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WOE ekaitn ‘GRalgO Exam night Revision 2024 For Preparatory Year 1 haaan ih Gaal cated | ye Salasdl Sod! einall ~~~ | al s (4 marks) ’ 9 eus a eY ay ae gad ca £ & je ead gad £ © om gots gt g ed Ela id CLK I g yl Aka Selb Qe Areal! Fyqually Spall (a he yl W hile Ameren Ye Zl ha! he GUS Ihc bend Sa) Jal (ye ipllall Aayae 9 Igier i 9 Chai! aya gla a Cia @ Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, ¢ or d: 1. Mohamed and his son Fady went to the .. Y-YY 5p) @® planetarium © funfair © dub @ aquarium 2. Fady was very ............ when he rode on the big wheel. @ bored © nervous © tired @ exeited 3. They had .. .. at the restaurant. @a snack © breakfast © lunch @ dinner 4. The food was delicious and the prices were .. : @ good © bad © expensive @ terrible @ Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, ¢ or d: 1. What kind of story is Robinson Crusoe? YY Bolom ag’ @ Funny © Adventure © Comedy @ Historic 2. What was Crusoe's job? ® Atailor © A doctor © Avet @ Asailor 3. Why did Crusoe's ship sink? - Because there was a terrible : @® storm © snow © cloud @ fog 4. Where did Crusoe go after his chip sank? - He went to a nearby .. oe @ animals © book © island @ statue [lit was Fady’s birthday last weekend. His father Mohamed took him to the funfair. Fady was excited when he rode on the big wheel. Then, they had dinner at a restaurant. The food was delicious and the prices were good. Robinson Crusoe is an adventure story by Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe was a sailor. One day his ship sank because there was a really terrible storm. Crusoe swam to a nearby island, but there were no other people there. 2 PREP 7 Baha iyo jal gi A Aber gl Jaleo lay Aull pls = Wad PE pny Bal 9 Wghid Augie yg 7 Salat daue | ‘Ab aLaLl ¢ gig (dhe bats > Ab Dalal id Glas iS 1 999 Wybercias Sill gol! aya) gi LY > ule ab YOU wey Ses Aorg AB Ghaucatecill tod GL 131 ied Juke Wy Slaw! od], you Cd gi hci! coke | padall placa PAD actly (1) rea adhe ob g ocd ALLS! cagllall EL tl Ces apicone Wyle) gpa Like) > + ead ar | oc oh g te SNe pagoda glo Sas“ @ How as How long Gott gles Ball glo How often Gitte a How much Deal oS (pat! wo How old pall How many Fersipe How tall Use we How far Baad! day be How heavy bigle am - is - are / was - were / do - does - did / has - have - had can - could / may - might will - would / shall - should / must ... sSljeall G delve AS dotseinnd (LEY!) Alea 3 yal! gi delivel! Jail! dong (3) - “C23 au do / does / did pisiud Aled! § wane yall gf uslue Jad Shea 4S pl 15] - do Arle! Jaill g Where patind OBall 56 SIjul! 9 JaBll g Jel! oS Aled! § selec Jad tog 9 ail) Amir : Where do you live? 2.Hana —: My uniform is blue. is AeLaall Jadll 9 What colour paseiad Ogle JIjull $9 Jelall al Aled! 3 ogrge a) Eman —: What colour is your uniform? vos fhe Ae Laval Laill od aur! day Gh plated! Cilgsl aay Which/ Whose/ How many / How much + gal + Acluo Jad + old + ad A. Teacher : Whi Heba B. Tamer Hnay : [have got a lot of friends. 1. Jana Leen _: 1 went to the planetarium yesterday. 2. Mazen Marwan 3. Malak Suzan :My 4, Hana oo Yasmeen : My weekend was fantastic. 5. Maya Merna__ : This tablet costs 5000 pounds. I go to school by bus. ster plays the piano once a week. Aula! ola "Ua Giaw Do / Does / Are / Is / Can... fate jail gi claws ay Sli iy 131“ Sli pod oP utenall g Acad all 9 Jolal! Lasiay 9 Yes, ...... / No, .. 2 1. Menna Logy : Yes, | have got a laptop. 2, Ahmed Youssef No, | didn’t go to the aquarium yesterday. 3. Mariam :......... Salma Yes, Habiba goes to the sports centre once a week. ‘ PREP 7 — —\ue4 MIGHT 1. Complete the following dialogu Nora and Heba are talking about Tahya Masr bridge. Nora_: Hi Heba. Yesterday I went to Tahya Masr bridge. Ye YY Syl Heba :HiNora. @ ... ? Nora :| went there to enjoy the wonderful view across the bridge. Heba : Ohreally. @ ? Nora : it took about 32 months to build it. Heba : Do you know that it is the widest suspension bridge in the world. Nora :@ .. "+ | 1. Why did you go there? Heba : What is the best time to cross the bridge? | 2. How long did it take to build? Nora : 0... 3. Yes, Ido, Heba : When can we go there together? 4. Atthe sunset/ in the evening. 5. Maybe next Friday. /.... Nora :® 2. Complete the following dialogue: Omar is talking to Hamdi about plans for next week. 7 1, Good afternoon, Omar. Omar: Good afternoon, Hamdi. 2. What shall we do next week? Hamdi :@... 3.1'm not sure. Omar :@.. . ? 4, What about basketball? Hamdi_: Why don't we go rock climbing? 5. That's a good idea - Omar :6... I'd rather do a different activity. Hamdi : OK. @ ? Omar _ :1! don't know. I'm not very tall. Hamdi_ : OK, not rock climbing or basketball ... 1 know! Let's play tennis. Omar :6... ! L always enjoy playing tennis. Hamdi : Ok. 3. Complete the following dialogue: Ayman and Magdy are talking about their plans. Ayman : We're going on a trip to Luxor next week. Magdy : @... Ayman : We are going there by train. Magdy : Where are you going to stay there? Ayman :@ Magdy : © . Ayman : We are going to visit the temples there.| 3. How are you going there? Magdy :0 2. Ina hotel. Ayman : Thanks, Magdy. 3. What are you going to do there? dy : 4, Thope you enjoy your time. Magdy : 5. You're welcome. Five ses 4. Complete the following dialogue: Judy is talking to Retal about her new shoes. Judy Retal Judy Retal Judy Retal Judy Retal Judy Retal YeYY elagasl : Llike your new shoes. What are they made of? :0 : Leather! @ : [bought them last week. : Who bought them for you? 76. : Your father is very nice. O : Because it was my birthday. 1. They are made of leather. 2. When did you buy them? 3. My father. 4, Why did he buy them for you? 5. Sure. / Yes, of course. : Great. Can you come with me to buy new shoes for me? 76. 5. Complete the following dialogue: Waleed and Ali are talking about weekends. Samir Ali Samir Ali Samir Ali Samir Ali Samir Ali : What did you do last weekend, Ali? :0 : Wow! The funfair! @ : Lrode on the big wheel. 76... : The ticket is 20 pounds. : What else did you do there? :0 : Can I come with you next time? :6 1.1 went to the funfair. 2. What did you do there? 3. How much is the ticket? 