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Project management plan

Stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres

Version Control
Table of Content
1.0 Purpose of Document-------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2.0 Scope Management Plan---------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2.1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2.2 Purpose ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2.3 Scope Management Approach-------------------------------------------------------------4
2.4 Roles and Responsibilities-------------------------------------------------------------------4
2.5 Scope Definition--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.6 Project Scope Statement---------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.7 Work breakdown structure------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.8 Scope Verification------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.9 Scope Control------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
2.10 Scope Change-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
3.0 Time Management Plan------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
3.1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.2 Time Management Approach------------------------------------------------------------
3.3 Time Control-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.4 Time Changes and Thresholds ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.0 Procurement Management Plan---------------------------------------------------------------------
5.0 Human Resource Management Plan----------------------------------------------------------------
5.1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.2 Roles and Responsibilities-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5.3 Project Organizational Chart-------------------------------------------------------------------
5.4 Project Team Training-------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.0 Stakeholder Management Plan----------------------------------------------------------------------
7.0 Cost Management Plan---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.0 Risk Management Plan-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.0 Quality Management Plan-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.0 Communication Management Plan--------------------------------------------------------------
11.0 References----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12.0 Appendices-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.0 Purpose of document
This document aims to provide the Project Management plans for the Stabilization
of soil using shredded rubber tyres. The plans include;
 Scope Management Plan
 Time Management Plan
 Human Resource Management Plan
 Procurement management Plan

 Stakeholder Management Plan

 Cost Management Plan
 Risk Management Plan
 Quality Management Plan
 Communication Management Plan

These plans serve as a guideline which will assist in the completion of this project.
These plans will provide necessary information about the personal involved such as
the project Management Team, Project Sponsor and stakeholders. The roles and
responsibilities of each individual will be clearly explained. Each plan is crucial for
the success of this project and must be strictly followed by the team. Other
important information such as the cost and duration will be included in these plans.
The tasks which will be conducted will also be stated and discussed to ensure that
2.0 Scope Management Plan
2.1 Introduction
The scope management plan delivers the scope framework for the stabilization of soft soil
using shredded rubber tyres project. This plan will contain the roles and responsibilities of
individuals involved within this project along with the deliverables in ensuring completion
of this project. It is necessary for the project to follow the scope statement and project
deliverables and any changes made must be reviewed by the responsible personal.
2.2 Purpose
The goal of this project is to find new ways to strengthen and stabilize soft soil through
shredded rubber tyres. This includes the sampling of soft soils and conducting laboratory
tests to find the right soil to rubber ratio for optimum performance. Therefore, this scope
management plan will provide the project with the appropriate methods to achieve these
2.3 Scope Management Approach
For the stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres will be the responsibility of the
Project Director. The Scope Statement, Work Breakdown structure (WBS) and the dictionary
will define the scope of this project. The reviewing of the project’s performance and quality
checks will be carried out by the Project Director, Sponsor and Stakeholder. The involved
personal in the project that may want to propose a change to the scope statement must make
a formal request to Project Director. It is the duty of the Project Director to review and
evaluate the change requests. Once, the Project Director accepts the change request, then the
Change Control Board and Project Sponsor will further evaluate and make the approvals.
Next, all the required documents will be updated accordingly and the stakeholders will be
notified. However, it the responsibility of the Project Sponsor to initialize the final scope and
2.4 Roles and Responsibilities
The project management team have a crucial role to play in the scope management of the
project. The Sponsor and other vital personal must be familiar and well informed of their
duty within the whole life of the project. Therefore, the table shown below will highlight the
various roles and responsibilities of each individual for the scope statement of the
stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres.
Role Description
Project Sponsor Provides the full funding for the project and
is also makes the final decisions for
Project Director Maintains management of the project and
leads the project management team.
Responsible for creating the project charter,
managing and ensuring that the work is
being conducted accordingly. Accountable
for the project and communication with
stakeholders and sponsors.
Sterring Committee Serve as a helping tool when help is needed
where the Project Manager cannot resolve.
Provides the necessary tools and directive
whenever a milestone is not reached.
Team Member Engage in scope work and inform the
Project Director when change is necessary.

