. At the current
emerge regarding the actual risks associated with stage, there are cases in which election candidates
rapidly developing and spreading technologies. This and campaigns disseminate information using
led to rapid progressions in debates over how to generative AI. In April 2023, following U.S. President
regulate them. The risks posed by information and Joe Biden’s announcement of his reelection campaign,
communication-related emerging technologies on the Republican National Committee released a video
democracy can be broadly classified into two patterns. on YouTube featuring images suggesting Biden’s
One is the issue of foreign governments exerting reelection would result in a series of crises relating to
influence. Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. international affairs and financial markets. The
presidential election, targeting Democratic Party caption underneath the YouTube video read, “An AI-
candidate Hillary Clinton, became a prominent case generated look into the country’s possible future if Joe
highlighting how the development of ICT can attract Biden is re-elected in 2024,” and the video was still
foreign threats. A threat analysis report released by available at the time of writing. While the video
Microsoft in September 2023 highlighted China’s presents an imagined future scenario rather than
interference in societies and election processes in distorting facts, it serves as an example of attempts to
other countries through cyberspace. It noted that in manipulate public opinion using generative AI. Still,
recent years some Chinese influence operations have we can argue that the use of generative AI in this
begun to utilize generative artificial intelligence (AI) to manner represents an extension of negative
produce visual content. Such a situation can indeed campaigning tactics conducted through existing

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Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

media channels. In the context of impact on elections, to the risks is also made on the private-sector level. In
a more significant concern is the dissemination of February, 20 major IT firms signed a voluntary accord
uncertain information originating from anonymous to help stop deceptive AI-generated content from
sources. For instance, prior to last year's Turkish interfering with global elections. They pledged to
presidential election, in which President Recep Tayyip collaborate on measures such as developing
Erdogan was reelected, a video of his main challenger, technology to detect and watermark realistic content
Kemal Kilicdaroglu, which was later found to have created with AI. The group includes not only U.S.
been manipulated using deepfake technology, stirred firms, but also TikTok, a Chinese company whose ties
controversy. In Slovakia, days before parliamentary with the Chinese Communist Party have often raised
elections in September, a fake recording seemingly concerns. At the same time, the U.S. government
created using generative AI, in which one of the announced the establishment of the AI Safety
candidates boasted about how he’d rigged the election, Institute Consortium, through which more than 200
spread widely online. In January, investigations leading AI stakeholders agreed to cooperate in
commenced in the United States following reports that developing guidelines for risk management, safety and
an apparent robocall utilized AI to mimic Biden's voice, security. Governments and the private sector are
discouraging supporters of the Democratic Party from working together beyond national borders and
going to the polls for the primary ballot of the U.S. differing political systems to establish regulations on
presidential election. Trust in elections will be eroded generative AI.
if voters are to make decisions under the influence of
such information distortion. Varying risks
However, are democratic and authoritarian regimes
Pushing for co-regulation facing the same risks? If the use of AI distorts
Although the risk of many people being swayed by elections, it would doubtlessly present a major risk,
anonymous, sensational information of unknown particularly for democratic political systems. On the
origin has been widely recognized, the option of not other hand, even China is concerned that technologies
using generative AI is no longer discussed due to the like generative AI could be used as a tool to criticize
usefulness of the technology. This is why today’s authorities, which suggests there is an incentive for
challenge is focused on how to guarantee the implementing certain regulations. This indicates that
credibility of information sent out in cyberspace. It is the same technology is perceived as having different
noteworthy that private companies are embarking on risks depending on the kind of political systems
self-regulation to manage risks, particularly with 2024 adopted. If both democratic and authoritarian states
being a global election year. This development perceive technologies like AI as posing risks, albeit in
represents a significant milestone in considering different forms, they may cooperate in creating
future regulations regarding this issue. In early 2023, regulations. However, we must note that due to
companies such as OpenAI and Meta established differing political systems, benefits from such
restrictions on the use of their generative AI tools in cooperation could be asymmetrical. Technological
political contexts. Later, in July, the Biden regulations implemented with the aim of protecting
administration obtained voluntary commitments from freedom in democratic states could potentially become
major AI companies to mitigate the risks posed by AI, rules to excessively restrict freedom of expression and
and subsequently, based on this agreement, in media unfavorable for authorities under authoritarian
October the administration issued an executive order states. Yet, recognition regarding AI regulation may
on safe, secure and trustworthy AI. The executive vary even within democratic states. While they share a
order represents a typical example of a co-regulation common understanding that risks posed to democracy
model as it is founded on consensus reached with by cyberspace and generative AI must be properly
private enterprises that implement the regulations. managed, their perspectives on individual rights and
From a global perspective, it is significant that democracy may differ. If there is a gap between their
discussions regarding regulations are advancing, interpretations of what should be protected, the
including in China. At the global AI Safety Summit discrepancy — along with differences in the
held in the United Kingdom in November, leaders technological trends and industrial structure of each
shared their awareness of the risks posed by country — could lead to friction among countries in
generative AI affecting upcoming elections through forming specific rules. (KOUSUKE SAITOU. Published
disinformation. This indicates that there is a broad in The Japan Times on April 16, 2024)
consensus regarding the necessity for regulations not
only among allies, but also China. The global response


Amid a presidency beset by failures of deterrence—in initiatives designed to disintegrate the West and usher
Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the Middle East—the Biden in an antidemocratic order. It is underwriting
administration’s China policy has stood out as a expansionist dictatorships in Russia, Iran, North
relative bright spot. The administration has Korea, and Venezuela. It has more than doubled its
strengthened U.S. alliances in Asia, restricted Chinese nuclear arsenal since 2020 and is building up its
access to critical U.S. technologies, and endorsed the conventional forces faster than any country has since
bipartisan mood for competition. Yet the World War II. These actions show that China isn’t
administration is squandering these early gains by aiming for a stalemate. Neither should America. What
falling into a familiar trap: prioritizing a short-term would winning look like? China’s communist rulers
thaw with China’s leaders at the expense of a long- would give up trying to prevail in a hot or cold conflict
term victory over their malevolent strategy. The Biden with the United States and its friends. And the
team’s policy of “managing competition” with Beijing Chinese people—from ruling elites to everyday
risks emphasizing processes over outcomes, bilateral citizens—would find inspiration to explore new models
stability at the expense of global security, and of development and governance that don’t rely on
diplomatic initiatives that aim for cooperation but repression at home and compulsive hostility abroad.
generate only complacency. The United States In addition to having greater clarity about its end goal,
shouldn’t manage the competition with China; it the United States needs to accept that achieving it will
should win it. Beijing is pursuing a raft of global require greater friction in U.S.-Chinese relations.

