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Submitted To
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
degree of Bachelor of Business Administration
(Business Analytics)
Batch 2021 -2024


SANYA MEHTA Dr. Navpreet Sidhu


I, Sanya Mehta, hereby declare that the work presented here in is

genuine work done originally by me and has not been published or
submitted elsewhere. Experience is accurate and that I worked in the
organization for the duration given in the certificate. Any literature,
data or work done by others and cited in the report has been given due
acknowledgement and listed in the reference section.

Sanya Mehta

First of all, I would like to thank my God, helping me starting from
the beginning to the end of my internship period.
I have extend my supreme gratitude to Chitkara University for
providing such kind of opportunity for students to broaden their
perception on how the real world looks like as well organizing the
whole internship program and its effort to make sure that the whole
internship program to achieve its desired goals.
I would also like to express my special thanks to
general manager of the site, giving me a chance to spend my practice
in his NGO and helping me in my day to day activities during the
intern time. Also, I would like to really thank my supervisor at submit
core, Ms. Rishika Sharma for her amazing guidance and help at every
I extend my grateful thanks to workers in the site those help me in
moral and material needs as well as sharing me their knowledge to
improve my theoretical knowledge to the real works.
Finally, I would like to express my special thanks to my families and
friends helping me in all aspects and appreciate me to spend my all
time in the work place during my internship time.

Sanya Mehta


22 SERVICES 32-33

In every field of education imparted to the student, working on project
plays an immense role in bringing out and exhibiting the qualities
which is helpful in implementing student ‘s knowledge in the practical
life. In spite of the theoretical knowledge gained through classroom
study, a person is incomplete if not exposed to the ground realities of
the business world. He may have to face many professional hurdles
after his graduation; these will be difficult to overcome without any
first-hand experience of business. In this context, 6 weeks of summer
training has been designed to make the person aware of the
happenings of the real business world. A project training is a
temporary endeavour, having a defined beginning and end (usually
constrained by date, but can be by funding or deliverables),
undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, usually to bring
about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of
projects stands in contrast to business as usual (or operations), which
are repetitive, permanent or semi-permanent functional work to
produce products or services. Working with NGOs will get you close
the grassroots of the society. You will know people closely and this
will be reflected on your perception of life. Profit organizations are
driven by greed and government organizations are driven by political
agenda. You may dedicate yourself for a noble cause through NGOs
and you will feel great when you succeed to help people having better
life. This feeling is invaluable. This kind of training and projects can
help the students to use their theoretical knowledge on the practical
aspects of life.

 To share some information on NGOs.

 To observe the activities of Manav Sewa Mission NGO.

 To demonstrate different aspects of the organization.

 The operation and function of Manav Sewa Mission.

 To share my internship experience.

In undertaking this study, a number of problems were faced. Hence,
the study has several limitations. The limitations are:
 As a student, in the research field, I have no past practical
experience of data collection, data processing, data analysing,
integrating and presenting. So, it is a limiting factor for obtain
accurate information.
 For the time limitation I could not gather more information to
justify exact condition. The time constraints are limiting factors.
 To get the actual information have been very difficult
 Sufficient records, publications were not available and some
questions were avoided or not exactly answered by the respondents
may be because of lack of clear idea.
 Although the NGO members have tried their best to help me, their
nature of job is such that gives them little time to discuss.
 As I was the only one person, this report seriously suffered
manpower constraints.
 7. Secondary sources of data relating to the NGO are very limited
as sufficient books, publications and journals were not available.
Despite all these limitations, I have given the best of my efforts and
tried to make the report as informative and comprehensive as possible.

