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Pragmatics is the branch of linguistics dealing with the language in use and context in
which it is used including such matter as deixis, taking turn of conversation, presupposition and
In linguistics and related field, pragmatics is the study of how context contributes to
different meaning. The field of study evaluates how human language is utilized in social interaction
as well as the relationship between interpreter and the interpreted. The linguistics specialize in
pragmatics are called Pragmaticians.
Pragmatics is a branch of general linguistics like other branches that include phonetics,
phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
Chares Morris’ famous definition was -Pragmatics is the study of relation of signs to the
Levison’s consideration was-Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and
context that are grammaticalized or encoded in a structure of a language.
Mey’s Definition was – Pragmatics studies the language use in human communication as by the
conditions of the envi determined ronment.
Ran Yueping expressed his idea in his book “A Survey of Pragmatics” is the study of disciplines
not only concerning the sense but also concerning the derivation of sense and the understanding
of the underlying meaning as its object.

The Essence of Pragmatics

Syntax addresses the formal relation of sign to one another, Semantic-relation of sign to
what they decode. Pragmatics – relation of sign to their user and interpreter.
There are three main types of Pragmatics-
• Micropragmatic
• Macropragmatic
• Metapragmatic

Micropragmatic-Pragmatic of utterance based concepts such as deixis, anaphora, presupposition,

Macropragmatic- Pragmatic of discourse based concepts dealing with speech event, global
intentionality and macro speech act.
Metapragmatic- It is the study of how the effect and conditions of a language itself become a
discourse maker.

II. Morphology
Morphology is the study of parts of words called morphemes contributed to different
meaning by combining with each other or standing alone. If you take one morpheme, cookie, and
you add suffix ‘s’, you can create the word cookies, a plural form with slightly different meaning
than the singular form.
There are two types of morphine, free morpheme and bound morphemes.
Free Morphemes can occur alone. Bound morpheme must occur with another morpheme.
An example of free morpheme is ‘bad’. An example of bound morpheme is ‘ly’.It is bound because
although they have meaning, they cannot stand alone.
is the scientific study of language including the study
of morphology, phonetics, syntax and semantics.

The study of humankinds in particular.

The study of the nature of human mind and its Psycholinguistic
function especially those affecting behaviors in context.

Any of all science including neurochemistry and experimental
psychology such as the struction and function of nervous
systemand brain. Computer Science

The study of the principles and use of computer.

III. Psycholinguistics
Psycholinguistics is the study of psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use,
comprehend and produce language.
The use of language and speech as a window to the nature and structure of human mind.
(Thomas Scovel)

Psycho Linguistics

The scientific study of The study of human mind with psychological

language. perspective.

Cognitive Psychology
Theoratcical linguistics Pragmatics Access

Speech Science Discourse Analysis

Computer Modeling Neurological Science

Psycho – mind
Linguistics – the study of language
Psycholinguistics – the study of language in mind.
The study of how the mind equip human to handle the language use. (Simpson J.)

IV. Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society.
Sociolinguistics is concerned with how language use interacts with and is affected with social
factors such as gender, ethnicity, social status, etc.



Factors that influence in

Social class / sociolect

V. Assessment
Before or at the beginning of a course, we might give them a test to find out what the
learners know or don’t know. This kind of test is Diagnostic test.
When the learners go to language school or evening class, the school may want to find out
which level of the learners and they made a test. This is Placement test.
After we have finished teaching part of a term or course, we may want to find out how
good the learners know on what they have learnt. We give them a Formative assessment.
At the end of a term or course, we may assess to know how well the learners know the
contents of the whole test. This test is called Achievement or Summative test.
Sometimes, the learners take test to know how good they are at language. This type of test
is Proficiency test.

Literature is the term used to describe written or sometimes spoken material. Derived from
Latin word, Literature means “writing formed with letters” and literature commonly refers to the
work of creative imagination including poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction and in some instances,
journalism and song.
Literature is the culture and tradition of a language or of a people. The concept of literature
is difficult to precisely define though many have tried, it is clear that the accepted definition of
literature is constantly changing and evolving.
For many, literature is suggested as a higher art works, merely putting words on page does
not necessarily equate to creating literature. Some works of literature are considered canonical,
that is, culturally representative of a particular genre. (eg. Poetry, prose, drama, etc.)

VI. Discourse Analysis

Discourse Analysis is a spoken and written communication between people especially
serious discussion of particular subject; a tradition of political discourse, synonym, conversation,
talk, discussion, speech more synonyms of discourse.

VII. Research Methodology

Research Methodology is the specific procedure or technique used to identify, select,
process, analyze about the information of the topic. In research paper, the section of methodology
allows the readers to critically evaluates the studies overall validity or reliability.

VIII. Types of Poetry

There are three main types of poetry. They are
(1) Lyric poetry
(2) Narrative poetry
(3) Dramatic poetry

(1) Lyric poetry

It is the most common type such as haiku, ode, elegy, limerick.

(2) Narrative poetry

It tells the story, epic tells the story about a conflict or history and ballad tells the story
about a particular person.

(3) Dramatic poetry

It lets the character of the story tell the story.

Figurative Elements of Poetry

Repetition of the first consonant sound, in two or more neighboring words or syllables.
e.g – She sells the sea-shells down by the sea-shore.

The phrases or opinions that are overused and betrayed a lack of the original meaning.
e.g- We can’t teach an old dog a new trick.

A deliverate overstatement is hyperbole.
e.g – My house is so big, I need a map to find my room.

Groups of words which meaning is different from the ordinary meaning of a word,
e.g – It’s raining cats and dogs.
An implicit comparison is metaphor.
e.g – The clouds were giant mashmallow.

A deliberate combination of contradictory words.
e.g -Deafening Silence

It is about the words like sounds.
e.g – hiss, buzz, roar, click, clack, etc.

Giving human like quality to thing or abstract like quality. It’s called personification.
e.g – The tall grass is dancing in the breeze.

It is comparison using the words like or as.
e.g – The little elephant is as quiet as a mouse.

Strategies of reading poetry

There are five main strategies for approaching poetry. They are-
1. Previewing the form and structure of a poem.
2. Read the poem aloud for a few times.
3. Visualize the picture in mind eye.
4. Clarify the words or phrases.
5. Evaluate the theme of the whole poem.

Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance; a play, opera, ballad,
etc, performed in a theatre, or on radio or on television.

Elements of Drama
There are six elements of drama. They are –
1. Plot
2. Character
3. Thought
4. Diction
5. Melody and
6. Spectacle

Types of Drama
There are five types of drama. They are-
1. Comedy
2. Tragedy
3. Farce
4. Melodrama and
5. Musical drama

Short Story
Short story is an invented prose narrative shorter than the novel, dealing with a few
characters, aiming at the unity of effect and concentrating on creation of mood rather than plot.
There are five characteristics of short story.
They are-

1. Plot
2. Theme
3. Character
4. Setting
5. Conflict

They are four types of short story. They are-

1. Novella
2. Novelette
3. Short story
4. Flash fiction

Prose is ordinary language that follows regular grammatical conventions and does not
contain formal metrical structure. This definition of prose is an example of prose writing as is most
human conversation, textbooks, lecture, novel, short story, newspaper articles and essays.

Novel is an invented prose narrative of significant length and complexity that deals
imaginatively with human experience.

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