Integration Paper

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Kingsland Technology Philippines, Inc.
Kingsland University

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Submitted by:
Nathalie D. Igpuara

Submitted to:
Ms. Mariel Minorica S. Gamboa

June 2022


FT-APL-010-00 I Integration Paper
Table of Contents

Company Profile 1
Summary of the OJT Experience 3-5
Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program
New Knowledge, Attitude and Skills Acquired 6-7
Theories actually seen in practice 7
Feedback that can be given to the Company or Institution 7
Benefits gained 7
Problem Encountered 8
Copy of the Endorsement Letter 11
Copy of the signed Waiver Form 13
Daily Time Record 15-16
Quarterly Performance Appraisal Forms 18
Certificate of Completion 20


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I. Company Profile

Kingsland is an internationally-recognized higher

education institution. Accredited through the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools-Council on
Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS-
CASI). This institution has been in the education
space for nearly a decade.

Kingsland University’s mission is to inspire students to seek new knowledge, drive industry
innovation and realize the transformative power of disruptive technologies by educating future
leaders and visionaries through university-accredited training programs. With agile, industry-
aligned curriculums, Kingsland University equips students with the knowledge and know-how to
successfully implement emerging technologies as corporate and humanitarian solutions.
Kingsland curricula are developed by the world’s top minds, industry leaders, and award
winning educators.

Kingsland University began developing the world’s first accredited blockchain curriculum in
2016. Kingsland Technology PH trains and deploys the best blockchain specialists in the
industry to triage, fault-find or fast-track blockchain projects, helping integrate the cutting edge
tech of the future into our present reality.

Kingsland is dedicated to help their students in completing every module and project by
constantly seeking ways to improve their curriculum. KU offers various courses like Tech Sales,
Ztbc (Zero-to-Blockchain), Full Stack, Blockchain Essentials, and Cyber Security. Students that
graduate under Kingsland will have a huge edge on the competition for jobs because KU’s
certification of completion will be their key gateway of opportunity.


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II. Summary of the OJT Experience

It was a roller-coaster journey. I started without knowing anything. No excel

foreknowledge and struggling with my communication skills. Everything is new and
overwhelming to the point where I want to back-out because the pressure is too much for me to

Online job/work is really hard and one must really be vigilant because the boss can send a
message anytime. In Kingsland I was exposed to various new platforms like Slack, Asana, KSD,
etc. It was fun learning and exploring those platforms but at the same time it was a heart stopping
moment for me because it was a shared workspace so if I am not confident enough and click
something there I can ruin the work of others.

Midnight team calls are normal to the team working in the Philippines. I was pretty
shocked at first because the meetings last for hours. My coworkers are pretty approachable and
easy to go along with. They are very welcoming and really helped me with my task.

I was lost at first on how to coordinate one thing to another but as time goes by I am
naturally learning the ways of Kingsland. My task is to gather evidence from Program Admins
and Instructors for accreditation purposes. Everyone is busy, especially the instructors so I am
having a hard time communicating with them. But nevertheless I always find myself standing my
ground and messaging them for reminders.

My supervisor, Ubol Chan, is also a great help. She is a very sweet woman and has a
warm tone to her. One time, we had a one on one session and I was undeniably nervous but she
goes along with me and sometimes makes jokes to lighten the mood. She is a hands-on
supervisor and a great program head and I know that every program admin will agree. Their job
is really tough but I can see that they are dedicated to help each and every student under their
care to graduate and finish the course.


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I can really see that Kingsland values each of their students. Helping them every step of
the way, from enrollment to graduation. The onboarding process requires a lot of time and effort
in order to really address every need of the leads (students). The PA handles every problem with
professionalism and knows when to consult others' help if the situation becomes out of control.

Every meeting we have is always fun and precise. Ubol knows how to joke around and
she knows how to also shift the conversation from friendly atmosphere to serious mode. I never
experience criticism and feel out of place. Even though I am only an admin-intern, everyone is
helping and never ignores me when I ask them. The work atmosphere is very well balanced and I
love how everyone can make fun despite them not really knowing nor meeting each other in

I can see the support system within the admins. When a newbie enters the company, the
supervisor is really hands-on. When I first started, Ms. Lien and Ubol were very calm and I am
very grateful for that because looking back, every time my notification ping, my nerves tenses a
lot and my heart beats faster. I am always anxious and an overthinker but they both assure me
that it's okay to be scared at first.

