Part 4 FCE

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•Do you spend a lot of time watching television?

• What do you think about advertising on television; does it influence you?

• Do you think young people who watch a lot of violence on TV are more likely to be violent
•Why do you think watching television is such a popular pastime?
•Do people of different ages always have different interests?
•What kinds of activities do you enjoy doing with your parents?
•When you go out with your friends, how do you decide what to do?
•Do you enjoy going on excursions with a large group or do you prefer going by yourself or with a
•Do you think it is more difficult living in the countryside or in a big city? Why?
•Would it be easier for a foreign visitor to fit in a city or a village?
•Are there different social problems in cities and in the countryside? What are they?
•Where do you think most people will live in the future?
•Air travel is very bad for the environment; so, is it wrong to fly abroad for a holiday?
•Many plants and animals are going extinct. Is this a problem?
•Do you think individual action can save the environment?
•How is the climate likely to change in the future due to global warming?
•Do you think sport has an age limit, or should everyone be able to take part?
•In the sport world, is winning all that matters?
•Why do you think football fans so often become violent?
•Why do you think sports people feel the need to take performance-enhancing drugs?
•Why do you think there are regulations in place to control advertising?
•Do you think the media has a big impact on our everyday lives?
•Can you describe the most memorable advertisement you have seen?
•Have you ever bought something because of an advertisement that you saw?
•Why do you think it is beneficial for young people to engage in new activities?
•Can artistic or musical skills be learned or are they something people either can or cannot do?
•Should people try to learn things that are hard for them, or should they focus on what they are good
•Are you ever too old to learn something new?
•What do you think about internet access being restricted in some countries of the world?
•Are blogs, instant messaging and social networking sites threatening traditional face-to-face
•Technology creates more problems than it solves. Do you agree or disagree?
•Can you think of an example of technology that should never have been created?
•How could the environment be improved in your city?
•Are open spaces and parks important for our cities? Why / why not?
•What can be done to make dangerous areas in a city safer?
•When lots of people move into the suburbs, how does this change a city centre?
•Do you think preserving a city’s history is important?
How entertaining is each type
of TV show?
Which two types of show
should a TV network add to
its programming?

What are the advantages and

disadvantages of each
Which activity would
everyone enjoy?

What are the advantages of

living in each place?
To which place should your
friend move for the summer?
How important is each of the topics for
teenagers to learn about?
Which two would you include in your

How beneficial and enjoyable would each

sport be?
Which two sports would attract the most
people to the centre?

How effective is each kind of

Which two forms of advertising
will you use in your campaign?

How could each of these activities

benefit children?
Which two activities should your school
How appropriate is each
outfit for a job
Which outfit would be
the most appropriate for
each friend?

How has each form of

technology improved
everyday life?
Which two are the most
important to include in
your presentation?

How useful would each

option be for the whole
Which option would be
the best?

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