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Class VII

Q1. Multiple choice questions:
1. Which of the following is NOT a vegetative part of a plant -
a) Leaf b) stem c) root d) flower
2. Aquatic animals like fish excrete their wastes in gaseous form as
a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen c) Ammonia d) Nitrogen
3. Kitchen waste in the form of small food particles, used tea leaves, grease etc. is suggested to be disposed
along with other organic waste such as fruit peels, etc. in the trash. However, most households end up
disposing oils, tea leaves etc, down the kitchen sink, for convenience. Which of the following is the
most convincing argument/reason to get households to curb this practice?
a) The organic waste should be buried in soil, outside the house.
b) Organic and inorganic waste should be disposed off, separately.
c) The decomposing organic waste can create a foul smell in kitchens.
d) Small food particles, oils and fats clog smaller drains in sewerage.
4. Sewage is mainly a
a) liquid waste
b) solid waste
c) gaseous waste
d) mixture of solid and gas.
5. In plants, water is transported through
a)Xylem b) phloem c) stomata d) leaves

6. The organic impurities present in sewage

a) Metals
b) Human Faeces
c) Phosphorus
d) Nitrates
7. Two students were asked to grow different plants. Student A used the stem of a Champa plant and
buried it into the soil to make a new plant. Student B used the seed of a papaya plant and buried it in the
soil to grow a new one. After a few weeks, the growth of a Champa plant and a Papaya plant was
observed. What mode of reproduction took place in the plants chosen by student A and student B?
a) Student A- Sexual reproduction; Student B- Sexual reproduction
b) Student A- Sexual reproduction; Student B- Asexual reproduction
c) Student A- Asexual reproduction; Student B- Sexual reproduction
d) Student A- Asexual reproduction; Student B- Asexual reproduction

8. Which of the following are used as reflectors in torch lights?

a) Concave lens
b) Plane mirrors
c) Convex mirrors
d) Concave mirrors

9. Which of the following statements is true?

a) A plane mirror sometimes forms an inverted image
b) A concave mirror always forms a virtual, erect and diminished image
c) A concave lens always forms a virtual, erect and diminished image
d) All of the above
10. _______________ shows the distance traveled by a vehicle.
a) Speedometer
b) Wheel
c) Odometer
d) None of these.
11. The image which can be formed on a screen is called __________
a) Real image
b) Virtual image
c) Shadow
d) None of these
12. A car moving at a constant speed is said to be in ____________ motion.
a) Non Uniform
b) Uniform
c) Periodic
d) Oscillatory

13. Where can the key or switch be placed in the circuit?

a) Left side ofthe battery
b) Right side of the battery
c) Can be placed anywhere in the circuit
d) Near the positive terminal of the bulb
14. We use various appliances based on heating effect of current in our daily life. Such appliances are
electric room heater, electric heater, hot plates, electric iron, hair dryers etc. All these contain a coil of
wire called element. The coil of wire in an electric bulb is known as
a) Element
b) Filament
c) Conducting wire
d) None of these

15. The red pigment present in the blood is known as ________________.

a) Plasma
b) Haemoglobin
c) W.B.C
d) All of these.
16. Read the following two statements carefully and choose the correct options.
Statement 1: Speedometer records the speed of the vehicle generally in km/h.
Statement 2: Odometer measures the distance moved by the vehicle in one hour.
a) Statement (1) is incorrect while statement (2) is correct.
b) Statement (2) is incorrect while statement (1) is correct.
c) Both statements are correct
d) Both statements are incorrect.
17. Based on following diagram/ picture answer the questions given below: A pendulum swings backwards
and forwards passing through Y, the middle point of the oscillation. The first time the pendulum passes
through Y a stopwatch is started. The twenty-first time the pendulum passes through Y, the stopwatch is
stopped. The reading is T. What is the time period of the pendulum?