2.5 Scope Definition

The scope for the stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres was determined
through the collection of requirements through an extensive research process. Firstly,
research professionals such as geotechnical engineers were contacted to discuss the personal
needed for the completion of this project. From the information provided by their
professionals the project management team were able to highlight the key points needed to
deliver the project.
The description and deliverables for the project were developed and refined based on the
information collected. Expert judgement played the most crucial role in this segment to
provide the team with vial information to complete the project scope.

2.6 Project Scope Statement

The stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres project scope statement gives a
thorough explanation of the deliverables, constraints, exclusions, assumptions and
acceptance criteria. Also, it includes information about work which must not be included in
the project.
The stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres project includes sampling, testing,
collection of soft soil and recycled shredded rubber tyres. Once, all the deliverables have
been completed then the project will be in completion.
Constraints: The overall duration of the project is 12 months and must not be exceeded. All
laboratory testing results must be properly documented within the this duration and
submitted to sponsors. The budget for this project is $53813 and must be strictly observed.
Assumptions: Project sponsor will provide the funding and make the final approvals for the
2.7 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
The WBS will contain the steps to complete the Stabilization of Soft Soil using Shredded
Rubber Tyres. The tasks will be divided in three phases: Literature review, sampling and
tests, and the documentation of findings, to ensure that the work is thoroughly conducted
and for ease of completion. Each of the three phases is then further broken down to simply
the work process.
Lev WB Element Descripti Deliverables Budget Resources
el S Name on of
Cod Work
1.1. Conduct Carry out  Find $120 Internet access
2 research on a experime
the different literature ntal
soft soil review on finding
types and the soft from
shredded soils and online
rubber tyres availabili sources
ty of  Documen
shredded t these
rubber findings
tyres in  Find
Fiji recycled
in Fiji
 Conduct
on the
best types

1.1. Testing and Conduct  Sample $51693  Geotechn
3 Sampling laborator soft soils ical
y tests from contracto
different rs
areas  Tyre chip
 Collect supplier
 Mix the
tyre and
 Carry out
1.1. Documentati Assemble  Collect Included
4 on of all results in the
geotechnical laborator  Discuss contracto
report y results the rs cost
into one results
formal 

2.8 Scope Verification

As the Stabilization of soft soil using shredded tyres project is in progress, the Project
Director will be responsible to ensure and verify that the project deliverables are in line with
the scope statement, WBS and WBS dictionary. Upon, completion of verification, the
Project Director will inform the Stakeholders and Sponsors and a meeting will be held for
formal acceptance. The project deliverable acceptance document which will be provided by
the Project Director and handed over to the Project Sponsor for authorization. The purpose
of the project deliverable acceptance document is to ensure for consistency in the life of the

