Vocabulary and Comprehension

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Table of Contents
Unit 1
Week 1 1
Week 2 5
Week 3 9
Week 4 13
Week 5 17

Unit 2
Week 1 21
Week 2 25
Week 3 29
Week 4 33
Week 5 37

Unit 3
Week 1 41
Week 2 45
Week 3 49
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Week 4 53
Week 5 57

Unit 4
Week 1 61
Week 2 65
Week 3 69
Week 4 73
Week 5 77
Table of Contents– Cont’d.

Unit 5
Week 1 81
Week 2 85
Week 3 89
Week 4 93
Week 5 97

Unit 6
Week 1 101
Week 2 105
Week 3 109
Week 4 113
Week 5 117

Answer Key
Unit 1 121
Unit 2 122
Unit 3 123

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Unit 4 124
Unit 5 125
Unit 6 126
Teacher Introduction

Selection Tests
Selection Tests is a weekly assessment option that is part of the complete assessment
program aligned with McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders and the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS).
Purpose of Selection Tests
Selection Tests offers the opportunity to assess students on their knowledge of weekly
selection and concept vocabulary and their comprehension of the reading selections found
in the McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders Literature Anthology.
Focus of Selection Tests
Selection Tests focuses on two key CCSS areas—Reading and Language.
The assessment items require students
• to provide the correct meanings of previously-taught vocabulary words; and
• to access meaning from previously-encountered text.
Administering Selection Tests
Selection Tests has been designed to supplement the student data you receive from Weekly
Assessment. Since the assessments in Selection Tests do not have students encountering
unknown words or applying knowledge of comprehension skills to “Cold Reads,” it should
not be used as the sole tool for monitoring student progress through the curriculum.
Each assessment should be administered once the instruction for the specific anthology
selection is completed. Make copies of the assessment for the students in your class.
After each student has a copy of the assessment, provide a version of the following
directions: Say: Write your name and the date on the assessment pages. (When students are
finished, continue with the directions.) Read each question carefully. Completely fill in the circle
next to the correct answer. When you have completed the assessment, put your pencil down and
turn the pages over. You may begin now.
Answer procedural questions during the assessment, but do not provide any assistance on
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the items. After the class has completed the assessment, ask students to verify that their
names and the date are written on the assessment pages.

Selection Tests • Teacher Introduction v

Teacher Introduction

Overview of Selection Tests

Each assessment comprises the following:
• 8 multiple-choice items assessing the weekly selection vocabulary and concept
• 5 multiple-choice items assessing comprehension of the weekly selection from the
Reading Wonders Literature Anthology
Items assess selection vocabulary and concept vocabulary.
Items primarily ask students to provide the definition of the word; however, items
featuring synonym/antonym identification, word categorizing, dictionary skills, and
multiple-meanings are used as well when applicable.
Items assess students’ understanding of the anthology selection using item types featured
in the other assessment components.
Answer Keys
The correct answer and CCSS alignment are provided for each item.
Scoring Selection Tests and Evaluating Scores
Each item is worth one point.
If you plan on students completing the entire test in one sitting, please tell them to
disregard the STOP icon after vocabulary.
You can decide to have students complete only a single section of the assessment or
administer the assessment over two days. The STOP icon after both the vocabulary and
comprehension sections and the 1–8/1–5 numbering of items have been included to assist
in these administration methods.
• If students complete only the vocabulary section, a score of 6 or higher is expected.

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• If students complete only the comprehension section, a score of 4 or higher is expected.
• If students complete the entire weekly test, a score of 10 or higher is expected.
Students who score below these benchmarks may benefit from a review of the selection, its
key vocabulary, and its associated comprehension skills.

vi Selection Tests • Teacher Introduction

Name: Date:

Help! A Story of Friendship—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 The word nervously means

a in a sad manner.
b in a slow manner.
c in a happy manner.
d in an uneasy manner.

2 What does the word peered mean?

f looked up
g looked away
h looked quickly
i looked closely

3 What does the word afraid mean?

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a bold c scared
b calm d strong

4 If you rescue someone, you

f include someone in an activity.
g save someone from danger.
h help someone with a chore.
i bring someone a gift.

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 1 Grade 2 1
Name: Date:

5 The word perfectly means

a once in a while.
b really new.
c very quietly.
d in every way.

6 What does the word secret mean?

f something old h something private
g something perfect i something stolen

7 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: need others

• Verb: count on someone for help

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a hope
b depend

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c enjoy
d pretend

8 What does the word actions mean?

f things someone does
g things someone thinks
h things someone remembers
i things someone knows


2 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 1

Name: Date:

Help! A Story of Friendship—

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 At the beginning of the story, why is Mouse

covering himself with leaves?
a He falls and hurts his foot.
b He wants to take a nap.
c He is hiding from Snake.
d He is hiding from Hedgehog.

2 Why is Mouse afraid of Snake?

f Snake is mean.
g Mouse knows that Snake is hungry.
h Mouse thinks Snake is mad at him.
i He was told that snakes are dangerous
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to mice.

3 Why could Rabbit not help Mouse out of the hole?

a The hole is too dark.
b The hole is too deep.
c There might be spiders.
d His back is too prickly.

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 1 Grade 2 3
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4 How does Snake help Mouse without scaring him?

f He lowers Hedgehog into the hole to
get Mouse.
g He slides down into the hole to get Mouse.
h He cleans off his tail and sticks it in the hole for
Mouse to grab on to.
i He ties a stick to his tail and sticks it into the
hole for Mouse to grab on to.

5 What do you learn about being a friend from

the story?
a Anybody can be a friend.
b Everybody should be a friend.
c You cannot believe what others say
about people.
d You always should believe what others say
about people.

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4 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 1

Name: Date:

Big Red Lollipop—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 If you plead with someone, you

a read with someone.
b relax with someone.
c argue with someone.
d agree with someone.

2 What does the word share mean?

f take something away from others
g divide something with others
h keep something from others
i lend something to others

3 Read the dictionary entry below.

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• Adjective: honest and just

• Adjective: pretty good

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a fair
b false
c generous
d lovable

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 2 Grade 2 5
Name: Date:

4 What does the word invited mean?

f told to go
g told to help
h asked to leave
i asked to come

5 If you put something aside, you

a put it inside.
b put it outside.
c put it on a shelf.
d put it to one side.

6 If an animal scurries, it
f crawls slowly. h runs quickly.
g sleeps soundly. i flies swiftly.

7 What does the word culture mean?

a the colors of the changing seasons

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b the customs of a nation or people
c the campus of a college
d the capital of a country

8 The word language means

f speech or words.
g sights or sounds.
h songs or poems.
i schools or books.

6 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 2

Name: Date:

Big Red Lollipop—Comprehension

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 How does Rubina feel about taking her sister to a

friend’s birthday party?
a She is not happy about it.
b She is happy to take her sister.
c She is only happy about it if her sister does not
bother her.
d She is only happy about it if her sister takes her
to a party someday.

2 What happens to Rubina’s big red lollipop?

f She loses it.
g Sana eats it.
h She gives it to Sana.
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i She cannot remember where she put it.

3 Rubina thinks she is not invited to another party

for a long time because
a there are no parties.
b her friends do not like her.
c she does not play fair at parties.
d her friends do not want her to bring her
little sister.

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 2 Grade 2 7
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4 Why does Rubina tell Ami not to make Sana take

Maryam to the party?
f She knows how it feels to take a little sister to
a party.
g She knows Maryam would not want to go.
h Rubina wants to go to the party.
i She has her own party to go to.

5 What do you think Sana will do the next time

Rubina is invited to a party?
a She will cry.
b She will not complain.
c She will demand to go with her.
d She will ask Rubina for her lollipop.

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8 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 2

Name: Date:

Not Norman—Selection Vocabulary

Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 The word decide means

a to make up a story.
b to change your mind.
c to make up your mind.
d to question your mind.

2 What does the word trade mean?

f go shopping
g save money
h give a gift to someone
i give one thing for another

3 Read the dictionary entry below.

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• Verb: looks long and directly with eyes

wide open
• Noun: long and fixed looks at someone
or something

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a stares c notices
b sees d blinks

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 3 Grade 2 9
Name: Date:

4 If you glance at something, you

f examine it.
g look at it quickly.
h observe it carefully.
i remember it always.

5 What does the word proper mean?

a comfortable or easy
b kind or thoughtful
c foolish or unwise
d correct or fitting

6 If two things are different, they are

f not important. h not alike.
g not attractive. i not liked.

7 The word friendship means

a being students.

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b being gentle.
c being sisters.
d being pals.

