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English 6-8

is simple klasa
Spis treści
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland�������������������������������������������1
Symbols of England. What is England famous for? ��������������������������������������������������2
What do you know about a British Royal Family? Let’s check!�������������������������������3
Typical English food. What do English people eat for breakfast?
How many meals per day do they eat? ������������������������������������������������������������������������4
English national sports ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
How the British celebrate Christmas? Let’s find out! �����������������������������������������������6
The most popular British singers and music bands���������������������������������������������������7
Shopping in the UK   ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
St. Patrick’s Day�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Easter in England, the USA and Australia����������������������������������������������������������������� 10
St. Valentine’s Day in the USA and the UK��������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Christmas in the UK, the USA and Australia������������������������������������������������������������ 12
How the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day? Let’s find out!����������������������� 13
Some interesting facts about United States of America��������������������������������������� 14
Some interesting facts about New York City!���������������������������������������������������������� 15
Hollywood – the cinema capital of the word����������������������������������������������������������� 16
American product – Facebook������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17
Best National Parks in the United States of America��������������������������������������������� 18
Some interesting facts about Australia��������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Some interesting facts about Canada������������������������������������������������������������������������ 20
Knowledge pill about English-speaking countries – the flags, symbols,
capital cities, patrons, and traditional food of these countries ��������������������������� 21
English-speaking countries quiz���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Aren’t you sometimes confused (zdezorientowany)? Great Britain (Wielka Brytania), United Kingdom
(Zjednoczone Królestwo), England – is this one country? Or a few countries together connected by
a union (połączone unią)? Today we are going to answer all your questions.
Firstly, lets explain the name of Great Britain. Great Britain is the name of the
island (wyspa) that is home to the separate (oddzielnych) countries of England,
Wales (Walia), and Scotland (Szkocja). England is the biggest country in the UK,
and it contains (zawiera) about 84% of the UK population.
The United Kingdom, also called the UK is a country that is a union of countries
of Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) along (wraz) with the country of
Northern Ireland (Północna Irlandia).
All those countries have different capital cities (stolice). The capital city of
England is London. Edinburg is the capital city of Scotland. Cardiff is the capital
city of Wales and Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland.
If all the countries have different capital cities – does the UK has its own
capital city?
The answer is “yes”. It is London.
What about the flag? Do the UK countries have one flag?
All the countries have their own (swoje włanse) flags, but they have also got
one flag, called the Union Jack which symbolizes (symbolizuje) the union of the
countries of the UK.
Is Britain (Brytania) the same as a Great Britain?
No, it is not. The name Britain only refers to England and Wales. Although some
people use the shorten name (skróconą nazwę) Britain instead of (zamiast)
Great Britain it is not correct (poprawnie).
Is the English language spoken in all the countries of the UK?
English is the official language (oficjalny język) of the UK and the first language
of the vast majority (zdecydowana większość) of the population. But both Wales and Scotland
have their own languages although (chociaż) English is more common in those two countries.
What is the currency of the UK?
The official currency (oficjalna waluta) of the UK is the pound sterling (funt szterling). What is
interesting that pound sterling is the oldest currency (najstarsza waluta) in continuous use (w ciągłym

Questions for discussion

1. Which country of the UK is the farthest north? Can you describe the landscape of this country?
2. It is said that the weather in England is wet and foggy. Is it true? What else do you know
about the weather in England and other the UK countries?
3. Why is only Northern Ireland in the UK?
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Symbols of England
England is one of the countries that make up the United Kingdom. Just like every country,
it has got its famous places and people. Find out more by reading our text.

1. The national symbols of England are: the St. George’s Cross (Krzyż Św. Jerzego),
which is on the English flag, the Coat of Arms of England (Herb Anglii) with three
lions, the red rose which is widely recognized as the national flower of England,
and the oak (dąb) which is the national tree of England.
2. Royal Guards (Gwardia Królewska) and The Royal Family (Rodzina Królewska) –
­Queen Elizabeth (Królowa Elżbieta druga), Prince Charles (Książę Karol) and Prince
William (Książę William).
3. Red Double Decker buses (Piętrowe czerwone autobusy) and Black Taxi Cabs (­czarne
4. Phone Booths and Post Boxes (czerwone budki telefoniczne i skrzynki na listy) – both
the Post Box and the Phone Booth have a picture of the crown (korona). The crown
on the post box also has the initials of monarchs (inicjały monarchów).
5. Characteristic objects: Buckingham Palace, London Eye, Big Ben.
Buckingham Palace – this is the official London residence of British monarchs
and the largest royal palace in the world. It was built in 1703. The palace has six
hundred rooms, including nineteen representatives, over seventy bathrooms
and almost two hundred bedrooms. In front of the current queen’s seat there is
a monument (posąg) to the former monarchy – Victoria.
London Eye (Londyńskie Oko) completed in 1999, is also known as the Millennium
Wheel (Koło Milenijne) – it was built on the occasion of the new millennium. This
is an observation wheel. It is 135 meters high. Its full rotation takes approximately
30 minutes. There are 32 passenger capsules on the wheel.
Big Ben – a common name of the Elizabeth Clock Tower in London. Today, the name
Big Ben often refers to both the bell, the clock and the tower itself.
6. Famous people: Winston Churchill, Queen Victoria, David Beckham.
Winston Churchill – born in 1874, British politician, writer and historian, painter,
two-time prime minister (premier) of Great Britain, winner of the Nobel Prize
(zdobywca Nagrody Nobla) in Literature and honorary citizen (honorowy obywatel) of
the United States.
Queen Victoria – she became Queen of Great Britain when she was only 18 years
old. She was queen for 64 years (1837–1901).
David Beckham – is an English footballer, a representative of Great Britain.
7. Food and drinks: fish and chips and a cup of tea (filiżanka herbaty).
Fish and chips is deep-fried fish served with deep fried potatoes. This is classic
English takeaway food (jedzenie na wynos) and a traditional English dish (potrawa).
A cup of tea – the English are famous for drinking tea. They drink 165 million cups
of tea every day! Many of them drink tea with milk. If someone asks you: would you
like a cuppa? – it means that you are asked if you would like to drink tea.
8. Sports: football, cricket and Wimbledon [the tennis tournament (turniej tenisowy),
played since 1877 is the English championship (mistrzostwa) that takes place in the
London district of Wimbledon].
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych


Who was the last Queen of England?
Queen Elizabeth II was the last Queen of England. She was
also the Queen of Scotland, Whales and Northern Ireland.
She was coronated in 1953. She was married to Prince Philip
– Duke of Edinburgh. What is interesting – the Queen’s
husband was not a king. Do you know why? In the British
monarchy, the husband of a female monarch does not have
any recognized special status or privileges.

What are the Royal’s favourite animals?

The British Royal Family loves dogs and horses. The Queen loved
small house dogs called Corgis. The royal dogs have got their own
room, and food specially prepared by a chef, but the Queen fed
them personally at 5 p.m. each day and walked them herself. The
Queen also bred horses and she loved to ride them.

How many children the Queen had?

The Queen had 3 sons and 1 daughter. The first (and the eldest) son, Charles – the
former Prince of Wales, became the King after the Queen’s death in September
2022. He will be known as King Charles III. The second is Prince Andrew, the
third is Prince Edward and her daughter is Princess Anne.
Now, the first in line to the throne is Prince William who is the eldest son of
the King.

Where did the Queen live?

The Royal family has got many properties. Buckingham Palace was
the Queen’s residence during the week when she and the Duke
of Edinburgh were in London. However, they went to Windsor
Castle most weekends, spent each August and September at
Balmoral Castle in Scotland, and headed off to Sandringham
House in Norfolk every Christmas.

What did the Queen always take with her on a trip?

The Queen always travelled with her royal Navy doctor and her
own bag of blood. Along with her royal doctor, the Queen travelled
with 34 other people, including a private secretary,
a hairdresser, press officers, eight bodyguards,
and more.

Who was the longest reigning monarch?

