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Common Entrance Mathematics Questions

1. Express XLIX in Arabic numeral.

A. 511
B. 490
C. 460
D. 49
E. 46
2. Write in figure, twenty five thousand and five.
A. 25,505
B. 25,500
C. 25,050
D. 25,005
E. 25,000
3. What is the place value of 2 in 204.14?
A. Hundreds
B. Tens
C. Tenth
D. Hundredth
E. Thousandth
4. Find the LCM of 12, 18 and 24.
A. 108
B. 72
C. 54
D. 36
E. 6

5. Find the sum of the square of 9 and the square root of 9

A. 6
B. 9
C. 81
D. 84
E. 99
6. Express N30,000 as a percentage of N60,000
A. 60%
B. 50%
C. 40%
D. 30%
E. 20%
7. Which of the following numbers is NOT a perfect square?
A. 200
B. 144
C. 121
D. 25
E. 9
8. Two-third of a number is 10. What is the number
A. 30
B. 25
C. 20
D. 15
E. 10

9. Find the simple interest on N600 for 5 years at 9% per annum

A. N970
B. N920
C. 720
D. 520
E. 270
10. If 35% of a number is 70, find the number.
A. 20
B. 35
C. 105
D. 200
E. 2,450
11. Multiply 6204 by 0.0031
A. 19.23
B. 19.53
C. 190.23
D. 191.23
E. 192.32
12. What must be divided by 9 to obtain 32?
A. 24
B. 72
C. 144
D. 288
E. 576
Common Entrance Comprehension Passage I
Read the passages below carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most
appropriate of the options lettered A-E.
Once upon a time, there lived a man whose name was Joseph, son of Okwuike of Amaekpu
village, Joseph was a rich man. His fame spread to the neighbouring villages of Umuokoro,
Umuihi and Umuoro. Joseph awarded scholarship to the orphans and gave widows money and
farmlands for crop cultivation.
One day, the entire village was thrown into mourning because rumour spread that armed robbers
had visited Joseph in his house, robbed him and killed him.
However, the truth was later revealed that armed robbers never visited Joseph’s house but that he
only took ill and was taken to the teaching hospital in the city. This was a great relief to the
people of Amaekpu and the neighbouring villages who were beneficiaries of his kindness
because they believed he would recover from his sickness. Sadly, Joseph did not survive the
illness as he died a few days after he was taken to the hospital; but his memory lived on forever
amongst his people.
13. Joseph was famous because he
A. built houses for the poor.
B. visited orphanages.
C. was rich and kind.
D. was the son of Okwuike.
E. was visited by armed robbers.
14. Another word that can replace relief as it is used in the passage is
A. comfort.
B. harm.
C. hurt.
D. opportunity.
E. privilege.
15. The name of Joseph’s village is
A. Amaekpu.
B. Okwuike.
C. Umuibi.
D. Umuokoro.
E. Umuoro.
16. When the people heard that Joseph was admitted in the hospital, they were happy because
A. he was a wicked man.
B. they considered him an enemy.
C. they believed that he would recover from the sickness.
D. they wanted him to die.
E. they wanted to inherit his property.
5. Apart from money, Joseph gave the widows
A. cash crops for cultivation
B. farm lands for cultivation
C. Food
E. Scholarship
E. wrappers
English Comprehension Passage II
Recreation is very important in the development of the child. It does not only develop the child
physically but also helps in the mental growth of the child. This is why the government has
ensured that recreation is observed in schools.
However, where the pupils are not monitored during recreation, they may end up sustaining
injuries. That is why in most schools, it is not engaged in without a teacher monitoring the pupils
to avoid any harm. During recreation, the following games are played: athletics, handball, ludo,
rope skipping etc. Some lazy pupils avoid recreation and this has affected their physical and
mental development.
6. Who ensures that recreation is observed in schools?

