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IT Exam

1. (Network – Program – Software – Hardware) consists of all the physical equipment that
are tangible in computer system.
2. (Scanner – Keyboard – Printer – Computer) is an electronic device that manipulates
3. Computers perform tasks in less than a millionth of a second (Speed-)
4. Computers perform tasks without any mistakes (Accuracy -)
5. Computers perform tasks and repeat them thousands of times without getting ….
(Attentiveness -)
6. Computer facilitates storing huge amount of data (information in highly compact-)
7. The computer process is (input --- process ----- output -)
8. Computer attentiveness means that computers perform tasks in less than millionth of
second (False).
9. Keyboard is an electronic device that accepts instructions, process it and produces
output as required. (False)
10.Screen is an electronic device that stores and manipulates information. (false)
11.Which one of the following is a feature of computer ( speed – attentiveness – accuracy –
all of the above)
12.The computer process is input, output then process. (false)
13.(Hardware – software -) is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do.
14.Computer is an electronic device that accept instructions, processes it and produce
output (true)
15.Computer (Huge storage- Accuracy – Speed - Attentiveness) means that computer
performs its task without any mistakes.
16.Computer is an electronic device that stores and manipulates information. (True)
17.(Computer- screen – keyboard - mouse) is an electronic device that accept instructions,
processes it and produce output.
18.The huge storage is the only feature of computer (False)
19.Computer accuracy means that computer can perform tasks in less than a millionth of
second. (False)
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
IT Module Questions
A Computer is an electronic device that accepts Input (data and
instructions), Process it, and produces Output as required. Thus a
computer is capable to receive user instructions, process the
instructions, and provide the desired results back to the user.

Input Process Output


1-Speed- Computers perform tasks in less than a millionth of a
2-Accuracy – Computers perform tasks without any mistake.
3-Attentiveness – Computers perform tasks and repeat them
thousands of times without getting bored or tired unlike human
4-Huge Storage – Computers facilitate storing huge amount of
data/ information in highly compact devices.
Hardware consists of all the physical equipments that are tangible
in a computer system such as Keyboard, Mouse, Screen,
Microprocessor, Memory, Hard disk, etc.
Software is a set of instructions that tells the computer what to do.
Microcomputers are further categorized as below, based on the size
of hardware:
-Desktop Computer or Personal Computer (PC).
-Laptops or Notebooks.

-Tablets and Smartphones.
INPUT DEVICES are like Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner and
OUTPUT DEVICES are like Monitor, Printer, Speakers and
Control Unit (CU) controls the rest of the computer system to
carry out specified instructions. It controls the movement of signals
among CPU, memory, and other device.
The Processor Unit consists of (CU, ALU).

Another name for a desktop computer is

a. Mainframe computer
b. Tablet PC
c. Personal computer
d. Parallel computer
Which one of the following is not an input device?
a. Scanner
b. Mouse
c. Keyboard
d. Speaker
This part tells the rest of the computer system to carry out .
specified instructions.
a. Arithmetic Logical Unit
b. Control Unit

c. Microphones
d. Read Only Memory
RAM stands for .
a. Random Active Memory
b. Random Access Memory
c. Read Access Memory
d. Real Access Memory
ROM has built-in programs from the manufacturer.
CDR is recorded once but can be read several times.
CPU is often termed as the “brain” of a computer.
Everything in RAM is deleted when the computer is switched off.

7-Ex: It- Os

1- The computer process is input, process then output. (True)

2- Which one of the following is a feature a computer? (All of the
3- A----- is an electronic device that accepts instructions, processes it,
and produces Output as required. (Computer)
4- The computer process -----,----- then------
(Process, input, output)
5- A computer is an electronic device that accepts instructions, processes
it, and produces Output as required. (True)
6- Computer ---- means that computers perform tasks and repeat them
thousands of times without getting bored or tried. (Attentiveness)
7- Computer Attentiveness means that computers perform tasks in less
than a millionth of a second. (False)
8- The hug storage in the only feature of a computer. (False)
9- Computer speed means that computers perform tasks without any
mistake. (False)
10- -----is a set instructions that tells the computer what to do.
11- A computer system consists of ---- and----
(hardware and software)
12- ----- is An electronic device that stores and manipulates in
formation. (computer)
13- A keyboard is an electronic device that accepts instruction,
processes it, and produces Output as required.
14- ---- consist of all physical equipments that are tangible in a
computer system. (Hardware)
15- The computer process id input, output then process. (True)
16- Computer accuracy means that computers perform tasks in less
than a millionth of a second. (False)
17- Computer ---- means that computers perform tasks in less than a
amillionth of a second. (Speed)
18- Screen is An electronic that stores and manipulates information.
19- Computer is An electronic device that stores and manipulates
information. (True)
20- Compture ---- means that computers perform tasks without any
mistake. (Accuracy)
1-Ex: Word

1- Character that appears little below the normal text is called.

