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(Data & Reports)

BEE Digital Growth AG Zurich / Berlin /

+41 43 336 90 00 Munich

Why your reports might not reflect the reality of your business................3
Part 1..................................................................................................................................3
Do my reportscontain multiple data sources?.............................................. 3
Howare data attributes
set up?.......................................................................................................................... 4
Recommendations for the exercise.................................................................. 5
Part 2..................................................................................................................................6
Howis my data collected?..................................................................................... 6
Howare my metrics calculated?......................................................................... 6
Is my report chart the correct one to showcase the learnings?............. 8 | +41 43 336 90 00 |

to the top

Why your reports Part 1

might not reflect the Is my data up to date?

reality of your business It might sound silly, but if your data uses figures
from a different desired data range, the report
Have you ever been in a meeting where all the won’t be
reports show you outstanding numbers and
only green lights? You wonder how that could realistic. Ensure that your database adminis-
be possible when your experience on the front- trator gave you the latest information or the
line of the business reflects a different reality. relevant data set
There are two potential answers:
you need for your report. It‘s also your respon-
1. People are lying about the reports and sibility to ask for the exact data set you need.
corrupting data voluntarily. Check in with the administrator to verify how
frequently the data is refreshed.
2. The data is wrong and does not reflect the
reality. Imagine that you have two systems, A and B.
System A sends raw data to System B only once
It is my hope that you work with honest people a week. You rely on your System B for that set
who apply best practices when processing and of data and do your reporting on Wednesday.
presenting data. In most cases, however, it’s the However, the interface (the connector between
latter issue that is most likely to be causing the System A and System B) operates only on
discord, and that’s the one I’m going to address. Thursday. This means you will always be one
In this blog, I’d like to present you with a few week late with your reporting.
tips on how to set up a proper database for your
organisation – in particular, if you use multiple
sourcesfor your reporting.

Do a quick troubleshoot

Start small; there‘s no need to change the world

in a single day. Compare the data shown in the
report with your experience, it’s likely that your
colleagues had the same reservations about the
results, and you’re all probably right!

Do my reportscontain
multiple data sources?
If your data is all coming from a single source,
you might skip this part. However, if you collect
data from multiple sources you need to ensure
that your data is consistent and accurate.
In my experience, multiple sources of data | +41 43 336 90 00 | 3

often corrupt your report organically if you need to be configured in your organisation.
try to measure KPIs which are actually shared [My recommendations can be found at the
between systems. What does that mean? bottom of the firstsection Part 1]

Here is an example Mandatory fields

You are collecting data from Facebook Busi- Which fields are required? If data is collected
ness Manager (the Facebook Advertising Tool) from multiple sources for the same field, do you
to measure cost performance and you also ensure the consistency of your data? If a report
use Google Analytics to compare conversion contains empty fields, you might revise if this is
performance; you might have discrepancies. actually what you expected. This might also be
Why? Facebook and Google have different the expected behaviour as empty values also
attribution models. Facebook and Google have a significance.
don’t align in their methodology of calculating
conversions. As a result, you will have discre- Type fields
pancies in your report if you simply combine
data from two different sources sharing There are numerous types of fields which I will
common metrics. not explain in an exhaustive manner but only
mention the most frequent ones:

• text
• numeric value
• checkbox
• dropdown
• boolean (true or false/0 or1)
• date
• formula

