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 The effect of pressure on solid solutions is

Types of Solutions
(Based on Nature of Solvent)
 Aqueous Solutions (Solvent is water).
 Homogeneous mixture of two or more  Non-Aqueous Solutions (Solvent is other than
substances whose composition vary within H2O).
certain limits is known as True Solution.  If alcohol is solvent, then they are alcoholic
Eg : Salt in water, sugar in water. solutions.
In a homogeneous mixture composition is same  If Ether is solvent, then they are ethereal
through out the mixture. solutions.
 A binary solution contains only two components  If liq. Ammonia is solvent, then they are
solute and solvent. Ammonical solutions.
Solute : The component present in lesser  In Amalgams - mercury is one of the
proportion (or) the component loses its physical components.
state (not always) (or) present in dissolved state The commonly used Solvents in non-aqueous
(or) dispersed phase. Solutions are
Solvent : The component present in greater CCl4, CS2, CHCl3, C6H6, liq. SO2, liq. NH3,
proportion (or) the component that retains its acetic acid.
physical state (or) dispersion medium (or) Classification of Solutions
dissolving medium. (Based on Physical States of Matter)
Characteristics of Solution I. Solid Solutions
 It is a homogeneous mixture. Solid in Solid Eg: Alloys like Brass
 Formation of solution is a physical change but Liquid in solid Eg: Amalgam
not a chemical change.
Gas in Solid Eg: Occlusion of H2 over Pd
 Solute cannot be separated from solution by
II. Liquid Solutions
Solid in Liquid Eg: Sucrose in water
 Solute can be separated from solution by
distillation, absorption (or) crystallization. If the Liquid in Liquid Eg: Alcohol + Water
solute is non volatile and solvent is volatile then Gas in Liquid Eg: Soda water
they are separated by evaporation (or) III. Gaseous Solutions
distillation. Solid in Gas Eg: Camphor in air
 The properties of a solution like density, vapour Liquid in Gas Eg: Moisture in air
pressure, boiling point depend on relative
amount of solute and solvent. Gas in Gas Eg: Mixture of any 2 gases or
 Variables like pressure, temperature and atmospheric air.
composition may affect the properties of the  Gases on intermixing produce true solution.

Methods of Expressing Concentration  Mass/Volume Perentage ( W/V) : It is
of solutions of solis in liquids mass of solute dissolved in 100 ml of solution.
The quantity of solute present in definite quantity w
of the solution relative to the solvent is known mass volume %   100
as concentration of solution or strength of
solution.  Strength : Weight of solute (in grams)
dissolved in per litre of solution . (g/litre)
 Standard Solutions : The solution whose
concentration is known. Strength = Equivalent weight x Normality
 Dilute Solution : The solution containing  PPM (Parts per Million) : It is the mass of
relatively smaller quantity of solute compared the solute present in million 106  parts by
to that of solvent. mass of the solution.
 Concentrated Solution : The solution which
contain relatively large solute, in a definite Massof solute106
ppm 
quantity of the solution. Mass of solution
Weight of Solution = Volume of the solution Chemical Methods
 density of solution (W = V  d).
Molarity (M) : It is number of gram moles of
 The weight of 1 milli litre of a solution in grams solute dissolved per litre of solution.
is known as density of the solution.
Unit = Moles/litre
 The density of solution depends on the
temperature.  Molarity decreases with increase in
 The Units of density are g/ml or g/lit.
 The ratio between density of solution and n
 M  V (n = number of moles of solute)
density of water (both measured at the same Lit
temperature) is known as relative density or n = VM (V= Volume of Solution in litres)
specific gravity of solution.
Wt 1
density of Solution M  
Specific gravity = M .Wt Vlit ;
density of water
Specific gravity has no units. W 1000
M  
Physical Methods M .Wt Vml
 Weight Fraction : It is amount of solute in
M  M .wt  Vml x 10
grams present in 100g solution. w ;M  d  1
1000 MW
Weight Fraction =
w W x  d 10 x  Sp . gr  10
M ; M 
 w  MW MW
Weight % =    100
 w W  Where x is W / V  % of solute
w = weight of solute, W = weight of solvent
 Dilution : A solution of molarity M1 and
v volume V1 is diluted to V2 and of molarity M2,
 Volume Fraction =
v V then . V1M1 =V2M2
 v  Volume of H2O required to dilute a solution of
Volume % =    100 volume V and molarity M1 to concentration
 v V 
v = volume of solute , V = volume of solvent M2, VH 2O  Higher C  Lower C  Vsol
Lower C

 When two solutions of different substances Mixture : (same solute )

V1M1 V2 M 2 V1 N1  V2 N 2
react: = N
n1 n2 V
Molarity of Mixture (Same solutes) In Acid-Base Reactions

V M  V1 M 1  V 2 M  (i) Va N a  Vb Nb -
V1 M 1  V 2 M 2  N aVa  NbVb
M 
V acidic, N  Va  Vb
V1M1  V2 M 2
M= (for two solutions) N bVb  N aVa
V (ii) Va N a  Vb Nb - basic, N  Va  Vb
Molarity of Mixture of Acid and Base
(iii) Va N a  Vb Nb -
V1M 1  V2 M 2
M  V1M 1  V2 M 2 
V neutral, N  107 at 250 C
 Molar Solution ----- 1M W
Semi molar Solution ----- 0.5M  Number of gm eq. =  N Vlit
Deci molar Solution ----- 0.1M
 Number of gm Eq. of acid = Number of gm
Centi molar Solution ----- 0.01M Eq. of base
Milli molar Solution ----- 0.001M
 Normality : It is number of gram equivalents Wa W
 b
of solute dissolved per litre of solution. EWa EWb
Unit = gm. equivalents / litre Wa N V (in ml) ;
 Normality decreases as temperature increases.  b b
Ewa 1000
No. of gm equivalents of solute
volume of solution in litres Wb N V (in ml)
 a a
W 1 EWb 1000
N 
E.W Vlits Equivalent Weight
W 1000 N  E .W  V It is the number of parts by weight of a
N  ; W substance that combine or displace 1.008 parts
E.W Vml 1000 by weight of hydrogen or 35.5 parts by weight
 When a solution is diluted or two solutions of of chlorine or 8 parts by weight of oxygen.
different substances react, then V1 N1  V2 N 2 It is represented by E.
 It is a relative value, no units.
 Volume of water required for diluting a solution
 Equivalent weight expressed in grams is known
of volume V and concentration N1 to N 2 , then as gram equivalent weight or gram equivalent.
higher C  lower C  Number of gram equivalents
VH 2O   Vsol
lower C
Weight of the substance in gms
x  10 =
N  d  1 Gram equivalent weight
Equivalent Weight of Acids
x  d  10 x  Sp.g 10
N N M Wt
EW EW  E acid 
Where x is weight-volume percentage of basicity
Solute (w/v )%  Basicity is the number of replaceable hydrogen
atoms by metal ions in a molecule of an acid.

36.5 63 Change in oxidation state from +7 to +2 is 5
EHCl  EHNO3 
1 1
E Na 2S2O3.5H 2O 
98 1
EH 2SO4 
2  2Na 2S2O3  I2  Na 2S4O6  2NaI
EH 2C2O4 ( Anhydrous)  152  Fe2+  Fe3+ 
2 E FeSO 
4 1  
126 294 
E H 2C 2O 4 .2 H 2 O  EK 2Cr2O7  Cr2O72  2Cr 3 
2 6  
98 82  FeC2O4 (Ferrous oxalate ) as a reducing agent
EH 3PO4  EH 3PO3 
3 2
Fe2  Fe3  e 
EH 3PO2 

60  3e
3COOH C2O42  2CO2  2e 
1 1
Equivalent Weight of Base Mw 144
FeC 2O4  
M .wt 3 3
Ebase 
acidity Fe2  C2O4 3 (Ferric oxalate ) as a reducing
 Acidity is the number of hydroxyl groups
replaceable in a molecule of the base. agent 3C2O 42  6CO2  6e
40 56 Mw 376
E NaOH  EKOH  E F e C O   
2 2 4 3 6 6
1 1
Relation between Molarity
74 171 and Normality
ECa (OH )2  EBa (OH ) 2 
2 2  M  M .wt.  N  E.W
Equivalent Weight of Salts  Gram molecular wt=n  Gram equivalent wt
Formula Weight Where n = valency (or) Basicity (or) acidity
Esalt  (or) number of electrons transferred.
Total charge on cations or anions
 Molality (m) : It is the number of gram moles
58.5 of solute dissolved per Kg of solvent.
E NaCl 
1 Unit is Moles / Kg of solvent.
It is independent of temperature.Hence It is a
111 standard method of expressing concentration
ECaCl2   55.5
2 while molarity is a convenient method of
expressing concentration.
E Na2CO3   53 m
2 WSolvent  in Kg 
Equivalent weight of Oxidising
agent / Reducing agent w 1
m 
M.wt M .wt Wsolvent in Kg
EO.A(or ) R.A 
Change in oxidation state per mole
W 1000
m 
158 M .W WSolvent in Gm
E KMnO4  acid   ( MnO4  Mn 2 )
m  M .W  WSolvent in Gm

x 1000 Formality (F)
m  This is the concentration unit for ionic-
MW (100  x)
Where x= wt % (w / w) compounds which dissolve in a polar solvent
to give pair of ions. This represents number of
Solubility  10
m= gram formula - weight of the substance
M. Wt of Solute
dissolved per litre of the solution. It is almost
Relation between Molality and Molarity the same as molarity. It describes the solute
1000  M that is mixed in a liquid rather than the solute
1000  d    M  MWsolute  present in solution after the dissolution process.
Mole Fraction(x): It is the ratio between molesof substance added tosolution
Formality =
number of moles of one particular component volumeof solution  inlitres 
to the total number of moles of all the
components of solution. S.E-1: Calculate the amount of oxalic acid
It has no Units. (eq. wt.63) required to prepare 500ml of
its 0.10N solution
It is independent of temperature.
W 1000 Vml
No. of moles of solute(n2 ) Sol. N  GEW  V ; W  N  GEW 
x2  ml 1000
Total no. of moles in solution(n1  n2 )
n W  0.10  63   3.15 gr
n2 1000
x2 
n1  n2
 xi  1 S.E-2: Calculate the normality of
i 1
orthophosphoric acid having purity of
n1 70% by weight (
x1  x  x  1
n1  n2 1 2
x%   10
 Relationship between molality(m) of the GEW
solution and mole fraction ( x2 )of the solute. Sol. 70  1.54  10  3
  33
x2  S.E-3 : Calculate the mole fraction of
1  mM1
C3H5(OH)3 in a solution of 36 g of water
 Where M1 =Moleculur mass of solvent. and 46 g of glycerine
Relationship between mole fraction of the Sol. n  36  2
H 2O
solute( x2 ) and molarity of the solution. 18
MM1 ngr   0.5
x2  92
M ( M1  M 2 )  d
xgr   0.20
 Where M 2 =molar mass of the solute in 2.5

kg mol 1 Solubility of Solid in Liquid

The amount of solute dissolved in100g of a
Where M 2 =molar mass of the solvent in solvent to form a saturated solution at a given
temperature is termed as the solubility of solute.
kg mol 1
 Unsaturated Solution : A solution in which
d=density of the solution in kg L1 more solute can be dissolved without raising
temperature is called an unsaturated solution.

 Saturated Solution : A solution in which no D is the dielectric constant of medium. Dielectric
solute can be dissolved further at a given constant of water is 82, methanol 33.5, Benzene
temperature is called a saturated solution.The 2.3. Ionic solids dissolve more in a solvent
maximum amount of a solute that can be having high dielectric constant.
dissolved in a given amount of solvent Solubilities of Molecular Solids
(generally 100g) at a given temperature is (Non-Ionic Solids)
termed as its “solubility” at that temperature.  Molecular solids containing polar groups (e.g.
 In a saturated solution there exists a dynamic OH) are soluble in polar solvents like water,
equilibrium between the undissolved and methanol etc. Others are soluble in non
dissolved ions or molecules in solution. polar solvents.
At equilibrium  Solubility of Gases in Liquids : It is
generally expressed in terms of absorption
Rate of dissolution Rate of crystallization
coefficient which is defined as the volume of
 A supersaturated solution is metastable the gas in ml that can be dissolved by 1ml of a
 Soluble Substances : Have solubility greater liquid solvent at the temperature of the
than 1 g per 100 mL. experiment at 1atmospheric pressure.
 Sparingly Soluble Substances : Have Absorption coefficient of some gases at 200 C
solubility less than 1g and more than 0.001g Solvent Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon dioxide
per 100mL.
Water 0.017 0.015 0.028 0.88
 Insoluble Substance: Have solubility less Ethanol 0.080 0.130 0.143 3.00
than 0.0019 g per 100mL. Benzene 0.060 0.104 0.165
Factors Influencing Solubility of Solids Factors Influencing the Solubility of a Gas
 (a) Temperature : If the dissolution is
 Nature of the Gas : Easily liquiefiable gases
endothermic the solubility increases with
are more soluble. e.g. CO2 is more soluble
than O2 and H2
e.g. NaNO2, KNO3, NaCl  Nature of Solvent : Gases capable of
If the dissolution process is exothermic forming ions in aqueous solution are more
soluble in water than in other solvents.
 HSol  0  , solubility decreases with
Eg.HCl, NH 3 etc.
increase in temperature.  Temperature : Solubility decreases with rise
 (b) Pressure : It has no significant effect on of temperature at constant pressure.
solubility because solids and liquids are highly Henry’s Law
incompressible.  The mass of a gas dissolved per unit volume of
(c) Nature of Solute / Solvent solvent is proportional to the pressure of the
solubilities of Ionic solids gas at constant temperature.
 The smaller the value of lattice energy and more m  p or m = kp where k is Henry’ss
the value of heat of hydration more is the
 The most commonly used form of Henry’s law
solubility of ionic compounds. Lattice energy states that the partial pressure of the gas in
depends upon force of attraction (F) vapour phase (p) is proportional to the mole
between oppositely charged ions and given by fraction of the gas (x) in the solution” and is
qq1 expressed as p  K H x Here K H is the Henry’ s
F 2
r D law constant.
q, q1 are charges, r distance between charges,

S.E-4: The henry law constant for the
solubility of N 2 gas in water at 298K is

1.0 105 atm.Then calculate number of

moles of N 2 from air dissolved in 10 moles
of water at 298K and 5atm pressure
Sol. PN 2  K H xN 2
PN 2 = mole fraction of N 2 in air  Total
pressure of air
Higher the value of K H at a given pressure, =0.8  5atm=4 atm
the lower is the solubility of the gas in the liquid.  4 atm=105 atm  xN 2 or xN 2 = 4 105
Gas Temperature KH/ Gas Tempe- KH/
This means that in one mole of water, no.of
/K kbar rature kbar
He 293 144.97 Argon 298 40.3
moles of N 2 dissolved = 4 105
H2 293 69.16 CO2 298 1.67  In 10 moles of water, no.of moles of N 2 is
N2 293 76.48 Formal
dehyde 298 1.8310–5 dissolved= 4 104
N2 303 88.84 Methane 298 0.413 Concept of Vapour Pressure : In an open
O3 293 34.86 Vinyl vessel (or) lakes (or) ponds, level of water
Chloride 298 0.611 decreases in summer due to phenomenon of
vaporization (or) Evaporation.
Limitations of Henry’s Law  Vaporization (or) Evaporation: The
(i) pressure is not very high transformation of liquid to vapour form is
vapourisation. Evaporation of a liquid is
(ii) temperature is not very low
endothermic process.
(iii) gas not highly soluble  It is explained on the basis of Kinetic molecular
(iv) gas do not form any compound with solvent theory.
(v) gas does not undergo dissociation
 The molecules of liquid are held together by
inter molecular forces of attractions.
Application of Henry’s law  The K.E of liquid molecules is different but their
 To increase solubility of CO 2 in soft drinks and average K.E is same.
soda water the bottle is sealed under high The molecules at the surface will have more
prssure kinetic energy than the molecules in the bulk.
 The molecules with higher K.E overcome the
 Sea divers use air diluted with He(11.7% He, inter molecular forces of attraction and escape
56.2% N2 and 32.1% O2) to avoid a condition into the Atmosphere.
known as ‘bends’ to cope up with high ‘P’  The molecules with lower K.E remain in the
under water. bulk, so K.E when compared to earlier state is
 At high altitudes, when partial pressure of O2 less therefore Temperature decreases during
is less, it leads to a condition known as vaporization.
‘Anoxia’.  This principle is employed in attaining low
eg: liquification of air (or) real gases, cooling of
water in mud pot .

 The number of molecules escaping from the H v = Enthalpy of vapourisation of liquid ;
liquid surface in unit time (or one second) is
R= gas constant;
known as rate of evaporation.
 Rate of evaporation depends on, P2 = vapour pressure at T2 and P1 = vapour
(i) Nature of Liquid (ii) Surface Area pressure at T1
(iii) Temperature (iv) Flow of air current over
the surface  A graph is plotted between log p vs gives
 The transformation of vapour molecules with T
lower K.E back to the liquid state is known as straight line with negative slope.
The number of molecules condensing on the
liquid surface in unit time is known as rate of
 At any temperature both vaporization and
condensation take place Simultaneously, but still
volume of liquid decreases because some of
vapour molecules escape into atmosphere.
 In a closed vessel after certain period of time,
the rate of vaporization becomes equal to rate
of condensation i. e., it attains liquid-vapour Boiling Point
equilibrium.  It is the temperature at which vapour pressure
 Vapour Pressure : The pressure exerted by of a liquid becomes equal to its Atmospheric
vapour over a liquid when they are in equilibrium pressure.
with each other.  Volatile liquids have high Vapour Pressure and
 Vaporization increases with surface area and low Boiling Point.
temperature. Eg : Ether, Methyl alcohol, acetone, benzene,
 Vapour pressure is independent of surface area. Carbon tetrachloride, Carbon disulphide
Vapour pressure varies exponentially with  Non volatile liquids have low vapour pressure
temperature. and .high boiling point.
 Clausius and Clapeyron theoretically derived Eg : H 2 O , Aniline, Nitrobenzene
a relationship between the vapour pressure and
Lowering of Vapour Pressure
the temperature of the liquid.
 When temperature is increased KE of  When a non volatile solute is added to a solvent,
molecules increases, more number of molecules the vapour pressure decreases.
convert to vapour form and more will be the  In a solution the surface is not only occupied
vapour pressure. by solvent molecules but also by solute
 The vapour pressure of a liquid is called molecules.
saturated vapour pressure, because the  The number of molecules of solvent present on
atmosphere over liquid is saturated with vapour surface are relatively less in solution than that
of the liquid, exerts pressure on the liquid. of pure solvent as some solvent molecules on
 The vapour pressure of water is known as the surface are displaced by solute molecules.
aqueous tension.  The number of molecules converting to Vapour
 Clapeyron -Clausius Equation is given by form are less (vaporization is less). Therefore
vapour pressure is less.
P2 H v  1 1 
log      The vapour pressure of liquid is directly
P1 2.303R  T1 T2  proportional to rate of vaporization.

