2013 - Nanoscale - Synergistic Influence of POMs Ag NPs Antibacterial

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Synergistic influence of polyoxometalate surface corona

towards enhancing the antibacterial performance of
Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c3nr03806h
tyrosine-capped Ag nanoparticles†
Published on 24 September 2013. Downloaded by RMIT Uni on 01/12/2013 22:52:44.

Hemant K. Daima, P. R. Selvakannan, Ahmad E. Kandjani, Ravi Shukla,

Suresh K. Bhargava and Vipul Bansal*

We illustrate a new strategy to improve the antibacterial potential of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by their
surface modification with the surface corona of biologically active polyoxometalates (POMs). The stable
POM surface corona was achieved by utilising zwitterionic tyrosine amino acid as a pH-switchable
reducing and capping agent of AgNPs. The general applicability of this approach was demonstrated by
developing surface coronas of phosphotungstic acid (PTA) and phosphomolybdic acid (PMA) around
AgNPs. Our investigations on Gram negative bacterium Escherichia coli demonstrate that in conjugation
with AgNPs, the surface corona of POMs enhances the physical damage to the bacterial cells due to
synergistic antibacterial action of AgNPs and POMs, and the ability of tyrosine-reduced AgNPs (AgNPsY)
to act as an excellent carrier and stabiliser for the POMs. The further extension of this study towards
Gram positive bacterium Staphylococcus albus showed a similar toxicity pattern, whereas these
Received 24th July 2013
Accepted 21st September 2013
nanomaterials were found to be biocompatible for PC3 epithelial mammalian cells, suggesting the
potential of these materials towards specific antimicrobial targeting for topical wound healing
DOI: 10.1039/c3nr03806h
applications. The outcomes of this work show that facile tailorability of nanostructured surfaces may
www.rsc.org/nanoscale play a considerable role in controlling the biological activities of different nanomaterials.

Introduction issue related to public health.2,3 From this perspective, new

strategies are urgently required to design highly efficient anti-
Antibiotic resistance in microorganisms has been recognised as microbial agents, wherein rapid developments in the eld of
the single most important issue associated with the ineffective nanotechnology may provide opportunities to control patho-
treatment of infectious diseases. Traditional antibiotics genic microorganisms via tailored fabrication of
including ciprooxacin, doxycycline and ceazidime invade nanomaterials.4
bacterial cells and act upon specic biomolecular targets to Although antimicrobial properties of ionic silver (Ag+) have
control bacterial growth. In general, these antibiotics either been known since antiquity, the realisation of the antimicrobial
interact with the genetic material, block cell-division or occa- potential of inorganic nanomaterials is a more recent
sionally trigger autolysins in the targeted bacteria, rather than phenomenon.5 Inorganic nanomaterials are now known to
causing any physical damage to the bacterial cell wall. There- demonstrate composition, size, shape, chemical functionality
fore, as a result of antibiotic action, morphology of the patho- and surface charge-dependent antimicrobial proles.6–8 To this
genic bacteria is typically preserved and bacterial species may end, use of inorganic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) to control
have the possibility to develop resistance against traditional bacterial growth and towards wounds or burns treatment has
antibiotics.1 This trend of antibiotic resistance through genetic been widely investigated.9–12 It is believed that silver binds to the
mutations preserving physical integrity in bacteria is a critical bacterial membrane,5 which may assist with the disintegration
of bacterial morphology. For instance, Ag+ cations13,14 and
NanoBiotechnology Research Lab (NBRL), Centre for Advanced Materials & Industrial partially oxidised AgNPs have been shown to possess antibac-
Chemistry (CAMIC), School of Applied Sciences, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476V, terial activity15 by either rupturing the negatively charged
Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia. E-mail: vipul.bansal@rmit.edu.au; Fax: +61 3 9925
bacterial cell wall or by destabilizing the outer membrane,16
3747; Tel: +61 3 9925 2121
thereby providing them access to the mitochondria and
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: XRD analysis (Fig. S1);
cytotoxicity prole (Fig. S2) and optical images of human PC3 cells (Fig. S3) subsequently interfering with the respiratory chain.17,18 There-
treated with nanomaterials; FTIR vibrational modes arising from different fore, silver possesses high antimicrobial properties and it is also
materials (Table S1); and relative concentrations of Ag and POMs present in known to have considerably lower toxicity towards mammalian
modied AgNPs used for biological studies (Table S2). See DOI: cells than towards bacteria.5