The Queen came to the throne in 1952. Since September 9, 2015, Queen Elizabeth
II was the longest reigning monarch in Great Britain; breaking the record of Queen
Victoria (63 years, 7 months and 2 days). Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral aged
96, after reigning for 70 years.
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Typical English food

What do English people eat for breakfast? How many meals per day do they eat? Today we are going
to answer all your food questions.

English people eat three meals per day. They have breakfast between 7.00 and 9.00 am. They have
lunch between 12.00 and 1.30 pm and dinner usually between 6.30 and 8.00 pm.

The traditional English breakfast is called a “Full English”. It consists of (składa się z) sausage, bacon, beans
(fasolki), fried mushrooms (smażone grzyby), tomatoes, black pudding (kaszanka), fried bread or toast,
marmalade or jam, coffee or tea, orange or apple juice. It sounds like a big meal which
gives you energy for the whole day! And it actually is. It is nothing like a continental
breakfast (śniadanie kontynentalne) we are used to eating while on holiday in Greece
or Italy.

Some adults and school children have a “packed lunch” (suchy prowiant). It is usually
a sandwich, some fruits, a packet of crisps and a drink.

English people eat dinner later than Polish people. English dinner is sometimes called “supper” or “tea”.
A typical English dinner is fish and chips (ryba z frytkami). It is also a very popular dish for foreigners
(obcokrajowcy) visiting England. Fish and chips restaurants are very popular. It is
a deep-fried fish (ryba smażona w głębokim tłuszczu) in flour and butter with chips (fried
potatoes) dressed with vinegar (przyprawiona octem winnym). The best place to eat fish
and chips is in the open air (na świeżym powietrzu), by the sea (just watch out for the
seagulls (mewy)). This is also a typical English “take away food” (jedzenie na wynos), it is
not usually cooked at home but bought at fish and chips shops and taken home.

The classic British desserts are creamy (kremowe), fruity (owocowe), sticky (lepkie) and glorious
(znakomite). These three are popular.
1. Jam Roly-Poly. It’s a rolled (zwinięty) pudding with layers (warstwy) of fruity jam. Like most other
British desserts, it’s served with hot custard (gorący krem).
2. Fruit Fool. This simple dessert consists of custard or whipped cream (bita śmietana) and fruit. The
most popular types of fruit include gooseberries (agrest), raspberries and rhubarb (rabarbar).
3. The Cranachan. It is a Scottish dessert made of fresh raspberries, whipped cream, honey and oats
(płatki owsiane). 

English tea
Afternoon tea become popular about one hundred and fifty years ago, when rich ladies
(bogate panie) invited (zapraszały) their friends to their houses for an afternoon cup of
tea (popołudniową filiżankę herbaty). They also started offering their friends sandwiches and cakes. This
custom (zwyczaj) got very popular. These days this tradition is not that common (popularna) as all people
go to work but you can still have afternoon tea at the many tea rooms (herbaciarnie) around England.
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

English national sports

Sport plays a huge part in the lives of English people. Some of the world's most famous sports such as
rugby, football, cricket and tennis began in England.
England's national sport is cricket. It became popular in the U.K. in the 17th century (wiek, stulecie). Today there
are 18 professional county clubs (klubów ligowych) in the U.K. Each summer these county clubs participate
in (biorą udział w) the First-Class County Championship (Mistrzostwa Ligowe Pierwszej Klasy), which consists
of (składa się z) two leagues of teams (dwie ligi drużyn) in which matches are played over four days (mecze są
rozgrywane w ciągu czterech dni). Teams are made up of (składają się z) eleven players each (każda). They play
with a ball a little bit smaller than a baseball and a bat (kij) shaped (w kształcie) like a paddle (wiosło). Two
batters (pałkarze) stand in front of wickets (bramki), set about 20 metres apart (ustawione w odległości ok 20
metrów od siebie). Each wicket consists of three wooden rods (drewniane pręty) pushed into the ground, with
two small pieces of wood balanced on top which are called bails. A member of the opposing team (drużyna
przeciwna) (the bowler - rzucajacy) throws the ball towards (w kierunku) one of the batters, who must hit the
ball so that it does not knock (strącić) a bail (poprzeczka) off the wicket. If the ball travels far enough, the two
batters run back and forth (biegną tam i z powrotem) between the wickets while the fielders (gracze na boisku)
on the opposing team try to catch the ball. The game is scored (punktowana) according to (w zależnosci od)
the number of runs (rund), which is the number of times the batters exchange places (zamieniali się miejscami).
Cricket is played on Sundays from April to August.

Football is the most popular game played in England and is based on (jest oparta na) a traditional league
system (tradycyjnym systemie ligowym). The most popular league consists of the 20 best teams from all over
the U.K. The most popular of these teams are Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal. Football in the U.K.
is governed by (zarządzane przez) the Football Association (Związek Piłki Nożnej) which is one of the oldest
governing bodies (organy zarządzające) in the entire world. The two most famous Football Championships
(Mistzostwa w piłce nożnej) in the U.K. are the FA Cup and the Capital One Cup. There are 92 professional
football clubs that participate (brać udział) in each of these tournaments (turnieje) every year. These are semi-
professional (pół profesjonalne), so most players have other full-time jobs (pełne etaty w pracy). It is worth
mentioning (wspomnieć) that the English national team took second place in the Euro 2020 tournament.

Tennis is a very popular sport in England and its popularity (popularność) is still growing (rośnie). Wimbledon
is the most popular Tennis Tournament in the U.K. It is also the oldest of all the major (główne) tennis
tournaments and has been played in England since 1877. It started at a small club in south London in the
nineteenth century. It begins on the nearest Monday to June 22, at a time when England often has the finest
weather (najlepszą pogodę). Millions of people watch the Championships (Mistrzostwa) on TV live (na żywo).
Wimbledon is one of the four grand slam (cztery turnieje wielkoszlemowe) events on the ATP Tour which also
includes (obejmuje) the Australian Open, the U.S. Open and the French Open.

Topics for discussion

What is your favourite sport and why? What is a national Polish sport? What sport do you play and
why? Which of the three national English sport is your favourite and why? Discuss the rules of your
favourite sport.
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

How the British celebrate Christmas? Let’s find out!