2.9 Scope Control

The scope of the Stabilization of Soft Soil using shredded rubber tyres will be controlled by
the Project Management Team and led by the Project Director. The WBS dictionary will
serve as a leverage for the Project Management Team to ensure that each and every task is
being followed and that there is no detour.
2.10 Scope Change
For the Stabilization of Soft Soil using Shredded Rubber Tyres project, if a change of scope
is needed then a request for change ins cope must be submitted to the Project Director. The
Project Director will either accept or reject the Scope Change request after further review
and evaluation. The scope change request will then be submitted to the Change Control
Board who will further evaluate and make approvals. Next, upon approvals, the scope
change request will be updated in the documents and the project team members and
stakeholders will be informed.
Next, the time management plan will provide the necessary duration to complete the project.
2.0 Time Management Plan
2.1 Introduction
The Time Management Plan is a directive map of how the project will be accomplished. A
time plan is vital as it highlights activities at a given time within the project for the Project
Team, Sponsors and Stakeholders to have a better understandings of the works being
conducted. The objective of the Time Management plan is to create a schedule plan for the
stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres project. The monitoring and managing
of project will be defined within the schedule plan. Moreover, Identification, documentation,
prioritization, approvals or rejects and also the publishing of all time related changes will all
be included within this time management plan.
2.2 Time Management Approach
The WBS which contains all the deliverables of the project will be used to create the project
schedules in MS Project 2007. The specific schedule activities will be highlighted in the
activity definition whereas the order of these activities will be highlighted in the activity
sequencing. Moreover, the resources required for the completion of each activity will be
identified using the resource estimation method. While the number of work periods needed
to complete the schedule activities will be calculated using the activity duration estimations.
Upon the development of the preliminary schedule, the project team will conduct review the
plan and the resources vital to the project will be acquired and assigned to each task. The
project team will be responsible for the ongoing inspection of the resource assignment,
durations and sequencing of schedules. A milestone chart will be created from the original
scheduling effort which will serve as a schedule baseline and contain all the significant
milestones for stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres.
Roles and Responsibilities for schedule development are as follows:
The Project Director will be responsible for majority of the time management plan
development. The facilitation of work package definition, sequencing and carrying out
estimations will be conducted by the Project Director, who is also responsible for the
supervision for the creation of the project schedule using MS Project 2007 and acquiring
approvals from sponsors and stakeholders. Whereas the project team will assist the Project
Director in various aspects and also review and validate proposed schedule.
2.3 Time Control
The stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres project schedule will be reviewed
and updated regularly i.e. on a weekly basis and the task owners will provide the start, finish
and completion packages.
The duty of the Project Director will be to conduct weekly schedule updates and also
determination of impacts, submission of change requests and reporting of schedule status.
While the project team will assist the Project Director and participate in weekly schedule
updates. Whereas, the project sponsor will continue to maintain awareness of the status of
the project as to ensure that budget planning and resourcing is well within range.

2.4 Time Changes And Thresholds

The project team and Director are responsible for the review and evaluation of any change
necessary and must conduct thorough investigations to determine the need for this change.
After, the evaluation process which will include the determination of tasks impacted,
variance and alternatives, so if the change exceeds the boundary requests, then a change
request is submitted to the project sponsor. The two following conditions must be met for the
approval by the project sponsor:
 The milestone on the Milestone Chart is estimated to be impacted by 10% or more
by the proposed change
 The duration of the overall baseline schedule is estimated to be increased by 10% or
more by the change
Upon approvals from the project sponsor, the project director will be responsible to adjust
the schedule and inform the project team and stakeholders of all changes. It is also vital for
the project director to document all changes in the Change Log.
Next, procurement management plan will be discussed.

3.0 Procurement Management Plan

3.1 Introduction
The Procurement management plan will be used in the stabilization of soft soil using
shredded rubber tyres project to build a framework for procurement works. Procurement
plan will serve as a guide for managing the procurement processes, the identification of
items to be procured, the types of contracts used, contract process and the criteria for
decision making. The importance of procurement planning is that it enhances the
transparency of the project such as the monitoring of resources and provides a basis for
effective treasury management.
3.2 Procurement Management Approach
The project director is responsible for the management of the all procurement activities such
as reviewing of procurement list provided by the project team. The procurement will
conduct thorough research about each item needed to complete the project and a list will be
given to the authorized individuals for approval such as the project director, purchasing
director and project sponsor.
3.3 Procurement Item Identification
All the procured items identified by the project team will be tabulated as shown in the table
Item/Service Justification Needed by
Shredded rubber tyres For stabilization of the soft August 20, 2023
Geotechnical Contractors Conduct the experimental July 25, 2023