The way you structure your data will massively

influence how it is connected between these
fields and the ultimate outcomes of your report.
Think about your business needs to structure
Howare data attributes the data. I‘ve seen companies collecting a custo-
mer‘s occupation attribute with a text field. This
set up? can result in you having 10‘000 different values
in your database with plenty of errors. Other
How did you or your system administrator set companies collect data for this field with a drop-
up the attributesin your database? Do they fit down menu (pre-selected values that you can
your business requirements? What I mean by choose from – only one choice is applicable),
that is easier to explain with a real-life situation. ending upwith the majority of theirclients being
Let‘s pick the example of a CRM system where „occupation = other“.
you collect information about your clients such
as occupation, age, and type of subscriptions Updating methods
they have with your company (imagine a SaaS
environment) or products that yourcompany This is a rather technical part which you may
sells. not be familiar with, but it‘s important to
Let‘s do a small exercise here and try to understand the mechanisms. How data are
picture how these three customers’ attributes created might depend on the methods of your | +41 43 336 90 00 | 4

interface (or the connector between System A birth. So you might want to create a date field
and System B). I will simply mention here two to collect the customer birthdate and ask your
basic functionalities: system administrator / data scientist to create
a formula field / calculated field to return the
• Create/Insert: This is the most basic method correct value into age (basically today‘s date -
when creating a new data record – the value date of birth).
will simply be parsed into your attribute field.
• Update/Overwrite: This is a very important
feature where you should decide if your field Most probably you already know your
should be updated or not. Do you want the products/services so you don‘t want to leave
customer to update his address? Yes, proba- this field open for the client but rather create a
bly. Do youwant your customer to update his dropdown. The concern here is to understand
password? Yes. Do you want your customer the way your products/services are connected
to update his date of birth? Maybe not! This to your client. Can they subscribe to multip-
information should not vary unless your le services at the same time? If your client
customer made a mistake upon registration. can have only one option, you might set up a
Think about your services where a special dropdown field for this attribute; however, if
package is only marketed to people below a customer can have multiple services at the
18 (e.g. 50% off on annual phone plan). If same time, you should opt for a multi-select
you give the customer the ability to change dropdown field.
his or her date of birth, you may encounter
someone who has eternally remained in their

Recommendations for
the exercise

How is this information relevant for your orga-

nisation? Keep in mind that some people might
have two occupations! People also change jobs
–– how do you keep that information up to
date? Do you have any client portals so they can
amend this information or do you collect only
when they first register? Is this field also requi-
red in your organisation?


Do you want to collect the age of your custo-

mers or rather their birth date? Asthe famous
motto states“age is just a number“, but it‘s also
a dynamic value which evolves from the date of | +41 43 336 90 00 | 5

Part 2 rator, a developer and possibly a solution
architect. Essentially, this is what every good
businessshould be doing with their data sets
Howis my data collected? nowadays.

You have one report but how many data Once the implementation is done and your
sources do you use to compile it and how do team has developed the interface correctly,
you collect them? There are various sources the data from both systems should match
of data; you can upload your data manually or entirely. This is achieved by ensuring that the
automatically. systems successfully communicate with one
another and the data synchronises to accura-
1. Manualcollection of data tely reflect your business.
Not many businesses collect their data
manually anymore, and I’d highly recom-
mendthat you avoid this method. For Howare my metrics
example, by using a physical questionnai-
re to collect data at an event, you still risk calculated?
making mistakes. Youwant to collect e-mail
addresses? From experience, I know that Metrics are the units that will determine how
some users can‘t write their e-mail address your data will be displayed. How do you usually
correctly on a paper. Are you registering the measure your data? What is the timeframe?
data for the user? You may write some things What is the currency?
down incorrectly. In summary, digital forms
are far less prone to errors. If you are active in a local market, it might be
2. Automation collection of datawith manual asier to manage your data metrics than in an
export international context. However, in order to have
You might use digital forms already or your the big picture, we‘ll review an international-
data is automatically collected by a system company so you can have a good overview of
which you only need to export. Most of the actual challenge I‘m trying to demonstrate
the time, people export data in .csv file to with data metrics.
refine/clean it. If you have multiple sources
on your report, it’s important to pay close Let‘s assume you‘re in charge of creating
attention to the details because the metrics reports for three markets: CH-UK -JP. You will
from System A may not entirely match the need to adjust the currency level (most of the
metrics from System B. You will end up with time international companies tend to have an
discrepancies, that‘s why it‘s crucial to have internal fix-rate, so there‘s no market fluctua-
matching metrics when comparing data tion during a fiscal year). Another example,
from two systems. which might be a bit more tricky, is to compare
conversion rates. I’ll need to illustrate this with
3. Automation collection of data with some mathematics:
synchronisation to another system
I would highly recommend to use this The CH market does an internal weekly conver-
method as it‘s the most reliable, but also sion rate report, the UK doesit bi-weekly, and
the most time consuming and requires a the JP does it monthly. How are you going to
lot of effort. In order to automate the flow calculate to compare the data? Are you simply
of data running into another system (ideally going to add them up and divide by the combi-
centralised), you need some specialists such ned timeframe ? This method would be wrong,
as a business analyst, a system administ- and the result would look like this: | +41 43 336 90 00 | 6

