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Date of Issue Comments Ref No. Authorised by Revision

Issued to site 001 INSERT NAME 01


Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement


Project Title: Furniture Removal

Issue Number: 01

Compiled by: INSERT NAME

Company Position:

Date Compiled:

Date Issued:

Project Details

Description of work to be undertaken:

The scope of works to be carried out by INSERT COMPANY NAME comprises furniture removal.

Please read this document carefully and implement the requirements of this method statement.

Project Technical Details

Name of Contractor(s): INSERT COMPANY NAME



Supervisor Responsible on Site: INSERT NAME


Principal/Main Contractor INSERT NAME

Estimated Duration of Work (Weeks): As Per Contract Agreement

Commencing: INSERT DATE

Completion: As Per Programme

Number of Employees: 1

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Ref. 001
Contract Location: Issue date:


General Activities / Scope of Activities:

Removal of furniture from domestic premises.

Risk Rating What further Residual Risk Rating

Who might be harmed
What are the hazards: Precautions already in place action is
and how? Probability Severity Risk Probability Severity Risk
Driving on company Drivers, passengers  Check all driving licences annually.  Include in
business (general) and third parties - Drivers should only be permitted to company
Potential for fatality drive on company business if they induction
or serious injury in hold a valid UK driving licence that when starting
the event of a road explicitly covers the type of vehicle with company
3 4 12 1 4 4
accident. which they’re required to drive.
 Implement a driving at work policy.
 UK speed limits to be adhered to
at all times.

Manual handling Operators risk injury,  Where possible, mechanical means  Remind
particularly to the to be used to transport materials. operatives of
back, from lifting and  Where the movement requires short safe system of
handling heavy or distances operatives will use work at site
awkward objects, barrows or where this risk is minimal induction.
5 4 20 passage of materials between 1 4 4
numbers of operatives.
 All materials will be below the
recommended guidance for manual
handling lifting weight as per the
HSE guidelines.

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Risk Rating What further Residual Risk Rating

Who might be harmed
What are the hazards: Precautions already in place action is
and how? Probability Severity Risk Probability Severity Risk
Falling from height - Serious or even fatal  All access equipment to be  Include work
Stepladders injury could occur if compliant with the above regulations at height in
an operator falls from and secured with a suitable device. toolbox talk
height. Others Avoid work at height where we can. before
working below also  Use work equipment or other beginning
at risk. measures to prevent falls where we work on day
cannot avoid working at height from one
a step ladder
 Step Ladders will be checked to
ensure correct length, type and
condition before use
 Step Ladders are subject to routine
5 5 25 inspection. 1 5 5
 The ground base for ladder use
must be firm and level
 The both legs must be properly
extended to form the a frame at the
correct angle of rest, the platform
and centre locking device must be in
place and secured the Step Ladders
must be secured against slipping
 Step Ladder work is restricted to that
which can be carried out using one
hand only such as inspections and
short duration tasks.
Falling from height - Serious injury could  Ensure tailgate is in upright position  Include work
Tailgate occur if an operator and secured. at height in
falls from height.  Operatives to be competent in use toolbox talk
5 5 25 1 5 5
of tailgate. before

Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Risk Rating What further Residual Risk Rating

Who might be harmed
What are the hazards: Precautions already in place action is
and how? Probability Severity Risk Probability Severity Risk
Hazardous substances Drivers - risk from  Drivers know the risks of diesel /  During
diesel / petrol. When petrol if coming into contact with company
fuelling vehicle, skin. induction,
contact with skin may  Drivers to wear gloves provided at remind
cause irritate to skin. fuelling stations when re-fuelling operatives of
vehicles. Transfer risks of
contact with
3 3 9 diesel / petrol, 1 3 3
and to wear
to be made
available to
Workplace transport Operatives risk serious  Safe route to workplace agreed with  Include in site
or even fatal injuries manager prior to work commencing. induction
from moving vehicles  Staff know that they must never before
on site – particularly 5 5 25 move vehicles unless authorised by beginning 1 5 5
when reversing. supervisor. work.
 Staff wear high-visibility tabards
while working.
Slips and trips Operatives may suffer  All operators wear safety boots – ‘no  Manager to
sprains, bruising or boots, no job’ policy. check on-site
fractures if they trip  Good housekeeping, e.g. Items housekeeping
over objects, such as neatly stacked, brush available to during visits.
boxes, or slip on use to keep work area clear.  Include in site
spillages. 5 3 15 1 3 3
 Safe route to job agreed client induction
before work starts. before
work on day

Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Risk Rating What further Residual Risk Rating

Who might be harmed
What are the hazards: Precautions already in place action is
and how? Probability Severity Risk Probability Severity Risk
Verbal abuse or assault Staff may suffer verbal  Staff trained to make supervisor  Supervisors to
abuse, and possibly aware when they are working in a investigate all
assault, from remote location. instances of
members of the public 3 3 9  Staff report all instances of abuse. verbal abuse 2 3 6
and others, particularly and inform
if working in quiet or client.
remote areas.
Lone working Staff could suffer  Staff will write visit details in office  Whereabouts
injury or ill health diary and give a contact number. of staff out of
while out of the  Staff not returning to the office after the office’ to
office, e.g. when 3 5 15 a visit call in to report this. be monitored 1 5 5
visiting clients’ by office-
offices, or while based staff.
working alone in
the office.
PROBABILITY = Likely (5) - Probable (4) - Possible (3) - Remote (2) - Improbable (1)
SEVERITY = Catastrophic (5) - Major (4) - Reportable (3) - Serious (2) - Minor (1) RISK = PROBABILITY x SEVERITY
* Residual risk is the level of risk that remains after suitable and sufficient control measures are introduced.

Probability Severity 5 4 3 2 1
at Risk
L Pr Po R Im 1-6
P – Public Likely (L) 5 5 C 25 20 15 10 5 Acceptable
E – Employee Probable (Pr) 4 4 Ma 20 16 12 8 4
C – Contractor Possible (Po) 3 3 R 15 12 9 6 3 8-25
V – Visitor Remote (R) 2 2 S 10 8 6 4 2 Not Acceptable
Improbable (I) 1 1 Mi 5 4 3 2 1

Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Method Statement

Sequence of Activity:
1. Due care must be observed at all times, with drivers ensuring compliance with The Road Traffic Act at all times.
2. Care must be taken to ensure that members of the public are not affected by the company’s activities i.e.
walkways, car parking facilities, driveways etc are not obstructed.
3. Employee’s (drivers) will report to their supervisor for the details of the vehicle and location client.
4. On instruction, one driver will obtain the vehicle key and proceed to visually checking of the vehicle for any
major faults. Any faults are to be reported to the supervisor before proceeding any further.
5. Once the vehicle has been checked the driver will proceed to the client’s address provided.

Details Work Sequence

The company and nominated supervisor will:
6. Where possible plan the move well in advance, ensuring that sufficient staff are allocated to complete the work
and that they understand the relevant requirements to move all the furniture and equipment correctly and safely.
7. The supervisor will inspect office/home that is being emptied prior to move to check layout for any unusual or
awkward equipment/furniture that may require specialist lifting or moving equipment other than is readily
available, e.g. a safe.
8. Calculate and obtain the correct amount of packing cases, file boxes or crates required for the emptying of
lockers, desks, bookcases and drawers etc.
9. Ensure that any IT equipment or home electrical has been disconnected prior to our arrival so that goods can be
ready to be moved safely.
10. Inspect the room the equipment/furniture is going into, and the best order in which to take the
equipment/furniture to avoid having to move it again and minimising any issues such as blocking of corridors,
walkways, fire exits etc.
11. Plan the best route you should take, ensure any internal doors are wedged open in advance to make the
transition between rooms as smooth as possible. Including the use of lifts safely or stairs if going between
12. Ensure that all the necessary moving equipment is available including trolleys, packing crates or boxes etc are
available prior to carrying out the move, along with the correct number of people.
13. Ensure that only one person manages the move and gives the necessary instructions to the others, to avoid any
confusion as to what goes where, and what order it is going to be moved in. Use floor plans or write it down, if
14. Ensure that everyone involved in the move understands the procedures in the unlikely event of an accident or
15. Check that the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available and worn by any members of staff
involved in the physical move i.e. safety boots/shoes and impact gloves etc.
16. Finally make any of the public in the immediate area aware of the move and the route you intend to take, this
way they can perhaps use an alternative route, and this will keep them out of the way of the move. Also, ensure
that should the Fire alarm sound, you will not obstruct any fire exit or fire path with equipment or furniture that
could stop people escaping from the building.
The Move
17. Ensure bookcases, drawers and Filing cabinets are empty prior to being moved, and the contents placed into
either packing crates or file boxes.
18. Packing crates or file boxes should not be over filled. A maximum of 20kg for a single man lift or 40kg for a two-
man lift is recommended. The maximum weights should be reduced if the items are awkward, unwieldy or bulky.
Consider the number of crates or boxes being moved at any one time, and split the movement of these items if
19. All moveable items such as desk lamps, telephones, in/out trays, plants, etc should be removed from on top of
any furniture that is due to be moved and put into a box.
20. Take care during the move, especially when lifting or carrying, taking all due precaution and care in line with
Manual Handling and Kinetic Lifting procedures, i.e. ensure that the boxes are lifted with a straight back and the
bending of the knees. Do not attempt to tilt, drag, push or lift heavy, large or unwieldy items alone, if in doubt
ask for assistance.
21. Chairs on wheels can simply be wheeled to the removal van, if on the same level or if having to use the lift,