4, saw a water show. 5. Sure. / Yes, of course. 6. Complete the following dialogue: Salma is asking Hana about the museum. Mona Arwa Mona Arwa Mona Arwa Mona Arwa Mona Arwa : Hello, Arwa! How are you? 70... :0.. : Really!® . : To see some historical objects. 70... eo :l saw the statue of Ramses. : What else did you see? : Lalso saw the jewellery of Tut Ankhamen. .. «Where did you go yesterday? 1, Hello, Mona. I’m fine, thanks. 2.1 went to the museum. 3. Why? 4, What did you see there? 5. Great! W NIGHT 7. Complete the following dialogue: Ahmed is talking to Amr about his favourite type of music. YoY ia Yousef : Hi, Ahmed. How are you today? Marwan :I'm fine, thanks. © Yousef :1 like pop musi Marwan : @ .. . eo Yousef: | like it because it is exciting. 1. What kind of music do you Marwan : When do you play it? 2. Why? Yousef :®@. 3. Every day. / Every Friday. Marwan : Can you teach me how to play it? : yelen (Sure. Yousef :9. Marwan : @ .. 8. Complete the following dialogue: Dina is asking Leila about her weekend _in Alexandria. YeYY yagiST 1 Dina: Good morning. leila :@ Dina: Where did you spend your weekend? leila :@... Dina: 6... 1. Good morning. Leila: The weather was fantastic. 2.1 spent it in Alexandria. Dina: What kind of food did you eat there? 3. How was the weather there? Leila 4. Late fish 5. What else did you do there? Dina Leila: 1 swam in the sea. 9. Complete the following dialogue: Farah and Jana are talking about the Great Pyramid in Giza. ¥-‘¥ y9.)\ Farah _ : Did you visit the Great Pyramid? Jana 70. lives Yes, Farah :@. 2. Where is it? Jana rIt’s in Giza. 3. How high is it? 4, Last year. 5. It is great. Farah 36. Jana __: It’s 139 m high. Farah =: When did you visit it? Jana. - Farah =: What do yout Jana A oS uy hendadKel scene fyayall loyal die a8 1 woh lagd [gis Leoecian BI Cileglaal! dytod daladll Je Bayle)! bw! 1,51 .2 Aa bbe] ye Bob Ast bya delat i313 Ase I Ol Si on Lo BHAI B gS OF Laps pug BSS BAA! 3 Lg Igual! Ale! Og 43 4 Abhol daha 25% GY ANd! 63 Ae ALES 95S Gl... Hale! 3 LF VI gle> .5 ALE gh sets ee gues dyer JSto JI H gd o} 58s Sijuall eed i Jest 6 placiul ae plall gaol gd ge Uloyh lad « dabei 3 52yI9I! fea Stes! ra ws SY7 (Give / Put) a suitable title for the passage. What is the main idea of the passage? Saka Ap 9 5 ll (9a be © What does the pronoun refer to? See peel AI py GOI Le ¢ What does the underlined word mean? S$ Nad git Ful Anke pia (She © What do you think (is your opinion) of . © Do you agree \ think.......? © What is the opposite of . @ What is the main idea of the passage? Sdalaal) Ais I 5,58) pe akaBN CLS 13) Ayan g Ly AaladN Sel 3 Gams lc ALE D g -Aalalt 2 ous yi Gpciou Sale jaa Na Oh on 9 a 9 CIS ot psc 9 Cine gh atin GLEN 53k) gh pol Unt lad gh pe int Anal Que heeds Nea Byler Y! (ypseod 1. The importance of (technology / reading / water / sport ...) 2. The dangers of .. (technology / pollution ...) 3. The problem of pollution /...) 4. A visit to ......... (the zoo / the museum / Aswan ...) 5. The advantages and disadvantages of ........ (technology / ...) © Read the following, then answer the questions: (4.5m) Last week, I visited the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM). It welcomed its first visitors in 2019. It is further from the city centre than the old museum, but only two killometres from the pyramids at Giza. A. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the main idea of the passage? 2. What does the underlined pronoun “it” refer to? [=] PREP 7 a wae wen OR then answer the questions: YeYY Bolu 1 don't know which job | want to do when I'm older, but education is very important. | hope that | pass my exams so that | can go to university, I'm going to work hard. if | go to university, | will study medicine as | like science it is my favourite subject, | don't like travelling abroad | want to work here in my country Egypt to help and give suitable medicine for poor, ill people. If | have a lot of money, | will buy an apartment near the River Nile as | like seeing its wonderful view. | will get married and have a good family. A. Answer the following questions: 1. Give a suitable title for the passage. 2. Why does he like living beside the River Nile? 3. Why do you think that the writer refuse travelling abroad? B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. After finishing .. .. school, you can join to university. a. primary b. preparatory ¢. secondary d. nursery 5. The underlined word apartment means a. park b. medicine rm d. flat 6. The underlined word here refers to ..... : a. Egypt b. science ¢. university d. medicine 1. The writer’s life in the future. /... . 2. As he likes seeing its wonderful view. 3. Because he wants to work here in Egypt. 6. 4. b. preparatory © Read the following, then answer the questions: YoY oli Science has told us so much about the moon that it is easy to know a lot of things about it. The moon is not a friendly place. As there is no air or water, there can be no life of any kind. For mile after mile there are many big mountains. Above, the sun and stars shine in a black sky. If you move away from the mountain shadows, it will mean moving from very low temperatures into great heat. These temperatures break rocks away from the surface of the mountains. The moon is also a very silent world because sounds can only travel through air. From this distance, the Earth is shining more than the stars. It looks like a big ball, coloured blue, green and brown. A. Answer the following questions: 1. Why is the moon a silent world? 2. Who tells us about the moon? 3. What does the Earth look like from the moon? Term 2 the correct answer from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. There are many big . on the moon. @ mountains © countries © houses @ farmers 5. The underlined word "it" refers to the @ sun (© earth © star @ moon 6. Above the moon, the sun and the stars shine in a... @ blue © black © brown d) green 1, Because it has no air. / Because sounds can only travel through air. 4.@ mountains 2. Science. 5. earth 3. It looks like a big ball, coloured blue, green and brown.. 