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Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences

Because we cannot say when the substance will have So the number of undecayed atoms goes 100-50-25-
entirely decayed, we have to think of another way of 12- ... and so on. It is because radioactive atoms decay
describing the rate of decay. As shown on the graph in in a random fashion that we get this pattern of decay.
Figure P22.08a, we identify the half-life of the substance, Notice that, just because one atom has not decayed in
which we describe as follows. the first half-life does not mean that it is more likely to
decay in the next half-life. It has no way of remembering
The half-life of a radioactive substance is the average time
its past.
taken for half of the atoms in a sample to decay.
Usually, we cannot measure the numbers of atoms in a
Uranium decays slowly because it has a very long half­
sample. Instead, we measure the count rate using a Geiger
life. The radioactive samples used in schools usually have
counter or some other detector. We might also determine
half-lives of a few years, so that they have to be replaced
the activity of a sample. This is the number of atoms that
once in a while. Some radioactive substances have half­
decay each second, and is measured in becquerels (Bq).
lives that are less than a microsecond. No sooner are they
An activity of 1 Bq is one decay per second. The count rate
formed than they decay into something else.
and activity both decrease following the same pattern as
the number of undecayed atoms.
Explaining half-life
After one half-life, half of the atoms in a radioactive sample WORKED EXAMPLE P22.0l
have decayed. However, this does not mean that all of
the atoms will have decayed after two half-lives. From the A sample of radioactive element X has an activity
graph of Figure P22.08a, you can see that one quarter will of 240 Bq. If the half-life of Xis 3 years, what will its
still remain after two half-lives. Why is this? activity be after 12 years?

Figure P22.09 shows one way of thinking about what Step 1: Calculate the number of half-lives in 12 years.
is going on. Imagine that we start with a sample of 100 12 years .
_- 4 ha If-11ves
undecayed atoms of a radioactive substance (white circles 3 years
in Figure P22.09a). They decay randomly (black circles in Hence we want to know the activity of the sample after
Figure P22.09b-d) - each undecayed atom has a so: so 4 half-lives.
chance of decaying in the course of one half-life. So, Step 2: Calculate the activity after 1, 2, 3 and
looking at the panels in Figure P22.09, we can describe the 4 half-lives (divide by 2 each time).
decay like this:
initial activity cc 240 Bq
a At the start, there are 100 undecayed atoms.
activity after l half-life= 120 Bq
b After one half-life, a random selection of SO atoms
has decayed. activity after 2 half-lives= 60 Bq
c During the next half-life, a random selection of half of
activity after 3 half-lives= 30 Bq
the remaining 50 atoms decays, leaving 25 undecayed.
d During the third half-life, half of the remaining atoms decay, activity after 4 half-lives= 15 Bq
leaving 12 or 13. (Of course, you cannot have half an atom.)

a b C d
000 o•oo••o••oo •••o••o••• ·••01••····
000 •o•oo••o•o •o••o••o•o •o•••••o••
000 ••oo••o.•o• •••o•••••• ••••••••••
000 o•o•ooo••o ••o•o•ia••o ••••·o••••o
oo·o, •o•o,d•o•o• •o••••ia,••• •o••••••••
00 •00••0•0•01 ••o••o•o•• •••••••o••i
o••o,o•o:o•• o•••o••o•• o•••,0•••••1
••o••oo•o• •••o•••o•o• ••0••·••0•1
oo••o••o•o ••••o••••• ········••j
oo 0 •o•o•oo•O• •••••o••o• •••••o••••
Figure P22.09 The pattern of radioactive decay comes about because the decay of individual atoms is random.
Half of the atoms decay during each half-life, but we have no way of predicting which individual atoms decay.
P22: Atomic physics

So the activity of the sample has fallen to 15 Bq

after 12 years.
(Another way to do this is as follows. We have found Geiger tube
that 12 years is 4 half-lives, so we need to divide the
initial activity by 24, which is 16, giving:
240 Bq uranium in
= lS Bq
16 denser I ayer

So the activity is 15 Bq after 12 years, as before.)

Figure P22.10 A practical arrangement for measuring the
half-life of the radioactive decay of protactinium-234.