2- The title bar contains the number of words in the file in word 2016.
3- To write a paragraph, press the "SPACE" key to move from one line
to another. (False)
4- Which items are placed at the end of a document? (End Note)
5- The text in the document can be modified by replacing part of the text.
6- Use the letter CTRL+Z to execute a Redo command. (False)
7- It is possible to control the text formatting in word 2016 through the
view tab. (Flase)
8- It is possible to control the commands in the status bar in word 2016.
9- There are three main icons in the Quick Access toolbar. (True)
10- It is possible to choose the font color when preparing the page for
printing in word 2016. (Flase)
11- Landscape is? (Page Orientation)
12- The Drage and Drop Feature Allows You to.
(Move and copy text using the mouse)
13- You can insert a page number at. (Both A and B)
14- The CTRL+Y character is used to execute the command (Undo) in
the word 2016 file. (False)
15- We can change the thickness of a line from. (Line Style)
16- Which is Not a font Style? (Superscript)
17- The Default page Orientation of word Document Is.
18- To close the document in word 2016, press (Alt+F) together.
19- The space left between the margin and the the start of a paragraph
is called. (Indentation)
20- The process of removing unwanted part of an image is called.
Power Point Module Questions
It's possible to show hide notes with status bar (True).
Switch between window (Tap view Switch windows).
To add new slide to your presentation (Home New slide) or
Control + m.
It's not impossible to add slide to your presentation (false).
Types of Slide layouts (Title Slide, Title and content, Section
header, Two content, Comparison, Title only, Blanck, Content with
cation, Picture with caption, Title, Text and Content, Title and
Slide layout content with caption contains of 3 texts.
Slide layout Picture with caption contains of 2 texts.
Start Slide show in presentation from (Shift + F5).
You can use Zoom tools during your show (True).
To insert chart from (Tab Insert chart).
Edit data in chart from (Chart design Edit data).
You can term video in Power Point (True) from Playback Term
To add Templet/ Design to slide from Design tab.
To add Format background right click Format background or
Design tab Format background.
It's possible to loop until next slide (True).
It's possible to add more than one animation to the same object
It's possible to reorder animation (True) from animation tab
animation pane.
To play custom path enter (one click – double click).
It's possible to hide slide in show (True) from Slide show Hide
Slide or right click Hide Slide.

Rehearse Timing records the time that you need to present each
slide. So; it helps the presenter adjusting the presentation slides
Which option can be used to set custom timing for slides in a
presentation? (Slider timings - Rehearsal – slider timer – slide
show setup).
Small Slides from (Normal- Outline- slide Sorter).

Which presentation view displays the Slides, Outline pane and

notes pane (Normal view- Outline view-….).
Outline view displays your presentation as an outline made up of
the titles and main text from each slide. It is used for focusing on
the words in the presentation, so there are no distractions from the
formatting, color, or design.

Slide sorter review displays a small version of each slide so, it
gives a great view of the presentation as a whole. It is useful for
reorganizing the slides.
Notes page displays the presenter notes under the slide in a page
Show Presenter view form Alt + F5 or Right click + show
Presenter view.
It's possible to print notes (True) from File Print Full page
Which Presentation view turn on/ off the notes pane (Notes-
Normal View- Notes Page).
The purpose of a ribbon is to quickly find commands in an easy
way (true).
You can insert a part of an excel worksheet into a slide (True).
A file which contains readymade styles that can be used for a
presentation is called Template.
To insert picture, choose picture from home tab and file to insert
your image into slides (False) from Insert tab Picture.
You can save PowerPoint slides as PDF file (True).
Slides can be displayed in four different modes normal, slide
sorter, reading and slide show (True).
Which PowerPoint views slides transitions (Slide show view -
normal view – outlined view -slide sorter view).
The slide layout can be changed even after saving the presentation.
The slide sorter view all slides in a single view.
The PowerPoint presentation can be saved as database file (False).
Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known
as (effects - transition - custom animation - annotations).
What would you choose to create a preformatted style (format -
slide sorter view - slide layout - none of the above).
You can show or hide notes from view tab (True).

