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Newmil M.

Quirante PATH FIT II T TH 8:00-9:00AM

BS ID – 2
Plates Variations

1. Plates Ground to Overhead Press

• Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, gripping a weight plate in both
hands in front of your thighs.
• Slightly bend your knees and hinge at your hips to lower the plate to the ground,
maintaining a straight back and engaged core.
• Lift the weight plate off the ground, extending your hips and knees until it reaches waist
• Press the weight plate overhead, fully extending your arms while keeping your core
tight and spine neutral.
• Lower the weight plate to shoulder height with control, then return it to the starting
position by hinging at the hips and bending your knees.

2. Plates Front Raise

• Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a weight plate in both hands in front of
your thighs with an overhand grip.
• Keep elbows slightly bent and engage your core.
• Raise the weight plate directly in front of you to shoulder height, ensuring straight arms
without locking them.
• Pause briefly at the top, then slowly lower the plate back down to the starting position.
• Repeat for the desired reps, focusing on controlled movements without swinging.
3. Plates Around the Head

• Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, gripping a weight plate in both hands in front of
your body.
• Start with the plate at chest height, elbows slightly bent.
• Keeping your core engaged, rotate the plate in a circular motion around your head,
behind and then back to the chest.
• Perform the circular motion for the desired reps, maintaining stability and control.
• Ensure equal repetitions in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions.

4. Plates Front Raises and Arm Rotations

• Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a weight plate in front of your thighs with
an overhand grip.
• Raise the plate to shoulder height, keeping arms straight.
• Rotate your arms outward until palms face up, then rotate until palms face down.
• Reverse the motion to return the plate to the starting position.
• Lower the plate back down and repeat the movement for desired reps, focusing on

5. Bicep Curl to Overhead Press

• Begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a weight plate with an
underhand grip, palms facing up.
• Start with the plate in front of your thighs, arms fully extended.
• Curl the plate towards your shoulders, keeping upper arms still and wrists straight.
• Rotate palms forward as you press the plate overhead until arms are fully extended.
• Lower the plate back to shoulder height and then to the starting position.
• Repeat for desired reps, maintaining proper form and control.

Davies, D. (2021, July 30). Tackle this Low-Kit workout for Full-Body strength. Men’s Health.

Plate ground to overhead. (n.d.).


Front Dumbbell raise exercise instructions & video. (n.d.). Sweat.

Dumbbell front raise. (n.d.).


Schlingentrainer. (2018, March 16). Sandbag exercise Around the head. Gymbox - Funktionelles


Cotter, S. (2021, September 13). How to perform a kettlebell halo. Verywell Fit.

Daisy. (2021, June 1). Dumbbell Front Raise | Illustrated Exercise guide. SPOTEBI.

Dual / two arm dumbbell front shoulder raises – WorkoutLabs Exercise Guide. (n.d.).



Underhand curl & press. (n.d.). Sweat.

Steele, H. (2020, August 22). Curl + overhead press. SHOCK: Women’s Fitness.



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