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Teks untuk soal no 1 - 3

Complete the text with appropriate words atau kata yang tepat

I used to have a beautiful cat named Proudy. She had white fluffy fur and
purple eyes and she had a little gray spot on her head and a black spot on her
tail, and she also had small ..... (1) with very cute paws.

Proudy was a very ... (2) cat too. She knew my schedule. She would wake
me up in the morning, a couple of minutes before my alarm clock rang. She
even knew what time I came home. When I opened the door, she would jump
on me ... (3) as if she was trying to tell me that she missed me so much.
Saya dulu punya kucing cantik bernama Proudy. Dia memiliki bulu berbulu putih dan
matanya ungu dan ada bintik abu-abu kecil di kepalanya dan bintik hitam di tubuhnya
ekornya, dan dia juga memiliki ..... (1) kecil dengan cakar yang sangat lucu.

Bangga juga sangat ... (2) kucing. Dia tahu jadwalku. Dia akan bangun
saya bangun di pagi hari, beberapa menit sebelum jam alarm saya berbunyi. Dia
bahkan tahu jam berapa aku pulang. Ketika saya membuka pintu, dia akan
padaku... (3) seolah-olah dia mencoba memberitahuku bahwa dia sangat

1. ...
A. Tail
B. Legs
C. Head
D. Body

Jawaban : B. Legs

2. ...
A. Cute
B. Smart
C. Funny
D. Adorable

Jawaban: B. Smart

3. ...
A. Quickly
B. Slowly
C. Wildly
D. Lazily
Jawaban: A. Quickly

4. Mrs. Alwi and her daughter, Syntia, have been out for shopping at Puri Mall for two
hours. Mrs. Alwi bought Syntia a new sweater. Now, she has already put on. She is
so happy that she hasn't even removed the tag yet.

Why didn't Syntia remove the tag of the sweater?

A. The tag cannot be removed

B. The sweater has been put on
C. She was so glad to have it
D. The sweater is really good

Jawaban: C. She was so glad the have it

Bu Alwi dan putrinya, Syntia, sudah dua jam keluar berbelanja di Puri Mall. Bu Alwi
membelikan Syntia sweter baru. Sekarang, dia sudah memakainya. Dia sangat
senang karena dia bahkan belum melepas tagnya.
Mengapa Syntia tidak melepas label sweternya?
A. Tag tidak bisa dilepas B. Sweater sudah dipakai
C. Dia sangat senang memilikinya D. Sweternya sangat bagus

5. Siti : Good morning, Beni

Beni : Good morning, Siti. How are you today?
Siti : I'm doing very well
Beni : You arrive very early. Do you always arrive early every day?
Siti : Yes, I do. I always come to school early. I always leave home at 6. I
don't want to be late. Beni, why do you clean the classroom by
Beni : Dayu is not here. She's late
Siti : Don't worry. I will help you to clean the classroom
Beni : Thank you, Siti. You always help other people
Siti : You are welcome, Beni.
Where does the dialog take place?

A. In the garden
B. At Siti's home
C. At Beni's home
D. In the classroom

Jawaban: D. In the classroom

6. Aura : What does your father usually do in the morning before going to work?
Raisah : He usually ... the internet to read recent online news.
A. Creates
B. Browses
C. Uploads
D. Downloads

Jawaban: B. Browses
Aura : Apa yang biasa ayahmu lakukan di pagi hari sebelum berangkat kerja?
Raisah : Biasanya dia... internet untuk membaca berita online terkini.
B. Menjelajah

7. Bram : There is a big ... in my bedroom. It's used for storing my clothes.
Tini : You must have a lot of clothes, so you need a big one.
A. Locker
B. Wardrobe
C. Cupboard
D. Spring bed

Jawaban: B. Wardrobe

8. Siti : Wow, your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable and large

Lisa : I think it is small.
Siti : I don't think so. It is big. It has many things. There are a lot of things.
They are two pink wardrobes, a green bookshelf, a pretty bed and a
brown mirror
Why does Siti think that Lisa's bedroom is big?

A. There are many things in the bedroom.

B. The bedroom is tidy and comfortable.
C. The bedroom is well organized.
D. There are two pink wardrobes.

Jawaban: A. There are many things in the bedroom

9. "Wow your bedroom is very tidy, comfortable ..."

What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?

A. Shady teduh
B. Clean bersih
C. Nice bagus
D. Neat rapi
Jawaban: D. Neat

10. "This place is fascinating." What is the antonym of 'fascinating'?memukau

A. Creepy menakutkan
B. Boring membosankan
C. Exciting menarik atau seru
D. Satisfying puas atau memuaskan

Jawaban: B. Boring

11. Erlin : Hi, I'm Erlin. ______

Lili : Hi, Erlin. I'm Lili
A. I'm fine, thanks. And you?
B. May I know your name?
C. Nice to meet you to.
D. How do you do?

Jawaban: B. May I know your name?

12. Noval : Mom, please meet Miss Adisti, my physical education

teacher. Miss Disti, this is my mother, Mrs. Betty
Mrs, Betty : __________
Miss Disti : How do you do?
A. Who are you?
B. How are you?
C. How do you do?
D. What's your name?

Jawaban: C. How do you do?

13. I live with my father, mother, elder brother and younger sister. My father is
Mr.Rajali, He's a teacher. My mother is Mrs.Kurnia, She is a nurse. My elder
brother is Hasan. He is a student of SMA Perjuangan. My little sister Rizkia
attends a kindergarten
How many people are there in writer's family?

A. Two
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

Jawaban: C. Five

14. My mother and I .... going to supermarket..... wants to buy some food and other things.
A. am – We B. are - She C. is - We D. is - I
15. Mr. Parmin is my neighbor...... is a postman. His job is deliver letters to our house.
A. She B. He C. I D. They
16. A : What do we have in the refrigerator? B : We have ..... melon, ..... orange and ....
A. a - an – some B. an - a - some C. some - an – a D. some - a – an
17. I have ...., ....., and ..... in the bedroom
A. soap, shampoo, pillows B. toothpaste, soap, shampoo
C. a mattress, a blanket, two pillows D. a blanket, two pillows, toothpaste
18. David : Do you like playing football Michael : ....... David : Why? Michael : Because it is
A. Yes, I like it B. Yes, I do C. No, I hate it D. No, I like
19. Mr Rahadi is a chef. He cooks food at a ....
a. hospital b. restaurant c. plane d. shop

20. Adi : What fruits do you like?

Laila : ....
a. I like soup very much b. I like pizza
c. Yes, I do. I like fruits d. I like apples and oranges

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