The term, "non-governmental organization" or NGO, came into use in
1945 because of the need for the UN to differentiate in its
Charter between participation rights for intergovernmental specialized
agencies and those for international private organizations.
At the UN, virtually all types of private bodies can be recognized as
NGOs. They only have to be independent from government control
not seeking to challenge governments either as a political party or by
a narrow focus on human rights, non-profit-making and non-criminal.
As of 2003, there were reportedly over 20,000 NGOs active in Iran.
The majority of these organizations are charity organizations, and thus
would not fall under the category of development-oriented NGOs. In
this document the term NGO is primarily used for organizations other
than charitable organizations. The structures of NGOs vary
considerably. With the improvement in communications, more
locally- based groups, referred to as grass-roots organizations or
community- based organizations, have become active at the national
or even the global level. Increasingly this occurs through the
formation of coalitions with other NGOs for particular goals, such as
was the case in the case of the Bam earthquake.
For example:
A civil society is composed of three sectors: government, the private
sector and civil society, excluding businesses. NGOs are components
of social movements within a civil society. In the case of Iran, where
civil society is not yet mature, NGOs can have an important role in
strengthening the foundations of an emergent civil society. The issue
of independence is an important one in the credibility of an NGO. It is
hard for NGOs not to come under any governmental influence.
Individual governments do at times try to influence the NGO
community in a particular field, by establishing NGOs that promote
their policies. This has been recognized by quite common use of the
acronym GONGO, to label a government-organized NGO. Also, in
more authoritarian societies, NGOs may find it very difficult to act

independently and they may not receive acknowledgment from other
political actors even when they are acting independently. On the other
hand, development and humanitarian relief NGOs need substantial
resources, to run their operational programs, so most of them readily
accept official funds. It is thus important for the NGO to have
transparency in its operations and goals so that its relation.

A non-government organization is an association which is based on
the common interests of its members, individuals, or institution has no
governmental status or function, and is not created by a government,
nor is its agenda set or implemented by a government. A non-
governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted
organization created by natural or legal persons that operates
independently from any form of government. The term originated
from the United Nations (UN), and is normally used to refer to
organizations that are not a part of the government and are not
conventional for-profit business.

According to the World Bank, NGOs are “value-based organizations
which depend, in whole or in part, on charitable donations and
voluntary service,” and in which “principles of altruism and
voluntarism remain key defining is not affiliated with government.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are generally considered to
be “non-state, non-profit orientated groups who pursue purposes of
public interest”, excluding the private sector (Schmidt and Take

Some of the famous terms used for NGO are mentioned below.
 BINGO: It is a short term used for business-friendly international
 CITS: It is a type of NGO that basically devoted in helping the
scientific community by motivating the young talent towards R &
 CSO: It is short term for civil society organization.
 DONGO: It refers to the Donor Organized NGO.
 ENGO: It is an abbreviated form of environmental NGO like
Global 2000.
 GONGO: It refers to the government-operated NGO.
 INGO: It is an abbreviated form of international NGO like Oxfam.
 TANGO: It refers to the technical assistance NGO.
 GSO: It stands for the Grassroots Support Organization.
 MANGO: It refers to the market advocacy NGO.
 CHARDS: It is a short form for Community Health and Rural
Development Society.

The need for NGOs continues to increase in India. One of the reasons
for this is that there are still millions of people in this country are
failing to get even their basic needs met. They do not have proper
place to stay or have other resources to run their day to day life with
dignity. There are many government organized programs but not all
of them reach the people as they should so there is an increasing need
for NGOs in India.
To bridge this gap there are many India NGO movements that work to
improve the standard of people's life. Every NGO in India has their
own vision and goal. There are many social welfare programs run by
these NGOs. One of the best goals NGOs in India can have for
themselves is to provide free education in India. This would be the
best social service in India. Sociologists analysing the Indian society
found that one of the main reasons for poverty in India is the poor
literacy rate in some of the Indian societies. Soto alleviate people
from their poverty it is essential to provide quality education to the
One of the main areas that has been receiving the attention of many of
the Indian NGO movements is the slums of Mumbai. Poverty is
strikingly visible in this part of India. Providing slum education is
taken as one of the main missions of many NGOs in India. One such
NGO is Tarang. This NGO in India offers quality education for slum
children in Mumbai.
People that are below their poverty line do not have enough money or
drive to think about the other things of life such as education of their
children etc. NGO movements such as Tarang try to conscientize
people about the importance of education in their lives. They do not
stop at it, they also offer highly effective educational programs in
Mumbai. Their services are like just a drop in the ocean but it still
makes a lot of difference. At the same time a lot needs to be done and
so we need greater social participation and we need more NGOs that
will take upon themselves education of slum children in India.

