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Cairns School of Distance Education

Work Rate Calendar Please Select TERM 4

Subject Year 8 Music

Unit Instruments Galore

Week Beginning Unit/Topic Learning Block Learning Block Learning Block Learning Block Work to be Returned
2 Watch Interactive Live lesson: What Choose a piece of Tutorial - revision Email interactive result:
presentation: The is timbre? music for your or individual The Orchestra
1 4/10/2021
04/10 Queens BDay
orchestra Performance assistance - the
(AT2) due - week Orchestra
2 2 Watch Interactive Live lesson: Instrumental Tutorial - revision Email interactive result:
presentation: Sharps and Flats - Practice (AT2) or individual Strings
Strings Why? assistance -
3 2 Watch Interactive Live lesson: recap Instrumental Tutorial - revision Email interactive result:
presentation: strings and Practice (AT2) or individual Woodwind
Woodwind woodwind assistance -
4 2 Watch Interactive Live lesson: Instrumental Tutorial - revision Email interactive result:
presentation: Assessment Task Practice (AT 2) or individual Brass
Brass 1 Exemplar assistance - Brass
(responding) or AT1
5 2 Read PowerPoint: Live lesson: Instrumental Tutorial - revision Assessment task 1
Percussion Assessment Task Practice (AT2) or individual (AT1) due
1/11/2021 1 (finalise), assistance -
Assessment Task Percussion or AT1
2 overview
6 2 Work on Live lesson: Instrumental Tutorial - revision N/A
Performance Task Performance Practice (AT2) or individual
8/11/2021 (AT2) (AT2) practice assistance -
performance (AT2)

7 2 Finalise Live lesson: ledger Instrumental Tutorial - individual Assessment Task 2

Performance Task lines - what are Practice (AT2) assistance - (AT2) due
15/11/2021 - record they? performance (AT2)
performance (AT2)

8 2 Revision of term 2 Live lesson: Yr 9 Revision of term 3 Tutorial - individual N/A

and 4 content Music overview and 4 content assistance - Year
22/11/2021 9 overview

9 29/11/2021 2 Celebration week No online lesson Celebration week No tutorial N/A

10 6/12/2021 2 Summer vacation No online lesson Summer vacation No tutorial N/A

Work is organised into 9 weeks, the 10th week will be for CSDE Community Engagement or revision and consolidation.
This will be advised by the teacher.
Global Learning
Term 4 V1 WRC 2021

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