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Name and Surname: Keitumetse Unathi Mokhele

Student Number: 11981628

Assignment 2


1. What is a professional teacher?

A professional teacher is someone who is a registered member with an

education qualification; maintains a code of ethics and standards; they
can take accountability; take part in ongoing learning in the profession.
The teacher holds subject knowledge while giving age-appropriate
instructions to learners while working with other educators to plan
methods of teaching.


Scenario 1

Mrs Karateka acted in a somewhat unprofessional manner. My reason

for this stance is because she taught her learners something new that
will be handy in the future, however, the demonstration seemed to be
effective but a learner passed out under the supervision of the teacher.
The teacher was supposed to be teaching maths and the demonstration
had nothing to do with the maths lesson she was giving. Furthermore,
the teacher was not employed to be a self-defence teacher, so she was
not entirely qualified to teach self-defence.

Scenario 2

The teacher acted in an unprofessional manner. The teacher is

supposed to interact with the learner in an appropriate manner and also
be respectful while also communicating with her to find out what
happened without intimidating the learner. The teacher was supposed to
find another way to get the problem fixed by someone older with
experience in solving the said issue, instead of putting the learner in a
compromising situation health-wise because she is immune to getting
sick, it was completely unsanitary.

Scenario 3

Mr Excitement acted in a somewhat unprofessional manner. Although he

tried to find a solution for the problem at hand, he put the learners at risk
by stuffing all of them into one car, not taking into consideration the fact
that it is illegal to do so. He could have called the school to find out
about the transport so that all the learners can be seated correctly
without taking risks. The safety of the learners should have been his first
priority in this case.

Student number: 11981628 Module: BPT1501

Declare that...
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the
University’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used
someone else's work, whether a printed source, the internet or any
other source, I give the proper acknowledgement and include a
complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student's work, submitting
it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the
intention of submitting it as his or her own work.

Signature Date

 Daizeabdao. (2016). Principles Of A Teacher.
 Indeed Editorial Team. (2023). 13 Ways To Show Professionalism
in Teaching (And Why It Matters).

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