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STAMENTS (SA) (A) (U) (D) (SD)

Strongly Agree Undecide Disagree Strongly

Agree d Disagree
1. I learn better by reading what the
teacher writes on the chalkboard
2. When the teacher tells me the
instructions I understand better

3. In my spare time, I like to play music,

listen to audiobooks or podcasts, or talk
with friends.

4. I usually show people what I mean

when I explain something to them.

5. In my spare time, I would rather play

sports, practice yoga or do exercise, do
crafts, or construct anything.

6. When I am trying to explain anything to

someone, I try describing it in multiple
manners until they get it.

7. When I read instructions, I remember

them better.

8. Someone can first catch my attention

by the way they move and stand.

9. When someone tells me how to do

something in class, I learn it better.

10. In-person meetings are what I prefer


11. I like to converse when I'm walking or

strolling, or perhaps working on

12. I learn better by reading than by

listening to someone.

13. I like my books to be highly action-

packed or to need you to solve
problems—or not read at all.
14. In my spare time, I would play video
games, watch TV, or see a movie.

15. I learn better in class when the teacher

gives a lecture.

16. I feel most at ease learning a new skill

by first observing my teacher perform

17. I enjoy learning in class by doing

18. When someone tells me how to do
something in class, I learn it better.

19. I learn more by reading textbooks than

by listening to lectures.

20. I understand things better in class when

I participate in role-playing.

21. I feel most at ease addressing exactly

what I'm expected to accomplish with
the teacher when learning a new skill.

22. I learn more by reading textbooks than

by listening to lectures.

23. I remember things I have heard in class

better than things I have read.

24. I can better internalize my learnings by

having someone ask me questions..
25. My preferred method of learning new
skills is to experiment on myself and
figure it out as I go.

26. Books with lots of graphics or rich

imagery attracts me more.

27. When I explain anything to someone, I

usually ask them to attempt presenting
the idea to them as they go.

28. I learn best in class when I can

participate in related activities.

29. I prefer to learn by doing something in


30. Sounds divert my attention; therefore, I

try to manage the surrounding noise.

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