8 Which of the following pairs has a relationship?

f clouds and rain
g rivers and robots
h grass and computers
i zebras and skyscrapers

10 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 3

Name: Date:

Not Norman—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 At the beginning of the story, why does the main

character not like Norman?
a He is boring.
b He is too small.
c He is not a pretty fish.
d He cannot take him to school.

2 Why does the main character take Norman to

school for Show-and-Tell?
f His teacher loves fish.
g Everyone was asked to bring in a pet.
h He hopes someone will want Norman.
i He is proud to show Norman to his classmates.
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3 What does Norman do when the main character

hears noises at night?
a He keeps him company.
b He does not do anything.
c He swims around in circles.
d He starts to splash the water.

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 3 Grade 2 11
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4 How does Norman change the main character’s

feelings about him?
f Norman makes the main character realize that
other pets are too noisy.
g Norman makes the main character realize that
he has some good qualities.
h Norman makes the main character realize that
he cannot afford another pet.
i Norman makes the main character realize that
he cannot take care of another kind of pet.

5 What do you learn about being a friend from

the story?
a Sometimes fish can make good friends.
b Sometimes good friends are hard to find.
c Sometimes good things come in small
d Sometimes there is good in people that you

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cannot see right away.


12 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 3

Name: Date:

Lola and Tiva: An Unlikely

Friendship—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Adjective: all worked up

• Adjective: interested and enthusiastic

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a confused c faithful
b excited d smart

2 Which word means “under close guard”?

f brave h dim
g busy i safe

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What does the word allowed mean?

a answered c permitted
b divided d united

4 What animal would most likely live in the wild ?

f cat
g dog
h goldfish
i tiger

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 4 Grade 2 13
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5 What does the word roam mean?

a wander c roar
b run d hide

6 The word wandered means

f spun around.
g leaped lightly.
h walked here and there.
i moved downward quickly.

7 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: be unable to do without

• Noun: things one must have

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a asks
b buys

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c likes
d needs

8 What does the word care mean?

f look after
g figure out
h take away
i look around


14 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 4

Name: Date:

Lola and Tiva: An Unlikely

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 Why could Lola’s mother not take care of her?

a Her mother could not walk.
b Her mother was blind.
c Her mother was deaf.
d Her mother died.

2 How does a rhino’s lip help it eat food?

f It is really big and can grab onto food.
g It is really strong and can grab onto food.
h It is shaped like a fork and can poke food.
i It is shaped like a hook and can grab onto food.
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3 For how long does a rhino calf stay with

its mother?
a two months
b one year
c two years
d five years

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 4 Grade 2 15
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4 For rhinos, how is mud like sunscreen?

f It cleans rhinos.
g It protects rhinos from the sun.
h It is put on them by their mothers.
i It keeps rhinos safe from big animals.

5 After reading “Lola and Tiva: An Unlikely

Friendship,” you can conclude that
a friends can come in all shapes and sizes.
b sometimes good friends are hard to find.
c sometimes good things come in big packages.
d sometimes there is good in people that you
cannot see right away.

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16 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 4

Name: Date:

Families Working Together—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does the word customers mean?

a items for sale at a store
b people who own a store
c people who sell at a store
d people who buy at a store

2 If you choose something, you

f return it.
g remove it.
h pick it out.
i put it away.

3 Read the dictionary entry below.

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• Verb: make sure something is correct

• Noun: a mark that shows something has
been looked at

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a call c circle
b check d color

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 5 Grade 2 17
Name: Date:

4 Which of the following are tools?

f ham and cheese
g hammer and saw
h cat and kitten
i hat and coat

5 Which word means “to pay out money”?

a keep c spend
b lose d take

6 When people do chores, they do

f unimportant jobs.
g unusual jobs.
h difficult jobs.
i small jobs.

7 What does the word cost mean?

a save

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b price
c dollars
d coins

8 Which of the following are jobs?

f teacher and chef
g school and store
h baseball and bat
i aunt and uncle

18 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 5

Name: Date:

Families Working Together—

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 How does the Gelder family decide what to plant?

a They look at what people want.
b They plant the same thing every year.
c They think about what they like to eat.
d They think about what will be the easiest
to grow.

2 What do the Gelders do with extra strawberries

they have?
f They make strawberry jam.
g They make strawberry pies.
h They give the strawberries away.
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i They throw away the strawberries.

3 How do the Gelders save money and help the

environment during the winter?
a They recycle.
b They use a wood stove.
c They use a lot of blankets.
d They use less farm equipment.

Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 5 Grade 2 19
Name: Date:

4 How is producing DIFFERENT from consuming?

f Producing is making items. Consuming is
selling items.
g Producing is making items. Consuming is
buying items.
h Producing is buying items. Consuming is
making items.
i Producing is selling items. Consuming is
making items.

5 What is the MAIN idea of page 107?

a The heat warms their home and barn.
b They burn the farm’s old trees for heat.
c The Gelder family farm produces apples.
d Running a farm costs money, so the
Gelders try to save.

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20 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 1, Week 5

Name: Date:

Sled Dogs Run—Selection Vocabulary

Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Which word means “wants very much”?

a adds c careful
b bored d eager

2 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Noun: feeling
• Verb: feel and understand

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
f happy h sense
g hurt i show

3 What does the word silence mean?

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a quietness c volume
b strength d whisper

4 What does the word shadows mean?

f large branches and leaves on a tree
g dark spots caused by blocked light
h deep tunnels in the ground
i bright lights in a dark room

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 1 Grade 2 21
Name: Date:

5 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Noun: ease of movement

• Noun: liberty

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a flight c focus
b float d freedom

6 What does the word fresh mean?

f old
g spoiled
h new
i stale

7 Which word means “make suitable”?

a accuse
b adapt

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c admit
d advise

8 Which word means “weather conditions”?

f history
g geography
h culture
i climate


22 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 1

Name: Date:

Sled Dogs Run—Comprehension

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 Who are Skookum, Hawk, and Bamboo?

a dogs
b kids
c rabbits
d wolves

2 What do Skookum, Hawk, and Bamboo do for the

first time in the fall?
f They run.
g They pull a cart.
h They pull as a team.
i They chase each other.
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3 What causes the hair on the dogs’ necks to

stand up?
a the sight of a moose
b the sound of lake ice
c the sound of the wind
d the sight of a snowshoe hare

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 1 Grade 2 23
Name: Date:

4 When the musher gets lost on the run, what

does she do?
f She starts to panic.
g She retraces her tracks.
h She looks for the lights of her house.
i She remembers what her father told her.

5 Which word BEST describes the musher at the

end of the story?
a anxious
b cold
c happy
d tired

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24 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 1

Name: Date:

Wolf! Wolf!—Selection Vocabulary

Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does the word fond mean?

a object to
b afraid of
c caring about
d surprised by

2 If you believe something, you

f think it is true.
g think it is false.
h think it is doubtful.
i think it is amazing.

3 The word feast means

a eat a snack.
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b eat a fancy meal.

c eat fruits and vegetables.
d eat a healthy breakfast.

4 What does the word remarkable mean?

f expensive
g serious
h soothing
i wonderful

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 2 Grade 2 25
Name: Date:

5 Which word means “good to taste”?

a broiled
b dainty
c delicious
d spicy

6 If you snatch something, you

f hang it up.
g toss it away.
h grab it quickly.
i smash it to pieces.

7 Which of the following are stories?

a made-up tales
b science articles
c history books
d dictionaries

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8 Which word means “learning experiences”?
f teachers
g students
h libraries
i lessons


26 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 2

Name: Date:

Wolf! Wolf!—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 Why does the wolf plant a garden?

a He likes to eat plants.
b He is a good gardener.
c He is too old to chase animals.
d He likes to share his fruits and vegetables.

2 Why does the wolf offer to take a goat from

the boy?
f He is a kind wolf.
g He wants to help the boy.
h He is too tired to chase the goats.
i He does not want the boy to get into trouble.
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3 Why does the wolf not eat the goat that is in

his garden?
a The goat gets away from him.
b The goat helps his garden grow.
c He wants to give the goat back to the boy.
d He is too kind and does not want to hurt him.

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 2 Grade 2 27
Name: Date:

4 How does the wolf change at the end of the story?

f He is hungry.
g He has a friend.
h He has a lot of friends.
i He is happy to finally have a goat to eat.

5 Based on what you read, how will the wolf

treat the goat?
a He will take care of the goat.
b He will eventually eat the goat.
c He will not be nice to the goat.
d He will not give the goat any food.

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28 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 2

Name: Date:

Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does the word buried mean?

a covered up
b opened up
c locked in
d tied up

2 The word journeys means

f long trips.
g visits.
h rocky hikes.
i errands.

