Art Reflection

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Throughout this unit we have used many skills such as photography,

watercolor, and cyanotype printing. I started off focusing on detail and trying to
make my art look as realistic and recognizable as possible, however through more
paintings and drawings I have grown to work more freely and take liberty in my
compositions to evoke a stronger sense of meaning and appearance which has
made me enjoy watercolour much more. Studying reference materials from artists
like Emily Jolley has pushed me to work more deconstructively. Her use of light-
colored shadowing and bold use of filling space across her art provides a full yet
loose arrangement which I strived to incorporate into my own watercolor pieces.
I have developed my watercolor skills by always starting with light colors
and building layers to emulate texture and definition. I’ve also added different
techniques to go along with creating an image like drawing in water before adding
color inside the lines or using clingfilm on top of wet paint to create an interesting
texture. Finally, I have developed my photography skills by using different focal
points to change the subject and by using the rule of thirds to have a visually
satisfying photo. In the future, I would like to use these skills as we move onto
printing such as with additive monoprints and working with a more suggestive
focus than detailed.

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