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Notably, although the inuence of nanomaterial composi- biology grade Nutrient Agar (NA) medium and Luria–Bertani
tion, size, shape, and surface charge has been reasonably well (LB) broth (pH 7.2) were purchased from Oxoid and US Bio-
studied, the effect of nanoparticle surface corona on antibac- logicals, respectively, and used to grow and maintain the
terial performance is rather not clear. We believe that it is this bacterial cultures at 37  C as per the standard protocol.
aspect, i.e. the tailored modication of the nanoparticle surface,
that may generate new interesting opportunities to develop Tyrosine (Y)-mediated synthesis of AgNPsY
efficient antimicrobial agents. To this end, it should also be
noted that the nature has developed special protein-based effi- In a typical experiment, a 300 mL aqueous solution consisting
cient antibacterial systems such as lysozyme and antimicrobial of 0.1 mM L-tyrosine and 1 mM KOH was allowed to boil.
peptides to control bacterial growth.19,20 These natural anti- Under alkaline boiling conditions (pH 10.5), AgNO3 was added
bacterial systems typically cause bacterial cell lysis and there- to the above solution, resulting in 0.2 mM equivalent of Ag+
fore microorganisms nd it difficult to gain resistance against ion concentration. The above solution was further boiled for 5
Published on 24 September 2013. Downloaded by RMIT Uni on 01/12/2013 22:52:44.

these ‘nature-made antibiotics’. min, which resulted in a yellow coloured solution consisting of
In the present study, we initially utilise a green and eco- tyrosine-reduced AgNPsY. Additionally, to increase the metal
friendly approach to synthesise tyrosine (Tyr or Y)-capped silver concentration by a factor of three, this AgNPsY solution was
nanoparticles (AgNPsY), wherein tyrosine molecules act as both further boiled to reduce the solution volume to 100 mL. This
reducing and capping agents. The zwitterionic nature of tyro- solution containing AgNPsY was found to be highly stable even
sine and its pH-based charge reversibility allow the tailorability aer concentrating, indicating that AgNPsY were strongly
of a stable surface corona of bioactive ligands, as demonstrated capped by tyrosine amino acid. Further, concentrated AgNPsY
later. Further, we modify the surface of AgNPsY with two solution was dialysed three times against deionised MilliQ
different polyoxometalates (POMs) viz. 12-phosphotungstic acid water at room temperature to remove the excess KOH, unre-
(PTA) and 12-phosphomolybdic acid (PMA). We have chosen duced metal ions and unbound tyrosine molecules, if any.
POMs as bioactive ligands for surface modication due to their
well known biomedical properties including antibacterial, Preparation of AgNPsY@POMs nanocomposites
antiviral and antitumor activities.21–24 Notably, POMs are poly- Concentrated and dialysed AgNPsY were independently surface
anionic clusters of Keggin ions that are formed by self-assembly modied with two different POMs namely PTA and PMA as
of early transition metals with oxygen and phosphorus shown in Scheme 1. To modify AgNPsY with POMs, concen-
atoms,21,25,26 which typically, in their pristine form, loose their trated and dialysed AgNPsY obtained in the previous step were
activity at the physiological pH, therefore limiting their separately mixed with PTA or PMA to obtain 100 mM POM
biomedical applications.21 In the current study, the stability of concentration in these solutions, and incubated for 24 h.
the antimicrobial POMs could be retained by anchoring them Following incubation, these solutions were again subjected to
onto the surface of inherently antimicrobial AgNPsY. This dialysis under ambient conditions (24  C) to remove any
allowed combination of two antimicrobial agents (POMs and
AgNPs) in a single system, leading to AgNPsY@POMs. To
demonstrate the proof-of-concept applicability of such surface
modied materials, their antibacterial performances were
evaluated against the model Gram negative bacterium Escher-
ichia coli and Gram positive bacterium Staphylococcus albus,
whereas biocompatibility towards mammalian system was
evaluated against PC3 human epithelial cells. Since a vast range
of POMs are widely available for different biological action,
including antiviral, antimicrobial and anticancer applications,
we believe that the approach presented here can be equally
extended to other metal nanoparticles and POMs to obtain
desirable biological action.