3 What does the word peeks mean?

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a observes
b looks quickly
c studies closely
d moves suddenly

4 Which word means “catches sight of”?

f shines h soars
g sighs i spies

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 3 Grade 2 29
Name: Date:

5 The word escapes means

a blows up.
b works hard.
c gets away.
d keeps busy.

6 If you feel restless, you are

f always resting.
g always moving.
h always eating.
i always quiet.

7 What does the word habitat mean?

a life cycle
b living thing
c animals and plants
d place where animals live

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8 Which of the following would you find in nature?
f cars
g furniture
h plants
i television


30 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 3

Name: Date:

Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!—

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 How does a child help protect buried turtle eggs?

a The child shouts at raccoons.
b The child builds a cover for them.
c The child helps the turtle bury the eggs.
d The child places a wire mesh around the nest.

2 After the hatchlings hatch, how long does it take

them to get to the surface of the sand?
f seconds
g minutes
h one day
i three days
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3 Turtle crawls toward the street because

a the ocean was too noisy.
b all turtles crawl in the same direction.
c she smells food coming from that direction.
d the brightest light is coming from that direction.

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 3 Grade 2 31
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4 How does Turtle get out of a shrimper’s net?

f A fisherman gets her out.
g Another turtle helps her out.
h She gnaws a hole through the net.
i She slips through a hatch sewn onto the net.

5 Where does Turtle go to lay her eggs?

a back to the same beach where she hatched
b in between rocks on an island
c at the bottom of the ocean
d to the nearest beach

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32 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 3

Name: Date:

Baby Bears—Selection Vocabulary

Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Which word means “to make neat and tidy”?

a feed
b groom
c guard
d work

2 What does the word alive mean?

f alert
g awake
h living
i sleeping

3 Which word means “grown-up”?

a adult
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b daughter
c female
d male

4 What does the word covered mean?

f stretched
g put above
h placed near
i spread over

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 4 Grade 2 33
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5 Which of the following animals has fur ?

a bird
b dog
c fish
d snake

6 A giant tree is
f very leafy.
g very large.
h very light.
i very low.

7 Which word means “milk-giving animal”?

a reptile
b bird
c fish
d mammal

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8 Which word means “an animal's children”?
f neighbors
g parents
h offspring
i relatives


34 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 4

Name: Date:

Baby Bears—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What is the topic of the section “Kinds of Bears”?

a There are several types of bears.
b Bears are really kind, gentle animals.
c Different kinds of bears eat different foods.
d Different kinds of bears live in different

2 How are bears and people ALIKE?

f Both have fur.
g Both are mammals.
h Both walk on four legs.
i Both sleep through the winter.
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3 How long do cubs stay with their mothers?

a two to three days
b two to three years
c two to three weeks
d two to three months

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 4 Grade 2 35
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4 How are panda bears DIFFERENT from other

kinds of bears?
f They eat very little.
g They only eat meat.
h They only eat plants.
i They eat both plants and meat.

5 How do bears who sleep through most of the

winter survive?
a They wake often to find food.
b They find food when they need it.
c They live off the fat stored in their bodies.
d They store food in their den to eat when they
get hungry.

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36 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 4

Name: Date:

Poetry—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: moving up and down

• Verb: swinging or swaying about loosely

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a lifting
b flapping
c grasping
d floating

2 Which of the following animals has feathers?

f bird
g dolphin
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h fox
i snail

3 Which word means “put into words”?

a laugh
b practice
c express
d play

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 5 Grade 2 37
Name: Date:

4 The word behave means

f to attend school.
g to be a leader.
h to grow up.
i to act well.

5 A form of writing that expresses imagination or

feelings is
a a poem.
c a rhyme.
b rhythm.
d narrative nonfiction.

6 Repeating beats in a poem is called

f rhythm. h narrative.
g rhyme. i word choice.

7 Which word rhymes with flea?

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a fly c me
b leaf d meat

8 Word choice means

f using words that rhyme.
g using colorful, exact words.
h using words with repeating beats.
i using words with the same sounds.


38 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 5

Name: Date:

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 How are these poems the SAME?

a They both describe turtles.
b They both describe people.
c They both describe living things.
d They both compare animals to cars.

2 In the poem “Beetles,” what does the poet say

beetles are like?
f polish
g an old car
h tiny things
i a freshly painted car
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3 Reread “Beetles.” Which words rhyme?

a shiny and car
b polish and car
c shiny and tiny
d freshly and tiny

Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 5 Grade 2 39
Name: Date:

4 In the poem “The Little Turtle,” where does the

turtle live?
f in a box
g on rocks
h in a puddle
i an old hotel in the West

5 Reread the second stanza of “The Little Turtle.”

He snapped at a mosquito.
He snapped at a flea.
He snapped at a minnow.
And he snapped at me.

Which words are repeated in each line?

a he snapped at
b at a mosquito
c and he

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d at me


40 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 2, Week 5

Name: Date:

I Fall Down—Selection Vocabulary

Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does the word objects mean?

a feelings
b thoughts
c actions
d things

2 The word proved means

f wished to be true.
g showed to be true.
h knew to be false.
i knew to be possible.

3 If something is amazing, it is
a very surprising.
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b very common.
c very large.
d very fast.

4 If something is true, it is
f heavy.
g light.
h right.
i wrong.

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 1 Grade 2 41
Name: Date:

5 The weight of something is

a how tall it is.
b how it looks.
c how wide it is.
d how heavy it is.

6 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: find the size or amount of something

• Noun: the size or amount of something

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
f compare
g contrast
h measure
i scale

7 A push or a pull is called

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a distance.
b a force.
c growth.
d a strength.

8 Which word means “quickness of movement”?

f speed h depth
g track i flash


42 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 1

Name: Date:

I Fall Down—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What is the topic of “I Fall Down”?

a Gravity pulls things down.
b Some things fall faster than others.
c Some things weigh more than others.
d You can see if one object is heavier
than another

2 When an object is thrown into the air, what

causes it to fall down?
f air
g forces
h gravity
i people
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3 What can have an effect on gravity?

a air
b mass
c water
d weight

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 1 Grade 2 43
Name: Date:

4 Which sentence BEST describes what weight is?

f a force on an object
g how fast something falls
h gravity’s pull on an object
i gravity’s push on an object

5 How does the weight of something affect how

hard it lands?
a The less it weighs, the harder it will fall.
b The less it weighs, the slower it will fall.
c The more it weighs, the softer it will fall.
d The more it weighs, the harder it will fall.

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44 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 1

Name: Date:

Mr. Putter & Tabby See the Stars—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 A neighbor is
a someone who lives with you.
b someone who lives far away.
c someone who lives nearby.
d someone who likes you.

2 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: seen during sleep

• Verb: imagined

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
f forgot
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g remembered
h believed
i dreamed

3 An adventure is
a a bad experience.
b an exciting experience.
c an ordinary experience.
d a disappointing experience.

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 2 Grade 2 45
Name: Date:

4 If you are delighted, you are

f unhappy. h angry.
g pleased. i lucky.

5 Which word means “felt happy with”?

a enjoyed c remained
b observed d shared

6 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: made a low, heavy sound

• Verb: complained

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
f responded h grumbled
g shouted i stumbled

7 What does the word moonlight mean?

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a the moon’s temperature
b the moon’s distance
c the moon’s surface
d the moon’s glow

8 Which word means “the dark part of the day”?

f morning h dawn
g afternoon i nighttime


46 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 2

Name: Date:

Mr. Putter & Tabby See the Stars—

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What do Mr. Putter and Tabby like to do?

a dream
b eat
c play
d sleep

2 Why could Mr. Putter not sleep?

f His pillow was too flat.
g His stomach was grumbling.
h He wanted to eat another jelly roll.
i He was dreaming about adventures.
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3 How did Mr. Putter solve his problem of not being

able to sleep?
a He ate a jelly roll.
b He plumped up his pillow.
c He dreamed of adventures.
d He and Tabby went for a walk.

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 2 Grade 2 47
Name: Date:

4 When Mr. Potter and Tabby sat on the lawn

with Mrs. Teaberry, how were Mr. Potter
and Zeke ALIKE?
f They were both sleepy.
g They were both hungry.
h They both had grumbling stomachs.
i They both were laughing a lot.

5 At the end of the story, what did Mr. Potter do

AFTER he read Zeke’s note?
a He walked over to Mrs. Teaberry’s house.
b He made some jelly rolls for Mrs. Teaberry.
c He gave Zeke some food.
d He took a very long nap.