А. Teachers.
B. Government
C. Parents
D. Schools
E. Pupils
7. According to the passage, the following games are played during recreation except
A. athletics
В. football
С. handball
D. ludo
E. skipping
8. To avoid injuries, the __ monitors the pupils during recreation.
A. cleaner
B. games master
C. head boy
D. headmaster
E. teacher
9. Some __ pupils avoid recreation
A. brilliant
B. lazy
C. pampered
D. sharp
E. weak
10. According to the Passage, recreation develops the child physically and ___
A. emotionally
B. Mentally
C. structurally
D. Intelligently
E. socially
Passages & Questions
There were’ three activities Musa enjoyed so much while growing up. These were recitation of
nursery rhymes, which increased his retentive memory, playing of football, which, enhanced his
physical fitness, and storytelling which boosted his thinking ability and taught him several moral
lessons. Of all these. his favourite was storytelling
His friend, Ibe, on the other hand, liked watching cartoon network and playing violent video
games and films. He concentrated more on violent video games. To him. children should play
more of violent video games because they make a child smart and creative. More so. they bring
about quick thinking and fast decision making.
One day, Musa and Ibe met in school during break time and discussed the advantages and
disadvantages of those activities they liked. Musa succeeded in discouraging his friend from
playing and watching violent video games and films. This was done by telling Ibe a short story
about Clinton, an American boy who picked a gun and shot his father as a result of what he
Clinton regretted his action. Apart from this obvious fact, other reasons why Musa disliked
violent video games were that they teach kids the wrong values such as aggressive behaviour and
vengeance. They also corrupt the mind. On listening to this short story, Ibe vowed never to play
or watch violent video games and films again.
11. Which one of these activities is Musa’s favourite?
A. Playing football.
B. Playing video games.
C. Recitation of nursery rhymes.
D. Storytelling.
E. Watching films.
12. According to the passage, ___ shot his father.
A. a child
B. a friend
C. Clinton
D. Ibe
E. Musa
13. Another word can replace disliked as it is used in the passage is
A. hated.
B. loved.
C. shunned.
D. wanted.
E. watched.
14. Ibe was used to?
A. Violent video games
B. Storytelling
C. Playing football
D. Sleeping
E. Reading
15. Musa likes football because?
A. boosted his thinking ability
B. enhanced his physical fitness
C. increased his retentive memory
D. made him smart and creative
E. taught him several moral lessons.


4). Technical education is best described as a learning that involves?

A. Applied science and modern technology
B. Information communication technology
C. Drawing and acting
D. workmanship and creativity
5). A good teacher in a technical college must be technically minded and at the same time?
A. practical
B. knowledgeable
C. creative
D. constructive
6). The essence of guidance and counseling in Nigeria educational system exclude which of the
A. increasing societal vices
B. adjustment and growing needs of youths
C. problems of democratic participation
D. changes in educational system
7). Learning in the psychomotor domain is measured by?
A. aptitude test
B. performance test
C. achievement test
D. intelligence test
8). Choose the option that best conveys the meaning of the underlined portion in the following
The balance sheet at the end of the business year shows that we broke even

A. made profit
B. had no money to continue business
C. lost heavily
D. neither lost nor gained
9). Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the option that most suitably fills the
When the beggar was tired he ….. down by the roadside?

A. lied
B. lay

C. layed

D. laid

Answers = B

10). Statements : All mangoes are golden in colour. No golden-coloured things are cheap.

Conclusions :
I. All mangoes are cheap.
II. Golden-coloured mangoes are not cheap.

A. Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

C. Either I or II follows

D. Neither I nor II follows

E. Both I and II follow

Answers = B
Clearly, the conclusion must be universal negative and should not contain the middle term. So, it
follows that ‘No mango is cheap’. Since all mangoes are golden in colour, we may substitute
‘mangoes’ with ‘golden-coloured mangoes’. Thus only, II follows.
11). In a class, 20% of the students own only two cars each, 40% of the remaining own three cars
each and the remaining students own only one car each. Which of the following statements is
definitely true from the given statements ?

A. Only 20% of the total students own three cars each.

B. 48% of the total students own only one car each.

C. 60% of the total students own at least two cars each.

D. 80% of the total students own at least one car.

E. None of these

Answers = B

Let total number of members be 100,
Then, number of members owning only 2 cars = 20.
Number of members owning 3 cars = 40% of 80 = 32.
Number of members owning only 1 car = 100 – (20 + 32) = 48.
Thus, 48% of the total members own one car each.

12). The average marks of four subjects is 120. If 33 was misread as 13 during the calculation,
what will be the correct average?

A. 122

B. 120

C. 125
D. 121

Answers = C

13). The square of a positive number is 2000% greater than the number itself, then the square of
that number is?

A. 1762

B. 1635

C. 441

D. 139

Answers = C

14). Which one of the following is an example of Operating System?