Experimental section
Silver nitrate (AgNO3), L-tyrosine, phosphotungstic acid (PTA)
and potassium hydroxide (KOH) were purchased from Sigma-
Aldrich and phosphomolybdic acid (PMA) was purchased from
Chem-Supply Pty Ltd. Dialysis tubing cellulose membrane
(12 kDA cut-off) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used
aer processing (boiling twice for 15 min in deionised MilliQ
water). E. coli and S. albus were originally purchased from Scheme 1 Schematic representation of tyrosine-mediated synthesis of silver
Southern Biologicals and maintained in house. Molecular nanoparticles (AgNPsY) and their surface modification with POMs.

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uncoordinated PTA or PMA molecules, thereby resulting in 24 h of incubation were observed under a Nikon Eclipse T2000
POM functionalised AgNPs (AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA). At microscope and images were captured using a CCD camera
each step, thorough dialysis of colloidal solutions was consid- attached to the microscope.
ered as a crucial step to ensure that the observed antibacterial
effects are indeed due to nanoparticulate systems, and poten-
tially unreduced metal ions, free amino acid molecules and Characterisation of surface-modied nanomaterials and
POMs do not contribute to the antimicrobial prole reported in treated bacterial cells
this study. AgNPsY and their surface modied variants were thoroughly
characterised at all the stages of synthesis and functionalisation
Antibacterial performance of surface-modied nanomaterials using spectroscopy tools such as UV-visible, Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron (XPS), XRD (X-ray diffrac-
Qualitative and quantitative assessments of the antibacterial
tion), atomic absorption (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma
Published on 24 September 2013. Downloaded by RMIT Uni on 01/12/2013 22:52:44.