To preview a motion path effect using the custom animation task
pane we should (double click the motion path - click the show
effect button - click the play button - none of the above).
Title bar contains (the title of your opened presentation - three
options (save, redo, undo) - several tabs - the minimize, maximize,
restore, and close button).
Which pan would be used to enter a speaker’s information about
what can be said (notes pane - outline pane - slide pane - none of

PowerPoint Exam
1. The purpose pf a ribbon is to quickly find commands in an easy way. (true)
2. You can insert a part of an excel worksheet into a slide. (True)
3. To switch between open presentation files, you choose (view ---- switch windows – view
---- new window – view---- slide sorter – view --- arrange all)
4. You can’t use the zoom slider for magnification. (False)
5. A file which contains readymade styles that can be used for a presentation is called (auto
style - Template – preformatting - wizard)
6. To insert picture, choose picture from home tab and file to insert your image into slides
7. You can save PowerPoint slides as PDF file. (True)
8. Slides can be displayed in four different modes normal, slide sorter, reading and slide
show (True)
9. Content with caption layout contains two content places in addition. (False)
10.Which option can be used to set custom timing for slides in a presentation? (Slider
timings - Rehearsal – slider timer – slide show setup)
11.Which PowerPoint views slides transitions (Slide show view -normal view – outlined view
-slide sorter view)
12.The slide layout can be changed even after saving the presentation. (True)
13.The slide sorter view (a. b. c. view all slides in a single view d.)
14.The PowerPoint presentation can be saved as database file. (False)
15.Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known as (a. effects b.
transition c. custom animation d. annotations)
16.What would you choose to create a preformatted style (a. format b. slide sorter view c.
slide layout d. none of the above)?
17.You can show or hide notes from view tab. (True)
18.To preview a motion path effect using the custom animation task pane we should (a.
double click the motion path b. click the show effect button c. click the play button d.
none of the above)
19.Title bar contains (a. the title of your opened presentation – b. three options (save, redo,
undo)- c. several tabs d. the minimize, maximize, restore, and close button)
20.Which pan would be used to enter a speaker’s information about what can be said (a.
none of these b. notes pane c. outline pane d. slide pane)?
PPP Questions
1. It is possible using Zoom during show. (True)
2. Picture caption contains 2 texts and 1 picture
3. Context with caption contains 3 texts
4. To modify chart from Tab Design. (True)
5. It is possible to reset Video from Tab Playback. (True)
6. It is possible to apply transition to all or selected slides. (True)
7. It is possible to add more than one transition to the same slide.
8. It is possible to turn on notes on status bar. (True)
9. PPP can be saved as database. (False)
10. PPP can be saved as PDF or JPG. ( True)
11. The extension of PPP is PPtx. (True)
12. PPP can be converted to word but without graphics. (True)
13. Slides can be displayed in four different modes: Normal, slide
sorter, Reading and slide show.
14. Which power point view show slides transition. ( Slide Show
15. A file which contains readymade style that can be used for
presentation is called (Template)
16. Which option can be used to set custom timing for slides in a
presentation? (Rehearsal)
17. Slide layout is to create a pre-formatted style


2-Ex: Powerpoint

1- Slides can be displayed in four different modes : Normal, silde sorter,

Reading, and Slide show. (True)
2- Which power point view show slides transition. (slide sorter view)
3- A file which contains readymade styles that can be used for a
presentations is called? (Template ‫)طبعة‬- Auto style
4- Which option can be used to set custom timings for slides in a
presentation? (Rehearsal ‫)التدريب‬
5- Content with caption layout contains two content places in addition to
two placeholders for text to make comparison. (False)
6- To insert picture, choose picture from the Hom tab and then file to
insert your images into slides. (False)
7- The slide sorter view: (View all the slide in a single view)
8- Which pane would be used to enter a speaker,s information about
what can be said about each slide? (Notes pane)
9- To preview a motion path effect using the custom animation task
pane, we should. (none of above) or (click the play button)
10- You can save PowerPoint slides as pdf files. (True)
11- You can insert a part of an excel worksheet into a slide. (True)
12- Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known
as? (Transition)
13- What would you choose to create a pre-formatted style? (slide
layout) or (slide sorter view)
14- You can,t use the zoom slider for magnification. (False)
15- The slide layout can be changed even after saving the presentation.
16- Title bar contains. ( the title of the opened presentation)
17- To switch between open presentation files, you choose. (view-
switch windows)
18- The PowerPoint presentation can be saved as database file.
(True) or (False)
19- You can show or hide notes pane from view tab. (True)
20- The purpose of ribbon is to quickly find commands in easy way.
Excel exam