A. Microsoft Word

B. Microsoft Excel

C. Microsoft Access

D. Microsoft Windows XP

Answers = D

15). Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A. At constant temperature, the volume of a gas increases as the pressure increases

B. The average kinetic energy of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature

C. The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume

D. The temperature of a gas is directly proportional to its volume

E. The collisions of molecules with each other are elastic

Answers = A

Please Note:
What is the place value of 7 in the number 526.97? A. 7 hundreds B. 7 Tens C. 7 Units D. 7
Tenths E. 7 Hundredths
Find the positive difference between -8 and -14 A. -22 B. -6 C. 11 D. 22 E. 6
Find the smallest number that 60 must be multiplied with to give a perfect square A. 15 B. 10 C.
6 D. 5 E. 3
A man spends 1/4 of his monthly income on children’s school fees and 3/5 on home affairs.
What fraction of his come is left?
Find the value of 16 x 2 – 3 + 14 ÷ 7 A. 15 B. 20 C. 26 D. 28 E. 31
The sum of angles on a straight link is A. 90 degrees B. 45 degrees C. 135 degrees D. 180
degrees E. 270 degrees
If the bearing of A from B is 135 degrees, what is the bearing of B from A? A. 90 degrees B. 45
degrees C. 135 degrees D. 315 degrees E. 360 degrees
Approximate 5.7255 to the nearest thousandth. A. 5.7 B. 5.725 C. 5.7255 D. 5.726 E. 73
Write in figure: six hundred and fifty-eight million, one hundred and twenty-five thousand and
one. A. 658,125,100 B. 658,125,101 C. 658,125,001 D. 658,125,000 E. 658,105,001
Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 44cm A. 44cm B. 28cm C. 22cm D. 14cm
E. 7 cm
Express 0.00254 in standard form. A. 2.54 x 10-1 2.54 x 10-2 C. 2.54 x 10-3 D. 2.54 x 10-4E.
2.54 x 10-5
Find the sum of prime factors in 60. A. 5 B. 7 C. 8 D. 10
Round off 6827 to the nearest ten. A. 6820 B. 6821 C. 6830 D. 6900 E. 7000
Express N32.00 as a ratio of N72.00. A. 34:16 B. 16:34 C.9:4 D. 4:9 E. 1:2
Find the L.C.M. of 20a2 and 32ab. A. 4a B. 16a2b C. 160a2b D. 160ab2 320a2b
Add the following 1011two, 1111 two and 101111 two. A. 111110 two 10111two C. 1001001
two D. 1001101 two E. 11001101 two
Find the H.C.F of 108 and 72. A. 9 B. 18 C. 27 D. 36 E. 72
Increase 4500kg by 15%. A. 300kg B. 675kg C. 3825kg D. 5175kg E. 67500kg
Find the product of the L.C.M. and H.C.F. of the following numbers 9, 12 and 18. A. 6 B. 18 C.
36 D. 108 E. 216
If N240,000.00 is shared among 3 people in the ratio 5:4:3, what is the least share? A.
N100,000.00 B. N96,000.00 C. N80,000.00 D. N60,000.00 E. N52,000.00
Find the simple interest on N30,000.00 for 3½ years at 5% per annum. A. N5,250.00 B.
N5,775.00 C. N10,750.00 D. N11,550.00 E. N15,770.00
Find the square root of 9 x 16 x 25. A. 3600 B. 360 C. 60 D. 25 E. 9
A desktop computer is bought for N45,000.00 and sold for N30,000.00. Find the loss per cent. A.
45.00% B. 33.33% C. 30.00% D. 15.33% E. 00%
Arrange in descending order of magnitude 3/5, ½, 4/7, 5/9 A. 3/5, 4/7, 1/2., 5/9 B. ½, 4/7, 3/5,
5/9 C. 3/5, 4/7, 5/9, ½ D. 4/7, 3/5, ½, 5/9 E. 5/9, 3/5, 4/7, ½.
On every sale of goods worth N10,000.00, there is a commission of N550.00. If an agent delivers
N150,000.00, find his commission. A. N1,250.00 B. N2,250.00 C. 4,150.00 D. N7,250.00 E.
Multiply 1001101two by 111two. A. 1001101two B. 1000101two C. 1001001two D.
1010001two E. 10011two
A Toyota Hilux uses 100 litres of fuel in a distance of 250km. How many litres of fuel will it use
for a distance of 150 kilometres? A. 50 litres B. 60 litres C. 80 litres D. 133 litres E. 375 litres
Reciprocal of 0.65 to three significant figure is? A. 1.54 B. 1.538 C. 1.53 D. 1.500 E. 54
The length of a basketball pitch can be divided into 12 parts, each 25cm long. How many parts,
each 20cm long can be obtained from the pitch? A. 12 B.13 C.14 D.15 16
What is the probability that a pregnant woman will give birth to a boy? A. 1 B. 1/2 C. 1/3 D1/4