potential of AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA were per-

mass (ICPMS) spectroscopy. Additionally, transmission electron
formed against Gram negative bacterium E. coli and Gram
microscopy (TEM) and zeta potential measurements were per-
positive bacterium S. albus using a colony counting method.
formed on these nanomaterials. Nano-scanning electron
Briey, 104 bacterial cells were incubated with varying
microscopy (Nano-SEM) was used to record the morphological
concentrations (1, 2, 5, and 10 mM equivalent of Ag against
changes in bacterial cells aer their treatment with
E. coli and 2 mM equivalent of Ag against S. albus) of extensively
dialysed nanoparticles in 1 mL LB broth for 15 min. Following
UV-vis spectral analysis was performed using a Varian Cary
incubation, different aliquots of bacterial solutions were
50 spectrophotometer operated at a resolution of 2 nm, FTIR
plated onto nutrient agar (NA) plates and bacterial colonies
spectra were recorded in DRS (diffuse reectance spectros-
grown overnight at 37  C were counted, which corresponded to
copy) mode using a Perkin-Elmer D100 spectrophotometer
the number of live bacteria in each suspension as a result of
with a resolution of 4 cm1, and XPS analysis was performed
interaction of different nanoparticles with bacteria for 15 min.
using a THERMO K-Alpha XPS instrument at a pressure better
The untreated bacterial culture was considered as a control
than 1  109 Torr (1 Torr ¼ 1.333  102 Pa). XPS spectra were
with 0% cell death, and the antibacterial activity was plotted in
background corrected using Shirley algorithm, the core level
terms of % bacterial cell death as a function of the dose of
binding energies (BEs) were adjusted with reference to the C1s
different AgNPs.
BE of 285 eV, and core levels were tted and deconvoluted
using a Gaussian–Lorentzian function.28 For XRD, samples
Cytotoxicity evaluation of surface-modied nanomaterials in were prepared by drop-casting the nanoparticle solutions on
PC3 cells silicon wafer, and XRD analysis was performed with Cu Ka
For the cytotoxicity assessment of AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PTA and radiation using a Bruker AX8 Discover instrument. AAS anal-
AgNPsY@PMA, MTT assay was performed as detailed previ- ysis of nanoparticles was performed to nd the Ag content
ously.27 Briey, 1  104 human PC3 epithelial cells per mL using a Varian AAS spectrophotometer aer dissolution of
were seeded in a at bottomed 96-well tissue culture plate in samples in aqua regia. ICPMS analysis was carried out using
the exponential growth phase and incubated for 24 h at 5% an Agilent Technologies (7700 series ICP-MS) machine to
CO2 and 37  C in RPMI medium supplemented with 10% fetal analyse the molybdenum (Mo) or tungsten (W) concentration
bovine serum and antibiotics (Life Technologies, USA). Cells arising from POMs in the relevant samples. Zeta potential
were treated with AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA to the measurements were performed both in the deionised water
nal Ag concentrations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 mM, in addition to (pH 6.4) and LB broth (pH 7.2) using a Malvern 2000 Zetasizer.
placebo controls. Aer 24 h incubation, the conditioned media TEM imaging of nanoparticles was carried out aer drop
with suspended nanoparticles and dead cells were aspirated casting the samples onto a carbon coated copper grid, using a
off from the wells and adherent live cells in the wells were JEOL 1010 TEM instrument operated at an accelerating voltage
washed once with 200 mL per well of fresh medium. The cells of 100 kV.
were further incubated with 100 mL of freshly prepared 0.5 mg Morphological changes in E. coli bacterial cells aer their
mL1 MTT solution in complete medium at 37  C in the dark treatments with various nanoparticles were visualised using a
for a period of 6 h and the formazan crystals thus formed were FEI Nova Nano-SEM at an electron acceleration voltage of
dissolved in acidied isopropanol. The intensity of the devel- 15 kV. To perform Nano-SEM imaging, bacterial samples
oped colour was measured using a Perkin Elmer Envision treated with different nanoparticles for 15 min at 1 mM
Microplate reader at 570 nm wavelength. Wells with complete equivalent of Ag concentration were washed with deionised
medium, respective nanoparticles, and MTT, but without cells, water, drop-cast on glass cover slips, which were later mounted
were used as blanks for each tested concentration. All experi- onto an aluminium stub using double-sided carbon tape.
ments were performed three times in quadruplets, and the Before imaging, bacterial samples were coated with a 20 Å
average of all the experiments has been shown as a cell- thick platinum lm using a precision etching coating system
viability percentage in comparison with the control experi- (Gatan model 682) at 20 rock angle, 40 per sec speed, 25 rpm
ment, while nanoparticles untreated controls were considered rotation and 5 keV beam current to minimise sample charging
as 100% viable. For imaging, PC3 epithelial cells grown aer during imaging.

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Results and discussion also performed by transferring these particles to the LB

medium, which revealed the values of 40.4, 36.1 and
Scheme 1 illustrates different steps involved in designing anti- 40.7 mV. A subtle increase in the zeta potential values aer
bacterial nanocomposites used in the present study. Initially, transferring particles from deionised water (pH 6.4) to LB broth
Ag+ ions are reduced using tyrosine amino acid under alkaline (pH 7.2) suggests that the surface corona of these nanomaterials
conditions to form tyrosine-capped AgNPsY. As shown in remains stable under physiological conditions.
Scheme 1A, under alkaline conditions, the phenolic group of Illustrated in Fig. 1 are the UV-visible absorbance spectra of
tyrosine acts as a reducing functional group, leading to reduc- AgNPsY and their POM composites. Pristine AgNPsY showed an
tion of Ag+ ions to form AgNPsY, and during this reduction SPR band with maxima at 420 nm corresponding to metallic Ag,
process oxidised tyrosine molecules also act as capping agents along with a shoulder feature at 280 nm due to molecular
to stabilise AgNPsY in the aqueous solution.29,30 The pH of the transitions within Ag-bound tyrosine molecules. Surface modi-
dialysed solution containing AgNPsY was found to be 8.6, which cation of AgNPsY with POMs did not result in any signicant
Published on 24 September 2013. Downloaded by RMIT Uni on 01/12/2013 22:52:44.