Christmas is a magical time (magiczny czas) not only in Poland, but around the world. We all know
Polish traditions connected with (związane z) Christmas, but do you know any British traditions?
Christmas tree (choinka) Christmas Day (dzień Bożego Narodzenia)
and mistletoe (jemioła) In Britain the most important meal (posiłek) on
Prince Albert – Queen Victoria’s husband, December 25th is Christmas dinner. That’s when
brought this German tradition (he was German) the family get together (spotykają się) and celebrate
of decorating Christmas trees to Britain in 1841. (świętują). British Christmas dinner usually consist
A few years after, nearly (prawie) every house in of (składa się z) roast (pieczony) turkey
Britain had a Christmas tree. with carrots, potatoes, peas (groszek),
Traditionally people decorate their trees on brussels sprouts (brukselka) and gravy
Christmas Eve (Wigilia) – that’s December 24th. (sos pieczeniowy). There are sausages and bacon
They take down (zdejmują) the decorations twelve too. After dinner British people serve (podają)
days later, on the Twelfth Night (January 5th). Christmas pudding (świąteczny deser – ciemne
ciasto nasączone alkoholem z dużą ilością rodzynek,
An older tradition is Christmas mistletoe. People
orzechów i wiśni).
put a piece of this green plant with its white
berries (białe owoce) over their door. People We can’t forget about Christmas crackers (świąteczne
say that mistletoe brings good luck (szczęście). cukierki). These came to (dotarły do) Britain from
There is also one more tradition connected with China in the nineteenth century (dziewiętnasty
mistletoe – if you stand under the wiek). Christmas cracker is a big decorative paper
mistletoe with another person you sweet (cukierek) with a surprise (niespodzianka)
must kiss this person. inside (w środku), but you won’t find (nie znajdziesz)
anything sweet in it. You may find a small toy
Christmas carols (kolędy) (zabawka) or a joke (dowcip) written on a paper.
Before Christmas, groups of singers called Christmas cracker opens by pulling (ciągnąc) two of
carollers (kolędnicy) go from house to house. They its ends (końce), usually by two people.
sing traditional Christmas songs or carols and
Queen’s Christmas speech
collect money (zbierają pieniądze).
(świąteczne przemówienie Królowej)
Christmas Eve (Wigilia) This is a royal custom (królewski zwyczaj). On
British children don’t get their presents Christmas Day at 3.00 in the afternoon the Queen
on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus (Mikołaj) makes a speech on the radio and TV. It’s ten minutes
brings the presents at night. Then they open their long. The Queen talks to the people of the United
presents in the morning of December 25th. Kingdom and the Commonwealth (Wspólnoty
Santa Claus is sometimes also called Father Narodów). The Commonwealth is a large group
Christmas. According to (według) the traditional of countries. In the past (w przeszłości) they were
story, he lives at the North Pole (Biegun Północny). all in the British Empire (Imperium Brytyjskie).
He visits every house on Christmas Eve. He Australia, India, Canada and New Zealand are
climbs down (schodzi) the chimney (komin) and among the 49 members (członkowie). The Queen
leaves (zostawia) lots of presents. Some people doesn’t record (nagrywa) her speech on Christmas
leave something for him, for example (na przykład) Day. She prepares it a few weeks before. Then she
a glass of milk and some biscuits (herbatniki). spends Christmas with her family at Windsor.
1. How do you spend Christmas?
2. What is your favourite Christmas tradition?
3. Do you think that a mistletoe brings good luck? Why?
Do you hang it over the door at your home?
4. Do you and your family sing carols at Christmas? Why?
5. Do you think the Queen watches her speech on TV?
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

The most popular British singers and music bands

The Beatles
The Beatles were an English rock band that started in Liverpool, England in 1960. John Lennon, Paul
McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr were the members of the band. A lot of people say that
they are the most famous and successful band in the history of music. Their first single was released
in 1962 and it was called "Love Me Do". It was a hit and right away they became very popular in
the United Kingdom. By 1964, the Beatles were worldwide stars and started playing concerts in other
countries outside the UK. They first came to the United States in 1964. Thousands of screaming
Americans welcomed them at the airport. The Beatles become so popular that they were attacked by
screaming fans everywhere they went around the world. No regular concert venue was big enough
for their concerts, so The Beatles were the first-ever band to play in a stadium in America, to around
50,000 people. The Beatles stopped touring and playing live music in 1966 because they were tired
of audiences screaming so loudly that their music could not be heard. They were also exhausted by
the pressures of touring. Among other things, they were so popular that thousands of people would
gather outside the hotels they stayed in day and night meaning that they could never leave their
rooms unless they were playing a concert. The Beatles broke up in 1970 because of the pressures of
fame and each member becoming more independent both in their personal lives and musically.
The Spice Girls
In the middle of the 1990s, father, and son – Bob and Chris Herbert placed an advertisement
in The Stage for auditions for a girl group, which was supposed to respond and compete with the
boy bands that were very popular in the early 1990s. During the rehearsals, they choose five girls:
Victoria Adams, Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholm, and Geri Halliwell who soon
became known as The Spice Girls.
Soon the girls become known as Baby, Ginger, Scary, Sporty and Posh as they climbed to the
top of the charts with their first single called Wannabe. Wannabe stayed at number one in the
United Kingdom for seven weeks before going on to top the charts in other countries around the
world, including the United States. It became the biggest-selling single ever by a girl group. Their
debut album Spice sold more than 31 million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling album
by a female group in history. 
Despite being one of the biggest and most recognizable UK bands of the 1990s, the Spice Girls
were only active as a five-piece for a short space of time, with Ginger Spice Geri announcing her
departure in May 1998, less than two years after their first chart success, leaving Victoria, Emma
and Melanie B and Melanie C to continue as a foursome. In the time the band played together, the
expression “girl power” took over the world and it is still used in everyday language.
Adele is a British singer-songwriter who has sold millions of albums worldwide and has become
one of the best-selling artists of our time. During her career, Adele has been nominated for 18
Grammys and won a total of 15 at the awards ceremonies in 2009, 2012 and 2017. She also
received a songwriting Oscar for the James Bond track "Skyfall." Adele was born on May 5, 1988,
in North London, England. As a child, Adele developed a passion for music. She also has learned to
play the guitar and the clarinet. In 2008 Adele released her first album, called “19”. The title of the
album referred to the age at which she wrote most of the songs. The recording debuted at number
one on the British album chart. In January 2011, she released her second and much-anticipated
studio album “21” which was again named after her age at the time of recording it. It became one of
the best-selling albums of all time in both the UK and the US. The album includes hits like “Rolling
in the Deep” and “Someone Like You”. In 2017, she was ranked among the richest musicians under
30 years of age in the UK and Ireland by “the Sunday Times Rich List”.

Topics for discussion

What kind of music do you like? Who is your favourite singer or music band? Do you know any
songs by The Beatles, Adele or The Spice Girls? If so, which one is your ­favourite? Do you often
listen to music? Do you prefer listening to music or watching TV? Why?
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Shopping in the UK

The UK is home to world-class (światowej klasy) shopping centres, including (wliczając) some
of the largest shopping centres in Europe. Some of these large shopping centres in the country
attract (przyciągają) millions of tourists each year. Also, the world's biggest showbiz stars (gwiazdy
showbiznesu) often go shopping in the British capital (stolica) - London. Apart from (oprócz) Oxford
Street, which is home to the world's biggest brands (największe światowe marki), London also
has 57 major (głównych) shopping centres. Which are the biggest shopping centres in the British
capital, and which is considered (uważane za) the best shopping centre in London? You will find the
answers in a minute.

Westfield Stratford City

The shopping centre located in the north-east of London is the largest of all the centres in the
British capital. Its area (teren, powierzchnia) amounts to (wynosi) 175 thousand square metres
(metrów kwardatowych). The annual number of customers (roczna liczba klientów) visiting Westfield
Stratford City is estimated at (jest szacowana na) 42 million! The shopping centre in Stratford
was opened in September 2011. The number of shops and services (usługi) located in Westfield
Shopping Centre is 350, with a range of fashion shops (z licznymi sklepami odzieżowymi) including
Primark, Bershka, TK Maxx, Zara, The North Face, and many other popular fashion brands. The
shops and services are located on three floors. Drivers can use the car park for 5000 cars.

Westfield London
The Westfield London shopping centre is located (jest położone, jest zlokalizowane) in the western
part (zachodnia część) of the city. On an area of just under (niewiele poniżej) 150,000 square metres
there are a total of 372 shops and various (różne) services. Customers at this shopping centre
can use a car park, which can accommodate up to (pomieścić aż do) 4500 cars. There are plans to
extend (powiększyć) the centre by a further (o kolejne) 51,000 square metres soon. The shopping
centre serves 27 million visitors every year.

Intu Metrocentre
Intu Metrocentre, a 190,000 square feet shopping centre in Gateshead, is the second largest
(drugie co do wielkości) shopping centre in the UK. Previously known as (wcześniej znane jako) the
MetroCentre. It is located on a former industrial site (dawny teren przemysłowy) in Gateshead,
England, near the river Tyne. The first phase (pierwszy etap) of the shopping centre opened on
28 April 1986. It includes over 340 shops. The mall serves (obsługuje) 21 million visitors each year.