a) T/40
b) T/20
c) T/21
d) T/10

18. The heart is an organ which beats continuously to act as a pump for the transport of blood, which carries
other substances with it .Imagine a pump working for years without stopping! Absolutely impossible.
Yet our heart works like a pump non-stop. The heart is located in the chest cavity with its lower tip
slightly tilted towards the left. Heart is roughly the size of fist .The heart has four chambers.
The two upper chambers are called the atria (singular: atrium) and the two lower chambers are called the
ventricles. The partition between the chambers helps to avoid mixing up of blood rich in oxygen with
the blood rich in carbon dioxide.
1) Which organs acts as a pump in the body to transport blood to all the different tissues,
muscles and cells?
2) The two upper chambers of heart are called as ________________
(a) Ventricles
(b) Atria
(c) Lungs
(d) None
3) The size of heart equivalent to which part of the human body?
(a) Lungs
(b) Kidney
(c) Fist
(d) Hands
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers :
i) The process of _________ of male and the female gamete is called fertilisation.
ii) ___________ lens is used as magnifying glass.
iii) White light consists of ____________ colours.
iv) _______________reaches great heights in the trees because of the suction pull caused by transpiration .
v) The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower is called ________________ .
Q3. Answer in One word / Sentence:

i) The process by which water reaches great heights in the trees because of the suction pull caused by
___________ .
ii) How much % of water does the activated sludge contain?
ii) What will you observe in a magnetic compass kept near a current carrying wire?
iii) how does the growth of fungus takes place?
iv) What is the basic unit of time?
v) Name two chemicals which are usually used to disinfect water before releasing into the
distribution system
Q4. Assertion Based Questions:

i. Assertion- Wire used for making electric circuit becomes very hot.
Reason- This is due to heating effect of the electric current.
a) Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
b) Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is not correct explanation for
c) Assertion is wong statement but reason is coorrect statement.
d) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.

ii. Assertion: Light travels in a straight line.

Reason: Transparent objects allow all the light to pass through them.
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is false but R is true.
d) A is true but R is false.

iii. Assertion: The animals like Sponges and Hydra do not possess any circulatory system.
Reason: They are small animals, therefore do not have a circulatory system.
a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is not correct explanation for
b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
c) Assertion is a correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
d) Assertion is a wrong statement but reason is correct statement.

iv. Assertion : A bisexual flower has both the male and the female reproductive parts.
Reason:The male gametes are found inside the ovule and female gametes are found inside the pollen
a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion
b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is not correct explanation for
c) Assertion is a correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
d) Assertion is a wrong statement but reason is correct statement.

Q5. Observe the picture and answer the questions

i. Name the organism in which the following mode of reproduction takes place:

a) Amoeba
b) Yeast
c) Algae
d) Bread Mould

ii. The figure shows the distance-time graph for the motion of two vehicles X and Y. Which vehicle is
moving slower?

a) X
b) Y
c) Both X and Y have the same speed
iii) Common electrical components can be represented by symbols. It is much easier to draw a circuit
diagram using symbols. A circuit diagram of an electrical circuit is shown in the figure below. Look at
the diagram and answer the questions.In the diagram, A represents

a) A connecting wire
b) Battery
c) A switch in 'OFF’ position
d) A cell

v. The following table gives the odometer readings of a car at different times of its journey. What is the
average speed of the car?


8:00 AM 36510 KM
8:30 AM 36540 KM
9:00 AM 36580 KM
9:30 AM 36620 KM
10:00 AM 36680 KM

a) 30 km/hr
b) 85 km/hr
c) 60 km/hr
d) 40 km/hr


Answer the following questions:

6. Name three factors on which the heating effect of an wire depends.

7. Name the mode of reproduction and specific organisms which undergoes the following type of
8. What are the components of blood?
9. What type of mirror is used as a side mirror in a scooter? Why is this type of mirror chosen?

10. A car has to cover a distance of 60 km in 4 hours. What should be the speed of the car?

11. List two advantages of vegetative propagation over sexual reproduction


Answer the following in detail:

a) Name any two water borne diseases.
b) Is untreated human excreta good for environment?
13. Label the diagram.

a) Give two points of difference between Arteries and Veins .
b) What will happen if there are no platelets in the blood?
15. Represent the following graphically:
a) An object at rest
b) An object moving with uniform speed
c) An object moving with non-uniform speed
a) What is the relation between speed and distance?
b) State two uses of electromagnets.
17. Write 3 characteristics of image formed in a plane mirror.


Long answer questions:

a. Mention two effects of electric current.
b. Draw the diagram of an electric circuit with two cells and label any three of its parts.
a. Differentiate between self pollination and cross pollination.
b. Name three agents of dispersal of seed with examples.

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