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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY – HOCHIMINH CITY Student’s Full Name: _______________________________


Student ID: _______________________________________

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS Class Code: ______________________________________

Transfer Program
Instructor: _______________________________________

Exam Date: July 10, 2018
SECTION 1 GAP FILLING (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2
1. C 6. C 11. C 16. C
2. A 7. B 12. D 17. C
3. B 8. A 13. A 18. D
4. D 9. D 14. B 19. C
5. A 10. B 15. D 20. A

SECTION 2 ERROR CORRECTION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

21. them è them 26. that è that

22. the other è another 27. despite è because of

23. a research è research 28. few è a little

24. should be è must have been 29. to wait è waiting

25. you should è should you 30. studying è being studied

SECTION 3 VERB FORMS (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

31. to be fooled 41. go

32. cleaning / to be cleaned 42. asked
33. to clean 43. would never let
34. having been injured / being injured 44. have got
35. to travel 45. spend
36. (to) leave 46. go
37. had been run 47. did we discover
38. would look 48. have been heard
39. had had 49. provides
40. spend 50. has been dropping

Final – Advanced Grammar C1 – July 2018 Page 1 of 2

Transfer Program – TR.AGr.C1.Jul.2018
SECTION 4 WORD TRANSFORMATION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

51. overexposure 61. stardom

52. premature 62. phenomenal
53. powerful 63. central
54. tightly 64. lasting
55. Protective 65. immensely
56. unavoidably 66. unsuited
57. related 67. contemporaries
58. overheating 68. producers
59. hottest 69. signed
60. non-alcoholic 70. unanswered

SECTION 5 SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (2 points) ______ x 0.1 = ______/2

One group of words separated by vertical lines (||) = 0.1 points

Any answer fewer than three words OR more than eight words OR does not contain the word in bold

should NOT be scored.

71. may have (0.1) || accidentally taken (0.1)

might have || accidentally taken
72. have central heating (0.1) || installed (0.1)
73. have hardly || any
74. costs twice || as much as
is worth twice || as much as
75. apologized to us || for not telling
76. to avoid || being
77. many people, some || of whom gave us (NO COMMA è NO POINTS)
78. not been for his arrival || fights would have
79. no matter how || unpleasant it
80. no circumstances || should you talk

Final – Advanced Grammar C1 – July 2018 Page 2 of 2

Transfer Program – TR.AGr.C1.Jul.2018

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