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Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Method Statement

however if having to use the stairs ensure that the chair is not too heavy for one person to comfortably carry
22. Cupboards will need to be emptied, and their contents packed in boxes. Small cupboards may remain full at the
discretion of the move supervisor and in accordance with the Risk Assessment and subject to weight
23. Desks will need to be emptied if they are the fixed drawer type before moving can take place. If the drawers are
in a separate pedestal unit then this can be moved full, providing it is not going to have to be carried down the
24. Ensure that all drawers and cupboard doors are either locked or secured, thus preventing them to come open
once lifting and moving operations have begun.
25. Any electrical equipment such as heaters, fans, free standing lamps, etc, should be unplugged and moved as
and when required, so as to not obstruct the move.
26. Any unwanted equipment or furniture that is not required in new office/resident location, can either stay where it
is until needed, placed in storage, or depending on its condition, disposed of accordingly.
27. Keys to all lockable equipment must be kept safe, and put back into the furniture from which they came once the
move is complete.
28. If possible, label crates and boxes to ensure that the contents are emptied in the same order that they were
29. Laptops should be kept secure, and not left unattended throughout the duration of the move.
30. Notice Boards & White Boards if required, should be removed from the wall prior to the move, and then
relocated into the new office as necessary.
31. Pictures should be removed as per (Notice Boards & White Boards)
32. If a move involves racking, then this should be emptied and the contents packed as with (Bookcases & Filing
Cabinets) the racking will then have to be dismantled by the client and will be moved to the new premises. It will
be the responsibility of the client to reassemble the racking.
33. Wall mounted shelving will need to be emptied and the contents packed in boxes by the client prior to the move
34. Small items such as coat hooks, first aid boxes, clocks, etc, that are to be wall mounted should also bear in
mind the above.
35. Any unwanted items left over from the move, should either be stored, relocated, or disposed of accordingly by
the client. This would also include rubbish and or packing materials.
On Completion of Move
36. Remove all door wedges from doors that have been kept open during the move
37. Unlock any lifts that may have been used during the move
38. Ensure all lifting and moving equipment used in the move is returned to the removal van, as necessary.
39. Finally inform the relevant people who may have been affected by the move that it is complete, so they no
longer need to take alternative route.
Access to the Place of Work
*Prior to commencement of work all INSERT COMPANY NAME employees will receive a Tool box talk on
working on occupied premises.
1. INSERT COMPANY NAME vehicles will be parked in a suitable area so that they do not present a hazard to
other road users and the occupiers of the premises being worked within.
2. Formal contact will be made with the occupiers of the premises to be worked within prior to INSERT COMPANY
NAME employees entering the premises.
3. The occupier will be asked to remove all obstructions from the access and egress routes and the working area
(including fixtures, fittings and furniture).
4. INSERT COMPANY NAME employees will carry out a pre work inspection to ascertain the condition of the
working areas and to identify any hazards within the working area. They will ensure that any hazards present
are controlled by suitable safe practices.
5. Any access into Confined spaces (Attics, Lofts etc), will be carried out in compliance with the confined spaces
specific risk assessment.
6. All access equipment must be in good condition and subject to the company inspection regime.
7. INSERT COMPANY NAME employees will at all times act courteously and with respect to the client and to the
premises. The use of the occupiers’ welfare facilities will be at their discretion.