Measuring a half-life
Figure P22.l0 shows how the half-life of a particular 80 -+---+---.--+---!--�-�
substance, protactinium-234, is measured in the lab. "' >< I
After the bottle has been shaken, the upper layer of � 60
liquid contains protactinium, which emits beta radiation
as it decays. Because its half-life is 70s, the count rate
§ 40 -+--+--+
decreases quickly. The number of counts in successive X
intervals of 10s is recorded. A graph is plotted of number X

of counts in each interval against time, as in Figure P22.ll. 0
The half-life can then be deduced from the decay graph, 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
as shown.
Figure P22.ll The count rate for the radioactive decay of
protactinium-234 decreases rapidly. The points show
some experimental scatter, so a smooth curve is drawn.
From this, the half-life can be deduced. Here the initial
P22.22 In an answer, a student wrote: The half-life of a count rate is 80. Half of this is 40. Reading across from this
radioactive substance is the time taken for half value to the curve and then down to the time axis gives the
of the atoms in a sample to decay.' What word is half-life as 67 s.
missing from that definition of half-life?
P22.23 A sample of a radioactive substance contains isotope. Unstable (radioactive) isotopes are known as
200 undecayed atoms. How many will remain radioisotopes.
undecayed a�er3 half-lives?
Now we will look at some of the many uses to which
P22.24 The half-life of radioisotope X is 10 days. A sample
radioisotopes have been put. We will look at these uses in
gives an initial count rate of 440 counts per
four separate groups:
second. What will be the count rate after 30 days?
P22.25 Radioisotope Y has a half-life of 2000 years. How uses related to their different penetrating powers
long will It take the activity of a sample of Y to
• uses related to the damage their radiation causes to
decrease to one-eighth of its initial value?
living cells
• uses related to the fact that we can detect tiny
quantities of radioactive substances
P22.05 Using radioisotopes • uses related to radioactive decay and half-life.

Any element comes in several forms or isotopes (see

'Elements and isotopes' at the end of Section P22.0l). Uses related to penetrating power
Some may be stable, but others are unstable - in Smoke detectors
other words, they are radioactive. For example, carbon These are often found in domestic kitchens, and in public
has two stable isotopes ( and:c 1
is an unstable buildings such as offices and hotels. If you open a smoke
Cambridge IGCSE Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences

the radiation level will be low and an automatic control

system adjusts the thickness. The same technique is used
in the manufacture of plastic sheeting.

Beta radiation is used in this application because alpha

radiation would be entirely absorbed by the paper or
plastic. Gamma radiation would hardly be affected,
because it is the most penetrating.

Medical diagnosis
The diagnosis of some diseases may be carried out using a
source of gamma radiation. The patient is injected with a
radioactive chemical that targets the problem area (it may
accumulate in bone, for example). Then a camera detects
b a the radiation coming from the chemical and gives an
image of the tissue under investigation.

Fault detection

I Fault detection in manufactured goods sometimes makes
source detector processor alarm
use of gamma rays. Image P22 .06 shows an example,
where engineers are looking for any faults in some

Figure P22.12 a The inside of a smoke detector. The source pipework. A photographic film is strapped to the outside
of radiation is a small amount of am ericium-241. b Block of the pipe, and the radioactive source is placed on the
diagram of a smoke det ector. The alarm sounds when inside. When the film is developed, it looks like an X-ray
smoke absorbs the alpha radiation. picture, and shows any faults in the welding.

detector to replace the battery, you may see a yellow Uses related to cell damage
and black radiation hazard warning sign (Figure P22.12a). Radiation therapy
The radioactive material used is americium-241, a source The patient shown in Image P22.07 is receiving radiation
of alpha radiation. Figure P22.12b shows how it works. treatment as part of a cure for cancer. A source of
• Radiation from the source falls on a detector. Since gamma rays (or X-rays) is directed at the tumour that is

alpha radiation is charged, a small current flows in the

detector. The output from the processing circuit is OFF,
so the alarm is silent.

• When smoke enters the gap between the source and

the detector, it absorbs the alpha radiation. Now no
current flows in the detector, and the processing circuit
switches ON, sounding the alarm.

In this application, a source of alpha radiation is

chosen because alpha radiation is easily absorbed by
the smoke particles.

Thickness measurements
In industry, beta radiation is often used in measuring
thickness. Manufacturers of paper need to be sure that Image P22.06 Checking for faults in a metal pipe. The
their product is of a uniform thickness. To do this, beta engineers are checking that no radiation is escaping from
radiation is directed through the paper as it comes off the pipe. The gamma source is stored in the black box in
the production line. A detector measures the amount the foreground, but can be pushed through the long tube
of radiation getting through. If the paper is too thick, along the pipe to reach the part to be checked.

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