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Nombre y Apellido:



SEGUNDO PARCIAL noviembre 2021
DOCENTE A CARGO: Mg. Marcela Moguilevsky

Please, read these instructions carefully.

 Answer 3 (three) questions. If you answer more only the first 3 will be graded.
 Each of your answers should have between 150 and 250 words.
 Take a few minutes to make sure you understood the questions.
 Check your answers for language and spelling mistakes. (Remember the rules
for capitalization in English!)
 Remember that copying and pasting material that is not yours (plagiarism) will
result in an invalid test.

1- European societies have become increasingly secularized in the last decades. How is
the impact of religion still visible in Europe today?

2- Read the following case and answer the questions:

Inge is a cashier in a bookstore in Stockholm. She is 51 years old. Her children
are at university now and she has worked all her life. There is unemployment in
her city and she is worried because of the changing conditions of employment
in her sector.
I. What sector of the economy does Inge belong to? How
has this sector evolved throughout the years?
II. What trend of female participation does she exemplify?
III. Why is Inge’s job at risk? What are possible solutions to
this problem?

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Nombre y Apellido:
3- Look at this image. What trend in leisure does it represent? What were the
characteristics of employment that fueled this behavior?

Benidorm, Spain,1964, when it began to attract tourism. (Photo by Gianni Ferrari/Cover/Getty


4- Read the following extract about Montenegro, in the Balkans and identify instances
of Globalization, Internationalization and Europeanization as defined by Dingsdale
“The country owes its geopolitical importance to its Adriatic coastline which is 293
kilometres long. Apparently, its advantageous geographical location was one of the
main reasons for its accession to NATO in 2017. The country has been conducting
negotiations with the EU about its accession for years, and out of the former Yugoslav
states Montenegro is the most likely to join the EU in the near future.

[…] After World War II. the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was established
and Montenegro became a member state too. […] In 2003 the State Union of Serbia
and Montenegro was established which was based on the loose union of the two
countries. In 2006, 55% of the Montenegrin population voted for the secession from
Serbia. By then, Montenegro’s economy had been independently functioning since the
establishment of the State Union in 2003. At that time it already had its own national
bank, and adopted the euro as its national currency instead of the dinar […] In the
wake of the global economic crisis, the GDP of the country suffered a setback of 6% in
2009, and its economy is characterised by moderate growth (2%) as of now. The 12%
unemployment rate and the regional discrepancies pose a severe problem for the
country. […]”

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Nombre y Apellido:
Source: Bernek, Ágnes. 2018. - Central and Eastern European Geopolitical Study -
Central and Eastern European Countries in the Multipolar World of the 21st Century.
Pallas Athéne Innovation and Geopolitical Foundation.

5- This is the front of a specialized vegan store in

London. Which trend in consumption does it
represent? Which social groups fuel this trend? What
other trends can you mention? Explain and give other

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Nombre y Apellido:

5) Look at the ads below. What trends in leisure and consumption do they illustrate?
Describe each and explain them.

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