Research Report

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1. Introduction to 2 INTRODUCTION Lecture cum
writing research Minutes A research report is the ultimate outcome of the research process. A Discussion
report. research process cannot be considered complete until its report has
been written and disseminated. Writing a report highlights the
research project and helps in the dissemination of the research
findings. Dissemination of research findings serves scientific,
professional, and public functions. An effective dissemination of
scientific information leads to an overall improvement in knowledge
and practice among healthcare providers.

2. Characteristics of 5 CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD RESEARCH Lecture cum Pamphlet

a good research minutes Discussion
Research reports are an effective means of communicating research
findings to readers and interested audiences A well-written research
report is one which effectively, efficiently, and widely disseminates
the research information among its users. A good research report has
the following characteristics: -
1)A research report must have characteristics of conciseness, clarity,
honesty, completeness, and accuracy.

2)A research report must be long enough to cover the subject content
and short enough to maintain interest among its users and consumers.

3)It must be written and presented logically so that different pieces of

the research process fit effectively.

4)Abstract terminology and technical jargons must be avoided in the

research report.
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5)Presentation of the research report must be lucid and visually
attractive, so that it can be interesting to its users.

6)Research report must reflect its originality.

3. Explain the 12 FORMAT OF RESEARCH REPORT Lecture cum P.P.T.

format of minutes The format of the research report varies from institution to institution Discussion
research report. and university to university. However, basic content of the report
remains nearly the same. Quantitative research reports typically
follow a conventional format referred to as the IMRAD format. It
involves the organization of the study material in four sections: Intro-
duction, Methods, Results and Discussion.
Recently, several reporting guidelines for various types of research
studies have been developed. These guidelines are recommended to
be used for reporting different types of research studies to facilitate
assessment of quality of reported studies. These guide- lines for
various types of studies are regularly updated and expanded. The
EQUATOR Network (http://equator-net- is a useful
resource for providing information on these reporting guidelines and
tips on good reporting in health research.

A) Introduction: It is often written in a funnel-shaped structure. The

researcher begins broadly to establish a framework to understand the
study and narrows it down to the specifics of what he or she intended
to learn. It should include the clear and concise problem statement, its
significance, existing literature, conceptual framework of study,
research questions, hypotheses, underlying assumptions, and the need
of the study. So, in a nutshell, introduction generally includes:

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1)Background of the study. Lecture cum
2)Need of the study Discussion
3)Research problem
4) Objectives
6)Operational definitions
7)Conceptual framework
8)Literature review

B) Materials and Methods: The methods section is often subdivided

into several parts, which include stages such as
1)Research design
2)Research setting
3)Target population
4)Sampling technique and sample size
5)Development and description of data collection tools
6)Validity and reliability of research tools
7)Methods and procedures of data collection
8)Pilot study and tool try-out
9)Feasibility of the study Ethical considerations
10)Plan for data analysis

C)Results: It is the heart of a research report. If both descriptive and

inferential statistics have been used, then results start with descriptive
statistics to pre- sent sample characteristics. Later analysed data are:
presented in accordance with study objectives using descriptive and
inferential statistics. Inferential statistics are generally used to test the
preset hypotheses and inferences after the rejection or acceptance of
the hypotheses.

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E) Conclusion: Conclusion includes the paragraphs that summarize Lecture cum
what was done and found from present study as precise as possible Discussion
with recommendations.

