Duty and Honour - Scenario - 2

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Mission Notes

Death Before Dishonour –The remnants of the Lucky 7th company have been defeated and captured by the French. They failed their mission and have
potentially jeopardised the entire British retreat to Corunna. Their only hope is to stage a valiant escape and aid a Portuguese diplomat in reclaiming hidden
Spanish treasure, all the time being hunted by French cavalry – the Chasseurs au Cheval of the 4 th Leger, better known as “The Company of Wolves” and lead
by the ruthless Brigadier Loup.

The Military Mission

Number of Challenges: 4 Restore the Company Honour

Deadline: [ 3 ] Before the Company escapes to Portugal
+1 Reputation (Regiment), +1 Skill
Failure: Maimed Reputation (Regiment)

Possible set pieces/encounters

1. Now or Never – Languishing in a French jail, the company are handed a lifeline by a brave resistance fighter. The escape attempt must take place
soon. You will know when the time comes and be ready! Will the players stop to rescue the fair Portuguese maiden? Will they flee into the night or
will they make their captors pay?

2. Death or Glory – Having escaped the jail with the beautiful Theresa in tow, a new challenge confronts them. Her father is also being held captive
and is a spy for the British. Theresa will demand his recue. The company will have to choose secrecy or outright battle if they are to succeed. Which
will it be? If they flee, will they be able to outrun their pursuers? Perhaps a stand up fight is the only way?

3. Gold in them there Hills – Don Sandoval explains he is hunting Portuguese gold needed for the war effort. It is hidden in an old church in a nearby
mountain village. The company could assist him in retrieving it and regain their honour. By escorting the gold back to Lisbon, they would be heroes
and the British Garrison would no doubt look very favourably on their efforts. Trouble is, the village is occupied by a squadron of Polish lancers,
allied with the French. How will the company get the gold?
4. Not from Round Here? – Having successfully liberated the gold and seen off the Polish lancers, the local resistance doesn’t take kindly to foreigners
absconding with their gold and attempts to claim it for themselves. How will the company react? The Spanish are their allies after all but the mission
is vital to the war effort. Which way will the cards fall?

5. Hell and High-water – Hurriedly heading for Lisbon laden down with thousands of doubloons in Spanish gold, the company are faced with a
swollen river (due to the melting snows) and a broken bridge. Surely swimming with all that gold is a bad idea? How else will the company prevail?

6. Wolf at the Door – Almost safe across the Portuguese border, the piquets report a disturbing sight. French cavalry have been spotted on the horizon.
It’s the Company of Wolves! Brigadier Loup is back and this time he’ll make sure the British are defeated once and for all!

Player Missions
At every opportunity encourage players to drive the story in a new direction and achieve some of their personal missions. Remember to use the regimental
NPCs as foils (and aides) to your players. Having some strong stereotypes will help players’ engagement and give them more to do which means a better
game for all.

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