 The difference between vapour pressure of pure Limitations
solvent  P0  and vapour pressure of solution  It is applicable for very dilute solutions only.
 It is applicable for dilute solutions containing
 P is known as lowering of vapour non-volatile solute only.
pressure(LVP).  It is applicable for solutions containing solutes,
P 0 P is lowering of vapour pressure and which neither associate nor dissociate.
P0  P  It is applicable for ideal solutions only.(Solutions
is relative lowering of vapour in which solute and solvent do not have
pressure. Interaction).
 The ratio between the lowering of Vapour  Particle concentration in Solution :
pressure in solution and the vapour pressure Molar concentration of solution  number of
of pure liquid is known as relative lowering of ions formed from one molecule of Solute
vapour pressure (RLVP).
 At any given temperature the vapour pressure Eg: (a) In 0.01M Aqueous solution of Al2 (SO 4 )3
of the solution decreases with increase in the  Al3+   0.02M ; SO24   0.03M
concentration of solution.    
 Vonbabo showed that RLVP is independent of Total particle concentration =0.05M
temperature for dilute solutions even though (b) Particle concentration of 0.01M glucose
both the vapour pressure of solvent and solution solution is 0.01M
change with temperature.  L V P  number of particles.
Raoult’s Law : Raoult’s law general form can 1
 VP  particle concentration
be stated as, for any solution the partial vapour
pressure of each volatile component in the  BP  particle concentration
solution is directly proportional to its mole  Variables like pressure, temperature and
fraction. composition may effect the properties of the
 The relative lowering of vapour pressure of a solutions
dilute solution containing a non-volatile solute  The effect of pressure on solid solutions is
is equal to mole fraction of solute. negligible
P0  P P0  P n2 Vapour Pressure of liquid-liquid solutions
 x2 
P 0
P 0 n1  n2 Raoult’s Law & Dalton’s Law
 (1) The partial pressure of a volatile component
for very dilute solutions ( n2  n1 ) of a solution is directly proportional to its mole
 n1  n2  n1 fraction in very dilute solution at any
P0  P n2 P0  P w M
    PA X A and PB X B and
P0 n1 P0 m W
PA  PA0 . X A , PB  PB0 . X B
Where P = V.P of pure solvent
Where PA = partial pressure of component A,
P = V.P of pure solution
n1  moles of solvent PA0 = vapoure pressure of component A in

n2  moles of solute pure form, X A = mole fraction of component

w = wt. of solute A in solution
m = M.Wt of solute Remember PA = p. A , where p = Total
W = Wt. of solvent pressure and  A = Mole fraction of component
M = M.Wt of solvent A in vapour phase

Ideal and Non-Ideal Solutions (b) H mi x is  ve (c) Vmix is  ve
 (I) The solution which obey Raoult’s law at all
temperatures and concentrations Vapour pressure
of solution
(II) H mix  0 i.e. no heat is evolved or
absorbed when components are mixed to form

Vapour pressure
the solution.
(III) Vmix  0 i.e. no change in volume.In ideal
solution the A -B intermolecular P1
interactions are the same as A -A and B -B
inter molecular interactions
x Mole fraction x
x x x

Examples :
Carbon tetrachloride +benzene
Carbon tetrachloride + chloroform
Carbon tetrachloride + Toluene
Acetone + Carbon disulphide
Acetone +Ethyl alcohol
Acetone + Benzene
In an ideal solution of two components say A2 Methyl alcohol + Water
and B2 , all cohesive forces (A-A, B-B and A- Ethyl alcohol + Water
B) must beidentical.Twoliquids onmixingwill form (II) Showing Negative Deviations: For
an ideal solution if following conditions be satisfied: such solutions (a) A -B intermolecular
i) Both have similar structures interactions are stronger than A-A and B-B
ii) Both have similar molecular sizes intermolecular interactions
iii) Both have identical intermolecular forces
H mi x is  ve (c) Vmix is  ve
strictly there is no attraction and repulsions
Vapour pressure
The following pairs almost behave as ideal of solution
Vapour pressure

(a) Benzene and toluene

(b) ethyl bromide and ethyl chloride P2 P1
(c) n - Heptane and n- hexane
(d) Chlorobenzene and bromobezene
(e) ethylene chloride and ethylene bromide. x Mole fraction x
x x
iv) Solutions which do not obey Raoults law x
v) H mix  0 Examples :
Chloroform + Acetone
vi) Vmix  0
Chloroform + Benzene
 Types of non ideal solutions : They are of two types Chloroform + Diethyl ether
(I) : Showing Positive Deviations For
Acetone + Aniline
such solutions (a) A- B inter - molecular
interactions are weaker than A-A and B-B HCl + Water
intermolecular interactions HNO3 + Water

 Azeotropic mixture or constant Boiling  RLVP as per Raoult’s law, is equal to the mole
mixture : Mixture of two or more components fraction of solute
which like a pure chemical compound boils and Po  P
distills over completely at the same temperature  xs
without change in composition is called an azeo- Po
trope. Non ideal solutions form azeotropes. Where xs  mole fraction of solute
 Azeotropic mixture with minimum
Boiling point : Formed by liquids showing Po  P ns a b
 ; ns  : no 
positive deviation. An intermediate composition Po no  ns M W
of liquids having highest vapour pressure, hence
lowest boiling point gives this azeotrope . Such For dilute solutions ns  no
azeotropes have boiling points lower than either
of the pure component. eg. Rectified spirit Po  P a W a W Po
  M  
(ethanol 95.5% + H 2O 4.50%) bpt 351.5 K. Po M b or b  Po  P 
 Azeotropic mixture with maximum
boiling point : Formed by liquids showing S.E-5: The relative lowering of the vapour
negative deviation.An intermediate composition pressure of an aqueous solution
of liquids having minimum vapour pressure, containing a non-volatile solute is 0.0125.
hence highest boiling point gives this azeotrope. Calculate the molality of the solution
Such azeotropes have boiling points higher than
either of the pure components. Po  Ps w M w M
Sol. P  m  W : RLVP  
E.g. Water & o m W
HNO3(HNO3 68%+H2O 32%) bpt 393.5K w 1000 w 1
m  , 0.0125    M
Colligative Properties: The properties of m W m W
dilute solutions which depend on the number
of particles (ions or molecules) of the solute  w 1000 
0.0125  1000    M
dissolved in the solution are called colligative m W 
M  m  125 (M=18)
 Colligative properties  G .M .W 125
( solute ) m  0.6944  0.70
 They are
i) Relative lowering of vapour pressure 2. Elevation of Boiling point
(RLVP) of solution  The temperature at which the vapour pressure
ii) Elevation in the boiling point of the solution of a liquid becomes equal to the atmospheric
 Tb  pressure (i.e., one atmosphere) is known as
the boiling point of the liquid.
iii) Depression in the freezing point of the
 The vapour pressure (P) of a dilute solution of
solution  T f  the non-volatile solute is less than the vapour
iv) Osmotic pressure of the solution   pressure of the pure solvent  Po  in which the
1. Relative lowering of Vapour non-volatile solute is dissolved.
Pressure (RLVP)
 Boiling point of solution (T) is greater than the
 Ostwald’s dynamic method is based on the
measurement of RLVP of a solution due to boiling point of solvent To 
addition of a non volatile solute T  To   Tb  elevation of Boiling point.

solvent  for 1 molal solution,
C solution 1
RTo2 1
  Tb   1
B F L solution 2 lv 1000
1 Atm
E  a 
  1, b  1000 gr 
 M 
P0 A K
P1 D Kb 
lv  1000
P2 H
 Tb and K b are related by the equation
T0 T1 T2
The principal of elevation of Tb  Kb  m or
Boiling Point
a 1000
According to the principle of elevation in boiling Tb  K b  
M b
point 
BK BL  The elevation in boiling point observed in one
Po  P1 To  T1 molal solution of a non-volatile solute is called
or P  P  T  T  or  P T molal elevation constant  K b  (or)
o 2 o 2

 As per Raoult’s law, P X s  Tb X s Ebullioscopic constant.

or Tb  K b X s  The molal elevation constant of a solvent does

not change with the change in the nature of solute
Kb  proportionality constant dissolved in it.
X s  Mole Fraction of solute.
 From thermodynamic laws  Cottrell’s method is used for determination of molar
RTo2 mass of solute using elevation of boiling point.
Kb 
Hvap , S.E-6:The molal boiling-point constant for
Hvap  molar heat of vapourisation of liquid water is 0.513Km 1 .When 0.1 mole of
sugar is dissolved in 200.0g of water.Then
To  boiling point of pure solvent Calculate the boiling point of solution
R = gas constant. under a pressure of 1.0 atm.
RTo2 w 1000
Tb   Xs
H vap Sol. b  K b  
mw w
n a W 1000
For dilute solutions, X s  n  M  b
  b  0.513  0.1   0.256
o 200

  Tb 
RTo2  a W 
 
TS  T0  0.256

 H vap  M b  TS  T0  0.256
But Hvap  W  lv ( l v =latent heat of TS = 100  0.256  100.256.0 C
vapourization) 3. Depression of Freezing point
RT 2
a 1  Freezing point is the temperature at which the
Tb   
solid form of liquid begins to separate out from
lv M b
the liquid. At this temperature solid and liquid
will be in equilibrium.

 When non volatile solute is dissolved in a
RTo2 a 1
solvent the freezing point decreases. Tf   
 For dilute solutions the curves are considered lf M b
almost linear.  for 1 molal solution,
RTo2 1
T f   1
lf 1000

 a 
  1, b  1000 gr 
P1 M 

P2 RTo2
Kf 
l f  1000
T2 T1
 T f and K f are related by the equation
 From OBC, OEF,
OC BC T f  K f  m or

or a 1000
T f  K f  
M b
Po  P1 To  T1
  or  P  T  The depression of freezing point observed in
Po  P2 To  T2
1 molal solution of a non volatile solute is known
 As per Raoult’s law, P X s  T f  X s as K f
or T f  K f X s  Kf depends on chemical nature of solvent but
not solute in the solution.
K f  proportionality constant or molal  Rast method is used for determination of molar
depression constant or cryoscopic constant mass of solute. Using depression in freezing point.
 Rast method is used for solid solutions.
X s  Mole Fraction of solute.
 Colligative property
 From thermodynamic laws
RTo2  M olar mass of solute
Kf  H f  molar heat of freezing
H f  Boiling point of solution  no. of ions present
in solute
To  freezing point of pure solvent
 Freezing point of solution
R = gas constant.
RTo2  no.of ions present in a solute
T f   Xs
H f
S.E-7: Calculate the molecular weight of a
ns a W substance if the freezing point of a solution
 For dilute solutions, X s  n  M  b containing 100g of benzene and 0.2g of the
substance is 0.17K below that of benzene.
RTo2  a w  The cryoscope constant of benzerne is
T f    
H f  M b  5.16K kgmol 1

But H f  W  l f ( l f = latent heat of w  1000  K f

Sol. T f  ,
fusion) MW  W

w  1000  k f Van’t Hoff’s Charle’s Law
MW   The osmotic pressure () of a solution of
T f  W
constant concentration (C) is directly
1000  5.16  0.2 proportional to the temperature in Kelvin Scale (T)
MW   60.70
100  0.17  T
  KT ............ (2)
4. Osmotic Pressure
 The spontaneous flow of the solvent through from (1) and (2)  
semipermeable membrane from pure solvent V
to solution (or) from a dilute solution to
concentrated solution is known as osmosis. T  1 
 S   CST   C 
 The membranes which allow to pass only solvent V  V 
molecules through it but not solute molecules is here S = solution constant
called semipermeable membrane. The value of ‘S’ is similar to the value of ‘R’
 Ex. Animal membranes like pig’s bladder, (gas constant)
membrane round the red blood corpuscle, cell
Hence  V  RT for 1 mole
membrane, parchment paper, cellophane
paper, inorganic precipitate membranes like for ‘n’ mole  V  nRT
cupric ferrocyanide Cu2[Fe(CN)6],
Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2 If ‘a’ is weight of the solute and ‘M’ is its
molecular weight then
Osmotic Pressure  
a a
 The hydrostatic pressure developed on the n for ‘n’ moles  V  RT
aqueous dilute solution at equilibrium state due
to inflow of water when the solution is separated aRT
(a) M 
from the water by a semipermeable membrane. V
 The pressure required to be applied on the (b) M 

solution to just stop the inflow of solvent into
 osmotic pressure is determined by Berkely -
the solution, when the solution is separated from
Hartely method
the solvent by a semipermeable membrane.
Reverse Osmosis
Van’t Hoff’s theory of dilute Solutions
 According to van’t Hoff’s, dilute solutions
behave as gases. Hence the laws that
applicable to gases are also applicable to dilute
Van’t Hoff’s Boyle’s Law
At constant temperature the osmotic pressure
  of a dilute solution is directly proportional
to its concentration (C)
When a pressure greater than that of osmotic
 C C = mole / litre
pressure   is applied on solution side, then
1  1
 C   the solvent from the solution flows into pure
V  V
solvent this process is called reverse osmosis.
V  K ............(1) It used in desalination of sea water.

 Isotonic solutions : At a given temperature n = no. moles of solute
solutions of same osmotic pressure are called M = Molarity of the solution
isotonic solutions:
3. Consider two solutions I and II having n1 and
eg: Blood is isotonic with saline (0.9% w/v NaCl
solution) n2 moles of the solute in V1 and V2 litres of the
solution respectively let P1 and P2 be their
 Hypotonic solutions : Solutions having
osmotic pressures at the same temperature (T)
lower osmotic pressure
If P1 = P2 i.e., isotonic solutions
 Hypertonic Solutions : Solutions having
higher osmotic pressure n1 n2 W1 W2
then V  V (a) M V  M V
 Plasmolysis : The flow of the liquid from the 1 2 1 1 2 2
plant cell when placed in a hypertonic solution Osmotic pressure of mixture of two
is called plasmolysis. The plant cell undergoes Solutions :
shrinkage. It is an example to exo-osmosis Case(I) : Let two solutions of same substance
 Haemolysis : When a plant cell is placed in
having different osmotic pressures 1 and  2
hypotonic solution then the solvent flows into
are mixed then osmotic pressure of the resultant
plant cell. This is known as Haemolysis. The
solution can be calculated as
plant cell finally bursts. It is an example to
endo-osmosis.  1V1   2V2   r V1  V2 
 Plants taken up water from soil through the
phenomenon of osmosis through root hairs Here  r =osmotic pressure of resulting solution
 A raw mango placed in salt solution loses water Case (II) : Let n1 and n2 are the number of
via osmosis. This takes place in the preparation moles of two different solutes present in V1 and
of a pickle.
 Osmotic pressure of solutions have high values V2 volumes respectively. Osmotic pressure of
and are of the order of about 20-200 atm. the mixture can be calculated as
Ordinary membranes can’t withstand pressure. n1i1ST n i ST
Hence Berkely - Hartley measured osmotic   1   2   22
pressure using cupric ferrocyanide as
V1  V2  V1  V2 
semipermeable membrane.

 n1i1  n2i2  ST
 The osmotic pressure of a solution containing
V1  V2 
1 mole of solute particles per litre (1M) at 0o C
is 22.4 atm. here i1 and i2 are vant Hoff’s factors for the
Formulae two solutes.
1. V  nST Hence S.E-8: The osmotic pressure of a solution at
  Osmotic pressure 300K is 0.821 atm. Its concentration will be
w  w Sol.   CRT
V  ST  n   S=Solution constant
m  m C   / RT
wST 0.821
m T=absolute temperature C  0.033M
V 0.0821 300
2. V  nST W=Weight of solute Abnormal Molar Mass
n  Colligative properties are shown by dilute
  ST  MST
V solutions.
m = molecular wt of solute  Solutions which obey Raoult’s law are called
V = volume of the solution ideal solutions.

 Deviations in Raoult’s law are observed due experimental value of colligative property
to increase in concentration of solutions. i
Calculated value of colligative property
 Solutions which deviate from Raoult’s law are
observed osmotic pressure
known as non-ideal solutions. i
Calculated osmotic pressure
 In ideal solutions intermolecular forces in the
 For solutes which undergo dissociation let a
solutions are negligible.
solute on ionisation gives ‘n’ ions (particles) and
 But in non ideal solutions intermolecular forces
' ' is degree of ionisation at the given
are considerable.
 Non ideal solutions show deviations in concentration, we will have 1   n  1  
colligative properties. particles (ions) after ionisation
 Electrolytes undergo ionisation in aqueous An  nA
solutions as a result number of particle in the 1 0
solution increases hence magnitude of
1  n
colligative properties increases.
 Colligative property and molar mass of solute Total no of particles after dissociation
are inversely proportional to each other. = 1    n  1   n  1  
 So molar mass of electrolytic solutes
no.of particles after dissociation
deter-mined experimentally is less than true i
no.of particles before dissociation
 Some solutes when dissolved in solvents may 1   n  1  
undergo association i.e, solute molecules i 
combine to form dimers or trimers etc.
Due to association number particles in the i 1
  
solution decreases, as a result magnitude of n 1
colligative properties decreases. So molar ' ' is degree of dissociation or ionisation.
mass of such solute will be higher than true SaltVan’t Hoff Fractor i for complete
value. dissociation of solute
Van’t Hoff factor
NaCl 2.0
 Van’t Hoff introduced a factor ‘i’ in the KCl 2.0
equations to equalise the experimental value
MgSO4 2.0
and calculated value.
K2SO 4 3.0
 For example, osmotic pressure   equation
 For solutes which undergo association
If ‘n’ molecules of ‘A’ combine to give An , we
 V  RT (calculated) have
 V  iRT (experimental ) nA  An
 exp t 1 O
 i  (  =degree of association at
 cal 1 
the given concentration)

 Total particles after association

 1  i  1   (n  1)
 1  0.8(5  1)

1   4.2
i  n
1 S.E-11:A substance forms dimers in solution
to the extent of 75%. Calculate van’t Hoff
 1
1   1   Factor.
i  n
1 1
Sol. n   0.75
i 1 1 i
 association   association 
1 1
 1 or 1 1 
n n i  1     1
n 
S.E-9: An electrolyte XY2 is 40% ionized.  1  0.75 1
Calculate van’t Hoff factor  1.75

Sol. XY2  X 2  2Y  S.E-12:What is the degree of dissociation for

n3 Ca  NO3  2 solution if van’t Hoff factor
= 2.4?
i  1   (n  1)
Sol. Ca  NO3  2  Ca 2  2 NO3
i  1  0.4(3  1)
i  1.8 n3
i  1 2.4  1 1.4
    0.7
S.E-10: If potassium ferrocyanide is 80% n 1 3 1 2
ionized, calculate van’t Hoff factor .
Sol. K 4  Fe  CN 6   4 K   Fe  CN 6 

8. The pair of solutions which shows
positive deviation in non ideal solution
1) CCl4 + C6H6 2) CHCl3 + C6H6
TYPES OF SOLUTIONS 3) CCl4 + CHCl3 4) Both 1 and 3
9. The pair of solutions which shows
1. Number of phases present in a true negative deviation in non-ideal solution
solution is 1) CHCl3 + CH3COCH3
1) 1 2) 2 2) CH3COCH3 + C6H5NH2
3) Depends on number of solutes
3) CHCl3 + C6H6
4) Innumerable
2. Which one of the following is not a true 4) All the above
1) Amalgam 2) Ornamental gold RELATIVE LOWERING OF VAPOUR
3) Salt water 4) Milk PRESSURE [RAOULT’S LAW]
10. Which of the following is a colligative
1) Boiling point 2) Osmotic pressure
3. A solution of known concentration is known as
1) Molar Solution 2) Normal Solution 3) Vapour pressure 4) Freezing point
3) Mole Solution 4) Standard Solution 11. An aqueous solution of methanol in water
4. Which of the following methods of has vapour pressure
expressing concentration is independent of 1) Equal to that of water
temperature? 2) Equal to that of methanol
1) Molarity 2) Molality 3) More than that of water
3) Formality 4) Normality
4) Less than that of water
5. The partial pressure of the gas in vapour 12. Which of the following solutions has
phase is proportional to the mole fraction largest boiling point?
of the gas in the solution is given by 1) 0.1 M glucose 2) 0.1 M NaCl
1) Raoult’s law 2) Ostwald’s law
3) 0.1 M BaCl2 4) 0.1 M urea
3) Distribution law 4) Henry’s law
6. Four gases like H2, He, CH4 and CO2 have DEPRESSION IN FREEZING POINT
Henry’s constant values (KH) are 69.16, 13. Which of the following solutions have
144.97, 0.413 and 1.67. The gas which is lowest freezing point ?
more soluble in liquid is 1) 0.1 M NaCl 2) 0.01 M NaCl
1) He 2) CH4 3) H2 4) CO2 3) 1M NaCl 4) 0.001 M NaCl
14. The freezing point of equimolal aqueous
7. The solubility of gas in a liquid increases with
solution will be highest for
1) Increase of temperature 1) C6H5NH3Cl (aniline hydrochloride)
2) Amount of liquid taken 2) Ca(NO )
3 2
3) Decrease in temperature 3) La(NO3)3
4) Reduction of gas pressure 4) C6H12O6 (glucose)