The topics for discussion

1. What is the best shopping place in your area?
2. What do you like buying and why?
3. Where in the world would you like to go shopping if you had unlimited money and why?
4. Do you prefer shopping online or at the shop and why?
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

St. Patrick’s Day

St Patrick's Day is an Irish national and religious holiday celebrated on 17 March. Saint Patrick is the
patron of Ireland. March 17 is the day of his death, therefore (dlatego, też) it is on this day that his
life and achievements (osiągnięcia) are remembered every year.
Who was St. Patrick?
Saint Patrick was a bishop (biskup) and apostle (apostoł) of Ireland. He probably came from Wales.
As a young boy he was kidnapped (porwany) and sold into slavery (niewolnictwo) to Ireland, where
he worked as a shepherd (pasterz) for six years. During this time, he also dealt with matters of
faith (zajmował sie także sprawami wiary). When he was twenty years old, he managed to escape
(zdołał uciec). Shortly after he became a priest. In a dream (sen) he had a vision (wizja) in which he
heard a call (usłyszał wezwanie) to return to Ireland and preach (nauczać/głosić) faith in Christ (wiarę
w Chrystusa) there.
St Patrick's Day celebrations in Ireland
St Patrick's Day is a public holiday in Ireland. Green is the dominant (dominujący) colour on this
holiday – it is the national colour of Ireland. The Irish wear green on this day and have festivals and
street parades. Everyone who has visited Ireland on St Patrick's Day says that the best way to spend
St Patrick's Day in Ireland is in Dublin. This is where the biggest parade is held (jest organizowana).
St. Patrick's Day celebrations around the world
The holiday is celebrated not only in Ireland but also around the world, including Poland. In our
country, St. Patrick's Day celebrations consist mainly of (składają się głównie z) meetings (spotkań)
and parties (przyjęć) in pubs, green beer (piwo) is served, and there are shows of Irish dance and
music in clubs. More and more people are wearing green on this day.

In Europe, people in the Netherlands, Germany, and on the Apennine Peninsula (Półwysep
Apeniński) are most likely to celebrate, while in the world, people in the USA, Australia, and Asian
countries celebrate the most. These countries celebrate by lighting (oświetlają) famous places or
objects (obiekty) in green. In Canada, Niagara Falls is lit up (podświetlona) green, in England the
London Eye, in New York the Empire State Building, and in Italy the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Krzywa
Wieża w Pizie).
Traditions and symbols of St. Patrick's Day
A tradition associated with St. Patrick's Day celebrations is drinking whiskey.
The main symbol of the holiday is the shamrock (trzylistna koniczyna), which is also one of the
symbols traditionally associated (powiązana) with Ireland.
The most known legend says that St Patrick banished (wypędził) the snakes out of Ireland. He
did this with a wooden stick (drewnianą laską) – he chased (przegonił) the snakes into the sea and
forbade (zabronił) them to return (wracać). The fact is – there really are no snakes in Ireland!

The topics for discussion

1. How is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated in Poland?
2. What is the history of St. Patrick’s Day? Talk about it.
3. What other traditions, legends, or symbols of Ireland do you know?
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Easter in England, the USA and Australia

Easter is the oldest and the most important Christian Holiday (święto chrześcijańskie). It is the time
when we celebrate the resurrection (zmartwychwstanie) of Jesus Christ from the dead.
Easter Holidays include Maundy Thursday (Wielki Czwartek), Good Friday (Wielki Piątek) – the day
on which Jesus was crucified (ukrzyżowany), and Easter Day (Niedziela Wielkanocna) – the day on
which Jesus came back to life.
Easter in England
In England, Easter is the time of giving and receiving (czas dawania i przyjmowania). Usually, British
people give and receive Easter eggs or hot cross buns. Easter eggs are hard-boiled (ugotowane na
twardo), dyed (ufarbowane) in bright colours (jasne, jaskrawe kolory) and decorated. They are the
most popular symbol of Easter next to little chicks (małe kurczaczki), baby rabbits (małe króliczki)
and spring flowers (wiosenne kwiaty) like tulips (tulipany), daffodils (żonkile), catkins (bazie) and lilies
(lilje), which are also symbols of Easter and the coming spring.
Easter in the USA
Easter traditions in America are similar to English traditions, but in addition to English traditions,
Americans organize parades (parady). Every year, American people participate (biorą udział) in
grand Easter parades, which usually take place in big American cities like New York, Washington
D.C., San Francisco, etc. The biggest and the most famous parade takes place on Fifth Avenue in
New York City.
The other typical American Easter tradition is The White House Easter Egg Roll. The White House
Easter Egg Roll takes place on Easter Monday. It started in 1878 and since then, the US Presidents
have been inviting (zapraszają) children to play on the large lawn (trawnik) of the White House
every year on Easter Monday. This tradition is continued (kontynuowana) today. It is a great Easter
event (wydarzenie) for all families with children!
Easter in Australia
Easter in Australia is celebrated pretty much the same as in other countries except (oprócz) that
in Australia it is celebrated in autumn, not in spring as in Europe. Because Australia is in the
southern hemisphere (południowa półkula), there, it is Autumn in March and April. There is also
one more important difference. Australia doesn't have an Easter bunny – They have Easter Bilby.
It is Australia's very own Easter bunny. Although the Easter bunny remains a huge part of Easter
in Australia, in recent years the endangered (zagrożony wyginięciem) bilby (nazwa własna zwierzęcia
występującego w Australii), a cute (słodki), long eared (długouchy) native animal, has been seen as
a replacement (zastępstwo) for the bunny.
The reason why the rabbit is not so popular in Australia as it is in other countries is that it has done
a lot of damage (szkód) to the natural environment (naturalne środowisko) in Australia, therefore the
Australians prefer the bilby. Nowadays (obecnie) in Australia chocolate Easter Bilby’s can be seen
in stores everywhere.

The topics for discussion

1. What do we celebrate on Easter?
2. How is Easter celebrated in Poland?
3. What Easter traditions in Poland do you know?
4. What Easter traditions in other countries do you know?

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

St. Valentine's Day in the USA and the UK

St. Valentine's Day is celebrated (jest obchodzony) every year on 14th February. It's the day when
people show their love (okazują sobie miłość) and liking for another person or people by sending
them cards, flowers, or chocolates.
The day gets its name from a famous Saint (znany Święty) – St. Valentine. He was a priest (ksiądz)
from Rome (Rzym) in the third century (trzeci wiek). Emperor (Cesarz) Claudius II had banned marriage
(zabronił małżeństw) because he thought married men were bad soldiers (żołnierze). Valentine
thought this was unfair (niesprawiedliwe), so he broke the rules and arranged marriages (udzielał
małrzeństwa) in secret. When Claudius found out, Valentine was sentenced to death (skazany na
śmierć) and thrown in jail (wrzucony do lochu). He was killed on 14 February but before he died, he
sent a love letter to a woman he fell in love with (zakochał się) and he signed it "From your Valentine".
Nowadays (w dzisieszych czasach) St. Valentines Day is celebrated all over the world.
Americans have celebrated Valentine’s Day since the 19th century, but the holiday became popular
in the 20th century. In the USA, Valentine’s Day is a big event (wielkie wydarzenie) at schools. In
elementary school (szkoła podstawowa), children exchange (wymieniają) Valentine’s cards. Each child
(każde dziecko) will make a special box, and every student in the class puts a small Valentine's card
in the box of every other child in the class. Adults (dorośli) also exchange Valentine’s Day gifts
(prezenty) and cards with family and friends. The cards have short, sweet messages (wiadomości) like
“You’re the best mom! Happy Valentine’s Day”. Chocolates are popular gifts for friends and family
too. Especially a heart-shaped box of chocolates (pudełko czekoladek w kształcie serca). For couples
(dla par), it’s more traditional. Women usually get flowers or jewellery (biżuteria). It’s also popular to
go out to eat dinner at a nice restaurant.
The UK
St. Valentines Day has been celebrated in Britain since the 17th century. Traditionally men give
women red roses. Flowers are a must-have (konieczność) gift for Valentine’s Day. The colour of roses
and their number in the bouquet (bukiet) have different meanings (różne znaczenia) — scarlet roses
(szkarłatne róże) are given to a girlfriend or a boyfriend; yellow and white — to friends and family
members (członkowie rodziny). But the most valuable (wartościowy) gifts are cookies and sweets
made with your own hands. There is a tradition of baking a cake in the shape of a heart, which
is given to the loved one. The British do not make expensive (drogie) gifts. They buy chocolate
sweets, valentine’s cards, and soft toys like Teddy bears.
Valentine's Day in Wales
The Welsh (Walijczycy) celebrate the holiday of love earlier (wcześniej) than others (inni) – on 25th
January. They give their loved ones... spoons (łyżki)! Not just any cutlery (sztućce), of course, but
beautiful wooden (drewniane) and carved (rzeźbione) spoons, which are usually decorated with
symbols of love.
Topics for discussion
How is St. Valentine’s Day celebrated in Poland? How does your family celebrate St. Valentine's
Day? What is the history of St. Valentine’s Day? Talk about it. What is love? Do you believe in love
at first sight? What is your favourite romantic film?

