Weather and Sky

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Weather What the sky and air are like each day (Sky might be Sunny or cloudy)

(the air might be rainy, snowy, dry)

Temperature How warm or cold the air is
Wind Is moving air, the wind can move slowly or very fast
Thermometer Tool used to measure the temperature
Rain gauge Tool used to measure how much rain falls
Wind vane Tool used to show wind direction
Season Time of year
Spring The season after Winter - There are many hours of sunlight
Sunlight warms the land, air, water – it can also rain – sunlight with rain
help plants to grow
Summer The season after spring - It’s the warmest season and weather can be
very sunny and dry
Lots of sunlight helps plants grow and there are a lot of animal food –
animal grows too
Fall The Season after summer
There is fewer hour of sunlight than summer, makes air cooler. some
leaves change color and fall off trees
Animal start to get ready for winter and start move to warmer places
Winter The season after fall- Fewer hour of sunlight it may also snow
Plants die, all leaves fall off trees – fewer plants in winter and there’s
not much food for animal

What makes it rain or snow ?? the sun warms the land, air, and water. As the sun warm
water, some water turns into water Vapor
Vapor Is what that goes up into the air, it’s too small to see
Cloud it’s made a drops of water or bits of ice, they can fall to earth as rain, snow,
sleet, hail
Rain Drops of water
Sleet Frozen rain
Hail Can be big or small lumps of ice

Kind of Clous
Cumulus Clouds are made mostly of water drops
Cirrus Clouds are made mostly of thin bits of ice and look Feathery
Cumulonimbus Clouds are thunder clouds that bring rain and storms

Star An object in sky that makes own light, they look tiny because they are far
Sun The star closest to earth, it lights the sky and earth during the day, in
daytime sunlight is so bright so you can’t see the other stars, but they are
still there
Why the sun is important? The sun and stars make energy in form if heat and light
The sun warms the air, land, water. If no sun earth would be always dark without light
and weather too clod
The Sun is not moving, the Earth is moving you can’t feel it but earth rotates ( Spin very
fast )
Earth Rotates to make day and night
When the place you are on earth faces the sun it’s a day. and when earth rotate you are
far away from sun, it’s a night.
While earth rotates each day, it also moves around sun, it tales one year to make full trip
around the sun (Making Seasons )
Moon A ball of rock that move around earth, , it takes one month to go once around
the Earth
Moon doesn’t make it’s own light, it looks bright because the sun light’s
shines on it
Phases Part of Moon we see
Planet A very large object that moves around the sun, there are 8 Planets that were
move around the sun
Earth is Planet

Earth made up of land and water (Land is the solid parts ) (Water covers most of Earth)
Earth contains of Seven large pieces if land on earth
Continents Large pieces of land on Earth
River Fresh water that moves, Flow into lakes or oceans
Mountain Land That is very high, Highest type of the land
Valley Low land between mountains
Plain Flat land that spreads out a long way
Oceans Salty water, most living things can not drink salt water , they need fresh
Streams Streams flow downhill into river

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