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sosremnestan Di st ké | Nf qu nar SM AR H&A IL BAI4 | BAN DI DAU DAY 7M (—) teaemn A: SK ZI IL? Jintian xingqi ji? B: SK BM (—-, 2.9, BL ALR). Jintian xinggi’@r (yi, san, si, wi, lit, tian) A: RE MIL? NT qu nar? BRA REM, HARK? WS qa Tidn’anmén, ni qu bu qu? AREA, RW PR, Bé qu, w6 huf xuéxito. Zaijian} A: JU Zaijian) ts Ar RH! Dulbug!! B, RRA! Méi guanxi! E314) shéngei LAR R MR 2. 2 Za 2a ZMS 2G 2MB BMA EMR 3. JL (@&) (@) (4) (4) (&) (@) (@) (@) (4) (#4) CR) jintian tian zudtian xinggi xingqiyi xingg?rer xingqisan xingqis! xingqiwi xingailit: xingqitian il er (=) 1re New Words Ti méi (kim thién) (thign) (tac thign) (tinh ky) (tinh ky nha) (tinh ky ni) (tinh ky tam) (tinh ky tty (tinh ky ngii) (tinh ky tue) (tinh ky thién) (ky) oni) week Monday Tuesday Wednesday "Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday how many; what; several two hém nay ngay hom qua tuan ‘thir hai thir ba thir tr thir nam thir sau thir bay chit nhat miy, vai .29 (8) sin (tam) three ba om 69 (& sl (1) four bon 7. RIL (Rar (na nhi) where 6 dau 8 ABIL (4R) nar (na nhi) there 6 d6, noi dé, chd kia 9. R&R) WS (nga) I; me 10i, tao, ta.. 10. (ah) hal (adi) to go back (to) vé, tro vé, quay vé WH. BAR (4) xuéxidio hoc hiéu) school trudng hoe 12. HR (sh) zaijian (tai kién) goodbye tam biét 1B. SARA dul bu gf (di bat khoi) Pm sony; sory; xin 16i excuse me 4. RRR méi guanxi (mét quan hé) doesn’t matter; khdng 06 gi don't mind that’s all right 2, Zhudnming Proper Name Tén riéng KR Tian’Gnmén —Tian’anmen (name of a square) Thién An Mon EB ieee Viyin © Phonetics - Natt Am w.essesssseeeeessssessenensnssesss Gn final Combinations Ghép van zou zon zen zang zeng zong zai cai ego cou can cen cang ceng cong sai sdo sou san sen sang seng song 30. zu ZU0 cu cu ~ 4 su suo. sui suan cun ‘Descriptions of articulation Cach phat am #83 Intials. Thanh miu '2 [ts] SRAM, EN, WE. RENAE, DLA. REERE TEBE, ESCA CUES PF 0025 BTA RARE. PARI. Unaspirated voiceless frontal-alveolar affricate. First the front part of the tongue is spread and is pressed against the upper alveolar ridge; then the tongue-tip maves apart to let out the air stream through the narrow passage. ‘The vocal cords do not vibrate. Am diu ludi treée, khong bat hoi, tie xét trong. Khi phat dm, dau ludi thang, cham sat vao mt sau rang trén, sau 6 du Indi hot Li [gi cho ludng hoi tir Khoang ming ma sat ra ngoai. Day thanh khéng rung, c [ts] SRM, RA, RE. RETA Z—H, BRA <3). Aspirated voiceless frontal-alveolar affricate. The position of articulation is the same as that of Z, but it requires strong aspiration. Am dau ludi tréc, bat hoi, tic xat trong. Vi tri phat 4m gidng z, can bat manh hoi ra. & [sl HORA, WR, SRE PY, SHE Tm SE rT a ihe Aspirated frontal-alveolar affricate. The tip of the tongue makes a light contact with the back of lower teeth. The air stream is squeezed out between the mid-part of the tongue and the upper teeth. Am dau lui truéc, tic xat, trong. Khi phat 4m, dau lwGi tiép can sau rang ctra dudi, ludng hoi tir chd mat hxGi va ring tén ma sat ra ngoai. #4 Finals Van mau itd er [a] ua [ua] uo [vo] uci [uai] ui [uei] uan [uan]} un fuen]} uang [uag] ueng [uep} - q] The final -i [7] Vanmau zi, ci, SiMMARE SAA [1], Hi zm. AAEM [i] TRUE 2, C. Sa, BARA zi, ci, si PANE i mE AB EM [i]. ‘The final -i in zi, ci and si is the frontal-alveolar [y]. It is represented by the letter i. Since [i] never appears immediately