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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017

ISSN 2229-5518

A Case Study on Ground Improvement Techniques

And Its Applications

Shanko Ayele1

M. Sc., Lecturer, Department of Construction Technology and Management,

College of Engineering and Technology,

Dilla University, Ethiopia.

(Ph.D. Candidate at Civil Engineering of Delhi Technological University1),

Delhi, India.

ABSTRACT: It is due to rapid growth Ground improvement by reinforcing the soil
of population, fast urbanization and more is achieved by using fibers of steel, glass,
development of infrastructures like build- various polymers in the form of strips or
ings, highways , railways and other struc- grids and geosynthetics. Geosynthetics may
tures in recent past years has resulted in re- be permeable or impermeable in nature de-
duction of availability of good quality of pending on composition and its structure.
land. The geosynthetics material can be used to
perform different roles in different appli-
Therefore engineers have no choice left ex- cations. It can be used as reinforcement,
cept to use soft and weak soils around by separation, filtration, protection, contain-
improving their strength by means of suit- ment and confinement of soil to increase its
able modern ground improvement tech- bearing capacity. Depending upon the re-
niques for construction activities. quirement and site condition Geocell rein-
At present the available ground improve- forcement may also be used.
ment techniques are replacement of soil, This paper presents a thorough study on
vertical drains, stone columns, Vibro various available modern ground im-
compaction, dynamic compaction, soil re- provement techniques and their applica-
inforcement, Vibro piers, in-situ densifi- tions in civil engineering in present scenario.
cation, pre-loadings, grouting and stabili- On the basis of long term performance re-
zation using admixtures. The aim of these sults of various ground improvement tech-
techniques are to increase the bearing ca- niques and its analysis, an efficient de-
pacity of soil and reduce the settlement. sign can be developed and a suitable


IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

method of ground improvement technique best solution for a such construction project
may be adopted for a particular application. site.

This paper presents thorough study on vari-

ous available modern ground improvement
KEYWORDS: Geosynthetics, vertical techniques and their applications in civil en-
drains, stone columns, vibrio-compaction, gineering in present scenario.
dynamic compaction, soil reinforcement.

The social, economic, cultural and industrial
growth of any country depends heavily on 2.1. Mechanical Stabilization: The prime
its transportation system. The only mode purpose of this technique is to increase
which could give maximum service to one soil density by applying mechanical
and all is transportation by highways and force in the form of static, vibrato-

railways. As a result of development of in- ry rollers and plate vibrators as the
frastructures like buildings, highways, rail- case may be to achieve proper
ways and other structures in recent past compaction.
years has resulted in scarcity of good
quality of land for construction projects. Compaction of the soil can be done
easily if the soil fill material is well
Therefore the engineers are bound to graded. Well graded soil being charac-
adopt inferior and weak soil for construc- terized by high uniformity coefficient
tion. In present scenario the role of ground Cu >15 and coefficient of curvature Cc
improvement techniques has become an im- between 1 and 3 can be compacted to
portant and crucial task for various construc- greater density by rollers, tampers and
tion projects. By ground improvement tech- other mechanical means. The opti-
niques the strength of the soil increases, its mum moisture content (OMC) should
compressibility reduces and the performance be determined and compaction
under applied loading enhances. The expan- should be done at or near the op-
sive and collapsible soils are challenges to timum moisture content for cohesive
engineers due to their peculiar behavior soils to achieve max dry density
of high swelling and shrinkage action. (MDD) with sheep foot rollers. How-
ever in case of cohesionless soils the
The construction of foundation on sanitary
compaction can be best achieved by
landfills, soft soils, organic soils and karst
deposits are troublesome. It is to better to
replace or bypass such type of soil strata by
adopting suitable design of foundation and if
not possible the ground improvement is the


IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

The various methods are listed below:

2.1.1. Vibro-flotation
2.1.2. Heavy weight compaction
2.1.3. Sand compaction piles
2.1.4. Stone columns
2.1.5. Blending
2.1.6. Blast Densification

2.1.1. Vibro-flotation: This technique can

be effectively used for deposits of
Fig-1 Vibro-flotation equipments arrange-
sands. In this method compaction is
ment & Vibro-float
achieved by vibration and flooding
the soil around it with water. This
A typical Vibro-float as shown in Fig
technique was invented around 1930