Moreover, it is not enough that only the NGOs work towards the
upliftment of people, it is very important that every individual starts
working on the improvement of the literacy rate of the country. They
can help the NGOs such as Tarang to do their job better by providing
them with the required financial support. As they already have a set
up contributing to their schemes will help us pool the resources
reaching the needy in a more systematic and effective way.


NGOs can and should play the “game changer” to pro-poor
development through leadership on participatory research, community
empowerment and search for development alternatives. In a
democratic society, it is the state that has the ultimate responsibility
for ushering development to its citizens. In India, through the
progressive interpretation of the Constitution and its laws and
policies, the scope of development has been significantly broadened
to include not just economic progress for citizens, but also promotion
of social justice, gender equity, inclusion, citizen’s awareness,
empowerment and improved quality of life.
To achieve this holistic vision of development, the state requires the
constructive and collaborative engagement of the civil society in its
various developmental activities and programs. Non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) as the operational arm of the civil society
therefore have an important role in the development processes.

In India, it was the 1970s which saw rapid growth in the formation of
formally registered NGOs and the process continues to this day. Most
NGOs have created their respective thematic, social group and
geographical priorities such as poverty alleviation, community health,
education, housing, human rights, child rights, women’s rights,
natural resource management, water and sanitation; and to these ends
they put to practice a wide range of strategies and approaches.
Primarily, their focus has been on the search for alternatives to
development thinking and practice; achieved through participatory
research, community capacity building and creation of demonstrable
Many NGOs have worked hard to include children with disability in
schools, end caste-based stigma and discrimination, prevent child
labour and promote gender equality resulting in women receiving
equal wages for the same work compared to men. During natural
calamities they have played an active role in relief and rehabilitation
efforts, in particular, providing psycho-social care and support to the
disaster affected children, women and men. NGOs have been
instrumental in the formation and capacity building of farmers and
producers’ cooperatives and women’s self -help groups.
Summing up, it is now well established that NGOs have an important
role to play in the development processes and that both the state and
market need the collaboration of credible, active, and accountable
NGOs. Given their connect with the grassroots realities, NGOs can
and should play the “gamechanger” to pro-poor development through
leadership on participatory research, community empowerment and
search for development alternatives.

Well, working at a meaningful and good NGO is an experience that I
would never trade for an internship at any other corporate company.
In my personal opinion working at an NGO has made me introspect
so much and realize so many things, it has really opened my eyes
towards the different corners of society and how most of us choose to
ignore all these different things.
1) When we compare an NGO to a corporate company, we should
probably look at the goal that the organization is striving towards, an
NGO strives to contribute to society and the upliftment of weaker
sections of society, whereas any corporate organization only wants
profit to expand to get more profit to expand further in a perpetual
2) There is a certain sense of fulfilment and joy that you experience
when you can see the eyes of a kid light up because you helped her
learn something new or gave her good food which is nowhere to be
found in the corporate experience. To add to that, the skills that you
would learn in any corporate position like leadership, communication,
etc. you would learn them working at an NGO too. In addition to this,
you get to meet different people from different walks of life at various
drives/events that a good NGO conducts on regular basis, the sense of
community that one feels when contributing towards a noble goal is
unmatched, there is always a general sense of friendliness present in
an NGO because of the allied purpose.
3) The practice of contributing to your society and community is
highly appreciated everywhere and by everyone. Many Ivy League
colleges do put a weightage on social work which has meaningfully
contributed to the greater good of society. It pays off to have social
work on your CV, it reflects well on your personality and it does place
you a mark above everyone else.
Volunteering helps you build interpersonal skills and accelerates your
personal growth. You tend to become a good listener and a good
speaker. And Your contribution of time and skills helps someone find
a new hope for their future. People look forward to meeting you,
hearing your advice and more importantly learning from you. You are
a fresher and seeking employment opportunities, volunteering
experiences will give you an edge over others. definitely makes you
happy and self-content. It feels good to help others.
To educate the present generation, to arm them with the courage and
self - confidence to better themselves and their families, their
communities, and there by helping them to change the lives of their
future generations.
One of the reasons to work in a NGO also included that I live in a
small town and there aren’t any MSME companies here so instead of
joining some corporate company far away I decided to join the NGO
so that I can make my time more useful rather than just travelling and
it also made my internship experience a little easier and a more