6. black © Read the following, then answer the questions: (4.5m) Have you heard about the seven wonders of the ancient world? They were the most amazing buildings in the world. Time and earthquakes destroyed most of these ancient wonders. Two of these wonders were in Egypt. One of them was the lighthouse of Alexandria which was the tallest building ever made for many centuries. It was built to help sailors on the boats sail safely away from rocks. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one that remains from all the ancient seven wonders. Every year, millions of tourists come to see the Pyramids of Egypt. For many people, the Great Pyramid of Giza is also a wonder of the modern world. A. Answer the following questions: 1. How were the ancient wonders destroyed? 2. Why was the lighthouse of Alexandria built? 3. Do you think that the Great Pyramid of Giza is a wonder of the modern world? Why?/Why not? B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, ¢ or d: 4. The underlined pronoun "them" refers to @ boats © sailors © earthquakes @ wonders 5. There were ............ wonders for the ancient world. @ three © four ©two @ seven 6. The opposite of the word "ancient" is . @ modern ®old © amazing @ safe 1, Time and earthquakes destroyed most of these ancient wonders. 4. @ wonders 2. It was built to help sailors on the boats sail safely away from rocks. 5.@ seven 3. Yes, Because every year, millions of tourists come to see them. / .. E. WS. Pape er orn) AEIgHI 9 Olds J UAD 65 BI Cilavbal! Jo Spl! Ie saiay ESS oe JsSl esau! B Letarlye OSes 9 Ansludl bog)! Clef eal darlyo funfair jungle Jiési | traditional museum musician fantastic musical instrument concert surprising exhibition coconut interesting planetarium statues JSS | terrible sports centre nearby urd | dead aquarium Aub choi Gx | alone 23803 | sailor bowling alley wheel 2 243L/Alze | storm football stadium diary iad | interview restaurant ship Risin | challenge island adventure Eyal | sink - sank Ul Bog)! GLa eal dartyo country 3y9 | mount deep the countryside 431! | temple low pyramid fountain crowded tower sunset yatta» | empty tunnel entrance narrow bridge _ guidebook popular desert road Silo yb | suspension main capital ‘ole | population S| valuable oe collection century cross- ed a achievement competition protect- ed ae display treasure link- ed Si Aaswlill Steg)! Glas eal ya diving veel | tent aw | excited windsurfing eis | guide 15» | fogey sailing oby3! | journey ‘Uy Xo, | special kayaking towel ‘4635 | important rock climbing equipment Giuas | postcard mountain biking ue GirbaGle | Bedouin (go | advantage trekking Jbi,2! | mistake is | respect- ed zip lining J 32552! | newspaper Sze | suggest- ed railway line Byayao- Chau | transport decide- d introduction Aesie | webpage return- ed Term 2 Five Mserer | Bpulall biog! Gleb dl darlyo cotton 43 | rectangular JS) Jase | ancient ei glass cle} | triangular Jac | creative tne leather ae | round gilt | heavy ea metal ide | square &~ | ordinary gale plastic chia | accident Sab | rocket t stone 2 | earthquake JG | future wood iid | temperature Syed 2209 | Earth woo! dye | driverless car Ble sku | igloo brick ue | drone roof sofa 2c | electric car oven wallet kiwe | wind turbine thwlGliass | include- d by cushions siky | architect (laa paige | express- ed aa curtains ts | petrol Gaby | explain- ed we diagram #235 J | space ‘Bolus liad | produce- d wy piss Asdo0! B4>9)1 Olas eal Iya coralreef iris | planet Ss | worried wu jellyfish alu | seed 34 | weak eae octopus epee! | environment 44y | brave ths shark (Galli Aéean | fishermen oyatae | local i stingray SeaiiaSew | danger 25 | tiny Wa ihe 7 ts turtle Slime | tail 43 | necessary Saya whale Gs | fishing line ue lue | poisonous abe shell se | advertisement ode! | plant- ed oh dolphin (43 | rubbish ‘ale | summarise- d yay ocean eeu | skeleton ie JE | recycle-d ere spider Sic | nature reserve Auaule Ayers | sting- stung - stung toy Aas AGU biog)! OLS eri darlyo accountant apartment cure De architect education colourful iphe engineer reasons joyful ee businessman pottery hopeful Ty nae photographer 24 | workshop useless ee dentist adults earn- ed scientist ule | jewellery repair - ed they carpenter 2 | culture disappear-ed a engines Sy | necklace improve- d nee = PREP 7 W NIGHT (TV decio aie le) 1- Based on Vocabulary ( SB & WB ) 1. Let's go on the big wheel at the his weekend! a. funfair b. aquarium ¢. planetarium d. bowling alley 2. |loved the fish, but | didn't see any whales at the .. see a. aquarium b. funfair ¢. planetarium d. bowling alley 3. It was great at the .... . . My team won 2-0! a. funfair b. aquarium ¢. football stadium —d. planetarium 4. We learnt a lot about the Earth and the moon at the ... a. aquarium b. funfair ¢. planetarium d. bowling alley 5. The balls are very heavy at the ..... a. funfair b. aquarium . bowling alley d. planetarium 6. | like ... .. , but it is difficult to open them! a. coconuts b. books ¢. vegetables d. chocolate 7. My granddad was a . and visited countries all over the world on ships. a. soldier b. sailor ¢. baker d. vet 8. Do you like working with other people, or do you prefer to work ......... ? a. once b. own ¢. alone d. lonely 9.1 didn't like this story. | thought the writing was ............ . a. fantastic b. great ¢. nice d. terrible 10. People first played .. music a long time ago. a. pop b. traditional «. rock d, jazz 11. When you put a stone in water, it will . a. float b. fly ¢. sink d. run 12.. ... Music is sometimes very loud. a. Pop b. Traditional ¢. Rock d. Classical 13. We decided to play basketball at the sport: a. match b. wheel ¢. funi d. centre 14. A/An .... .. is someone who works ona ship. a. farmer b. teacher ¢. sailor d. doctor 15. The food was ............ . We didn't like it all. a. nice b. terrible ad d. good 16. A... is a hole inside a mountain. a. road b. valley «. hill d. cave 17. | write what happens to me every day in a .. a. photo b. diary ¢. dairy d. search 18. My older brother has an for a new job today. a. view b. interview ¢. dass d. review 19. The Tahya Mas! .. goes over the Nile in Cairo. a. city b. tower ¢. tunnel d. bridge Term 2[_1 | Five sere yf 20. The Cairo is the tallest building in Egypt. a. city b. tower ¢. tunnel d. bridge 21. We need to buy some more water. This bottle is .. ee a. empty b. full ¢. filled d. noisy 22. Be careful you don't hit your head on the door. It is very .. a. high b. low ¢. noisy d. wide 23. Only people and bikes can go down that road because it is very ... a. high b. low ¢. narrow d. wide 24. The teacher was angry because all the students were very .. a. nice b. kind ¢. filled d. noisy 25. We can't swim across the river here because it is very ... . a. wide b. noisy «. tall d. good 26. The market is always very busy at this time. Don't go now or it will be ...... . a. free b. quiet ¢. empty d. crowded 27. .. means not safe. a. Happy b. Dangerous ¢. Quiet d. Expensive 28. The teacher asked the students to work in pairs and . a quiz. a. throw b. do ¢. make d. let 29. The Tahya Masr Bridge has a glass ...... , so people can see the river. a. flower b. flour ¢. flag d. floor 30. The Egyptian Museum has valuable ......... . 4. treasures b. measures ¢. awards d. pleasure 31. This building has a beautiful ............ . a. hole b. entrance «. cave d. whole 32. AJ AN iS a period of 100 years. a. century b. decade ¢. month d. week 33. The Tahya Masr bridge is the world's wides' bridge. a. suspension b. information ¢. discussion d. expression 34, We hings by using the metre or the kilometre. a. weigh b. measure ¢. count d. guess 35. The... OF Egypt is about 100 million. a. pollution b. population ¢. crowded d. public 36. The 6'" October bridge . . the two Nile banks. a. cuts b. takes ¢. links d. opens 37. We wear sunglasses to . our eyes from the sun. a. stay b. prote ¢. check d. dry 38. The ........... is very slow. We're going to be late. a. population b. pollution ¢. traffic d. center 39. We can't go... today because there is no wind! a. windsurfing b. zip lining ¢. trekking d. rock climbing [sy PREP 7 Wee wont is a boat and some wind! 40. All you need to go... a. sailing b. swimming ¢. diving d. trekking 41. | like to go .. down rivers. It's usually very quiet! a. rock climbing b. zip lining ¢. kayaking d. trekking 42. We sometimes go ............ for two days or more, usually across the desert. a. zip lining b. trekking ¢. rock climbing d. swimming 43. | love ........... because I'm good at swimming under the water. a. sailing b. swimming ¢. diving d. trekking 44. In ..... you start really high, but you finish on the ground. You go very fast! a. trekking b. zip lining . windsurfing d. rock climbing 45.A is a person who shows a place to tourists. a. guide b. doctor ¢. nurse d. sailor 46. | think climbing is the most dangerous sport. a. tree b. mountain ¢. wall d. cave 47.A .. is a long trip from one place to another. a. trip b. voyage ¢. journey d. ride 48. We sometimes sleep in a......... when we go camping. a. street b. tent ¢. roof d. villa 49. A/ An...... is an exciting experience when something unusual happens. a. advert b. magazine ¢. adventure d. travel 50. It is important to ......... places where animals live. a. damage b. protect «. harm d. destroy 51. Ayman enjoys the ......... of climbing mountains. a. advert b. challenge ¢. habit d. travel 52. isn't one of water sports. YoY oli a. Trekking b. Kayaking ¢. Diving d. Sailing 53. We need to repair the............. to save the water coming down from it. a. tap b. type ¢. tape d. tablet 54. We use to make tables and chairs. a. wood b. wool ¢. stone d. brick 55. .. design new buildings. a, Architects b. Doctors ¢. Teachers d. Carpenters 56. We put ...... panels on a roof. They produce electricity using the sun. a. sun b. solar ¢. moon d. wind 57. We use... .. to cook food or bread. a. ovens b. taps ¢. sofas d. cushions 58. Acar door is made Of ......... + a. plastic b. metal ¢. wood d. leather 59. Expensive car seats are made of ... : a. plastic b. metal ¢. wood d. leather Term 2 5 Five Aserer | 60. The is on the top of a house. a. break b. roof €. oven d. cotton 61. You use ............ to build a wall. a. wool b. metal ¢. wood d. bricks 62. ...... are machines that can do many things for us. Some of them can talk. a. Boots b. Doodles ¢. Drones d. Robots 63. .. use the wind to produce electricity. a. Drones b. Turbines ¢. Robots d. Doodles 64. A/ An... .. can fly, but it does not have a pilot. a. Boots b. Doodles ¢. Drones d. Robots 65. A/ An car does not use petrol. a. ordinary b. electric «. fast d. New 66. Some houses fell to the ground after the . oe a. voleano b. attic ¢. earthquake d. slide 67. You should wear a hat to............. yourself from the sun. a. protect b. help d. hit 68. The sharks ate all the fish and left only its ... . a. fur b. skeleton ¢. feathers d. gloves 69. Don't throw away those glass bottles. We can............ them. a. cycle b. recycle edo d. redo 70. Trees are very good for our... .. because they give us clean air. a. plastic b. environment ¢. houses d. space 71. Earth is one of eight ... .. that go around the sun. a. plains b. plans ¢. planets d. plants 72. We don't need that dirty piece of paper. You can put it with the ... a. cycle b. plants ¢. books d. rubbish 73.4 ‘an sting you. a. whale b. turtle ¢. shark d. bee 74.4 has a hard shell to protect it. a. turtle b. shark «. spider d. whale 75. A veseee IS POISONOUS. a. snake b. turtle ¢. shark d. bee 76. The «...00000 iS the top part of the Earth, where we stand. a. hole b. sea «seed d. ground 77, Plants grow in the ......ss0000 « a. air b. sea «. soil d. space 78. A....... is a small, hard thing made by plants, which grows into new plants. a. hole b. sand ¢. seed d. ground 79. A lot of ............ catch fish from the Red Sea. a. vets b. engineers ¢. teachers d. fishermen [os] PREP 7 Wee wont 80. My grandmother is 65 and knows a lot! We all ..... what she says. a. cover b. decide ¢. respect d. hate 81. Ahmed lost his phone, so his mother was ......... when he didn't phone her. a. worried b. happy ¢. pleased d. excited 82. In the museum, we saw a....... of a very old animal. Its bones were very big! a. seed b. space ¢. soil d. skeleton 83. A/ An........... is a Sea animal with eight legs. a. whale b. turtle . shark d. octopus 84. | didn't like the book. | thought it was ... . a. nice b. good ¢. terrible d. great 85. Mariam got the of her test. She did very well! a. result b. cause ¢. book d. reason 86. | love learning about sea life. | want to be a a. engineer b. vet ¢. marine biologist di. doctor 87. A/An. . (for example, the Atlantic) is bigger than a sea. a. lake b. river ¢. ocean d. canal 88. The scientist did lots of tests in the . a. library b. laboratory ¢. playground d. office 89. You need a lot of . to make a beautiful basket. a. skills b. skulls ¢. pottery d. gold 90. The shop had a lot of cups, plates and other ..... : a. culture b. skulls ¢. pottery d. planes 91. You can see people making baskets in the ............ down the road. a. farm b. workshop ¢. school d. field 92. My cousin is a/ an... .. Now. She was 18 last week! a. child b. boy ¢. baby d. adult 93. A doctor can usually ............ a lot of money. a. see b. win earn d. do 94. Tourists learn a lot about ancient Egyptian ..... when they visit Egypt. a. culture b. science ¢. maths d. plans 95. My father bought this ......... for my mother when they got married. a. pottery b. glass «. wood d, jewellery 96. | love the red, blue and green pottery in this workshop. It is very ......... . a, terrible b. helpful «. colourful d. hopeful 97. A/ An... is a person who designs machines or engines. a. nurse b. vet ¢. engineer d, accountant 98. A/ An. .........0. iS a person who works with numbers. a. doctor b. accountant ¢. engineer d. teacher 99. A... iS a person who looks after people’s teeth, a. doctor b. vet ¢. dentist d. teacher Term 2|_" | loll cya) de Bh i Mg a gil pa) he ANNI Cyst Past time expressions sting ill 9 dyna Ody ii Cyr Yesterday (w went (ie lglaio eis Aataiit! (4) | went to the museum last night. | went bowling three days ago. (4) | didn't walk to school yesterday. (J What did you do yesterday? (2 Did you play football yesterday? Yes, |did. Or No, | didn't. 1- Based on Grammar ( SB & WB (1) darine die lee) 1. my best friend at the club yesterday. a. meet b. meeting ¢. met d. meets 2. sess Swimming in the pool with my friends last Friday. a. went b. go ¢. going d. goes 3. What did you .. last weekend? a. does b. do «did d. doing 4, suse. did you go to the museum? - | went there two weeks ago. a, How b. Where «. Why d. When 5. Hana............ to school yesterday because she was ill. a. don’t come b. doesn't come ¢. didn't come d. not come 6. Hassan moved to Cairo a week ..... a. after b. last ¢. ago d. next 7. | went to Aswan . 2021. a. on b. at «. of din PTDL Ps 8. We stayed in a hotel ... .. we were very tired. Wee wont d a. so b. because ¢. although . to 9. It was a terrible day . . my team lost 5-2. a. so b. because ¢. although d. to 10. She went to school............ she felt ill. a. so b. because ¢. although 11. | like fruit ............ it's good for me. a. so b. because ¢. although 12. Ola loves playing tennis............ she is not very good at it. a. so b. because ¢. although Comparative & Superlative A eet aed we daly ghaibe yo 9S = pile gl ued gh iad ry iLiad pucciad. ako +er+than - Aliis taller than Ahmed. = (pe gh gua gl pind yo 9555) yy Bayle pad the + dio + est ~ Aliis the tallest boy in our class. fe PAC teeny ves glade 0 JSi y0 095 BD 9 = pS gi ued gi Ohad ony Mayle pain. more #51 / less J3i + dae + than - Cairo is more crowded than Mansoura. Cpa gi ue gi nia on yi yu iy ald paca the most / the least + 42,0 - Cairo is the most crowded city in Egypt. sul Qhd> Cary 9 dijlull BAClill 96 dilize Olio Jia 9 ee axall eres Brees "good ue better than the best bad i__worse than the worst far sys | further than the furthest (a ra Which + (pyramid / building + (Ado ter), oul tort p31 oul? Which pyramid is taller, the Great Pyramid of Giza or the Red Pyramid? Five Aserer | 13. Alion is than a horse. a. stronger b. strongest ¢. the strongest d. strong 14, The Nile river is than the Amazon. a. longest longer ¢. long d. the longer 15. Cairo is .. crowded than Aswan. a. most b. the more ¢. more d. many 16. The traffic is .. in a city than in the countryside. a. bad b. worse ¢. worst d. more bad 17. My uncle is the .... .. person in my family. a. older b. most old ¢. oldest d. old 18. Trains are ............ than planes. a. slow b. slowest «. slower d. the slowest 19. In my opinion, history is ............ subject. a. more interesting b. the most interesting ¢. the more interesting d. the interesting 20. | think motorbikes are............. than bikes. a. more dangerous b. most dangerous ¢. the most dangerous d. dangerous 21. Nany is my ......... friend. YoY gale a. better b. the best «. best d. the better 22. Ahmed did not come to school yesterday .. .. he was ill. a. but b. because 6.50 d. although 23. My sister didn't like the book, loved it. a. but b. because © so d. although 24, Who is... Ali or Ahmed? Y+VY Bygaatall Ge a. old b. older ¢. older than d. oldest 25. Which month is ......... January or July? a. cold b. colder than ¢. coldest d. colder 26. Which bridge is Tahya Masr Bridge or Qasr EI-Nil Bridge? a. long b. longer ¢. longest d. the longest "Going to" for future plans dsl4+ am/ is / are (not) + going to + inf. A aiewell Walase dls Ye all 09S leis Yorsrind - woe fhe Suitenall de UII Gleb ass Ste 9 decide / plan / intend fhe OLS ao Lani 9 Tomorrow - Next week / month / year - This afternoon / weekend ... - I'm going to visit Sinai. - am not (‘m not) going to do anything scary. - What are you going to do this weekend? [J] PREP 7 Wee wont 27. |s Mona going to . . trekking this afternoon. a. going b. goes ¢.go d. went .. she going to try rock climbing tomorrow? b. Has «ls d. Does 29. What is Sara .. to try tomorrow morning? a.go b. goes ¢. went d. going 30. Where .. . going to study? a. do you b. you are ¢. are you d. you do 31. I'm going ............ my friends for dinner tomorrow. a. meet b. to meet ¢. met d. meets [Sia eel ry cells pl gl JEU ad gtd gadall O96 Lasic AyulSei¥) ileal! pada © myself | yourself | himself | herself ourselves ty | adi) | dite | Ugaadty | Jill yd | Caatily 5 eedll © They’re really enjoying themselves. - Tamer hurt himself. AS AyulsedY) ileal) psd Ulale © Nobody helped me do the work. | did it myself. 