is well above the isoelectric point of tyrosine (pI  5.66), indi- spectral shis in the Ag SPR feature, however additional
cating that the AgNPsY should have an overall negative surface features due to surface-bound POM molecules were observed.
charge. This was further conrmed by the zeta potential value of Additionally, post-POM modication, the POM features in
38.8 mV obtained for AgNPsY. In the next step, AgNPsY were AgNPs showed blue shis due to the dielectric environment of
separately surface modied with PTA and PMA molecules to the Ag surface, such that a 255* nm feature in pristine PTA was
obtain AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA, respectively as illustrated shied to 250 nm in AgNPsY@PTA, and a 215* nm feature in
in Scheme 1B. Since POMs are highly acidic in nature and pristine PMA shied to 205 nm in AgNPsY@PMA. Occurrence of
amongst the strongest heteropolyacids, as soon as PTA or PMA POM absorbance bands along with their blue shis conrms
ions were added to AgNPsY, the pH of these solutions instantly the formation of a strong anionic POM corona around AgNPsY.
dropped to ca. 2.0–2.5. Since these pH values are signicantly TEM images and particle size histograms corresponding to
lower than the pI of tyrosine, it is expected that the surface of modied AgNPs are presented in Fig. 2. AgNPsY obtained using
AgNPsY switches to a positively charged state due to the tyrosine as a reducing and capping agent are spherical in shape
protonation of tyrosine amine groups at these pH values, which with an average diameter of 18.2 nm with 1.9 nm standard
enables highly negatively charged POM ions to bind electro- deviation. Aer surface modication of these AgNPsY with PTA
statically to AgNPsY, resulting in AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA. and PMA, the average diameter of resulted AgNPsY@PTA and
Notably, aer extensive dialysis of these solutions, the pH of AgNPsY@PMA nanoparticles increased to 32.5 and 30.4 nm,
AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA increased to 3.6 and 4.5, respec- respectively, with a SD of 5.5 nm in both cases. This further
tively, which is still signicantly below the pI of tyrosine. This conrms the formation of a stable POM surface corona in
suggests that even aer extensive dialysis, more than 99% of AgNPsY@POMs composites.
tyrosine amine groups remain in protonated form, thus Since POMs are crystalline solids, the presence of POMs on
providing sites for strong electrostatic interaction with POMs. the surface of AgNPsY was evaluated using XRD analysis, which
Notably, due to highly acidic/anionic nature of POMs, the
overall charge on POM-modied nanoparticles still remained
negative, with zeta potential values corresponding to 35.0 and
38.8 mV in the case of AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA, respec-
tively, in deionised water. This suggests that POMs form a
strong corona around AgNPsY in deionised water. Since the
presence of salts in bacterial growth medium can potentially
affect the stability of the nanoparticle corona, zeta potential
measurements on AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA were

Fig. 1 UV-visible absorbance spectra of pristine PTA, pristine PMA and tyrosine- Fig. 2 TEM images, mean particle diameters along with standard deviation and
reduced silver nanoparticles (AgNPsY) before and after their surface modification particle size distribution histograms corresponding to (A) AgNPsY, (B) AgNPsY@PTA
with POMs. and (C) AgNPsY@PMA. In TEM images, scale bars correspond to 50 nm.

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revealed the presence of either PTA or PMA molecules on the energies (BEs) of C1s, N1s, O1s, Ag3d, W4f and Mo4f obtained
surface of AgNPsY (Fig. S1†). Additionally, FTIR spectroscopy from XPS in different samples correlate well with the literature
was employed to provide evidence that the tyrosine and POMs values, conrming that AgNPs were coated with POMs in the
used for surface modication of AgNPs are stable and present respective samples.29,35 For instance, the core level XPS spec-
on the surface of nanoparticles (Fig. 3). Carbonyl stretching trum of Ag3d originated from AgNPsY could be decomposed
vibration from the carboxylate ion in tyrosine shis from 1607 into two chemically distinctive spin–orbit pairs (Fig. 4A). These
cm1 in the case of pristine tyrosine to 1656 cm1 in AgNPsY two distinct BEs appeared at 368 and 371.5 eV, respectively,
(Fig. 3A). As shown in Scheme 1, this shi may be attributed to wherein, the lower BE component is attributed to the metallic
formation of a quinone type structure on the surface of AgNPsY Ag nanocore, while the low-intensity higher BE component
due to oxidation of the phenolic group in tyrosine while tyrosine arises from the unreduced metal ions, indicating that a very
molecules act as a reducing agent for Ag+ ions.29,31 Binding small fraction of Ag+ ions remain bound to the surface of
modes of POMs to AgNPsY were further analysed by comparing AgNPsY. As illustrated in Fig. 4B, the C1s core level spectra
Published on 24 September 2013. Downloaded by RMIT Uni on 01/12/2013 22:52:44.

