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NPO Registration Number: 045-224-NPO

Hereinafter referred to as “The Trust”


__________________________________________ ________________________________

Student Name Student ID Number

Hereinafter referred to as “Student”

And Sponsored by


Hereinafter referred to as the Donor


1.2 The parties to this Agreement are:

1.2.1 The Tomorrow Trust

1.2.2 The name of the student


In this Agreement, unless a contrary intention clearly appears:
2.1. words importing one gender include the other genders and words importing the singular include the plural and
vice versa and words importing natural persons include created entities (corporated or unincorporated)
and vice versa;
2.2. the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them hereunder and cognate expressions shall
have corresponding meanings, namely:
2.2.1 “Agreement” means this agreement together with all Exhibits hereto;
2.2.2 “Donor” refers to the party(ies) making the financial contribution towards the relevant student
2.2.3 “Exhibit” means an addendum or appendix or annexure to this Agreement;
2.2.4 “Institution” means any SAQA accredited Academic facility/institution at which a student will
undertake their Tertiary Studies;
2.2.5 “Learner/s” means the student/s signing this Agreement;
2.2.6 “Signature Date” means the date on which this Agreement is signed by the Party signing last;
2.2.7 “Parties” means the Tomorrow Trust, the Donor (if applicable) and the Student;
2.2.8 “Tertiary” refers to all activities, events or items pertaining to students furthering their studies
after school and the support provided to these students through the Tomorrow Trust.

2.3 Expressions defined in this Agreement shall bear the same meanings in Exhibits which do not contain
their own definitions.

2.4 The expiration or termination of this Agreement shall depend on the student’s academic performance
and behaviour which includes the attendance of workshops held by the Tomorrow Trust during the
duration of the student’s studies and is dependent on funding received by Donors, as the Tomorrow
Trust is a NPO reliant on Donor funding.

2.5 This contract supersedes all other contracts signed with the Tomorrow Trust.

3.1. This agreement shall commence on the …………………………………………………………… and apply for the duration of
the students’ studies required to obtain the qualification enrolled for and agreed upon by all parties. However,
2 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials
the Donor and the Tomorrow Trust have a right to terminate this agreement should the student fail to achieve
the desired academic results each year and/or a breach of contract occurs.


4.1. The student warrants to the Tomorrow Trust that:

4.1.1. They: have full capacity to enter into this Agreement and to perform all the obligations recorded
in this Agreement; or have discussed this Agreement with their legal guardian and has obtained their guardian’s
necessary consent to enter into this Agreement; and

4.1.2. the execution and performance of this Agreement by them will not cause a breach of any other
agreement to which they are a Party or cause a conflict of interest with The Tomorrow Trust or any
third party whatsoever.


The Tomorrow Trust hereby undertakes to pay for the following payments in support of their studies at a higher
education institution of learning:
i. Tuition costs: Full tuition amount
ii. Textbooks: of a maximum of R5000
iii. Accommodation: The bursary will cover up to a maximum of R55 000 each year for accommodation for 10
months for students staying in off-campus accommodation. And R65 000 for students staying on-campus.
iv. Living allowances: R3000 per month for a period of 10 months.

5.1. Tuition Costs – The full annual tuition amount, which includes the registration fee, will be paid directly to the
university. In the event that a student is no longer eligible to receive financial support from the Trust before
their tuition fees have been paid to the institution, the student will become responsible for all outstanding
costs owed to the institution.

5.2. Textbooks & Equipment – A quotation and proof of necessary textbooks must be sent to the Trust prior to
purchasing. Should students take books that are unauthorised or duplicates, they will be held responsible for
the costs of such unauthorised or duplicate expenditure and could face disciplinary action. Books may only be
obtained from the recognised service provider i.e. Van Schaik Bookstores. Other equipment including laptops,

3 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials

calculators etc. need to be authorised by the Tomorrow Trust and may be purchased ONLY if approved by the

5.3. Accommodation – Students who live in off-campus accommodation must provide Tomorrow Trust with a lease
agreement for approval prior to signing any agreement. The Trust covers accommodation expenses from
February to November each year, specifically the monthly rent, which is paid directly to the housing provider.
However, students are responsible for covering their own rental deposits and any additional costs that arise
during their stay, such as drain unblocking, extra electricity usage, and maintenance expenses.

