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A Nasty Habit

A Hydra manufactured super drug has been introduced onto the market to destabilise the population and create havoc. Can SHIELD identify Hydra
involvement, locate the source of the drug and put a stop to it before it’s too late.

Scene 1 – Too cool for school.

 Investigate the mutations at the local high school. Find out where the dealers are from some of the mutated students.
 Meet the dealers at the underpass during a deal with a student. Possible fight ensues as the players seek information.
 Discover the name of the distributor (The Duke – a brit named Sinjin-Smythe). Leads to nightclub (Club Noir)
 GM Intrusion – During the fight, include some innocent bystanders and a car crash with maybe trapped people and dripping petrol etc.
 GM Intrusion – the student (Mystique) is noticed acting suspiciously during the fight. She plants something on the dealer’s vehicle and flees.

Scene 2 – A night to remember.

 The team investigate leads at Club Noir. Fetish type club and very busy. The team need some way of getting in without raising the alarm.
 The players must somehow convince the Duke to reveal the location of his laboratory. Must stop the supply of ReNew by cutting off the source.
 GM Intrusion – The Brotherhood (Toad, Mystique and Pyro) are also present to get the same information from the Duke and may start a fight if
 GM Intrusion – During the fight, include some innocent bystanders such as clubbers used as cover etc.

Scene 3 – all work and no play.

 Having determined the location of the laboratory, the team now needs to stop production and obtain the formula for ReNew so a cure can be
fabricated to undo the mutations.
 Heavy security around the lab in the form of cameras, fences, electronic locks. All too high-tech for the district (could suggest Hydra). If security not
overcome, guards inside will be ready for them.
 Include mutated tough guards. Have the dilemma of dealing with the tanks of ReNew (cant drain them as will pollute the water system, cant explode
them as it will vaporise and pollute the atmosphere).
 Dr. Felix will sabotage the tanks in an attempt to distract the team as he escapes.
 GM Intrusion – Brotherhood turn up to steal all the information.

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