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112-A New Muslim Town Lahore

Subject :English section: (C.E.F)
Max Marks: 20
Name: _____________ Time Allowed: 35 Min
Q1:Tick the correct answers.
(a) antecedent (b)forefather (c) predecessor
2.Choose the word with correct .
(a)Reputation (b)Ropetition (c)Repotation (d)Reputetiion
3.There was complete silence. The underlined word .
(a) . Partial (b). Half (c) Nothing (d)Full
4. An oral presentation can be interesting. The underlined part of sentence is a/an:
(a) . Adjective phrase (b). Adverb phrase (c) Noun phrase (d) Noun clause
Q2.Give short answers.
i. What advice did the Rasool (SAW)give to Hazrat Ali      ?
ii. How does the Holy Quran describe the personality of the Rasool (SAW)?
Q3.Pairs of words.
1. Affect , Effect 2. Angel , Angle
O4. Translate into urdu.
During the sermon, an Ansari seeing some men from the tribe of Banu tha’lba sitting there stood up and
pointed towards them and said, “oh Rasool of Allah .Their ancestors Killed a member of our family we appeal to
you to get one of them hanged in exchange for that ”. The Rasool replied, ‘The revenge of the father cannot
be taken on his son.”


112-A New Muslim Town Lahore
Subject: English Section : (C.E.F)

Max Marks: 20
Name: ____________________ Time Allowed: 35 Min

Q1: Tick the correct answers.
(a)lustrous (b)splendid (c) fabulous
2. Choose the word with correct spellings
(a)Perfection (b)Parfection (c) Perfaction (d). Pirfection
3.The synonym for the word firm is:
(a) Expensive (b) Powerful (c) Persistent (d). Brave
4. He did not take good care of his pet. The underlined word is a / an:
(a) Personal Pronoun (b) Relative Pronoun (c) Reflexive Pronoun (d) Indefinite Pronoun
Q2. Give short answers.
i. How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life? .
ii. Why did the Quraish think that the Rasool (SAW) would favour them?
Q3. Pairs of words.
1. Advice ,Advise 2. Altar, Alter
Q4. Translate in to urdu.
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) life is a perfect model and example for the people who want to attain
goodness, piety and success in their individual as well as social life. People can seek light from the message and
guidance from his life to achieve perfection in the moral spiritual and social areas of life . he has set very high and
noble ideas through his practical example for all mankind to follow in every field of life.

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