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Christmas in the UK, the USA and Australia

In the UK, families usually celebrate Christmas together. Before Christmas, everybody decorates their houses
with a Christmas Tree, Holly, Ivy, and Mistletoe. The decorations are usually done by all the family members
together. Other places like schools, shops, and even streets are decorated with Christmas lights. The most
famous Christmas lights in the UK are in Oxford Street in London. Every year they get bigger and better.
Thousands of people go to watch the big “switch on” around the beginning of November.
British children write letters to Santa Claus listing their requests, but sometimes instead of sending them,
they put the letters into the fireplace. The draught carries the letters up the chimney and Santa Claus reads
the smoke. British Children also hang stockings or pillowcases on the fireplace, and they believe that Santa
leaves their presents in these stockings.
In the UK, the main Christmas Meal is usually eaten at lunchtime or early afternoon on Christmas Day.
It's normally roast turkey and roast vegetables. It's often served with cranberry sauce and bread sauce.
Traditionally, and before the turkey was available, roast beef or goose was the main Christmas meal. One
vegetable that is often at Christmas in the UK is brussels sprouts. For dessert, they often serve Christmas
Pudding and lots of chocolates.

Christmas in Australia is different from the Christmas we have in Poland because it comes at the beginning
of the summer holidays! The summer holidays in Australia are from mid-December to early February. There
is no snow. It is usually very hot and therefore a lot of people spend their Christmas camping or spending the
time at the beaches. Australians like the British also decorate their houses and gardens for Christmas. They
hang wreaths on their front doors. There are Christmas Trees, Poinsettia plants, and Christmas lights in every
house. Australians also decorate their houses with bunches of “Christmas Bush”. It is a native Australian tree
with small green leaves and cream-colored flowers. Most towns and cities in Australia have festivals and
parades. In some places, there is a fireworks display at the local park.
In Australia, Santa gives the reindeers a rest and uses kangaroos! He also changes into lighter clothes! Children
often leave out carrots for Santa's reindeer and some cake for Santa.
Australian children open their presents on Christmas Day. On Boxing Day most people go and visit their
friends and often have barbecues at the beach.
The main meal at Christmas is normally eaten at lunchtime. Most people have a cold Christmas dinner or
a barbecue with seafood such as prawns and lobsters along with the “traditional English” food. Some people
also serve Christmas Pudding for dessert. The Christmas Crackers are also popular at Christmas in Australia.


The USA has many different traditions and ways that people celebrate Christmas, because of its multi-
cultural nature, but many customs are similar to the one we have in Poland or the UK. Americans are the best
in decorating their houses, streets, cities, and towns for Christmas. The most famous Christmas streetlights
in the USA are at the Rockefeller Center in New York where there is a huge Christmas Tree with a public ice
skating rink in front of it.
American children like making gingerbread houses for Christmas. The presents are open in the morning on
Christmas Day. Most Americans spend Boxing Day shopping because there are huge sales in all the shops.
The American traditional Christmas meal consists of roast turkey, with cornbread stuffing, green bean,
french-fried onions, sweet potatoes, cauliflower with cheese sauce, cranberry sauce with berries. For dessert
Americans usually have pecan pie or apple pie, with ice cream.

Topics for discussion

Where would you like to spend your next Christmas? Why? How do you and your family usually spend
Christmas? What is your favourite Christmas food? Talk about your best Christmas ever. Talk about your
worst Christmas ever.

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

How the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

Let’s find out!
Thanksgiving Day (Święto Dziękczynienia) is a public holiday (święto państwowe). It is a day
off (dzień wolny) for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed. It is
a holiday celebrated by (obchodzony przez) Americans on the fourth Thursday of November. It
celebrates the story (upamiętnia historię) of the Pilgrim’s (pielgrzymów) first meal with the Native
Americans (rodowitymi Amerykanami). There are many traditions connected with (powiązanych z)
Thanksgiving Day.

Family dinner
Thanksgiving Day is a day for people in America
to give thanks for what they have. Families
and friends have dinner together. Traditional
thanksgiving dinner includes a roast turkey
(pieczony indyk), stuffing (nadzienie), sweet
potatoes, cornbread (chleb kukurydziany),
vegetables, cranberry sauce (sos żurawinowy) or
gravy (sos pieczeniowy). Many people serve apple,
pumpkin or pecan (orzech podobny do włoskiego)
pie (ciasto) for dessert at the end of the meal.

Thanksgiving parades
Many cities hold large festivals or parades
(parady) to honour (uhonorować) Thanksgiving Day. One of the largest is New York’s Thanksgiving
Day Parade, which is now called (jest zwana) Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The parade begins
in the morning. Those who cannot take part in the parade can watch it on TV.

American football
Thanksgiving football games are an essential (niezbędny) part of the Thanksgiving experience. It is
a great chance to cheer (dopingować) for your favorite team.

Break the wishbone

Some families include breaking the turkey's wishbone (rozwidlona kość z piersi indyka) as part of their
celebration. Two people each take one end of the bone, make a wish (życzenie), and pull (ciągną).
Whoever (ktokolwiek) pulls away the larger piece is granted a wish. (temu spełnia się życzenie).

Helping other people

Thanksgiving is also a great time to help out people who might not be as lucky as we are. Some
people volunteer (zgłaszają się na ochotnika) to serve food at homeless shelters (schroniska dla
bezdomnych) or donate (przekazują) food to shelters.

Did you know that…

…each year at Thanksgiving Day, the president of the United States receives a present (prezent) of
two live turkeys. At the White House ceremony, the president traditionally "pardons" (ułaskawia)
the National Thanksgiving Turkeys so they can live on a farm.
The Day After Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday, which is a day of huge sales (dzień ogromnych
wyprzedaży). This is the day when Christmas shopping begins!

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Some interesting facts about United States of America

The United States of America (The USA) is the fourth biggest country in the world after Russia,
China and Canada. It has the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west. USA is
so big that it has four different time zones (strefy czasowe), so when it is 3 o’clock in New York on
the east coast (wschodnie wybrzeże), it is 12 o’clock in Los Angeles on the west coast (zachodnie
The USA has 50 states (stanów). 48 states are in the same place and two separate states: Alaska
in the north, next to Canada, and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. Every state has its’ own capital city
(stolica). The national capital (narodowa stolica) is Washington DC.

The USA climate

The climate in the USA is very different in different parts of the country. For example, in the north
part of Alaska the ground (ziemia) is frozen (zamarznięta) all year round (przez cały rok). No trees
grow there, only small bushes (krzaki).
In the south on the other hand (z drugiej strony) it rains regularly and there are big deciduous
forests (lasy liściaste) and pine forests (lasy sosnowe). The ground nearest the Rocky Mountains
(Góry Skaliste) is dry (sucha) and many people work with cattle farming (hoduje bydło). This is called
the prairie (preria).

