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Process: Harnessing the Power of the Waves

Step 1: Introduction
The water of the oceans of the world is almost always in motion, hardly ever interrupted. Waves break at the
_________, sometimes strong, sometimes weaker. There is an enormous energy potential that is available
around the clock and ___________; a potential that, if fully __________, could satisfy 40% of the worldwide
demand for power. This equals the output of 700 to 800 nuclear power stations.
Step 2: Technology Development
Poit Hydro Wave Energy is developing technologies to convert this _______________ energy into electric power
without the emission of harmful greenhouse gases.
Step 3: Operating Principle
The operating principle of this wave power station is as simple as it is ingenious: an enclosed __________ has an
opening beneath sea level, which allows water to flow from the sea to the ____________ and back. The water
level in the __________ rises and falls with the rhythm of the waves, and air is forced forwards and backwards
through the turbine connected to an upper opening in the ______________.
Step 4: Turbine Power Generation
As the airflow is compressed and decompressed, it drives the Wells turbine, named after its inventor. This
turbine is driven in the same direction by both forward and _________ airflow through it. Even relatively low
wave motions can __________ enough airflow to keep the turbine moving and to _________ energy.
Step 5: Continuous Energy Generation
This process allows energy to be generated day and night, all year round, as long as there are waves.
Step 6: Implementation
The world's first power station of this kind was __________ _____ ______ as early as November 2000 on the
Scottish island of Islay and has been feeding power to the grid ever since.
Step 7: Future Potential
Poit Hydro Wave Energy is convinced of the commercial potential of wave energy and aims to make a
significant contribution to supplying the world with ______________ energy, engineered for ___________.

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