1,consists of two parts, the lower part is
in Germany for treatment of sandy
horizontally vibrating unit which is con-
nected with upper part, a follow up pipe
The equipment required for Vibro-flotation of adjustable length to suit compaction
is shown in Fig-1. It contains a Vibro-float depth. The water pump provides water to
with a water sump, a crane, a front end sink the vibro-float into the ground by
loader, power supply etc. The Vibro-float jetting action, as the vibro-float is low-
consists of a cylindrical penetrator tube ered from the crane. Vibro-flotation,
about 0.38 meters in diameter and about 2.0 sometimes also mentioned as vibro-
meter in length with an eccentric rotating compaction. Vibro-flotation may be defined
weight inside the cylinder which is respon- as a process of rearrangement of soil grains
sible for developing a horizontal vibrato- into a denser state by use of powerful depth
ry motion. The weight can develop a hori- vibration. It creates a stable foundation soils
zontal centrifugal force of magnitude of by densifying loose sand. The loose sand
about 100 KN at a speed of 1800 rpm. grains are rearranged into a much com-
pact state by combined action of vibra-
tion and water saturation by jetting. Each
compaction sequence as shown in Fig-2,
involves four basic steps, as mentioned

I. The Vibro-float probe is suspended

from the crane, and is positioned
over the ground at the spot to be


IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

compacted. Its lower jet is then fully bro-float from the ground , soil type and
opened. backfill material. The suitability of the
backfill material depends upon the grada-
II. Water is pumped in faster than it can tion. Brown in 1976 has developed a rating
drain away into the subsoil. This cre- system to judge the suitability of the backfill
ates a momentary “quick” condition material. The rating is based on suitability
beneath the jet, which permits the number, which is defined as-
Vibro-float to sink of its own weight
and vibrations. Suitability Number = 1.7√ (3/D502 +1/D202
+1/D102) ------------------------------1
III. Water is switched from the lower to Where D10, D20 and D50 are the particle
the top jets, and pressure is reduced corresponding to 10, 20 and 50% finer re-
enough to allow water to be returned spectively. On the basis of suitability
to the surface, eliminating any arch- number the quality of backfill material
ing of the backfill material and facili- can be described as excellent, good and
tating the continuous feed of backfill. bad, as shown in table -1 below:

IV. Compaction takes place during 0.3
m per minute lifts, which return the
Vibro-float to the surface, up from
the bottom of soil deposit being
compacted. Thus raising the vibrator
step by step and simultaneously
backfilling with sand, the entire de-
posit of sand can be compacted into
a hard core. Very loose sand below the water table
can be best compacted by this method.

Relative density up to 85% can be achieved.

However with increase in silt and clay
content in the soil layer the depth of
compaction reduces. It is only due to finer
particles and organics damping out vibra-
tions, sticks the sand particles together or
filling the voids between the particles,
thereby restricting the movement of particles
necessary for densification. Clay layers pre-
sent in in-situ soil also reduce the zone of
The depth up to which a Vibro-float can compaction. In soft cohesive soils the Vibro-
cause compaction is about 30 meters. The flotation technique is used with gravel as
maximum compaction depth depends on backfill material.
the capacity of the crane to pull out Vi-

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

Applications: levelled and compacted in the same manner

by using some lighter weight. The depth up
 Reduction of foundation settlement. to which compaction is caused by fall of
 Permit construction on granular fills. heavy weight can be calculated by the Leo-
 Reduction of risk of liquefaction due nardo equation as shown below:
to seismic activity.
D= √𝑊ℎ/6.26------------2
2.1.2. Heavy weight compaction: In this
method loose soils are compacted by Where W= Weight of falling weight in KN,
repeated dropping of heavy weight h= height of fall in meters
on the ground surface, so as to cause Applications:
compaction of soil up to sufficient
depths. This method is very simple,  Can be used for both cohesionless
can be used for both cohesionless and cohesive soils.
and cohesive soils as well. This
method is also known as deep

dynamic compaction or deep dy- 2.1.3. Sand compaction piles:
namic consolidation method.
For construction of sand compaction pile
a hollow steel pile with bottom closed
by a collapsible plate, is driven up to the
required depth through the loose fill, The
hollow pipe is then filled with sand and the
pipe is withdrawn while the air pressure is
directed against the inside sand from the top.