The most famous USA symbols

1. The American flag
The American flag is called the “Stars and Stripes” (gwiazdy i paski). Red stands for (oznacza) courage
(odwaga), blue for justice (sprawiedliwość) and white for liberty (wolność). The 13 horizontal stripes
(paski pionowe) symbolize (symbolizuje) the original 13 colonies (kolonii) that were created by
European settlers (osadnicy). The 50 stars symbolize the 50 states of today.
2. The Great Seal
The Great Seal (Wielka Pieczęć) of the United States is used to authenticate (potwierdzenie) certain
(pewnych) documents issued by (wydanych przez) the United States federal government (rząd
federalny). It is officially used (oficjalnie używana) on documents such as (takich jak) United States
passports or military insignia (odznaczenia wojskowe).
3. The Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty stands on (znajduje się) Liberty Island in New York. It is
one of the first things people see when they arrive in New York by sea. This
National Monument (narodowy posąg) was a present from France to the USA.
France gave the statue to America in 1884 as a symbol of friendship (przyjaźń).
Liberty carries the torch (pochodnię) of freedom (wolność) — in her right hand.
In her left hand she holds a tablet with the inscription (tablicę z napisem) “July 4,
1776” — American Independence Day (Amerykański Dzień Niepodległości).

Subject for discussion

1. What other American symbols do you know? What do they mean?
2. Do you know what “the White House” is? Talk about it.
3. What is the national bird of the USA? What does it represent?
4. Name 3 places that you would like to visit in the USA. Why did you choose them?
5. Who are the native people of America? Talk about them.

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Some interesting facts about New York City

New York City is the most diverse and populated city (różnorodne i zaludnione miasto) in the United States.
It is called the economic capital (ekonomiczna stolica) of the United States of America. It is the largest city
in the states with an area (powierzchnia) of ​​1,213.4 km², and a population (populacja) of 50 666 542 million.
The city is made up of 5 boroughs (dzielnice): Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island, all
of which were “grouped” together into a single city in 1898.
About 5 000 years ago Native Americans came to the area (teren, obszar) now called New York. In 1624
the Dutch (Holendrzy) established a colony (założyli kolonię) on what’s now Manhattan Island (wyspa) called
New Amsterdam. It was renamed (przemianowany na) New York once the British took control (przejęli
kontrolę) of the area in 1664. After the American Revolution (Rewolucja Amerykańska) in 1776, New York
became a U.S. colony, then a state (stan) in 1788.
Location of New York
New York state is bordered by (graniczy z) Canada and Lake Ontario in the north; Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
and the Atlantic Ocean in the south; Lake Erie in the west; and Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont in
the east. New York City and its port are located at the mouth of the Hudson River (u ujścia rzeki Hudson).
Today, New York City is widely recognized (szeroko rozpoznawany) as the global centre (centrum światowe)
of the financial services industry (dla sektora usług finansowych). It’s also the heartbeat (bicie serca – tu
chodzi o centrum) of the American publishing industry (branża wydawnicza), media, entertainment (rozrywka),
telecommunications, law (prawo) and advertising industries (branża reklamowa). The city houses (gości) the
main headquarters (siedziby główne) for many global corporations (firm światowych) like: Polo Ralph Lauren
(fashion – branża modowa), Calvin Klein (fashion), New York Times (media), Ernst & Young (accounting
– branża księgowa / finansowa), Goldman Sachs (financial services – usługi finansowe), American Express
(financial services), Sony Music Entertainment (media), New York Stock Exchange (financial exchange –
giełda finansowa) and many more.
New York City is the most ethnically diverse, (zróżnicowany etnicznie) religiously varied (religijnie różnorodny),
commercially driven (komercyjnie napędzane) and congested (zatłoczone) city in USA. New York City is home
to the famous Times Square, where thousands of tourists come to visit all year round. In the city you’ll find
other attractions like Broadway and the theater district (dzielnica teatralna), New York’s Fashion Week where
top designers (projektanci) from all over the world show off (pokazują)
their designs (projekty), countless (niezliczone) concerts by top artists at
Central Park especially during summer months, the Statue of Liberty
(Statua Wolności), The New York International Auto Show etc.
“The Big Apple” Manhattan

New York city has been given many nicknames (przezwiska), including Queens
“The City That Never Sleeps”, “Gotham” or “Empire City”, but the most
famous one of all is “The Big Apple”. The name first became popular in Brooklyn
the 1920s when John J. Fitz Gerald, who was a sportswriter, started Staten
a column about horse racing called “Around the Big Apple.” However, it Island
wasn’t until a tourism campaign (kampania turystyczna) in the 1970s that
the nickname came to be synonymous (być tożsame) with New York City.

Topics for discussion

1. Would you like to visit New York City and why?
2. Name 5 boroughs of New York City. Do you know any specific information about these boroughs?
3. What did the Dutch call New York City? What other names / nicknames are typical for New York City?
4. What is the most interesting thing about New York that you have learnt from this text?
5. What typical places in New York would you like to see the most and why?

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Hollywood – the cinema capital of the word

Hollywood is the cinema capital (stolica kinematografii) of the world, but it is also an extremely
interesting place with lots of attractions and interesting places that can be explored (poznawać,
zwiedzać) by cinema fans but not only (nie tylko).

Where is Hollywood?
Hollywood is currently one of the districts (dzielnice) of Los Angeles. It was officially joined
(przyłączony) to the city in 1910, and soon afterwards (wkrótce potem) the film industry (przemysł
filmowy) began to develop (rozwijać) there. The founder (założyciel) of Hollywood is considered to
be (uważa się) H.J. Whitley, who built the first house in the area.

Hollywood – attractions not to be missed

A visit to Hollywood should start at the Griffith Observatory (obserwatorium Griffitha). From there,
you can see a panorama of the entire (całego) city – its buildings stretch further (rozciągają sie dalej)
than the eye can see, which is very impressive (robi wrażenie).
Another famous spot (znane miejsce) in Hollywood is the Walk of Fame (Aleja Gwiazd), where you
can find over 2,600 five-pointed stars (pięcioramienne gwiazdy) commemorating (upamiętniające)
the biggest names in show business. Historical celebrities
(e.g. Marilyn Monroe), great contemporary (współczesne)
actresses (e.g. Meryl Streep), but also fictional characters
(fikcyjne postaci) and institutions (Winnie the Pooh (Kubuś
Puchatek), Disneyland) have their stars here. The Hollywood
Walk of Fame has been listed as a city landmark (wpisana
na listę zabytków miasta) and is visited every day by walking
crowds (spacerujące tłumy) of tourists (turystów) and Los
Angeles residents (mieszkańcy).
For cinema fans, an interesting point (punkt) on the Hollywood tour (wycieczka) will be the Dolby
Theatre, where the Oscar gala (gala Oskarowa) takes place every year. The building is open to the
public and you can even sit in the auditorium (widownia) of the theatre.
If you want to enter (wejść) the world of your favourite fairy tales (bajki) and films, there are two
places in Hollywood you must visit. The first is Universal Studios, where there is an amusement
park (park rozrywki) with themes (motyw przewodni) based on the greatest films. You can also see
their specially created stunt shows (pokazy kaskaderskie). The second is Disney's Hollywood Studios,
where you can return (wrócić) to your childhood (dzieciństwo) by visiting themed sections (sekcje
tematyczne) divided according to (podzielone według) Disney's most famous fairy tales.

The topics for discussion

1. What films do you like watching and why?
2. What is your favourite film and why?
3. Would you like to visit Hollywood and why?
4. Do you prefer watching TV or playing video games and why?