F) Other aspects of the report

1)Title: It should include the variables under study, study population
and place of the study. The title should be clear and concise, ideally
not more than about 15 words.
2)Abstract: It is an unstructured paragraph of 100-200 words or in a
structured form with subheads such as Background and Objectives,
Methods, Results and Conclusion. It should be written clearly so that
a reader can decide whether to read the entire report or not.
3)Keywords: Substance, methodology and theoretical terms can be
used as keywords; these keywords are used in the index to help others
locate the study. Sometimes, researchers may choose keywords from
a given list (often Medical Subject Headings or MeSH terms) in
4)References: The reference style should be selected after reviewing
the manuscript or report. Usually, Vancouver reference style is used
in health sciences literature.
5)Acknowledgement: Those people whose contribution does not
qualify them for authorship are sometimes acknowledged at the end
of the report or the beginning of the report.
6)Annexure/Appendix: In thesis/dissertation, annexure or appendix
is included to present technical data, permissions letters, research
instruments and other information.
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4. List down the 5 Sr. Type of Study Type of Reporting Guideline Lecture cum P.P.T
reporting minutes No Discussion
guidelines for 1 Randomized controlled trials CONSORT
various types of (Consolidated Standard of
Reporting Trials)
research studies
2 Quasi-Experimental Study TREND (Transparent Reporting
of Evaluation with Non-
Randomized Designs)
3 Non-Experimental/Observational STROBE (Strengthening the
Research Study Report of Observational Studies
in Epidemiology)
4 Qualitative Research COREQ (Consolidated Criteria
for Reporting Qualitative
5 Diagnostic Accuracy Study TRIPOD (Transparent
Reporting of a Multivariable
Prediction Model for Individual
Prognosis or Diagnosis)
6 Systematic Review and Meta- PRISMA (Preferred Reporting
analysis of RCTs Items for Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis)
7 Systematic Review and Meta- MOOSE (Meta-Analysis of
analysis of Observational Studies Observational Studies in
8 Health Care Quality Improvement SQUIRE (Standards for Quality
Studies Improvement Reporting
9) Clinical Trials Protocols SPIRITS (Standard Protocol
Items-Recommended for
Interventional Trials)
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5. Elaborate tips for 5 Tips for Writing a Good Research Report Lecture cum Pamphlet
writing good Minutes 1)Use short, simple sentences. Discussion
research report. 2)Write in active voice.
3)Use headings and subheadings to guide the readers.
4)Use bold type in heading to attract attention.
5)Use tables, graphs to break up print pages.
‘ 6)Use left and right margin justification.
7)Make sure there are good transitions between sections.
8)Follow directions as stated in the guidelines for writing report.
9)Have peer review of the research report, if possible.
10)Be ready to edit the proposal many times.

6. Describe steps in 10 Steps in writing report Lecture cum Flash

writing research minutes Research reports are the products of slow, painstaking, and accurate Discussion Cards
report. inductive work. The steps involved in writing a report include:

1)Logical analysis of the subject matter: It is the first step which is

primarily concerned with the development of a subject.

2)Preparation of the final outline: It is the next step in writing the

research report. Outlines are the frame- work upon which works are
constructed. They are an aid to the logical organization of the material
and a reminder of the points to be stressed in report.

3)Preparation of the rough draft: This step is of utmost importance

for the researchers as it involves actually writing down what they
have done in the context of their research studies. The researchers
write down the procedures adopted by them in collecting the material
for their study along with various limitations, the techniques of

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analysis adopted by them, the broad findings and generalizations and Lecture cum
the various suggestions they want to offer regarding the problems Discussion

4)Rewriting and polishing the rough draft: This step happens to be

the most difficult part of all formal writing. The careful revision
makes the difference between a mediocre and a good piece of writing.
While rewriting and polishing, one should check the report for
weaknesses in logical development or presentation The researcher
should check the mechanics of writing- grammar, spelling, and usage.

5)Preparation of final bibliography: Next in the order comes the

task of the preparation of the final bibliography. It is a list of books,
journal articles, papers presented, etc. that have contributed or are in
some way pertinent to the research which has been done. The
bibliography should be arranged alphabetically and may be divided
into two parts: the first part may contain the names of books and
journals, and the second part may contain the names of magazines
and newspaper articles.

6)Writing the final draft: This constitutes the last step. The final
draft should be written in a concise and objective style and in simple
language, avoiding vague expressions, such as 'it seems', 'there may
be', etc. While writing the final draft, researcher must avoid abstract
terminology. It must be remembered that every report should be an
attempt to solve some intellectual problem and must contribute to the
solution of a problem and must add to the knowledge of both the
researcher and the reader.
Sr Specific Duration Content Teacher/ Audio Evaluation
no Objectives Learning Visual
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The steps of writing a research report are: -Logical analysis of the
subject matter, preparation of the final outline, preparation of the
rough draft, re-writing and polishing the rough draft, preparation of
final bibliography and writing the final draft.

Describe the precautions for writing a research report.

At the end of the practice teaching the students will be able to explain
the characteristics, guidelines, format and steps of writing a research

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