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Physics & Chemistry 2º ESO Beatriz Jiménez Mahíllo


1. Reference frame
2. Fundamental ideas about motion
3. Uniform rectilinear motion
4. Uniformly accelerated motion


A frame of reference or reference frame (sistema de referencia) is a point that we set where
we consider that the origin is (0).
For example, imagine that we have to study the motion of an object in this road:

First we have to fix the origin (where 0 is) where we prefer. We usually represent it with the
X-Y axis (los ejes XY). In general we do not have to worry very much about it this year,
because they usually give it to us.


- Trajectory: it is the path that a moving object follows. It can have many shapes, so it can
be rectilinear, circular, curvilinear...
- Position: it is the place where the moving object is at each moment. We will represent it
with the letter x. For example, remember the tale of Tom Thumb (Pulgarcito). He was
sprinkling breadcrumbs (migas de pan) along the way. The breadcrumbs show us the
different position of the boy.
- Displacement: it is the shortest distance between the final position and the initial position.
You have to draw it with an arrow. We will represent it with the letter d.
displacement = final position– initial position d = xf – xi
- Space: it is the distance covered by the object that is moving along the trajectory. We will
represent it with the letter e.
displacement POINT


Physics & Chemistry 2º ESO Beatriz Jiménez Mahíllo

3. UNIFORM RECTILINEAR MOTION (URM). Movimiento rectilíneo uniforme

The main characteristics of the uniform rectilinear motion are:

- Rectilinear: it means that the trajectory is a straight line.
- Uniform: it means that the speed is constant.

The units in the International System (SI) for the speed (or velocity) are m/s.

We can distinguish two types of speed:

- Instantaneous speed. It is the speed that the object that is moving has at a certain moment.
- Average speed. It is the rate at which an object is moving when it covered certain distance.
We calculate it with the formula:

Graphs in the uniform rectilinear motion

In this graphs we always represent the time in the X axis. In the Y axis we can represent
position, speed or acceleration.

Position-time graphs in the uniform rectilinear motion

In a position-time graph we represent the position (x) in the Y axis and the time
(t) in the X axis. We always have straight lines.

A The mobile object goes forwards. When times

x passes by, position increases.
The slope of the line gives information about the
B speed. The bigger the slope is (steeper, más
inclinada), the bigger the speed.
For example, A is faster than B.
The mobile object goes backwards. When times
x passes by, position decreases.
B The slope of the line gives information about the
speed. The bigger the slope is (steeper, más
A inclinada), the bigger the speed.
For example, A is faster than B.

The mobile object is stopped. There is no
movement, as it stays in the same position (at rest).

Physics & Chemistry 2º ESO Beatriz Jiménez Mahíllo

Speed-time graphs in the uniform rectilinear motion

In a speed-time graph we represent the speed (v) in the Y axis and the time (t) in
the X axis. We always have horizontal straight lines.

The speed is constant.

Acceleration-time graphs in the uniform rectilinear motion

In an acceleration-time graph we represent the acceleration (a) in the Y axis and
the time (t) in the X axis.

There is no acceleration because the speed is

When you do the problems, be careful with the units and do not mix them.
EXAMPLE 1. Mike drives from Salamanca to Toledo, which are 220 km
away. It takes him 2,5 h. Calculate its speed.
e = 220 km
t = 2,5 h

EXAMPLE 2. Jane cycles at a speed of 5 m/s. If she cycles for 45 min, how
far does she travel?
v= 5 m/s


EXAMPLE 3. Sophie has to travel a total distance of 350 miles. She travels at
a speed of 70 miles/h. How long does it take her to complete her journey?
e= 350 miles
v=70 miles/h

Physics & Chemistry 2º ESO Beatriz Jiménez Mahíllo


The main characteristics of the rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion are:

- Rectilinear: it means that the trajectory is a straight line.
- Uniformly accelerated: it means that the acceleration is constant.

The units in the International System (SI) for the acceleration are m/s2.

The mobile object doesn’t move with constant speed. There are two options:

vf > vi→ a > 0 The speed increases. Acceleration is positive. It

accelerates (acelera).
The speed decreases. Acceleration is negative. It brakes
vf < vi→ a < 0
(frena) or decelerates (decelera).

When you do the problems, be careful with the units and do not mix them.
EXAMPLE 1. A skiier increases his speed velocity from 11 m/s to 20 m/s in
1,5 minutes. What is the skater’s acceleration?
vi = 11 m/s
vf = 20 m/s
t= 1,5 min = 90 s

EXAMPLE 2. A car accelerates at a rate of 3 m/s2. If its initial speed is 6 m/s,

how many seconds will it take the car to reach a final speed of 18 m/s?
a = 3 m/s2
vi = 6 m/s
vf =18 m/s

EXAMPLE 3. A motorbike brakes at a rate of –2 m/s2. If its initial speed is

40 m/s, what is its speed after 9 s?
a = – 2 m/s2
vi = 40 m/s
t= 9 s

Physics & Chemistry 2º ESO Beatriz Jiménez Mahíllo

When you do the problems, be careful with the units and do not mix them.
EXAMPLE 4. A helicopter that travels at certain speed accelerates and
reaches a final speed of 35 m/s at a rate of 1,5 m/s2 in 10 s. What is its initial
vf=35 m/s
a= 1,5 m/s2
t= 10 s

Graphs in the rectilinear uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion

In this graphs we always represent the time in the X axis. In the Y axis we can represent
position, speed or acceleration.

Speed-time graphs in the uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion

In a speed-time graph we represent the speed (v) in the Y axis and the time (t) in
the X axis.

The mobile object accelerates. The speed increases.

The mobile object brakes. The speed decreases.

Physics & Chemistry 2º ESO Beatriz Jiménez Mahíllo

Acceleration-time graphs in the uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion

In an acceleration-time graph we represent the acceleration (a) in the Y axis and
the time (t) in the X axis.

The acceleration is constant.

Position-time graphs in the uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion

In a position-time graph we represent the position (x) in the Y axis and the time (t) in
the X axis.
We are not going to study these graphs this year, but they are curves.

x x x x

t t t t
The mobile object goes forwards. The mobile object goes backwards.

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