15. The use of common salts, e.g., NaCl or 22. The Osmotic pressure of a dilute solution
CaCl 2 anhydrous, is made to clear snow is given by
on the roads. This causes: 1) P0  P0  N1 2)  V  nRT
1) A lowering in the freezing point of water.
2) A lowering in the melting point of ice. P P 0  PS
3) 0  0 4) P  P0 N 2
3) Ice melts at the temperature of atmosphere P P
present at that time. VAN’T HOFF FACTOR
4) All the above 23. For a non-electrolyte solution, the Van’t
16. The freezing point of 1% aqueous solution Hoff factor is equal to
of calcium nitrate will be 1) Zero 2) 1
1) 0 0 C 2) Above 0 0 C 3) 2 4) Between 0, 1
24. The ratio of the value of any colligative
3) 1 0 C 4) Below 0 0 C property for KCl solution to that for sugar
OSMOTIC PRESSURE solution is nearly
17. Osmotic pressure is measured by 1) 1.0 2) 0.5 3) 2.0 4) 2.5
1) Ostwald’s method 25. Van’t Hoff factor (i) for an aqueous solution
2) Berkeley and Hartley method of an electrolyte is
3) Preffer’s method 1) Zero 2) Greater than 1
4) Beckmann’s method 3) Equal to one 4)  0
18. Blood cells retain their normal shape in 26. Assuming each salt to be 90% dissociated
solution which are which of the following will have the highest
1) isotonic to blood 2) hypotonic to blood osmotic pressure ?
3) hypertonic to blood 4) equinormal to blood
1) Decinormal Al2(SO4)3
19. The osmotic pressure of a dilute solution
is directly proportional to the 2) Decinormal BaCl2
1) Diffusion rate of the solute 3) Decinormal Na2SO4
2) Ionic concentration 4) A solution obtained by mixing equal volumes
3) Boiling point of (2) and (3) and filtering
4) Flow of solvent from a concentrated solution 27. Which salt shows maximum osmotic
20. A perfectly semi-permeable membrane pressure in its 1m solution.
when used to separate a solution from its 1) AgNO3 2) Na2SO4
solvent permits through it the passage of 3) (NH4)3PO4 4) MgCl2
1) Solute only 2) Solvent only
28. Which solution will show maximum
3) Both (a) and (b) 4) None elevation in boiling point?
21. Which statement is incorrect about osmotic
1) 0.1 M KCl 2) 0.1 M BaCl2
pressure   , volume(V) & temperature
(T) ? 3) 0.1 M FeCl3 4) 0.1 M Fe2  SO4 3

1 29. The correct relationship between the

1)   , if T is constant. boiling points of very dilute solutions of
AlCl3(t1) and CaCl2(t2), having the same
2)   T, if V is constant molar concentration, is
3)   V, if T is constant
1) t1 = t2 2) t1>t2 3) t2>t1 4) t2  t1
4)  V is constant, if T is constant

30. If  is the degree of dissociation of
Na2 SO4 , the Vant Hoff factor (i) used for
calculating the molecular mass is
1) 1   2)1   3)1  2 4) 1  2
31. Which aqueous solution has minimum 1. True solution is a homogenous mixture, so
freezing point ? number of phases = 1.
1) 0.01 M NaCl 2) 0.005 M C2 H 5OH 2. Milk is colloidal solution
3. A solution whose conc. is known is called as
3) 0.005 M MgCl2 4) 0.005 M MgSO4 “standard solution”.
32. For the given electrolyte Ax B y the degree 4. In molality there is no volume factor
of dissociation  can be given as 5. Henry’s law:- The partial pressure of the gas
i 1 in vapour phase (P) is proportional to the mole
1 )    x  y   1 2) i  1     x  y fraction of the gas (X) in the solution

i 1 P  KH X
3)   4) All of these
x  y 1 1
6. KH 
solubility of gas

7. Solubility of gas 

8. CCl4  C6 H 6 , CCl4  CHCl3 shows positive

1) 1 2) 4 3) 4 4) 2 5) 4 6) 2 9. CHCl3  CH 3COCH 3
7) 3 8) 4 9) 4 10) 2 11) 3 12) 3 CH 3COCH 3  C6 H 5 NH 2
13) 3 14) 4 15) 4 16) 4 17) 2 18) 1 CHCl3  C6 H 6

19) 2 20) 2 21) 3 22) 2 23) 2 24) 3 CHCl3  C2 H 5OC2 H 5 shows negative de-
25) 2 26) 1 27) 3 28) 4 29) 2 30) 3
10. R.L.V.P, osmotic pressure, Tb , T f are
31) 1 32) 4 colligative properties.
11. Methanol + water shows positive deviation.
The V.P is more than that of H 2O and B.P
lower than either of the two components.
12. B.P  No.of particles
13. F .P 
no.of particles
F .P 

1 26. Osmotic pressure  no.of particles
14. F .P 
no.of particles
Al2 ( SO4 )3  2 Al 3  3SO42  5 ions
Glucose does not undergo any dissociation
27. Osmotic pressure  no.of particles
15. NaCl (or) anhydrous CaCl2 lowers the F.P
( NH 3 )3 PO4  3 NH 4  PO43  4 ions
of water and M.P of ice . Ice melts at the
temperature of atmosphere present at that 28. Tb  no.of particles
Fe2 ( SO4 )3  2 Fe 3  3SO42  5 ions
16. Non-volatile solute (Ca ( NO3 ) 2 ) lowers the
V.P of a liquid; and hence lowering the F.P 29. B.P  no.of particles

 F.p will be below O 0C AlCl3  Al 3  3Cl   4 ions

17. Osmotic pressure is measured by berkeley CaCl2  Ca 2  2Cl   3 ions
and Hartley method accurately
18. Isotonic means same osmotic pressure blood i 1
30. 
cells retain normal shape in a solution which is n 1
isotonic with blood
i 1
19.   icst 
3 1
20. Semi permeable membrane allow the passage
of solvent through is 2  i  1
21.   CST i  1  2
n 1
 ST 31. F .P
V no.of particles
22.  V=nST (or)  V=nRT
i 1
23. non-electrolytes does not undergo any disso- 32. 
n 1
ciation generally, so van’t Hoff factor is 1
i 1
experimental CP 
24. Van’t Hoff factor  ( x  y)  1
calculated CP
For Kcl it is 2 i  (1   )  x  y
For sugar solution 1 i 1
25. In aqueous solution electrolytes undergo dis- 
x  y 1

8. Molarity of 0.1N oxalic acid is
1) 0.05 M 2) 0.1 M 3) 0.2 M 4) 0.3M
Equivalent Weights
Expression of Concentration of Solutions C.R.T.Q
of Solids in Liquids Molarity 9. When an oxide M2O3 is oxidised to M2O5
C.R.T.Q its equivalent is
1. When the volume of the solution is doubled, 1) M. w/1 2) M. w/2 3) M. w/4 4) M. w/8
the following becomes exactly half 10. The equivalent weight of Mohr’s salt
1) Molality 2) Mole-fraction (FeSO4.(NH4)SO4.6H 2O) during redox
3) Molarity 4) Weight percent reaction is equal to its
S.P.Q 1) Molecular weight / 2 2) Atomic weight / 2
2. A semi molar solution is the one, which 3) Molecular weight / 3 4) Molecular weight
contains 11. Equivalent weight of ammonia as a base is
1) One mole of solute in 2 litres 1) 17 2) 17/3 3)1.7 4)17/2
2) 2 moles of solute in 2 litres
12. In an oxidation-reduction reaction, MnO 4
3) 0.1 mole of solute in 1 litre
ion is converted to Mn+2. What is the
4) 0.2 moles of solute in 2 litres number of equivalents of KMnO4 (mol. wt
Normality = 158) present in 250 ml of 0.04 M
C.R.T.Q KMnO4 solution?
1) 0.02 2) 0.05 3) 0.04 4) 0.07
3. 1 of NaOH is added to 10 ml of
0.1N HCl, the resulting solution will S.P.Q
1) turn blue litmus red
13. The equivalent weight of H3 PO 4 in the
2) turn phenolphthalein solution pink
following reaction is
3) turn methyl orange red
4) will have no effect on red or blue litmus paper H3PO4  Ca(OH)2   CaHPO4  2H2 O
4. The solution having lowest molar 1) 98 2) 49 3) 32.66 4) 40
concentration is
14. The equivalent weight of MnSO4 is half
1) 1.0N HCl 2) 0.4N H 2 SO4 its molecular weight, when it is converted to
3) 0.1N Na 2 CO3 4) 1N NaOH
1) Mn2O3 2) MnO2
5. In a normal solution of BaCl2, normalities
3) MnO4 4) MnO4-2
of Ba+2 and Cl - are in the ratio
1) 2:1 2)1:2 3) 1:1 4) 2:3 15. In the reaction I 2  2S2 O32   S4 O 62  2I  ;
S.P.Q Equivalent weight of iodine will be equal to
1) its molecular weight
6. A solution of known normality is diluted to
2) 1 / 2 of its molecular weight
two times. Which of the following changes
during dilution? 3) 1 / 4 of its molecular weight
1) Equivalent of solute 4) twice of its molecular weight
2) Moles of solute 16. The equvivalent weight of CH 4 in the
3) Milli equivalent or milli moles of solute reaction CH 4  2O2  CO2  2 H 2O is
4) Normality of solution
7. Normality of 0.1M H3PO3 is
1) M/4 2) M/8 3) M/12 4) M/16
1) 0.2N 2) 0.30N 3) 0.033N 4) 0.05N

Molality 22. Which of the following has no units?
C.R.T.Q 1) Molarity 2) Normality
17. Number of moles of solute dissolved in 3) Molality 4) Mole fraction
1000g. of the solvent is called S.P.Q
1) Molarity 2) Molality
23. The mole fraction of solvent in 0.1 molal
3) Formality 4) Normality aqueous solution is
18. M=molarity of the solution 1) 0.9982 2) 0.0017
m=molality of the solution 3) 0.017 4) 0.17
d=density of the solution (in g. ml ) 1
M 1  gram molecular weight of solute C.R.T.Q
Which of the following relations is correct
24. How many grams of CO2 gas is dissolved
M in a 1 lit bottle of carbonated water if the
1) m 
1000 d  MM 1 manufacturer uses a pressure of
2.4 atmosphere in the bottling process at
M  1000
2) m  250 C Given KH of CO2 water
d  MM 1
= 29.76atm / mole / l at 250 C
M  1000
3) m  (1000  d )  MM 1 1) 3.52 2) 4.2 3) 3.1 4) 2.5

m  1000 25. Incorrect statement is ( K H =Henry’ss

4) M  (1000  d )  MM 1 constant)
S.P.Q 1) K H is a characteristic constant for a given
19. Molarity of 1m aqueous NaOH solution gas solvent system
[density of the solution is 1.02 g/ml]
2) Higher is the value of K H ,lower is solubility
1)1 M 2) 1.02 M 3)1.2M 4) 0.98M of gas for a given partial pressure of gas
20. 0.1gram mole of urea dissolved in 100g of
water.The molality of the solution is 3) K H has temparature dependence
1) 1M 2) 0.01M 3) 0.01M 4) 1.0M
4) K H decreases with temparature
Mole Fraction
26. Which of these curves represents Henry’s
21. Which of the following is correct? Law?
1) For a binary solution sum of the mole 1) y 2) y
fractions of all components is equal to one
M ole fraction of I moles of I
2) 
M ole fraction of II moles of II O x
O x
(for binary solution) 3) y 4) y

3) Mole fraction of solute

moles of solute
moles of solute + moles of solvent O x O x

4) All

Colligative Properties: Realtive Lowring of 31. Which one of the following represents the
Vapour Pressure [Raoult's law] graph between log P on Y-axis and 1/T on
C.R.T.Q X-axis? (P= vapour pressure of a liquid,
27. The boiling point of T= absolute temperature)
1) y 2) y
C6 H 6 , CH3OH, C6 H5 NH 2 and C6 H 5 NO2
are 80C, 65C, 184C and 212C
respectively. Which will show highest
vapour pressure at room temperature ?
O x O x
1) C6 H 6 2) CH3 OH
3) y 4) y
3) C6 H 5 NH 2 4) C6 H 5 NO2
28. 12g of urea is present in 1litre of solution
and 68.4 g of sucrose is separately
dissolved in 1litre of another sample of
solution. The lowering of vapour pressure O x O x
of first solution is S.P.Q
1) Equal to second 32. Which of the following solutions will have
the maximum lowering of vapour pressure
2) Greater than second
1) 1M - CaCl2 2) 1M-NaCl
3) Less than second 3) 1N - Phenol 4) 1M - Sucrose
4) Double that of second 33. The vapour pressure of water depends
29. Lowering of vapour pressures of equimolar upon
solution of glucose, sodium chloride and 1) Surface area of container
barium nitrate are in the order. 2) Volume of container
1) Glucose >NaCl>Ba (NO3)2 3) Temperature
4) All
2) Glucose =NaCl = Ba (NO3)2
Depression in freezing point
3) Ba(NO3)2 > NaCl > Glucose
4) NaCl > Ba(NO3)2 > Glucose 34. Choose the correct statement
30. Which of the following salt has the same 1) The boiling point of the solution falls on
value of Van’t Hoff factor as that of increasing the amount of the solute
K3  Fe  CN 6  2) The freezing point of the solution is lowered
on adding more of solvent
1) Na2 SO4 3) The freezing point of the solution is raised
on adding more of solute
2) Al2  SO4 3 4) The freezing point of the solution decreases
on increasing the amount of the solute
3) Al  NO3 3 S.P.Q
35. Which one of the following statment is
4) Fe3O4 incorrect
1) Greater the lowering of vapour pressure,
greater is the boiling point of the solution

2) Greater the lowering of vapour pressure,
greater is the freezing point of the solution
3) At the freezing point, the solute and the
solvent have same vapour pressure
4) The units of molal depression constant are
Km 1
1. M
Osmotic Pressure v
2. n  1 mole ; v  2 lit
36. The molecular weight of NaCl determined 1
 M   0.5 semi molar
by osmotic pressure method will be 2
1) Same as theoritical value 3. Acid concentration more resulting solution is
2) Higher than theoritical value acidic
3) Lower than theoritical value 4. N  M  basicity
5. gram equiavalents are always equal
4) Negative
No.of eq
37. Which among the following will show 6. N
maximum osmotic pressure? V in lit
1) 1M NaCl 2) 1M MgCl2 7. N  M  n ; H 3 PO3 Basicity is 2
3) 1M (NH4)3PO4 4) 1M Na2SO4 N
8. M
(Oxalic acid basicity is 2)
9. The oxidation state of a metal atom chages
38. Isotonic solutions have from +3 to +5
1) same boiling point MW
2) same vapour pressure 10. Fe2  Fe 3 , So E.W =
3) same melting point 11. The acidity of NH 3 is ‘1’ (normality)
4) same osmotic pressure Eq 1000
39. 0.1 M NaCl and 0.1M CH3COOH are kept 12. MnO4   Mn 2  5e  , N 
in separate containers. If their osmotic M .W
13. Here the basicity of H3PO4 is 2, EW
. 
pressures are P1 and P2 respectively then 2
what is the correct statement? 14. Total change in oxidation number is ‘2’
1) P1 > P2 2) P1 = P2 15. Here the oxidation state of I 2 change form O
3) P1< P2 4) P1 = P2 = 0 atm. to -1 but in ‘1’ mole of I 2 . two iodine atoms
are there so the total change in oxidation
M .W
number is ‘2’, E.W=
16. E.W  n factor
17. molality
1) 3 2) 1 3)1 4) 3 5) 3 Wt 1000
6) 4 7) 1 8) 1 9) 2 10) 4  
GMW Wt of solvent in grams
11) 1 12) 2 13) 2 14) 2 15) 2
16) 2 17) 2 18) 3 19) 4 20) 1 1000.M
18. m 
21) 4 22) 4 23)1 24) 1 25) 4 1000.d  M .M 1
26) 4 27) 2 28) 1 29) 3 30) 3 M 1000
31) 3 32) 1 33) 3 34) 4 35) 2 19. m 
1000d  MM 1
36) 3 37) 3 38) 4 39) 1

w 1000
20. m  . of solvent
21. x A  xB  1; xB  n  n
Expression of Concentration of Solutions
no. moles of solute
22. X solute  of Solids in Liquids Molarity
no. moles of solute  no. moles of solvent
mole fraction is a ratio C.R.T.Q
 No units
1. Molarity of 4% (w/v) solution of NaOH is
23. x2  ; x  1  x2 1) 0.1 2) 0.5 3) 0.001 4) 1.0
m  55.5 1
2. The number of moles of solute present in
24. P  K H .C
2.0 lits of 0.5M NaOH solution is
25. K n T , K n 1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 0.1
3. Assertion (A): The volume of 0.1M
26. P  K n .C  y  mx KMnO4 required to oxidise 20 ml of 0.1 M
1 oxalic acid in acid medium is 20 ml.
27. Vapour pressure 
B.P Reason (R) : 2 moles of KMnO4 =5 moles
28. Partical concenctration is same
of oxalic acid in acid medium reaction
12 1 68.4 1
   1) A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of A
60 1 342 1
29. Number of ions  LVP 2) A and R are true, and R is not the correct
explanation of A
30. i  1    n  1 3) A is true but R is false
H 4) A is false but R is true
31. log P  log A 
RT 4. 250 ml of a sodium carbonate solution
32. V .P contains 2.65 grams of Na 2 CO3 . 10 ml of
33. V .PT this solution is added to x ml of water to
34. The freezing point of solution decreases on obtain 0.001 M Na 2 CO3 solution. What
increasing the amount of a solute is the value of x in ml? (Molecular weight
of Na 2 CO3 =106)
35. conc. B.P 1) 1000 2) 990 3) 9990 4) 90
F .P
5. Zinc reacts with CuSO4 according to the
36. C.P equation Zn + CuSO4  ZnSO4 + Cu. If
M .wt
37. Osmotic pressure depends on number of excess of zinc is added to 100ml, 0.05M
particles directly CuSO4, the amount of copper formed in
38. Same osmotic pressure solutions are called moles will be
isotonic solutions. 1) 5 2) 0.5 3) 0.05 4) 0.005
39. Osmatic pressure  conc.
6. The molarity of pure water is
1) 18 M 2) 55.55 M
3) 10 M 4) 5.55 M
7. If 250ml of 0.25M NaCl solution is diluted
with water to a volume of 500ml, the new
concentration of solution is
1) 0.167M 2) 0.0167M
3) 0.125M 4) 0.0833M

8. What volume of 0.8M solution contains 18. How many milli litres of 1M H2SO4 will be
0.1 mole of the solute? neutralised by 10ml of 1M NaOH
1) 100ml 2) 125 ml 3)500 ml 4) 62.5 ml solution?
9. 250 ml of a calcium carbonate solution 1) 10 2) 20 3) 2.5 4) 5
contains 2.5 grams of CaCO3 . If 10 ml of 19. The volume of water that must be added
this solution is diluted to one litre, what is to a mixture of 250ml of 6M HCl and
the concentration of the resultant solution?
650ml of 3M HCl to obtain 3M solution is
1) 0.1 M 2) 0.001 M 3) 0.01 M 4) 104 M
1) 75ml 2)150ml 3) 300ml 4) 250ml
10. If the formula weight of H2SO4 is 98. The
20. If 36.0 g of glucose is present in 400 ml of
amount of acid present in 400ml of
0.1molar solution of acid will be solution, molarity of the solution is
1) 2.45g 2) 3.92g 3) 4.90g 4) 9.80g 1) 0.05M 2) 11.0 M 3) 0.5M 4) 2.0 M
11. 5.85g NaCl is dissolved in 500ml of water. 21. If 0.01 mole of solute is present in 500 ml
The molarity is of solution, its molarity is
1) 0.1 2) 0.2 3) 0.3 4) 0.4
1) 0.01 M 2) 0.005M 3) 0.02 M 4) 0.1M
12. The amount of FeSO4 7H2O to be weighted
to prepare a solution of 100ml of 0.1 M 22. Equal volumes of 0.1 M AgNO3 and 0.2 M
concentration is (Mol.wt.of FeSO4. (7H2O = 278) NaCl solutions are mixed. The
1) 27.8g 2) 90g 3) 2.78g 4) 5.5g concentration of nitrate ions in the
13. Calculate the amount of benzoic acid resultant mixture will be
C6 H 5COOH required for preparing 250ml 1) 0.1 M 2) 0.2 M 3) 0.05 M 4) 0.15 M
of 0.15M solution 23. An aqueous solution contain 0.53g of
1) 4.575 2)2.1 3)1.35 4) 45.75 anhydrous Na2CO3(Mol.wt.106) dissolved
14. Concentrated nitric acid used in the in 100ml of solution. The molarity of the
laboratory work is 68% nitric acid by mass solution is
in aqueous solution.What should be the 1)0.1M 2) 0.05M 3)0.2M 3)0.4M
molarity such a sample of acid if the density 24. The molarity of solution obtained by
of the solution is 1.504g mL1 ? dissolving 0.01 moles of NaCl in 500ml of
1)1.623 2)0.124 3)16.23 4)1.124 solution is
S.P.Q 1)0.01M 2)0.005M 3)0.02M 4) 0.1M
25. The weight in grams of KCl (Mol.wt.=74.5)
15. A solution of glucose in water is labled as in 100ml of a 0.1M KCl solution is
10% w/w.What would be the molarity of 1) 74.5 2) 2024 3) 0.745 4) 0.0745
the solution? 26. The weight of AgNO 3 (Mol.wt =170)
1) 1.212 2) 0.998 present in 100ml of 0.25M solution
3) 12.12 4) 0.617 in-grams
16. 10 millimoles of solute is present in the 1) 4.25 2) 2 3)17 4) 1.7
following volume of 0.08M solution 27. Which of the following should be done in
1)125ml 2) 625ml 3)500 ml 4)1000ml order to prepare a 0.4 M NaCl starting with
17. The concentration of a 100 ml solution 100ml of 0.3 M NaCl. (M.wt of NaCl
containing X grams of Na 2 CO3 (mol. wt. =58.5)
= 106) is Y M. The values of X and Y are 1) add 5.85 g NaCl
respectively : 2) add 20ml of water
1) 2.12, 0.05 2) 1.06, 0.2 3) add 0.01 moles NaCl
3) 1.06, 0.1 4) 2.12, 0.1 4) evoperate 10ml of water