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

Washington will need to adopt rhetoric and policies aggression would come from the opposite direction, in
that may feel uncomfortably confrontational but in Europe. Less than three weeks before invading
fact are necessary to reestablish boundaries that Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin had signed
Beijing and its acolytes are violating. That means a “no limits” security pact with Xi in Beijing. In a
imposing costs on Chinese leader Xi Jinping for his prudent step after the invasion, Biden drew a redline
policy of fostering global chaos. It means speaking by warning Xi in a video call that the U.S. government
with candor about the ways China is hurting U.S. would impose sweeping sanctions if China provided
interests. It means rapidly increasing U.S. defense “material support” to Moscow. Xi nonetheless found
capabilities to achieve unmistakable qualitative plenty of ways to support the Russian war machine,
advantages over Beijing. It means severing China’s sending semiconductors, unarmed drones, gunpowder,
access to Western technology and frustrating Xi’s and other wares. China also supplied Moscow with
efforts to convert his country’s wealth into military badly needed money in exchange for major shipments
power. And it means pursuing intensive diplomacy of Russian oil. Chinese officials, according to the U.S.
with Beijing only from a position of American strength, State Department, even spent more money on pro-
as perceived by both Washington and Beijing. No Russian propaganda worldwide than Russia itself was
country should relish waging another cold war. Yet a spending. Beijing was also coordinating more closely
cold war is already being waged against the United with Iran and North Korea, even as those regimes sent
States by China’s leaders. Rather than denying the weapons to help Moscow wage war in Europe. Yet
existence of this struggle, Washington should own it Washington was pursuing siloed policies—
and win it. Lukewarm statements that pretend as if simultaneously resisting Russia, appeasing Iran,
there is no cold war perversely court a hot war; they containing North Korea, and pursuing a mix of rivalry
signal complacency to the American people and and engagement with China—that added up to
conciliation to Chinese leaders. Like the original Cold something manifestly incoherent. Indeed, the
War, the new cold war will not be won through half situation that Xi had forecast at the start of the Biden
measures or timid rhetoric. Victory requires openly administration was becoming a reality: “The most
admitting that a totalitarian regime that commits important characteristic of the world is, in a word,
genocide, fuels conflict, and threatens war will never ‘chaos,’ and this trend appears likely to continue,” Xi
be a reliable partner. Like the discredited détente told a seminar of high-level Communist Party officials
policies that Washington adopted in the 1970s to deal in January 2021. Xi made clear that this was a useful
with the Soviet Union, the current approach will yield development for China. “The times and trends are on
little cooperation from Chinese leaders while fortifying our side,” he said, adding, “Overall, the opportunities
their conviction that they can destabilize the world outweigh the challenges.” By March 2023, Xi had
with impunity. revealed that he saw himself not just as a beneficiary
of worldwide turmoil but also as one of its architects.
“Right now, there are changes, the likes of which we
haven’t seen for 100 years,” he said to Putin on
camera while wrapping up a visit to the Kremlin. “And
we are the ones driving these changes together.” If
ever the time was ripe to call out Beijing for fomenting
chaos and to start systematically imposing costs on
the country in response, it was early 2023. Biden,
inexplicably, was doing the opposite. On February 1,
residents of Montana spotted a massive, white sphere
drifting eastward. The administration was already
tracking the Chinese spy balloon but had been
planning to let it pass overhead without notifying the
public. Under political pressure, Biden ordered the
balloon shot down once it reached the Atlantic Ocean,
. and Secretary of State Antony Blinken postponed a
BIDEN’S NEW BASELINE scheduled trip to Beijing to protest the intrusion.
The administration’s China policy initially showed Press reports suggested the administration had kept
promise. President Joe Biden maintained the tariffs quiet about the balloon in order to gather intelligence
that President Donald Trump had imposed on Chinese about it. But a troubling pattern of downplaying
exports in response to the rampant theft of U.S. affronts by Beijing would persist in other contexts.
intellectual property. He renewed, with some
adjustments, the executive orders Trump had issued In June 2023, leaks to the press revealed that Beijing,
to restrict investment in certain companies affiliated in a remarkable echo of the Cold War, was planning to
with the Chinese military and to block the import of build a joint military training base in Cuba and had
Chinese technologies deemed a national security already developed a signals intelligence facility there
threat. In a particularly important step, in October targeting the United States. After a National Security
2022, Biden significantly expanded the Trump Council spokesperson called reports about the spy
administration’s controls on the export of high-end facility inaccurate, a White House official speaking
semiconductors and the equipment used to make anonymously to the press minimized them by
them, slowing Beijing’s plans to dominate the suggesting that Chinese spying from Cuba was “not a
manufacturing of advanced microchips. Across Asia, new development.” The administration also greeted
Biden’s diplomats pulled longtime allies and newer with a shrug new evidence suggesting that COVID-19
partners closer together. They organized the first may have initially spread after it accidentally leaked
summits of the Quad, or Quadrilateral Security from a Chinese laboratory. If the virus, which has led
Dialogue, bringing together the leaders of Australia, to the deaths of an estimated 27 million people
India, Japan, and the United States, and convened worldwide, turns out to have been artificially
high-profile trilateral summits with the leaders of enhanced before it escaped, the revelation would mark
Japan and South Korea. Biden also unveiled AUKUS, a turning point in human history on par with the
a defense pact among Australia, the United Kingdom, advent of nuclear weapons—a situation that already
and the United States. As it turned out, however, cries out for U.S. leadership to govern dangerous

