01 Vocabulary

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ÖABT – Proficiency

1. The communicative interaction is likely 5. The human cognitive system is ---- to

to ---- the abilities within the learner’s look out for relevant information,
developing competence in an arena of which will interact with information
cooperative negotiation, joint that is already mentally-represented
interpretation, and the sharing of and bring about positive cognitive
expression. effects based on a combination of the
new and the old information.
A) engage B) maintain C) fluctuate
D) originate E) enquire A) configured B) rotated C) simplified
D) teared E) uncovered

2. An important point that must be kept in

mind in foreign language classrooms 6. Second language research generally
is that even in situations where one deals with learners who ---- the
might socialize students into a specific learning of an additional language, at
culture as they teach language, it will least some years after they have
likely not be possible to ---- native started to acquire their first language.
classroom conditions in the target
language classroom. A) carry on B) depend on C) add on
D) draw on E) embark on
A) ensure B) interfere C) replicate
D) impose E) attend

7. A recent study claims that the next ten

3. The standard way of examining mental years are likely to ---- the emergence
processes of L2 speakers during of a number of virtual ELT operations
performance of a task is to ---- verbal via computerized tools.
reports which might suggest what L2
learners are thinking while they do A) witness B) track C) survey
language tasks. D) progress E) obtain

A) accomplish B) elicit C) degrade

D) enclose E) exclude

8. The designation of an official language

can ---- a great deal of political tension
4. Learners’ levels of language that polarizes social attitudes toward
proficiency are usually ---- by scores particular languages.
on a proficiency test, a placement test
or comprehensive examination A) object B) foster C) mislead
administered by an institution. D) enquire E) enclose

A) imposed B) overcome C) progressed

D) assessed E) qualified
ÖABT – Proficiency

9. Chomsky's notion of Universal 14. The language-in-education policies in

Grammar developed out of his idea countries like the United Kingdom ---- a
that all languages ---- a single set of huge gap between the sociolinguistic
properties unique to humans. reality of language minority groups
and prevalent pedagogical approaches
A) come by B) get by C) abide by to the teaching of English.
D) pass by E) set by
A) analyze B) reflect C) clarify
D) distinguish E) employ

10. The two main tenets of Chomsky's

view of language are that language is
---- by universal principles and that 15. The questions that present-day
these principles are an innate research in second-language
biological property of humans. acquisition addresses derive from
theoretical frameworks that ---- a set of
A) covered B) anticipated C) constrained underlying beliefs, assumptions, or
D) astonished E) distinguished principles.

A) fulfill B) grant C) originates

D) range E) posit
11. Another aim of language teaching is to
---- exposure outside the classroom,
increasing the amount of input each
learner gets, regardless of the 16. Research findings on learner
differences in ability and motivation strategies in reading and writing
among students. classes suggest that teachers need to -
--- their teaching strategies on an
A) facilitate B) fetch C) precede ongoing basis, to determine if they are
D) scatter E) spare promoting effective or ineffective
learning strategies in learners.

A) evaluate B) resemble C) reveal

12. In the case of language maintenance, D) specialize E) progress
members of a language minority group
work to ---- the maintenance of their
first language.

A) succeed B) signal C) promote 17. Although the textbook expects

D) reflect E) perform teachers to use its visual aids to help
students formulate interpretive
schemata for comprehension
passages, such exercises in fact end in
13. Many studies have been undertaken to frustration as the attempts of students
---- the types of grammatical changes are ---- by the cultural difference.
that are occurring in various
multilingual contexts in which English A) introduced B) impressed
plays a significant role. C) complicated D) guaranteed
E) explained
A) obtain B) determine C) guide
D) develop E) challenge
ÖABT – Proficiency

18. The classroom is the primary setting in

which talk-for-language-learning is
carried out, and as such the classroom
---- the norms for proper behavior that
underlie the institutional task of
language teaching.

A) sparks B) treats C) manages

D) demonstrates E) interferes

19. The culture of most classrooms is

often built upon and preserved by a
shared and unspoken assumption that
cooperation to ---- relative harmony on
the surface of lessons between
competing agendas is ultimately easier
for both teacher and learners.

A) maintain B) launch C) mark

D) place E) reproduce

20. Learners selectively work through the

discourse of the classroom not only as
discursive practitioners within the
immediate lesson but also on the basis
of how they ---- which social practices
are appropriate in the particular
classroom group.

A) settle B) perform C) improve

D) count E) judge

Cevap Anahtarı
1–A 6–E 11 – A 16 – A
2–C 7–A 12 – C 17 – C
3–B 8–B 13 – B 18 – D
4–D 9–C 14 – B 19 – A
5–A 10 – C 15 – E 20 – E

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