During my time at Kingsland, I was never pressured. There are times that things need to
be done in a fast phase but it's only on a rare occasion . You can also work at night as long as
you finish your 8hrs a day.

I love the challenges of the task assigned to me because I am learning new things. Of
course I am nervous every time they give me an assignment but I am more than willing to
conquer that battle. Learning and exploring things I was not aware of in the past gave me a sense
of satisfaction when I master it. I was very lost and oblivious when I first started but now I can
say that I know some things, things that will be useful for me in the future.


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Kingsland is a huge organization but everyone is organized and does their job well. In my
case, when I need something, the PA’s will reply to me as soon as they can and I highly
appreciate that. Gathering evidence requires persistence and consistency.

Overall, it was pretty tense but I enjoyed every bit of it. It was pretty funny how I started
with a shaky hands and voice but now I am all done and am now ready to march for my


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III. Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program

a. New knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired

Advanced excel formulas (shortcuts and tips). As Kingsland is an Online
Institution, it is given that every transaction is done through the web. Using gsheet is very
prominent amongst KU Admins. Being organized is very essential because everyone is
handling a large amount of datas and information. I learned how to insert links from
gdrive to gsheets and some various skills that are quite hard and complicated like the

Soft Skills Training (how to respond/approach program admins and instructors).

English is the main language in KU. Everyone talked and communicated through it.
During our Orientation, they taught us to be assertive and stand our ground when we are
relaying something. I found it very useful because in my case, I need to constantly
contact the parties involved in order for me to gather and collect the evidence I need.

As we are all scattered around the globe, I learned how to balance my time in
order to communicate with the people involved in my task. We have almost two midnight
meetings every week and I quite find it very shocking at first but what I love about KU is
that you can handle your own time. It is very flexible and you can do whatever you want
during that time as long as you finish your job.

Using new platforms (Asana, Slack, KSD, Verity and even Whatsapp). These
platforms are new to me and I know that learning them will be quite useful for my part
because I know that most of the jobs out there are now online. Asana and Slack seem
complicated at first but it is really fun to navigate once you get used to its features.


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I also learned how to analyze surveys using NPS (Net Promoter Score). I was
assigned to analyze all the surveys of every cohort. It was quite a hard task for me
because I have no idea on what to do so I rely most of the information I need to google.

b. Theories actually seen in practice

Skills in excel are really important and very useful especially if you are working
with a large amount of data. Extracting needed datas is easier if you know how to utilize
the formulas in excel. Communication skills are very important because explaining some
things in a clear yet short way helps with the way a task is done. Being assertive also
helped me accomplish things I needed to do. I am owning my task hence it helped me to
have a mindset of asserting my authority as a program admin intern.

c. Feedback that can be given to the company or institution

I just love the company atmosphere. Everyone respects the time of one another.
No pressure when it comes to messaging and everyone does their best to help one

KU helped me to balance my time. The late night meetings were a struggle for me
at first but thankfully my body clock adjusted well. Everyone is straight to the point
thus the meeting usually ends either early or on time.

d. Benefits gained
New knowledge acquired and my experience with Kingsland is something I know
I will use in the future. I met a lot of people and created a connection with them. I also
receive a honorarium allowance from KU.


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e. Problems encountered
As I am clueless, I struggled a lot. Knowing nothing is really frustrating. Below
are the elaborated problem list I have encountered;
● Language/Communication- I have a struggle when it comes to communicating in
English. I realize how limited my vocabulary is. Communicating through chat is
easy but when I need to talk during a one one one or in a group meeting, I pause a
lot because I don’t know how to relay the thoughts that I have.
● Lack of Excel knowledge- Formulae. Excel is a whole new different word. It's
overwhelming. Combination of formulas is quite confusing and really requires a
lot of concentration.
● Internet Connection- During calamity. KU is understanding, when there is a
typhoon, we are not required to work full force. They let us adjust and regain our
internet connection.
● Many Paper Works- As I am already doing my responsibility in Kingsland. I also
need to do some things in school. As a graduating student, we are bombarded with
activities we are required to do.
● The Work itself- as it is online, I can’t quite identify whether I am doing it right.
My supervisor is super busy thus I can't really bear to disturb her.


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IV. Appendices

Copy of the Endorsement Letter

Copy of the signed Waiver Form
Daily Time Record
Quarterly Performance Appraisal Forms
Certificate of Completion


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