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Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

biological research worldwide. In the spring of 2023, defense spending and soft-pedaled Moscow’s human
as Beijing’s actions grew bolder, Biden initiated what rights affronts. The working assumption was that the
the White House termed an “all hands on deck” Soviet Union’s appetite for destabilizing actions
diplomatic campaign—not to impose costs on Beijing abroad would somehow be self-limiting. But the
but to flatter it by dispatching five cabinet-level U.S. Russians had their own ideas about the utility of
officials to China from May to August. Blinken’s June détente. As the historian John Lewis Gaddis observed,
meeting with Xi symbolized the dynamic. Whereas Xi the Soviets “might have viewed détente as their own
had sat amiably alongside the billionaire Bill Gates instrument for inducing complacency in the West
just days earlier, the U.S. secretary of state was while they finished assembling the ultimate means of
seated off to the side as Xi held forth from the head of applying pressure—their emergence as a full-scale
a table at the Great Hall of the People. For the first military rival of the United States.” Nixon and
time in years, Xi appeared to have successfully Kissinger thought détente would secure Soviet help in
positioned the United States as supplicant in the managing crises around the world and, as Gaddis put
bilateral relationship. What did the United States get it, “enmesh the U.S.S.R. in a network of economic
in return for all this diplomacy? In the Biden relationships that would make it difficult, if not
administration’s tally, the benefits included a promise impossible, for the Russians to take actions in the
by Beijing to resume military-to-military talks (which future detrimental to Western interests.” But the
Beijing had unilaterally suspended), a new dialogue policy failed to achieve its goals. President Jimmy
on the responsible use of artificial intelligence Carter came into office in 1977 intending to keep
(technology that Beijing is already weaponizing détente in place, but the policy didn’t work for him
against the American people by spreading fake images either. His attempt to “de-link” Soviet actions that
and other propaganda on social media), and tentative hurt U.S. interests from Soviet cooperation on arms
cooperation to stem the flood of precursor chemicals control ultimately yielded setbacks in both categories.
fueling the fentanyl crisis in the United States The Soviets became more aggressive globally, and a
(chemicals that are supplied mainly by Chinese wary U.S. Congress, having lost faith in Moscow’s
companies). Any doubts that Xi saw the American sincerity, declined to ratify SALT II, the arms control
posture as one of weakness were dispelled after treaty that Carter’s team had painstakingly negotiated.
Hamas’s October 7 massacre in Israel. Beijing Meanwhile, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s national
exploited the attack by serving up endless anti-Israeli security adviser, had grown increasingly skeptical of
and anti-American propaganda through TikTok, détente. Brzezinski felt that a turning point had come
whose algorithms are subject to control by the in 1978, after the Soviets sponsored thousands of
Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Chinese diplomats, Cuban soldiers to wage violent revolution in the Horn
like Russian ones, met with Hamas’s leaders and of Africa, supporting Ethiopia in its war with Somalia.
provided diplomatic cover for the terrorist group, The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan the following year
vetoing UN Security Council resolutions that would was “the final nail in the coffin” for arms control talks,
have condemned Hamas. And there is little sign Brzezinski wrote in his journal—and for the broader
Beijing has done anything, despite Washington’s policy of détente. By the time President Ronald
requests, to help rein in attacks carried out by the Reagan entered the White House, in 1981, Nixon and
Houthis on commercial vessels and U.S. warships in Kissinger’s invention was on its last legs. “Détente’s
the Red Sea—attacks conducted by the Yemeni rebel been a one-way street that the Soviet Union has used
group using Iranian missiles, including ones with to pursue its aims,” Reagan stated flatly in his first
technology pioneered by China. (Chinese ships, press conference as president, effectively burying the
unsurprisingly, are usually granted free passage concept. Reagan sought to win, not merely manage,
through the kill zone.) Whether Xi is acting the Cold War. In a sharp departure from his
opportunistically or according to a grand design—or, immediate predecessors, he spoke candidly about the
almost certainly, both—it is clear he sees advantage in nature of the Soviet threat, recognizing that autocrats
stoking crises that he hopes will exhaust the United often bully democracies into silence by depicting
States and its allies. In a sobering Oval Office address honesty as a form of aggression. In 1987, when
in mid-October, Biden seemed to grasp the severity of Reagan was preparing to give a speech within sight of
the situation. “We’re facing an inflection point in the Berlin Wall, some of his aides begged him to
history—one of those moments where the decisions we remove a phrase they found gratuitously provocative.
make today are going to determine the future for Wisely, he overruled them and delivered the most
decades to come,” he said. Yet bizarrely—indeed, iconic line of his presidency: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear
provocatively—he made no mention of China, the chief down this wall.”
sponsor of the aggressors he did call out in the speech:
Iran, North Korea, and Russia. Through omission, THE SMOKELESS WAR
Biden gave Beijing a pass. Washington must adopt a similar attitude today and
try harder to disseminate truthful information within
THAT ’70S SHOW China itself and to make it possible for Chinese
The current moment bears an uncanny resemblance citizens to communicate securely with one another.
to the 1970s. The Soviet Union was undermining U.S. Tearing down—or at least blowing holes in—the “Great
interests across the world, offering no warning of its Firewall” of China must become as central to
ally Egypt’s 1973 surprise attack on Israel; aiding Washington’s approach today as removing the Berlin
communists in Angola, Portugal, and Vietnam; and Wall was for Reagan’s. Beijing is waging a bitter
rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal and investing information war against the United States—which is
heavily in its conventional military. These were the losing, despite its natural advantages. Xi and his
bitter fruits of détente—a set of policies pioneered by inner circle see themselves as fighting an existential
President Richard Nixon and his top foreign policy ideological campaign against the West, as Xi’s words
adviser, Henry Kissinger, who stayed on and from an official publication in 2014 make clear: "The
continued the approach under President Gerald Ford. battle for “mind control” happens on a smokeless
By using pressure and inducement, as well as battlefield. It happens inside the domain of ideology.
downplaying ideological differences, the United States Whoever controls this battlefield can win hearts. They
tried to lure the Russians into a stable equilibrium of will have the initiative throughout the competition and
global power. Under détente, Washington slashed combat. . . . When it comes to combat in the ideology