the FTIR spectra originating from pristine POM molecules and recorded from the surface of AgNPsY could be deconvoluted into
AgNPsY (Fig. 3B and C). Keggin structures of POMs three chemically distinct components at 285, 286.6 and
(PTA–H3PW12O40 or PMA–H3PMo12O40) consist of a cage of 288.4 eV. The higher BE component observed at 288.4 eV can be
either tungsten (W) or molybdenum (Mo) atoms linked by assigned to the carboxylate carbon and the 286.6 eV BE peak is
oxygen atoms with the phosphorus atom at the center of the attributed to the C–N and C–O species present in tyrosine amino
tetrahedra32,33 and within this Keggin structure, oxygen atoms acid bound to the nanoparticle surface. Moreover, W4f (Fig. 4C
form distinct bonds in both cases of PTA (P–O, W–O–W, and for AgNPsY@PTA) and Mo4f (Fig. 4D for AgNPsY@PMA) signals
W]O) and PMA (P–O, Mo–O–Mo, and Mo]O), which have obtained from PTA and PMA modied nanocomposites
distinguishable infrared signatures. P–O (1075 cm1 and conrmed the presence of POMs in respective samples. Thus,
1058 cm1 for PTA and PMA, respectively) corresponds to an the XPS analysis conrmed that the employed surface modi-
asymmetric stretching vibrational mode between phosphorus cation strategy produced effective and stable surface coronas
and oxygen atoms at the center of the Keggin structure; W–O–W around AgNPsY to produce composite nanomaterials.
or Mo–O–Mo (874 cm1 and 864 cm1 for PTA and PMA, In depth physicochemical characterisation of POM surface
respectively) corresponds to bending vibrational modes of modied AgNPs established clearly that our synthesis strategy
oxygen atoms that form a bridge between the two tungsten or resulted in controlled systems with a stable POM surface
molybdenum atoms within the Keggin structure; and W]O or corona. Since AgNPs as well as POM molecules employed here
Mo]O (972 cm1 and 950 cm1 for PTA and PMA, respectively) are independently considered antibacterial, the coexistence of
corresponds to the asymmetric stretching of terminal oxygen these systems may have the potential to show enhanced anti-
atoms. The strong binding of POM molecules to the surface of bacterial performance. Therefore, antibacterial abilities of these
AgNPsY is clearly evident from the shis observed in the composite nanoparticulate systems were explored in a dose-
vibrational modes of POM molecules in AgNPsY@PTA and dependent manner against Gram negative bacterium E. coli.
AgNPsY@PMA, which are summarised in the ESI (Table S1†). The amount of Ag present in extensively dialysed samples was
These vibrational shis are in agreement with previously determined by AAS, whereas the amount of W (from PTA) and
reported salt-like complexation of amino acid–POM struc- Mo (from PMA) present in these samples was assessed by
tures.34,35 Hence, FTIR spectroscopy provides strong conrma- ICPMS. To perform antibacterial tests, the amount of Ag was
tion that the tyrosine amino acid and POMs used for surface
modication of AgNPs provide a stable corona around
The presence of colloidal silver (Ag0) in all the samples, as
well as the presence of PTA or PMA (W or Mo, respectively), was
further conrmed by XPS analysis. The core level binding

Fig. 3 FTIR spectra of [A] tyrosine (curve 1) and AgNPsY (curve 2); [B] PTA (curve Fig. 4 Core level XPS spectra of (A) Ag 3d and (B) C1s from AgNPsY, and those of
1) and AgNPsY@PTA (curve 2); and [C] PMA (curve 1) and AgNPsY@PMA (curve 2). (C) W 4f in AgNPsY@PTA and (D) Mo 4f in AgNPsY@PMA.

