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I. Multiple choice
1. - " ______ you were ill, we wouldn't have come." -"Don't be silly! I
always enjoy your company."
A. Were we to know
B. .Had we known
C. Had we to know
D. Should we have known

2. The committee asked that not only candidates but also the
invigilator ______ a mask in the exam room.
A. would wear
B. to be wearing ( to be w
C. wear
D. . had been wearing
3. -"You're looking tired." -"I'm exhausted. I wish my neighbours
______ loud music when I'm trying to sleep."
A. haven't played
B. wouldn't play
C. . won't play
D. hadn't played
4. -"Where've you been Mary?" -"Well, my tutor______ some
research into post graduate studies."
A. made me to do
B. had me to do
C. got me to do
D. put me do
5. We want to expand the business but I fear the economic situation is
going to put everything in a holding ………….for a while
A. Position
B. Pattern
C. Condition
D. Circumstance
6. Since a large percentage of her students failed the exam, the teacher
decided to give them a second bite at……… allowing them to
take the test again
A. The apple
B. The pie
C. The peach
D. The cherry
7. John was surprised when his boss criticised his work again, it
was…….in the company
A. Par for the course
B. Thick on the ground
C. A nervous wreck
D. Red tape
8. When playing on a team, it is important to………the line and
follow the coach’s instructions
A. Stand
B. Follow
C. Face
D. Toe
9. With her excellent academic performance and impressive interview,
she knew she was definitely ………….a chance of getting the job
A. Up for
B. On with
C. In on
D. In with
10. Learning English isn’t so difficult once you……..
A. Get down to it
B. Get off it
C. Get on it
D. Get down with it
11. Beaches were……….as police searched for canisters of toxic
waste from the damaged ship
A. Sealed off
B. Cut off
C. Locked up
D. Kept out
12. The argument between the two colleagues finally
came……….during the meeting, and they had to be seperated by
their coworkers
A. To a point
B. To a head
C. To a halt
D. To a standstill
13. I’ve yet……….a person as Theo
A. To meet as infuriating
B. To have met such infuriating
C. Met as infuriating
D. Been meeting such infuriating
14. The answers given by the Customs Officer…….clearer. The
journalists seemed to have no other questions.
A. Were hardly
B. Might not be
C. Needn’t have been
D. Couldn’t have been
15. She believed that the last act of the play had no connection to the
A. Wouldn’t she
B. Didn’t it
C. Did it
D. Hadn’t it
16. Not only does Jack speak Spanish, ______.
A. but he is also able to work as an interpreter
B. but is also able to work as an interpreter
C. but he is also able to work as an interpreter as well
D. is he able to work as an interpreter
18. In the eastern part of New Jersey ______, a major shipping and
manufacturing center.
A. lies the city of Elizabeth
B. the city of Elizabeth lies there
C. around the city of Elizabeth lies
D. there lies the city of Elizabeth around
19. Aren’t you the last person ______ the documents before they
A. seeing
B. to have seen
C. having seen
D. to see
II. Word form
1. The……..transmission of the disease can occur through
genetic mutations or by sharing contaminated objects, and it
is important to take measures to prevent its spread within
families ( FAMILY
2. She was ……….. ( LIST ) out of 15 applicants for the
position of MD
3. The slight………..( FORM ) in his left hand was corrected
by surgery
4. In London she was ( FRIEND )……… a rich woman
who looked after her and helped her
5. Not Nick, Mai guessed, but probably that she
drank a lot at the party last night ( HANG
6. We have to learn good example, to look at our behaviour and
to stop being ……….. ( RIGHT
7. The first………( CONCEIVE ) is that legal study at
university is exclusively for students who intend becoming
solicitors or advocates.
8. What is illustrated by these photographs is as much the
culture of shamelessness as the reigning admiration for
______ (apology) brutality
9. After receiving encouragement from her mentor, she
felt……….to pursue her dreams with more confidence and
determination ( BOLD )
10. During the meeting, the manager kept……..the same
point over and over again, causing everyone to lose interest
in the discussion ( LABOUR ) everything more than
1. Helen was so sorry that she couldn’t attend Susan’s birthday
party ( MAKE )
2. We were lucky to narrowly win the championship

3. There are widespread rumours that the annual budget will be

signigicantly reduced ( BONE )
4. The reason why I was given promotion was that Laurence
recommended me ( BUT )
5. The Prime Minister decided to reintroduce the tax, which
made people angry ( STORM )
6. My father and I often have the same opinion on politics
7. Their arguments won’t most likely change her mind ( ICE )
8. The ending of this film makes me realize this war is pointless
( HOME )
9. It was not surprising that Jack got into trouble with the police
( SIDE )

10. When the clown fell off the ladder, the children found it
extremely funny ( DIED )
11. I’m sure that Paul committed the crime ( SHADOW )

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