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Helwan University

Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management

Aviation Program
Introduction to Hospitality Industry
First Year : Group B

Presented to : Dr Sameh
Presented by : Mostafa Mohamed Fathy

2023 – 2024
How are airlines going green? What does this means for the
future of air travel?

1-Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

One of the most significant ways airlines are reducing their

environmental impact is by adopting Sustainable Aviation
Fuel (SAF). SAF is made from renewable sources such as
agricultural residues, non-edible natural oils, and municipal
solid waste. When used, it produces significantly fewer
carbon emissions compared to traditional jet fuel.

2-Fuel Efficiency

Airlines are investing in modern, fuel-efficient aircraft to

minimize their fuel consumption and emissions. Newer
planes are designed with advanced aerodynamics and
lighter materials, resulting in considerable fuel savings.

3-Carbon Offsetting Programs

Many airlines now offer carbon offsetting programs, allowing

passengers to purchase carbon credits to compensate for
their flight’s emissions. These funds are then invested in
projects like reforestation, renewable energy, and methane
4-Single-Use Plastic Reduction

To reduce single-use plastics onboard, airlines are adopting

sustainable alternatives like bamboo cutlery, recyclable
packaging, and minimizing plastic waste through careful
planning and recycling programs.

5-Sustainable Ground Operations

Airlines are also focusing on sustainable ground operations.

This includes using electric ground support equipment,
optimizing taxiing routes, and reducing engine use when on
the ground.

6-Innovative Aircraft Design

Airlines and aircraft manufacturers are working together to

design planes that are not only more fuel-efficient but also
quieter and produce fewer emissions. These innovations aim
to make air travel more sustainable and comfortable for

7-Eco-Friendly Initiatives

Beyond the technical aspects, airlines are implementing

various eco-friendly initiatives. Some airlines are striving to
become completely plastic-free, while others are investing
in wildlife conservation projects and reducing water waste.
8-Sustainable Partnerships

Airlines are partnering with organizations and initiatives

committed to environmental conservation. These
partnerships often involve tree-planting campaigns, wildlife
protection projects, and contributions to global
sustainability efforts.

9-Research and Development

Airlines continue to invest in research and development to

discover new ways of making air travel more sustainable.
This includes exploring alternative propulsion methods, like
electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft.

10-Passenger Education

Airlines are educating passengers about the importance of

sustainability and encouraging eco-friendly behaviors. By
raising awareness, they empower passengers to make more
sustainable choices during their travels.


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