NAME: Manav Sewa Mission


TYPE OF NGO: Charitable Organisation

MAIN FOCUS: To help the needy

FOUNDER: Mr. Harish Kumar Hans

No. OF YEARS: 20 years(2002-present)

To improve the quality of life of the marginalized sectors of the
reachable by influencing individuals, groups and institutions into
realizing their humanitarian concern; and by providing a venue for
them to contribute their resources through relevant and responsive

To be a dynamic, giving and caring organization that inspires positive
action and helps people in strict need and also to create an
environment of love, respect, and cooperation in our society.


 Service beyond self: The very purpose of our NGO is to serve
others. Integrating this value in the overall working of the NGO not
only makes us socially acceptable, but it also makes us more
responsive to take up societal issues. It is our responsibility take up
societal issues and serve the community.
 Respect for human rights: OUR NGO respects human rights and
does not violate them in any form. The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights endows all human with certain fundamental rights
(which includes freedom, equality, freedom of thought, practice a
particular religion, family integrity etc.) Our NGO recognize these
rights and under no circumstance question or violate these rights.
 Public mindedness: We make sure that the funding we receive is
strictly used for society and for the public. Our NGO is responsible
and has a caring attitude toward the environment in all of its
 Truthfulness: Our NGO is truthful in its dealings with its donors,
project beneficiaries, staff, members, partner organizations,
government, and the general public. We under no circumstance are
involved in money laundering, bribery, corruption, financial
improprieties or illegalities.
 Non-profit Integrity: Our organization operates as a not-for-profit
organization. In case of any surplus generated through its
operations, it is utilized solely to help the organization fulfil its
mission and objectives.

Manav Sewa Mission NGO conducts various activities on a regular
basis. It provides ration to many needy people and is also awarded as
one of the best NGOs in the Patiala district. Some of its activities are
as mentioned below:

The above picture is of event which was held on 7 th September, 2021

at Arya Samaj Mandir. In this event ration including wheat flour and
pulses were distributed to 200 families.

Another event was again held on 15th may, 2022 where ration was
again distributed to 200 needy families and also small amenities like
clothes, stationary, slippers were donated to 205 village girls.

Many useful and meaningful posters and pamphlets are also made by
the NGO to spread awareness in the society. The posters are made by
volunteers and interns like me on various environmental, healthcare
and societal issues and then afterwards pasted and distributed among
Also our NGO has many local donators/sponsers which are the local
shops of stationary, cosmetics, medicines, salons, and many more
small businesses. When we make our pamphlets we mention their
names and addresses and also some other info which helps them
increase their sales and yet another help is provided. Sometimes the
stationery shops helps us in making extra copies of posters free of cost

Manav Sewa Mission is also connected with some local hospitals of
our town mainly the civil hospital. The NGO assists the needy people
in various aspects. It provides medications to the people who cannot
afford to buy them. It through its volunteers also makes sure that no
one is mistreated in the hospital wards. Also, a separate prayer room
has been made by the NGO where a person is available for assistance.
Volunteers do this work in shifts. If a person needs some help he can
ask the person available at that time and people can also pray for their
loved ones or just sit there for some peace.
Volunteers also take rounds of the general ward often and see if any
person needs help. Our NGO teaches us to stay humble and polite
with everyone. We also check the hygiene and cleanliness of the
hospital and also help them in maintaining it so that no infection is
caused due to the infectious environment.
Some general awareness posters related to healthcare are also set up
by the NGO in the hospital’s wards.