after z, C or S in Chinese putonghua, the final -i cannot be pronounced as [i]. ‘Van mau ctia zi, ci, si ld nguyén am [7] trrée du luGi, dling chit cai “i” dé biéu hj. Vi trong tiéng Han phé théng nguyén 4m [9] khéng xudt hién sau z, c, s cho nén van mau “i” trong zi, ci, si nhat dinh khong doc thanh [i] WERE er and the retroflex final er va van cudn ludi @® SBMH Retroflex finals Vin miu cuén tuoi Roh}, MVHUMMAR e Wie, MPGRBE LANNE. First put the tongue in the position for e, then when pronoucing er, slightly curl up the tongue-tip. Try to pronouce the following: Khi phat 4m er, truéc tién a&t ludi & vj tri phat dm e, sau dé déng thoi trong khi ning cong luéi Ién thi phat 4m: értong children zi son eq earphone erbaii ‘two hundred +32. er SHLAA SIAL SLAY SK EZ ai r, RFS EST OL CAMA MAS). Gili: ef forms a retroflex-syllable in combination with other finals. In transcription it is shown by adding a r to the original final. In written language it is represented by a “JL” following the original character (sometimes it can be omitted), «. g. er khi két hop véi van khdc tao thanh van cuén luGi. Cach viét phién 4m vin cuén Judi [a thém r vao sau van mau (vin) v6n sin c6 cia nd, cach viét chit Han La thém “ JL” ‘yao sau chit Han nguyén géc (Cé hic c6 thé luge bé khéng thém vao). Vi du: hudr (JL) nar (BL) wanr (3@JL) picture where play (PBS AW Roles of writing the transcription Quy tac viét DuFkWeH, uRS Rw. u at the beginning of syllable is written as w. Khi dau am tiét 18 u thi viét thanh w, ua — wa uo — wo udi — wai uel — wei uan — wan uen — wen uang G, 0, © FSAI ERE a AR, WR eA , AES C) MF. BRM: When a syllable beginning with a, 0 or € follows another syllable, it is desira- ble to use a dividing-mark (”) to clarify the boundary between the two syllables, . g- Khia, 0, e ding dau mét 4m tiét lign ngay sau mét 4m tiét khdc, dé tranh nham lin wang t Dividing-mark Dau cach am khi phat 4m cdc Am tiét d6, phai ding dau cach am (’). Vi du Tian’ dnmén (KI) EM 25) Lionxl © Exercises - Bai Tap... @ i™ Tones Thanh digu er or ér er ——érér Jy = san san san san —— san = st si st si} ——s wy na na na nd ——narnér = ARJL, RIL hui hut hui ul —— huf Bw ooo xué xiao a a xué xido z xt xué xiGo a xt xue —— xué xito. —— xido a za xi ——x ho aR ae @® er MJLAM or and the retroflexed finals er va van cuédn hudi Sri érduo hud hudr yixidr érténg qu nar érzi qu nar ér boi hdowdnr @ MAMA Pronunciations and tones Phin bigt Am, thanh digu @ WH Read and leam Nhdn mat chit Hin va doc 34. za ca sa 26 a cf si} za zan can san zang zén cén sén zéng Adién cfdiain s} didn s} tian zaijian, ctidian = xianzdi_—ISdi ztigud cujin caise caicd sudt dita 264i céinéng ciinzi stnzi songxing sdng xin zudtian cudwu sudyh zudyé canjiG zéngjid = sanbu yisin zulhou suthdou (1) BR SARL * Ze— BML RAR EAR ER EH Em dasdo bdcto eR JL kaRAT KN RE = Bme wa EMR ce ca céng céng HR XR BRA 2a 23AL sé sd sang séng (2) A: MAMRL? B. BPR, RE? A: FB, RFKKM, B, HR! A: BR! Ar SAA! B: RKA! © RAE Complete the dislogues Hoan thanh nhiing ciu hoi thoi sau: q) (2) (3) A; Ni qi nar? B; a 4, ni qu bu qu? 1 Ba qu, wé huf xuéxido. : Zaijian} > > Nr raf Qu Tian’ Gnmén, ni qu bu gu? : Zaijian! eee og A: Dul bu di. ® Bx Classroom Chinese Tir ngit thong ding trén lop. (1) A; W6 wen, nimen huida, héo ma? B, Hao! 35. (2) A; Dui bu dui? B: Dui le. (3) A: Déng le ma? B; Déng le. @ SMF Leam to write Tap viét chit Han

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