The bottom plate which is of collapsible

type in nature opens during the withdrawal
and sand from pipe backfills the hollow
space created earlier during driving of the
A crane is used to lift a heavy concrete or
pile. The in-situ soil is densified while the
steel block weighing up to 500 KN and up to
pipe is being withdrawn and the sand back-
a height of 40 to 50 meters, from this height
fill prevents the soil surrounding the com-
it is allowed to fall freely on to the ground
paction pipe from collapsing as the pipe is
surface. As a result of impact of falling
weight on ground will cause a deep pit on
the surface as shown in Fig-3.:

This process of falling weight is then repeat-

ed either at the same location or over other
parts of the area to be compacted turn by
turn, as to cover entire area. Top soil is then


IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

The maximum limit of fines that can be pre- It is usually assumed that entire founda-
sent is 15% passing 0.075mm sieve and 3% tion load is carried by installed stone
passing 0.005 mm sieve. The spacing be- columns with no contribution from
tween sand compaction piles will depend Intermediate ground. Bowels in 1988 given
upon the site conditions of the fill to be a relationship for finding out allowable bear-
compacted. The steps of formation of sand

ing capacity of a stone column as shown be-
compaction piles are shown in Fig-4.: low:
2.1.4. Stone columns: The method used
for formation of sand compaction Allowable bearing capacity,
pile or the Vibro-float can be q𝑎=kp/Fs(4c+𝞭r- )------------------3
used to construct stone columns.
The hollow steel compaction piles are Where qa = Allowable bearing capacity of
here filled with stones instead of sand, stone column
and the technique of constructing the Kp = Tan² [45°+¢ˉ/2]
stone columns remains the same as that ¢ˉ = Drained angle of internal friction of
for sand piles. Similarly in Vibro-flotation stone
technique gravel may be used as the back- C = either the drained cohesion (for large
fill material. Here the steps of stone column areas) or undrained shear strength (Cu)
construction by Vibro-float are shown in σˉr = effective radial stress as measured by
Fig-5. The size of stones to be used in stone pressure meter
columns may vary from 6 to 40 mm. The Fs = Factor of safety of 1.5 to 2.0
spacing of the stone columns may vary from The total allowable load (Qa) on each stone
1 to 3 meter over the entire fill area. column of an average cross-sectional area A,
is then given as qa x A. The stone column
should extend through soft clay to firm stra-
ta to control settlements.


IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

Applications: density after compaction, if the distribu-

 Particular application in soft inorgan- tion of particle size as follows:
ic cohesive soils and are generally
inserted on a volume displacement Percentage of particle passing any sieve,
basis. 𝑃= (D/D𝑚𝑎𝑥) ½------------------------- 4
 Can be used in loose sand deposits to
increase density. Where Dmax = size of largest particle
 Reduction of foundation settlement D = Opening of a particular size
 Improve bearing capacity/reduce
footing size requirements Applications:
 Reduction of the risk of liquefaction  In highway projects for soil sub-
due to seismic activity grade.
 Slope stabilization
 Permit construction on fills 2.1.6. Blast Densification:
 Permit shallow footing construction It is a ground improvement technique used
for loose cohesionless soil to densify the