3.4 Types of Contracts to be Used

Fixed price, cost plus or time and materials will be the types of contracts used in the
stabilization soft soil using shredded rubber tyres project to procure the items and services
needed to complete the project. Bids will be created by the project team for the various
services and then contracts will be given out.
3.5 Procurement Risks
Risks may be encountered in the procurement process and must be considered such as:
 Shredded tyres are not delivered on time
 Delay in collection of soft soil from site
 Unrealistic cost expectations from laboratory owners
 Tardiness and quality issues from geotechnical engineer
3.6 Procurement Risk Management
Although all risks are documented under the risk management plan however procurement
risks must be dealt with separately as it pertains to a more sensitive area. Due to
procurement risks involving external organizations and dealing with these risks must not be
taken lightly as it can affect future business relationships. Therefore, it is the responsibly of
the project sponsor and the project’s contracting department to oversee these procurement
3.7 Proposal Generation
For each procurement a request for Proposal (RFP) will be issued by the project team to the
various vendors. The proposals must contain information on how the vendors will carry out
the work, materials used, cost and the duration of work. The proposals submitted by vendors
will show the project team how well the vendors understand the job and if their proposal
meet the projects standards such as the schedule and cost plans.
3.8 Standardized Procurement Documentation
Standard documents will be used all throughout the procurement management process to
help simply the work by providing more details on pricing, responses and effective
management of contracts.
The following standard documents will be used in the stabilization of soft soil using
shredded rubber tyres project:
 Standard Request for Proposal Template to include
- Background
- Proposal process and timelines
- Proposal guidelines
- Proposal formats and media
- Source selection criteria
- Pricing forms
- Statement of work
 Forms for internal source selection evaluation
 Non-disclosure agreement
 Letter of intent
 Templates of contract
 A form for the Procurement Audit
 Procurement performance evaluation form

3.9 Procurement Constraints

There are constraints that must be highlighted under the project’s procurement management
plan and these will be included in the Request for Proposal which vendors must take into
account and determine whether they are able to work within these constraints. Schedule,
cost, resources and quality are several areas which these constraints must be applied to.
3.10 Contract Approval Process
Firstly, it is vital to determine from the list of items and services which ones would need to
be procured from outside sources. A cost analysis must first be conducted on all the items
and services provided internally and then must be compared with outside vendors. Upon
completion of the cost analysis process, solicitations will be sent out to outside
establishments who will receive and submit proposals to project team. The project team will
then evaluate all proposals from outside vendors and determine whether the criteria has been
3.11 Decision Criteria
The decision criteria which serves as a guideline for the selection and award of procurement
contracts for the stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres will be based on:
 Experience of geotechnical engineer
 Cost and Quality of Laboratory Services
 Expected date for completion of geotechnical report
 Sources of rubber tyres used
3.12 Vendor Management
The Project Director is responsible for controlling and guiding the vendors. The Project
Director must communicate with the geotechnical engineer and laboratory team on a weekly
basis. The engineer must provide reports to the Project Director on the progress of the
project either through face-to-face consultations or via online platforms such as zoom and
3.13 Performance Metrics For Procurement Activities
The Table below highlights the performance metrics for procurement activities of each
Company Produc On Documentatio Deliver Deliver Transaction
t Time n y Costs y Time al Efficiency
Quality Deliver
Awesome 4 2 4 4 4 2
GeoEngineer 4 2 4 2 4 2
Geotechnical 6 2 2 6 4 4

2 – Unacceptable
4 – Sufficient
6 – Remarkable

4.0 Human Resource Management Plan

4.1 Introduction
The Human Resource Management Plan (HR) is a crucial and effective method to allocate
workload and ensure that the work is being carried out responsibly by the assigned workers.
This plan will ensure that the project management team who will overlook the stabilization
of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres project will carry out their work diligently. The
purpose of HR is to accomplish the project by building a healthy work environment for the
team and to ensure that the members are equip with the necessary skills and team building
4.2 Roles and Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of all involved personal in the project must be clearly
highlighted. The table blow clearly shows the roles and responsibilities of each key player.
Roles Responsibilities
Project Director Maintains management of the project and
leads the project management team.
Responsible for creating the project charter,
managing and ensuring that the work is
being conducted accordingly. Accountable
for the project and communication with
stakeholders and sponsors.
Project Sponsor Provides the full funding for the project and
is also makes the final decisions for
Team Members Engage in scope work and inform the
Project Director when change is necessary.
Sterring Committee Serve as a helping tool when help is needed
where the Project Manager cannot resolve.
Provides the necessary tools and directive
whenever a milestone is not reached.