32. Noha made this cake a. itself b. ourselves ¢. myself d. herself 33. The birds sleep in caves to protect .. from eagles. a. yourself b. herself ¢. ourselves d. themselves 34. We enjoyed when we went sailing. a. yourselves . ourselves ¢. myself d. herself 35. Sami came out of the sea and dried ............ with a towel. a. himself elf ¢. myself d. herself 36. | made............ some salad for lunch. a. yourselves b. ourselves ¢. myself d. herself 37. Would you like to make ... a cup of tea? a. yourself b. ourselves ¢. myself d, herself 38. My sister and | like taking photos of............ when we go out. a. yourself b. herself ¢. ourselves d. myself 39. Did a famous person draw that, or did you draw it .. ? a. myself b. yourself ¢. himself d. herself 40. I'd rather. . tennis. YoY Accel a. playing b. play ¢. plays d. to play .. we go kayaking at the weekend? YAY slew yg b. Shall ¢. Shell d. Let's Term 2|_» | ECC eeen ss Ae [gl ede ginal! alial Bolall Lkxog) made of pacing | What is + 3y22 ql + made of? What are + gaz oul + made of? Itis made of + pl bale They are made of + p> ale - What is the sofa made of? - What are the cushions made of? It is made of leather. They are made of leather. 42. The wall ........... made of brick. a. are b. were «is d. has 43. My bed is made . wood. a. up b. of ¢. from d.on 44, .. is your pencil case made of? a, Who b. What c. Where d. When 45. The cushions . . made of leather. a. are cis d. does 46. Magazines .. a. is made «. made d. are made AUC ree There was + a / an + 29420 Ab quil / dso eu! There wasn't + any + 99420 ne aul - In ancient Egypt, there was akitchen. _- There wasn't any snow. There were + gar aul There weren't + any + gor pul - In ancient Egypt, there were boats. There weren't any bedrooms. 47. There were trains in 1900. There .. a. aren't b. wasn't d. weren't 48. There were phones in 1900, ... there weren't any emails. a. because b. so ¢. but d.and 49. There were cars in 1900. There weren't .. mobile phones. a. some ba ¢. any dian 50. There were ............ animals in the park which we visited yesterday. a. any b. some ¢. lots dian 51. There weren't any cars in ............ Egypt. a. present b. new ¢. ancient d. modern 2 PREP 7 bee le Casco Form Subject (Jel) + will + inf. Jail) a0 | - | will live ina big flat. Negative Subject (Jel) + won’t + dail) jaa | -| won't live ina villa, interrogative | alga! Sisi+ will + Je+ deb? | - Where will you live ...? Yes/No Will + Jes geil jue, - Will you help me, please? Question Yes, | will. No, | won’t. Sap AGN IIT gape pd SRE lal 9 gyal / Ole pall 5) Aya GI OF ge pala I think / I’m sure /| believe / | hope / ....:ibelGall oda ae laagl y Ad Jubianall § ONG ge Cuad Ql da BOS 9 © There will be electric cars in the future. © There won't be ordinary mobiles. © Will we live on the moon? 52. .. there be ordinary mobiles in the future? a. Is b. Will ¢. Does d. Was 53. People . . drive a car in 2080. a. didn't b. won't . don't d. wasn't 54. We will al a driverless cars in 2080. a. had b. having «. has d. have 55. | hope we............ to the moon in the future. a. will go b. are goingtogo —¢. went d. going 56. | think we ... under the sea in the future. b. are going to live ¢. lived d. living 57. Will there ... ordinary mobiles in the future? a. is b. are ¢ were d. be ET 1G io gh Agee Aagdn (po Rc Lesbo dey paacll Aye til Allee)! pubis « if / When + Present simple , Present Simple Present simple +If / When + Present Simple taut Ese dana E jltae If it rains, we get water. JAloLd gia Y 9 Alactl laug 2 if / When ili gi gous When it’s late, | feel tired. We get water if it rains. | feel tired when it’s late. Five Berea yp 58. If you touch a jellyfish, a. stings b. sting ¢. stung d. stinging 59. When a turtle in danger, it goes into its shell. a. are b. do «is d. was 60. When it is very cold, water ............ to ice. a. turn b. turns ¢. turning d. turned 61. When you ...... away plastic, it stays in the environment for years. a. threw b. throwing ¢. throws: d. throw 62. If we don't water plants, they ............ grow. a. doesn't b. didn't ¢. hasn't d. don't 63. When | a. felt ¢. feeling d. feel 64. If my sister .. . a lot of TV, she feels tired. a. watch b. watching ¢. watches d. watched ds + must/ mustn’t, should/ shouldn’t + Jail pr.a0 eres Ag ecg gh Mg Lh cps Calg) i lg gh Uglied yg pall ue ela Qc Sal We must save our planet. 2. mustn’t ~CpHUN gales eiblay gf Balad 9] Acne We glad pc oa pall oe chat 6 Gaal We mustn’t throw rubbish into the water. ER ron) oa gi pa el pe UN ela (pe Cte Le pati We should recycle more. Crt ad aru 9h gad pas rl ye AM ela ps Cid Laks Mga We shouldn’t use plastic bags just ones. 65. Cars .. .. go when the light is red. a. should b. must ¢. can d, mustn't 66. There's a stop sign. You............. stop here. a. should b. must ¢. shouldn't d, mustn't 67. You... walk on the grass. a. should b. must Ca d. mustn't 68. There's a good view of the lake from here. You...... take a photo. a. should b. can't ¢. shouldn't d. mustn't 69. You mustn't ... here. It’s dangerous. a. swims b. swam «swum d. swim [=] PREP 7 Wee wont earl 9 dyke ns SUI BI / GH! Gas who Los! pod « wSle Gated Ke (ilar ayy) pdring A businesswoman is a woman who works in an office UIE ul ging 9 gabe ABM LY oll ay igi) Cagle yn ASSL JR! Jian pain « soo ptt g Deena ket Aer emp tole Jab + Jobb nod? ee, mk ye Ij? ee Sete She ju? © She's very friendly, isn’t she? - Yes, she is. © We aren't late, are we? - No, we aren't. Verb to do putea LLb Ay piel Akard gp lave ad Lia psn al (31.1 ve (pene Jad) > don’t vet's 4) liao Jad) —__> doesn’t v2 (gle Ja) |= ——_> didn’t - You like your job, don’t you? - He speaks English, doesn’t he? - Ali liked the food, didn't he? shag oa tao £ - Let’s go to the z00, shall we? - I'm going to win the match, aren’t | ? - I'm not able to read French, am | ? - Open the door, will you?