same. It increases the density of loose granu-
2.1.5. Blending: Sometimes soil deposits lar soil irrespective of its position above or
show skip grading i.e. the particle below the ground water table. Due to impact
size distribution (PSD) curve pos- of explosive waves soil temporarily gets
sesses a horizontal portion, reflecting liquefied and excess pore water pressure
deficiency of particles of some par- gets dissipated causing rearrangement in
ticular size. The particles of missing soil grains to achieve higher relative
sizes will have to be added to reduce density. It is suitable to treat soil up to
their void ratio. This addition of 40 meters depth.
missing size of particles is known as At greater depth more charge is required for
blending and is often used in high- similar action. Relation between excess pore
way projects. pressure and settlement is shown below:
Similarly cohesionless soils (uniformly
graded) are usually mixed with cohesive 𝑁ℎ=∛𝑊/𝑅--------------------------5
soils, as to enable them to be compacted eas- Nh = Hopkin’s number
ily with conventional road rollers. This is W = Weight of explosives, equivalent kil-
also known as blending. The main objective gram of TNT
of the blending is to reduce the void ratio. In R = Radial distance from point of explosion
the field it is achieved by obtaining particle in meter
size distribution (PSD) curve with high coef- If 0.09 < Nh < 0.15, liquefaction does not
ficient of uniformity (Cu) after blending. occur and equation can be used to estimate
Fuller’s Law of blending: It states that the safe distance from explosion.
granular soil mass attains a very high


IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

The basic principle of this method states that pressible soil layer hence becomes stronger
soil is compacted due to shock waves and and a good bearing strata.
vibration generated by blasting.
This method is also called explosive com-
paction. It is economical and can treat large
depths at low cost. The soil types treated by
this method range from silt tailings to gravel
cobbles and boulders.

 In mining sectors
 Ease of treating large depths

2.2. Stabilization by Pre-loading Meth- Pre-loading is generally accomplished

od: by applying dead load in the form of an
The deposits of oft fine grained silts and earth fill or construction material or both,

clays, organic soils, loose silts, and sandy placed over the site which is overlain by a
soils and even rubbish can be stabilized by blanket sand layer before placement of dead
pre-loading method. load as shown in Fig-7.
In this method a load is placed on the area The amount of dead load should also be
having the weak compressible or loose sur- controlled, as not to cause shear failure
face strata, usually after spreading a blanket of the soil under that load itself.
layer of sand over the site as shown in Fig- However with the dissipation of neutral
6&7. This blanket layer acts as a drainage stress, the pre-load can be increased. The
layer of high permeability as well as a level- rate of dissipation of neutral stress can be
ling course. The surcharge load over the determined from one dimensional consolida-
blanket layer increases the stress in the soil tion theory or by inserting piezometers in
layer below it, thereby increasing the neutral the compressible layer.
stress (pore water pressure).
The increase in the neutral stress initiates the
consolidation process. And with the pas-
sage of time the neutral stress gets dissi-
pated with expulsion of water. This
causes a corresponding increase in the
effective stress between the soil particles.
This increase in effective stress changes the
alignment of soil solids and consequently
decreases the void ratio. Thus there occurs When a layer undergoes consolidation there
a volume change and increase in shear is an increase in effective stress level and
strength of the deposit. The weak com- such a consolidated layer is said to have a


IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

pre-consolidation load equal to the effective

stress attained due to consolidation. General-
ly a predetermined magnitude of surcharge Time factor for consolidation due to vertical
load is placed to make the final effective drains, 𝑇𝑣= C𝑣. t\d²----------------------6
stress at every point in compressible layer
greater than Where Cv = Coefficient of consolidation for
or equal to effective stress likely to be vertical drainage, d = drainage path
induced by the foundation load. Thus the Since the horizontal permeability of layered
material will undergo little or no settlement deposits is often much more than vertical
due to the foundation load in the post con- permeability, the coefficient of
struction period. consolidation for radial flow primarily
involved in flow to sand drains is usual-
Applications: ly higher than that for vertical flow in
 This method is most effective for one dimensional consolidation. This results
soft cohesive soil. in quick dissipation of neutral stress to
 Reduced post construction settlement achieve consolidation at a faster rate.

