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Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

a. identify the safe and responsible use of ICT;
b. create a scenario through role play about safe and responsible use of ICT; and
c. understand the importance of safe and responsible use of ICT.

Time Frame: 50 Minutes

Materials Needed: Pen and Paper


Information and Communication Technology or ICT refers to a set of technological Tools

and resources you can use to share, communicate, collaborates, manage, store and
retrieve information.


Computer usage is increasing all over the world. However, using computer can also be
dangerous. This lesson will tell you how to safely work on your computer.

1. Never touch any of the circuit boards inside the

computer while it is turned on. You will risk electrical
shock and possibly ruin your computer.
2. Use your common sense. While working on your
computer, never move, slide, bump or pick-up the
computer or your risk ruining the hard disks and
possibly create other problem.
3. Make sure you know what you’re doing while dealing with the software of your
4. Understand fully what needs to be done before tampering with settings and
properties and settings in any of your malfunction’s programs.
5. Always be gentle with hardware/computer. If something won’t go in check to see
if it is the right slot for that part.
6. Never have liquids or solids near a computer you are working on. Either of these
two things when introduced onto the hardware of computer will create damage.

1|Safe and Responsible Use of ICT

7. Install (or have somebody else install) an anti-virus and an anti-spyware
software. It is best to check what files are infected before lettings the virus
scanner deletes the file.
8. Never share financial information over the internet. Always use some sort of
privacy program like encryption or anonymous IP when dealing with banking or
anything that requires a credit card number.


The internet is a means of connecting your computer to

another computer anywhere in the world via routers and
servers. It is a powerful tool that you use every day at
home or in school. It has wide use in many areas. Below
are some of them.

 COMMUNICATION-People living far from each

other used to communicate through phone calls
letter sent through postal system or telegram. Today, the Internet makes
communicati on fast, easy and convenient. People can communicate with each
other by sending electronic mail or by using social media applications to conduct
video chats or send instant messages.
 RESEARCH- The internet has become major source of information. Using a
mouse button or keys on the keyboard, you can find information you need about
any subject through the internet.
 EDUCATION- Teachers and pupils used to rely on available books for their
resources. With the advent of the internet, more resources and opportunities
have become available to make learning accessible, effective and enjoyable.
 FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS- The internet has made online money transfer as
convenient as checking your email. There is a variety of online services for
money transfer and bills payment using your computer or mobile devices.
 REAL-TIME NEWS AND INFORMATION- You can be updated about news,
issues and events in different parts of the world. There are various websites that
provide real-time updates in sports, politics and finance business, entertainment,
among others.
 TRAVEL TRANSACTIONS- The internet makes online transportation booking
and ticket purchase possible. A number of bus, airline, shipping and railway
companies now have websites where you can select from various destinations
and scheduled trips, choose seats, purchase tickets, and even arrange for port or
station transfer and accommodations.

2|Safe and Responsible Use of ICT

 JOB SEARCH- The internet is useful for people who are searching for jobs.
There are several websites that post current job openings in the Philippines and
even in other countries.
 ONLINE SHOPPING- The internet is useful for shopping. There are numerous
websites that offer home appliances, electronic devices, car parts and
accessories, beauty and fashion items, toys, food and many other products and


Almost every information you need is available on the

internet. You can do many tasks through the internet.
With the different possibilities in the use of the interne,
you need to understand your responsibility in observing
safety rules.

Information security breaches and threats to personal

safety have increased exponentially with the number of
users, applications and tools available online. You
should be aware of some practices related to these breaches and threats so that you
have safe and secure online experiences

Internet Scams - These are schemes used by thieves to deceive and take advantages
of users. An example is an online shopping scam, where scammers pretend to be
legitimate sellers by using fake website.

Phishing- This is a type of scam in which information thieves disguise themselves as

other people, friends relatives or even yourself obtain one’s personal information, such
as username, password and credit card details for malicious reasons.

Cyberbullying - This is a form bullying using electronic devices such as cell phones or
smartphones, tablets and computer through communication tools such as instant
messaging, social media, email among others.

Cyberstalking - This occurs when a user is being harassed or threatened by another

user through email, instant messaging, social media or chat rooms.

Extortion - This is a form of blackmail. Extortion is the act of demanding money from
victims in exchange of keeping information or photos that will embarrass them or harm
their reputation.


3|Safe and Responsible Use of ICT

1. Use strong password. - A password is a secret code use to access an account or

2. Be Wise Be careful with the information you give online. Do not give personal
information such as your home address or telephone number, when someone asks for it
or when website requires you to enter them. Never give your private information. Do not
communicate with strangers online or accept anything that they offer.

3. Shop Safely Make sure that the online store you are accessing to shop uses security
tools before you purchase an item.

4. Watch out for scams Do not click links inside unwanted emails or website as this
could lead to phishing. By clicking the link, you will be directed to unwanted website that
asks for your personal information, which they can use to steal or extort money from

5. Update your security software regularly Ask your parent or your teacher to make sure
that antivirus or other security software is updated to detect malicious software that can
harm your computer.

Prepared by:
BEEd 3

4|Safe and Responsible Use of ICT

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