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

domain, we don’t have any room for compromise or overseen by the secretary of defense, who would
retreat. We must achieve total victory." For Xi, the award resources to projects that best align with the
Internet is the “main battlefield” of this smokeless war. defense of Taiwan. The deterrence fund should
In 2020, the scholar Yuan Peng, writing before he headline a generational effort directed by the
resurfaced under a new name as a vice minister of president to restore U.S. primacy in Asia. The priority
China’s premier spy agency, also recognized the power should be to maximize existing production lines and
of controlling speech online: “In the Internet era . . . build new production capacity for critical munitions
what is truth and what is a lie is already unimportant; for Asia, such as antiship and antiaircraft missiles
what’s important is who controls discourse power.” Xi that can destroy enemy targets at great distances. The
has poured billions of dollars into building and Pentagon should also draw on the deterrence fund to
harnessing what he calls “external discourse adapt existing military systems or even civilian
mechanisms,” and other Chinese leaders have technology such as commercially available drones that
specifically highlighted short-video platforms such as could be useful for defending Taiwan. Complementing
TikTok as the “megaphones” of discourse power. They its Replicator Initiative, which tasks the services to
aren’t afraid to use those megaphones. According to a field thousands of low-cost drones to turn the Taiwan
February 2024 report from the Office of the Director of Strait into what some have called “a boiling moat,” the
National Intelligence, TikTok accounts run by Chinese Pentagon should quickly embrace other creative
propaganda outfits “reportedly targeted candidates solutions. It could, for example, disperse missile
from both political parties during the U.S. midterm launchers concealed in commercial container boxes or
election cycle in 2022.” As the CCP seeks to set the field the Powered Joint Direct Attack Munition, a low-
terms of global discourse, what it wants more than cost kit that turns standard 500-pound bombs into
anything from the United States and the rest of the precision-guided cruise missiles.
West is silence—silence about China’s human rights
abuses, silence about its aggression toward Taiwan, For U.S. forces to actually deter China, they need to
and silence about the West’s own deeply held beliefs, be able to move within striking range. Given the
which contrast irreconcilably with the party’s. It is no maritime geography of the Indo-Pacific and the threat
surprise, then, that so much of the CCP’s strategy on that China’s vast missile arsenal poses to U.S. bases,
the smokeless battlefield is about drowning out the State Department will need to expand hosting and
speech it doesn’t like—both inside and outside China. access agreements with allies and partners to extend
It is American silence—not candor—that is truly the U.S. military’s footprint in the region. The
provocative, for it signals to the CCP that China is Pentagon, meanwhile, will need to harden U.S.
advancing and the United States is retreating. military installations across the region and pre-
position critical supplies such as fuel, ammunition,
REARM, REDUCE, RECRUIT and equipment throughout the Pacific. But the United
What U.S. officials need first is clarity about the States could keep the Chinese military contained and
contest with China. They have to recognize that rising still lose the new cold war if China held the West
tensions are inevitable in the short run if the United hostage economically. Beijing is bent on weaponizing
States is to deter war and win the contest in the long its stranglehold over global supply chains and its
run. Once they have faced these facts, they need to dominance of critical emerging technologies. To
put in place a better policy: one that rearms the U.S. reduce Chinese leverage and ensure that the United
military, reduces China’s economic leverage, and States, not China, develops the key technologies of the
recruits a broader coalition to confront China. Xi is future, Washington needs to reset the terms of the
preparing his country for a war over Taiwan. On its bilateral economic relationship. It should start by
current trajectory, the United States risks failing to repealing China’s permanent normal trade relations
deter that war, one that could kill tens of thousands of status, which provides China access to U.S. markets
U.S. service members, inflict trillions of dollars in on generous terms, and moving China to a new tariff
economic damage, and bring about the end of the column that features gradually increasing rates on
global order as we know it. The only path to avoid this products critical to U.S. national security and
future is for Washington to immediately build and economic competitiveness. The revenue raised from
surge enough hard power to deny Xi a successful increased tariffs could be spent on offsetting the costs
invasion of Taiwan. Yet the Biden administration’s that U.S. exporters will incur as a result of China’s
latest budget request sheds badly needed combat inevitable retaliatory measures and on bolstering U.S.
power, proposing the retirement of ten ships and 250 supply chains for strategically important products.
aircraft and a drop in the production goal for Virginia- Washington must also halt the flow of American
class submarines from two per year to just one. It money and technology to Chinese companies that
replenishes only half the $1 billion that Congress support Beijing’s military buildup and high-tech
authorized for the president to furnish military aid to surveillance system. The Biden administration’s
Taiwan. And in its 2023 supplemental request, the August 2023 executive order restricting a subset of
White House asked for just over $5 billion in weapons outbound investment to China was an important step
and industrial base spending earmarked for the Indo- in the right direction, but it doesn’t go far enough.
Pacific—barely five percent of the entire supplemental Washington must expand investment restrictions to
request. Looking at the budget trend line, one would include critical and emerging technologies such as
think it was 1994, not 2024. The Biden hypersonics, space systems, and new biotechnologies.
administration should immediately change course, It must also put an end to U.S. financial firms’
reversing what are, in inflation-adjusted terms, cuts to disturbing practice of offering publicly traded financial
defense spending. Instead of spending about three products, such as exchange-traded funds and mutual
percent of GDP on defense, Washington should spend funds, that invest in Chinese companies that are on
four or even five percent, a level that would still be at U.S. government blacklists. Using the current export
the low end of Cold War spending. For near-term controls on advanced semiconductors as a model, the
deterrence in the Taiwan Strait, it should spend an Department of Commerce should reduce the flow of
additional $20 billion per year for the next five years, critical technology to China by introducing similar
the rough amount needed to surge and disperse export bans on other key areas of U.S. innovation,
sufficient combat power in Asia. Ideally, this money such as quantum computing and biotechnology.
would be held in a dedicated “deterrence fund”