 Reduction in secondary compression
 Densification
 Improvement in bearing capacity

2.3 Stabilization by Sand Drain Meth-

A thick compressible layer requires a
long time to consolidate because water
particles have to travel a long distance to
reach the drainage layer. Reducing the
length of travel path will result in hastening
the consolidation in such layers. This is
The geometry of a typical sand drain is
achieved by installing sand drains. Sand
shown in Fig-8. The water from the zone of
drains also called vertical drains, are vertical
influence of each well, the square and hex-
columns of sand or other materials of high
agonal area as shown in Fig-9, collects
permeability inserted through the compress-
into the well and also flows vertically
ible layers at sufficiently closed spacing.
towards the free draining boundary result-
The spacing should be such that the
ing in a combination of radial and vertical
longest horizontal travel path of water
particles is a fraction of the longest vertical
travel path. The presence of drains reduces
the travel path for the water particles and
hastens the consolidation process. The relat-
ed equation is shown below:


IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

and the soil. When the adhesives are in-

jected under pressure through a pipe or
boreholes into the voids of ground or in
between the structure, the process is termed
as grouting. In thermal method of soil stabi-
lization soil is heated or freezed to achieve
modification in properties of soil. Methods
which are in practice are listed below:

2.4.1. Grouting
During the installation of sand drains, 2.4.2. Electro-osmosis
the zone around the periphery of the well 2.4.3. Soil cement
gets distributed and the horizontal perme- 2.4.4. Heating
ability in the distributed zone gets re- 2.4.5. Freezing
duced. This effect, called smear, impedes 2.4.6. Vitrification
the flow towards the well.

Leonardo has suggested that by taking the
diameter of the well equal to half the actual- 2.4.1. Grouting:
This method is frequently used for ground
ly installed diameter, the effect of the smear
improvement for underground and founda-
can be accounted for.
tion construction. Now-a-days it has become
very common practice. The process consists
of sealing pores or cavities in soil or hard
 Sand drains are normally used in
strata with a liquid form material to decrease
conjunction with pre-loading
permeability and improve the shear strength
 In recent fills sand drains may be in-
by virtue of increase in cohesion after it has
stalled to relieve the excess hydro-
set. For gravely layers cement base grout
static pressure without surcharge
mixes are generally used. In some cases
chemical or organic grout mixes are also
used. The development of ultrafine grout
mixes in recent times has extended the
performance of hydraulic base grout for soil
2.4. Physical and Chemical Modification treatment. Ultrafine grout mix can be used to
Techniques: treat sandy gravel soil. The classifications of
Soil improvement by this method is grout mix are shown below:
achieved by mixing of adhesives and suita-
ble chemicals in the surface layer or col-  Mortar and pastes such as cement to
umns of soils as the case may be. The adhe- fill in holes or open cracks.
sive may be in the form of natural soils,
waste materials, industrial by-products or
other chemicals which react with each other
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IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

 Suspensions such as ultra-fine ce- loidal silica grouting for improvement of

ment to seal and strengthen sand and liquefaction by Gallagher et al. was carried
joints. out.
 Solutions such as water glass (sili-
cate). Jet Grouting: Jet grouting is a general term
 Emulsions such as chemical grout. used by grouting contractors to describe var-
ious construction techniques used for ground
The uses of various grout mixes are very modification or ground improvement.
much dependent on the nature of soil and
gradation of soil. Grouting Method steps are Grouting contractors use ultra-high-pressure
shown in Fig-10. The grouting may be fur- fluids or binders that are injected into the
ther categorized, as follows: soils at high velocities. These binders break
up the soil structure completely and mix the
 Penetration grouting soil particles in-situ to create a homogene-
 Displacement grouting ous mass, which in turn solidifies.
 Compaction grouting
 Grouting of Voids This ground modification/ground improve-

 Jet grouting ment of the soil plays an important role in
the fields of foundation stability, particularly
in the treatment of load bearing soils under
new and existing buildings; in the in-depth
impermeabilization of water bearing soils; in
tunnel construction; and to mitigate the
movement of impacted soils and groundwa-

Mitchell and Katti in 1981 has evaluated

that the ability of grouting based on N value,
where n is defined as :

N= (D15)soil / (D65)Grout.

If N > 24, Grouting is considered feasible.