/ or won’t you? - Don’t open the door, will you? - Nobody wants to stay here, do they? haphl jaa gael Lake g Sgt! Alar Bayi! Abelae (45) Nobody elas app Mey yg 13) all Bagh Adare BL (yc Cis If ne ope Ag Aide pl tLe paced © sy If/When + present simple, Je + will + inf. If/When + Buy esas , Jel + will + Jed! ras © If lgo to university, I'll study maths. © I'll study maths if | go to university. Term 2 Five Aserer 70. A teacher is a person | teaches students. a. when b. which ¢. who d. where 71. You are 12 years old, a. are you b. aren't you ¢. you aren't d. you are 72. You like volleyball, .......0.. ? a. don't you b. do yo ¢. you do d. you don't 73. You can't run fast, ... ? a. can't you b. aren't you ¢. shouldn't you d. can you 74. It’s really important to look after our planet, ............? a. is it b. isn't it ¢ itis d. it isn't 75. There weren't many people at the match, were ... ? a. it b. there «are d. you 76. She .. French, does she? a. speaks b.never speaks —¢. spoke d. didn't speak 77. \f you don't run, you .......... the bus. a. will catch b. won't catch ¢. don't catch d. catch 78. If 1 arek, I'll tell him to call you. a. saw b. sees ¢. seeing d. see 79. You............. better English if you practise every day. a. will speak b. speaks ¢. speaking d. spoke 80. I'm going to school now, ............? a. am not I b. aren't 1 eam d.are | © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets: (31 doedye dis Glee) 1. It's Wednesday today, so it was Tuesday .. (this morning). 2. Hassan moved to Cairo .... (next) week. 3. The ten o'clock bus left 10 minutes (past). 4. | like this book (although) it is funny. 5. He was very ill, .. (because) he didn't go to school. 6. I last .. (go) to a stadium in 2015. 7. What . (do) you do last Sunday? 8. | would like ..... (watch) TV. 9. He went to school . (because) he was ill. 10. My laptop stopped (work) yesterday. [=] PREP 7 W NIGHT 11. Did you .. (went) shopping yesterday? 12. I'd rather (playing) basketball. 13. A businesswoman is a woman (which) works in an office. 14. When .. (did) Dina's birthday? 15. An elephant is (big) than a camel. 16. My cousins felt . (happyer) after they moved to a new flat. 17. That mountain was ... more high) than we thought. 18. Which sport do you think is .. (best), football or tennis? 19. I'm... .. (good) at English than my brother. 20. Mohamed Salah is the . .... (better) player in Egypt. 21. What are you ......... (go) to wear tomorrow? 22. What are you going to do .. (last) Saturday? 23. I'm going to .. (does) n my homework before dinner. 24. You don't drive this car. rit drives . (herself). 25. We all looked at .. (themselves) in the school photo. 26. They are . (going) visit Giza. 27. Where ... (be) Samy going to spend his next weekend? 28. Dina, make .... (himself) a sandwich. 29. How about .... .. (watches) TV? 30. | think motorbikes are . . (most) dangerous than bikes.. 31. Be careful or you will hurt ... ... (himself). 32. There .. (aren't) any phones in ancient Egypt. 33. You .. (mustn't) follow traffic rules. 34. Mona .. (feel) ill if she travels on a boat. 35. If it... (rained) , we get water. 36. There ............ (will) be any ordinary cars in the future. 37. In the future, we will (has) cities under the sea. 38. What... (be) this book made of? 39. If water is 100°C, it .. (boiling). 40. There .. (wasn’t) any bedrooms in ancient Egypt. 41. If | don’t work hard, | ... 42. Tomorrow ..... . (was) very hot. 43. He .......... .. (looked) after sick people, doesn’t he? 44. If Aya goes to university, she ..... ... (study) engineering. 45. When | get home from school, | usually (had) lunch. 46. It is cold in England in winter, .... (doesn't) it? 47. You did your homework last night, .. .. (don't) you? 48. In four ... . (year's) time I'd like to go to a good university. Term 2|_” | .. (don’t) pass my exams. Paragraphs A fantastic day you spent How was your weekend? / Your favourite place wdriaiell Wie / FEganil slg Alar CSI ES Jaina’ aly age My favourite place is Cairo. Last weekend, | spent a fantastic day there. | went with my family. We went there by car. We visited the Egyptian Museum. We saw a lot of nice things there. We also visited the Cairo Tower. It is very tall. You can see a lot of things from the top. There is a restaurant at the top. We had lunch there. We were happy. In Fact, Cairo is a beautiful city. Music Fussell Music is very important for some people. It is popular all over the world. There are many types of music such as pop, jazz, rock, opera, classical and traditional music. They use many musical instruments to play these types of music. There are instruments such as the piano, the guitar, the violin, the drums and the flute. The people who play music sometimes work in a band. In Fact, music is very interesting. My favourite sport Ababell Goby My favourite sport is football. It is very interesting. | play football in the club. | play with my friends. | go there three times a week. | sometimes train for two or three hours. Football helps me to keep fit. | sometimes watch football matches on TV. | watch football matches with my father. In addition, | am a fan of Al-Ahly club. To conclude, sport is very useful and exciting and everyone should do a sport to keep fit and healthy. An important museum / place in Egypt HSN Sparel) arta) BL) / pare f ald Be / arte Museums are very important. They teach us about the history of our country. Last weekend, | spent a fantastic day in Giza. | went there with my family. We went there by car. We visited the Grand Egyptian Museum. It is about two km from the Pyramids. We saw a lot of nice objects there. We also saw the statue of Ramses Il. It is about 12 metres tall. In Fact, It is a great museum. Aperson you respect / like 405 | dafod yar We all respect Mohamed Salah. He is a famous player. He plays for Liverpool. He plays for the national team, too. He is a fast player. He scores a lot of goals. | respect him because he comes from a small village in Egypt, but he worked hard and became one of the best players in the world. He helps people in his village. He also gives money to poor people in Egypt. | would like to be like him one day. [=] PREP 7 W NIGHT Bp ey / pao ela do The Cairo Tower is one of the most famous buildings in Cairo. It took five years to build. It opened in 1961. It is 187 metres tall and stands next to the Nile on Gezira Island. There is a restaurant at the top. It moves, so you can see all of the city below you. There are 24 windows on each floor of the building. It has 2,500 stairs. At night, the colours on the tower change. It