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English Entrance Orals 2024 – DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS

Master in Management

(Version française en dessous)

It is important to read this document right to the end.
Reminder - Expectations
You are being assessed on your ability to hold a spontaneous conversation with someone and communicate
effectively on a given topic. You should be able to:

• give your point of view.

• say whether you agree or disagree.
• ask the other person questions to clarify or explain what they mean.

NOTE: It is absolutely normal for you to make mistakes when speaking. You are not native speakers!


You will be interviewed by an ESSCA English professor face-to-face.

Your oral will last for approximately 15 minutes.

For the first part of the oral, the examiner will want to know something about you.

Then, the examiner will choose one of the following subjects to discuss with you:

1. Working from home & free time

Themes for candidates to consider: How (remote) working practices have changed how you use your time for
study and leisure.

2. A healthy Life
Themes for candidates to consider: how easy or difficult it is to be healthy nowadays; attitudes to health; things
that facilitate/ things that prevent us from living a healthy lifestyle.

3. The USA
Themes for candidates to consider: American culture; recent events in the USA; personal experience/opinion
of the USA and related issues.

4. Schools
Themes for candidates to consider: Personal experience with school; changes to school education over the
years; factors which improve learning in schools.

5. Voting & elections

Themes for candidates to consider: How voting has changed in recent years for example through the impact of
technology; how people’s attitudes to voting have changed; personal views on voting.

6. Motivation
Themes for candidates to consider: the role and importance of motivation in your personal and future
professional life.

You are invited to prepare a few key words that you can use with the examiner on each of the topics. This will
help you feel more relaxed and confident during the interview.
Here are some useful sources to help you:

How to do well in this oral

Prepare something to say on all 6 subjects.

Talk using the level of English that you have naturally at your disposal.
If you hear yourself making a mistake, try and correct it.
Show interest, look at the examiner and ask questions.

What to avoid

Looking down (at notes) and not looking at the examiner.

Trying to read pre-prepared material. This may not answer the question and will certainly cause pronunciation
(and other) problems as you will be not be using language in your range.


Spend some time familiarising yourself with the 6 themes. Take a few notes of the new ideas you may discover
and some key words.

Make sure you revise language for giving your opinion, saying whether you agree or disagree, and asking
questions to show interest.

Practice talking about the themes in front of the mirror or, better still, with another person you can speak English

Good luck !

Il est important de lire ce document jusqu'à la fin.
Rappel - Attentes
Vous êtes évalué sur votre capacité à tenir une conversation spontanée avec quelqu'un et à communiquer
efficacement sur un sujet donné.

Vous devez être capable de :

- donner votre point de vue.

- dire si vous êtes d'accord ou non.

- poser des questions à votre interlocuteur pour clarifier ou expliquer ce qu'il veut dire.

REMARQUE : Il est tout à fait normal que vous fassiez des erreurs en parlant. Vous n'êtes pas des anglophones !


Vous serez interviewé par un professeur d'anglais de l'ESSCA en face-à-face.

Votre oral durera environ 15 minutes.

Pour la première partie de l'oral, l'examinateur va poser des questions d’ordre générale.

Ensuite, l'examinateur entamera une discussion avec vous sur l’un des thèmes suivants :

1. Working from home & free time

Themes for candidates to consider: How (remote) working practices have changed how you use your time for
study and leisure.

2. A healthy Life
Themes for candidates to consider: how easy or difficult it is to be healthy nowadays; attitudes to health; things
that facilitate/ things that prevent us from living a healthy lifestyle.

3. The USA
Themes for candidates to consider: American culture; recent events in the USA; personal experience/opinion
of the USA and related issues.

4. Schools
Themes for candidates to consider: Personal experience with school; changes to school education over the
years; factors which improve learning in schools.

5. Voting & elections

Themes for candidates to consider: How voting has changed in recent years for example through the impact of
technology; how people’s attitudes to voting have changed; personal views on voting.

6. Motivation
Themes for candidates to consider: the role and importance of motivation in your personal and future
professional life.

Vous êtes invité à préparer quelques idées et mots clés dont vous pourrez parler avec l'examinateur sur chacun
de ces sujets. Ceci vous aidera à vous sentir plus à l’aise et confiant pendant l’entretien.

Voici quelques sources utiles pour vous aider :

Comment réussir cet oral

• Préparez quelques idées sur les 6 sujets.

• Parler en utilisant l’anglais que vous avez naturellement à votre disposition.
• Si vous vous entendez faire une erreur, essayez de la corriger.
• Montrez de l'intérêt, regardez l'examinateur, et posez des questions.

Ce qu'il faut éviter

• Regarder en bas (notes) et ne pas regarder l'examinateur.

• Essayer de lire des documents préparés à l'avance. Cela peut ne pas répondre à la question et entraînera
certainement des problèmes de prononciation (et autres) car vous n'utiliserez pas la langue de votre


Prenez le temps de vous familiariser avec les 6 thèmes. Prenez quelques notes sur les nouvelles idées que vous
pourriez découvrir.

Assurez-vous de réviser le langage pour :

• donner votre opinion.

• dire si vous êtes d'accord ou non.
• poser des questions pour montrer votre intérêt.

Exercez-vous à parler des thèmes devant le miroir ou, mieux encore, avec une autre personne avec qui vous
pouvez parler en anglais. Bonne chance !

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