Normality 39. If 20ml of 0.4 N NaOH solution completely
C.R.T.Q neutralises 40 ml of a dibasic acid,the
molarity of the acid solution is
28. Number of milli equivalents of solute in
0.5 litres of 0.2N solution is 1) 0.1M 2) 0.2M 3) 0.3M 4) 0.4M
1)10 2) 1 3)100 4)1000 40. Choose the Correct answer among the
following is
29. Volume of 0.1 M K2Cr2O7 required to
oxidise 35ml of 0.5 M FeSO4 solution is i) Normality and molarity of HCl are same
1)35ml 2)29ml 3)17.5ml 4)175ml ii) Molality and molarity are independent
of temperature
30. Weight of solute present in 500 ml
0.2 N-H2SO4 solution is iii) Normality of 1M KMnO4 in acidic
1) 14.2 g 2) 4.9 g 3) 3.55 g 4) 1.42 g. medium is 5 N.
31. Number of milli equivalents of solute 1) All are correct 2) (ii) only wrong
present in 250 ml of 0.1M oxalic acid 3) (iii) only correct 4) All are wrong
solution are Molality
1) 25 2) 50 3) 250 4)125 C.R.T.Q
32. The weight of H2C2O4 2H20 required to
41. 3.42 g of a substance of molecular weight
prepare 500ml of 0.2N solution is
342 is present in 250g of water. Molality
1) 1.26g 2)6.3g 3) 1.575g 4) 3.15g of this solution is
33. What is the volume (in litres) of 0.1M 1) 0.4m 2) 0.04 m 3) 0.8 m 4)4m
H2SO4 required to completely neutralize
42. 3g of a salt [mol.wt. 30] is dissolved in 250g
1 litre of 0.5M NaOH? of water the molality of the solution is
1) 5 2) 2.5 3) 0.5 4) 10 1) 0.4 2) 0.2 3) 0.6 4) 0.8
34. 250 ml of a solution contains 6.3 grams of
oxalic acid(mol. wt. =126). What is the
volume (inlitres) of water to be added to 43. Molality of 2.5g of ethanoic acid
this solution to make it a 0.1 N solution ? CH3COOH in 75 g of benzene is
1) 750 2) 7.5 3) 0.075 4) 0.75 1) 0.278 mol kg–1 2) 0.556 mol kg–1
3) 5.56 mol kg–1 4) 27.8 mol kg–1
35. The volume of 0.025M H3PO4 required to
complete neutralise 25ml of 0.03M 44. A solution is obtained by mixing 300g of
Ca(OH)2 is 25% solution and 400g of 40% solution by
1)40 ml 2) 20 ml 3) 10 ml 4) 80 ml mass.Calculate the mass percentage of the
resulting solution.
36. How many grams of dibasic acid
(Mol.wt.=200) should be present in 100ml 1) 66.66% 2)3.36% 3)33.6% 4)22.4%
of its aqueous solution to give decinormal Mole Fraction
strength? C.R.T.Q
1) 1g 2) 2g 3)10g 4)20g
37. If 100 ml of a solution contains 10g of 45. The mole fraction of NaCl in a solution
containing 1 mole of NaCl in 1000g of
H 2SO4 , normality of the solution is water is
1) 4.04 N 2) 3.04N 3) 2.04 N 4) 1.04 N 1) 0.0177 2) 0.001 3) 0.5 4) 0.244
38. _____ml of 0.1 M H2SO4 is required to 46. The mole fraction of water in 20% of
neutralise 50ml of 0.2 M NaOH solution aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution is
1)25 2)100 3)75 4)50
1) 0.2 2) 0.8 3) 0.883 4) 0.117

47. An aqueous solution of Methyl alcohol 56. The mole fraction of ethylene glycol
contains 48g of alcohol. The mole fraction  C 2 H 6 O2  in a solution containing 20% of
of alcohol is 0.6. The weight of water in it is
1) 27g 2) 2.7g 3) 18g 4) 1.8g C2 H 6O2 by mass is
48. 3.65 grams of HCl is disolved in 16.2 grams 1)0.932 2)932 3)93.2 4)9.32
of water. The mole fraction of HCl in the
resulting solution is HENRY’S LAW
1) 0.4 2) 0.3 3) 0.2 4) 0.1 C.R.T.Q
49. A gaseous mixture contains 4.0g of H2 and 57. Henry’s law constant for the solubility of
56.0g of N2. The mole fraction of H2 in the
N 2 gas in water at 298K is 1.0 105 atm .
mixture is
1) 0.1 2) 0.2 3) 0.5 4) 0.8 The mole fraction of N 2 in air is 0.6. The
50. Three statements are given about mole no.of moles of N 2 from air dissolved in
10 moles of water at 298K and 5atm pressure
i) Mole fraction of a solute + mole is
fraction of solvent = 1
ii) Equal weights of Helium and methane 1) 3.0  104 2) 4.0 105
are present in a gaseous mixture. The
mole fraction of He is 4/5 3) 5.0  104 4) 6.0 106
iii) The mole fraction of water in the 58. H S ,a toxic gas with rotten egg like smell,
aqueous solution of NaOH is 0.8. The
molality of the solution is nearly is used for the qualitative analysis.If the
solubility of H 2 S in water at STP is
14 moles kg -1
0.195M,then Henry’s law constant is
1) i and ii are correct 2) ii and iii are correct
3) i and iii are correct 4) all are correct 1) 28.94 2) 289.4
S.P.Q 3) 145.2 4) 2890.4
51. ‘x’ grams of water is mixed in 69 grams of S.P.Q
ethanol. Mole fraction of ethanol in the
resultant solution is 0.6. what is the value 59. Henry’s law cosntant for CO2 in water is
of ‘x’ in grams? 1.67  108 pa at 298 K the quantity of
1) 54 2) 36 3) 180 4) 18 CO2 in 500ml of soda water when packed
52. A gas mixture 44g of CO2 and 14g of N2, what under 2.5 atm pressure is
will be mole fraction of CO2 in the mixture
1)1/5 2)1/3 3) 2/3 4) 1/4 1) 0.0084mol 2) 0.00084mol
53. 138 grams of ethyl alcohol is mixed with 3) 0.084mol 4) 8.4mol
72 grams of water. The ratio of mole
fraction of alcohol to water is 60. If N2 gas bubbled through water at 293K,
1) 3 : 4 2) 1 : 2 3) 1 : 4 4) 1 : 1 how many milli moles of N2 gas would
dissolve in 1 litre of water? Assume that
54. Calculate the mole fraction H 2 SO4 in a
N2 exerts a partial pressure of 0.987 bar.
solution containing 98% H 2 SO4 by mass
Given that Henry’s law constant for N2 at
1) 0.9 2) 1.1 3) 2.1 4) 0.1 293K is 76.48K bar
55. A solution of sucrose in water is labled as
20% w/w.What should be the mole fraction 1) 0.716 2) 0.62
of each component in the solution? 3) 0.93 4) 0.54
1) 0.013 2) 0.987 3) 0.13 4) 9.87

Ideal & Non - Ideal Solutions S.P.Q
C.R.T.Q 66. The vapour pressure of water at 230C is
61. Assertion: The mixing of two completely 19.8 mm. 0.1 mole of glucose is dissolved
miscible liquid. A and B showing positive in 178.2 g of water. What is the vapour
deviation from Raoult’s law is followed by pressure (in mm) of the resultant solution
an absorption of heat at same temperature
Reason: The A- B molecular interaction 1) 19.0 2) 19.602 3) 19.402 4) 19.202
forces are stronger than the A-A or B-B 67. At a certain temperature, the vapour
molecular interaction forces. pressure of water is 90 mm. At the same
1) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason temperature the vapour pressure of a
solution containing a non-volatile solute is
is a correct explanation for Assertion
81mm. The relative lowering of vapour
2) Assertion is True, Reasonis True; Reason pressure is
is NOT a correct explanation for Assertion
1)9 2) 0.9 3)10 4) 0.1
3) Assertion is True, Reason is False
68. When 45 grams of a solute is added to
4) Assertion is False, Reason is True 900gm of water, its vapour pressure
Colligative Properties Realtive Lowring of decreased from 30mm to 24mm. The mole
Vapour Pressure [Raoult's law] fraction of the solvent in the solution is
C.R.T.Q 1) 0.2 2) 0.8 3) 0.1 4) 0.9
69. The vapur pressure of water is 12.3k Pa
62. A solution is obtained by dissolving at 300K.Calculate the vapour pressure
0.2 moles of urea in a litre water. Another 1 molal solution of a non-volatile solute in it.
solution is obtained by dissolving 0.4 moles
of cane-sugar in a litre of water at the same 1) 12.08 2) 1.208
temperature. The lowering of vapour 3) 2.4 4) 0.4
pressure to the first solution is. Elevation in Boiling Point
1) Same as that of the second solution C.R.T.Q
2) Half to that of the second solution
3) Double to that of the second solution 70. Which of the following will have highest
boiling point at 1 atm pressure?
4) None
63. 3 gms of urea is added to 36 gms of boiling 1) 0.1M NaCl 2) 0.1 M Sucrose
water. How much lowering in its vapour 3) 0.1M BaCl2 4) 01. M Glucose
pressure is noticed 71. The rise in the boiling point of a solution
1) 19 mm 2) 38 mm 3) 760 mm 4) 76 mm containing 1.8g of glucose in 100g of
64. Which of the following solutions have more solvent is 0.10C. The molal elevation
lowering in vapour pressure at a certain constant of the liquid is
temperature? 1) 0.01 K/m 2) 0.1 K/m
1) 90 grams of glucose in 900 grams of H 2 O 3) 1K/m 4) 10 K/m
72. The boiling point of 0.1molal K4[Fe(CN)6]
2) 34.2 grams of sucrose in 450 grams of H 2 O
solution will be (Given Kb for water = 0.52 K
3) 20 grams of urea in 900 grams of H 2 O kg mol-1)
4) 45 grams of glucose in 900 grams of H 2 O 1) 100.520C 2) 100.10 40C
3) 100.260C 4) 102.60C
65. The vapour pressure of methanol at certain
temperature is 1 atm. by adding a small amount 73. Molal elevation constant and molal
of ethyl acetate the vapour pressure of the depression constant of water respectively
solution is found to be 684 mm. The (in Km-1) are
relative lowering of vapour pressure is 1) 0.52, 1.86 2) 1.86, 0.52
1) 0.1 2) 0.9 3) 76 4) 0.694 3) 1.52, 0.86 4) 0.86, 1.52

74. Which of the following solutions will have Depression in Freezing Point
the highest boiling point C.R.T.Q
1) 0.1M Al2  SO4 3 2) 0.1M FeCl3 80. What is the normal b.p of an aquoues
3) 0.1M NaCl 4) 0.1 M Urea solution whose freezing point is 2.480 C ?

S.P.Q K f  1.860 / mol , Kb  0.5120 / mol 

75. The boiling point of benzene is 353.23 K. When 1) 100.70 C 2) 102.50 C
1.80g of a non-volatile solute was dissolved 3) 109.00 C 4) 99.30 C
in 90g of benzene,the boiling point is raised
to 354.11 K. The molar mass of the solute 81. Which of the following 0.10 m aqueous
solution will have the lower freezing point ?
is.( Kb for benzene is 2.53K kg mol 1 )
1) Al2  SO4 3 2) C6H12O6
1) 58 g mol 1 2) 106 g mol 1
3) KI 4) C12 H 22O11
1 1
3) 174 g mol 4) 232 g mol 82. Which of the following aqueous solution
76. If the elevation in boiling point of a solution will have highest depression in freezing
of 10gm of solute (mol. wt.=100) in 100 gm point?
of water is  Tb, the ebullioscopic constant 1) 0.1 M urea 2) 0.1 M Sucrose
of water is 3) 0.1 M AlCl 3
4) 0.1 M K4[Fe(CN)6]
83. Calculate the molal depression constant of
1) 10 2) 10  Tb 3)  Tb 4) 10b a solvent which has freezing point 16.6 0
77. The boiling point of a solution of 0.11g of a and latent heat of fusion 180.75Jg 1
substance in 15 g of ether was found to be 1) 3.3 2)3.86 3) 2.9 4) 38.6
0.10C higher than that of pure ether. The 84. Caluculate the mass of ascorbic
molecular weight of the substance will be acid( C6 H 8O6 )to be dissolved in 75g of
(Kb = 2.16 K kg mol-1) acetic acid to lower its melting point by
1) 148 2) 158 3) 168 4) 178
1.50 C.K f  3.9 K kg mol 1
78. 18 g of glucose, C6 H12O6 is dissolved in
1Kg of water in a saucepan.At what 1) 5.08g 2)5.06 3)5.04 4)5.02
temparature will water boil at 1.013 bar S.P.Q
? Kb for water is 0.52 K Kg mol 1 85. A 5% solution(by mass) of cane sugar in
1) 186.101 2) 93.090 water has freezing point of 271K.Calculate
3) 280.292 4) 373.202 the freezing point of 5% glucose in water
79. Assertion : Equimolal solutions of different if freezing point of water is 273.15K
non-volatile and non-electrolytic substance 1)269.07k 2) 269.07 0 C 3)373k 4) 3730 C
dissolved in the same solvent exhibit the 86. The depression in freezing point for 1 M urea,
same elevation of boiling point
1 M glucose and 1M NaCl are in the ratio
Reason: All solvents boil when their
1) 1:2:3 2) 3:2:2 3) 1:1:2 4) 2:3:2
vapour pressures become equal to the
atmospheric pressure. 87. 1.00g of a non-electrolyte solute dissolved
1) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason in 50g of benzene lowered the freezing
is a correct explanation for Assertion point of benzene by 0.40K.The freezing
point depression constant of benzene is 5.12K
2) Assertion is True, Reason is True;Reason
is NOT a correct explanation for Assertion kg mol 1 .The molar mass of the solute is
–1 –1
3) Assertion is True, Reason is False 1) 128 g mol 2) 256 g mol
–1 –1
4) Assertion is False, Reason is True 3) 64 g mol 4) 32 g mol

88. Assertion: Depression of freezing point is 95. What is the volume of a solution containing
a colligative property 2g mole of sugar that will give rise to an
Reason: The depression of freezing point osmotic pressure 1 atm. at STP
for a solution is directly proportional to the 1) 4.48 lit 2) 0.448 lit
molality of the solution. 3) 44.8 lit 4) 448 lit
1) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason
is a correct explanation for Assertion
2) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason 96. Two solutions of glucose have osmotic pressure
is NOT a correct explanation for Assertion 1.5 and 2.5 atm .1 litre of 1st solution is
mixed with 2 litres of 2nd solution . The
3) Assertion is True, Reason is False osmotic pressure of resultant solution will be
4) Assertion is False, Reason is True
1) 21.6 atm 2) 0.126 atm
Osmotic Pressure
3) 2.16 atm 4) 0.216 atm
97. The solution containing 10 grams of an
89. 200 c.c of an aqueous soloution contains
1.26 gms of a polymer. The osmotic organic compund per litre showed an
pressure of such solution at 300 K is found osmotic pressure of 1.18 atm. at 00C. Calculate
to be 2.57  10 bar. Calculate the molar the molecular mass of the compound
mass of the polymer (S= 0.0821 litre - atm K-1 mole-1)
1) 61038 g/mole 2) 122076 g/mole 1) 189.94 2) 78 3) 94.5 4) 120
3) 610.38 g/mole 4) 122.076 g/mole
90. The osmotic pressure of a solution of an 98. The osmatic pressure in pascals exerted
organic substance containing 18 gm in 1 lit by a solution prepared by dissolving 1.0g
of solution at 293 K is 2.414 105 Nm 2 . of polymer of molar mass 185,000 in
Find the molecular mass of the substance. 450mL of water at 37 0 C is
(If S= 8.3 J K-1 mole-1) 1) 10.2 Pa 2) 30.9 Pa
1) 181.33 2) 362.66
3) 20.4 Pa 4) 40.6 Pa
3) 36.2 4) 18.1
91. Calculate the osmotic pressure of a 99. Assertion: Osmotic pressure of a dilute
decinormal solution of NaCl which is solution is inversely proportional to its
ionised to 80 % at 27 C0
concentration provided temperature
1) 4.43 atm 2) 0.443 atm remains constant.
3) 0.222 atm 4) 0.111 atm Reason : Osmotic pressure is a colligative
92. What is the volume of solution containing property and depends upon the number of
1 gm mole of sugar that will give rise to an moles of solute dissolved in a definite
osmotic pressure of 1 atm at 00C volume of the solution.
1) 11.2 lit 2) 112 lit 3) 224 lit 4) 22.4 lit
1) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason
93. Find the osmotic pressure of M/20 solution
is a correct explanation for Assertion
of Urea at 27 0C
1) 12.315 atm 2) 1.2315 atm 2) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason
3) 0.12315 atm 4) 0.0123 atm is NOT a correct explanation for Assertion
94. The osmotic pressure of a decimolar 3) Assertion is True, Reason is False
solution of urea at 27 0C is
4) Assertion is False, Reason is True
1) 2.49 bar 2) 5 bar
3) 3.4 bar 4) 1.25 bar

100. Assertion : 1 M solution of NaCl has a 107. The van’t Hoff factor for a very dilute
higher osmotic pressure than 1 M solution aqueous solution of K  Ag  CN  2  is
of glucose at the same temperature
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 5
Reason : The number of particles present
108. The magnitude of colligative properties in
in 1 M NaCl solution are more than those
colloidal dispersions is .... than solution
present in 1 M glucose solution and
1) Lower 2) Higher 3) Both 4) None
osmotic pressure depends upon number of
109. If a solute under goes dimerization and
particles present in the solution.
trimerization, the minimum values of the
1) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reasonis van’t Hoff factors are:
a correct explanation for Assertion 1) 0.50 and 1.50 2) 1.50 and 1.33
2) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason 3) 0.50 and 0.33 4) 0.25 and 0.67
is NOT a correct explanation for Assertion 110. The Van’t Hoff factor of Hg 2Cl2 in its
3) Assertion is True, Reasonis False aqueous solution will be ( Hg 2Cl2 is 80%
4) Assertion is False, Reason is True ionized in the solution)
1)1.6 2)2.6 3)3.6 4)4.6
101. The osmotic pressure of a solution at 00 C
111. 0.1M aqueous solution of MgCl2 at 300K
is 4 atm. What will be its osmotic pressure is 4.92 atm. What will be the percentage
at 546 K under similar conditions ? ionization of the salt?
1)79% 2)59% 3)49% 4)69%
1) 4 atm 2) 9 atm 3) 8 atm 4) 6 atm
112. 0.002 molar solution of NaCl having degree
Van’t Hoff Factor of dissociation of 90% at 27 0 C has
osmotic pressure equal to?
1)0.94 bar 2)9.4 bar
102. In case of electrolyte which dissociates in 3)0.094 bar 4) 9.4  10 4 bar
the solution, the van’t Hoff factor i
113. 1572.2 g of C6 H 5OH (phenol) is dissolved
1) >1 2) <1 3) 1 4) >1 or <1
in 960g of a solvent of K f  14 K
103. For a very dilute solution of H 3 PO3 van’t
kg mol 1 . If the depression in freezing
Hoff factor is point is 7K, then find the percentage of
1) i  7 2) i  3 3) i  4 4) i  5 phenol that dimerizes.
1) 50 2) 80 3) 30 4) 40
104. For a substance ‘A’ when dissolved in a
solvent ‘B’ show the molecular mass S.P.Q
corresponding to A3 . the vant Hoff factor 114. 1.00g of a non-electrolyte solute dissolved
will be in 50g of benzene, lowered the freezing
point of benzene by 0.40 K. The freezing
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1/3 point depression constant of benzene is
105. Van’t Hoff factor for a dilute solution of 5.12 K. kg mol 1 . Find the molar mass of
glucose is the solute.
1) 0 2) 1 3) 1.5 4) 2 1) 236 gm / mole 2) 256 gm / mole
3) 266 gm / mole 4) 274 gm / mole
106. The van’t Hoff factor for a very dilute
115. The van’t Hoff factor for 0.1M Barium
solution of Fe2  SO4 3 is nitrate is 2.74. The percentage of
1) 9 2) 5 3) 24 4) 16 dissociation of Barium nitrate is
1) 91.3% 2) 87% 3) 100% 4) 74%