4.3 Project Organizational Charts

The chart below highlights the staff hierarchy for the project management team.



Quality Financial Technical

Officer Controller Officer

4.4 Project Team Training

It is vital for team members to undergo training and team bonding to ensure that they are
equip with the skills required to complete the project. Firstly, when new staff joint he
project, it is crucial for the project director to provide a project orientation and explain to the
new staff the background and current status of the project. The director must also assign the
new staff with their roles and expectations, and must introduce the whole team. Secondly,
performance reviews must be conducted on a regular basis to ensure that team members are
on optimal performance and if any member is lacking must undergo evaluation. Lastly,
rewards must be awarded at the end or during the period of the project to recognise the
hardworking team members and encourage them to work harder in the future. At the end of
the project, awards such as certificates may be given out to potential awardees.
Work Breakdown Structure

1.0 Stabilization of soft

soil using shredded
rubber tyres

1.1 Meeting with sponsors and

project team to present
geotechincal report

1.1.2 Compile Literture Review 1.1.3 Testing and Sampling 1.1.4 Documentation of
geotechnical report research on the research on

different soft soil types shredded rubber tyres Finalize the most Compile the reults and
optimun mixture dicuss Choose the best three Crosscheck results with

soil to rubber ratio literature review Conduct Collect lab results

laboratory testing of
different mixture ratio Collection of
shredded rubber tyres SAmpling of soft


Activity Table
Task ID: 1.1.2 Cost
Task Name: Compile Literature Review Material:
Duration: 6 months Internet Access @$20/month for 6
Skilled Worker: Project Management months=$120

Task ID: 1.1.3 Cost

Task Name: Testing and Sampling Material:
Duration: 4 months Tyre chips @4.65/kg*20kg=$93
Skilled Workers: Geotechnical Labour:
Engineer Geotechnical Engineer
Technician @$30/hr*8hr*5days*4weeks*6months=$28800
Technical Staff@$12.50*8*5*4*6=$12000
Laboratory hire@$10800 for 6 months
Total: $51600

8.1.1 Purpose Of the Risk Management Plan
A risk is an occurrence or condition that, depending on its results, could advance or
advance the goals of a project. The process of determining, evaluating, addressing,
managing, and disclosing hazards is known as risk management. This risk management
strategy outlines how hazards related to the project "Stabilization of soft soil with
shredded rubber tyres" will be found, investigated, and controlled. It includes templates
and guidelines for capturing and prioritizing risks and describes how risk management
actions will be carried out, documented, and followed throughout the project's lifecycle.
The project manager develops the risk management plan at the planning stage of the
CDC Unified Process, and it is continually reviewed and updated.
The project team, project sponsor, and management are the target audience for this


8.2.1 Process

The project manager will make sure that risks are actively recognized, examined, and
managed throughout the course of the project in collaboration with the project team and
project sponsors. To reduce their impact, risks will be identified as early as possible in
the project The next sections detail the measures to take in order to achieve this. The
project manager will serve as the Risk Manager for this project.
Risk assessment will involve the project team, the necessary stakeholders, and an
analysis of organizational culture, environmental factors, and the project management
plan, including the project scope. The project deliverables, assumptions, constraints,
WBS, cost/effort estimates, resource plan, and other important project documents will
all receive careful consideration. A Risk Management Log will be created, revised as
necessary, and electronically saved in the project library.
8.2.3 Risk Analysis
The range of potential project outcomes will be determined by evaluating each risk that
has been identified. The approach of qualification will be utilized to identify which
risks should be pursued and addressed immediately, and which risks can be disregarded.
8.2.4 Qualitative Risk Analysis
The project manager will evaluate each identified risk's probability of occurrence and
potential effects, utilizing suggestions from the project team and the following
PMP (Stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres)

 High – H ≥ 80 %probability of occurrence
 Medium – 40 % ≤ M ≤ 80 % probability of occurrence
 Low – L ≤ 40 % probability of occurrence

 High – Risk that are classified to have great impact on the project cost, schedule and
 Medium – Risk that has moderate impact on project cost, project schedule or
 Low – Risk which have relatively low impact on the project cost, schedule and

Risk analysis will be carried out on a risk matrix to determine magnitude of the risk and
as such will require a risk response planning which might contain a risk reduction
strategy as well as a risk recovery strategy.