The Manav Mission Sewa NGO was founded in August, 2002 by Mr.
Harish Kumar Hans along with his four co-founders. It was officially
registered in January, 2003. The NGO was started on really small
level as much resources and funds were not available at that time. Still
with their dedication and hard work towards the NGO they have
successfully managed make it among one of the best NGOs in Patiala
district. It is now a family of 635 members and still many people are
joining it. When It was started its main motto was:
Come forward and help the needy
The founder of our NGO has also been awarded ‘SWAABHIMAAN’
a noble award of honour in a ceremony which was conducted by the
Noble Foundation, Ludhiana. He was also awarded THE PADMA
SHREE for his hard work for the society. The NGO has now proudly
completed 20 years of selfless service to the society with its full
dedication and will continue to do so.



HEALTHCARE: Manav Sewa Mission is also connected with some
local hospitals of our town mainly the civil hospital. The NGO assists
the needy people in various aspects. It provides medications to the
people who cannot afford to buy them. It through its volunteers also
makes sure that no one is mistreated in the hospital wards. Also a
separate prayer room has been made by the NGO where a person is
available for assistance. Volunteers do this work in shifts. If a person
needs some help he can ask the person available at that time and
people can also pray for their loved ones or just sit there for some
peace. Volunteers also take rounds of the general ward often and see
if any person needs help. We also check the hygiene and cleanliness
of the hospital and also help them in maintaining it so that no
infection is caused due to the infectious environment. Our volunteers
always respect every person so that they don’t hesitate to ask help
from us and it’s a basic value which is our NGO teaches us.

FINANCIAL HELP: The NGO provides financial support to many

families of our area. It provides annual and sometimes monthly
expenditure to many needy families living below poverty line.
Sometimes loans are also lent to small startups at no interest rate to
help them to start their business. The NGO’s co-founder Mr. Krishna
Madaan helps poor families in getting their daughters married. Free
medicines are also provided by our NGO and free books and uniform
are also distributed in government schools to children to motivate
more and more parents to send their children to schools.

ANNUAL EVENTS: A main event is held annually in which ration
including wheat flour, rice, soaps, washing powder, spices are
distributed to 200 families at Arya Samaj Mandir in Rajpura. Along
with these comforters, clothes and slippers are also distributed among
some rural families to help them in winters.

FOOD: A shop has been opened by the NGO where food to needy
people is provided at a very cheap rate (Rs. 10). Everyday dozens of
people come at the shop at fill their hunger. A good amount of food is
provided in one plate so that it can easily fill one person’s tummy.
The food is made with proper hygiene and good quality products and
no compromise is made with one’s health. Volunteer work can be
done there too.

OTHER WORK: Some other work includes making awareness

posters and pamphlets and distributing them among people. General
posters include awareness about environmental, healthcare, societal
issues and information. Some marches are also held in the town area
to spread awareness like a march was held on Earth day to
encouraging people to plant more trees and save the ones we already
have. Encouraging them to stop wasting water and paper both by
holding posters and speaking the slogan “SAVE EARTH SAVE
LIFE” while marching. Awareness against pollution is given through
almost same methods. Sometimes our members go in school to
conduct some speeches on various topics like why education is
necessary or why we should get more careful towards our nature now.


AT THE SHOP: As I mentioned in my report above, the NGO has a

shop outside the civil hospital where food is provided to the needy at
a very cheap price. Sometimes I volunteered there and helped the
cooks and other members to distribute plates and cups to the
customers who came there. I also gave water to the customers and
asked if anyone needs anything else and if they did I told my other
members and they served them.
AT THE HOSPITAL: I also volunteered in work at the civil hospital
of our town. There my role was to take a round of the general ward
and see if anyone needs any sort of help. There is a room where
people come with their problems and we try to solve them as much as
we can. So sometimes I along with my other NGO volunteers used to
stay there for an hour or more to help the member whose shift was
going on at the time.
AT THE ANNUAL EVENT: An event is held every year by the
NGO. In this event ration including wheat flour, pulses, washing
powder, soaps, clothes etc. are distributed among 200 needy families.
Free uniform and books are also distributed to children. This year this
event was held on 4th July, 2022 fortunately during my internship
period so I got the chance to make myself useful there and help more
OTHER WORK: I also helped in other little things like going
around town asking for donations and sometimes the NGO gave us
wheat flour to distribute it in some backward areas of our town. A
little contribution was also made by me to the NGO.

