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z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _____________________________________________
J$` ___ 4$ z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$F ______$$$______ 4$ J$` Radium presents 4$
$F |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$p 4$_____$F 4$
$F ������������)$$$ 4$$$$$$$F Cakewalk Pro Audio v9.0 fixed 4$
$F |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$U' 4$ $F (c) Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. 4$
$F |$$F d$ 4$ '$b d$'
$F |$$F '$$$. 4$ '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
$F |$$F '$$$$. 4$ ||
$F $$$ "$$$$�� 4$ ____||_______________________________________
$F �� ����� 4$ z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$k r a d i u m $$ J$` 4$
'$b d$' $F Cracker : Radium 4$
'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' $F Supplier : BugsBunny 4$
$F Prog Type : Multitrack Sequencer 4$
$F Released : Oct 12th, 1999 4$
'$b disks : 4 x 3.4Mb d$'
_____ ______________________________________________||_________
z$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
J$` 4$
$F The first cake release had the original 'setup.ins' file inserted rather 4$
$F than the cracked one. This release is repacked with the right INS file. 4$
$F For those who already downloaded the old one, we also released a 20 kb 4$
$F 'crack fix only' for that. 4$
$F 4$
$F CakeWalk Pro Audio is the top of the TwelveTone audio line. It features 4$
$F up to 64 audio tracks, 256 virtual tracks (midi/audio), 64 channels of 4$
$F realtime effects, Support for DirectX plugins, RealAudio support, Pitch 4$
$F to midi conversion, Notation, Track inserts, Realtime marker placement, 4$
$F Groove quantize, Pattern sequencing and tons more. (Retail $299) 4$
$F 4$
$F New in Version 9 : WavePipe technology for faster audio effects 4$
$F processing, mixing and track playback on Windows audio cards. Export 4$
$F Audio to MP3, G2 and WMA Streaming Formats. Advanced support for 4$
$F ActiveX Soundcards.Analog-tape style audio scrubbing. Guitar tablature 4$
$F editing and printing with synchronized, real-time fretboard display. 4$
$F and lots more. Goto for more info 4$
'$b d$'

How to install :
1) unzip, un-rar and run 'setup.exe'
2) For cd-key enter '1234'
3) Enter anything for name and company. For serial enter 'cwpa900000000'
4) In the setup choose 'CUSTOM' and then UN-CHECK 'Sample files and Templates'

If you have problems see the faq below.

We hope Radium releases are used to learn software and become better informed.
If you use it for more than this then please buy the original.

Helpful URLs. (You should have these installed) :

directx media 6.0
MS common controls 4.01

___________________________________________________ __________
z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$
J$` 4$
$F no news today. :) 4$
'$b d$'

Release faq :

Q : When I installed i got 'an error ocurred in the move data process -113'
A : Follow the install instructions closely :) You need to do the custom install.

Q : I heard previous Cakewalk 8 installers had some problems. What was it?
A : Yes, there was a known bug in the Cakewalk 8 setup that if no temp dir was
defined on your system, then the setup deleted files in the root (c:\).
This was a bug in the *original* setup from TwelveTone. We've tried their
new Cakewalk 9 setup without having temp defined and it seems ok. However,
given their past error you may want to backup the files in your c:\ (just
the files like autoexec.bat, config.sys, etc -- all subdirs were safe).

Q : When i run mp3enc.exe it says something about a security key.

A : This is ok. the mp3 encoder is used from inside cakewalk, not run standalone.
To encode from cakewalk and go 'Tools > mixdown audio > export to file'.

Q : I still get an error when trying to export to mp3 from within Cakewalk.
A : Try installing and uninstalling the radium codec then reinstall cakewalk.
Note that the radium codec doesnt cause the problem (you can re-install it now
and both will work), just that the r-codec uninstaller happens to clean some
things up for cakewalk.

Q : Compression codecs like 'mpeg layer-3' are showing up in my DX effects lists

in Cakewalk, Acid and Soundforge. If i try and click on them they crash.
A : This is a known problem / bug with Windows 2000.

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