(M2-MAIN) The Globalization of Religion

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The Contemporary World

Module 2 Subtopic 1
Basic Characteristics of Religions

1. Understand the fundamental purpose of religion.

2. Classify religions according to the Three-Point Model of
3. Differentiate religions based on their position towards
Fundamental Purpose of Religion
Religion Defined
• Religion has many definitions. For
the purpose of a uniform definition,
we will use:
• Religion denotes a set of common
beliefs and practices pertaining to
the supernatural and its
relationship to humanity and the
cosmos. (New World Encyclopedia)
• These beliefs are often codified into
prayer, ritual, scriptures, and/or
religious law.
Fundamental Purpose of Religion
Core Purposes
• Religion has various purposes. But all of
these can be generalized into two broad
categories: a spiritual purpose and a
practical purpose.
• Spiritual purpose - religions have their
own sets of beliefs and traditions. These
beliefs and traditions, when followed, will
allow a person to become the ideal
practitioner of that religion.
• This guides persons to become ideal people
based on the standards set by their religion.
Fundamental Purpose of Religion
Core Purposes
• Practical purpose – religion provides
explanations for why things are the way they
are in nature, especially when science was
not yet around to offer these explanations.
• Additionally, religion’s practical purpose is
seen through its provision of social stability
to large populations. Although having a
religion does not guarantee morality, it can
guide the creation of laws.
• It is also easier to unify people towards a
common cause if they have a shared
identify, one of which is religion.
The Three-Point Model of Religion
Pluralism, Inclusivism, Exclusivism

• Religions can be classified based on

how they view themselves in relation
to other religions.
• This forms the concepts pluralism,
inclusivism, and exclusivism.
Depending on the classification,
some religions become drivers of
The Three-Point Model of Religion
Pluralism, Inclusivism, Exclusivism

Classification Description
Pluralist religions generally view themselves and all
other religions as equally valid.
Inclusivist religions view themselves as having the
right religion but that it is still possible for other
people to achieve salvation even if those other people
do not practice the inclusivist religion.
Exclusivist religions believe that theirs is the only
right religion.
What is Proselytism?
• Proselytism is a practice in
some religions where their
followers are compelled to
convert other people to adopt
their faith.
• This is a major driving force in
the globalization of religion.
Some religions are
proselytizing, some are non-
proselytizing, and others are
Proselytizing, Non-proselytizing, Mixed Proselytism
Classification Description
These are religions that want to convert other people
Proselytizing in order to gain more members (e.g., Christianity,
These are religions that do not care about gaining
more members (e.g., Buddhism).
These are religions that have specific requirements in
Mixed relation to who they want to invite as members (e.g.,
proselytism Judaism). Only those that meet the requirements are
Comprehension Check
If you can answer these without coaching, you are ready for the next lesson.

1. What are the two general purposes of religion? Can you give examples for
2. Differentiate pluralism, inclusivism, and exclusivism from each other.
3. Differentiate proselytizing, non-proselytizing, and mixed proselytism
Module 2 Subtopic 2
Globalization and Religion

1. Identify which religions benefit from a

globalized environment based on their basic
2. Understand how globalization affects religious
practices and beliefs.
Globalization’s Impact on Religion
Erode, Strengthen, Transform
• The interaction between
globalization and religion leads to
several possibilities.
• In some cases, because of
globalization, it can be said that
religion is being eroded. In other
cases, religion is being
strengthened. And also, religion is
declining but it has developed new
identities of hybridity to stay
Globalization’s Impact on Religion
Erode, Strengthen, Transform
• Globalization erodes religion –
the increasing interconnectedness
and exchange of ideas, cultures, and
values can lead to a decline in the
influence and practice of traditional
religious beliefs and institutions.
• This erosion may occur as people are
exposed to modernization, diverse
perspectives, and diverse lifestyles,
leading them to question or abandon
religious teachings and practices
Globalization’s Impact on Religion
Erode, Strengthen, Transform
• Globalization strengthens religion –
globalization may reinforce religious
identities and practices. In a globalized
world, people may seek comfort and
stability in their religious beliefs as they
navigate rapid social and economic
• Additionally, globalization can facilitate
the spread of religious ideas and
movements across borders, leading to the
growth and expansion of certain faiths.
Globalization’s Impact on Religion
Erode, Strengthen, Transform
• Globalization transforms religion –
globalization brings about notable
changes in the practice, interpretation,
and experience of religious beliefs. This
includes adaptations of religious practices
to contemporary contexts, as well as the
emergence of new religious movements
influenced by global interactions.
• Similarly, the threat of secularization may
force religions to adapt hybrid identities
(e.g., sectarian schools) to stay relevant.
Opportunities for Conflict and Cooperation
Religious Conflict
• Globalization increases contact and
competition between diverse religious
groups. This can foster religious and
cultural clashes between traditional
values and secular or Western norms.
• It also provides opportunities for
malicious persons to exploit religious
identities for certain gains. This can
amplify the spread of extremist ideologies
and hate speech through the use of
technologies that are made accessible
because of globalization.
Opportunities for Conflict and Cooperation
Religious Cooperation
• Globalization fosters religious cooperation by
enabling interfaith dialogue and
understanding through the use of modern
• It can also increase contact and exchange
between diverse religious communities,
facilitating the spread of universal values such
as peace and compassion across borders.
• It also offers platforms for collaborative
initiatives to address global challenges such
as poverty, climate change, human rights
abuses, etc.
Other Matters Involving Globalization and Religion
• Globalization leads to an increase of
industrialization, urbanization,
rationalization, and many other
things that potentially decrease the
relevance of religious faith within
societal consciousness. This results in
• Secularization is the disassociation or
separation from religious or spiritual
concerns. It usually goes hand in
hand with modernization.
Other Matters Involving Globalization and Religion
Religious Extremism
• Religious extremism involves the rigid
adherence to a particular religious
ideology, often characterized by
intolerance towards differing beliefs
and a willingness to use violence to
achieve ideological goals.
• Globalization worsens this by enabling
the rapid spread of extremist
ideologies through modern technology
as well as easing transnational
coordination of extremist groups.
Other Matters Involving Globalization and Religion
A Possible Religious Resurgence
• Globalization also brings about the
possibility for a religious resurgence.
• Nation-states provided a secure
sense of identity, accountability, and
security for a stable society. But the
sociologist, Mark Juergensmeyer,
argues that the worldwide
interconnectedness brought about by
globalization has weakened the
relevance of nation-states.
Other Matters Involving Globalization and Religion
A Possible Religious Resurgence
• The idea of a homogenous national
cultural identity became a relic of the past
because cultures are crossing borders and
are being absorbed by outsiders on a daily
• Nation-states are getting weaker in their
role of providing identity, accountability,
and security in a globalized world. This is
where religion comes into play. Religious
communities can provide identity,
accountability, and security and this will
possibly lead to a religious resurgence.
Comprehension Check
If you can answer these without coaching, you are ready for the next lesson.

1. How does globalization erode religion?

2. How does globalization strengthen religion?
3. Describe what is secularization.
4. Describe what is religious extremism.
5. How does globalization create opportunities for conflict and cooperation?
This serves as a visual aid. For a more detailed discussion, you can watch the video courseware
prepared by the course designer.

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