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

As China doubles down on economic self-reliance and through which the United States advances its
phases out imports of industrial goods from the West, interests become core objectives in and of themselves.
the United States needs to recruit a coalition of Washington should not fear the end state desired by a
friendly partners to deepen mutual trade. Washington growing number of Chinese: a China that is able to
should strike a bilateral trade agreement with the chart its own course free from communist dictatorship.
United Kingdom. It should upgrade its bilateral trade Xi’s draconian rule has persuaded even many CCP
agreement with Japan and establish a new one with members that the system that produced China’s
Taiwan, agreements that could be joined by other recent precipitous decline in prosperity, status, and
eligible economies in the region. It should forge an individual happiness is one that deserves
Indo-Pacific digital trade agreement that would reexamination. The system that produced an all-
facilitate the free flow of data between like-minded encompassing surveillance state, forced-labor colonies,
economies, using as a baseline the high standards set and the genocide of minority groups inside its borders
by the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. To overhaul is one that likewise desecrates Chinese philosophy
its dilapidated defense industrial base, the United and religion—the fountainheads from which a better
States should turbocharge innovation in the defense model will eventually spring. Generations of American
industry by recruiting talented workers from allied leaders understood that it would have been
countries. Every year, the U.S. government authorizes unacceptable for the Cold War to end through war or
roughly 10,000 visas through the EB-5 program, U.S. capitulation. If the 1970s taught Washington
which allows immigrants to obtain a green card if they anything, it is that trying to achieve a stable and
invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in American durable balance of power—a détente—with a powerful
businesses. The program is rife with fraud and has and ambitious Leninist dictatorship is also doomed to
deviated far from its intended purpose as a job- backfire on the United States. The best strategy,
creation program, becoming mostly a method for which found its ultimate synthesis in the Reagan
millionaires from China and other places to become years, was to convince the Soviets that they were on a
permanent residents. These visas should be path to lose, which in turn fueled doubts about their
repurposed as work authorizations for citizens of whole system.
partner countries who hold advanced degrees in fields
critical to defense. The U.S. government also needs to The U.S. victory wasn’t Reagan’s alone, of course. It
recruit the next generation of cold warriors to apply was built on strategies forged by presidents of both
their talents to the contest with China. It should start parties and manifested in documents such as NSC-68,
by reversing the crisis in military recruitment—not by the 1950 Truman administration policy paper that
lowering standards, promising easy pay, or infusing argued that the United States’ “policy and actions
the force with diversity, equity, and inclusion ideology must be such as to foster a fundamental change in
but by unapologetically touting the virtues of an elite, the nature of the Soviet system.” One can draw a
colorblind, all-volunteer force and challenging young straight line from that document to National Security
Americans to step up. The intelligence community Decision Directive 75, the 1983 Reagan
also needs to recruit experts in emerging technology, administration order that called for “internal pressure
finance, and open-source research and make it easier on the USSR to weaken the sources of Soviet
to temporarily leave the private sector for a stint in imperialism.” In some ways, it was the détente years,
government. National security agencies need to not the Reagan years, that were an aberration in Cold
cultivate deep expertise in Asia and in the history and War strategy. Ironically, Reagan would end up
ideology of the CCP. The curricula of the service pursuing a more fulsome and productive engagement
academies and war colleges, as well as ongoing with the Soviets than perhaps any of his
professional military education, should reflect this predecessors—but only after he had strengthened
shift. Finally, U.S. officials need to recruit everyday Washington’s economic, military, and moral standing
Americans to contribute to the fight. For all the relative to Moscow and only after the Soviet Union
differences between the Soviet Union yesterday and produced a leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, with whom
China today, U.S. policymakers’ squeamishness about Reagan could make real progress. Reagan understood
the term “cold war” causes them to overlook the way it that sequencing was everything. He also knew that the
can mobilize society. A cold war offers a relatable confrontational first phase wouldn’t be easy or
framework that Americans can use to guide their own comfortable. His first directive on national security
decisions—such as a company’s choice whether to set strategy, in May 1982, predicted, “The decade of the
up a sensitive research and development center in eighties will likely pose the greatest challenge to our
China or an individual’s choice whether to download survival and well-being since World War II.” It was a
TikTok. Too often, however, elected officials on the left tense and unsettling period, to be sure, during which
and the right give the impression that the competition Reagan called out the Soviet Union as “the focus of
with China is so narrow in scope that Americans can evil in the modern world” and deliberately sought to
take such steps without worry. The contest with weaken its economy and contest its destabilizing
Beijing, they would have people believe, shouldn’t activities around the world. Yet it paid off. Xi, who has
much concern ordinary citizens but will be handled vilified Gorbachev and fashioned his own leadership
through surgically precise White House policies and style after that of Joseph Stalin, has proved time and
congressional legislation. again that he is not a leader with whom Americans
can solve problems. He is an agent of chaos.
CHINA AS A NORMAL COUNTRY Washington should seek to weaken the sources of
It is a peculiar feature of U.S. foreign policy today that CCP imperialism and hold out for a Chinese leader
the elephant in the room—the end state Washington who behaves less like an unrelenting foe. This does
desires in its competition with Beijing—is such a not mean forcible regime change, subversion, or war.
taboo subject that administrations come and go But it does mean seeking truth from facts, as Chinese
without ever articulating a clear goal for how the leaders are fond of saying, and understanding that the
competition ends. The Biden administration offers up CCP has no desire to coexist indefinitely with great
managing competition as a goal, but that is not a goal; powers that promote liberal values and thus represent
it is a method, and a counterproductive one at that. a fundamental threat to its rule. The current mass
Washington is allowing the aim of its China policy to exodus of Chinese people from their homeland is
become process: meetings that should be instruments evidence they want to live in nations that respect