The steps and arrangement of jet grout-
If N < 11, Grouting is considered not feasi- ing process are shown in Fig-11. When
ble. grouting material is injected under pressure
and it mixes with the soil particles in-situ to
In 2003 use of chemical grouting for the create a homogeneous mass, which in turn
repair of underwater road tunnel in Mon- solidifies as shown in Fig-11.
treal, Canada was carried out by Palardy
et al. and in 2007 a field trial of use of col-

11 | P a g e

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

2.4.2. Electro-osmosis: Factors which influence the improvement of

It is defined as the addition of chemicals like soil are:
sodium silicate or calcium chloride at the
anode resulting in electro chemical harden-  Cement content, water content com-
ing. These chemicals seep into the ground bined into water/ cement (w/c) ratio.
flowing in the direction of cathode while  Method of compaction.
anode works as grout injection pipe.  Time elapsed between mixing and
 Length of curing.
 Temperature and humidity.
2.4.3. Soil cement:  Specimen size and boundary effects
Cement and other admixtures like fly ash
,blast furnace slag has been used in many
geotechnical and highway projects to stabi-
lize the soil. These includes: 2.4.4. Heating:
Studies have shown that due to heating,
These applications include permanent change in soil properties are

observed and the material becomes hard
 Shallow depth stabilization- sub- and durable. Settlements of clay under a
grade, sub-base and base course of given applied load increases with in-
highways and embankment material. crease in temperature. The engineering
 Treatment of deep soils like soft soils properties of clay changes when it is
and peaty soils. heated to about 400°C. Heating breaks the
Studies reveal that addition of small quantity soil particle down to form crystal products.
of cement can increase degree of strength
and stiffness and the process has been used
in stabilization of highways and embank-
ments. In large scale applications depending
upon the strength requirement based on
nature of soil the quantity required are
huge and a large scale machinery are
required in the process of improvement of
deep soils. The following benefits can be
achieved by this process:
The arrangement of stabilization by heating
 Increased strength and stiffness and method is shown in Fig-12. Electrical cur-
better volume stability rent is used to heat the soil and modify the
 Increased durability physical characteristics of the soil. Depends
on the nature of soil temperature can be var-
ied between 300°C to 1000°C. However the
safety of adjacent structures should be en-
sured while heating.

12 | P a g e

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

 Immobilization of radioactive or  Temporary underpinning
contaminated soil.  Temporary support for an excavation
 Densification and stabilization  Prevention of groundwater flow into
excavated area
2.4.5. Freezing:  Temporary slope stabilization
This method is based on conversion of in-
situ pore water by use of refrigeration. This 2.4.6. Vitrification:
ice then acts as a cement or glue, bonding This method is based on the principle of
together adjacent particle or blocks of rocks melting and refreezing of soil to form a
to increase their combined strength resulting glassy solid that entraps inorganic contami-
in an impervious structure. nations thereby isolating it from the envi-
ronment. To melt the soil high temperature
is required. The soils which are contami-
nated with both organic chemicals and

metals can be treated by vitrification
method positively. Six vitrification tech-
nologies have been studied thus far un-
der the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency's Superfund Innovative Technology
Evaluation (SITE) Program. Vitrification
has been viewed as a potentially useful way
to treat soil contaminated with both organic
The Steps of stabilization by freezing
chemicals and metals. The high tempera-
method is shown in Fig-13. The concerns
tures required to melt soil (1100-1450°C)
about freezing method of soil stabilization
cause rapid volatilization and reaction of
are as shown below:
organic contamination.
 Thermal analysis
 Thermal properties of ground
2.5. Modification by Addition and Con-
 Energy requirement
finement Techniques:
 Freezing rate
 Nature and geometry of refrigeration
Using reinforcement in the form of fi-
bers, strips, meshes and fabric the soil
Water expands about 10% by volume, which
can be modified. These items are respon-
does not itself impose any serious stresses
sible for inducing tensile strength in the soil
and strains on the soil unless the water is
mass. By use of nails and anchors in-situ
confined within a restricted volume.
reinforcement can be provided. Stable earth
retaining structure can also be formed by

13 | P a g e

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

confining soil with concrete, steel, or fabric sense, stone columns, SCPs and GCCs
elements and Geocell. are types of rigid inclusions. However,
they are treated separately because the
There has been a large increase in the use of materials used for those columns (sand,
admixtures for ground improvement for both granular or stones) are disintegrated and
cohesive and non-cohesive soil in recently the columns formed are not able to
years. Sand compaction piles, stone col- stand without the lateral support of soil.
umns, dynamic replacement, semi-rigid and The method of rigid inclusion is similar to
rigid inclusions, and geotextile confined the use of piles. However, the strength and
columns. A brief description of each stiffness of rigid inclusions are usually much
technique under this method is presented smaller than piles mainly for economic
in following paragraph reasons.

