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TCW UNIT 1 AND 2 REVIEWER from south and north, and a competitive

environment, which increases processes

such manufacturing of goods and
 A process (set of processes) that embodies commodities
a transformation in the spatial organization
of relations and transactions, generating Ray Kiely and Phil Marfleet (1998)
transcontinental or interregional flows and Globalization is a situation wherein societies,
networks of activity, interaction, and cultures, politics, and economics have, in some
power. sense, come closer together.
 According to Al-Rodhan (2006),
Jan Aart Scholte (1999)
Globalization is not a single concept that
can be defined and encompassed within a Globalization refers to processes whereby social
set time frame, nor is it a process that can relations acquire relatively distance less and
be defined clearly with a beginning and an borderless qualities so that human lives are
end. increasingly played out in the world as a single
 Globalization is the process of world place.
shrinkage, distances getting shorter, and
Langhone (2001)
things moving closer. It pertains to the
increasing ease with which somebody on Explains that Globalization is the latest stage in a
one side of the world can interact, to long accumulation of technological advance, which
mutual benefit, with somebody on the has given human beings the ability to conduct their
other side of the world. - Larsson (2001) affairs across the world without reference to
However, others believe that Globalization nationality, government authority, time of day or
brought regression, colonialism, and physical environment.
Metaphors of globalization
 Solid
Defining Globalization as Broad and Inclusive
It refers to the barriers that may prevent free
 Globalization means the onset of the movement and it can be natural or man-made. It
borderless world. This definition proposes may also refer to people, things, information, and
that barriers are no longer considered a places “harden “over time and therefore have
hindrance because there are so many ways limited mobility.
by which we can access information and
 Liquidity
goods from other countries as if we are
living in one place without any borders. It refers to increasing ease of movement of people,
(Ohmae, 1992). things, information, and places in the global age.
Defining Globalization as Narrow and  Flows
It refers to the movement of people, things, ideas,
 According to Robert Cox (1999), and culture across the globe due to the advances in
Globalization is characterized by the technology, economic and political integration, and
internationalizing of production, the new establishment of global policies that lessens and
international division of labor, migration eliminates the existing borders.
THE FIVE Perspectives ON THE ORIGIN OF of Good Hope in 1498, and the
GLOBALIZATION circumnavigation of the globe
completed in 1522 by one of
Ferdinand Magellan’ s ships
1. Hardwired: proposes that globalization (Rosenthal, 2007)
originated from the basic motivation of  European Colonialism
human beings to seek a better life (Chanda,  The founding of the modern
2007). History shows that our ancestors Internet-based on Arpanet (which
travel from Africa to other places in search was created in 1969).
of food and security. 5. Broader, more recent Changes: this
2. Cycles: it explains that there is no single perspective views that the origin of
point of origin in globalization but it is a globalization has taken place during the
long-term cyclical process wherein the recent changes that happened in the 2nd
current global age today is only a half of the 20th century.
modification of the global age in the past.  The emergence of the United States
3. Epochs: if cycles explain a continuous long- as the global power in the years
term cyclical process, the epochs explain following WW II
that there are waves of globalization that  The emergence of multinational
took place in the past and each of them has corporations (MNCs).
its own origin.  The demise of the Soviet Union and
 The 4th to the 7th centuries which the end of the Cold War.
witnessed the globalizations of
region (e.g. Christianity, Islam). Criticism on the Existing Evidences of
 The late 15th -century highlighted by Globalization
European colonial conquests. GLOBALIZATION AS GLOBALONEY
 The late 18th and early 19th
centuries during which various  Rejectionist: People who are against the
 Intra - European wars led to utility of globalization as an incorrect
globalization. analytical concept.
 The mid-nineteenth century to  Sceptics: it emphasizes the limited nature of
1918; the heyday of European the globalizing process and that the world is
imperialism. not as integrated as it is.
 The post - World War II period.  Modifiers: It disputes the novelty of the
 The post - Cold War period. process, implying that the label
4. Events: this perspective is different from ‘globalization’ has often been applied in a
cycles and epochs as it specifies the event historically imprecise manner
that is somehow responsible for the origin THEORIES OF GLOBALIZATION
of globalization.
World System Theory: this theory believes that
 The spread of Christianity after the capitalism has spread around the world for the
fall of Roman Empire. last five centuries from 1500 to the present.
 The Other important Voyages such  Core: POWERFUL, WEALTHY, And
as the discovery of America by INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES that
Christopher’s Columbus in 1942, usually control and benefit from the
Vasco Da Gama rounding the Cape global market.
the world. Often times, this is called
 Periphery: COUNTRIES THAT ARE as Mcworld.
capital and have an underdeveloped B. Media Imperialism: it is a subcategory
industry. They generally provide labor under the broader umbrella of cultural
and materials to core countries. imperialism. From the traditional point
of view, the Western media and its
 Semi-Periphery: COUNTRIES THAT technologies dominate countries
SHARE CHARACTERISTICS OF BOTH belonging to less developed countries.