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

American product – Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social networking website (portal społecznościowy) and one of the
most popular websites (strona internetowa) on the Internet. Globally (globalnie), Facebook has
over 2.4 billion monthly users (miesięcznych użytkowników) of which 1.59 billion use the service
every day.
It was created in (stworzony w) 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University in
the USA. At first (na początku) only American
students could join (dołączyć) Facebook. Then,
a few years later it became a global platform.
People, no matter (bez znaczenia / nieważne)
what age, what nationality and what they are
interested in could join Facebook. First what you
have to do join Facebook is to create a free of
charge profile (utworzyć bezpłatny profil). When
you have a profile you can write posts, upload
photos and videos, chat to friends, play games,
create and join groups and events (wydarzenia),
comment on other people’s activities and much
more (wiele innych).
Facebook has changed (zmienił się) a lot, during (podczas / przez) the past few years. In the
beginning it was only a social media site, used by students, who wanted to make friends online,
post photos to friends and family members. These days, more than a quarter (jedna czwarta) of
the world’s population use Facebook. Even (nawet) companies and different organizations use
Facebook to find new customers (znaleźć nowych klientów) or advertise (ogłaszać / promować)
their products and services.
Facebook is all about communication and bringing people closer together (zbliżać ludzi), that’s
why one of the most popular Facebook features (cechy) is chat. Users can message their friends
or family members, so if you want to write something personal (osobistego) to your friends you
can do it through (przez) Facebook Chat.
It is interesting what Facebook will introduce (wprowadzi) next. I am looking forward to seeing
their next steps (kolejne kroki)!

Topics for discussion:

1. Are you a member of Facebook? Why did you / didn’t you join Facebook?
2. Do you prefer to talk to friends using Facebook, or your mobile phone? Why?
3. What do you think is the best feature of Facebook? Why?
4. How much time do you spend on Facebook every day? What do you usually do on Facebook?
5. Do you think a lot of young people are addicted to Facebook? Why is it so easy to get addicted to

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Best National Parks in the United States of America

There are 62 National Parks in the USA today. They attract (przyciągają) over 300 million visitors
a year who want to see the unique natural wonders (cuda natury).

One of the best-known National Parks is
Yellowstone. In the park you can see mountains,
canyons, geysers and waterfalls. While spending
time at Yellowstone you must see at least these
three things:
1. Yellowstone Grand Canyon
2. Old Faithful (one of the most famous geysers)
3. Yellowstone lake (the largest freshwater
(słodkowodne) lake)
The most popular natural wonder is Grand Canyon
(Wielki Kanion). It was formed over thousands of
years of erosion (erozja) caused by (spowodowanej przez) wind, water and other natural forces (siły
natury). The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone is the primary (główną) attraction in the Canyon
Village area and one of the park’s most popular hiking spots (miejsc turystycznych – miejsca gdzie
ludzie rozpoczynają wędrówki piesze). The canyon stretches for (rozciąga się) approximately (około)
20 miles long and nearly a mile wide (szerokość). It is a wonderful place but be prepared to share
the trails with permanent residents (stali mieszkańcy) like buffalo (bawół), elk (łoś) and sometimes
even grizzlies (niedźwiedzie grizli).

Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park is located on the border (granica) of Canada and the United States. On the
park’s territory there are more than 700 lakes, numerous (liczne) waterfalls and two mountain
ranges (pasma górskie), spread across (rozciągające się) more than 1 million acres (akry) that provides
(zapewnia) a shelter (schronienie) for many wild animals. Glacier National Park is known for its
many hiking trails (szlaki turystyczne). No matter (niezależnie) what path (ścieżka) you choose to
go, you’ll likely see (prawdopodobnie zobaczysz) stunning (oszałamiającą) alpine scenery (alpejskie
widoki) punctuated by (przerywaną) jagged peaks (poszarpane szczyty), alpine meadows (alpejskie
łąki) and glacial lakes (jeziora polodowcowe).

Arches National Park

Visiting Arches National Park is like visiting another planet, one with thousands of natural sandstone
arches (łuki piaskowe), red rocks (czerwone skały) and landforms (ukształtowanie terenu) in
amazing configurations (konfiguracje), and light (światło) that seems (wydaje się) to change every
moment. While spending time in the park you must see Delicate Arch which is the world’s most
famous (słynny) free-standing (wolnostojący) natural arch (łuk). This is also a very popular park
for photographers as they try to catch a perfect combination of light going through red rocks and
Remember – whenever you go, it doesn’t matter if it is to a famous National Park or a park close to
your home – don’t litter (nie śmieć).

Topics for discussion:

1. Have you been to any National Park? If yes, what was the name of this park.
2. What type of landscape is your favourite?
3. Do you prefer to go to the mountains or to the seaside? Why?
4. Have you ever watched animals in the wild?
5. Which one of these three National Parks in the USA would you like to visit? Why?
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Some interesting facts about Australia

Australia is one of the countries where English is the national language (język narodowy). We are
going to share (podzielić się) with you some interesting facts about this beautiful country.
Do you know that Australia is the only country that covers (pokrywa / zajmuje) an entire (cały)
continent? So, it is both a country, and a continent. It is also the sixth largest country in the world.
The area of Australia is 24 times larger than Poland and the population is much smaller (by more
than 13 million). This is because 2/3 of Australia's population lives in the 5 largest metropolises
(metropolie): Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. The vast majority (znaczna
większość) of the country is wild, and uninhabited (niezamieszkała) areas.
But most of all (przede wszystkim) Australia has beautiful landscapes (krajobrazy), interesting
plants (rośliny) and animals that you can’t find anywhere else. Do you know that Australia has the
largest coral reef (rafa koralowa) in the world? Australia's coral reef is home to over 600 different
species (gatunki) of coral (koralowców), fish, and other animals. The reef is so huge (ogromna) that
it can even be seen from space (kosmos) – as a white streak (smuga) against the blue ocean. It is
a dream for many people to dive (nurkować) and see this wonderful nature with their own eyes.
Australia is also home to many species of animals. One of the most popular
animals in Australia is the kangaroo. Kangaroos are found only in Australia and
the neighbouring (sąsiadujące) islands. They move (poruszają się) by jumping.
They can jump up to 9 metres and move at a speed (prędkość) of 56 km/h.
Kangaroos have special bags that are located on their stomachs (brzuchy) and
are used to carry (nosić) their babies.
Another Australian animal is the koala. Koalas are cute (słodkie / urocze) bears
that live in eucalyptus (eukaliptus) forests. They are friendly and trusting (ufne)
animals. Interestingly – the koala is related to (spokrewiony z) the kangaroo.
Koalas are awful sleepers (straszne śpiochy). They can sleep up to (aż do) 20
hours a night and spend most of their lives in trees. Koalas can communicate
(komunikować się) with each other (ze sobą), making strange sounds similar to snoring (chrapanie).
Australia is also home to a lot of species of spiders. Among them are many of the world's most
dangerous spiders, such as the tarantula. Some of them are so poisonous (jadowite) that their bite
(ugryzienie) can even threaten human life (zagrozić ludzkiemu życiu).
There are also many national parks in Australia. In the centre of the national park "Urulu-Kata
Tjuta" there is a rock formation (formacja skalna). It is called "Uluru" or "Ayers Rock". It is one of
the biggest attractions of Australia. This huge red rock is located in the middle of nowhere (na
pustkowiu). It is over 348 metres high and over 600 years old. Its circumference (obwód) is over
10 km and it takes 4 hours to go around it. It looks the most beautiful at sunset (zachód słońca).
If you prefer urban (miejskie) landscapes, be sure to visit Sydney and see the "Sydney Opera
House". This place is famous (znane) for its extraordinary architecture (niezwykła architektura) and
is one of the symbols of Australia. There are several concert halls (sale koncertowe) in the building.
The largest of them is the "Concert Hall", which can hold up to (pomieścić) 2,679 people. It must be
impressive (imponujące) if even Queen Elizabeth II has visited it four times!
Have we convinced (przekonaliśmy) you that Australia is a special place?

Topics for discussion:

1. Which Australian animal do you find the most interesting?
2. What is the most important reason why you would like to visit Australia?
3. Do you know any other interesting facts about Australia? If so, what are they?