5.4. Allowances – Students are provided with an allowance each month to cover their transport and meals. This
amount is determined by the funding received and is fixed for a period of one year, but may fluctuate. The
Tomorrow Trust does not cover on-campus meals - should a student wish to load meals to eat on campus they
may do so at their own expense.

5.5. Society and Recreational Fees – With prior approval from the Trust, we will only pay for those society fees at
universities that are aligned to the student’s field of study. Any other society fees will be the responsibility of
the student. The Tomorrow Trust will fund GOLDEN KEY membership of those students who are invited to this
exclusive club as it records high achievers.

5.6. Psychosocial Support - Recognizing the multifaceted needs of tertiary students, we provide individualized
psychosocial support to address the emotional and social aspects of students' lives. The overarching goal is to
create a supportive environment that nurtures resilience, fosters a sense of belonging, and ultimately
contributes to the holistic development of the students.

5.6.1. One on One Counselling sessions – students will be required to attend the one-on-one counselling
sessions at least once a month. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise,
preventing a student from attending their scheduled session. In such cases, it is essential for the
student to notify us at least 24 hours in advance so that we can make the necessary adjustments
and reschedule the session accordingly.
5.6.2. Masterclasses – At the Tomorrow Trust, we are committed to providing comprehensive support to
our students. Our masterclasses play a pivotal role in their development, encompassing crucial
aspects of their educational journey. These sessions not only offer valuable career guidance but
also provide academic support that is essential for their success. Attending these workshops is
mandatory for all students as it allows them to grow holistically. To ensure accountability,
attendance registers are diligently maintained at each workshop. Failure to attend the
masterclasses without a valid reason may result in the Tomorrow Trust withdrawing the students’

4 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials

6.1. The student shall:
6.1.1. strictly comply with each of the terms and conditions in this Agreement;
6.1.2. register for the course being funded for each year at the agreed upon institution;
6.1.3. provide the Tomorrow Trust with all necessary documents at the start of the year including proof
of registration and fee statements.
6.1.4. attend lectures diligently and regularly.
6.1.5. not without the prior written consent of the Trust, be entitled to voluntarily discontinue, interrupt,
alter or suspend his/her studies towards the course or change to another tertiary institution.
Changes in course will only be approved in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the
6.1.6. attend all masterclasses held by the Tomorrow Trust to obtain holistic life skills training for the
duration of their studies, provided that these workshops do not affect tests or examinations, in
which case, written notice and motivation for non-attendance must be sent to the Tertiary cell
6.1.7. submit to the Tomorrow Trust staff all test and examination results quarterly as requested Trust to
enable the Tomorrow Trust to support the student’s academic needs;
6.1.8. contact the Tomorrow Trust immediately, should there be any factors that prevent the student
from achieving academic success including psycho-social issues;
6.1.9. obtain a pass on all subjects taken. Should a student fail a module and need to repeat it, a review
process or compulsory development plan will be put in place to assist the student, should there be
no improvement with necessary interventions put in place, The Trust reserves the right to
terminate the funding. Furthermore, the student must inform the Trust in writing, in the event that
he/she is aware of the supplementary examination;
6.1.10. attend vacation work and stay for the duration of the vacation work, in order to gain valuable
practical experience, should the opportunity be made available by the Trust or the Donor.
6.1.11. perform a minimum of 10 hours of community service per year with the Tomorrow Trust, whilst
funded by the Trust at the Holiday or Saturday School Programme or at the offices of the
Tomorrow Trust during the duration of his/her studies.
6.1.12. inform the Tomorrow Trust immediately of any changes to contact information, study needs, etc.
6.1.13. abide by the Code of Conduct of the Tomorrow Trust and accepts that disciplinary action can and
will be taken should the Code of Conduct be breached by the student.
6.2. The student authorises the Tomorrow Trust to provide potential Donors with the private information of the
student including, background, academic records, etc. in order to obtain financial support for the student. The
Tomorrow Trust undertakes to limit the information to only what is necessary in terms of obtaining funding
and this information will be kept as confidentially and private as possible.