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

human rights, honor the rule of law, and offer a wide those in China, it is the only workable destination.
choice of opportunities. As Taiwan’s example makes (Matt Pottinger and Mike Gallagher. Published in
plain, China could be such a place, too. The road to Foreign Affairs on April 10, 2024)
get there might be long. But for the United States’ own
security, as well as the rights and aspirations of all


Isaac Asimov’s classic I, Robot (1950) insightfully by authoritarian regimes, terrorist groups, and
explored the ethical and moral implications of robotics organised crime groups to cause great harm.
and artificial intelligence. The book’s interconnected
stories about robots guided by the Three Laws of Third, Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS),
Robotics highlight the challenges in ensuring AI’s often termed “killer robots”, present a profound threat
safety and alignment with human values. Asimov to national security and sovereignty, raising critical
illustrates the limitations of these laws and AI’s ethical and technical challenges. From a technical
unpredictable nature, with quotes like, “You can’t standpoint, LAWS, equipped with advanced AI
argue with a robot. They’re terribly rational”, reflecting algorithms, can independently search for, identify,
concerns about AI acting against human interests. and engage targets without human intervention. This
The book forces one to ponder about the dangers of AI capability poses a risk of unintended escalation in
being manipulated by adversaries, potentially turning military conflicts, as these systems might act based on
against humans. As a fictional yet prescient work, I, pre-programmed criteria, lacking human judgement
Robot underscores the importance of ethical and context awareness, potentially leading to
standards and security measures in AI development to indiscriminate or erroneous targeting. Moreover, the
prevent it from undermining national sovereignty. risk of hacking or malfunctioning of these systems
could result in catastrophic incidents, undermining
Since algorithms are devoid of national allegiance or national security. Ethically, the deployment of LAWS
moral judgement, the challenge before the world is not challenges the fundamental principles of
just to develop this technology but to develop the humanitarian law and responsibility. The absence of
frameworks to ensure it serves humanity and not the human oversight in the decision-making process of
other way around. The lack of a unified global life and death raises significant moral questions about
framework for overseeing AI, coupled with the absence accountability. The principle of distinction, a
of national-level regulatory measures, poses a cornerstone of international humanitarian law,
significant risk to national security and sovereignty in mandates the differentiation between combatants and
four distinct ways. First, AI is reshaping traditional non-combatants. LAWS, reliant on algorithms for
notions of sovereignty, challenging the power decision-making, may lack the nuanced
dynamics between states, private technology understanding necessary to make these distinctions,
companies, and individuals. As AI systems become risking civilian lives and violating international norms.
more autonomous, they are creating new digital The proliferation of LAWS could lead to an arms race,
spaces that are not governed by traditional laws or destabilising international peace and security. As
state control. These digital spaces, defined by code these weapons become more accessible, the barrier to
and data, can be seen as new forms of sovereignty entering conflicts lowers, potentially leading to
where power is wielded by those who control the AI increased warfare and undermining national
systems. The emergence of AI has ushered in a new sovereignty. The lack of regulation and control over
era of digital sovereignty, fundamentally altering the LAWS also presents a threat to the global order, as
concept of territorial sovereignty. This transition non-state actors might acquire and use these systems
impacts how nations control their digital domains and for terrorism or insurgency. This autonomy
AI technologies. Countries lacking in AI development undermines deterrence theory, which relies on
and regulation may find themselves reliant on more rational human actors to maintain balance and avoid
advanced nations, risking their sovereignty across conflict through the threat of retaliation. The
sectors like defence, infrastructure, and healthcare. unpredictability of LAWS disrupts this balance,
Additionally, the rise of AI shifts power from states to potentially leading to uncontrolled escalations.
private tech companies and individuals who dominate Furthermore, the prospect of an arms race in
these digital spaces. Though these entities don’t autonomous weapons technology threatens global
possess traditional sovereignty, their influence stability as nations prioritise technological
challenges state authority and could reshape global advancement over diplomatic and strategic
political dynamics. Second, AI has the potential to equilibrium. Fourth, the integration of AI into
significantly impact democracy, particularly when cybersecurity represents a dual-edged sword, where
leveraged by foreign powers. It can be used to its potential for sophisticated cyberattacks directly
manipulate information and influence public opinion, threatens national security and sovereignty. AI-
which is a critical aspect of democratic societies. For enhanced methods, such as advanced persistent
example, AI can generate disinformation and threats and spear phishing, can penetrate and disrupt
misinformation at scale, which can trigger tensions critical national infrastructures, undermining the
and even electoral-related conflict and violence. Such stability and functioning of a state. Such disruptions
AI-driven false information can spread biases or not only pose immediate security risks but also
opinions that do not represent public sentiment, threaten the economic and social well-being of nations.
thereby affecting the democratic process negatively. These threats extend beyond physical borders, as
Moreover, foreign powers can utilise AI to conduct cyberattacks can originate from any location, making
influence campaigns that are more sophisticated and safeguarding national interests in the increasingly
less detectable. These campaigns can exacerbate interconnected digital world challenging. The
divisions within societies, seed nihilism about the implications for national security are profound,
existence of objective truth, and weaken democratic requiring nations to reassess their cybersecurity
systems from within. The borderless nature of AI strategies and invest in advanced defences.
makes it difficult to control or regulate, and as AI Safeguarding against these AI-enhanced threats is
technology becomes more advanced, it could be used crucial for maintaining national sovereignty, ensuring