Access Equipment to Be Used (Stepladder)

1. All access / egress routs must be kept clear of debris and tools. High standard of housekeeping must be

Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Method Statement

maintained at all times.
2. Stepladders will only be used for short duration work (accessing high level shelving, pictures etc).
3. Top step of stepladder must not be used unless designed for that purpose.
4. Stepladder must be checked to ensure correct length, type and condition before use.
5. Stepladders are subject to a planned maintenance program.
6. Stepladder work is restricted to that which can be carried out using one hand only, and stepladder work to that
which can be carried out ensuring the stability of the stepladder.
7. The ground base for the ladder must be firm and level.
8. Use of ladders will be monitored regularly, to ensure that operatives are not over-reaching.
9. Damaged ladders will be removed from work area immediately.
10. Stepladders must be fully open, with spreaders locked into position.
Plant and Equipment to be Used for material handling

 Hand operated stack truck

Materials Handling and Storage
1. As far as reasonably practicable all materials will be below the recommended guidance for manual handling
lifting weight of 20kg.
2. In the event of any item weighing above that recommendation, mechanical aids / team lift will be provided to
reduce the likelihood of injury from manual handling.
3. All materials will be stored in a designated area within the premises to prevent contact with the occupiers.
All materials will be secured to ensure the safety of the occupiers at the end of the working day
PPE Requirements:
 Protective Overalls
 Safety Gloves
 Safety Boots at all times (Mandatory).
 Hi Visibility Clothing

Training Requirements
 Full UK driving licence
 Manual Handling Awareness

Hazardous Substances
 No significant risk from hazardous substances
 Reference should be made to the COSHH Assessment manual situated in head office

Supervision and Coordination of Activities

1. The INSERT COMPANY NAME manager will manage delivery activities on a daily basis and interface the
delivery activities with clients.
2. The manager will have overall responsibility for the safe coordination of delivery activities.
Protection of the Public

INSERT COMPANY NAME traffic will be kept to a minimum and will only be for the purpose of delivering material
and the transport of employees to and from the premises.

Vehicles will be parked in a suitable area so that they do not present a hazard to other road users and the occupiers
of the premises being worked within. Local road traffic and pedestrian safety is paramount.

Waste materials will be stored within the boundary of the domestic premises in a controlled manner and away from
pedestrian access routes. All waste must be stored so as not to enter any drainage systems.
All stored materials must be stacked so not to cause materials to fall, slip or be blown into the public highway or
along pedestrian routes.

Under no circumstances will any waste materials be stored on public footpaths or road ways without specific
authorisation and control measures in place to prevent trips, slips or falls by members of the public.

Review of Method Statement

The INSERT COMPANY NAME manager is responsible for the delivery activities and will ensure that suitable and

Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Site Specific Method Statement

sufficient measures have been taken to comply with current health and safety legislation prior to any activity being
undertaken. This safe system will only be amended by the INSERT COMPANY NAME manager and authorised in
agreement with INSERT COMPANY NAME director, any such amendments will be recorded and further instruction
given to each operative of the amendments. All operatives will attend induction training and receive the safe system
explanation and issued with task specific instruction.

The company will encourage any new initiatives to a safer system of work by consultation with the work force,
Supervisors and Managers for continuous improvement.
Communication of Risk Assessment and Safe System of Work
1. All operatives will be instructed of the risk assessment and safe system of work for the delivery of vehicles.
2. They must ensure they fully understand the activity involved, the hazards and the level of risk they may be
3. Following instruction, they each must sign the register attached.
4. Each operative must work to the safe system & risk assessment, any deviation must be authorised by the
INSERT COMPANY NAME rental manager and in agreement from the Director.
Any operative not working to the Risk Assessment & Safe System of Work will be subject to disciplinary action.

Emergency Contacts Name Contact Number

Safety and Environment Advisor INSERT NAME/COMPANY INSERT NUMBER
Off Site Emergency Number Head Office INSERT NUMBER
Out of Hours/24 hr Emergency Number Head Office INSERT NUMBER

Revision of Method Statement Details

Revised by Date of Revision Authorised by

Risk Assessment & Method Statement Register


Site Specific Risk Assessment & Method Statement

Authorised by: INSERT NAME Ref No: 001

Date Names Signature(s):

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