Monday, June 17, 2013

Jss 3 Basic Technology Questions

An example of preventive maintenance is: ___ (A) providing drainage on new road (B) replacing
worn-out part of a bicycle (C) removing leaking zinc sheets in a building (D) changing under-
sized bolts in a car (E) pumping a deflated tyre.
Driving tools exclude ___ (A) screw driver (B) hammer (C) punch (D) mallet (E) saw
Chairs, tables and beds require regular maintenance; as a result, the screws are tightened using:
___(A) hammers (B) file (C) punches (D) mallets (E) screwdrivers
The battery in a radio is kept active by _ (A) leaving the radio on at all times (B) cleaning the
oxide deposits regularly and switching off when not in use (C) removing the batteries to dry off
(D) supporting with flat batteries (E) servicing it by somebody who is not a technician.
The common cooking appliance suitable in rural areas which have no wood or electricity is the
__ (A) gas cooker (B) electric cooker (C) kerosene stove (D) oven (E) microwaves
Electric kettles are better maintained by: ___ (A) waiting until the kettle begins to make noise
(B) switching of when it boils (C) opening the spout for steam to escape (D) washing with soap
and water (E) cutting off the wires
Which of the following should best be used together with a duster for dusting varnished wooden
tables? (A) soap (B) petrol (C) paraffin oil (D) water (E) engine oil
A teaspoonful of __ should be added to the water used in boiling out new aluminium cooking
pots to prevent discolouration. (A) salt (B) borax (C) milk (D) sand (E) oil
The property which causes a metal to return to its original shape after being bent or stretched is
known as ___ (A) Conductivity (B) Ductility (C) Elasticity (D) Malleability (E) Plasticity
Ductility is the ability of a metal to __ (A) conduct electricity (B) conduct heat (C) resist
elasticity (D) resist heat (E) be drawn to thin wire
This instrument is used for drawing vertical and incline line (A) rule (B) set square (C) compass
(D) protractor (E) tee square
Metals are produced from ore by __ (A) welding (B) bending (C) smelting and casting (D)
carbon method (E) making the ferrous
This known as fittings used in woodwork (A) nails (B) screws (C) pilot holes (D) counter sinking
holes (E) hinges and locks
To make concrete, we __ (A) add water to cement (B) add water to sand (C) mix water, sand and
cement proportionately (D) mix stone and cement (E) mix cement and sand
Food may be stored or preserved in the following except __ (A) oven (B) farm (C) refrigerator
(D) bag (E) freezer
The basic material for producing ceramics is __ (A) rubber (B) manufactured board (C) clay (D)
non ferrous metal (E) plastics
Any acute angle is ___ (A) less than 90o (B) more than 45o (C) more than 90o less than 180o
(D) less than 90o less than 180o (E) is exactly 90o
Metal can be prevented from rusting by __ (A) applying water on it (B) applying acid on it (C)
rubbing oil on it (D) removing grease from it (E) heating it red hot
Which of the following is the two methods of seasoning wood __ (A) air and line (B) kiln and
fire (C) air and kiln (D) kiln and line (E) air and fire
In setting out of buildings, which of these is not used? (A) Shovel (B) Tape (C) Pegs (D) Ropes
(E) Buildings plan.
The process through which the roots of the trees are being removed from the ground is called
___ (A) grubbing (B) excavation (C) builder’s square (D) farming (E) survey
The process of transferring the details of the plan of a building from drawings to the ground is
called __ (A) walling (B) planning (C) foundation (D) concreting (E) setting out
An example of chemical spread over a construction site to get rid of termites is __ (A) coal tar
(B) solignum (C) aldrin or deldrin dust (D) carbon or saw dust (E) lime wash or soda ash
The branch of engineering involves with the application of principles of science and technology
to the research , design, manufacture and maintenance of highly sophisticated products such as
aircrafts and space satellites is called ___ (A) computer engineering (B) petroleum engineering
(C) aeronautical engineering (D) mining engineering (E) none of them
The process of cutting or splitting logs of wood into planks is known as ___ (A) felling of trees
(B) seasoning of wood (C) conversion of wood (D) preservation of wood (E) sanding of wood
Sawn timber can be made to remain useful for a long period by the use of ___ (A) abrasives (B)
adhesives (C) plain sawn method (D) quarter sawn timber (E) preservatives
One of this is not a wood preservative ___ (A) flint (B) paint (C) coal tar (D) creosote (E)
French polish
In Nigeria the normal voltage in the PHCN line in residential houses is ___ (A) 100V(B) 110V
(C) 200V (D) 220V (E) 320V.
Which of the following gives the correct definition of site preparation? ___ (A) the last work
done by a contractor on a site before handing over to the owner (B) the fencing of the site (C) the
initial operations carried out on a site so as to facilitate actual construction work (D) none of
them (E) all of them
The tool for shearing cloth into pieces is called __ (A) knife (B) pair of scissors (C) needle (D)
screw driver (E) pliers

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