5 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials

6.3. The student authorises the Tomorrow Trust to obtain access from the Institution to obtain copies of all records
reflecting the student’s progress and conduct at the Institution, including but not limited to their financial
and/or academic status and/or conduct.
6.4. The Tomorrow Trust values the participation of its students and recognizes the importance of capturing their
experiences. As part of this commitment, we record workshops, take pictures during events, and share these
on our platforms. By granting signing this contract, the student allows us to showcase their growth and
accomplishments on our platforms and reports to donors in accordance with Tomorrow Trust’s guidelines.


7.1. The student acknowledges the following:
7.1.1. Upon successful completion of the degree/diploma, the Donor who has funded the student’s
studies has the first right of employment in terms of this agreement should a position be available
for the graduate. The student is NOT permitted to take up any other employment opportunity if
such employment is provided by the Donor;
7.1.2. The student is required to stay in the employment of the Donor for a period and term not less than
the funding period, but may however choose, in consultation with the Donor, to stay in the
employment of the company for longer than the funding period. This is to be determined by the
Donor in consultation with the student and the Tomorrow Trust on completion of the degree e.g. If
a student is funded for 2 years then they are obliged to remain with the company for 2 years
provided no labour laws are being over-looked. It is strongly suggested that the job held is
committed to for a period of 2 – 3 years.
7.1.3. Failure of the student to take up employment, when offered by the Donor on successful
completion of the said funded degree/diploma, could result in the Donor requesting
reimbursement of all funds paid by the Donor for and on behalf of the student from the student
directly and NOT the Tomorrow Trust.
7.1.4. Should a student wish to take up employment with another company, they may do so once written
consent has been provided by the Donor.

8.1. The Tomorrow Trust:
8.1.1. undertakes to provide funding for only UNDERGRADUATE degrees, provided that the performance
and conduct of the student is acceptable. Should the student require to further his/her studies by
undertaking an Honours degree, the Trust and the student will have a discussion and consider it if
the Donor will continue funding the student. The Trust does not fund Masters or PHD programmes.
8.1.2. will NOT be liable for repayments of any outstanding amounts from institutions, NSFAS, loans or
any other debt that the student has accumulated before being taken on by the Tomorrow Trust.

6 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials

8.1.3. will NOT be responsible for repaying any NSFAS loans or other loans once a student has completed
their studies even if they received partial funding from NSFAS during their time with the Tomorrow

8.2. Should a student receive a once off achievement/merit award from their university, this is considered a
discount on their fees and cannot be claimed by the student from the Tomorrow Trust, the Donor or the
university. In this instance, the Trust must be advised immediately of such award/bursary so that the Donor can
be advised.

8.3. Tomorrow Trust does not allow double-dipping. The student is required to cancel all other funding applications
that they many have. Should double payments be made, the student will be held liable for the payments made
by the Tomorrow Trust.

8.4. Should double payments be made by the Tomorrow Trust and a third party for any student expenses, the
Tomorrow Trust has the right to claw back any amount that has been overpaid. The student will be responsible
to refund the Donor in full through the Tomorrow Trust when necessary.

8.5. The student must comply with the Tomorrow Trust’s Code of Conduct at all times and any breaches will result
in Disciplinary Processes being undertaken. This could result in dismissal of the student from the Tomorrow
Trust as a beneficiary depending on the severity of the breach of contract.

8.6. The Executive Director and Tertiary Team of the Tomorrow Trust will meet with all students mid-year to review
academic results and determine whether the student will continue receiving support or whether they will be
discontinued as a beneficiary of the Tomorrow Trust.

