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Estimate and Schedule for Developing "On Demand" Customer Balance Report
To prepare an estimate and schedule for developing the program(s) for the new project,
I'll need to break down the tasks and estimate the effort required for each task. Here's
how we can approach it:
1. Requirement Analysis and Design:
• Understand the requirements thoroughly, including the variable value 'X'
for balance.
• Design the report format and layout.
• Estimate time: 5 days.
2. Development:
• Implement the logic to retrieve customer data from the customer master
• Implement the logic to filter customers based on the balance exceeding
value 'X'.
• Generate the PDF report with the filtered customer data.
• Integrate the report generation functionality into the existing user interface.
• Estimate time: 15 days.
3. Testing:
• Develop test cases to verify the functionality of the report generation.
• Test the program using the provided test database.
• System testing to ensure the program works as expected in the production
• Estimate time: 7 days.
4. Defect Fixing and Support:
• Address any defects identified during testing.
• Provide support during system testing and after deployment.
• Estimate time: 3 days.
5. Documentation:
• Document the functionality and usage of the report.
• Estimate time: 2 days.
6. Assumptions:
• Assuming clear and complete requirements are provided.
• Assuming access to the customer master database and necessary
permissions for data retrieval.
• Assuming the PDF generation library or tool is readily available.
• Assuming the existing user interface can be modified to accommodate the
new report trigger screen.
• Assuming no major technical challenges are encountered during
7. Schedule:
• Total estimated time: 32 days.
• Considering dependencies and resource availability, the project can be
scheduled to be completed in approximately 6-8 weeks.
Total Estimated Time: 32 days
1. Requirement Analysis and Design: 5 days
2. Development: 15 days
3. Testing: 7 days
4. Defect Fixing and Support: 3 days
5. Documentation: 2 days

This estimate and schedule provide a rough estimate based on the provided information.
Actual time and effort may vary depending on various factors such as complexity, team
expertise, and unforeseen challenges during development and testing.

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