is a wonderful bi An adventure sport / A mount: > Adby / Bylo Holidays are very important for everyone. They help us to enjoy our free time. There are many kinds of sport. One of them is called mountain sports. There are many types of mountain sports such as rock climbing, zip lining, trekking and mountain biking. Some of them are dangerous and scary such as rock climbing, mountain biking and zip lining. Trekking is the least dangerous mountain sport. It is very nice. In Fact, these sports help people to have fun. sport _Atrip you are planning to go on {ga} Glad! g Lass dle Holidays are very important for everyone. I'm planning to go on a trip next week. I'm going to travel to Sinai. It is full of nice cities. I'm going to go there with my family. We're going there by bus because it is far. We are going to leave on Saturday. We are going to stay there for a week. We are going to enjoy mountain and water sports there. | think it will be a great holiday. The future will be different. Some people won’t go to the beach for their holiday. They will go to the moon! There will be rockets that leave Earth every day, and the journey will take only 12 hours. They will be very fast! People will not drive a car. We will all have a driverless car. They will be safer and there won’t be any accidents. Students will read a book or watch TV when a computer on the car drives them to school! _What things are made of Ltd lee We have many objects at home and each one is made of different material. The sofa in the living room is made of leather. The television is made of glass, plastic and metal. In my bedroom, the tables, chairs and beds are made of wood. The windows are made of glass, metal and wood. In the kitchen, the fridge and the cooker are made of metal. Clothes are made of cotton. To conclude, different objects are made of different materials. Term 2 gd! elisa de In my first school, there were many teachers. They taught us different subjects. They were very active. They helped us to learn. There were big classes, but there weren't a lot of students. There weren't laptops or smart boards, but there were computers. There were blackboards, but there weren't whiteboards. There was a playground, but there wasn't a sports hall. There was small canteen. There was a big library with a lot of books. It was a nice school. The clean our beach day [pLis! Ada ayy Our beaches are very beautiful, so we must keep clean. Yesterday, | went to an event called "the clean our beach day". | went with some of my friends. We decided to clean the beach because it was full of rubbish and old plastic bottles. We use rubbish bags and gloves to collect the rubbish from the beach. We were happy after we finished because the beach became clean again. To conclude, we must keep our beaches clean because they help us to enjoy our time and relax. ele) 3 First, | think there will be a lot more people living in Egypt. | think our cities will be much bigger. They will also be better. We will have clean, quiet electric cars. Second, we are all going to be healthier. People will not work long hours so they will have more time to do sports and stay healthy. Today, | am going to write about life in the future. | think life in the next 100 years will be very different. Here are some reasons why. In conclusion, | think the future will be very different. ISS leads Igy Joa OI 295 Adubg We all agree that we can't live without working or doing a certain job. I'd like to be an engineer. I have many skills. | am good at maths. In addition, | am good at English. | hope to join faculty of engineering and become an engineer one day. | want to help my country in designing new machines and engines. It is not an easy job, bu very important these days. To conclude, everyone should work hard at school to get a good job in the future. Bridges Jue! We all agree that bridges are very important for any country. There are many types of bridges. You can see them everywhere. Some of them cross rivers or lakes. Others link roads or islands together. They help people to cross from one place to another. They make the way shorter for cars, buses and other means of transport. There are many great bridges in Egypt. One of them is the Tahya Masr Bridge. In Fact, Bridges help people and cars a lot. [x] PREP 7 yee cur 1- Based on Vocabulary ( SB & WB ) Pages 13-17 lia 12.c_ | 23.c_ |34.b |45.a |56.b |67.a | 78.c_ | 89.a 2a 13.d [24.d |35.b |46.b | 57.a 68.b | 79.d | 90.c B.C 14.¢ 25.a | 36.¢ 47.c 58.b |69.b | 80.c 91.b 4c 15.b |26.d | 37.b |48.b [59.d |70.b | 81a 92.d S.C 16.d | 27.b | 38.¢ 49.c 60.b | 71.c 82.d_ | 93.¢ 6.a 17.b | 28.b | 39.a |50.b [61d |72.d |83.d | 94a 7b 18.b |29.d |40.a |51.b [62.d |73.d | 84.c 95.d B.C 19.d_|30.a [|41.c |52.a |63.b |74.a (85.a | 96.c 9.0 20.b | 31.b |42.b [53.a | 64.c 75.a__| 86. 97.¢ 10.b |21.a | 32.a | 43.¢ 54.a |65.b |76.d | 87.c 98.b 11.c 22.b |33.a |44.b |55.a | 66.c Tic 88.b | 99.c 2- Based on Grammar ( SB & WB ) Pages 19- 26 lc 9. b |17.c | 25.d | 33.d |41.b |49.c |57.d | 65.d | 73.d 2a 10.c | 18.c | 26.b |34.b |42.c |50.b | 58a |66.b | 74.b 3.b 11.b [19.b | 27.c | 35.a | 43.b |51.c |59.c |67.d | 75.b 4d 12.c_ | 20.a | 28.c | 36.c |44.b |52.b |60.b | 68.a | 76.b 5.c 13.a_ | 21.c | 29.d | 37.a |45.a |53.d |61.d | 69.d | 77.b 6.c 14.b | 22.b |30.c | 38.c |46.d |54.d |62.d |70.c | 78.d 7.d 15.c | 23.a |31.b |39.b |47.d |55.a | 63.d |71.b | 79a 8.b 16.b | 24.b |32.d |40.b | 48.c |56.a |64.c | 72.a | 80.b 3. Correct ... Pages 26 - 27 1. yesterday 15. bigger 29. watching 43. looks 2. last 16. happier 30. herself 44. will study 3. ago 17. higher 31. yourself, 45. have 4, because 18. better 32. weren't 46. isn’t 5.s0 19. better 33. must 47. didn’t 6. went 20. best 34. feels 48. years’ 7. did 21, going 35. rains 8. watched 22. next 36. won't 9. although 23. do 37. have 10. working 24, itself 38. is 11. go 25. ourselves 39. boils 12. play 40. weren't 13. who 41. won't 14, was 28. yourself 42. will be Term 2 all (plc 9 Ac Uday jy Li ets Ld Apo Chant aren Fauna / Bill sell eVeVVAIOTYS yao galled PVVEVON CGO pede eVeOWVAT pe) Ve IPOUKY MUI quod GRsHL jykew LG GUS she] G9 Obed ao

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