116. In case a solute associates in solution, the 123. 2g of benzoic acid  C6 H 5COOH  dissolved
van’t Hoff factor is
in 25g of benzene shows a depression in
1) i>1 2) i=1 3) i<1 4) none freezing point equal to 1.62K.Molal
117. For a non-electrolytic solution, van’t Hoff depression constant for benzene is
factor is equal to
4.9K kg mol 1 .The percentage association
1) 0 2) 1 of acid if it forms dimer in solution is
3) 2 4) between 0 and 1 1) 9.92% 2) 99.2% 3) 90.08% 4) 0.8%
118. For a very dilute aqueous solution of 124. In a 0.2 molal aqueous solution of a weak
K 4  Fe  CN 6  , van’t Hoff factor is acid HX the degree of ionization is 0.3.
Taking kf for water as 1.85, the freezing
1 point of the solution will be nearest to
1) i  11 2) i  5 3) i  4) i  10 1) -0.3600C 2) - 0.2600C
119. In which of the following pairs of solutions 3) +0.4800C 4) -0.4800C
will the values of the van’t Hoff factor be
the same?
1) 0.05 M K 4  Fe  CN 6  and 0.10
M FeSO 4
2) 0.20 M NaCl and 0.10 M BaCl2
3) 0.05 M FeSO 4  NH 4 2 SO4 .6H 2O and 1) 4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 2 5) 4
6) 2 7) 3 8) 2 9) 2 10) 2
0.02 M KCl. MgCl2 .6H 2 O
11) 2 12) 3 13) 1 14) 3 15) 4
4) all have same value 16) 1 17) 3 18) 4 19) 4 20) 3
120. A 1.17% solution of NaCl is isotonic with 21) 3 22) 3 23) 2 24) 3 25) 3
7.2% solution of glucose. Calculate the 26) 1 27) 3 28) 3 29) 2 30) 2
Van’t Hoff factor of NaCl. 31) 2 32) 2 33) 2 34) 4 35) 2
36) 1 37) 3 38) 4 39) 1 40) 2
1) 2 2)4 3) 5 4) 6
41) 2 42) 1 43) 2 44) 3 45) 1
121. A 0.2 molal solution of KCl freezes at 46) 3 47) 3 48) 4 49) 3 50) 1
0.680 C . If K f for H 2O is 1.86, the 51) 4 52) 3 53) 1 54) 1 55) 2
degree of dissociation of KCl is 56) 1 57) 1 58)2 59) 3 60) 1
61) 3 62) 2 63) 1 64) 1 65) 1
1) 85% 2) 65% 3) 83% 4) 90%
66) 2 67) 4 68) 2 69) 1 70) 3
122. x g of non-electrolytic compound (molar 71) 3 72) 3 73) 1 74) 1 75)1
mass = 200) is dissolved in 1.0L of 0.05 M 76) 3 77) 2 78) 4 79) 2 80) 1
NaCl solution. The osmotic pressure of 81) 1 82) 4 83) 2 84)2 85) 2
this solution is found to be 4.92 atm at 86) 3 87) 2 88) 1 89) 1 90) 1
91) 1 92) 4 93) 2 94) 1 95) 3
27 0C . Calculate the value of x . Assume
96) 3 97) 1 98) 2 99) 4 100)1
complete dissociation of NaCl and ideal 101) 3 102) 1 103) 2 104) 4 105)2
behaviour of this solution. 106) 2 107) 3 108) 1 109) 3 110)2
1) 17.959 2) 18.959 111)3 112) 3 113) 2 114) 2 115)2
116)3 117) 2 118) 2 119) 6 120)1
3) 19.959 4) 16.959
121)3 122) 3 123) 2 124) 4

17. 100  103
18. V1 N1  V2 N 2 ; V1  1 2  10  1 1
19. V1M 1  V2 M 2
 w
 %  10 volume of water to be added = V2  V1
M 
1. v
M .wt w 1000
20. M   ;
2. n  M v in litres GMW V .inml
3. nV1M 1  V2 M 2 n M .wt of C6 H12O6  180
W 1000
4. M  n 1000
GMW V  ml  21. M 
vol in ml
Zn  CuSO4  ZnSO4  Cu 22. 0.1/2 = 0.05
1 mole 1 mole
W 1000
100 23. M  GMW  V  ml 
0.05  mole ?
1000 1000
6. M  55.55 M 24. M  n  V  ml 
7. V1M 1  V2 M 2 M  GMW  volinml
25. W 
n 1000 n 1000
8. M  V  1000ml
V M M  GMW  volinml
wt 1000 26. W 
M . 1000
9. GMt V  ml  , V1M 1  V2 M 2
27. V1M 1  V2 M 2
M  GMW  vol inml 28. No of milli equivalents = normality x volume
10. W 
1000 in ml
W 1000 29. V1 N1  V2 N 2
11. M  G M W  V  m l 
W 1000
M  GMW  vol inml 30. N  
12. W  GEW V in ml
1000 31. normality = molarity x 2
m  m.w  v No of milli equivalents = normality x volume in ml
13. W 
N  GEW  V  ml 
x %  d  10 32. W 
14. M  1000
33. V1 N1  V2 N 2
w 1000
15. M  . & x% w / w weight of
m.w v 34. V1 N1  V2 N 2
solvent = 100-x
V2  V1 = volume of water to be added
density of water = 0.998
16. no of mill moles = M  vol in ml 35. V1 N1  V2 N 2

N  GEW  V  ml  52. X nCO2
36. W  CO2 
nCO2  nN 2
W 1000 14
37. N   = nCO2  44 1; nN2   0.5
GEW V in ml 44 28
X alochol nalcohol
38. V1 N1  V2 N 2 53. 
X H 2O nH 2O
V1M 1 V2 M 2
39. 
n1 n2 n2
54. x2  n  n
1 2
40. If Basicity is same then M  m
41. molality n2
55. x2  n  n
w 1000 1 2
 
M .wt Wt of solvent in grams n2
56. X 2  n  n
w 1000 1 2
42. molality =  M .wt  Wt of solvent in grams
57. According to Henry’s law, PN2  K H , X N2
WB 1000 PN2
43. m  M . W i.e., xN 2 
44. Mass percentage of solute in the solution 58. P  K H . X
Weight of solute nCO2
  100
Weight of solution 59. PCO2  K H . X CO2 ; X CO2  n  n
CO2 H 2O
no.of moles of NaCl
45. X NaCl 
no. of moles of NaCl  no.of moles of H 2O 60. According to Henry’s law, PN 2  K H , X N 2
nH 2O PN2
46. X H 2O  n  n
; nH 2 O  ; nH 2 O 
20 i.e., xN 2 
18 20
H 2O H 2 O2

 0.987 bar / 76.48 103 bar  12.9

47. X H2O = 1 - Xalcohol ;
 Number of moles
nH 2O = 12.9  55.5 mol  716 mol
X H 2O   0.716 m moles
nCH 3OH  nH 2O
61. +ve deviation, A  B attractions strong
nHCl 62. lowering of vapour pressure depends on
48. X HCl  n  n numbers of moles of solute
HCl H 2O

nH 2 P0  P
49. X H 2  n  n 63.
= mole fraction of solute
H2 N2
64. Calculate mole fraction for all
nA 65. Relative lowering of vapour pressure
50. x A  xB  1, xA  n  n
P0  P
n =
H O P0
51. X H 2O  X alochol  1 = X H O  n  n
H O alochol

P0  Ps nglu cos e T f Kf
66.  80. 
P0 nglucose  nwater Tb Kb

P0  P 81. Depression in freezing point depends on

67. relative lowering of vapour pressure =
P0 particles more no.of particles lesser is the
freezing point
P0  P
68. = mole fraction of solute 82. Highest deperession in freezing point for the
P0 solution with more number of particles
 mole fraction of solvent = 1- mole fraction
of solute RT f2
83. K f 
1000  L f
p  ps
69. 
p0 1000
m wt 1000
wt.of solvent 84. Tb  K b . GMt wt.of solvent
70. Elevation in boling point depends on number
of solute particle i 1
85. T f0  T f  iK f m ,  
number of particales are more in 0.1 BaCl2 n 1
 highest boiling point 86. Ratio of depession in f.p are in the ratio of no.
of particles
wt of glu cos e
71. Tb  kb  molecular weight of glu cos e WB 1000
87. T f  K f m . W
 wB 1000
wt of solvent 88. T f  K f . m . w

72. Tb  i  kb  m
89. v 
73. K b  0.52 ; K f  1.86 M
74. Boiling point depends on number of solute nST
90.  
particles hence highest in 0.1M Al2  SO4 3 V
91.   iCST
WB 1000
75. Tb  K b . M . W i  1   n  1  

76. Tb = kb  molality nRT

92. V 

wt of solute 1000
77. Tb  kb  m.wt of solute  wt.of solvent 93.   C ST
94.   C ST
WB 1000 95.  V  nST
78. Tb  K b m . W
 1V1   2V2
96.  r
79. Kb depends on solvent V1  V2
If solvent same than Kb same WRT
97. Molecular weight 

W 1000 i  1 1.99  1 0.99
98.   m . V .RT
B     0.49
n 1 3 1 2
Percentage of ionization=49%
99.   RTC ;  C
i 1 i 1
100.   RTC ;  C 112.   ; 0.9  ;
n 1 2  1 i  1.9
1 CRT1  1 T1 Alternate method to calculate (i)
101.   CRT ,   T
i  (Number of ions   )  1   
2 2 2 2

4 273   2  0.9   1  0.9 

2 546   2  8 atm
  90% or 0.9
102. In dissociation i  1
 1.8  0.1  1.9   iCRT
103. H 3 PO3 is dibasic H 3 PO3  HPO32  2 H 
 1.9  0.002  0.082  300  0.094 bar
104. 3A  A 3
  C6 H 5OH  2
113. 2C6 H 5OH  
Calculated molecular mass
i 1  /2
exp erimental molecular mass
 T f
105. Glucose is a non electrolyte i  1      0.8 = 80%
2 K f .m
106. Fe2  SO 4 3  2 Fe3  3SO42 114. Substituting the values of various terms involved

in equation we get,
107. K  Ag  CN  2   K    Ag  CN  2 
5.12K kg mol 1 1.00g 1000 g kg1
M2   256 g mol 1
108. All colligative properties are less for colloidal 0.4050g
Thus, molar mass of the solute  256 g mol 1
1 i
109. For association   115. Ba  NO3 2  Ba 2  2 NO3
n  Number of ions produced  3  n
2 
 Hg 2  2Cl
110. HgCl2   i 1
i = 2.74    100
n=3 n 1
i 1 i 1 2.74  1
   0.8   i  2.6    0.87  or  87%
n 1 3 1 3 1
Alternate method to calculate (i) 116. In association
i  (Number of ions   ) + 1    Process   1
117. For non electrolytes i  1
  3  0.8   1  0.8 
118. K 4  Fe  CN 6   4 K    Fe  CN 6 
  80% or 0.8
119. T  C
 2.4  0.2  2.6
120. For isotonic solution, osmotic pressure should
111.   iCRT
be same.
4.92  i  0.1 0.0821 300
   NaCl     glucose 
i  1.99
iC1RT  C2 RT

iC1  C2
 1.17 / 58.5  7.2 / 180
i 
 V  V
7.2  58.5 C.R.T.Q
i 2
1.17  180 1. List - I List - II
121. T  i  K f  m = 0.68  i 1.86  0.2 1) Solid in gas A) Brass
2) Solid in solid B) Amalgam
i  1 1.83  1
i  1.83 =   n  1  2  1  0.83 3) liquid in solid C) Comphor in air
4) liquid in liquid D) Alcohol in water
Ionization=83% Which of the following is correct
122. For NaCl : 1 2 3 4
  iCRT  2  0.05  0.0821 300 1) C A B D
2) A C D B
 2.465
3) C B A D
For unknown compounds :
4) D A B C
  CRT   0.0821 300  0.1231 x
atm Total osmotic pressure    1   2 C.R.T.Q
4.92 = 2.463 + 0.123 x x  19.959 g 2. The dichromate ion oxidises stannous ions
in solutions according to the reaction
1 i
123.  
1 3Sn 2+  14H +  Cr2 O72 
 3Sn 4+  2Cr 3+  7H 2 O
n How many ml of K 2 Cr2 O7 solution of
0.5M strength will be required to
124. T f  k f .m completely react with 0.5 mole of tin (II)
chloride in solution:
1) 666.6 ml 2) 444.4 ml
3) 222.2 ml 4) 333.3 ml
3. Volume of water required to convert 100ml
of 0.1M K2Cr2O7 / H+ to 0.1 N is [during
electrolysis process]
1) 100ml 2) 500 ml
3) 400 ml 4) 200 ml
4. 100 ml 0.2M NaOH is exactly neutralised
by a mixture of which of the following?
1) 100 ml of 0.1M HCl + 100 ml of 0.1M H 2SO4
2) 100 ml of 0.1M HCl + 50 ml of 0.1M H 2 SO4
3) 50 ml of 0.1M HCl + 50 ml of 0.1M H 2 SO4
4) 50 ml of 0.1M HCl + 100 ml of 0.1M H 2SO4
5. T he volume of 0.025M H2SO4 required
for the complete neutralisation of 25ml of
0.03M Ca(OH)2 solution is
1)20ml 2) 30ml 3)25 ml 4)35ml

6. A solution of CaCl 2 is 0.5 mol / litre, then 15. The molarity of solution obtained by mix
the moles of chloride ion in 500 ml. will be ing 750ml of 0.5M HCl with 250ml of 2M
1)0.25 2)0.50 3)0.75 4)1.00 HCl will be
7. Two solutions of a substance (non 1) 1.00 M 2) 1.75 M 3) 0.975M 4) 0.875 M
electrolyte) are mixed in the following 16. Calculate the mass percentage of
manner. 480 ml of 1.5 M first solution
aspirin  C 9 H 8 O4  in acetonitrile  CH 3 CN 
+ 520 ml of 1.2 M second solution. What
is the molarity of the final mixture? when 6.5gm of C 9 H 8O4 is dissolved in 450g
1) 1.20 M 2) 1.50 M 3) 1.344 M 4) 2.70 M of C H 3 C N .
8. The density of 3M solution of sodium 1)0.414 2)1.424 3)3.421 4)2.4
chloride is 1.252g/ml. The molality of the NORMALITY
solution will be (molar mass: NaCl = 58.5g/mol)
1) 2.60m 2) 2.18m 3) 2.79 m 4) 3.00m
9. How many mL of 0.1M HCl is required to 17. In what volume of water 20 g of NaOH is
react completely with 1.0g mixture of to be dissolved such that 400ml of this
Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 containing equal- solution exactly neutralize 4.9g of H2SO4
molar amounts of both? 1)1 lit 2)2 lit 3)2.5 lit 4)3 lit
1)157.9 2)125.3 3)136.2 4)1.362 18. One tablet of vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
S.P.Q requires for complete neutralisation 20ml
10. Which of the following contains more of decinormal NaOH. If equivalent weight
number of ions per unit volume? of ascorbic acid is 176, weight of the
vitamin in the tablet is
1) 1M K 2S+1M HNO3
1) 0.176 g 2)0.352 g 3) 17.6 g 4)3.52 g
2) 2M HCl+0.5M NH 4 Cl 19. Volume of 0.1M oxalic acid, which can
3) 2M K 2S + 2M K 2SO 4 completely decoloursie 20 ml of 0.1M -
KMnO4 in acid medium is
4) 2M K 2SO 4  2M NH 4 Cl
1) 100ml 2) 50ml 3) 20ml 4) 4ml
11. CH 3CN+2H 2 O   X+NH3 20. Which of the following solution is acidic in
The density of a 2M solution of X in water is nature
1.017 g/ml. The molality of the solution is 1) 20ml of 0.1MH2SO4 + 20ml of 0.3 M NaOH
1) 2 2) 1.55 3) 2.26 4) 1.25 2) 10ml of 0.1MH2SO4 + 20ml of 0.2 M NaOH
12. Find the volume of 0.1M potassium dichro-mate 3) 10ml of 0.1MH2SO4 + 10ml of 0.1M NaOH
solution required to oxidise 20ml of 0.6M
ferrous sulphate solution in acid medium 4) 20ml of 0.1MH2SO4 + 40ml of 0.1 M NaOH
1)10ml 2) 20ml 3)40ml 4)60ml 21. One mole of chlorine combines with certain
13. If 50ml of 0.1M NaCl and 50ml of 0.1 M weight of a metal giving 111g of its
chloride. The same amount of metal can
BaCl2 are mixed, molarity of chloride ion
displace 2g hydrogen from an acid. The
in the resulting solution will be atomic weight of the metal is
1)0.2 M 2)0.3M 3)0.15M 4)0.1M
1) 40 2) 20 3) 80 4) 100
14. Which of the following solutions is more
concentrated than the others 22. 50ml of 0.2N K 2 Cr2 O7 is required to
1)5.3 gm of Na2CO3 in 500 ml solution oxidise 40 ml FeSO 4 solution in acidic
2) 5 gm. of NaOH in 100ml solution medium. The weight of iron present per lit.
3) 3.65 gm of HCl in 750 ml solution if atomic weight of iron is 56
4) 4.9 gm of H2SO4 in 1000 ml solution 1) 14g 2) 1.4g 3) 140g 4) 28g

23. 20 ml of 0.1 N-NaOH was required to 29. Specific gravity of commercial sulphuric
neutralise a solution of a dibasic acid. acid is 1.8 and it is 98% pure. Volume of
Weight of the acid present in the solution this acid required for preparing 7.2 litres
is (Molecular weight of the acid = 126) of decinormal sulphuric acid is
1)0.63 g 2)63 g 3)0.126 g 4)6.3 g
1)10ml 2) 20ml 3)72ml 4)4ml
24. 100 ml of 0.1M H2SO4 and 100ml of 0.1M
KOH are mixed together and diluted to 30. 25 ml of 0.1M KMnO4 is reduced by
exactly two litres. Normality of unreacted 25 ml of Mohr’s salt solution in the
acid in the mixture is presence of dil.H2SO4 molarity of the
1) 2 x 10-3 N 2) 5 x 10-3 N latter is
3) 5 x 10-2 4) 2 x 10-2 N 1) 0.5 2) 0.2 3) 0.1 4) 0.05
25. 10 milli moles of a monoacidic base is 31. In Solvay’s process, X is heated in lime
exactly neutralised by 50ml of an acid. The kiln to produce CO 2 . Y is the most volatile
normality of the acid is Hydrogen halide. After absorbing Y in
1)0.5 N 2)0.2N 3)0.6N 4)0.4N water, what volume of 1N solution of Y can
26. 100ml of 0.3M sulphuric acid and 200 ml exactly neutralise completely 25g of X?
of 0.3M hydrochloric acid were mixed 1) 53ml 2) 500ml 3) 1000ml 4) 100ml
together. The normality of the resulting 32. 1.5 litre of solution of normality N and
solution is 2.5 litres of 2M HCl are mixed together.
1)0.4 N 2)0.3N 3)0.1N 4)0.15 N The resultant solution has a normality 5.
27. List - I List - II The value N is
1) 6 2) 10 3) 8 4) 4
molecular weight
1) Hypophosphorus acid A) 33. One gram atom of calcium was burnt in
excess of air, dissolved in water, and made
molecular weight up to exactly one litre. Its normality is
2) Phosphorous acid B)
3 1)1N 2)2N 3)0.1N 4)0.05N
molecular weight 34. 100ml of 0.3 N HNO3 and 200ml of 0.3 M
3) Orthophosphorus acid C) - H2SO4 are mixed together. Normality
4 of H+ in the result solution is
molecular weight 1) 0.9 N 2) 0.6N 3) 0.4 N 4) 0.5 N
4) Pyrophosphosric acid D)
5 35. If 0.25 g of an acid can exactly neutralise
20 ml of 0.125 N base. Equivalent weight
molecular weight
E) of the acid is
1)100 2)40 3)50 4)12.5
Which of the following is correct
36. 100 ml of 0.1M - H2SO4 was added to 100 ml
1 2 3 4
of 0.1 M-NaOH and the mixture was
1) C B A E diluted exactly to one litre. Normality of
2) E A B C the final solution is
3) A B D C 1)1N 2)0.1N 3) 0.01N 4)0.001 N
4) C A B D 37. 0.2 lit. of ammonia at 270C and 2 atm
S.P.Q pressure is neutralized by 160 ml. of
sulphuric acid. Normality of acid
28. 20g of an acid furnishes 0.5 moles of H3O +
approximately is
ions in its aqueous solution. The value of
1)0.01N 2)0.2 N 3)2N 4)0.1 N
1g eq. of the acid will be
1) 40g 2) 20g 3) 10g 4) 100g