2.5.1. Geotextile confined columns 2.5.3. Geosynthetic reinforced column

(GCC): or pile supported embankment:
The GCC technique consists of driving The method is used for road or rail con-

or vibrating a 80 cm diameter steel cas- structions over soft ground, geosynthetic-
ing into the bearing soil followed by reinforced columns/pile supported em-
placing a seamless cylindrical closed bot- bankment or the so-called piled embank-
tom geotextile wallop, with tensile ment system, has often been used. In
strength ranging from 200 to 400 kN/m. this system, piles or columns are used
This is followed by filling it with sand together with a load transfer platform to
to form a sand column. The basic princi- support embankment on soft soil. The piles
ple of this technique is to relieve the load on may be either concrete piles, stone columns,
soft soil without altering the soil structure GCC, or any types of the rigid inclusions
substantially. The Sand is fed into a closed discussed above to enhance the stability and
bottom geotextile lined cylindrical hole to reduce the settlement of embankments.
form a column.
2.5.4. Microbial methods:
2.5.2. Rigid inclusions (or composite In this technique the microbial materials are
foundation): used to modify soil to increase its strength or
In this technique piles, rigid or semi- reduce its permeability. The principle of
rigid bodies or columns which are either microbial treatment is to use microorgan-
premade or formed in-situ to strengthen soft isms to produce bonding and cementation
ground. Rigid inclusions refer to the use of in soil so as to increase the shear
semi-rigid or rigid integrated columns or strength and reduce the permeability of
bodies in soft ground to improve the soil or rock. Suitable microorganisms for
ground performance globally so as to the purpose are:
decrease settlement and increase the bear-
ing capacity of the ground. In the broad  Facultative anaerobic bacteria

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IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

 Micro‐aerophilic bacteria shotcrete facing is typically applied. Soil

 Anaerobic fermenting bacteria Nailing is an in situ technique for reinforc-
 Anaerobic respiring bacteria ing, stabilizing and retaining excavations
 Obligate aerobic bacteria and deep cuts.
It is relatively new idea, in geotechnical en-
gineering in general but it has been identi-
fied as a high priority research area and cited
as a critical research thrust and the oppor-
tunity for the future.

2.6. Other Methods:

Unconventional methods, such as formation
of sand pile using blasting and the use of
bamboo, timber and other natural products.

i. Sand pile formation by blasting is a Procedure of soil nailing for soil slope is

method of forming sand piles using hid- shown in Fig-14. Soil nailing is not practical
den explosions with elongated blasting in:
charges was also used in Europe (Dem-  Soft, plastic clays
bicki et al. 2006). In adopting this meth-  Organics/Peat
od, an additional layer of sand fill is first  Fills (rubble, cinder, ash, etc.)
placed on the soft soil to be treated.
Elongated explosive charges are in- This method was first implemented in
stalled, blast and then backfill. 1972 for a railroad widening project near
ii. The natural products such as bamboo Versailles in France. This method is cost-
and timber may also be used in coun- effective and less time consuming as com-
tries where these products areabundant, pared to other conventional support meth-
it can be more economical to use these ods.
natural products for soil improvement.
Some case histories have been presented 2.6.2. Reinforcement:
by Rahardjo (2005) and Irsyam et al. This method improves the soil response
(2008). The applications include by interaction between soil and inclusion.
slope repair and stabilization, as piles The improving period depends on the life of
for embankment, and for road construc- inclusion. In this technique there is no
tion. change in the state of soil. It is a widely used
technique as it can be done for many types
2.6.1. Soil Nailing: of soils. Sometimes fibers may also be used
This ground reinforcement process uses to provide tensile strength, redistribution of
steel tendons which are drilled and grouted stresses and / of confinement, thereby in-
into the soil to create a composite mass. A creasing the stability of a soil mass, reducing
earth pressures, or decreasing deformation
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IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

or susceptibility to cracking. Geosthetics  Arresting / Prevention of movement

or mechanically stabilized earth wall is  Embankment, slope and landslide
an example of this method which widely stabilization
used now days.  Soil strengthening and protection