1. To delete object in Excel sheet, (select it and then press the delete key-)
2. The spreadsheet is used for the organization and the storage of data in tabular form
3. Number tab Speciflas. (true)
4. to insert column Right click on the column letter that is before the column you want to
insert. (False)
5. The autofill tool mouse pointer on the bottom left center of the cell appears as ((+) bold
in this form)
6. Which error of the Excel displays when a formula refers to A to a cell that is not
valid. (Error ##### - REF #)
7. To select a range, select a cell then with the left mouse button pressed drag over the
other cells. (True)
8. When all the numbers between 1000 and 2000 in a range should be displayed in green
color you can use. (Condition formula – If function)
9. To write data in a new line within the cell enter the line break by pressing ctrl +
enter. (False)
10. How can you reach a cell in a quick way, (write the cell name in the name box)
11. The worksheet tap color can't be changed (False).
12. The autofill tool is used only to copy content (False).
13. To move the chart to new sheet or another file, you can use the move chart option at the
(Design-) tab.
14. You can see the cell content at the (Formula bar - Title bar)
15. Protection tab changes the alignment of the of the data within a cell. (False)
16. To select non-adjacent rows or columns, hold control and select the row or column
numbers/letters (true).
17. Name box is a form that appears at the top of the formula or usually displays status on
options that are selected. (False)
18. Which error occurs when something needs to be corrected in the syntax of the
formula. (Error #NAME?)
19. Which command is used to sort data from the smallest To the largest (A Z)
20. This picture shows the process of. (a. Column hiding)

Excel exam 17-18/11/2021

1. Excel displays the #DIV/0 error when a formula tries to divide a number by 100
o FALSE (Divide A Number By 0)
2. To color worksheet
o Right Click on The Worksheet Name, Tab Color, Select a Color
3. Consists of tab group and Commands
o Ribbon
4. Maximise and maximize are considered
o Control Buttons
5. Press ---------- to move one cell to right
6. Bar that appears in the left corner of the Formula Bar ---------
o Name Box
7. When we open a new workbook, the Excel gives it a default name
8. You can move the chart to new sheet or another file using the move chart option from
View Tab
o FALSE (Chart Design Tab)
9. The #NAME error occurs when something needs to be corrected un the syntax of
10. Conditional formatting allows to automatically apply colors on one or more cells
11. Spreadsheet is a powerful analysis tool of large amount of data
12. To temporarily hide rows that we do not want to display we can use
o Data Filtering
13. You can hide the headings of the Excel sheet in printing
14. To select non-adjacent ROW
o Hold CTRL and select the ROW
15. To Copy worksheet-----------
o Press CTRL and drag the worksheet tab to the tab location you want
16. You can select entire column by selecting the Column Number
o FALSE (Column Letter)
17. A bar located at the bottom of the program window
o Status Bar
18. It contains three options (Save, Undo and Redo) by default
o Quick Access Toolbar
19. When the cell contains this ERROR ######, it means that the column is not wide
20. Click on Delete from the keyboard to delete the values from the cells
Excel Module Questions
The worksheet consists of columns, rows, and Columns are
identified by letters (A, B, C), while rows are identified by
)3 ,2 ,1( numbers.
Name Box shows active cell (True).
)Name box- formula Bar- ….(Show active cell.
(Title bat- Formula bar-…) shows content of cell.
The right way to write rang is like a1:d7.
To select non-adjacent rows or columns, hold Ctrl and select the
row or column numbers / letters.
Title bar: it contains the title of the open workbook, when we open
a new workbook the Excel gives it a default name (Book1) and
when the workbook is stored with a new name this new name
appears in the middle of the title bar. (Very important for Word,
Excel and all programs).
Name Box: It is a bar that appears in the left corner of the formula
bar usually includes the name of the cell on which it works or the
effective cell which containing the indicator.
Formula bar: it is the bar at the top of the Worksheet where data
or formulas into a worksheet appear for the active cell. The
formula bar can also be used to edit data or formula in the active
Home tab Number Currency to convert numbers to currency.
Home tab Insert Insert sheet rows/ columns to insert column
or row.
For coloring sheet from Right click color tab or Home tab
Format Color tab.
Review tab Protect sheet to protect sheet.
It's possible to protect sheet (True).
Conditional formatting allows you to automatically apply
formatting such as colors on one or more cells based on the cell
value, for example, one of the conditional formatting rules may be