 Societal contribution: Actively working/volunteering help me to
make a positive contribution in the growth and development of
the society. I feel I worked for the cause which can make a
 Increased employable skills: When we work for an NGO, we
work for an organisation that requires skills like accounting,
finance, research, raising and re-distribution of funds,
punctuality, teamwork, cooperation and leadership qualities. I
gained experience in various aspects whilst working for an
 CV: The skills that i gained can form a significant part of your
CV. I can impress my employer with my polished skills. This
experience will also make my application stand out amongst my
 Professional development: Joining an NGO is like an investment
in your future. I feel I developed some professional skills to
meet the demands of the role and of the organisation.
 Better networking: I got a chance to build my network with
influential people. It gave me a chance to know people with
same goals as me. It also increased my job prospects within the
NGO or with the institutions that NGO work with.
 Leadership skills: As a part of a team, I not only gained
leadership skills, but also got a chance to employ them too.
Everything depends on how well you learn to motivate people
and how you cope up with pressure.
 Behavioral understanding: I learnt and experienced working
with people of different natures. It also increased my ability to
adapt to different cultural demands and behavioural
expectations. This also impacted my ability to handle sensitive
 Making life better: My work will be making a significant
contribution towards a better tomorrow. It brought me a sense of
job satisfaction and self-motivation to do more.
Teamwork skills: I learnt how to participate in teamwork, respecting
other people’s opinions and giving out my opinions after careful
thought through small meetings.
Communication skills: I learnt a lot on how to send professional
emails, and communicate in a professional and polite manner with the
staff members and other people.
Report writing skills: I learnt how to write reports in a summary
format. Also, I wrote a detailed internship report which will help me
in future.
There many skills that you can acquire during your internship period,
the important thing is to have an open mind and be willing to learn.
Learning appropriate skills during your internship will help you
advance your career and prepare you better for future employment

MICRO FINANCE: NGO management is not a typical business
model which has profit as a main objective to sustain itself. In fact it
has something social to do for the people. From the beginning to the
end we found out that even though social, how an NGO can work
professionally and fulfil its objectives by getting the work done from
the people within the budget constraints. Income generation
programme have three broad range of service namely, Training,
Savings and Loans. - We started off by attending the training and
learnt that how to interact with a mix breed of people who have
different professions in a language well understood to them. They
have different mechanism of teaching the poor to do business and be

HEALTH ACTIVITIES: Working at NGO gave an opportunity to

learn practically the feeling of social belongingness. The team learnt
the responsibility and the requirement of the youngsters to the society.
Assigned with the project in collection of primary data from the
survey of the senior citizens we are happy that we successfully
completed our task and learned other management skills in the real
world. Working at the NGO helped us to build good public
relationship skills, communication skills and also taught us on how to
deal with different kind of individuals. We realized the importance of
the other people and the actual functioning of the studies in the real
life. Project also taught us about how the NGO working system
including its operations, financing, marketing strategies and the areas
in which they are functioning. The teams work was appreciated by the

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Students go for their Social

Responsibility Projects (SPR) to an NGO of their choice for a period
of one-month. Over the past few years, there have been more students
entering the social service sector and taking up CSR initiatives within
their organisations. Today it’s no more about just earning fat salaries,

but about achieving more meaningful personal and professional goals.
So colleges play a bigger role in sensitising students about the larger
context of what India is about. Social responsibility cannot be taught
inside a classroom. Learning about an issue and actually meeting
people who have been affected by it are two different things.


for your own self, your thinking spectrum gets limited and never do
you think beyond the enclosure of your life and gains. But, working in
an NGO forces you to think for people. This widens your thinking
spectrum so that in future when you work, you think of the group or
on a company level, which ultimately enhances your credibility and
reputation. Also you learn how to manage various tasks within the
group within the given time which also teaches time management.
MANAGEMENT: Many NGOs aim to achieve their objectives
depending on their resources and ideas, but the forces of the external
environment enforce them to adopt concepts belong to the profit
organizations. Also, their rising importance on the national and
international scales led them to engage in stakeholders' management
and research on corporate social responsibility (CSR). The
management of the NGOs have switched their policies to become