8.7. Tomorrow Trust creates a culture of paying it forward and creating opportunities for other students who need
access to Tertiary education. We encourage all student, upon graduation and finding employment, to pledge an
amount to contribute towards Tomorrow Trust for a period of 12- 24 months.
9.1. This Agreement may be terminated by the Tomorrow Trust if:
9.1.1. The student breaches any provisions of this agreement;
9.1.2. The student abandons their course;
9.1.3. The student fails to achieve a pass for every subject each year;
9.1.4. The Institution disallows the student to continue with the course due to a lack of satisfactory
progress or as a result of any misconduct committed by the student;
9.1.5. Lack of academic improvement even when extra tuition is provided;
9.1.6. Poor academic performance and results without justifiable mitigating factors;
9.1.7. Poor attendance of lectures (at university/college) and Holistic Workshops of the Tomorrow Trust;
7 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials
9.1.8. Missing or exclusion from tests and examinations without valid reasons/justifications;
9.1.9. Breach of the Code of Conduct of the Tomorrow Trust;
9.1.10. Abuse of alcohol and narcotics or dealing in such substances;
9.1.11. Gambling;
9.1.12. Inciting others to do wrong;
9.1.13. Stealing, theft, dishonesty, fraud and violent behaviour;
9.1.14. Bringing the organisation or donors into disrepute.
9.1.15. Not acting in accordance with the Tomorrow Trust’s values towards staff, the Executive Director,
Trustees of the Trust, Donors and other beneficiaries.

9.2. The Tomorrow Trust will set up a meeting to discuss the conditions leading to a possible dismissal of the
student and a decision will be taken following this meeting. This decision is final and binding by all parties.

9.3. Should the Tomorrow Trust not be able to verify a student’s attendance and registration at an accredited
tertiary institution and not be able to reach the student or the student decides to drop out of the
University/College, this will be construed as a breach of contract and the contract will be summarily

10.1. By signing this contract, the student affirms that their involvement in Tomorrow Trust activities is
completely voluntary and acknowledges all associated risks. Consequently, Tomorrow Trust and its staff cannot
be held responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or illness of any kind and regardless of cause, that may occur as a
direct or indirect result of attending and participating in the events.


11.1. This agreement remains in force for the duration of the student’s studies provided that the student meets
all the required criteria in terms of academic performance and the Code of Conduct of the Trust. The
agreement terminates on completion of the student’s degree/diploma or if summarily dismissed as per this
11.2. Termination of this agreement will be effected upon written notice taking clause 8.1, 8.3 and 7.1 into
consideration and will be done following a face to face discussion with the student and in writing or if not
possible by simply removing the student as a beneficiary.
11.3. Upon termination of this agreement the student shall be liable for all outstanding costs in relation to the
support provided by the Tomorrow Trust. Tuition fees, accommodation costs, and the allowance will be
stopped with immediate effect. All outstanding costs relating to these items will therefore need to be paid by
the student. The student indemnifies the Tomorrow Trust, Donors, staff members and Trustees for any
liabilities that may arise directly or indirectly due to the termination of this agreement.

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No student is authorised to conclude or purport to conclude any agreements on behalf of the Trust. No student is
permitted to make any representation to third parties pertaining to any aspect of the Trust’s business or services,
unless when authorised to do so.


This agreement contains all the express provisions agreed upon by the Parties relating to the subject matter of this
agreement and the parties waive their rights to rely on any express provisions not contained herein.


This Agreement shall be capable of execution and is deemed to be an original document.

Signed at_________________________________ on the _____day of_________________ 20______

Print Full Name:_________________________________ Signature: ___________________________

For and on Behalf of THE STUDENT

Signed at_________________________________ on the _____day of_________________ 20______

Print Full Name:_________________________________ Signature: ___________________________

For and on Behalf of THE TOMORROW TRUST

1. Print Full Name: _________________________________

Signature : _____________________________________ Date: _________________________

2. Print Full Name: _________________________________

Signature : _____________________________________ Date: _________________________

9 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials




TELEPHONE NUMBER: 011 447 7707
FAX NUMBER: 086 513 4979


2nd Floor – Old Trafford 4
Isle of Houghton Office Park
36 Boundary Road
Johannesburg, South Africa

PO Box 1812
Johannesburg, South Africa


STUDENT NAME:_________________________________________________________(Print Full Name)

COURSE: ___________________________________ INSTITUTION: _____________________________

STUDENT NUMBER: ______________________________________________

10 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials

TELEPHONE NUMBER:____________________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS OF STUDENT:___________________________________________________

PHYSICAL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________


POSTAL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________


11 MASTER AGREEMENT | Tomorrow Trust Initials

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