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

that states retain control over their critical that AI advancements serve humanity’s broader
infrastructure, information systems, and the interests, rather than the contrary. Alongside this,
democratic processes that define their governance. there is a critical need for evolving national-level
regulations tailored to address AI’s unique threats to
In light of these challenges, it becomes evident that sovereignty and national security. (Aditya Sinha.
the world urgently requires a robust global AI Published in Indian Express on February 29, 2024)
governance body. Such an entity is essential to ensure


More than three decades after the debate first started Allies of the Second World War). And it denies
over fundamental reforms at the United Nations (UN), opportunities to other states such as India, which by
the issue appears to have resurfaced at the ongoing its sheer size of population, share of the world
General Assembly session of the world body. President economy, or contributions in kind to the UN (through
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Türkiye was blunt: “The participation in peacekeeping operations, for example)
Security Council has ceased to be the guarantor of have helped shape the evolution of world affairs in the
world security and has become a battleground for the seven decades since the organisation was born.
political strategies of only five countries.” Even the
UN’s Secretary-General, António Guterres, issued a Stances by countries So, the Security Council is
stern warning: “The world has changed. Our clearly ripe for reform to bring it into the second
institutions have not. We cannot effectively address quarter of the 21st century. But for every state that
problems as they are if institutions do not reflect the feels it deserves a place on the Security Council, and
world as it is. Instead of solving problems, they risk especially the handful of countries which believe their
becoming part of the problem.” It could not have been status in the world ought to be recognised as being in
put more bluntly, but we have heard this song before. no way inferior to at least three of the existing
Politically, it is untenable that the five permanent permanent members, there are several who know they
members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, will not benefit from any reform. The small countries
and the United States) enjoy their position, and the that make up more than half the UN’s membership
privilege of a veto over any Council resolution or accept that reality and are content to compete
decision, merely by virtue of having won a war 76 occasionally for a two-year non-permanent seat on the
years ago. In the case of China, the word ‘won’ needs Council. But the medium-sized and large countries,
to be placed within inverted commas. I was serving at which are the rivals of the prospective beneficiaries,
the UN when then-Secretary General Boutros deeply resent the prospect of a select few breaking free
Boutros- Ghali declared that Security Council reform of their current second-rank status in the world body.
must be accomplished in time for the 50th Many are openly animated by a spirit of competition,
anniversary of the world organisation in 1995. But historical grievance or simple envy. They have
even as the urgent rhetoric continues to be spoken, successfully and indefinitely thwarted reform of the
the organisation has missed not only the 50th membership of the Security Council. Part of the
anniversary of the UN, but even the 60th, the 70th problem is that the bar to amending the UN Charter
and now the 75th. Left to their own devices, member- has been set rather high. Any amendment requires a
states will be arguing the merits of the case well past two-thirds majority of the overall membership, in
the UN’s centenary. other words 129 of the 193 states in the General
Assembly, and would further have to be ratified by
An unjust situation in terms of equity The problem two-thirds of the member states. Ratification is
of reforming the Security Council is akin to a malady usually a parliamentary procedure, so, in other words,
in which a number of doctors gather around a patient; the only ‘prescription’ that has any chance of passing
they all agree on the diagnosis but they cannot agree is one that will both persuade two-thirds of the UN
on the prescription. The diagnosis is clear — the member-states to support it and not attract the
Security Council reflects the geopolitical realities of opposition of any of the existing permanent five — or
1945 and not of today. When the UN was founded in even that of a powerful U.S. Senator who could block
1945, the Council consisted of 11 members out of a ratification in Washington. That has proved to be a
total UN membership of 51 countries; in other words, tall order indeed. India’s credentials may seem
some 22% of the member states were on the Security obvious to us, but China is none too keen on diluting
Council. Today, there are 193 member-states of the its status as the only Asian permanent member;
UN, and only 15 members of the Council — fewer than Pakistan, which fancies itself as India’s strategic rival
8%. The one change ever made to the original Charter on the subcontinent, is unalterably opposed; and to
was in 1965 when the Security Council was expanded some extent Indonesia seems to feel diminished by the
from 11 members to 15 by adding four more elected prospect of an Indian seat. In Latin America, Brazil
non-permanent members. So, many more countries, occupies a place analogous to India’s in Asia, but
both in absolute numbers and as a proportion of the Argentina and Mexico have other ideas, pointing to
membership, do not feel adequately represented on Portuguese-speaking Brazil’s inferior credentials in
the body. The composition of the Council also gives representing largely Hispanic Latin America. And
undue weightage to the balance of power of those days. while Africa, given that it accounts for 54 member-
Europe, for instance, which accounts for barely 5% of states, insists on two permanent seats, how is one to
the world’s population, still controls 33% of the seats adjudicate the rival credentials of the continent’s
in any given year (and that does not count Russia, largest democracy, Nigeria, its historically largest
another European power). In terms of simple economy, South Africa, and its oldest civilization,
considerations of equity, this situation is unjust: for Egypt? Another proposal suggests creating a second
starters, to those countries whose financial category of “semi-permanent members” to
contributions to the UN outweigh those of four of the accommodate such states for, say, 10-year electable
five permanent members — Japan and Germany have terms. It has found no takers among the principal
for decades been the second and third largest aspirants.
contributors to the UN budget, while still being
referred to as ‘enemy states’ in the United Nations Continuing gridlock So, while the debate keeps
Charter (since the UN was set up by the victorious going round in circles for decades, gridlock continues