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48 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 2

Name: Date:

Biblioburro: A True Story From

Colombia—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does the word insists mean?

a asks
b suggests
c demands
d reminds

2 Which word means “the land outside of a city”?

f countryside
g neighborhood
h district
i capitol

3 What does the word villages mean?

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a very small homes

b very small towns
c very small parks
d very small cities

4 Which word means “from one side to the other”?

f around h across
g behind i below

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 3 Grade 2 49
Name: Date:

5 Which word means “take as a loan”?

a buy
b return
c change
d borrow

6 Which word means “unhappy from being alone”?

f lively
g lonely
h busy
i special

7 What does the word idea mean?

a thought
b game
c voice
d sound

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8 Which word means “answer”?
f question
g thought
h problem
i solution


50 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 3

Name: Date:

Biblioburro: A True Story From

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 How does Luis solve his problem of having too

many books?
a He lets people take them.
b He takes them to a library.
c He hands them out to his neighbors.
d He brings the Burro Library to faraway villages.

2 Who helps Luis take the books to the

faraway villages?
f Diana, his wife
g two burros
h a bandit
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i a horse

3 What problem does Luis face at the stream?

a Alfa balks because the sun is too hot.
b Luis does not want to drink the water.
c Beto does not want to cross the stream.
d The burros balk and the books fall in the water.

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 3 Grade 2 51
Name: Date:

4 At the end of the selection, how are Luis and the

children in the hills ALIKE?
f They are sleeping soundly.
g They are giving their books away.
h They are sharing their books with others.
i They are reading their books late at night.

5 What lesson do you learn from the story?

a Children do not like books.
b Burros are trustworthy animals.
c One person can make a difference.
d Gifts can come from the most unlikely places.

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52 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 3

Name: Date:

Wild Weather—Selection Vocabulary

Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 The word destroy means

a look down upon.
b turn away from.
c break apart.
d speak up.

2 Which word means “keep from happening”?

f invent
g create
h prevent
i prepare

3 What does the word damage mean?

a fear
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b harm
c force
d strength

4 Which word means “notice of danger”?

f warning
g sign
h label
i stoplight

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 4 Grade 2 53
Name: Date:

5 The word dangerous means

a not real.
b not right.
c not useful.
d not safe.

6 The word harsh means

f comfortable.
g rough.
h mild.
i calm.

7 Which word means “changes in the air”?

a forecast
b season
c weather
d summer

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8 Which word means “an important happening”?
f morning
g detail
h routine
i event


54 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 4

Name: Date:

Wild Weather—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What is the topic of “Wild Weather”?

a Storms cannot be prevented.
b Early warnings help to save lives.
c There are several kinds of storms.
d Changes in the air are called weather.

2 Why is lightning dangerous?

f It is scary to look at.
g The thunder can be loud.
h The heat from lightning can start a fire.
i A bolt of lightning can be up to ten miles long.

3 Where do hurricanes form?

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a over warm ocean waters

b over cool ocean waters
c over freshwater lakes
d over cities

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 4 Grade 2 55
Name: Date:

4 Which kind of storm occurs during the winter?

f blizzard
g hurricane
h thunderstorm
i tornado

5 All of the following are safety tips given in the

selection EXCEPT
a stay near windows.
b keep a storm safety kit handy.
c stay inside during strong storms.
d keep away from downed power lines.

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56 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 4

Name: Date:

Many Ways to Enjoy Music—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does the word concert mean?

a musical program
b instruments
c orchestra
d musician

2 Which of the following is NOT an example of a

musical instrument?
f piano
g clarinet
h television
i violin
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3 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Noun: parts of a long musical piece

• Noun: the changing of positions

Which of the following words is defined in the

entry above?
a songs c composers
b movements d notes

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 5 Grade 2 57
Name: Date:

4 If you understand something, you

f disagree with it.
g know what it means.
h are unfamiliar with it.
i cannot figure it out.

5 Which word means “a regular beat”?

a rhyme c jazz
b song d rhythm

6 Which word means “gave shouts of happiness”?

f cheered h nodded
g shouted i praised

7 Which of the following is NOT an example

of music?
a tune
b song

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c discussion
d melody

8 Which word means “what can be heard”?

f thoughts
g dreams
h pictures
i sounds


58 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 5

Name: Date:

Many Ways to Enjoy Music—

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 How many sections do orchestras usually have?

a one
b two
c four
d five

2 What do interpreters do to help deaf people

enjoy concerts?
f show pictures
g shake their seats
h shake their fists in the air
i use movements and sign language
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3 What helps deaf people feel the rhythm during

a concert?
a a special chair
b special glasses
c a special tablet
d a special camera

Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 5 Grade 2 59
Name: Date:

4 What is the topic of “Many Ways to Enjoy Music”?

f At some concerts, rock bands perform.
g At a concert, loud music booms from the stage.
h At this rock concert, a deaf fan sensed the
i Interpreters and technology can help deaf
people enjoy a concert.

5 After reading, you can tell that

a technology for deaf people is limited.
b deaf people do not get much out of concerts.
c deaf people can have a lot of fun at concerts.
d interpreters can only help deaf people at
rock concerts.

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60 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 3, Week 5

Name: Date:

Rain Forests—Selection Vocabulary

Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 In a rain forest, the canopy and understory are

a layers. c emergent.
b life-forms. d eerie.

2 Which of the following words means “full of life”?

f region h lively
g temperate i peaceful

3 Which of the following words is defined below?

Four periods of the year: spring,
summer, autumn and winter
a calendars
b holidays
c months
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d seasons

4 If a plant shows growth, it

f withers and dries up.
g lives and becomes bigger.
h provides homes for animals.
i provides seeds for other plants.

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 1 Grade 2 61
Name: Date:

5 What does eerie mean?

a new
b interesting
c frightening
d powerful

6 A temperate climate is usually

f freezing. h harsh.
g hot. i mild.

7 Which word means “a large area of the world”?

a temperate
b seasons
c region
d layers

8 What does location mean?

f land

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g map
h place
i street


62 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 1

Name: Date:

Rain Forests—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 Which word BEST describe all rain forests?

a cool
b dry
c hot
d wet

2 Which rain forest layer is dark and eerie?

f canopy
g emergent
h forest floor
i understory

3 How are tropical rain forests and temperate rain

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forests DIFFERENT?
a Rain only falls in tropical rain forests.
b Rain only falls in temperate rain forests.
c Seasons change in temperate rain forests, but
not in tropical rain forests.
d Seasons change in tropical rain forests, but not
in temperate rain forests.

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 1 Grade 2 63
Name: Date:

4 From where do epiphytes get food and water?

f air
g animals
h plants
i soil

5 Army ants march in

a colonies.
b layers.
c leaves.
d swarms.

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64 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 1

Name: Date:

Volcanoes—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does solid mean?

a cool and wet
b firm and hard
c soft and sticky
d rough and sharp

2 Where would you MOST LIKELY see

something steep?
f in the sky
g in a field
h on a lake
i in the mountains

3 What does active mean?

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a amusing c busy
b careful d messy

4 A local place is
f far away.
g near your home.
h in another country.
i a place that has volcanoes.

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 2 Grade 2 65
Name: Date:

5 What is an island?
a land below water
b land circled by water
c water circled by trees
d sand that forms a beach

6 If you see something explode, it

f blows up.
g disappears.
h flattens out.
i gets bigger.

7 Properties mean
a jobs of workers.
b grades of students.
c talents of someone.
d qualities of something.

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8 Which of the following words means the “ground
or land”?
f border
g earth
h ocean
i volcano


66 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 2

Name: Date:

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What is Earth’s crust broken into?

a egg shells
b pans
c plates
d shields

2 How does a volcano form?

f when ice from glaciers build up
g when rocks build up around a mountain
h when lava pushes up through an
existing mountain
i when a lot of lava flows out at one spot and
forms a mountain
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3 Volcanoes swell when

a air builds up inside it.
b there is too much rain.
c magma pushes up inside it.
d lava shoots out and falls back inside it.

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 2 Grade 2 67
Name: Date:

4 What is the topic of the paragraph on page 330

of “Volcanoes”?
f Lava can destroy buildings.
g Volcanic ash does not cause problems.
h Hot lava from volcanoes can cause damage.
i Mount Saint Helens knocked down whole

5 How can volcanic ash help the environment?

a It can be recycled.
b The wind carries ash.
c Animals can eat it the minerals in it.
d Minerals in the ash can help plants grow.

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68 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 2

Name: Date:

Dear Primo: A Letter to

My Cousin—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does it mean to wonder?

a to be curious
b to feel afraid
c to be grateful
d to solve a problem

2 Which of the following words means “having

something on all sides”?
f discovered h surrounded
g escaped i treasured

3 Travels means
a runs around.
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b rides outdoors.
c goes someplace.
d walks everywhere.

