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Trust, in a relationship, is pivotal to thrive any relation. It works as a cornerstone to maintain a healthy
relation. However, it affects ones' life negatively if it is brocken once. One must take serious actions to
deal with the trust issues.


Definition of Trust

Why it is important to thrive a relation


2.1 Trust works as a cornerstone to build connections

2.2 Trust keeps a relationship alive

2.3 Trust makes both individuals feel safe

2.4 Trust helps inculcate a sense of unity

2.5 Trust brings positivity by despatching all the negative elements


3.1 Trust issues affect connections

3.2 Trust issues wither a relationship

3.3 A brocken trust once brings insecurities

3.4 Trust issues rarely promote unity

3.5 Trust issue brings negativity, attracting all the negative elements


4.1 Trust issues require professional support

4.2 A brocken trust needs extensive introspection

4.3 Meditation can be helpful in ending trust issues

4.4 Positive environment is contagious to bring in positivity

4.5 Positive company also affects the trust positively


I may ble to achieve my dream. However, the dream is trivial and is worth giving only some of the time.
Few months back, I went with one of my colleagues at a hotel. We both were talking about how to
achieve this goal and my friend was constantly trying to convince me of the "strong opinion" that he had.
Meanwhile, a professional person, sitting close to us, could not stop jumping into our gossip.
Interrupting our discussion he stated, "everything, you both wish for will be achieved at the right time."
Giving example of his achievements, he said that he achieved everything he ever wished for. He got his
dream car, dream job, and even dream woman. Contradicting our point of debate, ways of achieving our
goal, he said that keep the "Happiness" as an ultimate goal in your life. He furthered his discussion with
saying that he has achieved everything but not happiness. I am not happy as I used to be happy at the
times of struggle. It has been rightly said by someone that One should be in love with the process, not
the destiny.

Do what you crave even if it hurts others. Now, I am at a juncture of my life where I have to decide
whether to go left or right or should I just wait before taking any turn. I am at a point in my life where I
am given an option from my family to marry my cousin Safia or say no to them. Now, it is up to me what I
do to make things right. I feel the right decision will be to marry her. I like someone else whom I met in
the library. But later I think, if I give up on my love, I will be ruined mentally. She has all the power to
break me completely. I might not be able to focus on my goals.

There is a chance that we will both start to forget each other with the passage of time. We might feel like
giving up on all the things we were hoping to do. I think so because I know we have broken each other's
hearts; we have torn apart each other's expectations. We might not be able to be that close as we both
used to be. I feel that now is the time when I should tell her that I love her so much. I know that her
heart is also broken by me, but so is mine. I am also giving up on my cousin, which means I will her too.

Now, I am getting back to life after a long period. I had hurt myself by hurting Sumayya with my words
very callously. We had been dispatched for a longer time now, and did not talk for almost 2 and a half
months. Actually, we had a brutal verbal fight that day. It was a matter of jealousy. With that, I had been
unintentionally provoked by her telling me about a guy who would set right infront of her a long ago. The
problem was not that she did wrong to let him there but the problem I felt was that why did not she told
me earlier. She often talked about him in a very polite way. When she discussed him, she would talk in a
way as if she did not actually know him. This was the thing that made me feel mad at her. As a result, I
had to tell her very bad things. I was so mad at the moment that I reminded her of all the people with
whom she had just had a discussion about something. I accused her of so many bad things that she
might never have imagined. We, then, started ignoring each other so much that we could not even look
at each other.
I got sad today when I saw Sumayya in the evening. I went there outside the Urdu section and sat there
for a while at 12:55 pm until Sumayya came out. She went up to the second floor, completely ignoring
me. Afterward, I waited until 1:30 pm, and came back home to eat something to replenish my depleted
energy. I ate potato for lunch, and then I went to the library. I was so lucky to see Sumayya once again on
the lawn. But this time I decided to give her her book. Because I thought I should not delay her favors
anymore. I got really hurt when I saw that some random guys were sitting right in front of Sumayya in
her section. I don't know if I am overburdened with emotions or responsibilities. It seems as if I am
always true in the fight against others.

