Acids Bases 2020 - 3

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14. What are the indicators to test Acids and Bases.

How can we test

Indicator Acid Base
Red Litmus Paper No change Turns Blue
Blue Litmus Paper Turns Red No change
Methyl Oragne Turns Red Turns Yellow
Phenophtalein No change Turns Pink
pH value 0 to 7 7 to 14
Universal indicator Red Blue
15. You are provided with three test tubes containing distilled water, an acid and a base solution
respectively. If you are given only blue litmus paper , How do you identify the contents of each
test tube.
 Let the three test tubes be A,B,C.
 First dip the blue litmus paper in all the three test tube.
 The solution which turns it red is called Acid.
 Next dip this Red litmus paper in other two solutions which turns blue is called Base.
 The remained solution is Neutral.
16. Observe the table and Answer the following questions. TS M17
Substance Colour change with blue litmus Colour change with red litmus
A Red No change
B No change Blue
C No change No change
a) Which is the neutral salt among A, B,C
b) What may happen when some drops phenolphthalein is added to substance B
17. If we keep a clean cloth with finely chopped onion in plastic bag for few hours, how does the
cloth act as ?
The cloth act as olfactory indicator
Examples of olfactory indicators : onion, vanilla essence, clove oil.
18. Write the chemical properties of Acids.
1. Acid react with metal and produce H2 gas.
2HCl + Zn - ZnCl2 + H2
2. Acid react with carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates and give corresponding salt, carbon
dioxide and water.
2HCl+ Na2CO3 - 2NaCl + H2O + CO2.
HCl+ NaHCO3 - NaCl + H2O + CO2.
3. Acid react with base and produce salt and water.
HCl+ NaOH - NaCl + H2O
4. Acid react with metal oxides and produce salt and water.
19. Write the chemical properties of Bases.
1. Base react with acid and produce salt and water.
HCl+ NaOH - NaCl + H2O
2. Base react with non metal oxide and produce salt and water.
20. Is the substance present in antacid tablet acidic or basic?
21. What type of reaction takes place in stomach when an antacid tablet is consumed?
Neutralization reaction.
22. When Zn is react with HCl, NaOH, What are the common you observed in these
experiments.How will you test for the presence of this gas.
Both produce H2 gas.
The gas burns with pop sound.

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