4 Where would you most likely see costumes?

f at a park
g in a stage play
h on a school bus
i at a grocery store

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 3 Grade 2 69
Name: Date:

5 What does favorite mean?

a amazing
b best-liked
c usual
d world-class

6 What are parades?

f marches to music
g dances on a stage
h races to the finish line
i songs sung by large groups

7 What does the word customs mean?

a old habits
b funny jokes
c shared meals
d special keepsakes

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8 Which phrase BEST completes this sentence?
Jumping rope is game that
children around the world play.
f a common
g an expensive
h a private
i an unused


70 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 3

Name: Date:

Dear Primo: A Letter to

My Cousin—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 Where does Carlitos live?

a Mexico
b America
c a big city
d New Mexico

2 How are the ways the boys get to

f Charlie rides his bicycle and Carlitos rides
a subway.
g Charlie rides a subway and Carlitos rides
his bicycle.
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h Charlie rides his bicycle and Carlitos walks

to school.
i Charlie walks to school and Carlitos rides
his bicycle.

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 3 Grade 2 71
Name: Date:

3 What does Carlitos do when he is finished with

his homework?
a He goes outside and plays.
b He plays video games with his friends.
c He plays with his friends in his building.
d He goes to the mercado with his parents.

4 When the weather gets too hot, what does Charlie

do to cool off?
f He jumps in a small river.
g He goes to a nearby pool.
h He jumps in a nearby pond.
i He gets splashed by the water from the
fire hydrant.

5 One conclusion that can be made about

Charlie and Carlitos is that
a they have completely different lives.

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b they would not like one another’s homes.
c they are each happier at their own homes.
d they would like one another to see their homes.


72 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 3

Name: Date:

How the Beetle Got Her Colors—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 When you have plenty of something, you have

a only a little.
b more than enough.
c less than is needed.
d just what is needed.

2 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: move fast

• Noun: a short race

Which of the following words is defined above?

f creep
g dash
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h hustle
i jog

3 Where would you most likely see a victory?

a at a picnic
b at a parade
c at a concert
d at a spelling bee

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 4 Grade 2 73
Name: Date:

4 What does holler mean?

f breath h speech
g shout i whisper

5 Which of the following words means “feeling bad

about something you have done”?
a ashamed c forgetful
b discouraged d satisfied

6 What does boast mean?

f act h cheer
g brag i yell

7 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

The teacher uses her to guide
the students.
a anger
b hope

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c joy
d wisdom

8 What does the word similarities mean?

f things that are next to each other
g things that are different
h things that are alike
i things that are small


74 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 4

Name: Date:

How the Beetle Got Her Colors—

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What does this folktale tell us about the

natural world?
a why beetles change their colors
b why beetles have such plain colors
c why beetles have such bright colors
d why beetles do not have many colors

2 Where does the story take place?

f a city in Brazil
g a city in America
h a rain forest in Brazil
i a rain forest in America
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3 Why does Parrot not want to come closer to see

the interesting designs on Anaconda’s body?
a She might not be safe if she does.
b She does not like to leave her tree.
c She does not get along with Anaconda.
d She is upset that everyone is teasing Beetle.

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 4 Grade 2 75
Name: Date:

4 What does Parrot do to get the animals to stop

teasing Beetle?
f She proposes a race between Jaguar
and Beetle.
g She proposes a race between Agouti
and Beetle.
h She proposes a race between Anaconda
and Beetle.
i She proposes a race between Arrow Frog
and Beetle.

5 How does Beetle win?

a She flies.
b She uses her six legs.
c She outsmarts the other animal.
d She passes the other animal who stops to take
a nap.

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76 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 4

Name: Date:

Poetry—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What word means “light in color”?

a bright
b dull
c pale
d tinted

2 What does the word drops mean?

f tiny grains of sand
g thin blades of grass
h large slivers of wood
i small amounts of liquid

3 Which of the following items would most likely be

found outdoors?
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a pans c soap
b rugs d trees

4 Which word BEST completes the sentence?

A field trip to the zoo students.
f bores h disappoints
g confuses i excites

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 5 Grade 2 77
Name: Date:

5 Repeating words in a poem is called

a alliteration.
b choice.
c repetition.
d rhythm.

6 Which line is an example of alliteration ?

f The summer sun slowly sets.
g Snow falls to the ground.
h Let the rain kiss you.
i And I love the rain.

7 Which is an example of a simile ?

a The rain sings a lullaby.
b The sun smiles on us all.
c The rain makes little pools.
d His smile is as bright as the sun.

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8 In a free verse poem,
f the words need to rhyme.
g phrases need to be repeated.
h the words do not make sense.
i the words do not need to rhyme.


78 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 5

Name: Date:

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 How are these two poems ALIKE?

a They both are about rain.
b They are the same length.
c They both are about songs.
d They are written by the same poet.

2 What words are repeated in each line of “April

Rain Song”?
f the rain
g let the rain
h the rain plays
i the rain makes
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3 How does the poet of “April Rain Song” feel

about rain?
a It keeps him awake at night.
b He thinks it is too loud.
c He is bothered by it.
d He loves it.

Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 5 Grade 2 79
Name: Date:

4 What does the poet of “Rain Poem” compare

rain to?
f a song
g a house
h a mouse
i a window sill

5 Which words rhyme in the SECOND stanza of

“Rain Poem”?
a mouse and and; gray and sill
b mouse and house; gray and and
c understand and and; until and sill
d understand and until; and and still

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80 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 4, Week 5

Name: Date:

Grace for President—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does champion mean?

a chief c star
b model d winner

2 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

The weather whether we
went to the park or stayed home.
f cleared
g determined
h included
i promised

3 Read the dictionary entry below.

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• Noun: Topics for debate or discussion

• Noun: Problems

Which of the following words is defined above?

a clues
b ideas
c issues
d laws

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 1 Grade 2 81
Name: Date:

4 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

Teri and Anne made to always
share and to be friends forever.
f arguments h promises
g issues i rights

5 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

A million were counted on
Election Day.
a cards c people
b jobs d votes

6 What does volunteered mean?

f saved time
g offered help
h brought food
i earned money

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7 What does responsibility mean?
a action c reach
b duty d rules

8 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

People marched to the capital and
demanded their .
f bills h rights
g gifts i vacations

82 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 1

Name: Date:

Grace for President—Comprehension

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What is the setting of the story?

a Grace’s house in September
b Thomas’s house in September
c the White House in September
d Woodrow Wilson Elementary School
in September

2 Why does Grace’s heart sink when her teacher

announces that she will be running against
Thomas Cobb?
f She does not get along with Thomas.
g Thomas is not a very nice student.
h Thomas is good at everything he does.
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i She really does not want to run for president.

3 Who wins the election?

a Clara
b Grace
c Sam
d Thomas

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 1 Grade 2 83
Name: Date:

4 How might Thomas have won the election?

f He could have studied more.
g He could have made buttons like Grace.
h He could have come up with a
campaign slogan.
i He could have continued to campaign
like Grace.

5 How does Grace change her classmates’ feelings

about her wanting to be president?
a She proves that she could win.
b She proves that girls could campaign well.
c She proves that she could be vice president.
d She proves that girls could not be president.

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84 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 1

Name: Date:

Once Upon a Baby Brother—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Which of the following words is defined below?

To create a picture of something
in words
a describe
b determine
c interact
d prove

2 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

We need to be while we stand
in line for a drink.
f different
g nervous
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h patient
i smart

3 What does amused mean?

a caused to worry
b caused to hurry
c caused to think clearly
d caused to smile or laugh

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 2 Grade 2 85
Name: Date:

4 What does peaceful mean?

f calm h funny
g common i sunny

5 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

It took great to write this
fantasy about an undersea world.
a fitness c imagination
b honesty d planning

6 What does entertained mean?

f changed
g watched
h pleased
i explored

7 What does cooperate mean?

a to live alone

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b to work together
c to discuss problems
d to create new things

8 If you interact with someone, you

f watch TV together.
g listen but do not speak.
h work in different rooms.
i both ask and answer questions.

86 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 2

Name: Date:

Once Upon a Baby

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What did Lizzie love to do from the time she

could talk?
a take naps
b tell stories
c read books
d write stories

2 Who is Big George?

f Lizzie’s cat
g Lizzie’s dad
h Lizzie’s dog
i Lizzie’s brother
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3 How did Lizzie feel when her mother took Marvin

to Gramma’s?
a important
b sad
c thrilled
d worried

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 2 Grade 2 87
Name: Date:

4 After Lizzie could not think of anything to write,

what gave her an idea?
f She listened to music.
g Marvin spilled her juice.
h Big George made a mess.
i She read her favorite fairy tales.