MOLALITY 45. Match the following:
C.R.T.Q List -I List - II
38. The density of 2 M solution of acetic acid 1) Molality A) unity
(Mol. wt. 60) is 1.02 g ml-1. The molality 2) Relative lowering B) dilute
of the solution ‘X’ is vapour pressure solutions
3) Raoult’s law C)independent of
1) 1.0 2) 2.0 3) 2.22 4) 2.25
39. 3C2 H 2 
red hot tubes
X 4) Xsolute  Xsolvent D)Mole fraction of
2 Na2 S 2O3  Y  Na2 S 4O6  2 NaI solute
Which of the following is correct
Mole fraction of Y in X is 0.2. What is the
1) 1-C; 2-D; 3-B; 4-A
molality of Y in X?
2) 1-A; 2-C; 3-D; 4-B
1) 3.2 2) 6.4 3) 1.6 4) 0.2 3) 1-C; 2-B; 3-A; 4-D
S.P.Q 4) 1-D; 2-A; 3-B; 4-C
40. Density of a 2.05 M solution of acetic acid COLLIGATIVE PROPERTIES
in water is 1.02 g/mL. The molality of the RELATIVE LOWERING OF VAPOUR

1) 1.14 mol kg 1 2) 3.28 mol kg 1 C.R.T.Q

46. The vapour pressure of 10% aqueous
3) 2.28 mol kg 1 4) 0.44 mol kg 1
glucose solution at 100oC
41. An antifreeze solution is prepared from 1)750 mm 2) 755.6 mm
222.6g of ethylene glycol (C12 H 6O2 ) and 3)751. 6 mm 4) 740 mm
200g of water (solvent). Calculate the 47. Calculate the mass of a non-volatile
molality of the solution.
solute(molar mass  40 gm ol  1  which
1)0.414 2)0.795 3)4.14 4)17.95
should be dissolved in 114g Octane to
MOLE FRACTION reduce its vapour pressure to 80%
C.R.T.Q 1)2g 2)4g 3)8g 4)16g
42. Maltose is converted to ‘A’ by Maltase. 48. Heptane and Octane form an ideal
The mole fraction of ‘A’ in 10% (w/w) aq. solution.At 373K the vapour pressure of
solution is approximately: the two liquid components are
1) 0.18 2) 0.012 3) 0.1 4) 0.017 105.2k Pa and 46.8k Pa respectively.What
will be the vapour pressure of mixture of
43. A solution of 36% water and 64% 26.0g heptane and 35g of octane?
acetaldehyde ( CH 3CHO ) by mass. Mole 1) 70.57 k . p 2)80.5 k . p
a a
fraction of acetaldehyde is
3) 73.57 k . pa 4) 90.56. pa
1) 0.42 2) 0.2 3) 4.2 4) 2.1
49. Benzene and Toulene form ideal solution
S.P.Q over the entire range of composition the
44. In the aqueous solution of sulphuric acid, vapour pressure of pure benzene and toulene
the mole fraction of water is 0.849. The at 300K are 50.71 mmof Hg and 32.06mm
Hg respectively.Calculate the mole
molality of the solution is
fraction of benzene in vapour phase if 80g
1)8.9 m 2)0.19 m 3)9.8 m 4)15m of benzene is mixed with 100g of toulene.
1)1.7 2)2.5 3)0.6 4)1.6

50. Benzene and toulene form nearly ideal
solutions. At 200 C, the vapour pressuree 55. Calculate the depression in the freezing
point of water when 10g of
of benzene is 75 torr and that of toulene is
22 torr. The partial vapour pressure of CH 3CH 2CHClCOOH is added to 250g of
benzene at 200 C for a solution containing water .
78 g of benzene and 46 g of toulene in torr is K a  1.4 103 , K f  1.86Kkg mol 1
1) 50 2) 25 3) 37.5 4) 53.5
51. Vapour pressure of water at 293K is 1) 0.650 C 2) 1.750 C
17.535mm Hg.Calculate the vapour
3) 100.650 C 4) 101.750 C
pressure of the solution at 293K when 25g
of glucose is dissolved in 450g of water. OSMOTIC PRESSURE
1) 17.44 mm.Hg 2) 1.744 mm.Hg C.R.T.Q
3) 16.44 mm.Hg 4) 17.535 mm.Hg 56. At 100C the osmotic pressure of urea
52. 100g of liquid A(molar mass solution is 500 mm of Hg .The solution is
140g mol )was dissolved in 1000g of diluted and the temperature is raised to
250C. When the osmotic pressure is found
liquid B(molar mass 180g mol 1 ). The
to be 105.3 mm of Hg. Determine extent
vapour pressure of pure liquid B was found of dilution
to be 500torr. Calculate the vapour
pressure of pure liquid A and its vapour 1) Two times 2) Three times
pressure in the solution if the total vapour 3) Four times 4) Five times
pressure of the solution is 475 torr.
57. The osmotic pressure of a solution
1) 3.19,500 2) 280.56,31.965 containing 30gm of a substance in 1 litre
3) 500,300 4) 190,31.965 solution at 20 0C is 3.2 atm. Calculate the
ELEVATION IN BOILING POINT value of S in litre atm K-1 mole-1. If the
C.R.T.Q molecular mass of solute is 228
53. An aqueous solution of 2% non volatile 1) 82.1 2) 0.0821 3) 8.314 4) 1.987
solute exerts a pressure of 1.004bar at the
normal boiling point of the solvent.What 58. The osmotic pressure of solution at 0 C is

is the molecular mass of the solute ? 4 atm what will be its osmotic pressure at
546 K. Under similar conditions
1) 4.135 g / mol 2) 22.1g / mol
1) 4 atm 2) 2 atm 3) 1 atm 4) 8 atm
3) 90.1g / mol 4) 41.35 g / mol
59. If the osmatic pressure of glucose solution
DEPRESSION IN FREEZING POINT 1.52 bar at 300K.What would be its
C.R.T.Q concentration if R=0.083L bar mol 1 K 1
54. Two elements A and B form compounds of 1)0.061m 2)6.1m 3)61m 4)30.5m
formula AB2 and AB4. When dissolved in 60. Determine the osmatic pressure of a
20.0 g of benzene 1.0 g of AB2 lowers solution prepared by dissolving 25mg of
by 2.3 C whereas 1.0g of AB4 lowers
K 2 SO4 in two litre of water at 250 C
by 1.3 C. The Kf for benzene is 5.4. The
assuming that it is completely dissociated
atomic masses of A and B are respectively
1) 5.2tm 2) 5.27  10 3 tm
1) 27, 45 2) 42, 25
3) 3  10 3 tm 4) 200 tm
3) 52, 48 4) 48, 52

61. What is the osmotic pressure of the 67. The molar mass of solute X in g mol 1 , if
solution obtained by mixing 300cm3 of 2% its 1% solution is isotonic with a 5%
(mass-volume) solution of urea with 300cm3 solution of cane sugar (molar mass
of 3.42% solution of sucrose at 200 C ? =342 g mol 1 ) is
1) 68.4 2) 34.2 3) 136.2 4) 171.2
 R  0.082L atm K 1
mol 1 
1) 5 atm 2) 5.2 atm
3) 2.6 atm 4) 4.5 atm
68. If benzoic acid (m.wt= 122) is associated
into double molecules when dissolved in
62. A solution of glucose  C6 H12O6  is isotonic benzene and the osmotic pressure of
solution of 5gms of benzoic acid in 100 ml
with 4g of urea per litre of solution. The benzene is 5.73 atm at 100C. What is the
concentration of glucose is
percentage association of benzoic acid
1) 4 g/L 2) 8 g/L 3) 12 g/L 4) 14 g/L
1) 8 2) 80 3) 40 4) 20
63. A solution is prepared by dissolving
1.08 gms of human serum albumin. A S.P.Q
protein obtained from blood plasma in 69. 0.1 formal solution of NaCl is found to be
50 c.c of aqueous solution. The solution isotonic with 1.1 % solution of Urea.
has an osmotic pressure of 5.85 mm of Hg
Calculate the apparent degree of ionisation
at 298 K. What is the molar mass of
of NaCl
1) 686.55 g/mole 2) 68655 g/ mole 1) 0.083 2) 8.3 3) 0.83 4) 0.42
3) 34328 g/ mole 4) 343.28 g/mole
64. 18 gms of glucose and 6gms of Urea are
dissolved in 1 lit aqueous solution at 270c.
The osmotic pressure of solution will be
1) 0.492 atm 2) 0.245 atm
3) 4.92 atm 4) 0.049 atm
65. A 5.25% solution of a substance is isotonic 1) 1 2) 4 3) 2 4) 2 5) 2 6) 2
with a 1.5% solution of urea (molar 7) 3 8) 3 9) 1 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2
mass=60g mol ) in the same solvent. If the
13) 3 14) 2 15) 4 16) 2 17) 2 18) 2
densities of both the solutions are assumed
19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 22) 1 23) 3 24) 2
to be equal to 1.0g cm 3 , molar mass of
25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1 29) 2 30) 1
the substance will be
31) 2 32) 2 33) 2 34) 4 35) 1 36) 3
1) 210.0 g mol 1 2) 90.0 g mol 1
37) 4 38) 3 39) 1 40) 3 41) 4 42) 2
3) 115.0 g mol 1 4) 105.0 g mol 1
43) 1 44) 3 45) 1 46) 3 47) 3 48) 3
66. Determine the amount of CaCl2 (i=2.47) 49) 3 50) 1 51) 1 52) 2 53) 4 54) 1
dissolved in 2.5litre of water such that its 55) 1 56) 4 57) 2 58) 4 59) 1 60) 1
osmotic pressure is 0.75atm at 27 0 C 61) 2 62) 3 63) 2 64) 3 65) 1 66) 3
1) 2.42g 2) 0.14g 3) 3.41g 4) 4g 67) 1 68) 2 69) 3

11. CH 3CN  2 H 2O  CH 3COOH  NH 3
 X  CH 3COOH
d = 1.017
1000  M
1000  d  M  mol .wt
1. Classification of solutions
12. N1V1  N 2V2
2. No of gram equivalents = no. of moles  no.of
M 1V1  M 2V2
e lost 13. M mixture 
V1  V2
Normality of K 2Cr2O7 = M  no.of e  gain
w 1000
N .V 14. M  
neq = GMW V inml
3. In acid medium K 2Cr2O7 loses totally 6e- M 1V1  M 2V2
15. M mixture 
V1  V2
N = 0.1 x 6
16. mass percentage of Aspirin
N1V1  N 2V2  V2  1 1 mass of Aspirin
N2   100
Total mass of solution

Vol of water is added = V2  V1 . 4.9 1000

4. No. of gm eq. of base = no. of gm.eq. of acid 17. N    0.25 N
49 400
5. N1V1  N 2V2
w 1000
volume of water (V) = 
0.5  500 GEW N
6. n  0.25
20 1000
No. of chloride ions = 0.25  2  0.50 =   2lit
40 0.25
7. Total millimoles of solute
= 480 1.5  520 1.2  720  624  1344 W
18. N  V (ml ) of NaOH =  1000 of
Total volume = 480  520  1000 GEW
ascorbic acid
Molarity of the final mixture
1344 M1V1 M2V2
=  1.344 M 19. 
1000 n1 n2
M 1000 20. N1V1  N 2V2
8. m
1000  d    M  mol.wt of solute  21. 1 gram equivalent of metal can displace
9. N1 V1  N 2V2 1 gram equivalent of H 2

N 1V1
10. K 2 S  2 K   S 2  3ions 22. N 1V1  N 2V 2 N2 
K 2 SO4  2 K   SO4 2  3ions
W 1
total six ions N2   W=?
GEW V in lit

w N V  N 2V2
23. N  V (ml) of NaOH =  1000 of 34. Nr  1 1
GEW V1  V2
dibasic acid
GMW 35. N  V (ml ) of base =  1000 of acid
simple it is dibasic acid GEW = GEW
36. NH2SO4  MH2SO4  2, NNaOH  MNaOH 1
24. N H 2SO4  M H 2SO4 2
Nr 
N H 2 SO4 .VH 2 SO4  N KoHVKOH
Nr  
Vtotal 37.   cST C  N 1V1  N 2V 2
25. for mono acidic base
no.of millimoles = No.of milli equivalents N 1V1
N2 
V 2 (multiple concepts)
N 38. d=1.02 gr/ml
V ( ml ) M=2M
26. N H 2SO4  M H 2sO4  2 CH 3COOH mol.wt=60
N HCl  M HCl 1
1000  M
N H 2 S O 4 .V H 2 S O 4  N H C l V H C l m
Nr  1000  d  M  mol.wt
V H 2SO 4  V HC l
27. Relation between molecular weights and 39. X solute 
equivalents weight 1000
28. 1 gram eqvivalent of acid furnishes MW
1 gram equivalent of H 3O  ions 1000  M
40. M 
1000  d  M  m.wt
%  sp.gravity  10
29. N  WB 1000
GEW 41. m  GMW . W , WA -weight of solvent
N1V1  N 2V2 V1  2 2 WB - weight of solute
42. C12 H 22O11 
 2C6 H12O6
M1V1 M2V2
30.  nA
n1 n2 XA 
n A  nH 2 O
31. CaCO3  CaO  CO2
43. X CH3CHO  n
W 1000
N  CH 3CHO  nH 2O
GEW Vin ml
44. X H 2 SO4  X H 2O  1
H C l  H 2 O  H C l ( aq )
X H 2O  0.849
N1V1  N 2V2
32. Resultant Normality =
V1  V2  X H 2 SO4  1  0.849  0.151
33. No. of moles of Ca = no. of moles of Ca(OH)2 m
X solute 
m  55.55

45. Molality - independent of temperature b/z no B  45 A  27
volume factor
R.L.V.P - equal to mole fraction of solute 55. T1  ik f .m
Raoult’s law - is applicable to dilute solutions  1 T1 V2
only 56.   T  V
2 2 1
X o  X s - Always equal to unity
57. S 
P0  PS n T
46.  X solute 58.  1T2   2T1
P 0

760  Ps 10 /180 59.   M S T

 60.  V  inRT
760 10 / 180  90 / 18
p 0  p s WB M A 61.    1   2
47.  .
p0 M B WA  1 C1
62.   C
48. P  P 0A . X A  P 0 B . X B 2 2

R T
49. PT  PA0 .x A  PB0 xB 63. Molecular weight = W 
 V
50. PB  PB0 X B , PB0  75 torr 64.  V   n1  n2  .S .T
78 65. isotonic solutions have same osmotic pressure
78 1 1
XB     1  C1 RT ,  2  C2 RT
 78   46  1  0.5 1.5
   For isotonic solution  1   2 ,  C1  C2
 78   92 
1 1.5 5.25
PB  75   50 torr
1.5 or 60 M [ Where M = Molecular Weight

p 0  ps WB M A
51.  . of the substance ]
p0 M B WA
1.5 5.25
or  or M  210
52. P  P 0A . X A  P 0 B . X B 60 M
53.  v  nst 66.  V  inRT
54. AB2 AB4
1 5

T f  i.K f  m M X 342
1 M X  68.4
2.3  .4 
 A  2B  67.  1   2
1 1 5
1.3  .4  
 A  4B  M X 342
1000 1000 M X  68.4
 
20 20
68.   iCST
A  2 B  117.4  1 A  4 B  207.78   2 
i 1
A  4 B  207.7  in case of association
A  2 B  117.4 1
2 B  90.3
69. 1  2

5. What is the freezing point of the solution if
the KI is completely dissociated in the soluiton?
1) 4.87 0 C 2) 3.220 C
Matrix Matching type 3) 1.220 C 4) 4.87 0 C
1. Match the laws listed in column I with the
corresponding equations given in column II 6. Experimental freezing point of the solution
Column - I Column - II is 4.460 C . What % of KI is dissociated?
A) Normality p) vary with temperature 1) 82% 2) 90% 3) 83% 4) 38%
B) Molarity q) Independent of COMPREHENSION : 2
temperature variation The colligative propertrties of electrolytes
C) Molality r) Involves ratio require a slightly different approach than
D) Mole fraction s) involves weight the one used for the colligative properties
of non-electrolytes. The electrolytes
2. Match the following
dissociate into ions in a soluton. It is
Column - I Column - II number of solute particles that determines
A) A nearly ideal solution p) H 2O  C2 H 5OH the colligative properties of a solution.
The electrolyte solutions, therefore, show
B) A solution showing q) C 6 H 6  C 6 H 5CH 3
abnormal colligative properties. To account
positive deviation for this effect we define a quantity called
C) A solution showing r) C 6 H 6  CHCl3 the van’t Hoff factor, given by
negative deviation Actual number of particles in solution after dissociation
Number of formula units initially dissolved in solution
D) An azeotropic s) Acetone  C2 H 5OH
i  1 (for non-electrolytes);
mixture with high.B.P t) H & V are +ve i > 1 (for electrolytes, undergoing
u) H & V are -ve dissociation)
i < 1 (for solutes, undergoing association)
3. Column I Column II
Answer the following questions
A) ppm p)Van’t Hoff factor
7. Benzoic acid undergoes dimerisation in ben-zene
B) Tb q) Molal depression solution. The van’t Hoff factor ‘i’ is related
C) K f r) Elevation in boiling point to the degree of association ' ' of the acid as:
 
Mass of solute 1) i  1   2) i  1  3) i  1
4) i 1
D) i s)  106
Mass of solution 8. 0.1M K 4  Fe  CN 6  is 60% ionized. What

COMPREHENSION TYPE QUESTIONS will be its van’t Hoff factor?

