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CYBERSECURITY Choosing A Username

When choosing a username, it’s important not to reveal any personal

What Is Cybersecurity? information. It should be something appropriate and respectful and
Cybersecurity is the ongoing effort to protect individuals, should not lead strangers to think you are an easy target for
organizations and governments from digital attacks by protecting cybercrimes or unwanted attention. Some other useful tips to help you
networked systems and data from unauthorized use or harm. generate your username:
 Don’t use your full name or parts of your address or phone
Three Levels of Protection number.
1. Personal - On a personal level, you need to safeguard your  Don’t use your email username.
identity, your data, and your computing devices.  Don’t use the same username and password combination,
2. Organizational - At an organizational level, it is everyone’s especially on financial accounts.
responsibility to protect the organization’s reputation, data and Don’t choose a super-odd username and then reuse it again and
customers. again — it makes you easier to track.
3. Government - As more digital information is being gathered  Don’t choose a username that gives clues to your passwords
and shared, its protection becomes even more vital at the such as a series of numbers/letters or the first part of a two-part
government level, where national security, economic stability phrase, such as knock-knock or starlight, or the department in
and the safety and wellbeing of citizens are at stake which you work, such as IT.
 Do choose a username that’s appropriate for the type of
Protecting Your Personal Data account, i.e., business, social or personal
Personal data is any information that can be used to identify you, and it
can exist both offline and online. Your Data
Personal data describes any information about you, including your
Offline Identity name, social security number, driver’s license number, date and place
Your offline identity is the real-life persona that you present on a daily of birth, your mother’s maiden name, and even pictures or messages
basis at home, at school or at work. As a result, family and friends that you exchange with family and friends.
know details about your personal life, including your full name, age
and address. It’s important not to overlook the importance of securing 1. Medical Records - Every time you visit the doctor, personal
your offline identity. Identity thieves can easily steal your data from information regarding your physical and mental health and
right under your nose when you’re not looking! well-being is added to your electronic health records (EHRs).
Since the majority of these records are saved online, you need
Online Identity to be aware of the medical information that you share. And
Your online identity is not just a name. It’s who you are and how you these records go beyond the bounds of the doctor’s office. For
present yourself to others online. It includes the username or alias you example, many fitness trackers collect large amounts of clinical
use for your online accounts, as well as the social identity you data such as your heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar
establish and portray on online communities and websites. You should levels, which is transferred, stored and displayed via the cloud.
take care to limit the amount of personal information you reveal Therefore, you should consider this data to be part of your
through your online identity. medical records.
2. Educational Records - Educational records contain information Who Else Wants Your Data?
about your academic qualifications and achievements. 1. ISP’s - Your ISP tracks your online activity and, in some
However, these records may also include your contact countries, they can sell this data to advertisers for a profit. In
information, attendance records, disciplinary reports, health certain circumstances, ISPs may be legally required to share
and immunization records as well as any special education your information with government surveillance agencies or
records including individualized education programs (IEPs). authorities.

2. Advertisers - Targeted advertising is part of the Internet

experience. Advertisers monitor and track your online activities
3. Employment and Financial Records - Employment data can be such as shopping habits and personal preferences and send
valuable to hackers if they can gather information on your past targeted ads your way.
employment, or even your current performance reviews. Your
financial records may include information about your income
and expenditure. Your tax records may include paychecks, 3. Search Engines and Social Media Platforms - These
credit card statements, your credit rating and your bank account platforms gather information about your gender, geolocation,
details. All of this data, if not safeguarded properly, can phone number and political and religious ideologies based on
compromise your privacy and enable cybercriminals to use your search histories and online identity. This information is
your information for their own gain. then sold to advertisers for a profit.
Identity Theft 4. Websites you visit - Websites use cookies to track your
Thieves are not contented with stealing your money for short-term activities in order to provide a more personalized experience.
financial gain, cybercriminals are invested in the long-term gain of But this leaves a data trail that is linked to your online identity
identity theft. that can often end up in the hands of advertisers!
Examples how they might do this:
o Medical theft
Rising medical costs have led to an increase in medical identity theft,
with cybercriminals stealing medical insurance to use the benefits for
themselves. Where this happens, any medical procedures carried out in
your name will then be saved in your medical records.

o Banking
Stealing private data can help cybercriminals access bank accounts,
credit cards, social profiles and other online accounts. Armed with this
information, an identity thief could file a fake tax return and collect the
refund. They could even take out loans in your name and ruin your
credit rating (and your life as well).
Organizational Data Consequences of Data Breach
Types of Organizational Data 1. Reputational Damage

Traditional Data

The Equifax Data Breach (2017) In 2017, Equifax, one of the three
major credit-reporting companies in the United States, experienced a
massive data breach that exposed the personal information of 143
million Americans. The breach included sensitive data such as Social
Security numbers, addresses, birthdates, and credit card information.

Reputational damage in this case occurred in several ways:

• Loss of Trust
• Public Outrage
Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Traditional Data • Legal Consequences
• Negative Media Coverage
• Long-Term Implications
2. Vandalism 4. Loss of Revenue

Optical Media Board site vandalized with lewd photo The website of 5. Damaged Intellectual Property
the Optical Media Board (OMB),, has been defaced
with a photo of a penis, and a word spelled out using ASCII characters,
saying “kontol.” “Kontol,” according to online search results, is an
Indonesian term for penis. The site title had also been hacked to say
“OMBold Dealer.” Attacks on the website were documented as early
as Friday, August 6, when the founder of cryptocurrency exchange
BloomX, Luis Buenaventura, wrote about it in a newsletter titled “The
O.M.B.’s Porn Problem.”

3. Theft

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