5 The story gives you reason to believe that

a Marvin will always bother Lizzie.
b Lizzie is happiest when Marvin goes
to Gramma’s.
c Lizzie will never have trouble thinking of a
story again.
d Marvin and his messes gave Lizzie inspiration
for her stories.

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88 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 2

Name: Date:

Brave Bessie—Selection Vocabulary

Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Which of the following words is defined below?

To have the same feeling or opinion
a agree
b create
c decide
d gather

2 A librarian would MOST LIKELY be interested in

which of the following activities?
f reading books
g playing baseball
h painting pictures
i planting flowers
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3 Which of the following words means to “give a

show in public”?
a attend
b compete
c cooperate
d perform

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 3 Grade 2 89
Name: Date:

4 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: To do well
• Verb: To do what you wanted to do

Which of the following words is defined above?

f boast h rescue
g cure i succeed

5 What does study mean?

a to try to learn
b to keep protected
c to help do something
d to follow a set of steps

6 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

Jenny said it was to hike up
the mountain.
f behaving h inviting

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g challenging i succeeding

7 Heroes means
a brave people. c serious citizens.
b hard workers. d selfish neighbors.

8 If you discover something, you

f find it. h look for it.
g cover it. i put it together.

90 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 3

Name: Date:

Brave Bessie—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 Why did Bessie have to leave college?

a She missed her family.
b She could not afford it.
c She did not want to learn.
d She did not get good grades.

2 How did Bessie become interested in flying?

f She met a lady pilot.
g She learned about planes in college.
h She went to an air show in Chicago.
i She heard her brother talk about lady pilots.

3 Why could Bessie not find someone in America to

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teach her to fly?

a She did not have enough money to pay for
the lessons.
b Her grades were not good enough to become
a pilot.
c No one would teach her because of her
skin color.
d She was a woman.

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 3 Grade 2 91
Name: Date:

4 What did Bessie have to do BEFORE she went

to France?
f find an apartment
g learn to speak French
h learn to fly a plane by herself
i find someone to teach her how to fly

5 What is the topic of “Brave Bessie”?

a Bessie Coleman wanted to be like
Harriet Tubman.
b Bessie Coleman had to study a lot in order
to succeed.
c Bessie Coleman dreamed of becoming a
rich person.
d Bessie Coleman was determined to succeed
at becoming a pilot.

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92 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 3

Name: Date:

The Woodcutter’s Gift—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does curious mean?

a ready to help c willing to obey
b eager to learn d unable to sleep

2 What does distance mean?

f a map key
g a far off place
h the universe or world
i a measurement of time

3 What does enormous mean?

a extra c square-shaped
b miniature d very large
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4 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Adverb: kindly
• Adverb: softly

Which of the following words is defined above?

f gently h skillfully
g quietly i slowly

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 4 Grade 2 93
Name: Date:

5 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

The winner showed she was pleased
with herself by speaking .
a nervously
b proudly
c quickly
d shyly

6 Rarely means
f never.
g not often.
h usually.
i yearly.

7 Which of the following items is one of our

Earth resources?
a highways

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b gasoline
c landfills
d water

8 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

The campers had a large of
food in their tent.
f bundle h shelf
g feast i supply


94 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 4

Name: Date:

The Woodcutter’s Gift—Comprehension

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What was the MAIN problem in the story?

a The townspeople did not get along with
one another.
b They needed to carry large pieces to the
woodcutter’s home.
c A thunderstorm knocked down the giant
mesquite tree in the town square.
d There was a giant mesquite tree growing out of
control in the town square.

2 Who did the townspeople ask to help solve

the problem?
f the mayor h the woodcutter
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g the gardener i the house painter

3 Why did the woodcutter lock his shed every night?

a He was hiding a secret.
b He did not want anyone to take his artwork.
c He was afraid someone would take his tools.
d He did not want anyone to see what he
was creating.

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 4 Grade 2 95
Name: Date:

4 What did the woodcutter make with the wood from

the mesquite tree?
f furniture
g firewood
h life-sized wooden people
i life-sized wooden animals

5 One conclusion that can be made about the

townspeople is
a that they will all be best friends.
b that they will not speak to one another.
c that they will speak to one another more often.
d that they will ask the woodcutter to stop
making art.

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96 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 4

Name: Date:

Setting the Rules—

Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

The groups made one
large club.
a changed c scattered
b crowded d united

2 What does history mean?

f what will never happen
g what has happened in the past
h what might happen in the future
i what always happens in the same way

3 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

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“Help me!” the boy.

a exclaimed c mumbled
b joked d reported

4 What does public mean?

f all children h some groups
g all people i an individual

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 5 Grade 2 97
Name: Date:

5 What does finally mean?

a at last
b forever
c once in a while
d in the beginning

6 Which of the following items would writers MOST

f camera h paint
g computer i piano

7 Which of the following words is defined below?

What you must or must not do
a freedoms
b games
c rules
d suggestions

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8 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: To make
• Verb: To put together

Which of the following words is defined above?

f divide h form
g fold i scrape


98 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 5

Name: Date:

Setting the Rules—Comprehension

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 The Framers thought the country needed a better

government because
a nobody got along.
b there was no leader.
c people needed rights.
d each state had its own rules.

2 What does the Constitution explain?

f driving laws
g the rules of the country
h who founded the country
i how the country was founded
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3 How are the Constitution and the American

flag ALIKE?
a They both stand for peace.
b They both stand for freedom.
c They were both created in the same year.
d They were both made by George Washington.

Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 5 Grade 2 99
Name: Date:

4 Why are changes made to the Constitution?

f to fix errors
g to make it more interesting
h to help make life better for people
i to let new presidents make changes

5 Why is the Constitution known as a

living document?
a It will always stay the same.
b It has been around for over 200 years.
c It can be changed or updated at any time.
d It lives in a museum in Washington, D.C.

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100 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 5, Week 5

Name: Date:

The Golden Flower: A Taino Myth from

Puerto Rico—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Which word means “made a soft, fluttering sound”?

a allowed c rustled
b appeared d surrounded

2 What does appeared mean?

f came into sight
g hidden by darkness
h heard from far away
i discovered by surprise

3 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

The leaves turned a color in
the fall.
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a cold c heavy
b golden d plastic

4 Which of the following words means “giving

out light”?
f dreaming
g ringing
h shining
i waking

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 1 Grade 2 101
Name: Date:

5 What does edge mean?

a border
b center
c perch
d ramp

6 What does the word crops mean?

f plants grown for food
g cattle raised on ranches
h fields plowed in the spring
i trees cut down in the rain forest

7 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

Butterflies pass through the
caterpillar and pupa of life.
a plans
b rules

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c stages
d tasks

8 What does develop mean?

f to burst
g to feed
h to grow
i to spread


102 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 1

Name: Date:

The Golden Flower: A Taino Myth from

Puerto Rico—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 At the BEGINNING of the story, where do the

people live?
a in a forest
b on an island
c on the desert plain
d on top of the mountain

2 What grew at first when the boy planted

the seeds?
f grass
g a vine
h a forest
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i one tree

3 Why did people stay away from the

beautiful flower?
a It had a bad smell.
b They were afraid of it.
c Its color was too bright.
d They were told to stay away.

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 1 Grade 2 103
Name: Date:

4 What was the ball that grew inside the flower?

f a globe
g an apple
h a big seed
i a pumpkin

5 What happened AFTER the ball rolled down

the mountain?
a It fell into the sea.
b It landed in a hole.
c It crashed and water poured out.
d It crashed and broke into a million pieces.

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104 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 1

Name: Date:

My Light—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Which of the following words means the “power

to do work”?
a energy
b experiment
c movement
d pressure

2 Which word means “quiet” or “still”?

f purring
g silent
h shrill
i thunderous

3 What does haul mean?

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a build c dig
b carry d slide

4 If something flows, it
f sticks like glue.
g runs like water.
h sinks like a stone.
i hardens like cement.

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 2 Grade 2 105
Name: Date:

5 Where are underground wires located?

a in plain sight
b up in the air
c deep in the soil
d underwater

6 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

runs lamps, TVs, and
f Air h Light
g Electricity i Liquid

7 Which of the following words is defined below?

Of or from the sun
a blinding c colorful
b clear d solar

8 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Noun: Electricity or other forms of energy Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

or force
• Noun: Ability to act

Which of the following words is defined above?

f power h speed
g progress i strength


106 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 2

Name: Date:

My Light—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What is the topic of “My Light”?

a The light from the sun is bright.
b There are many types of energy.
c We could not live without energy.
d The light from the sun is gives us energy
in many ways.