COMPREHENSION : 1 1) 1.4 2) 2.4 3) 3.4 4) 4.4
A 1.24 M aqueous solution of KI has density 9. A solution of benzoic acid dissolved in
benzene such that it undergoes molecular
of 1.15 g / cm3 . Answer the following association and its molar mass approaches
Questions about this solution 244. Benzoic acid molecules will exist as:
4. Percentage composition of solute in the 1) dimer 2) monomer
solution: 3) tetramer 4) trimer
1) 17.89 2) 27.89 3) 37.89 4) 47.89

COMPREHENSION : 3 14. 100 mL liquid A and 50mL liquid B are
Compartments ‘A’ and ‘B’ have following mixed to form 138mL solution. It is
combinations of solutions: 1) ideal solution
2) high boiling azeotrope
3) low boiling azeotrope
4) none of these
15. Which among the following combinations
is maximum boiling azeotrope?
1) H 2O  CH 3OH 2) CCl4  CHCl3
1) 0.1M KCl 0.2 M KCl 3)  CH3 2 CO  C2H5OH 4) H 2O  HNO3
2) 0.1% (m/V) NaCl 10% (m/V) NaCl
3) 18 g/L glucose 34.2 g/L sucrose
4) 20% (m/V) glucose 10% (m/V) glucose
10. The solutions in which the compartment ‘B’
is hypertonic:
1) 1, 2 2) 2, 3 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 4
11. Indicate the solution(s) in which the com- 1) A-P; B-P; C-Q,S; D-Q,R,S
partment ‘A’will show the increase in volume
2) A-Q; B-P,S,T; C-R,U; D-R
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
12. Indicate the solution(s) in which the com- 3) A-s; B-r; C-q; D-p
partment ‘B’ will show the increase in volume
4)1 5) 1 6) 3 7) 3 8) 3
1) 1, 2, 4 2) 1, 2 3) 2, 3 4) 3, 4
9)1 10) 1 11) 4 12) 2 13) 3
14) 2 15) 4
The solutions which boil atconstanttempe-rature
like a pure liquid and possess same
composition in liquid as well as vapour state
are called azeotropes. The components of
azeotropes cannot be separated by
fractional distillation. Only non-ideal
solutions form azeotropes. Solutions with
negative deviation form maximum boiling
azeotrope and the solutions with positive
deviation form minimum boiling azeotrope.
Boiling point of an azeotrope is never equal
to the boiling points of any of the components
of the azeotrope.
13. The azeotropic mixtre of water and HCl boils
at 108.50 C . This solution is
1) ideal
2) non-ideal with positive deviation
3) non-ideal with negative deviation
4) cannot be predicted

6. Expt. T f  4.460 c
Expt. T f  4.460 c
calculated T f  m.K f  1.311.86  2.43
exptT f 4.46
i   1.83
1 cal. T f 2.43
1. A. N  ;V  T ; so vary with temperature
V i 1
 (n=2)
1 n 1
B. Molarity  ;V  T; so vary with
v   1.83 1  0.83
temperature = 83%
C. Molality  (i) no volume factor, so
independent of temperature
1 i
Wsolute 1000 7. 
m= × 1
(ii) 1
M solute Wsolvent(gm) n
i 1
D. Mole fraction (i) no volume factor, so 8.  , n  5 since, K4 Fe  CN   gives 5 ions
n 1  6
independent of temperature i 1
in the solution 0.6   i  3.4
ns no 5 1
ns  no or ns  no 9. Benzoic acid  C6 H5COOH  mol. wt. = 122 gm
(iii) involves weight M.wt of associated molecule=244 gm
2. C6 H 6  C6 H 5CH 3  nearly ideal solution 244
n 2  It is a dimer..
H 2O  C2 H 5OH 122
10. In 1,2 solutions, concentration is more in
CH 3COCH 3  C2 H 5OH shows positive
compartment B.
deviation 11. In combination-4, solution in A-compartment
H  ve , v  ve  for solution which is of higher concentration.
shows positive deviation  osmosis is from lower concentration to
C6 H 6  CHCl3  shows negative deviation higher concentration.
H  ve, v  ve  for solution showing  volume increases.
negative deviation 12. In 1, 2 solutions,  osmosis is from
C6 H 6  CHCl3 is an Azeotropic mixture A  B  ‘V’ increases in B.
13. Mixture of HCl+wayer shows negative
mass of solute
3. PPm= ×106 deviation from Raoult’s law
mass of solution 14. vol.A = 100 ml
Tb  elevation in B.P Vol.B = 50 ml
K f  molal depression constant Vol. ideal solution = 100+50=150 ml
i = van’t Hoff factor Vol.non-ideal solution = 138 ml
% 10  d M  GMW Vmix  ve
4. M %
GMW 10  d V.P of solution  . Solution boils at high T, so
1000  M high Boiling azeotrope.
5. m
1000(d )  MM solute 15. H 2O  HNO3 ; B.P = 393.5K
m  1.31 ; T f  i K f m
 2 1.86 1.31  4.8732 ; F .P  0  T f
 4.87 0 c

10. Two liquids A and B form on ideal
solution at 50o C. Binary ideal mixture of
1 mole A and two moles B has a vapour pres-
sure of 250 torr and when 1 mole of A is fur-
1. 6.02x1020 molecules of Urea are present in ther added to this mixture, vapour pressure
100ml of its solution. The concentration of increases by 50 torr. what is the ratio of vapour
Urea solutions is pressure of A to B in pure state? ..............
11. At 100C and 1 atm, following equilibrium is
( No  6.02 1023 mol 1 ) ........ set up
2. 5.2 molal aqueous solution of methyl alcohol
H 2O(l )  
 H 2O ( g )
(CH 3OH ) is supplied. What is the Steam
molefraction of methy alcohol in the Density1.0 g Cm 0.0006 g Cm 3
The volume occupied by water molecules in
3. PH of Ba(OH)2 solution is12. Number of 10 lit of steam is Xcm3, what is the value of
millimoles present in 100 ml of Ba(OH)2 X...........
solution is......
12. Molecular formula of white phosphorus in
4. Laboratory ammonia is 14.8 M NH3(aq) with benzene is (P)x. What is the value of x based
a density of 0.8980 g/ml. Mole-fraction of on following experiment? Freezing point of
NH3 in this solution is................ benzene =5.45oC
5. A certain brine solution has 3.87% NaCl by Kf (Benzene)=5.12 k mol-1 kg
mass with density 1.036g ml-1. How many Freezing point of solution containing 0.675g
millilitre of this solution should be evaporated of white phosphorous in 50.0g of benzene
to obtain 0.32g of NaCl............... =4.89oC........................
6. In a given aqueous solution of NH3 at 700 C, 13. One moal aqueous solution of Urea freezes
X NH 3  0.03, Vapour pressure of pure at -1.86oC. Aqueous solution of Cn H 2 n On
H2O(l) at 700 C is 266.0 torr. what is the 36% by mass of water freezes at -3.72oC.
difference between the actual vapour pres- What is the value of n?
sure of H2O in solution and the given vapour 14. A solutin containing 3.975g of sulphur in 100g
pressure of H 2 O? (express value in of CS2 boils at 319.67 K, the boiling point of
torr).............. pure CS 2 is 319.30 K.
7. What is the ratio of the solubilities of N2 and
Kl0 (CS2 )  2.4060 mol 1 kg . If molecular state
O 2 in H 2 O at 100 0C based on the
following data? of sulphur is (S)x then what is the value of X
Pressure Henry’s Constant ?...........................
N2 0.80 atm 12x104 atm 15. An aqueous solution containing 28.4g of
O2 0.20 atm 6.0x104 atm non-volatile compound having the stoichio-
8. The concentration of O 2 in water metric composition CnH2nOn in 100g water
required to support aerobic aquatic life is about boils at 101.240C at 1 atm pressure.
3.856 mg dm-3. minimum partial pressure (in K f ( H 2O)  0.520 mol 1kg and boiling
Kpa) of Oxygen in the atmosphere that can
achieve this concentration is (KH, Henry’s point of H 2O  373k . What is the value of
Law constant of O2  74.68 K Pam3 mol 1 ).
16. 6% aqueous solution of non-electrolyte
9. Number of moles of sucrose that must be
Cn H 2 n On at 270C has osmotic pressure of
added to 360g of water to lower the vapour
pressure of water by 1.19 mm Hg 24.63 atm. Total number of atoms in one
is..................... molecule is................

17. 1 molal Urea aqueons solution freezes at Calculate the number of ions from one unit of
–186 0C and 9.00% (w/w) aqueons substance.
solution of a non-electrolyte A Freezes at K f ( H 2O)  1.860 mol 1 kg
–0.93 0C. Osmotic pressure of 4.41%
(w/v) aqueons solution at 298K is ............. K f (benzene)  5.12 mol 1 kg
atmosphere. 24. The molarity of a solution containing 5.0 g of
18. Variation of  / c VSC (C is the concentra- NaOH in 250 ml solution is............
tion of solute in g dm-3) is given at 300k for a 25. 20g of hydrogen is present in 5 litre vessel,
solute of molar mass 308 gm -1 , the molar concentration of hydrogen is....
OA  X  10 y in scientific notation. What is 26. The number of moles of KCl in 1000 ml of
the value of X ? 3 molar solution is..........
(R=0.082 l Latm mol-1 K-1).................... 27. The sum of the mole fraction of the
components of a solution is..........
19. Relative decrease in vapour pressure of an
aqueous NaCl solution is 0.167. Thus, num- 28. 2.5 cm3 of 0.2 M H2SO4 solution is diluted
ber of moles of NaCl present in 180g of H2O to 0.2 dm3. Find normality of the diluted
is..................... solution.....
20. Aqueous solution of barium phosphate which 29. What will be the normality of a solution
containing 4.9 g H3PO4 dissolved in 500 ml
is 100% ionised has T f / K f as 0.40. water.......
Hence, given solution is X  10 2 molal. 30. What will be the molality of a solution having
What is the value of X?..................... 18 g of glucose (mol. wt=180) dissolved in
21. 0.002 molal aqueous solution of an ionic 500 g of water.............
compound Co( NH ) ( NO ) Cl freezes at 31.
3 5 2
The molarity of HNO3 in a sample which has
density 1.4 g/mL and mass percentage of
-0.007320C.  K f CH 2O)  1.860 mol 1kg  . 63% is_____. (Molecular Weight of HNO3
= 63) (PH:-I :: JEE-MAIN 2020)
How many moles of ions does 1.0 mole of
the salt produce on being dissolved in 32. 10.30 mg of O2 is dissolved into a liter of sea
water?............... water of density 1.03 g/mL. The concentration
of O2 in ppm is_____.
22. Solute X(non-electrolyte, non-volatile) is
dimerised in solvent A (PH:-I :: JEE-MAIN 2020)
K f ( A)  1.800 mol 1kg  and trimerised in 33. The elevation of boiling point of 0.10m
aqueous CrCI 3 xNH 3 solution is two time
same amount of solvent B
staht of 0.05m aqueous CaCI 2 solution, the
 K f ( B )  2.720 mol 1kg  . Depression in
value of x is....... [Assume 100% ionisation of
freezing point due to X in solvent (A) is 
and depression in freezing point due to X in the complex and CaCI 2 , coordiantion
solvent (B) is  . Then, sum of the ratio of number of Cr as 6, and that all NH 3
 and  is.................. molecules are present inside the coordination
sphere] [PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020]
23. A certain mass of a substance when dissolved
in 100g of bezene lowers its freezing point by 34. The mole fraction of glucose in an aqueous
1.280. The same mass of solute dissolved in binary solution is 0.1. The mass percentage
100g of water lowers its freezing point by of water in it, to the nearest integer, is _____.
1.40o. Substance has normal molar mass in [PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020]
benzene but completely ionised in water.

35. The volume ( in mL) of 0.1 N NaOH required 42. When 9.45 g of ClCH2COOH is added to
to neutralise 10 mL of 0.1 N phosphinic acid 500 mL of water, its freezing point drops by
is _______ [PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020] 0.5 0 C. The dissociation constant of
36. If 250 cm 3 of an aqueous solution containing ClCH2COOH is x  103. The value of x
0.73 g of a protein A is isotonic with one litre is____. (JEE-MAIN-2021)
of another solution containing 1.65 g of a (Rounded off to the nearest integer)
protein B , at 298 K, the ratio of the molecular
 K f  H O   1.86 K kg mol 1 
masses of A and B is________  102 (to  2 
the nearest integer). 43. 4.5 g of compound A (MW = 90) was used
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020] to make 250 mL of its aqueous solution. The
37. 6.023  10 22 molecules are present in 10g of molarity of the solution in M is x  101. The
a substance ‘ x ‘ The molarity of a solution value of x is ________. (Rounded off to the
containing 5g of substance ‘x’ in 2L solution nearest integer) (JEE-MAIN-2021)
is _______  10 3 . 44. C6H6 freezes at 5.5°C. The temperature at
which a solution 10 g of C4H10 in 200 g of
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020] C6H6 freeze is______°C. (The molal freezing
38. At 300K, the vapour presuure of a solution point depression constant of C 6H 6 is
containing 1 mole, of n-hexane and 3 moles 5.12°C/m.) (JEE-MAIN-2021)
of n-heptane is 550 mm of Hg. At the same 45. 1 molal aqueous solution of an electrolyte
temperature, if one more mole of n-heptane A2B3 is 60% ionised. The boiling point of the
is added to this solution, the vapour pressure solution at 1 atm is _______ K. (Rounded-
of the solution increases by 10mm of Hg. What off to the nearest integer) (JEE-MAIN-2021)
is the vapour pressure in mm Hg of n-heptane [Given Kb for (H2O) = 0.52 K kg mol–1]
in its pure state___________? 46. If a compound AB dissociates to the extent
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020] of 75% in an aqueous solution, the molality of
39. The osmotic pressure of a solution of NaCl the solution which shows a 2.5 K rise in the
is 0.10 atm and that of a glucose solution is boiling point of the solution is_____molal.
0.20 atm. The osmotic pressure of a solution (Rounded-off to the nearest integer)
formed by mixing 1L of a sodium chloride [Kb = 0.52K kg mol–1] (JEE-MAIN-2021)
solution with 2L of the glucose solution is
47. 224 mL of SO2(g) at 298 K and 1 atm is passed
X 10 atm. x is ___ (nearest integer) through 100 mL of 0.1 M NaOH solution.
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020] The non-volatile solute produced is dissolved
in 36 g of water. The lowering of vapour
40. A 100mL solution was made by adding 1.43g
pressure of solution (assuming the solution is
of Na 2 CO3 . H 2O . The normality of the
dilute)( P H 2O   24 mm of Hg) is x  10 2 mm
solution is 0.1N. The value of x is
of Hg, the value of x is ______. (Integer
(The atomic mass of Na is 23g/mol). answer ) (JEE-MAIN-2021)
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020] 48. When 12.2 g of benzoic acid is dissolved in
41. The volume, in mL, of 0.02 M K 2 Cr2 O7 100g of water, the freezing point of solution
solution required to react with 0.288g of was found to be
ferrous oxalate in acidic medium is _____. 0.930 C  K f  H 2O   1.86 K kg mol 1  .
(Molar mass of Fe = 56 g mol 1 ) The number (n) of benzoic acid molecules
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020] associated (assuming 100% association) is __.

49. AB2 is 10% dissociated in water to A2+ and 55. 2 molal solution of a weak acid HA has a
B–. The boiling point of a 10.0 molal aqueous freezing point 3.8850 C . The degree of
solution of AB2 is_______oC. (Round off to
dissociation of this acid is ____103
the Nearest Integer). [Given : Molal elevation
constant of water Kb = 0.5 K kg mol–1 boiling (Round off to the Nearest Integer).
point of pure water = 100oC] [Given : Molal depression constant of water
(JEE-MAIN-2021) = 1.85K kgmol 1 freezing point of pure water
50. A 6.50 molal solution of KOH (aq.) has a  00 C ] (JEE-MAIN-2021)
density of 1.89 g cm–3. The molarity of the
56. A solute a dimerzes in water. The boiling point
solution is______mol dm–3. (Round off to the
Nearest Integer). (JEE-MAIN-2021) of a 2molar solution of A is 100.250 C . The
[Atomic masses: K:39.0 u; O:16.0 u; H:1.0u] percentage association of A is___.(Round off
to the nearest Integer)
51. At 363 K, the vapour pressure of A is 21 kPa
and that of B is 18 kPa. One mole of A and 2 [Use : K b for water =0.52K kg mol1
moles of B are mixed. Assuming that this Boiling point of water  1000 C ]
solution is ideal, the vapour pressure of the
mixture is ______ kPa. (Round of to the (JEE-MAIN-2021)
Nearest integer). (JEE-MAIN-2021)
52. 15mL of aqueous solution of Fe2 in acidic
medium completely reacted with 20mL of
0.03M aqueous Cr2O72 .The molarity of the
2 1) 0.01 2) 0.086 3) 0.5 4) 0.292
Fe2 solution is __ 10 M (Round off to the
5) 8 6) 8 7) 2 8) 9
Nearest Integer) (JEE-MAIN-2021)
9) 1 10) 3 11) 6 12) 4
53. The oxygen dissolved in water exerts a partial
pressure of 20 kPa in the vapour above 13) 6 14) 8 15) 4 16) 8
water.The molar solubility of oxygen in water 17) 6 18) 8 19) 1 20) 8
is ___ 105 mol dm 3 . 21) 2 22) 2 23) 3 24) 0.5
(Round off to the Nearest Integer) 25) 2 26) 3 27) 1 28) 0.002
[Given : Henry's law constant 29) 0.3 30) 0.2 31) 14.00 32) 10
33) 5 34) 47 35) 10 36) 177
 K H  8.0  104 k Pa for O 2
37) 25 38) 600 39) 167 40) 10
Density of water with dissolved oxygen
41) 50 42) 35 (or) 36 43) 2
 1.0kg dm 3 ] (JEE-MAIN-2021)
44) 1 45) 375 46) 3 47) 12
54. A 1 molal K 4 Fe(CN )6 solution has a degree 48) 2 49) 106 50) 9 51) 19
of dissociation of 0.4.Its boiling point is equal 52) 24 53) 25 54) 85 55) 50
to that of another solution which contains 18.1 56) 50, 100
weight percent of a non electrolytic solute A.
The molar mass of A is__u.
(Round off to the Nearest Integer).[Density
of water = 1.0g cm 3 ] (JEE-MAIN-2021)

1 102
M (mol 1 )  mol in 100 mL
2 10
1 102
  1000 milli m oles
1. Molarity (mol lit–1)  0.5 milli m oles
moles of solute 4. 14.8 M NH 3 (aq ) means 14.8 moles NH3 in

volume of solution(inL) 100 mL. solution. 1000 mL solution
= 1000 x 0.898 g solution
6.02 1023 molecules of Urea = 1 mole
= 898 g solution (NH3+H2O)
 6.02  10 20 molecules of Urea 14.8 moles NH3 =14.8 x17g
6.02  1020 NH3 =251.6g NH3
  1 103 mol Thus, H2O in solution
6.02  10 23

= 898.0-251.6 = 646.4g
Volume = 100mL=0.10L
1 103  moles  35.91
Molarity =  0.01 M 18
n( H 2O)  n( NH 3 )  35.91  14.8  50.71
moles of (solute) CH 3OH
2. Molality  14.8
1 kg of H 2O  X NH 3   0.292
5.2 mol 5. 100 ml brine solution has 3.87g NaCl.

1kg H 2O
100  0.32
Thus, 0.32g NaCl is in  g
Thus, n(CH 3OH )  5.20 3.87
brine solution.
 n ( H 2O )   55.56 Density = 1.036 gmL-1
mass 100  0.32
 Total moles = 5.20+55.56=60.76 mol  Volume =   8 mL
Density 3.87  1.036
moles of CH 3OH
 X CH3OH  6. By Raoult’s law,
total moles
PH 2O  P o H 2O x H 2O
  0.086  P o H 2O(1  xNH 3 )  258.02 torr
2  Thus, difference = 266 - 258 = 8 torr
3.  Ba  2OH
Ba (OH )2  
7. By Henry’s law
PH  12 P1  vi ki , Po2  no2 ko2
 12
 ( H )  10 M
 since,( H  )(OH  )  11014  Kw  xo2 (solubility or mole fraction) 
K o2
1 10
 (OH  )   1 102 M PN 2
1 10 12
Similarly, xN2 
K N2
1 10 xN 2 PN2 0.80  6 104
 Ba(OH )2      2
2 X o2 Po2 K N2 0.20 12 104

8. KH is in pressure Unity, hence PBo = 150 torr
PO2  K H  Concentration
PAo 450
(O2 )  3.856 mg   3
PBo 150
dm 3  3.856  10 3 g 11. Density of water vapour
3.856  103
 6  104 g Cm 3
dm  mol dm 3
32 Thus, weight of water vapour in 10L
steam = 10 x 1000 x 6 x 10-4=6 g
K H  74.68 K Pa m 2 mol 1
Density of liquid water = 1 g Cm-3
 74.68  103 K Pa dm3 mol 1 Volume of liquid water in 6 g

Po2 74.68 103 ( K Pa dm3 mol 1 ) 6g

Steam  3
 6 cm3
3.856 103
 (mol dm 3 )  9.0 k pa w1
32 12. 
m1 moles of solute,
9. By Raoult’s law for a binary mixture of non-
volatile solute (sucrose) in volatile solvent w2 = mass of solvent
water), relative lowering of vapour pressure 1000 Kfw
= mole fraction of solute. DT f 
m1w2 , (5.45-4.89)
nwater   20 1000  5  12  0.675
18 =  m1  123.42
m1  50
P 0  Ps nsucrose
  If molecular formula = (P)x
P o
nsucrose  nwater
 molar mass = 31 x = 123.42  x = 4
1.19 nsucrose 13. Molality of Urea solution = 1 mol kg–1
 , nsucrose =1mol
25 nsucrose  20 T , (Urea) = 0 – (–1.860)=1.860

10. Case I: x A  1, xB  2  1000 w1 

T f ,    kf  molality kf
1 2  m1w2 
x A  , xB 
3 3
1.860  k f  l mol kg 1
PAo 2 PBo
Ptotal  PAo x A  PBo xB  250    k f  1.860 mol 1 kg
3 3
Cn H 2 nOn  36 g in 100 g H 2O
750  PAo  2 PBo      (i )
Case II: xA  2, xB  2 1000 k f w1
T f (Cn H 2 nOn ) 
1 1 Po 2P o
xA  , xB   300  A  B
2 2 2 2 1000k f w1
m1 (Cn H 2 nOn ) 
T f w2
 600  PAo  2 PBo      (ii )
On solving EPS (i) and (ii), we get 1000 1.86  36