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than those present in AgNPsY@PMA and AgNPsY@PTA, respec-

tively. Such a signicant increase in the antibacterial activity of
POM-functionalised Ag nanocomposites can be attributed to
the synergistic effect due to the presence of two antibacterial
materials in a single system, while AgNPsY also act as a POM
stabiliser and carrier inside the bacterial cells. Notably, it was
recently illustrated that silver has the potential to disrupt
numerous cellular processes in Gram-negative bacteria
including disulphide bond formation, metabolism and iron
homeostasis, which ultimately leads to higher amounts of
reactive oxygen species production and enhanced membrane
permeability.36,37 These promising features of Ag-based ‘antibi-
Published on 24 September 2013. Downloaded by RMIT Uni on 01/12/2013 22:52:44.

Fig. 5 Antibacterial activity of (A) surface-functionalised nanomaterials and (B) otics’ are likely to potentiate the action of POMs aer AgN-
pristine PMA and PTA molecules. PsY@POM uptake by the bacterial cell, resulting in high
synergistic biological action demonstrated by AgNPsY@POM
kept constant in all the samples so that the effect of POM The mode of interaction of these nanocomposites with E. coli
surface corona could be compared. Relative concentrations of cells was further conrmed by monitoring the morphological
Ag and W/Mo present on the surface of modied AgNPs used for changes and cellular disruption using Nano-SEM (Fig. 6). The
antibacterial studies are shown in the ESI (Table S2†). Fig. 5A SEM images of bacteria without treatment show an intact cell
compares the antimicrobial performance of AgNPsY, architecture with rod-like appearance and a size of ca. 3 mm 
AgNPsY@PTA and AgNPsY@PMA composites. As expected, the 1 mm (Fig. 6A). However treatment of bacteria for 15 min with
toxicity of pristine AgNPsY was found to increase in a dose- 10 mM equivalent of Ag present in AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PTA and
dependent manner with 1 mM equivalent of Ag causing ca. 36% AgNPsY@PMA (Fig. 6B–D, respectively) revealed distinct
bacterial cell death that increased to over ca. 94% at 10 mM Ag morphological changes indicative of signicant damage to the
concentration. AgNPsY@POM showed signicantly better anti- cellular integrity. The higher level of physical damage caused to
microbial performance over AgNPsY, wherein PTA-functional- the bacterial cells by POM-functionalised materials (Fig. 6C–D)
ised materials showed higher activity over PMA-functionalised in comparison to those treated only with AgNPsY (Fig. 6B) is also
materials. Since high concentrations of pristine AgNPsY (5 and evident from SEM micrographs. For instance, pristine AgNPsY
10 mM) are themselves highly toxic, the degree of increase in caused signicant roughening of the bacterial cell, along with
antimicrobial performance of AgNPsY@POMs over AgNPsY some disruption of bacterial cell wall and membrane (Fig. 6B).
nanoparticles is more comparable from the lower Ag dosages Conversely, in comparison to AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PTA (Fig. 6C) and
(1 and 2 mM). For instance, at a xed Ag dose of 1 mM, AgNPsY AgNPsY@PMA (Fig. 6D) treatment resulted in high levels of
cause ca. 36% bacterial cell death, which increases up to 66% physical damage to bacterial cells, wherein complete
and 85%, respectively, in the case of AgNPsY@PMA and
AgNPsY@PTA, respectively. It is however noteworthy that loading
of PMA molecules is less in AgNPsY@PMA than that of PTA in
AgNPsY@PTA (Table S2†), which may be attributed to the lower
antibacterial performance of the former. To further validate
whether the presence of Ag and POMs within a single system
acts synergistically to enhance the antibacterial performance of
these nanocomposites, bacterial cells were independently
exposed to pristine POM molecules in a concentration-depen-
dent manner (Fig. 5B). These control experiments revealed that
pristine POM molecules had signicantly lower antibacterial
potential than AgNPsY@POM even at much higher concentra-
tions than those present in AgNPsY@POM. For instance, while
Table S2† shows that the amount of POM corona present in
1 mM AgNPsY is 0.198 mM PTA and 0.042 mM PMA, Fig. 5B
depicts that 0.5 mM PTA and PMA cause only 8% and 12%
bacterial cell death. Conversely, the comparison of the anti-
bacterial proles of AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PMA and AgNPsY@PTA at
1 mM Ag concentration in Fig. 5A indicates that the presence of
0.198 mM PTA and 0.042 mM PMA in 1 mM AgNPsY coronas leads
Fig. 6 SEM micrographs of E. coli cells (A) before and (B–D) after treatment with
to more than 50% and 30% enhanced antibacterial perfor- (B) AgNPsY, (C) AgNPsY@PTA and (D) AgNPsY@PMA. Insets show the higher
mance, respectively, over AgNPsY. Notably, the above compared magnification images of the respective panels. Scale bars in the main figures and
0.5 mM pristine POM concentration is 12 and 2.5 times higher insets correspond to 5 mm and 500 nm, respectively.