It was friday today, and I came to the library at evening 2:00 O'clock. I saw that Sumayya was sitting in
Urdu Section of the library. I kept my stuff in the newspaper section. I checked out urdu section once
again, looked at the boys who were there in the room but Sumayya was not there. Moreover, I saw that
fat little boy, who is immature and negative, was carrying his pillow in front of exact chair where
Sumayya's stuff were kept. As I saw him, he said she has gone to home. I came back to the room in a
state of worry. I instantly decided to text Sumayya to tell her about this. I did not had a phone so I had to
go home. As I went home, I took phone from my bother and texted Sumayya. I told her about this and
deleted the text from my side which means she could see it but not me. I came back to the library and
sumayya came to my room. She told me that these boys are not letting me study, I said, come to this
room. She said I am coming in a while. She brought her stuffs and came back with me. I told her to set
there where I had kept chairs for her. We both studied very well. Meanwhile, my heart was filling again
and again as if I wanted to say sorry to her. We both talked few times. It was a really awesome day and
the time we spent together was really a great time. Once again, we became partner on the limitless
pursuit of this journey. 26/4/2024

On this Friday afternoon, the library became my refuge, a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world.
Stepping into its serene atmosphere at precisely 2 o'clock, I immediately noticed Sumayya nestled
amidst the Urdu literature section, her presence a comforting sight amidst the rows of books. Depositing
my belongings in the newspaper section, I ventured back to the Urdu section, scanning the room for her
familiar figure. Yet, to my dismay, she was nowhere to be found amidst the scattered patrons. Instead,
my gaze fell upon a corpulent, juvenile figure, clutching his pillow like a shield of immaturity and
negativity, occupying the very chair where Sumayya's belongings lay. My concern mounting, I
approached him, only to be informed that she had already departed for home.

Returning to my own space with a gnawing sense of unease, I resolved to reach out to Sumayya
immediately. Lamentably, without a phone of my own, I was compelled to return home to borrow one
from my brother. Swiftly composing a message to Sumayya, I relayed the unsettling encounter and
promptly deleted it from my end, ensuring she received the communication without a trace on my

Upon my return to the library, relief flooded over me as Sumayya appeared in my midst. Her recounting
of the challenges posed by the disruptive presence of other patrons only strengthened my resolve to
provide her with a conducive study environment. Inviting her to join me in a quieter corner of the library,
I arranged the chairs to her liking, fostering an ambiance conducive to focused study.

As we delved into our respective tasks, the weight on my heart grew with each passing moment, an
unspoken apology lingering on the tip of my tongue. Yet, amidst our shared endeavor, moments of
conversation punctuated the silence, reaffirming the bond between us.

In retrospect, the hours spent in Sumayya's company proved to be not only productive but profoundly
enriching. Once more, we found ourselves united in our unwavering pursuit of knowledge, partners on
the boundless journey that lay ahead. And as the day drew to a close, the date etched into memory -
26th April 2024 - served as a marker of our renewed commitment to each other and to the limitless
possibilities of the future.

On this saturday morning, the library became my refuge, a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside
world. Stepping into the serene atmosphere of the newspaper section, I instantly noticed the absence of
Sumayya, one of my friends. Her dissappearance was portraying an upsetting image of the room. I
ventured to the Urdu section where I got enlightened by her presence. Relief flooded over me as my
eyes witnessed her delightful figure settled close to one of her siblings, Javeria. I marched towards her
for handing over her desired obect, a whitner that she had demanded two days before.
On this Saturday morning, the library became my refuge, a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside
world. Stepping into the serene atmosphere of the newspaper section, I instantly noticed the absence of
Sumayya, one of my friends. Her disappearance portrayed an upsetting image of the room. I ventured to
the Urdu section where I was enlightened by her presence. Relief flooded over me as my eyes witnessed
her delightful figure settling close to one of her siblings, Javeria. I marched towards her to hand over her
desired object, a whitener that she had demanded two days before.

On this Friday evening, the library became my refuge, a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world.
Stepping into the serence atmosphere of the newspaper section, I noticed that lots of people inhabited
library's section of Islamiate. So, I had to change the room and hence I came back to the English section.
In this section, I noticed people relatively less in numbers. Yet, the available space was barely enough for
me to be seated along with the laptop. However, I turned out lucky enough to get some available chairs.
I grabbed two of those and kept it near the window, because near the window, there was a switchboard
where I could charge my laptop. I remained in the room for an hour or more, but as I got bore, I went out
of it. I went out to drink some water and to have some cold breeze near the railing of the lawn in the
library. Afterward, I came back to the room, as I was sitting in the chair, I noticed Sumayya, from the
window, talking on phone with her female friend. Earlier that day, we both had a fight over something.
We both were really angry at each other. She even blocked me on the whatsapp while I was sending her

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