CONCLUSION: Brave new world of the development sector is in

need for management education. The work in the social sector is no
less intense than working in a highly-driven, result-oriented corporate
organization.” The sector is vast, and the problems they encounter are
mindboggling. They play a significant role in the lives and livelihoods
of people around the world. We cannot allow NGOs to fail, fold up
and diminish in the work that they are doing , often the people who
founded the NGO do not have the skills needed for the organization as
it grows and transforms The mindset needs to be changed to a more
practical outlook, and a management education could provide such a

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and others with powerful and result-driven services. We envision
creating a sustainable and transparent online marketplace to help
global businesses accomplish their search engine optimization goals
—ranking higher and driving referral traffic using editorial content.

Fully Customizable SEO Services, That Satiates Your Hunger For

 SEO Packages:
Specifically curated campaigns for your brand helps decide the best
road to be taken to take your website to the desired rank on SERPs.
 Guest Posting Backlinks:
We love blogging, and we have…like thousands of influential
bloggers who can promote your brand. Try our guest posting
services and gain authority.
 Content Marketing:
Save your time and invest your resources in more important tasks
that need your leadership. Leave your precious mentions with us,
and simply enjoy the growth.
 SEO Reseller & Outsourcing:
Why go the hard way when you can have what you need by
outsourcing your requirements. We will take care of the labor-tasks,
and you can take the credits.
 Local & Small Business SEO:
We keep it simple and make sure that the quality remains
unmatched. Mark your presence in the local markets and increase
your customer base.
 Content Writing:
It is not as easy as said. Good content that drives readership is hard
to find. But not for our experts. We have the best in-house creators
for you.

Their researchers will find the most effective keywords for a
brand and our implementers will strategically position these
keywords and links to get you the traffic you need. By doing this,
you will see a surge in referral traffic and a simultaneous
increase your website’s search rankings. The former is more
important to us as referral traffic includes users who have already
shown an interest in the products and services offered by you.

They are also known for our transparent relationships. Every step
of the way, they will share our plans with you. If there’s anything
that doesn’t agree with your company values, they’ll work
around it. Rest assured, they’ll do everything that’s ethically
possible to make your brand a success.
Established in 2017, Submitcore is a link-building agency
offering strategic and sustainable solutions to 2000+ businesses
and agencies all across the world. We help brands worldwide to
experience increased search engine rankings and traffic. We act
as a trusted partner for agencies, offering full transparency and
We are not a typical SEO agency that’s a jack of all trades,
master of none. In other words, link building is the only thing
that we do and we are really good at it. A team of strategic
marketing experts along with experienced writers helps to create
searchable content and links that produce results. We are a
growing team of 45+ people working together to deliver nothing
less than perfection. Team Monks is known best for the quality
work, time-bound campaign delivery, and of course excellent
customer support.


A Website content writer or web content writer is a person who

specializes in providing content for websites. Every website has
a specific target audience and requires the most relevant content
to attract business. Content should contain keywords aimed
towards improving a website's SEO.
Crafting social media copy for a small business, drafting press
materials for an insurance brand, and posting an essay on AI
Ethics to Medium are all forms of writing that fall under the
content writing umbrella.
Content writing is creating and editing written content for the
internet. That means blog posts, articles, social media posts,
website copy, etc. What unifies all these types of writing is the
Content is intended to be consumed, and writers create written
content that enriches the connection between a brand and its
target audience.
Content writing is the process of writing, editing, and publishing
content in a digital format to engage your target audience. That
content can include blog posts, video or podcast scripts, ebooks
or whitepapers, press releases, product category descriptions,
landing page or social media copy ... and more.


I joined Submitcore the last week of April as a content writer.

