Summative Road Not Taken

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Road Not Taken 4 points

1. Choose ONE 20 Points

a. Is the setting important to the poem? How? Explain

b. Who tells the poem? Is this the best person to tell it? Why?

2. Choose ONE 20 points

i) What choices did the character have? What choice did he make?
Why? Explain

ii) What lesson does this poem teach about life? How is the lesson
taught? Explain

iii) What is the poet’s problem and then offer your poet advice on how
to solve his/her problem. Explain

20 points
3 Read the three quotes from the poem. Choose one and explain what
made it interesting for you.

i) And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could

ii) Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

iii) I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

4 Describe an event from your own life in which you had to make a
choice that was difficult for you. Relate to the dilemma the poet feels.
How were your feelings similar/different?
(write no less than 30 words – giving evidence from the poem to
show understanding)
(40 points)

How you will be graded:
In order to get full point answers must have all of the following:

Content 60%
20 points: The response is clear, coherent and well organized
20 points: The response shows in depth understanding of the literary piece
20 points: All information provided is relevant to the task and the response includes many
supporting details and examples to justify the response

Language 40%
Vocabulary 25 points: shows correct use of rich and varied vocabulary. Correct use of language
chunks and phrases.
Grammar 10 points: shows correct use of simple and complex structures
Mechanics 5 points: no run on sentences, high frequency words are spelt correct and only a
few spelling errors of complex words. Punctuation and capital letters and paragraphing.

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