2 What causes wind?

f the weather
g the light from the sun
h warm air rises and cooler air pours in
i cool air rises and warmer air pours in
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3 How do green plants use the sun’s light?

a to build leaves and stems
b to grow new plants
c to stay warm
d to stay moist

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 2 Grade 2 107
Name: Date:

4 What happens to plants that die and get buried for

millions of years?
f They grow leaves.
g They turn into coal.
h They turn into new plants.
i They become food for animals.

5 After reading the selection, you can conclude that

a the sun makes life easier.
b the moon depends on the sun.
c people could live without the sun.
d people depend on light from the sun every day.

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108 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 2

Name: Date:

Astronaut Handbook—
Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Adjective: Serious
• Adjective: Having great meaning or value

Which of the following words is defined above?

a capable c important
b healthy d right

2 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

Cars and computers are
people use every day.
f customs h materials
g machines i supplies
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3 What does prepare mean?

a to study c to organize
b to get ready d to follow directions

4 If you repair something, you

f build it. h fix it.
g damage it. i store it.

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 3 Grade 2 109
Name: Date:

5 Which of the following words is defined below?

Something that happens because
of something else
a cause
b problem
c record
d result

6 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

I will observe an ant farm for this
f historic h original
g natural i scientific

7 Which word means the “act of searching to

discover new things”?
a communication
b education

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c exploration
d participation

8 What does teamwork mean?

f working together
g working on your own
h working to win a game
i working to explore new places


110 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 3

Name: Date:

Astronaut Handbook—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 All of the following are kinds of astronauts EXCEPT

a those who conduct experiments.
b those who fly space shuttles.
c those who repair satellites.
d those who go camping.

2 Why is the special plane called the Vomit Comet?

f It can make you float.
g It can make you feel sick.
h It does not move very fast.
i It moves faster than a comet.

3 What do astronauts eat for dessert in space?

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a liquid pie
b freeze-dried pie
c liquid ice cream
d freeze-dried ice cream

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 3 Grade 2 111
Name: Date:

4 Why do space suits have seven inside layers?

f to protect astronauts from extreme
g to help astronauts float in space
h to reflect the rays of the sun
i to fit snugly

5 What is the topic of “Astronaut Handbook”?

a It tells how someone prepares to become
an astronaut.
b It tells how astronauts prepare for a flight.
c It describes the food astronauts eat.
d It describes what astronauts wear.

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112 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 3

Name: Date:

Money Madness—
Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Verb: Made something for the first time

• Verb: Thought up and created
something new

Which of the following words is defined above?

a dreamed c imagined
b identified d invented

2 What does the word prices mean?

f costs
g deposits
h loans
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i payments

3 Which of the following words is defined below?

Something written down and kept
about what a person or group
has done
a cartoon c rhythm
b record d video

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 4 Grade 2 113
Name: Date:

4 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

Our country’s banking will
be improved soon.
f lines h tellers
g system i vaults

5 What does value mean?

a a kind of bank account
b what something is worth
c money that is exchanged
d a trade for something equal

6 What does worth mean?

f overpriced
g free of charge
h equal in value to
i deeply discounted

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7 Which of the following words means coins and
bills that people use to buy things?
a checks c mint
b jewels d money

8 What does purchase mean?

f buy h lend
g choose i sell


114 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 4

Name: Date:

Money Madness—Comprehension
Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 What did people do to get what they needed

BEFORE there was money?
a They used coins.
b They gathered and hunted.
c They took other people’s things.
d They used only plants for food and clothing.

2 Which of the following is an example of bartering?

f paying with rocks for a toy
g paying with feathers for a toy
h trading one toy for another toy
i gathering materials to make a toy
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3 All of the following are animals that people valued

long ago EXCEPT
a camels.
b cows.
c elephants.
d sheep.

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 4 Grade 2 115
Name: Date:

4 Why were bronze and copper used to make

money long ago?
f They were not heavy metals.
g They could be cut into small pieces.
h Everyone had access to bronze and copper.
i There was a lot of bronze and copper available.

5 What happens to the value of a dollar when

prices go up?
a The value goes up.
b The value doubles.
c The value goes down.
d The value does not change.

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116 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 4

Name: Date:

Poetry—Selection Vocabulary
Read each item below carefully and choose the
correct answer.

1 What does dazzling mean?

a alert c pale
b bright d hazy

2 What are repeated lines in a poem?

f lines that appear once
g lines that appear twice
h lines that appear three times
i lines that appear four times

3 Which of the following is a metaphor ?

a Ann sings like a bird.
b Dan runs like the wind.
c Her eyes were firefiles.
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d His arms beat like wings.

4 What does create mean?

f to begin
g to make
h to understand
i to copy

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 5 Grade 2 117
Name: Date:

5 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

The poet’s is to enjoy nature.
a alliteration
b beat
c message
d metaphor

6 Which word BEST completes this sentence?

There are 60 in a minute.
f clocks
g days
h hours
i seconds

7 Read the dictionary entry below.

• Noun: Power to create new ideas

• Noun: Pictures in a person’s mind

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Which of the following words is defined above?
a continent c imagination
b dazzling d invitation

8 What makes the rhythm in a poem?

f alliteration h lines
g beats i simile


118 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 5

Name: Date:

Read the following questions carefully. You may
look back at the selection to help find the answer
to each question.

1 How are all of these poems ALIKE?

a They all are about food.
b They all are about books.
c They all are free verse poems.
d They all have rhyming words.

2 In “Books to the Ceiling,” what does the poet

mean when he says he will have a long beard by
the time he reads the books?
f He will feel old when he reads all of his books.
g His beard will grow a little more with each
book he reads.
h He will be an old man by the time he finishes
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his stack of books.

i He will find a costume to wear while he reads
his stack of books.

3 In “Books to the Ceiling,” which two words rhyme?

a sky and high c high and time
b mile and high d time and them

Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 5 Grade 2 119
Name: Date:

4 What part of a book is the poet of “I’ve Got This

Covered” talking about?
f the table of contents
g the inside pages
h the title page
i the cover

5 In “Eating While Reading,” the poet repeats

the word or to
a rhyme it with other words.
b emphasize examples of food.
c emphasize beginning sounds.
d compare foods with other things.

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120 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Unit 6, Week 5

Answer Key Name:
Question Answer CCSS Question Answer CCSS
Unit 1 Week 1, Pages 1–4 Unit 1 Week 4, Pages 13–16
1 D L.2.6 1 B L.2.4e
2 I L.2.6 2 I L.2.6
3 C L.2.6 3 C L.2.6
4 G L.2.6 4 I L.2.6
5 D L.2.6 5 A L.2.6
6 H L.2.6 6 H L.2.6
7 B L.2.4e 7 D L.2.4e
8 F L.2.6 8 F L.2.6
1 C RL.2.3 1 B RI.2.1
2 I RL.2.3 2 I RI.2.1
3 B RL.2.3 3 C RI.2.2
4 I RL.2.1 4 G RI.2.3
5 C RL.2.2 5 A RI.2.2
Unit 1 Week 2, Pages 5–8 Unit 1 Week 5, Pages 17–20
1 C L.2.6 1 D L.2.6
2 G L.2.6 2 H L.2.6
3 A L.2.4e 3 B L.2.4e
4 I L.2.6 4 G L.2.6
5 D L.2.6 5 C L.2.6
6 H L.2.6 6 I L.2.6
7 B L.2.6 7 B L.2.6
8 F L.2.6 8 F L.2.6
1 A RL.2.3 1 A RI.2.3
2 G RL.2.3 2 F RI.2.1
3 D RL.2.3 3 B RI.2.3
4 F RL.2.3 4 G RI.2.3
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5 B RL.2.1 5 D RI.2.2
Unit 1 Week 3, Pages 9–12
1 C L.2.6
2 I L.2.6
3 A L.2.6
4 G L.2.4e
5 D L.2.6
6 H L.2.6
7 D L.2.6
8 F L.2.6
1 A RL.2.1
2 H RL.2.3
3 A RL.2.1
4 G RL.2.3
5 D RL.2.2

Selection Tests • Answer Key Grade 2 121

Answer Key Name:
Question Answer CCSS Question Answer CCSS
Unit 2 Week 1, Pages 21–24 Unit 2 Week 4, Pages 33–36
1 D L.2.6 1 B L.2.6
2 H L.2.4e 2 H L.2.6
3 A L.2.6 3 A L.2.6
4 G L.2.6 4 I L.2.6
5 D L.2.4e 5 B L.2.6
6 H L.2.6 6 G L.2.6
7 B L.2.6 7 D L.2.6
8 I L.2.6 8 H L.2.6
1 A RL.2.1 1 A RI.2.2
2 G RL.2.3 2 G RI.2.3
3 C RL.2.3 3 B RI.2.3
4 I RL.2.3 4 H RI.2.3
5 C RL.2.3 5 C RI.2.2
Unit 2 Week 2, Pages 25–28 Unit 2 Week 5, Pages 37–40
1 C L.2.6 1 B L.2.6
2 F L.2.6 2 F L.2.6
3 B L.2.6 3 C L.2.6
4 I L.2.6 4 I L.2.6
5 C L.2.6 5 A L.2.6
6 H L.2.6 6 F L.2.6
7 A L.2.6 7 C L.2.6
8 I L.2.6 8 G L.2.6
1 C RL.2.3 1 C RL.2.1
2 H RL.2.1 2 I RL.2.1
3 B RL.2.1 3 C RL.2.4
4 G RL.2.3 4 F RL.2.1