It’s been a new and amazing journey since. I’m still under in my
training period as it has only been a little over a week.
As a new joinee, I’m being trained by my supervisor, Ms. Saloni.
She has been working there since the last two years and is an
amazing content writer as well as a supervisor.
She helps me understand every little detail there is to learn. She
always appreciates my good work and tells me how I can make it
even better. She has a very pleasant nature and is very
As a content writer, I am provided with the client product
information, anchor texts, placement site link and the idea of
Using all these, first I have to create a title, then write an article
that should contain information about the client in such a way it
doesn’t feel like advertising.
ANCHOR TEXTS: The term “anchor text” refers to a snippet of
clickable text that takes a user to a web page. Anchor text masks
hyperlinks—the “naked” address of the page that is linked to. It
is distinguished from other words in a block of content by its
color, which tends to be blue.

In this summer vacation, I was fortunate enough to complete a 6-week
internship at a charitable NGO in Rajpura, an experience that while
challenging at times, was invaluable in so many ways. I interned with
a positive attitude, good work ethic and a willingness to get involved
wherever I was needed which held me in good stead because not only
did I earn the respect of my colleagues, I was given the opportunity to
get involved, even more than I ever imagined. I had three clear goals:
1. Gain practical NGO based experience to add to my CV 2. Put into
context the theory I am studying during my BBA in Business
3. To help as many people I can with my full efforts. I managed to
achieve all three.
When I look back at my internship I realised that whilst having a
structure in place the emphasis was on using my initiative.
Everything wasn’t planned out for me, and my hand wasn’t held at
every turn but this was great because I had to work for it and really
think about my internship. The structure was clear; work in 3
different categories including healthcare, social work and NGO
events. Our supervisor also asked us to give some suggestions for the
future interns at the end of the internship. This helped me to focus on
my progress through the internship on my objectives and the work I
was doing. Importantly, it also meant that the organisation could
consider any suggestions for improvement too. I really felt as if it
mattered to us all.

Additionally, my ongoing internship at submitcore has also

taught me a lot about the real corporate sector and look forward
to learn new things everyday on that internship.

 Collaborative work: The continuation of interactive, authentic
partnerships among NGOs, public and private organizations are
required for sustainable impact on development. Today’s trend is
towards improved partnership between NGOs, governments, and
the private sector. This trend obviously helps NGOs develop core
competencies, get advantage of different expertise, and influence
policy actors.
 Research: There is need to carryout research as to what extent the
youth development programmes are impacting the community
members, and also to research on what motivates or demotivates
people from accessing programmes offered by the NGO.
 Updating the budget template: NGOs must be specifically
requested to make a budget annually so as to cover the proper
office space, staff training, fundraising staff time, communication,
quality computers and tools and etc. The High capacity well-
resourced NGOs can easily plan and result in giving highest impact
over time. And this would also help the NGO to be less reliant for
its survival on a single donor.
 Flexibility: Many NGOs works excellently with dedication and
performs high quality work, but have limitations when it comes to
fundraising. An NGO must build flexibility in how to utilize the
funds. It must secure small percentage of budget for sustainability
activities which would ensure long- term viability and which would
impact the NGO and its programs by helping it to expand and
improve. I think MSM can be a little more flexible,
 Always ask for Feedback: Since the working of the NGO must be
done without any obstacles, it must always ask for feedback and
suggestions on how to improve its sustainability. The NGO must
discuss about its current practices and take suggestions.

This report has summed up my engagement with New World
Foundation and my involvement in their youth social programmes. I
have gained insights on social responsibilities, management skills and
how they are applied in practice. I have been engaged in their various
programmes and social events while I was doing my internship as a
volunteer. The programme however is a micro initiative with positive
impacts to help the needy people of our small town I would like to
believe that I also added value to what they have already been doing,
making them conscious of the importance of their programmes and
the need to constantly find ways to improve the intervention strategies
given the continuously changing circumstances and time. I can
sincerely say that my time spent interning with Mission Manav Sewa
resulted in one of the best summers of my life. Not only did I gain
practical skills but I also had the opportunity to meet many fantastic
people also I felt like I was able to contribute to the society and NGO
by assisting and working on projects throughout the summer.







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