P = 450 torr
A 3.72 100

m1 (Cn H 2 nOn )  180 g mol 1 1000  1.86  9
0.930 
12n  2n  16n  180 m1  100
 30n  180  n  6  m1 ( molar mass of A)  180 g mol 1
14. Tb  319.67  319.30  0.37 k n W
 (Osmotic pressure)  RT  RT
v mv
1000 kb w1 1000 kb w1
Tb  m1 ( sx ) 
m1w2 , w2 (Tb ) 4.41 0.0821 298
  6.00 atm
1000  2.406  3.975 18.  (Osmotic pressure)
  258.5
100  0.37
n W
molar mass of (S)x = 32, x = 258.5, x = 8  Rt  RT
v mv
15. Tb  (101.22  273)  373  1.240 CRT 
 C A
1000 kb w1 m
Tb 
m1w2  RT
 O C
C m
1000 kb w1
m1 (Cn H 2 nOn )   RT
Tb w2 At C=0, = Constant   OA
C m
1000  0.52  28.4
 OA  0.0821L atm mol 1k 1  300k
1.24  100 
308 g mol 1
 119.1g mol 1
 8  102  X  104 L atm g 1
Cn H 2 nOn  12n  2n  16n Thus, X = 8.
 30n  119.1 n  4 19. By Raoult's law ,
16. Osmotic pressure, P n1 n1
 X solute  ; RLVP  i
W P 0
n1  n2 n1  n2
T1  MRT  RT
mv If n1 ( NaCl )  n
WRT then due to ionisation of NaCl,
m (molar mass of Cn H 2 nOn )  .
nV n1  n  i  2n
6  0.0821 300 180
m  60 g mol 1  n2 ( water )   10
24.63  0.1 18
Molar mass of Cn H 2 nOn 2n
 0.167 
2n  10
 12n  2n  16n  30n
2n  10 1
30n  60, n  2  
2n 0.167
thus, solute is C2 H 4O2 n  1.
Total atoms = 2 + 4 + 2 = 8. 20. Barium Phosphate is Ba3 ( Po4 )2
17. T f  K f  molality; 1.86  k f 1 3Ba 2t  2 PO43
 
Ba3 ( Po4 ) 2  
1000 k f w1 Y 5
k f  1.86 mol 1kg  T f 
m1w2 i  1  ( y  1)  x( x  1,100%)

= 1 + 4 x = 1 1+4x1=5
1.28 K f (benzene)
T f  molality  k f  i  
1.40 K f (water) i
T f i  5.12 1.40
  0.40(given) = molality  i   3.01  3
kf 1.86  1.28

0.40 number of moles of solute 51000

molality   0.08  8  102 molal 24. Molarity = 
5 Volume of solution 40250
Thus, x =8 25. Molar concentration of
T f  0  (0.007320 )  0.007320 Mole 20 / 2
21. H 2 , H 2    2
Vinlitre 5
T f = molality x kt x i
n n
0.00732 = 0.02 x 1.86 x i 26. M  3   n  3 moles
V  1
i = 1.97  2.0
Two moles of ions are formed 27. Sum of mole fraction is always 1.
Co( NH3 ) j NO2   Cl 
28. Given, volume of H 2 SO4 before dilution,
 Co( NH )
3 5 NO2 Cl  
 
V1  2.5 cm3  2.5  10 3 dm 3 .
22. Let molar mass of x=m As per dilution law V1 N1  V2 N 2
Then molar mass of x in A = 2 m (dimer) and
that in B = 3m (trimer) V1M 1  Basicity  V2 N 2

1000 K f w1 2.5  103  0.2  2  0.5  N 2

Tt ( A)  molality K f ( A) 
m1m2 or N 2  2  10 3  0.002 N .
1000 1.86  w1 W 1000 98
 N ,E   32.6
2m  m2 29. Ex volume in ml 3

Similarly,   1000  72.72  w1 4.6 1000

N  0.3 N .
3m  m2 32.6  500
 1.86 3 1 W 1000 181000
   30. m   0.2m.
 2 2.72 1 Mol.wt  'W ' solvent 180500
Thus,     2 31. 100 gm soln  63 gm HNO3
23. Let number of ions from one unit of substance mL  1mole HNO3
= y, then, i= 1 + (y-1)  1.4
  1( given ) i  1  ( y  1)  y 1
Molarity =  14 M
100 1
1000 k f w1 
1.28  T f (in benzene)  1.4 1000
10.3  103
1000 k f w1 32. ppm   106  10
1.40= DT f (in water)  (i )
33. tb  i  kb  m

i  0.1 kb  3  0.05  kb  2 0.1 1  0.2  2
i3 3
[Cr ( NH 3 )5 .CI ]CI 2  [Cr ( NH 3 ) 5 CI ]2  2CI  0.5 500
  103
x=5 3 3
34. X Glu cos e =0.1 = 167
mass % of glucose 0.1 100 1.43
40.  
0.1 180 2 1000 160  18x
  100 106  18x  286
0.1 180  0.9  18
18x  180  x  10

18  16.2 41. K 2 Cr2 O 7  FeC 2 O 4  Cr 3  Fe3  CO 2
1800 0.02  vol  6 0.288
  3  100
34.2% 1000 144
=52.63% 200
=53% Vol.  = 50 ml Ans.
 mass% of H 2O =47% 42. ClCH 2COOH  ClCH 2COO   H 
35. NaOH + H 3PO 2  NaH 2PO 2  H 2O i  1   2  1 
i  1
Vol.  0.1  0.110
T f  ik f m
Vol = 10 ml Ans.
0.73 1000 1.65 M A 73  4   9.45  
36.     1.769
MA 250 MB ; M B 165   94.5  
0.5  1   1.86    
= 176.9  102  500 
  1000  
 
=177  102
37. Mol . wt of ‘x’ 5 1.28
 1   
10 3.72 3.72
  6.0231023
6.023  10 22
5  5 93

M  1000  103
100  200  ClCH 2COOH  ClCH 2COO   H 
2 C  C C C
M  25  103 mol / lit
 C 
C 2 0.1
1 3 Ka   ;C   0.2
38. 550   pC06 H14   pC07 H16 C  C 1  500 /1000
4 4
0.2  32 / 93 0.2   32 
2 2

1 4 Ka  
560   pC06 H14   pC07 H16
5 5
1  32 / 93 93  61
 0.036
pC07 H16  [560  5  550  4]
K a  36  10 3
 550  50  600 mm of Hg

4.5 / 90 47. SO2  2NaOH  Na2SO3  H2O
43. M  0.2
250 /1000 224
1 10m mol 5m mol
 2 10 0.0821 298
44. Pure Solvent : C6 H 6     L.R  i  3
 9.2 m mol
Given : T f0  5.5 0C
P S  P 0 . X solvent
K f  5.120 C / m
45. Tb  iK b m  24 
 2  15 103 
 1  4   0.52 1
P  0.18 torr  18  102 torr.
 3.4  0.52 1  1.768
Tb  1.768  313.15  374.918 K
SO2  NaOH  NaHSO3
 375 K
9.2 10 
 0.8 9.2
P  P 0 . X solute

 24 
1.6  18.4 
 0.2376  23.76  102
: Solute is non dissociative
48. T f  i  k f  m
 T f  k f  m
0   0.93   i  1.86   1000
 10  122  100
 
 T f0  T f'   5.12    mol
 200  i  0.5
  kg 1.86
 1000 
1 
5.12  5  10 i  1    1 
 5.5  T  f
n 
1 1 
 T f'  1.0860 C  10 C  1    1  1
2 n 
46.   0.75, n  2 n2
i  1    n  1  0.75  2  0.75  1.75 49. AB2  A2  2 B 
Tb  ikb m t0 a 0 0
or, 2.5  1.75  0.52  m t t a  a a 2a
2.5 nT  a  a  a  2a
or, m   2.74
1.75  0.52
 a 1  2 
 nearest integer answer will be 3
so i  1  2

Now Tb  i  m  K b 1 nO2 nO2
or, 4000  n  n 
Tb  1  2   m  Kb O2 water nwater

  0.1 m  10 K b  0.5 Means 1 mole water =18gm=18ml) dissolves

Tb  1.2  10  0.5 moles O2 .Hence molar solubility
So boiling point = 106  1 
50. 6.5 molal KOH = 1000gm solvent has   1
4000 
 1000  mol dm 3
6.5 moles KOH 18 72
so wt of solute  6.5  56
 1388.89 105 mol dm3  1389mol dm3
= 364 gm
wt of solution  1000  364  1364 K4Fe(CN)6  4K Fe(CN)64
54. Initial conc. 1m 0 0
Volume of solution  m Final conc. (1 0.4)m 40.4 0.4m
 0.6m 1.6m
moleof solute
Molarity  Effective molality = 0.6+1.6+0.4=2.6m .For
Vsolution in Litre
same boiling point, the molality of another
6.5 1.89  1000 solution should also be 2.6m

1364 Now, 18.1 weight percent solution means
 9.00 18.1gm solute is present in 100gm solution
and hence,(100-18.1=)81.9gm water.
51. Given PA0  21KPa  PB0  18kPa
18.1 / M
 An ideal solution is prepared by mixing 1 Now, 2.6 
81.9 / 100
mol A and 2 mol B.
 Molar mass of solute, M= 85
1 2
 XA  and X B  55. T f  (1   ) K f m
3 3
 Ace to Raoult's low   0.50  50 103
PT  X A PA0  X B PB0 56. Tb  Tb  Tb0

1  2  100.52  100
PT    21    18 
3  3   0.52 0 C
 PT  7  12  19 KPa  
i  1  
52. neq Fe2  neqCr2O72  2
 Tb  iK b  m
 15  M Fe2   20  0.03 
or,   1   6  
 1000   1000  0.52  1    0.52  2
 2
 M Fe2  0.24M  24 102 M
 1
53. P  K H .X So, percentgae association  100%
or 20  10 3
 (8  10 4
 103
) 
nO2  nwater

1. The molarity of a solution obtained by 5. The freezing point of benzene decreases
mixing 750mL of 0.5(M) HCl with 250 mL by 0.45°C when 0.2 g of acetic acid is
of 2(M) HCl will be (JEE-MAIN 2013) added to 20 g of benzene. If acetic acid
1) 0.875 M 2) 1.00 M associated to form a dimer in benzene,
percentage association of acetic acid in
3) 1.75M 4) 0.975 M benzene will be (Kf for benzene = 5.12K
2. Consider' separate solutions of 0.500 M kgmo1-1) (JEE-MAIN 2017)
C2H5OH(aq), 0.100M Mg3(PO 4)2(aq), 1) 64.6 % 2) 80.4 %
0.250M KBr(aq) and 0.125M Na3PO4(aq)
at 25°C. Which statement is true about 3) 74.6% 4) 94.6%
these solutions, assuming all salts to be 6. For 1 molal aqueous solution of the follow-ing
strong electrolytes ? (JEE-MAIN 2014) compounds, which one will show the
highest freezing point?
1) 0.500M C2H5OH(aq) has the highest
osmotic pressure (JEE-MAIN 2018)
2) They all have the same osmotic pressure 1) [Co(H2O)5CI]CI2.H2O
3) 0.100 M M3(PO4)2(aq) has the highest 2) [Co(H2O)4CI2]CI.2H2O
osmotic pressure 3) [Co(H2O)3CI3].3H2O
4) 0.125M Na3PO4(aq) has the highest 4) [Co(H2O)6]CI3
osmotic pressure 7. The vapour pressures of pure liquids A
3. The vapour pressure of acetone at 20°C and B are 400 and 600 mmHg,
is 185 torr. When 1.2 g of a non-volatile respectively at 298K. On mixing the two
substance was dissolved in 100 g of liquids, the sum of their initial volumes is
acetone at 20°C, its vapour pressure was equal to the volume of the final mixture.
183 torr. The molar mass (g mol-1) of the The mole fraction of liquid B is 0.5 in the
substance is (JEE-MAIN 2015) mixture. The vapour pressure of the final
solution, the mole fraction of components
1) 32 2) 64 3) 128 4) 488 A and B in vapour phase, respectively are
4. 18g glucose (C 6H12O6) is added to 178.2 g (JEE-MAIN 2019)
water. The vapour pressure of water (in 1) 500 mmHg, 0.5, 0.5
torr) for this aqueous solution is
2) 450 mmHg, 0.4, 0.6
(JEE-MAIN 2016)
3) 450 mmHg, 0.5, 0.5
1) 759.0 2) 7.6 3) 76.0 4) 752.4 4) 500 mmHg, 0.4, 0.6

8. 8 g of NaOH is dissolved in 18 g of H 2O . 13. K 2 HgI 4 is 40% ionised in aqueous
Mole fraction of NaOH in solution and solution. The value of its van't Hoff factor
molality (in mol kg 1 ) of the solution (i) is: (JEE-MAIN 2019)
respectively are: (JEE-MAIN 2019) 1) 1.6 2) 2.2 3) 2.0 4) 1.8
1) 0.2, 11.11 2) 0.167, 22.20 14. Liquids A and B form an ideal solution in
3) 0.167, 11.11 4) 0.2, 22.20 the entire composition range. At 350 K,
9. Molecules of benzoic acid (C6 H5COOH) the vapour pressures of pure A and pure
dimerise in benzene. 'w' g of the acid B are 7  103 Pa and 12  103 Pa ,
dissolved in 30 g of benzene shows a respectively. The composition of the
depression in freezing point equal to 2K. vapour in equilibrium with a solution
If the percentage association of the acid containing 40 mole percent of A at this
to form dimer in the solution is 80, then w temperature is: (JEE-MAIN 2019)
is - (Its given that K f  5K kg mol 1 , 1) xA  0.76; xB  0.24
Molar mass of benzoic acid  122 g mol 1 ) 2) xA  0.28; xB  0.72
(JEE-MAIN 2019)
3) xA  0.4; xB  0.6
1) 1.5 g 2) 1.8 g 3) 1.0 g 4) 2.4 g
4) xA  0.37; xB  0.63
10. Elevation in the boiling point for 1 molar
solution of glucose is 2 K. The depression 15. A solution containing 62 g ethylene glycol
in the freezing point for 2 molal solution in 250 g water is cooled to 100 C . If K f
of glucose in the same solvent is 2 K. The for water is 1.86 K kg mol 1 , the amount
of water (in g) separated as ice is:
relation between Kb and K f is:
(JEE-MAIN 2019) (JEE-MAIN 2019)
1) 32 2) 16 3) 64 4) 48
1) K b  K f 2) K b  0.5 K f
16. Which one of the following statements
3) K b  1.5 K f 4) K b  2 K f regarding Henry's law is not correct ?
11. The freezing point of a diluted milk sample (JEE-MAIN 2019)
is found to be 0.20 C , while it should 1) Different gases have different K H (Henry's
have been 0.50 C for pure milk. How law constant) values at the same
much water has been added to pure milk temperature.
to make the diluted sample? 2) The partial pressure of the gas in vapour
(JEE-MAIN 2019) phase is proportional to the mole fraction
1) 1 cup of water to 2 cups of pure milk of the gas in the solution.

2) 2 cups of water to 3 cups of pure milk 3) The value of K H increase with temperature
3) 3 cups of water to 2 cups of pure milk and K H is function of the nature of the
4) 1 cup of water to 3 cups of pure milk gas.
12. Freezing point of a 4% aqueous solution
4) Higher the value of K H at a given pressure,
of X is equal to freezing point of 12%
aqueous solution of Y. If molecular weight higher is the solubility of the gas in the
of X is A, then molecular weight of Y is: liquids.
(JEE-MAIN 2019)
1) 4 A 2) 2 A 3) 3 A 4) A

17. A set of solution is prepared using 180g (1) solubility of  at 308K is lower than at
of water as a solvent and 10g of different 298K
non - volatile solutes A,B and C. The
relative lowering of vapour pressure in (2) The pressure of 55.5 molal solution of  is
the pressure in the presence of these 250 bar
solutes are in the order [Given , molar (3)  has the highest solubility in water at a
mass of A = 100g mol 1 ; B = 200g mol 1 ; given pressure
C = 10, 000g mol 1 ] (4) The pressure of a 55.5 molal solution of
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020]  is 1 bar
(1) A > C > B (2) B > C >A 20. The size of a raw mango shrinks to a much
(3) C > B > A (4) A > B > C smaller size when kept in a concentrated
18. A solution of two components containing salt solution. which one of the following
process can explain this?
n1 moles of the 1st component and n2
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020]
moles of the 2nd component is prespared.
(1)Diffusion (2)Osmosis
M 1 and M 2 are the molecular weights of
(3)Reverse osmosis (4) Dialysis
component 1 and 2 respectively. If d is
21. An open beaker of water in equilibrium
the density of the solution in g mL1 , C2 with water vapour is in sealed container.
is the molarity and x2 is the mole When a few grams of glucose are added
to the beaker of water, the rate at which
fraction of the 2nd component, then C2 waqter moleclues:
can be expressed as :
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020]
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020]
(1) leaves the vapour increases
dx1 (2) leaves the solution increases
(1) C2 
M 2  x2 ( M 2  M 1 ) (3) leaves the vapour decreases
1000 x2 (4) leaves the solution decreases
(2) C2  M  x ( M  M )
1 2 2 1

(3) C2  M  x ( M  M )
2 2 2 1

(4) C2  M  x ( M  M )
1 2 2 1
1) 1 2) 2 3) 2 4) 4 5) 4
19. Henry’s constant (in kbar) for four  ,  ,
6) 3 7) 4 8) 3 9) 4 10) 4
 ,  gases and in water at 298K is given
below: 11) 3 12) 3 13) 4 14) 2 15) 3
    16) 4 17) 4 18) 4 19) 1 20) 2
KH 50 2 2 10 5
21) 1
(density of water= 103 kg m 3 298K)
[PH:-II ::JEE-MAIN 2020]

9. I  (1  0.8)  0.4  0.6 ; T f  iK f M

W  1000
2  0.6  5  ; W  2.44 gm
122  30
10. Tb  K b m ; 2  K b  1 ; K b  2
M 1V1  M 2V2 T f  K f m ; 2  K f  2 ;  K f  1
1.  0.875M
V1  V2 K b  2 K f
2. Osmatic pressure   iCST
 T f 1 m1 5 m1 WA 2
P 0  PS Wsolute  Wsolvent 11. T f  K f m ;  T  m ; 2  m  WA
3.  f2 2 2 1
PS M solute  Wsolvent
Therefore 3 cups of water is added in 2 cups
Molar mass of solute = 64 mol-1 of pure milk
4. Applying Raoult's law
W1 W2
P 0  PS n solute 760  PS 12. n1  n2 ; M  M
  1 2
PS n solvent PS
4 12
 PS  752.4 torr  AM

 MY  3A
5. T f  iK f m ; 1 i
For K 2 [ HgI 4 ]  2K    HgI 4 
6. [Co(H2O)5CI]CI2.H2O i = 3 13.
[Co(H2O)4CI2]CI.2H2O i=2 i  1  0.4(3  1)
[Co(H2O)3CI3].3H2O i=1 No. of Ions = 3
[Co(H2O)6]CI3 i = 4
 i  1.8
  f  i where   f  ( f   f ' )
14. YA   0 A A0
f 1  F.P. of solution PT PA X A  PB X B
Freezing po int solution  asi  . 7 103  0.4

7. Ptotal  X A  PA0  X B  PB0 7 103  0.4  12  103  0.6

 0.5  400  0.5  600  500 mmHg  0.28

Now, mole fraction of A in Vapour,  yB  1  0.28  0.72
PA 0.5  400 15. T f  K f  m
YA    0.4
Ptotal 500
wt 1000
and mole fraction of B in vapour, m  
Gmw ' w ' in gm
YB  1  0.4  0.6
62 / 62
10  1.86   1000 ; W  186 gm
1 W( gm )
8 / 40 5  1  0.167
8. X NaOH   Amount of water separated as ice
8 18 1 , 6
 1  (250  185)  64gm
40 18 5
16. Solubility of gas increases due to increase in
8 / 40
m  1000  11.11 Henry const. is wrong statement.

0.1 1
17. RLVPA  
10.1 101 21.  
 
0.05 1 103 
RLVPB   ; RLVPC  104   
10.05 201 10 

18. C2   100
[ x2 m1  (1  x2 ) M 2 ] / d
Vap. press = po Vap. press = px
1000dx2 H2O I  H2O g   
C2  K  po
H2O l    H2O g 
M 1  ( M 2  M 1 ) x2 KP  P

19. p = K H X mol fraction of gas in liquid. Hence Rate at which water molecules
On increasing tamp, ' K 'H increases leaves the vap.increases.

Hence solubility 
therefore , option 1
20. Theoritical


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