You want to „flatten“ your data first and dig
deeper into the metrics used to calculate
conversions, meaning that you should also
consider the units and data driving that
conversion rate. Let‘s assume it was lead/
unique page view. | +41 43 336 90 00 | 7

As you can observe CH market has actually a
better conversion rate once the data has been
flattened. The conclusion is that you should
always“flatten“ your data with common
metrics (convert them into one common

Is my report chart the

correct one to showcase
the learnings?
Let‘s focus now on data visualization and how
are you going to demonstrate your learnings in
the best possible way.


Tables are probably the most intuitive way to

display data as you can really add any type of
data with different dimensions. This is a good
way to have an overview of your business’
performance. My recommendation would be
to keep tables clean and display only the most
important information. It‘s not much use if you
have a report with a table with 2000 lines or
2000 columns.


This is a great way to show different „products“

on one single chart with a timeline. Bars are | +41 43 336 90 00 | 8

the bestway to showcase if you have a total Line Chart
to calculate for multiple dimensions grouped
in a single chart. Let‘s illustrate this with the It is similar to histogram and bar charts but
evolution of annual sales for three different gives a better representation of one period to
productsfrom your portfolio and you want to another in terms of evolution (increase/decrea-
see how they perform. se). You can have line charts with one dimen-
sion or multiple dimensions as well. You must
Pie Chart remember to be careful when you combine all
these dimensions, however,so that they are the
A pie chart will only display a full 100% set of same along both the X and Y axis.
data. This is a great way to have a comparison
in a bagel/cheese representation (depending Others: Treemap/GeoMap/Gauge/Funnel
on your culture and preference) about one
unique dimension! • There are other types of charts which are
We use it to keep track of relative values and less common, such as treemaps which are
compare them to each other. If you have a similar to pie charts. Unlike pie charts,
dimension with 25 value sources, the pie chart however, you might have a bit more informa-
might not be the most suitable one as you‘ll tion on the chart for dominant values.
lose track of the smallest values. I wouldn‘t
recommend it if you have above eight diffe- • Geo Maps are a wonderful way to showcase
rent values––unless you want to group them a dimension with a geographical area. It‘s
together if some can be combined. I would also most often representedwith dots which are
avoid it if I know that 90% of my pie chart will then represented on the map by size.
be absorbed by one value (it‘slike Obélix eating
a pie, for thosewho know“Astérix&Obélix“). • If you want to set a goal for your KPI, you
would then use a gauge to keep track of
your performance. Your goal would be set to
100% (full bar), and the current % will simply
set your actual performance.

• A funnel chart might be a bit more difficult

to set up asit might involve data from multip-
le sources, but it‘s a wonderful way to see
the flow from one step to another with the
percentage of conversion. It gives a lot of
insights about how well your customers are
converting in the workflow as you might be
able to identify the bottleneck in the custo-
mer journey.

Thanks for reading! This second part was a bit

more technical than the first article, but I hope
it gave you a better understanding on how to
handle data and avoid mistakes on your report. | +41 43 336 90 00 | 9

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BEE Digital Growth AG Zurich / Berlin /

+41 43 336 90 00 Munich

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