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

Articulate | April 2024, Volume 1

in the Security Council, as most vividly illustrated established at Bretton Woods in 1944, the World Bank
recently over the Ukraine conflict, when a Permanent and the International Monetary Fund. And yet this is
Member of the Security Council invaded a sovereign the only global system we have got that brings all
UN member-state and the Council proved powerless to countries together on a common platform. Can we
respond. Russia’s increasing resort to the veto has afford to let it fade into ineffectiveness and irrelevance?
blocked resolutions on Ukraine, Mali, Syria and North (SHASHI THAROOR. Published in the Hindu on
Korea. Similar obstructionism by the West has October 12, 2023)
affected proposals to reform the financial institutions


Over 34,000 people are dead, i.e., nearly 33,000 on Gaza. The U.S. is also at the forefront of rallying
Palestinians, 1,200 Israelis, 97 journalists and media western allies such as the United Kingdom, Canada,
workers, and hundreds of aid workers. Most of the and France behind Israel’s right to defend itself while
Israeli casualties were the result of the attack by fuelling a live genocide. It blocked a resolution for a
Hamas on October 7, 2023. And over 100 hostages humanitarian pause early on in the crisis. The
still remain unaccounted for. However, the Israeli administration even bypassed the Congress to allow
attack that has followed since that day of terror, is weapons sales to Israel. But Israel’s near absolute
one of the worst in humanity. The tragedy is playing destruction of Gaza and a possible full-scale invasion
out on live broadcast and people cannot plead of Rafah are testing the American limits as well. Mr.
ignorance. It is important to remember that the Biden is facing pressure from within the Democratic
conflict did not start on October 7. There has been party which is pushing for a ceasefire, provision of aid
growing criticism of Israel for this massacre, but its for the Palestinians, and conditioning support to Israel.
western allies are equally culpable, most notably the There is a growing rift between Mr. Netanyahu and Mr.
United States. Biden when it comes to the course of action in the
coming weeks. The U.S. also abstained from voting on
Hypocrisy of neutrality a UNSC resolution calling for a ceasefire. The Houthis’
Historically, the U.S. has been the primary supporter disruption of Bab el-Mandeb and Iran’s retaliation
of Israeli statehood. It was the first country to after the Israeli attack on its consulate in Damascus
recognise it. The U.S. has helped Israel’s survival in can have a domino effect. The unwillingness of the
an extremely hostile neighbourhood. Superficially, it West to influence Israel may lead the states to
has led efforts for the two-state solution following the sleepwalk into a region-wide violent conflict. The
1973 Arab-Israel war in various forms including U.S. domestic factors are equally important in
President Jimmy Carter’s Camp David talks, Bill understanding Mr. Biden’s policy. With the upcoming
Clinton’s Parameters for the two-state solution, election, the Trump campaign will pursue
George Bush’s Road Map to Peace, and U.S. Secretary grandstanding with an eye on the American Jewish
of State John Kerry’s Six Principles. The U.S. may act community and the Evangelical Christians. Mr. Biden,
as a neutral arbiter but has been the force behind keen to build a broad voter base, may end in
Israel’s settler colonialism. It has regularly vetoed to brinkmanship with Mr. Trump. There is only one
protect Israel from UNSC resolutions claiming the UN, winner in that contest.
an organisation designed and dominated by the U.S.
and its allies, is biased against the Jewish state. The On true leadership
U.S. is Israel’s largest trading partner and its aid The people, like the students in Columbia, have
contributes to 16% of Israel’s military expenditure. shown more spine than the American leadership. A
The Arab-Israel ties normalisation drive, often case has even been filed against the Biden
brokered by America, has gradually removed the administration in court for its complicity in the
Palestinian cause from Arab politics. If Israeli settler genocide. Globally, countries such as South Africa
colonialism is a monster, then the U.S. is Dr. and Bangladesh have shown true Global South
Frankenstein. The American hypocrisy of neutrality leadership, unlike the states that merely seek the title.
was most visible in President Donald Trump’s ‘Peace In a painful irony, it is not the murder of over 25,000
to Prosperity’ plan, a brainchild of Jared Kushner, women and children but the death of seven World
which proposed to further take away land from the Central Kitchen workers that shook the American
Palestinians, hand Jerusalem to Israel, and failed to leadership. This grim reality underscores a perennial
provide Palestinians with the right to return or have a truth in global politics: all lives are equal, but some
military defence after statehood. It was a completely are more equal than others. Despite its unique
pro-Israel plan and rightly rejected by the Palestinian position to influence peace, the U.S. continues to play
Authority. a paradoxical role, simultaneously capable of ending
violence and perpetuating the status quo, as
Under the Biden administration evidenced by its recent veto against full recognition of
Under the Biden administration, U.S.-Israel relations Palestine. As the world watches, Israel’s war on Gaza
have been relatively low due to Benjamin Netanyahu’s serves as a brutal reminder of the high costs of
attack on the judiciary, the coalition with the far right, geopolitical manoeuvres and the real-world impact of
and the attack on the Al Aqsa mosque. But the work normless international diplomacy. (CHETAN RANA.
on the Abraham Accords continued and the Published in the Hindu on April 26, 2024)
fundamentals of Israel-U.S. ties remained strong.
Therefore, it was no surprise that Joe Biden in his
October 10, 2023 address (“Remarks by President
Biden on the Terrorist Attacks in Israel”) stated that
‘the United States has Israel’s back’. Despite domestic
fiscal pressure, Mr. Biden has bankrolled Israel’s war

Compiled and Edited by Aamir Mahr | CSS Exam Dask

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