8.2.5 Quantitative Risk Analysis

A numerical rating will be assigned to each risk based on the analysis of risk events that
have been prioritized using the qualitative risk analysis process and their impact on
project operations. This information will then be recorded in this area of the risk
management plan.
A member of the project team will be tasked with monitoring each key risk that are found to
have greatly impact the project cost, schedule and performance. One of the following
strategies will be used to address each significant risk:

 Avoid – eliminate the threat by eliminating the cause

 Mitigate – Identify ways to reduce the probability or the impact of the risk
 Accept – Nothing will be done
 Transfer – Make another party responsible for the risk (buy insurance, outsourcing,

The project team will determine measures to avoid risks from occurring or minimize their
impact or likelihood of occurring for each risk that will be addressed. Prototyping, adding
tasks to the project plan, increasing resources, etc. may all fall under this category A plan of
action for reducing the risk's impact in the event that it does materialize will be laid out for
each significant risk that is to be mitigated or accepted.


Throughout the course of a project, the amount of risk will be recorded, observed, and
reported. The project team will keep track of a "Top 10 Risk List" and submit it as part
of the process for reporting project status for this project.
Every project change request will be examined for potential effects on project risks.
Important changes to the risk status will be reported to management as part of the
executive project status report.
PMP (Stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres)


A Risk Log will be maintained by the project manager and will be reviewed as a
standing agenda item for project team meetings.
PMP (Stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres)


The signatories below declare that they have read the risk management plan for
“stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyre” project. The undersigned or their
designated representatives will collaborate on and approve any changes to this risk
management plan.

Signature: Date:

Print Name:

Signature: Date:

Print Name:

Signature: Date:

Print Name:

Signature: Date:

Print Name:
PMP (Stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres)


Quality management plan contains the information needed to manage the project quality successfully
from project planning to delivery. It specifies a project's quality rules, practices, application standards,
eligibility requirements, and delegation of roles, responsibilities, and powers. This quality
management plan will be use to:
 To describe the project's quality strategy, method, and process.
 To determine the tasks and roles linked to project quality management.
 To list the key outputs and artifacts of project management.
 To specify the actions for quality assurance and control and to schedule them
throughout the project
 To support the agreement on the measurements and requirements for project quality,
as well as how to evaluate them.
 To describe the procedures, benchmarks, instruments, and methods that support
quality management.


The goal of project quality management is to make sure that the current project will achieve
the desired goals as quickly as possible and that the deliverables will be approved by the
necessary parties. It entails managing all tasks required to uphold a certain degree of quality.
This entails developing and putting into practice quality assurance, control, and improvement
This project will adhere to the quality management process, which includes steps for project
quality-related activity identification, planning, execution, monitoring, and control. The main
project quality objectives are:
 The project's quality standards are established, accepted, and met throughout;
 Quality assurance tasks are carried out according to schedule;
 Ensure adherence to the organization's rules and regulations as well as any applicable
laws, rules, and regulations from the government and the industry;
 Every nonconformity (or chance for quality improvements) is found and fixed;
 The relevant stakeholders approve the deliverables in accordance with the established
quality/acceptance standards.
PMP (Stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres)


The activities (related to both processes and deliverables) that will improve the project's
capacity to achieve the desired results outlined in the Project Charter are included in the
project quality management process.
The following activities make up this project's quality management process:
PMP (Stabilization of soft soil using shredded rubber tyres)

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