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disintegration of the bacterial cells is seen to such an extent that 20 natural amino acids and their characteristic charge-switch-
the E. coli cells exhibited big holes in their morphology. ability feature is attractive for their employment as natural
Therefore, from the antimicrobial experiments and SEM building blocks for surface functionalisation. Therefore, the
imaging of E. coli cells, it is clear that modication of AgNPs proposed strategy offers signicant opportunities to tailor-
with a POM corona causes irreversible E. coli cell damage and design a variety of organic coronas for a range of biological
ultimately cell death by disruption of the integrity of these applications. Moreover, the antibacterial activity test of POM-
bacterial cells. Since the POM corona on the surface of AgNPs functionalised AgNPsY reveals that the POM surface corona
employs physical modes of action against E. coli by causing pore plays a signicant role in causing a high degree of physical
formation, cell wall cleavage and cell lysis, it is likely that such damage to the bacterial cells, which is likely to offer opportu-
tailored nanomaterials may offer signicant opportunities to nities to control pathogenic bacteria by preventing them from
control pathogenic bacteria by preventing them to develop developing resistance. The ability of these surface-functional-
resistance. ised materials to cause specic toxicity against bacteria without
Published on 24 September 2013. Downloaded by RMIT Uni on 01/12/2013 22:52:44.

Furthermore, since the cell wall compositions of Gram causing damage to the tested human epithelial PC3 cells may
negative and Gram positive bacterial strains are signicantly offer opportunities to employ them for topical wound healing
different, the antibacterial activity of these nanomaterials was applications, wherein the control of bacterial infections to allow
also evaluated against Gram positive bacterium S. albus. This the growth of new epithelial cells is considered critically
experiment was performed at a 2 mM Ag concentration, as this important. The choice of an appropriate inorganic material and
nanoparticle concentration showed the highest inuence of POM molecules may further extend the application window of
surface corona in the case of E. coli (Fig. 5A). The trend of the these materials from antibacterial in the current case to anti-
antibacterial activity of AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PMA and AgNPsY@PTA viral, anticancer, etc. in the future.
against S. albus was found to be similar to that in the case of E.
coli, however these nanomaterials showed less antibacterial Acknowledgements
activity against the Gram positive S. albus, wherein the observed
cell death corresponded to 31%, 49% and 57%, respectively. HKD gratefully acknowledges Government of India for a
Additionally, the cytotoxicity of these nanomaterials was National Overseas Scholarship. VB acknowledges the Australian
evaluated against human PC3 epithelial cells in a concentra- Research Council (ARC) for the award of an APD Fellowship and
tion-dependent manner. Interestingly, all the nanoparticles research support through the ARC Discovery (DP0988099,
including AgNPsY, AgNPsY@PMA and AgNPsY@PTA did not show DP110105125) and Linkage (LP100200859) grant schemes. VB
either any signicant toxicity (Fig. S2†) or change in PC3 cell also acknowledges the generous support of the Ian Potter
morphology and cell density up to the highest tested Ag Foundation for establishing a multimode spectroscopy facility
concentration of 10 mM (Fig. S3†). Although the reasons for the used in this study. Authors acknowledge the support of RMIT
selective toxicity of these materials towards the tested bacterial Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility for technical assistance
strains are not entirely clear at this stage, it has been demon- and providing access to characterisation facilities. The assis-
strated that the toxicity of Ag to human cells is considerably tance of Mr. Paul Morrison for acquiring ICPMS data and Ms.
lower than to bacteria.5 Nevertheless, the outcomes of the Zahra Homan for acquiring AAS data is duly acknowledged.
current study show that AgNPs with PTA and PMA surface
coronas have the potential to offer bacterial targetability char- Notes and references
acteristics under in vivo settings.
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