2.6.3. Micro Piles: 2.7. Combination of above Methods:

Micro-piles are small diameter piles (up to The soil improvement is achieved by
300 mm), with the capability of sustaining combination of techniques discussed
high loads (compressive loads of over above to achieve composite improve-
5000 KN).The drilling equipment and ment in the desired properties. The
methods allows micro- piles to be drilled example of the method are geosyn-
through virtually every ground conditions, thetic encased stone column, combi-
natural and artificial, with minimal vibra- nation of Deep Soil Mixing (DSM)
tion, disturbances and noise, at any angle columns and reinforced concrete
below horizontal. The equipment can be bored piles (Shao et al. 2005) and
further adapted to operate in locations combination of mini piles and jet

with low headroom and severely restrict- grout columns.
ed access.
The improvement in ground properties can
be done by certain methods. By using Vibro-
flotation the density of the soil
can be increased by virtue of powerful
depth vibrators. By use of vacuum pump
the properties soft soil can be improved
The arrangement and typical construction by consolidation. The pore water can be
sequences of Micro-piles are shown in removed from the soil over a passage of
Fig-15. The micro-piles which are used in
time by pre-loading technique. By passing
present scenario are small diameter cast-in-
electric current in the ground results in heat-
situ piles. A typical micro-pile construction ing of soil particles to form a crystalline
involves drilling of pile shaft to the required product. The pore water is converted into ice
depth, placing the steel reinforcement, initial
by freezing action of ground which will re-
grouting by tremie and placing the addition-
sult in increase their combined strength of
al grout under pressure where applicable.
ground and will make them impervious.
Bearing capacity of the soil is increased by
Applications: Vibro-replacement stone columns whereas
 For Structural Support and stability
the soil is displaced by Vibro-displacement
 Foundation for new structures
 Repair / Replacement of existing

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IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

Water flows through fine grained soils

by virtue of Electro-osmosis which is re-  Nature and type of soil
sponsible for Electro kinetics stabilization of  Intensity of loading and
soil. In sloping walls, dams etc. the rein-  Intended performance
forced soil is used. The reinforced soil
mass is created by stabilizing earth struc- In addition to above, before selecting
ture mechanically. The Geosynthetics, ge- any ground improvement technique it is
ogrids are also used for this purpose. The important to evaluate the cost of each
shear strength of the in-situ soil is increased particular method and expected soil im-
by soil nailing and restrains its displace- provement, available equipments, which are
ment. the decisive factors for the selection of ap-
propriate method. There are so many meth-
The structural support to the existing ods available for ground improvement but
foundation can be given by repair and still a method which suits for routine appli-
replacement using micro-piles. To increase cation , perhaps not available. For future de-
its rigidity grouting is done under pres- velopment the following possibility should

sure by using pump able materials. The be explored:
technique of jet grouting is advance and is i. Best incorporation sustainability consid-
speedy too as compared to general grouting. eration in suitable ground improvement
method selection on the basis of green
4. CONCLUSION construction and life cycle cost analysis.
From the study it can be concluded that the ii. Development of codes and legislation.
Ground Improvement Techniques is a tech- iii. Study on adverse environmental impacts
nically viable and cost effective solution for due the effect of adding things to the
soils which are weak in strength and treat- ground.
ment is to be done in order to make them iv. Development of a data bank with the
suitable for construction. description of incidents, variability of
The use of various techniques have been soil and material properties and acci-
tested and its use has been proven in dents for a more deep understanding of
the recent past years for a variety of ground improvement.
projects like highways, ports, runways, in- v. Development of improved and more re-
dustrial structures, railways, dams, slope liable method of ground improvement
stabilization, excavations, tunneling and with adequate quality control.
other infrastructure facilities. These methods
of soil stabilization have been used world-
wide for variety of soils like loose sand,
silts, clays and weak rocks. A suitable and
cost effective technique for ground im-
provement can be designed, keeping in
view the following points:

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IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 9, September-2017
ISSN 2229-5518

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