However, they also exploit peripheral C. McDonaldization: it is the process
countries just as core exploits the wherein the principle is one of the
natural resources of peripheral dominant fast-food restaurants in the
countries. United States of America is employed
and used in almost different societies
World Polity Theory: It was developed as an
across the world. Its principle usually
analytical frame for interpreting global relations,
revolves around EFFICIENCY,
structures, and practices. Invoking an image of the
world as a system of interrelated interdependent
Advancement in production and
World Culture Theory: It is a label for a particular
interpretation of globalization that focuses on the
way in which participants in the process become D. Grobalization: It is the desires and
conscious of and give meaning to living in the world ambitions of different entities such as
as a single place. organizations, corporations, and other
nations to influence others and impose
IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION their power throughout the world.
1. Homogeneity - It means an increasing
sameness as information and ideas flow 2. Heterogeneity It is associated with the
across boundaries. creation of local inputs leading to a variety
of cultural hybrids. In other words, the
A. Cultural Imperialism: it is the growing predominance of locals would make a
international influence of a particular difference on a global scale.
 Globalization: it is the process of
 Cultural: the role played by the interaction and integration among
American culture or the people, companies, and governments of
Americanization, the spread of different nations, it is a process driven
Christianity by international trade and invest and
 Economic: Spread of the market added by the spread of information and
economy throughout the world technology (Bernardo Jr. 2016)
 Political: Worldwide spread of
Dynamics of Global and Local Culture
models of the nation-state or the
single model of governance around Three Perspectives In Global Cultural Flow
1. Cultural Differentialism: It states that ECONOMIES ASSOCIATED WITH ECONOMIC
cultural differences are immutable and GLOBALIZATION
there is a likelihood that other culture
which is significantly different from one
culture may clash if they get to interact.
2. Cultural Hybridization: It refers to a politics
Protectionism refers to government policies that
of integration without the need to give up
restrict international trade by imposing tariffs,
cultural identity” (Pieterse, 2003, p. 56).
quotas, product standards, and subsidies.
3. Cultural Convergence: it supports the idea
of global cultural homogeneity. It is the Reason for the implementation of strict policies
process of increasing sameness by adopting
 Its goal is to improve the domestic economy
global culture, ideas, and practices.
by forcing its citizen either direct or indirect
to purchase local products instead of
imported products.
Economic Globalization  For safety and quality concerns of both
imported and exported products
refers to the increasing interdependence of
world economies as a result of the growing scale of PRIMARY POLICY TOOLS
cross-border trade of commodities and services,
Tariffs: These are charges to importing
flow of international capital and wide and rapid
countries in the form of either money or goods
spread of technologies (Shangquan, 2000).
that will serve as a payment for allowing its
The given example above was only a part of international products to be sold in the local
economic globalization as the scope of economic market. It is usually documented in the custom
globalization is not only limited in goods as it also of a particular government. These Import tariffs
involves, capital, labor, migration and anything that are the reasons for the increase of international
is related to goods and services. product prices. It also raises revenues of the
government and protects domestic products
 Goods and Services - Goods are tangible
from foreign competition due to the price hike
objects that satisfy people's wants. Services
of imported goods.
are actions, such as haircuts and car repair,
which also satisfy people's wants. Import Quotas: This is a kind of tariffs that
 Capital - It is the total assets a company lessen the number of products that can be
needs to stay solvent. A company’s capital imported for a certain period of time. The
assets are significant because organizations implementation of import quotas helps the
use capital assets to create wealth government protects its domestic businesses by
 Communication and technology - Advances allowing its local businesses to cover the
in Communication and technology has shortfall of certain products. Thus, it helps the
allowed the integration of economies local market to increase its production that will
worldwide through increases in trade, lead to the increase of numbers of goods that
investment flows, and technology transfer. can be sold in the market
 Market Exchange - it is an economic system
Product Standards: This is a kind of barrier that
in which goods and services are produced,
imposes strict standards in imported products
distributed, and exchanged by the forces of
which may make it difficult for different
price, supply, and demand.
importing countries to bring their goods in the
local market. Thus, the restriction of a
particular product can lead to a higher volume Advantages of Trade Liberalization
of product production domestically.
A. As it promotes free trade between and among
countries, the cost of importing nations in bringing
their goods to other countries is most likely to be
Government Subsidies: This is a strategy of the
lessened. This event may likely result in lower
national government by which incentives and
consumer prices due to lower fees of importing
cash payments are distributed to domestic
nation and an increase in competition among local
businesses to encourage them to expand their
and international businesses.
market globally by increasing international
export. Thus, the government may strengthen B. Promotes efficient use and allocation of world
its local market. resources