to see the sales value that increases 20,000 pounds and change the
background color of these cells which contain this value to light
green color while changing the font color to dark green.
When all the numbers between 1000 and 2000 in a range should be
displayed in green color you can use (Condition formula – If
B3= 50, B4= 17
so =3+B3*(B4-23) = -297.
To sum a range of values; select the cell that you want to put the
result in, write the summation equations = sum (select the range)
press Enter.
LEN Function Calculate the length of the text string and return the
number of text characters. Click on the cell on which you want to
show the result. Click the function button (fx) on the formula
bar, to directly show the mathematical function dialog box.
Select on the "LEN" function Select (OK). Select the cell
which contains the text Select OK.
REF! Error Excel displays the #REF! error when a formula refers #
to a cell that is not valid (most important one).
Error ##### When the cell contains this error, it means that the
column isn't wide enough to display the value. To fix this error,
increase the column width.
Error #NAME? The #NAME? error occurs when something
needs to be corrected in the syntax of the formula.
VALUE! Error Excel displays the #VALUE! error when a value #
is not the expected type at the formula.
DIV/0! error Excel displays the #DIV/0! error when a formula #
tries to divide a number by 0 or an empty cell.
To delete object in Excel sheet, (select it and then press the delete
Number tab Speciflas (true).3
To insert column Right click on the column letter that is before the
column you want to insert. (False).

4-Ex: Excel
1- To delete object in excel sheet,--------
(select it and then press the delete key)
2- Spreadsheet is used for the organization and storage of data in tabular
form. (True)
3- Number tab speciflas
4- To insert column right click on the column letter that is before the
column you went to insert. (True) or (False)
5- The autofill tool mouse pointer on the bottom left corner of the cell
appears as. (C.)
6- Which error of the Excel displays when a formula refer to a cell that
is not valid? (Error #####)
7- To select a range, select a cell, then with the left mouse button
pressed, drag over the other cells. (True)
8- When all the numbers between 1000and 2000 in a range should be
displayed in Green color, you can use?
(If function)
9- To write data in a new line within the cell, enter the line break by
pressing, Ctrl+Enter. (Flase)
10- How can you reach a cell in a quick way?
(Write the cell name in the name box)
11- The worksheet tab color can,t be changed. (False)
12- The autofill tool is used only to copy content. (False)
13- To move the chart to new sheet or another file, you can use the
Move chart options at the … (Design).
14- You can see the cell content at, --- (Formula bar)
15- Protection tab- changes the alignment of the data within a cell, F.
16- To select non-adjacent rows or columns, hold Ctrl and select the
row or column numbers/ letters. (True)
17- Name box is a bar that appears at the top of the formula bar usually
displays status on options that are selected. (False)
18- Which error occurs when something needs to be corrected in the
syntax of the formula? (Error # NAME?)
19- Which command is used to sort data from the smallest to the
largest. (…….).
To insert column Right click on the column letter that is after the
column you want to insert (False).
To select a range, select a cell then with the left mouse button
pressed drag over the other cells (True).
To write data in a new line within the cell enter the line break by
pressing ctrl + enter (False).
How can you reach a cell in a quick way (write the cell name in
the name box).
The worksheet tap color can't be changed (False).
The autofill tool is used only to copy content (False).
To move the chart to new sheet or another file, you can use the
move chart option at the (Design) tab.
You can see the cell content at the (Formula bar - Title bar)14.
Protection tab changes the alignment of the of the data within a cell
Name box is a form that appears at the top of the formula or
usually displays status on options that are selected (False).
Which command is used to sort data from the smallest To the
largest (A Z).
Excel displays the #DIV/0 error when a formula tries to divide a
number by 100 (False) by 0.
To color worksheet Right Click on The Worksheet Name, Tab
Color, Select a Color.
Ribbon Consists of tab group and Commands.
Minimize and maximize are considered Control Buttons.
Press TAB to move one cell to right.
Bar that appears in the left corner of the Formula Bar (Name Box).
When we open a new workbook, the Excel gives it a default name
You can move the chart to new sheet or another file using the move
chart option from View Tab (False) from Chart Design Tab.

The #NAME error occurs when something needs to be corrected
un the syntax of Function (True).
Conditional formatting allows to automatically apply colors on one
or more cells (True).
Spreadsheet is a powerful analysis tool of large amount of data
To temporarily hide rows that we do not want to display we can
use Data Filtering.
You can hide the headings of the Excel sheet in printing (TRUE).
To select non-adjacent rows, Hold CTRL and select the rows.
To Copy worksheet----------- Press CTRL and drag the
worksheet tab to the tab location you want.


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