Calvados y Vermouth

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Fuerza 11 (0) Bonif. Compet. +3 Exchange Blows:

Destreza 15 (+2) CA 14
Constit. 14 (+2) Percep. Pasiva 13
Intelig. 13 (+1) HP 60
Sabid. 11 (0) Velocidad 30
Carisma 18 (+4) Puntos Espíritu 6

Habilidades: Tiradas de Salvación:

Acrobacias +2 Medicina 0 Fuerza +3
Animales 0 Naturaleza +1 Destreza +2
Arcana +1 Percepción +3 Cont. +2
Atletismo -1 Performance +4 Intel. +1
Engaño +10 Persuasión +10 Sabid. 0
Historia +1 Religión +4 Carisma +7
Insight +3 Juegos de Manos +2
Intimidación +4 Sigilo +8
Investigación +1 Supervivencia 0

Manifestation of Will
At 1st level, whether by lineage, a stand arrow, holy corpse, or training a skill to an inhu-
man level, your life energy has manifested as its own force: a Stand. You can call out your
Stand within your space or recall your Stand as a bonus action. Your Stand is controlled
by you telepathically, acts on your turn, and uses your actions, bonus actions, and reac-
tions. If you may make more than one attack when you take the Attack action, you and
your Stand may make attacks. Your Stand has the same size category and movement speed
as you unless otherwise stated.
Any effects that target your Stand affect you instead, though any attack rolls or saving
throws made as part of the effect are still made against the Stand. If both you and your
Stand are targeted by an effect, only your Stand is targeted. Your Stand can phase through
creatures and objects, and you share your Stand's senses. When calculating your Stand's
ability scores, they may go up to 30 as they are often beings of immense speed and power
far beyond the capabilities of humans.
Stand Proud Focus
At 1st level, you have trained your mind and body to focus in the heat of battle. While
you are not wearing armor, you take 3 fewer points of damage from non-magical piercing,
slashing, and bludgeoning damage, and you gain advantage on saving throws to avoid
becoming charmed, frightened, and paralyzed.

Invisible Force
At 1st level, your Stand is only visible to other Stand Users and creatures capable of
casting spells, or that otherwise have magical or psionic abilities. Any damage dealt to
your Stand is dealt to you unless stated otherwise. A creature that your Stand interacts
with must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the Stand remains invisible
to them. On a success, they become aware of the Stand's presence.

Exchange Blows
At 2nd level, when you are damaged by a hostile creature, you make a DC 11 Constitution
check. On a success, you gain 1 stack of Exchange Blows. You may have a number of
stacks up to your proficiency bonus, and you may make an additional attack when you
take the attack action for each stack you have, which does not consume the stack. You
can use your bonus action to roll a check for an extra stack of Exchange Blows, as long
as you have at least 1. You may spend 1 stack of Exchange Blows to make an attack
against a creature at the end of their turn using your Stand as a reaction, and you may
spend 1 spirit point or additional stack to regain your reaction after doing so. All stacks
are lost at the end of initiative.

Exploit Weakness
Starting at 2nd level, you learn to exploit the weakness in a creature's defenses. On a hit
with you or your Stand's attacks, you may spend 1 stack of Exchange Blows to decrease
the target's AC by -1 to a maximum reduction equal to your proficiency bonus until the
end of their next long rest.

Spirit Points
At 3rd level, your Stand's power can be increased using a limited amount of energy rep-
resented as a number of spirit points, which can be spent on various Stand User features.
Your Stand User level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Spirit
Points column of the Stand User table. You regain all expended Spirit Points at the end of
a long rest.
Denting Blows
At 3rd level, if you are grappling a creature or being grappled by a creature, you and your
Stand's attacks automatically hit the creature and you may add your proficiency bonus to
the attack's damage roll if it is not there already. You may still make an attack roll to
determine if you score a critical hit. This feature extends to creatures who are too large to
be grappled as long as you climb on to them. Additionally, you may make an unarmed
strike as a bonus action, or two unarmed strikes for 1 spirit point.

Stand User's Endurance

Starting at 6th level, your AC when not wearing armor is equal to 10 + your Constitution
modifier + your Dexterity modifier. Furthermore, when you are subjected to an effect that
allows you to make a Strength or Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you
instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you
fail. If you are restrained, you may expend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to immediately
break free of it.


Fuerza 15 (+2) CA 18
Dest. 19 (+4)
Const. 18 (+4) Unarmed attacks: 1d4 + Bonif. Compet.
Intel. 13 (+1)
Car. 18 (+4)
Sabid. 11 (0)

Stand of Sharks
The Clash Alignment Stand is a tiny shark. Your Stand can move 240 ft. from your Char-
acter’s position. Your Stand can only exist in liquid, no matter how little. Your Stand is
also Proficient in unarmed attacks, and it’s unarmed attacks use a d4 for damage rolls.

I won't leave even a scrap of him behind!

At 3rd level, your Stand can teleport up to 20 feet between bodies of water as a bonus
action. You may spend 1 spirit point to regain your bonus action.
Inseparable Pair
At 5th level, you’ve formed a dependence on another creature. At the end of a long rest,
you may choose one creature. Until the end of your next long rest, they are your partner.
This grants you several bonuses for working in tandem with them. Whenever they attack
a creature, you can spend 1 spirit point to attack them as well without spending your
reaction, and you can spend a further spirit point to gain advantage on the attack. When
your partner is attacked, can spend your reaction to contest your Stand's attack roll with
the aggressor's, stopping the attack on a success. Finally, if your partner is within 50 ft.
of you, your attack rolls gain an additional +2 bonus, and your damage rolls gain 1 addi-
tional die.


Stats: igual que Vermouth


Fuerza 11 (0) Dest. 15 (+2)

Const. 20 (+5) Intel. 13 (+1)
Car. 18 (+4) Sab. 11 (0)

Iron Manipulation
Your Stand can use the iron in things such as the ground and air within a 30 ft. radius of
you to create small weapons that can be launched at a target as an action with a range of
30/60 feet. This can be knives, razors, or scissors. On a hit, they deal 2d8 + your Dexterity
modifier piercing damage. You may spend 1 Spirit Point to make one of these attacks as
a bonus action.

Don't get ahead of yourselves!

Your Stand can manipulate the blood of creatures in your vicinity. As an action when a
creature is within a 30 ft. radius of you, you force them to make DC 8 + your Stand's
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus Constitution saving throw. On a fail,
small metal objects of your choice burst out of their flesh, causing them to take 2d6 pierc-
ing damage, or half as much damage on a success.

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