Advantages and Disadvantages of C. Increases Capital Flow

protectionism D. Allows developing countries access to the
 Advantages heavily protected markets of the developed world
thus helping promote development
a. Taxes imposed on exporter countries may
increase government revenues. E. whether to manufacture goods or provide
services. This scenario is related to the concept of
b. Strict and rigid policies may protect domestic comparative advantage wherein one specializes in
product which they can gain the most profitable.
c. Encourages the exportation of national F. It can lead to a higher efficiency of producers.
products which may expand their products
globally. G. It can attract foreign investment

 Disadvantages  Disadvantages of Trade Liberation

a. Protectionism policies often time support A. It can affect local businesses and their domestic
other countries to make their own protection product
policy as well. Hence, it inhibits the exportation B. The possible risk may be experienced if the
of each other products that may result in less products or raw materials coming from other
profit. countries have a lower environmental standard.
2. TRADE LIBERALIZATION C. Developing nations may be threatened to back
It is the process of removing or reducing the out in the global market as they are forced to
barriers or restrictions in the exchange for goods compete in the same market with other nations
between and among nations. With the reduction of possessing stronger economies.
barriers such as tariffs and import quotas in the D. Countries with lower educational standards may
process of exchanging goods and services, it struggle to adapt to a changing economic
significantly reduces the cost of goods sold by the environment.
importing countries Thereby, allowing an increase
of exchange between and among countries. Thus, E. It can exploit the natural resources due to the
the proponents of trade liberalization believe that competition and shallow environmental policies in
reduction of barriers ultimately lessen consumer a country.
costs while increasing efficiency, and fostering the F. It can lead to structured unemployment whereby
growth of the economy. countries and companies who cannot compete
with others may lose gain and have less profit that country has common external tariffs among
may result in layoff. member countries, implying that the same tariffs
are applied to third countries; a common trade
Main Actors of Economic Globalization regime is achieved.
1. Consumer Common market: It is an integration by which
2. Laborers member countries are able to move their capital
3. Regulatory institutions and services within their organization. This leads to
4. State the expansion of scale economies and the
5. Multinational companies maximization of comparative advantages.
ECONOMIC INTEGRATION However, each national market has its own
regulations such as product standards.
El-Agraa (1998) defines the term economic
integration as the discriminatory removal of all Political union: It is a form of integration wherein
trade impediments between at least two member countries abide by the rules presented by
participating countries and the establishment of a common government in which the member
certain elements of coordination and cooperation country’s sovereignty is reduced significantly. This
between them. In other words, Economic integration can be found within the nation-state,
integration is an arrangement among nations that such as federations where there are a central
typically includes the reduction or elimination of government and regions (provinces, states, etc.)
trade barriers and the coordination of monetary having a level of autonomy.
and fiscal policies. Economic integration aims to
reduce costs for both consumers and producers
and to increase trade between the countries
involved in the agreement.
 Level of Economic Integration

Preferential trading area: Allow member countries

to have access to some of their products. Tariffs are
not eliminated but it is lessened as compared to
non-participating countries.
Free trade: It aimed to reduce the tariff
significantly between or among partnered
countries. In regards to external countries which
are not part of their agreement, each of them has
its own decision making in regards to the tariff they
will impose on those external countries. The
general goal of free trade agreements is to develop
economies of scale and comparative advantages,
which promotes economic efficiency.
Custom union: It almost the same with free trade
agreement as it aims to reduce and abolish the
tariff but it differs from free trade as the member

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