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5 A RL.2.2 5 A RL.2.4
Unit 2 Week 3, Pages 29–32
1 A L.2.6
2 F L.2.6
3 B L.2.6
4 I L.2.6
5 C L.2.6
6 G L.2.6
7 D L.2.6
8 H L.2.6
1 D RL.2.1
2 I RL.2.3
3 D RL.2.3
4 I RL.2.3
5 A RL.2.3

122 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Answer Key

Answer Key Name:
Question Answer CCSS Question Answer CCSS
Unit 3 Week 1, Pages 41–44 Unit 3 Week 4, Pages 53–56
1 D L.2.6 1 C L.2.6
2 G L.2.6 2 H L.2.6
3 A L.2.6 3 B L.2.6
4 H L.2.6 4 F L.2.6
5 D L.2.6 5 D L.2.6
6 H L.2.4e 6 G L.2.6
7 B L.2.6 7 C L.2.6
8 F L.2.6 8 I L.2.6
1 A RI.2.2 1 C RI.2.2
2 H RI.2.3 2 H RI.2.3
3 A RI.2.3 3 A RI.2.3
4 H RI.2.2 4 F RI.2.1
5 D RI.2.3 5 A RI.2.1
Unit 3 Week 2, Pages 45–48 Unit 3 Week 5, Pages 57–60
1 C L.2.6 1 A L.2.6
2 I L.2.4e 2 H L.2.6
3 B L.2.6 3 B L.2.4e
4 G L.2.6 4 G L.2.6
5 A L.2.6 5 D L.2.6
6 H L.2.4e 6 F L.2.6
7 D L.2.6 7 C L.2.6
8 I L.2.6 8 I L.2.6
1 D RL.2.1 1 C RI.2.2
2 G RL.2.3 2 I RI.2.2
3 D RL.2.3 3 A RI.2.3
4 I RL.2.3 4 I RI.2.2
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5 D RL.2.3 5 C RI.2.2
Unit 3 Week 3, Pages 49–52
1 C L.2.6
2 F L.2.6
3 B L.2.6
4 H L.2.6
5 D L.2.6
6 G L.2.6
7 A L.2.6
8 I L.2.6
1 D RL.2.3
2 G RL.2.1
3 C RL.2.3
4 I RL.2.3
5 C RL.2.2

Selection Tests • Answer Key Grade 2 123

Answer Key Name:
Question Answer CCSS Question Answer CCSS
Unit 4 Week 1, Pages 61–64 Unit 4 Week 4, Pages 73–76
1 A L.2.6 1 B L.2.6
2 H L.2.6 2 G L.2.4e
3 D L.2.6 3 D L.2.6
4 G L.2.6 4 G L.2.6
5 C L.2.6 5 A L.2.6
6 I L.2.6 6 G L.2.6
7 C L.2.6 7 D L.2.6
8 H L.2.6 8 H L.2.6
1 D RI.2.2 1 C RL.2.2
2 H RI.2.1 2 H RL.2.1
3 C RI.2.3 3 A RL.2.1
4 F RI.2.2 4 G RL.2.3
5 D RI.2.3 5 A RL.2.1
Unit 4 Week 2, Pages 65–68 Unit 4 Week 5, Pages 77–80
1 B L.2.6 1 C L.2.6
2 I L.2.6 2 I L.2.6
3 C L.2.6 3 D L.2.6
4 G L.2.6 4 I L.2.6
5 B L.2.6 5 C L.2.6
6 F L.2.6 6 F L.2.4e
7 D L.2.6 7 D L.2.6
8 G L.2.6 8 I L.2.6
1 C RI.2.2 1 A RL.2.1
2 I RI.2.2 2 F RL.2.4
3 C RI.2.3 3 D RL.2.1
4 H RI.2.2 4 H RL.2.1

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5 D RI.2.2 5 C RL.2.4
Unit 4 Week 3, Pages 69–72
1 A L.2.6
2 H L.2.6
3 C L.2.6
4 G L.2.5a
5 B L.2.6
6 F L.2.6
7 A L.2.6
8 F L.2.6
1 A RL.2.3
2 G RL.2.3
3 A RL.2.3
4 I RL.2.3
5 D RL.2.1

124 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Answer Key

Answer Key Name:
Question Answer CCSS Question Answer CCSS
Unit 5 Week 1, Pages 81–84 Unit 5 Week 4, Pages 93–96
1 D L.2.6 1 B L.2.6
2 G L.2.6 2 G L.2.6
3 C L.2.4e 3 D L.2.6
4 H L.2.6 4 F L.2.4e
5 D L.2.6 5 B L.2.6
6 G L.2.6 6 G L.2.6
7 B L.2.6 7 D L.2.6
8 H L.2.6 8 I L.2.6
1 D RL.2.1 1 C RL.2.3
2 H RL.2.1 2 H RL.2.1
3 B RL.2.1 3 D RL.2.3
4 I RL.2.1 4 I RL.2.1
5 A RL.2.3 5 C RL.2.1
Unit 5 Week 2, Pages 85–88 Unit 5 Week 5, Pages 97–100
1 A L.2.6 1 D L.2.6
2 H L.2.6 2 G L.2.6
3 D L.2.6 3 A L.2.6
4 F L.2.6 4 G L.2.6
5 C L.2.6 5 A L.2.6
6 H L.2.6 6 G L.2.6
7 B L.2.6 7 C L.2.6
8 I L.2.6 8 H L.2.4e
1 B RL.2.3 1 D RI.2.3
2 H RL.2.1 2 G RI.2.2
3 C RL.2.3 3 B RI.2.3
4 G RL.2.3 4 H RI.2.3
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5 D RL.2.1 5 C RI.2.2
Unit 5 Week 3, Pages 89–92
1 A L.2.6
2 F L.2.6
3 D L.2.6
4 I L.2.4e
5 A L.2.6
6 G L.2.6
7 A L.2.6
8 F L.2.6
1 B RI.2.3
2 I RI.2.3
3 C RI.2.1
4 G RI.2.3
5 D RI.2.2

Selection Tests • Answer Key Grade 2 125

Answer Key Name:
Question Answer CCSS Question Answer CCSS
Unit 6 Week 1, Pages 101–104 Unit 6 Week 4, Pages 113–116
1 C L.2.6 1 D L.2.4e
2 F L.2.6 2 F L.2.6
3 B L.2.6 3 B L.2.6
4 H L.2.6 4 G L.2.6
5 A L.2.6 5 B L.2.6
6 F L.2.6 6 H L.2.6
7 C L.2.6 7 D L.2.6
8 H L.2.6 8 F L.2.6
1 D RL.2.3 1 B RI.2.3
2 H RL.2.1 2 H RI.2.1
3 B RL.2.3 3 C RI.2.1
4 I RL.2.1 4 G RI.2.2
5 C RL.2.3 5 C RI.2.3
Unit 6 Week 2, Pages 105–108 Unit 6 Week 5, Pages 117–120
1 A L.2.6 1 B L.2.6
2 G L.2.6 2 G L.2.6
3 B L.2.6 3 C L.2.6
4 G L.2.6 4 G L.2.6
5 C L.2.6 5 C L.2.6
6 G L.2.6 6 I L.2.6
7 D L.2.6 7 C L.2.4e
8 F L.2.4e 8 G L.2.6
1 D RI.2.2 1 B RL.2.1
2 H RI.2.3 2 H RL.2.1
3 A RI.2.2 3 A RL.2.4
4 G RI.2.3 4 I RL.2.1

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5 D RI.2.2 5 B RL.2.4
Unit 6 Week 3, Pages 109–112
1 C L.2.4e
2 G L.2.6
3 B L.2.6
4 H L.2.6
5 D L.2.6
6 I L.2.6
7 C L.2.6
8 F L.2.6
1 D RI.2.1
2 G RI.2.1
3 D RI.2.1
4 F RI.2.3
5 A RI.2.2

126 Grade 2 Selection Tests • Answer Key

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