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Some interesting facts about Canada

Canada is a unique (wyjątkowe) country located in North America and it is an absolutely amazing
place (fantastyczne miejsce) for anyone who loves nature. Ottawa is the capital city (stolica) of
Canada. Canada is the second largest country in the world. It only borders (graniczy) the United
States. Canada is also known as Land of the Great Lakes (Kraina Wielkich Jezior). The biggest and
the most famous lakes are Erie, Superior, Huron, Ontario and Michigan.
Canada is a bilingual (dwujęzyczny) country. What does that mean? It means that Canada has two official
(oficjalne) languages: English and French. Do you wonder (zastanawiasz) why? It is because Canada
was colonized by two empires (została skolonizowana
przez dwa imperia): France and England. These two
countries controlled (kontrolowali) two different parts of
the Canadian land and built colonies there. The French
spoke French and practiced Catholicism (katolicyzm),
the British spoke English and practiced Protestantism
(protestantyzm). Nowadays Canada is a country of many
nationalities (wielu narodowości). It is a very tolerant and
modern country.
Canada’s nature
Did you know that about (około) 90% of the country
is uninhabited (niezamieszkałe)? It means that 90% of Canada are untouched (nietknięte) natural
wonders (cuda)!
Probably (prawdopodobnie) the most famous place in Canada is Niagara Falls. It is one of the world’s
wonders (cuda świata). The Niagara Falls is located on the border (granica) of Ontario (province
(prowincja) of Canada) and New York state, USA. It was created by a glacier (lodowiec) activity
around 10,000 years ago. It is visited by around 30 million people every year.
Canada is also known as a country with many national parks. One of the most popular Canadian
national parks is Banff National Park. It is located in the southwestern (południowo-zachodniej) part
of the province of Alberta with an area (powierzchnia) of 6641 km². In 1984, Banff National Park
was listed on the UNESCO World heritage list (lista światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO). In the park
there is a beautiful lake that is called (nazywa się) Banff lake. It is known for its perfect turquoise
(turkusowy) colour, wildlife (dzika przyroda) and mountains that surround (otaczają) the scenery.
National sports
Canada’s national winter sport is hockey. Playing hockey is a Canadian tradition and it is the most
popular sport played all year long. In summer Canadians play road hockey (hokey na drodze). People
gather (gromadzą się) on the streets, set up nets (ustawiają bramki) and play. The most popular
hockey teams are Montreal Canadians and the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Traditional foods
Did you know that maple syrup (syrop klonowy) is produced mainly (głównie) in Canada? It is made
exclusively (wyłącznie) from maple sap concentrate (koncentrat soku klonowego) from the maple
tree (klon). Maple syrup is loved by Canadians and is added to pancakes, cookies and other sweets.
No wonder (nie ma sie co dziwić) since Canadians produce it themselves!

Topics for discussion:

1. Why would you like to visit Canada?
2. Do you know any interesting facts about Canada? If so, what are they?
3. What specific places would you like to see in Canada? Why?

Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Knowledge pill about English-speaking countries

Knowledge of English-speaking countries is very useful especially if you take part in English language
competitions. Examiners love to check this knowledge, especially since at school you don't learn a lot
about it. Today we have prepared a knowledge pill about English-speaking countries. You will find out
what the flags, symbols, capital cities, patrons, and traditional food of these countries are. Enjoy!

The UK The countries of America

The full name of the UK is “the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland” (Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii Flag: The Maple Leaf
i Irlandii Północnej). Capital city: Ottawa
Flag: Union Jack Symbols: maple leaf (liść klonowy),
Capital city: London moose (łoś) and beaver (bóbr)
Monarchy: Queen Elizabeth II Patron: Jan de Brébeuf SJ
Traditional food: maple syrop (syrop klonowy),
The countries of the UK poutine (frytki z serem i sosem), cretons (pasty
England wieprzowe), Candy apple (jabłko na patyku
Flag: St. George’s cross w polewie).
Capital city: London The USA
Symbols: rose
Flag: Stars and Stripes (Gwiazdy i pasy)
Patron: St. George
Capital city: Washington DC
Traditional food: fish and chips, roast beef,
Symbols: Statue of Liberty
Yorkshire pudding, tea.
Wales Patron: The Virgin Mary
Flag: The red dragon Traditional food: apple pie (szarlotka), pumpkin
Capital city: Cardiff pie (ciasto dyniowe), cheesburger, pancakes
Symbols: daffodil (żonkil) (naleśniki amerykańskie).
and leek (por)
Patron: St. David Australia
Traditional food: cawl (tradycyjna zupa walijska), Flag: navy blue rectangle with The Union Jack
Bara Lawr (potrawa z wodorostów), Glamorgan flag (granatowy prostokąt z flagą Union Jack)
sausage (kiełbasa wegetariańska). Capital city: Canberra
Scotland Symbols: Boxing kangaroo
(boksujący kangur)
Flag: St. Andrew’s cross
Patron: Mary MacKillop, The
Capital city: Edinburgh
Virgin Mary
Symbols: thistle (oset)
Traditional food: Chicken Parmigiana (potrawa
Patron: St. Andrew
z kurczaka), Lamingtons (tradycyjne ciasto
Traditional food: haggis (potrawa z owczych
australijskie), Barramundi (ryba morska).
podrobów), Irn Bru (napój gazowany z kofeiną),
shortbread (rodzaj ciastek kruchych), whisky.
Topics for discussion
Northern Ireland
Talk about Poland. What are the Polish symbols,
Flag: Union Jack traditional food of Poland, monuments, and other
Capital city: Belfast important information about this country?
Symbols: shamrock (kończyna)
What monuments are typical for English-speaking
Patron: St. Partick countries?
Traditional food: dulse (czerwone wodorosty),
Which English-speaking country would you like to
yellow man (deser irlandzki), pasties (pieczone visit and why?
pierogi), potato bread farl (chleb ziemniaczany).
Knowledge about english-speaking countries
Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

English-speaking countries quiz

W tym dziale poznajemy kulturę angielską. Dzisiaj proponujemy Ci rozwiązanie testu o krajach
anglojęzycznych, które opisywaliśmy w poprzednich numerach Niezbędnika Szóstoklasisty.
Trzymamy kciuki za jak najlepszy wynik.

Which country's flag is this? a) Canada b) USA c) Australia

What is the capital city of the UK? a) Dublin b) Washington c) London

What is the name a) The White House b) The Big Ben

of this building? c) the Kensington Palace

Where is this monument located? a) London b) Sidney c) New York

Which city is also called

a) Belfast b) Toronto c) New York
“The Big Apple”?

What is the most famous

a) Football b) Hockey c) Basketball
sport in Canada?

What is the capital of Australia? a) Syndey b) Canberra c) Chicago

a) USA b) New Zealand

Where is Thanksgiving celebrated?
c) England

Which country's flag is this? a) Ireland b) Australia c) Canada

Which is the biggest

a) Alaska b) Arizona c) California
state in the USA?

Where is St Patrick’s Day

a) Ireland b) India c) New Zealand
celebrated the most?

Which English speaking

a) USA b) Canada c) Scotland
country is the biggest?

How many states are

a) 52 b) 51 c) 50
in the USA?

Which country is not in the UK? a) Australia b) England c) Wales

Where is the biggest

a) Canada b) England c) Australia
coral reef?

Konsultant językowy: Allan John Copyright 2022 © Have Effects sp. z o. o.
Redaktor prowadzący: Justyna Jóźwiak All right reserved 2022
Have Effects sp. z o. o.
Konsultant merytoryczny: Ewa Marmurska-Karpińska
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Opracowanie graficzne: Justyna Jakubczyk 05-250 Radzymin
Grafiki: Freepik – brgfx (piłka, krykiet, tenis); E-mail:
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zent, Irlandia, Kanada, ryba i frytki); gstudioimagen (New York
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ibrandify (USA); Jcstudio (budki teefoniczne); Jcstudio (London
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(flaga USA); macrovector (Australia, USA Canada, Anglia, Kanada, Publikacja „Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych” chroniona jest
herbata, kanapka, Londyn); master1305 (corgi); molinero (flagi prawem autorskim. Przedruk materiałów zamieszczanych w pub-
likacji „Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych” bez zgody wydawcy jest
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rawpixel (flagi, skrzynka na listy); souvenirpixels (Banff-Natio- się na źródło. Publikacja „Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych”
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Williams; para krolewska – Government of Alberta); autorów oraz konsultantów.


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