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BreakingNewsEnglish - The Mini Lesson

600 students expelled for True / False

cheating a) Over 600 university students in India were
expelled for cheating. T / F
23rd March, 2015
b) The students used a technique using novels to
Authorities in help them cheat. T / F
India's Bihar c) Dozens of parents climbed up to classroom
state have windows to help kids cheat. T / F
expelled around
600 high school d) Some of the cheat sheets were folded into
students for origami paper cranes. T / F
cheating in their e) The education minister said it was easy to
10th grade keep exams secure. T / F
The pupils used f) The minister said parental cooperation was
a novel but somewhat dangerous way to get help pretty much essential. T / F
with their exam papers – their parents scaled the g) Police officers are posted at many schools to
walls of the school building and provided the try and reduce cheating. T / F
answers to questions through the windows.
Photographs and video footage of this illegitimate h) A school official said the schools could not use
technique have gone viral. It shows dozens of force to rid the parents. T / F
parents clinging on to whatever they can on the
walls to feed information to their children. Some Synonym Match
of the parents were three stories up. Teachers
found many cheat sheets inside the classroom. 1. expelled a. slightly
Some had been folded up into paper airplanes and 2 somewhat b. make certain
thrown threw the window.
3. provided c. unlawful
Over 1.4 million 10th graders are taking the tests 4. illegitimate d. observe
this week at more than 1,200 high schools across
the state. Bihar's education minister P.K. Shahi 5. clinging e. almost
told reporters that schools faced a difficult job to 6. ensure f. thrown out
ensure exams took place under the strictest of 7. conditions g. coercion
conditions. He said: "It's virtually impossible to
conduct fair examinations without the cooperation 8. virtually h. supplied
of parents." He added that it was not possible to 9. monitor i. circumstances
monitor all parents who accompany their children 10. force j. holding
to schools and other test centres. The situation
regarding parents helping their children cheat has
become so prevalent that police officers are Discussion – Student A
posted to each school. However, an official said,
"we can't use force to drive away the parents". a) What do you think about what you read?

Sources: / b) Why do people cheat?

c) What do you think of this cheating

Writing technique?
Any student who cheats should be immediately d) What things have you cheated at?
thrown out of school. Discuss.
e) What should happen to people who cheat at
Chat exams?

f) What do you think of the parents who helped

Talk about these words from the article.
their kids cheat?
expelled / cheating / novel / dangerous /
g) Would you help your child cheat if it could
illegitimate / technique / gone viral / education
better his/her life?
minister / strict conditions / cooperation /
monitor / prevalent / force h) How did the school let this happen?

LOTS MORE at Copyright Sean Banville 2015

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